Fssp new uniform. Did you laugh at the new form of the Russian Post? So you haven’t seen the new bailiff uniform yet?

Do you need products with FSPP symbols? No problem: you are in the right place!

The symbolism of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) is deeply historical: its emblem depicts a double-headed eagle holding in its paws a scroll with a seal and a lictor's bun - a heraldic figure depicting a bunch of willow twigs. With such a bunch, the lictors (bodyguards of high-ranking Roman officials) cleared the way for them in the crowd. The FSSP flag is a green panel, in the upper right corner of which is the Russian flag, in the lower left corner is the FSSP emblem. These images are present on all products with the symbols of the Federal Bailiff Service: departmental medals, badges, insignia, chevrons, stripes, tokens and other items of equipment.

The range of various types of equipment with the heraldic signs of the FSSP is exceptionally wide and varied: standard uniforms, field, demi-season and special uniforms, military camouflage, overalls, T-shirts, sweatshirts, underwear, as well as shoes and headwear - bandanas, berets, caps, hats . When purchasing them from us, do not forget about the equipment that you will certainly need if you are going hunting or fishing, on a long hike or in a military field game. Binoculars, sleeping bag, backpack, flask, mug, bowler hat, flashlight, thermos, pouch, compass, watch, night vision device and many other very useful products with FSSP logos are also waiting for you in our online store.

The Federal Bailiff Service performs important government functions. Its main purpose is to monitor and implement the unconditional and strict implementation of decisions of courts of all levels. If necessary, then force various types of debtors, alimony payers, etc. to comply with court decisions. By purchasing goods with the symbols of the FSSP, you are providing, albeit small, but your personal support for the activities of this important government structure.

Products for every need and occasion!

You now know for sure where to buy goods, gifts and souvenirs with the symbols of the FSPP of Russia. Tell your friends and colleagues about us. On the eve of a professional holiday, many people want to purchase original gifts for employees, colleagues, friends and relatives with the symbols of the FSPP department of the Russian Federation in which they serve. These can be original trinkets or useful accessories with the logo of the Federal Bailiff Service, for example, stylish leather document covers. The range of goods in the Arsenal online store is constantly updated and supplemented with more and more new products to satisfy the demand of our customers. Prices for goods are accessible to a wide range of consumers.

If you want to buy a new ceremonial military uniform, equipment, uniforms, equipment and clothing with the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service - we can find it all. For the convenience of our customers, all products are accompanied by detailed descriptions, photos and pictures, which you can view on the product page. To select the size you need, the website has size tables that will help you choose the set of clothes or uniform you need. In case of any difficulties, you can contact our online consultant via Skype instant messages, email, or by phone.

Placing an order couldn't be easier!

All products from the Arsenal store catalog are sold not only at retail, but also wholesale, which not every online store can boast of. In addition, wholesale buyers are provided with more favorable purchasing conditions. Delivery of orders is carried out to all regions of Russia by post. Payment is made upon receipt of the parcel or parcel at the post office. Also, courier delivery operates in 18 cities of Russia, which is very convenient for many of our customers.

But that's not all! We will be happy to deliver your order not only throughout Russia, but also to any other country. If you want to please your relatives, friends who live abroad, foreign colleagues and partners and present them with an original souvenir with the symbols of the FSSP of Russia on a professional holiday, contact us! Choose the product you like in the catalog, call and order. We are always happy to be of service to you!

Author Mikhail Aliev asked a question in the section Other career issues

OUPDS! What shape, how many types, who knows? and got the best answer

Reply from [guru]
Significant differences affected the color of the uniform and the insignia of the bailiffs. The new casual uniform is made from graphite black wool fabric, while the shirts are made from olive green fabric, unlike the previous light blue version.
The shoulder insignia is noticeably different from the previous “army” pattern with one and two stripes. Now they are green in color, they have metal five-pointed stars on them, on a pentagonal base of golden color in the center of the star there is a smaller star filled with dark green enamel.
For each class rank, certain sizes of insignia are provided. Thus, the diameter of embroidered stars for the highest group of positions will be 25 mm. The main, leading, senior and junior position groups will have smaller metal stars. The stars are located along the longitudinal axis of the shoulder insignia. On the field of shoulder insignia of bailiffs of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions, golden-colored transverse stripes are located on the lower edge.
State civil service referents of classes 3, 2 and 1 will have 2 badges and from 1 to 3 stars. Advisers of justice, advisers of the state civil service of classes 3, 2 and 1 - 3 badges and stars - from 1 to 3.
The transition to a new form in the bailiff service will occur gradually. Uniforms for employees of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service are issued in accordance with established standards.
Therefore, bailiffs and bailiffs under the OUPDS can take enforcement actions in the form of both the old and the new model. As before, bailiffs and bailiffs under the OUPDS must have badges with identification numbers and a service ID of the established form.
Read the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 No. 540 "On uniforms and insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service"

