Phrases and expressions for successful telephone conversations in English. Key phrases for everyday business communication in English Dialogue of business partners in English

Green: Good afternoon! Nice to see you again, Mister Pavlov! You are looking well, I must say. How are things with you?

Pavlov: Not bad, thank you. And how are you?

Green: Fine. I always feel well in beautiful weather like this. We are having such a lot of rain in England now. I am happy to be away. I suppose, we had better get down to business.

Pavlov: Yes, certainly. You have come to sign another contract, haven`t you?

Green: That's right. For next year, actually.

Pavlov: Are you happy with our usual terms of delivery and payment?

Green: Yes, quite. As a matter of fact, I have come here to talk about the price. I would like to say that the volume of business in the building industry in our country has dropped considerably. This affected the prices of a number of building materials. In this situation it`s quite natural we expect you to revise your prices for asbestos.

Pavlov: I`m afraid this is not sufficient reason for us to lower the price.

Green: But may I draw your attention to the fact that we wish to increase the purchases by a few thousand tons if you could offer us reduction in the price.

Pavlov: I`m sorry to say, Mister Green, but we would not be able to make extra supplies available to you. We are planning to develop more industrial and housing projects. Besides, we are already tied up to contracts with other partners. Taking these factors into account we could offer you the same amount as last year.

Green: Mister Pavlov, we have been in business with you for a long time. Also we have doubled our purchases over the past three years. Therefore we would be grateful to you if in view of all this you could reduce the price.

Pavlov: All right. I think we could reduce it by 3%.But only on condition that the price is subject to further negotiations for the second half of the year.

Green: That's fine. I suppose that`s the best we can do today.


Dialogue: Talking about business

Green: Good afternoon! It's nice to see you again, Mr. Pavlov! You look good, I must say. How are you doing?

Pavlov: Not bad, thank you. How are you?

Green: Great. I always feel great in such good weather as now. It's raining a lot here in England at the moment. I was happy to leave there. I think it's time for us to get down to business.

Pavlov: Yes, of course. You came to sign another contract, didn't you?

Green: That's true. For next year.

Pavlov: Are you satisfied with our usual terms of delivery and payment?

Green: Yes, quite. In reality, I came to talk about prices. I would like to say that trade turnover in the construction industry of our country has decreased significantly. This has affected prices for a range of building materials. In such a situation, it is quite natural that we expect you to reconsider your prices for asbestos.

Pavlov: I'm afraid that this is not a sufficient reason for us to reduce the current price.

Green: But may I draw your attention to the fact that we want to increase our purchase volumes by several thousand tons if you can offer us a price reduction.

Pavlov: I'm afraid, Mr. Green, that we will not be able to organize any additional deliveries to you. We are planning to implement more industrial and house-building projects. In addition, we are already bound by contractual relations with other partners. Taking into account all these circumstances, we can offer you the same volumes as last year.

Green: Mr. Pavlov, we have been in business relations with you for a long time. We have also doubled our purchasing volumes over the past three years. Therefore, we will be grateful to you if, taking all this into account, you nevertheless reduce the price.

Pavlov: Okay. I think we could reduce it by 3%. But only on the condition that the price will be subject to future negotiations in the second half of the year.

Green: That's great, I think this is the best we could do today.

Alatyr Technological College of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia Presentation Business dialogue in English Completed by: 3rd year student, 31 3 groups Specialty: 02.21.05 Land and property relations Surov Alexander. Head of work: English language teacher Mikhalkova T.L. Alatyr, 2016. .

Good morning, gentlemen! How are you? Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on? Very well, thank you. Let me tell you about our company. As you know, Mr Klimenko, we produce processing equipment. Our fim consists of 6 departments: Production, Sales, Export, Good morning, gentlemen. How are you doing? OK, thank you. And you? Fine, thank you. Let me tell you about the company. As you know, Mr. Klimenko, we produce technological equipment. Our company consists of 6 departments: production, trading, export, department

Financial? Personnel and Research & Development. The last one is the newest at the company. It was created five years ago… We are managed by the Meeting of the Shareholders and the Board of Directors. Earlier the Chairman of the Company was one it is Mr Rogers, s you know. Currently we employ about 1,600 people. Our turn over is more than 300 million. Human Resources Department and Research and Development Department. The last and newest one was created 5 years ago... Our management is a meeting of shareholders and a board of directors. Previously, the president of the company was one of the senior partners, and now it is, as you know, Mr. Rogers. The company employs about 1,600 people. Our turnover is over £300 million.

