Application form p14001 in the year. New form P14001 download

The rules for making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are contained in Chapter 6 of the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”.

Previously, the forms of documents for making changes to the state register and the requirements for filling them out were regulated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2002 No. 439(lost force due to the publication of the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2013 No. 454, Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/25@).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2013 No. 454 was officially published on June 3, 2013, in connection with which, as of July 4, 2013, new tax registration forms of documents are in effect, including form P14001.

Features of filling out form P14001 when changing the director (form, change of director)

Sooner or later, any legal entity may be faced with a change in management, for example a change in the general director of a limited liability company.

At the general meeting of participants of such a company, a decision is made to change its director.

In this case, it is necessary to bring the legal documents of the organization into compliance.

To do this, a legal entity needs to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for which you will need to fill out and submit form P14001 to the tax office.

Form P14001 consists of a statement (page 001), from sheet “A” to sheet “P”.

In all cases in the form P14001 Not all sheets are filled in, but only sheets depending on the type of information being changed.

Please note that page 001 and sheet “P” are always filled out.

When changing the manager, it is necessary to fill out not all of the above sheets of the form, but only some. It will be necessary to fill out page 001, sheets “K” and “P”. In this case, Sheet “K” must be filled out both for the previous manager and for the newly appointed one.

How to correctly fill out form P14001 when changing directors

It is necessary to approach filling out form P14001 responsibly.

The form must be filled out correctly and in strict accordance with the requirements of Tax Service Order No. ММВ-7-6/25@, in order to exclude cases of returning a poorly completed application without execution by employees of the Federal Tax Service, as well as in order to save time and your nerves.

  • The form is filled out either manually or using software.
  • Characters must be entered in capital letters font Courier New, font size 18.
  • If the form is filled out manually, then letters must be printed.
  • The space is reflected in the form of empty space.
  • No typos allowed, the form will not be accepted by the Federal Tax Service.
  • Unfilled sheets are not included in the document.
  • If the application is completed on a computer, then there should be no double-sided printing.
  • Print color – black.
  • If the form is filled out manually, then the ink should be black.
  • The text must be filled in from left to right, start from the outermost place to enter the character.
  • Phone number must be indicated without spaces.

To help the applicant, the indicated order of the Federal Tax Service contains a list of subjects of the Russian Federation. There is also a link to how to correctly fill out address objects. Contains an order and a link to types of identification documents.

The document must be bound and, if necessary, notarized (notary services are paid). Don’t forget to put continuous numbering on the sheets (001, 002, 003, etc.). There is no state fee for filing form P14001.

In more detail, you can familiarize yourself with the requirements for completing the form in Appendix No. 20 to the above-mentioned order of the Federal Tax Service.

Standard procedure for filling out form P14001

Changes to the new form completion process

Previously, when changing the leadership of an organization, it was necessary to submit a voluminous package of documents: application, minutes of the general meeting (decision), copy of the employment contract concluded with the general director (an example of a limited liability company is given).

Currently, the process of making such changes is simplified as much as possible, you only need to prepare and submit form P14001.

Such requirements are established by the relevant order of the Federal Tax Service.

However, in practice you need to be prepared for the fact that Federal Tax Service employees may require an additional document from you, confirming the powers of the new boss ( for example, a copy of the order of appointment to a position), as well as a document confirming the removal of powers from the old boss ( for example, a copy of the dismissal order).

  • When filling out form P14001 , first you need to fill out sheet 001.
  • Section 1 of sheet 001 is filled out in accordance with information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • In subsection 1.1, indicate the OGRN of the organization, in section 1.2 of her TIN.
  • Further in section 1.3 the full name is indicated organizations.
  • In section 2 we put the number 1– in connection with changes in information about a legal entity. Now we move on to filling out sheets “K” and “P”.

How to fill out sheet K correctly

As mentioned above, sheet “K” is filled out for both the old and the new director. Since filling out Sheet “K” requires passport data and TIN of the former and current manager, you must take care in advance to prepare copies of these documents.

We fill in the information for the previous director.

Sheet K, page 1:

  • in section 1 we enter the value 2– termination of powers.
  • fill out section 2, where we indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the former manager (subsections 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3).
  • indicated in section 2.2 TIN.
  • section 3 and page 2 of sheet “K” for the old manager is not filled out.