Russian Post has a new form

Did you laugh at the new form of the Russian Post? So you haven’t seen the new bailiff uniform yet.

“The government lives on another planet, dear” (C) Kin - dza - dza

To begin with, what is fascism and where did this word come from? A fashion is a bundle of rods. The fascists in ancient Rome were something like an investigative and executive body that in the provinces investigated and punished criminals. Their symbol was a bunch of rods with an ax stuck in them. By the way, this element has not yet been forgotten; for example, it is in the emblem of the bailiffs of Russia.

Here in the left paw of the eagle is just the sign of fascism that the fascists wore in Italy. That is, the real sign of fascism is quite legal in Russia and is used in the symbolism of government bodies. A swastika in a white circle on a red background is a sign of National Socialism. Why did the substitution of concepts occur and why did the actual sign of fascism become legal, and the swastika - a sign of “fascism”? This was done on purpose, because it was not beneficial for the Soviet system to blame the socialists for aggression. That's why they started calling everyone fascists.

But the nuance is that Hitler and Mussolini were not friends at all; Mussolini avoided Hitler and did not want to communicate with him. They had fundamentally different positions at the ideological level. Only in 1937 did Hitler manage to lure Benitto to him, he was delighted with the parades in Germany, as he himself strived for this, and then they were able to become friends. Although they differed ideologically. Hitler relied on the state and the petty bourgeois, Mussolini exclusively on the state, denying private property. Moreover, Hitler relied only on the Germans, while Mussolini relied on the people of Italy. And here is the key.

What does Putin have to do with it? One of Mussolini’s most famous phrases is “it is not the nation that forms the state, but the state that forms the nation.” That is, for Mussolini the main thing was a certain community of people, no matter what nationality, the main thing is that they work for the state. Compare with Putin? The uncontrolled importation of migrants, whom he makes “Russians,” completely coincides with Mussolini’s basic concept. It doesn’t matter what nationality a person is, the main thing is that he works for the state.

So, calling nationalists fascists, immediately call us Putinists. After all, the concept of fascism is not a state based on blood and race, it is a state made up of people who work for it, regardless of nationality.

Do bailiffs wear symbols of fascism?

I’m reading a history book, and I was surprised to discover that the emblems of two federal law enforcement agencies, the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service) and the FSIN (Federal Penitentiary Service) contain symbols of fascism.

The eagles depicted on the emblems of the services hold in their paws the fascia (fascis - Italian “bundle, bundle”) - a bunch of rods with an ax stuck into it. So the fascia is a real symbol of fascism proclaimed by Mussolini.

Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, in part one of Article 20.3. “Propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols” reads:

Propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia or symbols or paraphernalia or symbols that are confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles with confiscation of Nazi or other specified paraphernalia or symbols or administrative arrest for a term up to fifteen days with confiscation of Nazi or other specified paraphernalia or symbols.

Has anyone already gone to court?


The symbol of fascism on the emblem of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation

The symbol of fascism on the emblem of the bailiffs of the Russian Federation

The Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) is a federal executive body. Carries out forced execution of judicial acts. It has a flag and a heraldic emblem approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2006 No. 42.

In the eagle's left paw there is a lictor's tuft ( fascia) from lat. fascis - a bunch of rods with an ax stuck into it, a symbol of the power of kings in the era of the Roman Republic (Ancient Rome).

From the word fascis comes the Italian fascio (fashio) - “union” or fascism.

The Fascist ideology and symbol (lictor's bun) were adopted in Italy after the First World War. B. Mussolini founded the “Italian Union of Struggle”, which in 1921. renamed the “National Fascist Party” (Partito Nazionale Fascista) - the only legal party in Italy until 1943.