You will work with our Export Department. We export our equipment to 5 countries. We also have two subsidiary companies in Holland Germany with headquarters in those countries. Are they your subsidiaries or branches? You will work with our export department. We export equipment to 5 countries. In addition, we have 2 subsidiaries in Holland and Germany with headquarters in these countries. So are these subsidiaries or branches?

They are our subsidiaries. Each company trades under its own name. We are looking for new partners in Eastern Europe as well, as we would like to expand our activities. That's why Mr. Cartwright went to Kiev to establish personal contacts with your company. Have you read all our correspondence with your Director? These are subsidiaries. Each of them has its own name. We are also looking for new partners in Eastern Europe as we would like to expand the scope of our activities. Therefore, Mr. Cartwright went to Kyiv to establish personal contacts with your company. Have you read all our correspondence with your director?

Yes, I think so. We will investigate your business proposal thoroughly. Have you got our price-lists and catalogs with you now or shall I ask Miss Elliot to bring a copy? Thank you, but I have them with me as well as copies of your letters. I expect to make the Draft Contract here I think so. We have carefully studied your business proposal. Do you have our price lists and catalogs with you, or shall I ask Miss Elliot to bring them here? Thank you, I have them with me along with copies of your letters. I think that we will draw up a draft contract here, perhaps by the end of this week, but finally

Maybe by the end of this week, and to conclude the Contract with your after discussing it with my Director by phone. All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we were going to talk about terms of payment and delivery. Right. And the day after tomorrow we’ll be talking about packing and transportation. We will make contact with you after discussing it over the phone with my director. Fine. Let's get down to business. Today and tomorrow we will talk about payments and delivery. Fine. And the day after tomorrow we’ll talk about packaging and transportation.

Then I plan to go to London for three days. As you know, there will be an exhibition. Will you join me? Yes, with pleasure. It would be very helpful for the purpose of my visit. I hope so. And after that you’ll have enough time for a visit to our factory and to go sight-seeing. That suits me fine. I expect to submit the Draft Contract to my Director by fax not later than next Wednesday. Then I plan to go to London for 3 days. As you know, there will be an exhibition there. Will you join for me? Yes with pleasure. This exactly suits the purpose of my visit. I hope so. You will then have plenty of time to visit our production facilities and sightseeing. It suits me. And I hope to fax the draft contract to my director no later than next Wednesday.

List of references: 1. Uch. I.P. Agabekyan “English for secondary vocational institutions.” -Rostov n/D.: Phoenix, 2012.

Phrases for communicating with partners and colleagues are an essential key to the success of any businessman.

Conversations in English during negotiations or in the office should be easy and relaxed. The outcome of a transaction almost always depends on the general impression of the company representative present at the business meeting.

Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you"re going to make this the best deal for all parties.

Always participate in business meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself that this will be the best deal for all parties.

~Natalie Massenet

In the article, we have already outlined what phrases and expressions should be avoided when communicating in English with business partners.

This article contains key phrases for communicating with business partners in English. Having learned them, you can easily start a conversation, direct it in the right direction, and, undoubtedly, emerge victorious from a business meeting.

Business greeting in English

Compliance with etiquette standards is the calling card of any company.

The entire course of the negotiations will depend on how you start the conversation. Be decisive and extremely polite, do not forget to smile.

Remember that business etiquette standards may differ between the British and Americans. We advise you to read the article to know how to properly address a colleague from the UK and the USA, what to wear and how to behave during a business meeting.