We fill out information for the new director.

Sheet K, page 1:

  • in section 1 we enter the value 1- assignment of powers.
  • Section 2 is not completed, we have already filled it out in the previous sheet “K” for the old director.
  • in section 3 we reflect information about the new director, We indicate his last name, first name, patronymic (subsections 31.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3).
  • in section 3.2. indicate the TIN newly minted leader.
  • in sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 we enter information about the date and the birthplace of our leader.
  • Section 3.5 follows, which contains the passport details of the newly appointed director (we fill out all subsections in accordance with the identity document from 3.5.1 to 3.5.5).

Sheet K, page 2:

  • section 3.6– address of residence, you must fill out all subsections from 3.6.1 to
  • in section 3.7– indicate a telephone number if necessary.

How to fill out sheet P correctly

We fill out the information in sheet P (page 1).

From the list provided on sheet P from 01 to 16, select information about who the applicant is.

For example, number 01 indicates “the head of a permanent body.”
We do not fill out sections 2 and 3 on this page.

We fill out the information in sheet P (page 2).

Page 2 contains information about the applicant (section 4, subsections 4.1 to 4.4.5). Here you need to fill in your full name. applicant, TIN, information about birth and identity document.

We fill out the information in sheet P (page 3).

It is required to fill in your residence address, telephone number, and email address if necessary (subsections 4.5 to 4.6.2).

We fill out the information in sheet P (page 4).

In section 5, you must indicate your last name, first name, and patronymic in your own hand.

Attention! The application can be certified by several applicants, in this case, page 4 of sheet P is executed according to the number of applicants. Section 6 and all its subsections of this sheet are filled out by a notary or other authorized person; more details about notarization are in the next chapter.

If everything is done correctly, in compliance with the requirements, you should get 8 (008) pages. This completes the filling out of form P14001 by the representative of the organization.

Notarization of form P14001

It was already mentioned above that the completed form requires notarization, but not in all cases. Thus, if the applicant directly submits the necessary documents to the Federal Tax Service, then notarization is not required.

If the application is not submitted personally by the applicant, then the signature of such a person requires mandatory notarization.

Help with Form 14001

Online services

Now there are a huge number of online services for filling out various tax registration forms. Since tax law is considered one of the most difficult, or perhaps you have neither the time nor desire to understand its intricacies, you can use such services.

For example,,, and others.


If it is not possible to apply for the described service online, or you simply do not want to apply for an electronic service, you can contact organizations that provide similar services.

As a rule, these are agencies that provide legal and accounting services.

Naturally, these services require payment.

For companies starting their own business, agencies providing registration services prepare individual tax forms for free. This is done to attract your customers.

We advise you to pay attention to the programs for generating documents for state registration with the Federal Tax Service, links to which can be found on the official website of the tax inspectorate. Typically, these programs can be downloaded for free.

Sample P14001
Form No. Р14001
Sheet P of the application
page 4

I, ______________________, ENTER IN MY OWN HAND,
(Last name, first name, patronymic (if available) of the applicant in Russian)
I confirm that:

● changes made to the state register comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
● the information contained in the application is reliable;
● the consent of a person who is not the applicant to the processing of his personal data contained in this application is available.

I am aware that if false information is submitted to the registration authority, I bear responsibility established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

I am asking for documents confirming the fact of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, or a decision to refuse state registration:

  • 3 1 - issue to the applicant
  • 2 - issue to the applicant or person acting on the basis of a power of attorney
  • 3 - send by mail

Applicant's signature 1 v

6. Information about the person who certified the authenticity of the applicant’s signature in a notarial manner

6.1 The person who certified the authenticity of the applicant’s signature is

  • 1 - notary
  • 2 - person replacing a temporarily absent notary
  • 3 - official authorized to perform a notarial act

6.2. TIN of the person who certified the authenticity of the applicant’s signature

The unified form of the new form P14001, which can be downloaded completely free of charge in Excel format, will make it possible to correctly organize the introduction of changes or correction of inaccuracies in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding certain information about the activities of a particular company (legal entity), provided that they are not related to changes in the provisions of the Charter . Using the provided sample filling, you can correctly fill out and submit an application for the need to change information about the management or participants of the LLC, indicating the distribution of their shares or the new location of the main office, as well as adding new OKVED codes. If necessary, you can also draw up a request on a separate form to correct incorrect (inaccurate) data identified in the registration documents of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

New form P14001: when to use?