In the historiography of the USSR and Russia, fascism is also understood as German National Socialism (Nazism).

New symbols of the post-Soviet state

Original taken from ltraditionalist in New symbols of the post-Soviet state

Today I was driving home from work and noticed two bailiff service officers. They had these emblems on their sleeves:

A double-headed eagle holds some kind of “tugament” with one paw, and a fascine with the other. Fascina, as everyone knows, is a symbol of fascism. The Nazis never used the swastika. The swastika was used by the German National Socialists, led by A. Hitler, as a symbol of victory and dominance of the Aryan Race. And fascism originated in Italy under the leadership of dictator B. Mussolini. A common thread in the ideology of fascism is the parable of how a dying father gathered all his sons around his bed and, taking a twig, easily broke it. After which he took a bunch of rods and failed to break them, thereby showing that when people are united, it is impossible to defeat them, and it is easy to kill them one by one. The symbol of fascism is a bunch of rods - “fascine” (hence the name)

As Alice said when she got to Wonderland, every day life becomes “more and more wonderful.” Not only are the cops now called “policemen,” but they also began to wear fascist symbols.

I wonder if this symbol of the bailiff service was chosen out of stupidity and ignorance, or was it chosen deliberately and with intent? And how does it relate to the building of a “solidarity society” in Russia? After all, “solidarity society” can also be interpreted as a new form of fascism.

In "The Doctrine of Fascism" B. Mussolini wrote: " The main position of the fascist doctrine is the doctrine of the state, its essence, tasks and goals. For fascism, the state appears to be an absolute, in comparison with which individuals and groups are only “relative.” Individuals and groups are “thinkable” only in the state..." For fascism, says Mussolini, state- everything and nothing human or spiritual has value outside states. This idea was expressed even more specifically in the slogan that proclaimed Mussolini in his speech in the Chamber of Deputies on May 26, 1927: “everything is in state, nothing against states and nothing outside states».

This slogan itself is “everything in state, nothing against states and nothing outside states“- very nice, and Alexander Prokhanov in his newspaper “Zavtra” has been singing about the same thing for a long time. Only, unlike the fascist state in Italy, the modern Russian state has a “window to Europe,” and through that “window” it blows all finances out of Russia. Modern Russia can be compared to a house without windows and doors. It’s stupid to encourage residents of an apartment that doesn’t have an entrance door to “work hard.” Even if they work two or three jobs, thieves will still take everything they earned from the apartment. It’s exactly the same in modern Russia: as long as the “window to Europe” is open, as long as capital is freely exported from Russia through that “window,” no “solidarity society” is possible here in principle. What kind of “solidarity” are we talking about here? About the solidarity of hard workers and thieves? Solidarity can only exist in closed systems, but not in open ones, not in liberal ones.

(Published on the website of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" on the "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 08/02/2010, No. 31, Art. 4239)

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law "On Bailiffs" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

description of the uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service;

description of the insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service;

standards for providing uniforms to bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service.

2. Establish that:

a) costs for the purchase of uniforms for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are carried out within the budget allocations provided for in the federal budget of the Federal Bailiff Service for these purposes;

b) the transition to new uniforms for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service is carried out taking into account the wearing time of previously issued uniforms and the complete depletion of existing stocks of uniform items of previous samples.

3. Recognize as invalid paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 2001 N 280 “On the uniform of bailiffs” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 16, Art. 1608).


Government of the Russian Federation

Description of the uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service

The uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service is a set of clothing and shoes intended to be worn by bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service holding class ranks.

State awards, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs established in accordance with the established procedure are worn on uniforms.

The essential features of uniforms include:

design and color of uniform items;

decorative and distinctive elements of established colors - piping, stripes and cap bands;

fittings of established samples;

shoulder marks.

Shoulder insignia are special elements of uniform designed to place insignia for class ranks.

Bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service with class ranks wear two types of shoulder badges - sewn and removable. At the top of the shoulder insignia there is a uniform button. On the removable shoulder badges next to the button there is a heraldic sign - the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service (hereinafter referred to as the emblem).