Phrases for clarifying details in English

If you need to clarify something during a conversation, be sure to use these phrases:

Intermediate phrases in English Translation into Russian
I’d (We’d) like to clear up one more point I would like to ask one more question
Now comes the next point And now the second question
What about…? How about...? And how about …?
Let's get on (pass on) to… Let's move on to the question of...
Is there anything else you’d like to take up? Is there anything else you want to discuss?
On the one hand…, on the other hand… On the one hand on the other hand …

Phrases for summing up a business meeting

At the end of any business meeting, regardless of its outcome, be sure to thank your partner and express your hope for further cooperation.

While summing up, talk key points and clarify deadlines fulfillment of agreements.

Closing phrases in English Translation into Russian
I believe we can consider the matter closed I think the issue can be considered resolved
All right, I’ll get in touch with my friends (colleagues, people) and consult them Okay, I'll contact my colleagues and consult with them
All right, I’ll be expecting to hear from you (your reply, your next visit) Okay, I look forward to hearing from you (your response, your next visit)
I’ll phone you (ring you up, call you up) today (tomorrow, in the afternoon) I'll call you today (tomorrow, afternoon)
Does it suit you? Yes, quite Does it suit you? Yes, it is quite
My (Our) decision is final My (Our) decision is final
We'll think your proposal over We will consider your proposal
We'll think it over We'll think about it
We'll be expecting your confirmation We will be waiting for your confirmation
In conclusion I’d like to say… In conclusion I would like to say
Let's sum up the discussion Let's summarize the discussion

Phrases for expressing agreement and disagreement in English

Every day, in life and in work, we must decide whether we agree or disagree with other people's ideas.

In the office, you must be willing to respond to other people's suggestions. This could be a serious discussion about who to hire or how to cut costs, or a simple conversation about where to go for lunch.

And here you just need phrases in English on how to agree or disagree with the proposal of your colleagues.

Expression of agreement, confidence, approval

When you hear an idea you like, you want to show your support, right? Learn in advance the necessary phrases, how to agree in English and show approval and interest.

Expressing agreement, confidence, approval in English Translation into Russian
Of course/Certainly Certainly
Yes, definitely Yes, sure
It is true It's right
Quite right / Exactly so / Quite so Absolutely right
You are quite right You are absolutely right
It is a fact It is a fact
There is no doubt about it There's no doubt about it
I am sure of it I am sure about that
It is very probable It's very likely
I agree with you I agree with you
I (We) quite agree with you Completely agree with you (agree)
I fully agree with your point of view I agree with your point of view
I don't mind I don't mind
I don't object I do not mind
I have no objections I have no objections
I have nothing against it I have nothing against it
That's all right / All right / Good Fine
Very good! Very good!
Excellent! Amazing! / Great!
Fine! Wonderful!
That's fair enough That's quite fair
I'm glad of that I'm glad about this
I'm glad to hear it I am glad to hear it
I agree I agree
I agree to it I agree to this
Agreed/Done/Settled Agreed
We agree to your terms We agree to your terms
It suits us (quite) all right This (quite) suits us / We are satisfied with this
You may be sure You can be sure
You can rely upon what I tell you You can rely on what I tell you
You may rely upon me You can rely on me
I'll surely do everything I can I will definitely do my best
I'll do my best / I'll do my utmost I'll do my best
By all means Of course, by all means
With pleasure With pleasure
With great pleasure With great pleasure
You are welcome! Please!
I'm at your disposal I'm at your service
I'm at your service I am at your service

Expression of disagreement, disapproval, refusal

In the business world, it is very important to be categorical and decisive. If you are not satisfied with something, do not be afraid to refuse, but at the same time be polite so as not to offend your interlocutor, be sure to monitor his reaction to your words - this will help to avoid all sorts of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Expressing disagreement, disapproval, refusal in English Translation into Russian
I don't think so Don't think
I'm afraid not I think no
No, not quite Not certainly in that way
It isn't (quite) so This is not (at all) true
I'm afraid you are wrong I'm afraid you're wrong
No, not usually Usually no
I don't see any advantages I don't see any benefits
It’s very kind of you but… It's very kind of you, but...
I’m afraid we can’t meet your request I'm afraid we cannot accommodate your request
I'm sorry to say no Unfortunately, I have to refuse
I can't agree with you I can't agree with you
I can't agree with that I can't agree with this
I object to that I object to this
I don't agree I disagree
I disagree with you/I don’t agree with you I don't agree with you
Certainly not Of course not
It's not fair It's not fair
That does not depend on me It does not depend on me
It can't be done It can't be done
It's out of the question This is completely out of the question
It's quite impossible This is completely impossible