XLS forms of the new form P14001 will be needed to fill out, make changes if necessary or correct errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities regarding the company’s registration data. These may be the following cases:

  • Distribution of shares .
  • If there have been changes in the division of parts of the authorized capital as a result of their sale, inheritance or donation, as well as upon the withdrawal of participants. Change of legal address
  • . When the location of the head office changes, unless this concerns changes in the Charter. This is usually possible when the constituent documents do not indicate the detailed address of the company, but only the name of the locality within the boundaries of which the legal address has changed. .
  • When you need to register information about a change in the leadership of an organization, and also, if necessary, clarify the passport details of participants, for example, changing a surname after marriage, moving to a new place of residence, etc. Changing OKVED codes
  • . If it is necessary to add new codes as part of the activities provided for in the constituent documents. Error correction


When it is necessary to correct inaccuracies that were made during the registration of a company, in other words, if information about the organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities does not correspond to the data specified in the Charter or when changes have been made to the constituent documents.

  • Features of filling out an application :
    • When filling out a new form P14001, you can simultaneously fill out several sheets of the same category: changes or corrections. Example, distribution of shares, change of address and change of director - the first form, and correction of inaccuracies in the name and mutual fund - another separate form.
    • Alteration
    • if it is necessary to change the company’s address, fill out sheet “B”;
    • when it is necessary to update information about the participants of the enterprise, including both individuals and legal entities, including municipal and state (budgetary) institutions, the corresponding sheets “B-E” are filled out;
    • data on changes in shares are recorded on sheet “Z”;
    • Sheet “I” is intended for entering information about the holders of the register of shareholders;
    • when changing management, you will have to fill out Sheet “K”;
  • information about the managing person is entered on sheet “M”, if it is a management company then - “L”;
    • if you need to update OKVED codes, you also need to fill out the corresponding pages.
    • Error correction:
    • when a mistake is discovered in the spelling of the name, fill out sheet “A” to correct it;
    • inaccuracies with the address can be corrected by making amendments to sheet “B”;
    • to correct information about shares, use sheet “F”;

data on branches is clarified using sheet “O”;

Filling out the application of the new form P14001, which can be downloaded on this page, is allowed both manually and on a PC (laptop) with subsequent printing on a printer. In any case, it is necessary to use capital letters and only in black. For laptop (PC) - Courier New height 18.

New form P14001: main differences

The unified form of the new form P14001, which can be downloaded online, has 51 pages, which are divided into two groups:

1. Statement
This group has 4 parts: 1 - information about the company specified in the register; 2- reasons for the need to make changes or correct errors; 3 - decision of the meeting of founders; 4 - filled out to correct errors found in a previously submitted application.

The applicants may be founders, co-founders, heads of executive bodies, legal successors of withdrawn participants, notaries and executors of wills.

2. Applications
A set of sheets labeled in capital letters "A" through "T", which are completed as needed. You should only design those pages on which it is proposed to make changes or correct errors. Blank sheets of forms will not be returned. In this case, the notary must fill out only p. 6 sheets "R".

The main differences between the new form P14001 and the old version are mainly related only to some nuances of filling out, with the exception of one addition. The new form contains Appendix “L”, which concerns changes in the size of shares of the company’s statutory fund, including during alienation. The need for such an addition is associated with the emergence in the legislation of new provisions regarding transactions with the authorized capital of organizations - legal entities.

Do I need to have the new form P14001 certified by a notary?

Before submitting the new form P14001 to the Federal Tax Service, mandatory certification of the signature of the applicant (applicants) by a notary is required, even when he (they) plans to be present in person. If documents are submitted electronically, their accuracy is confirmed by the presence of qualified, enhanced electronic signatures. Otherwise, the inspector will refuse to accept the application to make changes or correct errors.

Download form and examples

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Blank form P14001
Example of form P14001 distribution of shares

Requires completion when any changes occur in your organization. Changes should concern the organization itself, but not change its Charter. If changes are required that should directly be reflected in the Charter of your organization, then filling out a completely different form P13001 is required. Both one and the other form are fixed by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2012 and are relevant to this day. In 2017, the P14001 form did not undergo major changes.

In what cases should form P14001 be filled out?

If your organization has undergone changes such as a change of director, a change in the name of the Limited Liability Company, a change in the share of one of the members of the Company, a change in legal address, a change in OKVED, or the correction of previously made errors when registering an organization and the complete correction of these errors. It should be noted that correction of errors should not in any way affect the Charter of the Company. If you need to change the previously entered data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and mark a new participant in the Company, then one form P14001 will not be suitable in this case. It would be correct to submit two forms P14001, where one will contain corrections of previously entered information, and the other will contain new information for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities extract. If the changes are of the same nature, for example, a change of director and legal address of the organization, then in this case one form P14001 is suitable.

How to fill out form P14001?

The form itself is quite lengthy and has 51 pages. When filling out, only those sheets that correspond to the registered changes are used. Accordingly, the sheets are also registered end-to-end, that is, only the sheets you fill out are numbered. The form itself has a title page and sheets in the appendix from “A” to “P”.

How to fill out form P14001 when changing the director? (filling sample)

When changing the director, the procedure for filling out the form includes the Cover Page and sheets in Appendix K and R. On the Cover Page, do not forget to note what information you are submitting. There are two numbers for this, number 1 is making changes, and number 2 is correcting errors. The name of the legal entity (your organization where the changes are taking place), TIN (taxpayer identification number consisting of 10 digits) and OGRN (main state registration number) are also indicated here. Next comes filling out the applications. Sheet K is filled out for two directors at once, for the one who left his post and for the one who will head the management of the company. Code 2 will need to be indicated for the former director - this is termination of authority. Thus, it turns out that you need to fill out two identical sheets K page 1. From personal data, the full name and TIN of an individual will be enough, since all the necessary passport and registration information was already indicated earlier during registration. But for a new director, number 1 is required - assignment of powers. And here, you will need to fill in all the new information for the director. This is your full name, tax identification number, passport details, registration address and personal mobile phone number. This is indicated on sheet K, page 2. This is followed by filling out sheets P, where data on the applicant is indicated. In this case, the applicant will be the new director, so his data can be duplicated.

How to fill out form P14001 when a participant leaves an LLC? (filling sample)

When there is an alienation (transfer) of a participant’s share in favor of the Company, and then distributed among the remaining participants, and the retired participant is paid compensation equal to the size of his share. In this case, the Title Page and sheets P are filled in, where the applicant is indicated. If the share is distributed, then this must also be recorded in form P14001. If between a Russian organization, then fill out sheet B, if between a foreign organization, then sheet D, if between individuals - sheet D, between a subject of the Russian Federation - sheet E. For a former participant, it will be enough to fill out the first page of the corresponding sheet, but for newly joined Participants will need to provide all information. Do not forget about sheet 3, where it will be necessary to record the fact of alienation of the share, that is, its transfer to the Company. The applicant section is the data of the current director.

How to fill out form P14001 when buying and selling a participant’s share? (filling sample)

When selling your share, you must also submit Form P14001. But in this case, this fact must be recorded by a notary. Filling out sheets P are similar to the withdrawal of a participant from the Company. The applicant in this case is the seller of the share.

How to fill out form P14001 when changing your legal address? (filling sample)

It is worth noting that if this action does not entail a change in the Company’s Charter, then form P14001 will need to be filled out. In this case, only the subject of Russia must be indicated in the Charter, which means the address can be changed within this subject without registering a new Charter. In this case, in addition to the Title Page, it will be necessary to fill out Sheets B and R. The Applicant is the director of this organization.

How to fill out form P14001 when adding OKVED codes? (filling sample)

It is worth noting, as when changing the legal address. If the new OKVED does not make changes to the Company’s Charter, then form P14001 must be submitted. In addition to the main sheets - Title and R, it is necessary to reflect new information on sheet N. On page 1 of sheet N, new OKVED codes must be entered, and on page 2 - those that need to be excluded. OKVED codes must be written line by line from left to right and only 4 digits. Writing codes in a column is prohibited. The applicant in this case is the head of the organization.

When the passport data of a director or founder changes, the Federal Tax Service enters new data automatically.