On how to express disagreement, you can watch the video “How to disagree with ideas in English”, from the same series of business video podcasts from Business Podcast

Phrases in English for communicating in the office with colleagues

In a confined space like an office, it is very important to control your emotions and carefully select phrases in English so as not to offend any of your partners.

We form our own opinion on a given situation, and often it does not coincide with the opinion of our friends, partners, and colleagues.

In such a situation, it is important to simply advise a certain solution, and not impose your own opinion. Do not forget that a person always has the right to choose, and no one has the right to take it away.

Expression of regret, sympathy, sympathy

When communicating with colleagues, it is important to remember the human factor. After all, you must admit, it is difficult to make important decisions if something happens to you.

Sometimes basic words of support and sympathy can calm you down and help you with your further work.

Expressing regret, sympathy, sympathy in English Translation into Russian
What a pity!/Too bad! What a pity!
How unpleasant! How unpleasant!
That's bad Very sad (bad)
I regret it I'm sorry about that
I sympathize with you I sympathize with you
It's nothing much, I hope I hope there's nothing wrong
There’s nothing to worry about Nothing to worry about
Don't worry Don't worry
What's wrong? What's happened?
Don’t worry, it’ll be all right Don't worry, everything will be fine
Oh, we'll think of something Okay, we'll figure something out.
Unfortunately things haven’t improved Unfortunately, the situation has not improved

Expression of uncertainty, doubt, hesitation

It often happens that it is difficult to make a decision at lightning speed. In such cases, it is important to gain time without looking indecisive in the eyes of your partners.

Pre-learned phrases and your persuasiveness will partially help with this.


In the business world, we need to talk to different people every day, hold meetings, negotiate. To achieve heights, you must always remain firm and determined. At the same time, do not forget to be polite and follow the rules of business etiquette.

For greater confidence when communicating with foreign partners, we suggest taking our course and be sure to learn the key phrases presented in this article.

In contact with

— Let’s schedule a meeting and discuss the contract in detail.
— I’m free tomorrow after 12:00.
— I will arrive by this time and take with me all the documents.

- Let's set up a meeting and discuss the contract in detail.
— I'm free tomorrow after 12:00.
- I will arrive by this time and take all the documents with me.

— At the exhibition in Moscow we must present our new car.
— But we have not finished its development yet.
- So, we must accelerate. This is a very significant exhibition and we can not be there with outdated models of cars.
- Good. I will talk with the engineers and we will make a concept car for the exhibition.
- Now this is a good conversation. Your excuses “do not have time, we can not” - I do not accept. We have to show ourselves with the best of luck.

— We must present our new car in Moscow.
“But we haven’t finished developing it yet.”
- So we need to speed up. This is a very significant exhibition and we cannot be there with outdated car models.
- Fine. I'll talk to the engineers and we'll make a concept car for the exhibition.
- Now this is a good conversation. I don’t accept your excuses “we won’t have time, we won’t be able to.” We must show our best side.

— Our sales last month fell sharply.
— This is a seasonal phenomenon. In September, statistics will go up again.
— We still have to hold out until September, we can not work for several months at a loss.
— Then talk to investors, explain the situation.
— Now the crisis, it’s hard for them, I’m afraid, investors will get rid of non-core assets and stop financing us.

— Our sales fell sharply last month.
- This is a seasonal phenomenon. Already in September the statistics will go up again.
“We still have to make it until September; we can’t work for several months at a loss.”
- Then talk to investors, explain the situation.
“Now there’s a crisis, it’s hard for them themselves, I’m afraid investors will start getting rid of non-core assets and stop financing us.