How to fill out form P14001 when correcting erroneous information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? (filling sample)

Errors in data registration may occur either due to the fault of a legal entity or due to the fault of the tax authority. Therefore, you can correct erroneous actions by also submitting form P14001. Incorrectly entered actions can serve as a refusal when concluding transactions with counterparties, when providing notary services or opening a bank account. Therefore, after registration, information about your organization must be carefully checked. But if inconsistencies occur, the data can be corrected.

  • if there are errors in the name of the legal entity, fill out sheet A;
  • if there is an error in the legal address, then sheet B;
  • if there is an error in the data about the participants - then sheets C, D, E, E;
  • if there is an error in the information about the director - sheet K;
  • Procedure for submitting an application in form P14001

    Depending on the changes made, in addition to form P14001, it will be necessary to submit the corresponding package of documents. When changing the director - the decision of the sole founder or minutes of meetings. When a participant leaves the Company - the minutes of the meeting of participants, the participant's statement about leaving the Society. When buying and selling a share - an agreement on the sale of the share and a document confirming payment for this share. When changing the legal address - documents confirming the new location (ownership of the premises, rent).

    The fact of changes must be confirmed by a notary. This is evidenced by sheet 4 of section P, where the notary’s mark will appear. Submission of documents in form P14001 to the tax authority within three working days. There is no state duty charged.

If an organization began to conduct an activity, the code of which is not indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and/or, on the contrary, stopped conducting activities named in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then it needs to notify the tax authorities about this (clause 5 of Article 5 of the Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ). To do this, you need to submit an application to the registering Federal Tax Service Inspectorate (clause 2 of Article 17 of Law No. 129-FZ dated 08.08.2001) to amend information about a legal entity in Form No. P14001 (Appendix No. 6 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated 01.25.2012 No. MMV -7-6/25@ ) provided that information about the types of activities carried out by the organization is not included in its constituent documents.

The procedure for filling out form P14001 when adding OKVED and a sample form

Filling out P14001 when adding OKVED begins with the title page. On it in section 1 you need to indicate the OGRN, INN and the full name of the organization in Russian. And in section 2, enter code 1, which means that you are submitting an application due to a change in information about the company.

Then you go straight to section H, since it is this that reflects information about changing OKVED codes (clauses 7.18, 5.16 of the Requirements for the preparation of documents, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/25@, hereinafter referred to as the Requirements ). You can immediately remove the pages preceding sheet H (except for the title page) from the application. Indeed, according to the rules for filling out form 14001, only completed sheets should remain in it, on which, after completing the application, you will need to put continuous numbering (clauses 1.11, 1.12 of the Requirements). This rule also applies when adding OKVED codes.

On page 1 of sheet N the codes to be entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are indicated, and on page 2 of sheet N - codes to be excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

So, when changing OKVED codes, you will need to fill out both page 1 and page 2 of sheet N in form P14001. And if you only need to add new codes, then it will be enough to fill out page 1 of sheet H, and page 2 will need to be deleted from the application.

  • Another section that will definitely need to be filled out is section P “Information about the applicant.” The applicant, as a rule, is (clause 7.21.1 of the Requirements):
  • or the director of the organization, he puts the code “01” in section 1 of sheet P;

or another person who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the company, then in section 1 of sheet P the code “02” is indicated.

Section 2 of Sheet P once again reflects information about the company (as on the title page). Section 3 is completed only by those who have a management organization (clause 7.21.3 of the Requirements).

Section 4 reflects information about the applicant: full name, tax identification number, date and place of birth, identification document details, address of location in the Russian Federation and contact information. The telephone number must be indicated, and if the application is submitted to the inspectorate electronically, then an email address must also be indicated.

On the last page of sheet P and the entire application, the applicant must indicate his full name and sign in his own hand. He must do this in the presence of a notary. Since the signature must be notarized (clause 7.21.5, 2.20.5 of the Requirements). In the same section, a code is entered that determines how the organization would like to receive a Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet with updated information about itself. For example, if the application contains the code “03”, then the tax authorities will have to send the registration sheet to the organization by mail.

Below is an example of filling out form P14001 when adding an OKVED code and when changing OKVED codes (one to another).