— Do you think Gazprom shares will grow in November?
— If oil prices continue to fall, then Gazprom will have no reason to grow.
— Even the construction of a gas pipeline to China will not help?
— In the short term, this will give a certain rebound, but in the long term, the price for raw materials solves everything for the branch company.
— What can raise oil prices?
— If the countries of the Middle East stop dumping, the price can grow.
- But will they do it?
— No, it is important for them to remove slates and keep their markets.

— Do you think Gazprom shares will grow in November?
— If oil prices continue to fall, then Gazprom will have no reason to grow.
— Even the construction of a gas pipeline to China will not help?
“In the short term, this will give some kind of rebound, but in the next few months, for an industry company, everything is decided by the price of raw materials.
— What can raise oil prices?
— If the countries of the Middle East stop dumping, the price may rise.
- But will they do it?
— No, it’s important for them to get rid of shale producers and preserve their markets.

These phrases can be useful not only for work, but also for admission to a foreign university.

  1. Dear colleagues! - Dear Colleagues!
  2. Let me introduce myself. My name is... - Allow me to introduce myself. My name is…
  3. The topic of my presentation is… - The topic of my…
  4. I will take some… minutes of your time. - I'll take... minutes of your time.
  5. So, first/To begin with/Let’s start with… - So, first/To begin/Let’s start with…
  6. That completes/concludes/covers the first part of my presentation... - This ends the first part of my presentation.
  7. Let’s move on to the next part, which is... - Let’s move on to the next part, which...
  8. Now I want to describe the development of the idea. - Now I want to talk about the emergence of this idea.
  9. That brings me to…/So now we come to… - Thus, let’s move on to…
  10. I’d like to finish by emphasizing the main point(s). - In conclusion, I would like to highlight the main points.
  11. Now I’d be very interested to hear your comments. - I will listen with interest to your comments.
  12. Thank you for your attention! - Thank you for your attention!


If you're passing through, be sure to dress appropriately and consider your background. And, of course, it is worth taking note of the following expressions.

  1. I graduated from … university (college) in … - I graduated from … university (school) in …
  2. I handle stress easily. - I cope with stress easily.
  3. I am a team player. - I'm a team player.
  4. I am good at multitasking. - I work well at multitasking.
  5. I manage my time well by planning out… - I know how to manage time well by planning…
  6. I should be hired because I’m... - I am suitable for this position because...
  7. I have … years’ experience in the field. - I have... years of experience in this field.
  8. I’m very attentive to detail. - I pay a lot of attention to detail.
  9. I’m excited about this opportunity because… - I’m very glad to get this opportunity because…
  10. I want to further my career in… - I want to develop mine in the field of…
  11. I am confident that I will be able to use my skills in … in the advertised post. - I am confident that I can apply my skills to this position.
  12. I am sorry, could you repeat that please? - I'm sorry, could you say it again?
  13. When do you want me to start? - When do I start?

Business correspondence

Letters use even more formal language than meetings. Be precise and extremely polite, do not joke or attach unnecessary pictures. Be sure to indicate the subject of the letter.

  1. Dear Mr (Ms)… - Dear Mr (Miss)…
  2. Dear Sir/Madam. - an appeal if you do not know the name and gender of the recipient.
  3. I am writing to inform you that... - I am writing to notify you...
  4. I am writing to enquire about ... - I am writing to find out about ...
  5. With reference to your letter... - Regarding your...
  6. Thank you for contacting us. - Thank you for contacting us.
  7. In reply to your request, … - In response to your request, …
  8. I am interested in (obtaining / receiving) ... - I would like to receive ...
  9. Could you possibly tell us / let us have… - Could you please tell us…
  10. We are pleased to announce that... - We are pleased to announce that...
  11. We regret to inform you that... - We regret to inform...
  12. After careful consideration we have decided... - After careful evaluation, we decided...
  13. I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. “I would be very grateful for your urgent attention to this matter.”
  14. I look forward to hearing from you. - Waiting for your reply.
  15. Yours faithfully... - Sincerely... (in the event that you do not know the name of the addressee).
  16. I’m afraid it would not be possible to… - I’m afraid it’s impossible…
  17. Yours sincerely... - Sincerely...
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