Changes in information in the Register may affect transactions with shares of an LLC, when changing the head, changing the address, adding or abandoning types of activities, or correcting errors. All situations of information change come down to two

  • main options: information is specified in the constituent documents and;
  • Register information is included only in.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities The first option requires registering changes by , while.

state duty is paid

Registration requirements Data from sheets of form p14001 will be read car . Therefore, entries are required in printed caps Courier New 18 point, if by hand, then use a pen with ink black colors.

One cell designed only for one sign.

Spaces are also considered a sign, their Necessarily must be inserted between words.

If the first of two adjacent words ends in last cell of the row, then before the second word at the beginning of the next line should be left space.

Transfers not used, if the word does not fit, it can be continued on another line, without putting a space.

OKVED codes are entered not in a column, but line by line, from left to right, beginning with first cells. Need to write down at least 4 digits.

Double-sided filling of the paper sheet is not permitted.

Sections to be completed

Statement P14001 contains a large number of sheets, pages and sections, but you don't have to fill them all out. The following sheets are intended for adding, deleting or replacing activities:

The result should be six(in case of addition or deletion) or seven(in case of replacement) completed pages.

Blank Pages print and provide no need.

Procedure for entering data

And so, how to fill out form p14001 when adding OKVED step by step?

Please note the sequence below:

  1. contains two section. In the first one they write OGRN company (clause 1.1.), its TIN(clause 1.2.) and Name without abbreviations, including the organizational and legal form (clause 1.3.). In second section it should be noted For what application is filled out. Need to choose "change of information", that is, enter the number 1 in the empty cell.
  2. contains two point. If you just need add additional OKVED codes, then in paragraph 1.2. you need to enter them in the designated cells. If there is a change in the main type of activity, then clause 1.1. the code of the new main view is entered. Since an organization may have only one the main foreign trade activity, we must not forget exclude the former by recording it on second page of sheet N. If the previous main foreign trade activity is left as an additional one, it must be entered into clause 1.2.
  3. The second page of sheet H looks like similar to the first, but the header indicates that this section records excluded foreign trade activities: V clause 2.1.– main, in clause 2.2.– additional. If nothing is excluded and the codes do not change one to another, this page don't fill out.
  4. It is noted who the applicant is. In this case, it will be the director, so in the first section it is written number 01. Sections 2 And 3 are not filled.
  5. On to the relevant clauses 4.1.-4.4. passport and other data of the applicant, that is, the director, are entered: last name, first name, patronymic, TIN (if it is not there, the item is not filled in), birth information (date, place), identification document code, its details, who issued it and when .
  6. On in clause 4.5. recorded in detail address applicant: postal code, code of the subject of the Russian Federation, locality in accordance with current directories. The designations of address objects must be entered according to the KLADR (for example, an avenue can be written as “pr-kt”, a block – “kv-l”, a street – “ul”, etc.). The words "house" or "apartment" are not reduced. Clause 4.6. provided for the main telephone. If it is a mobile phone, then before the number they indicate +7 And code in brackets, if stationary, then enter before it eight and also code in brackets. Hyphens in the phone number are not placed.
  7. intended for filling only by hand in front of a notary. The applicant (director) indicates his full name and signs, the notary notes information about himself. On this page you can also select the desired method for receiving documents confirming changes.

And so, we considered a step-by-step algorithm for filling out this document in the form individual pages.

But for convenience, we also present, as an option, with all pages in one file.

All completed pages are folded in accordance with the order of the letter designations and numbered.

Stitches statement notary.

Submitting papers

There are several options for filing a P14001 application:


You can add new types of economic activities, abandon old ones, and exchange one for another without any particular problems, especially if this is not related to alteration of constituent documents.

It should only within three days notify the state represented by the tax service about this using an application.

Meet this deadline difficult but possible, if you collect all the necessary information at hand and strictly follow the instructions.

There is no need to delay filling out form p14001 when adding OKVED, a sample of which we reviewed above, because the administrative code provides for missing the three days established for filing an application. fine for the amount of five thousand rubles

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Every day new real photos of Space appear on the website portal. Astronauts effortlessly capture majestic views of Space and...
The miracle of the boiling of the blood of Saint Januarius did not happen in Naples, and therefore Catholics are in panic awaiting the Apocalypse. One of the most...