Shoulder badges of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are rectangles with a rounded top edge, having a dark green border and a field made:

for the highest group of positions - from specially woven gray braid, stitched with golden thread (on the ceremonial, ceremonial and weekend uniforms - from specially woven golden braid);

for the main group of posts - from special gray braid;

for leading, senior and junior groups of positions - from gray fabric.

Shoulder insignia on a shirt and blouse when wearing ceremonial and formal dress uniforms have a white field. For the highest group of positions, the field of shoulder insignia is stitched with golden thread.

Uniforms for men

The hat with earflaps is made from natural astrakhan fur (sheepskin) in black. The top of the hat with earflaps is made of graphite-black fabric. At the front, in the center, is a cockade.

The cap for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made:

for dress uniforms - from graphite-black woolen fabric;

for ceremonial and weekend uniforms - made of light gray woolen fabric;

for everyday wear - made of graphite-black wool fabric.

The specified cap has a edging and band of dark green color (on the band - golden-colored sewing), a braided cord of golden color, a visor covered on top with black patent leather with sewing in the form of a special golden-colored ornament (for everyday uniforms - without sewing). At the front, in the center, is a cockade.

The cap for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the main, leading, senior and junior groups of positions is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has a dark green edging and band, to which a golden braided cord and a cockade are attached.

The emblem is attached to the crown of the cap.

The cap is made of graphite-black fabric and has a cockade.

The winter coat is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has a removable collar made of sheepskin fur (natural astrakhan fur) and shoulder insignia.

The winter jacket is made of graphite-black fabric and has shoulder marks.

Winter trousers are made of graphite-black fabric.

The summer suit (jacket and trousers) is made of graphite-black fabric and has shoulder marks.

The jacket is made of graphite-black wool fabric and has shoulder insignia.

On the collar of the jacket of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service there are:

The jacket for the dress uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has shoulder insignia and on the collar - golden-colored embroidery in the form of a special ornament.

The jacket for the ceremonial uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made of light gray woolen fabric, has shoulder marks and on the collar - golden embroidery in the form of a special ornament.

The shirts are made of white and olive-colored fabric and have shoulder insignia.

The tie is made of graphite-black fabric and has a gold-colored bartack.

Winter ankle boots are made of black leather.

Low shoes are made of black leather.

Boots with high tops are made of black leather.

Uniforms for women

The kubanka hat is made from natural black astrakhan fur. The top of the kubanka hat is made of graphite-black fabric. At the front, in the center, is a cockade.

The hat with earflaps is made of black fur sheepskin. The top of the hat with earflaps is made of graphite-black fabric. At the front, in the center, is a cockade.

The hat is made of graphite-black felt fabric and has a cockade.

The cap is made of graphite-black wool fabric, has a dark green edging and a cockade.

The winter coat is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has a removable collar made of natural astrakhan fur (sheepskin) and shoulder insignia.

The demi-season raincoat (with an insulated removable lining) is made of graphite-black fabric and has shoulder insignia.

The jacket is made of graphite-black wool fabric and has shoulder marks.

On the collar of the jacket of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service there are:

golden-colored sewing in the form of a special ornament - for the highest group of positions;

golden-colored sewing in the form of a special ornament on a dark green cloth lining - for the main group of posts;

metal emblems - for leading, senior and junior groups of positions.

The jacket for the dress uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has shoulder insignia and on the collar - golden-colored embroidery in the form of a special ornament.

The jacket for the ceremonial uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made of light gray woolen fabric, has shoulder marks and on the collar - golden embroidery in the form of a special ornament.

The trousers are made of graphite-black woolen fabric, have dark green piping (for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions - dark green piping and stripes).

The jacket is made of graphite-black wool fabric and has shoulder marks.

The skirt is made of wool fabric in graphite black color.

Shirts (blouses) are made of white and olive-colored fabric and have shoulder marks.

The bow tie is made of graphite-black fabric and has a gold-colored fastener.

The muffler is made of white and graphite-black fabric.

Winter boots are made of black leather.

The shoes are made of black leather.

The trouser belt is made of black leather.

The gloves are made of black leather.

Description of the insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service

1. The insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service with class ranks are embroidered and metal five-pointed stars on a pentagonal base of golden color (in the center of the star there is a smaller star filled with dark green enamel) and golden stripes .

2. The dimensions of the insignia placed on the shoulder insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are:

the diameter of the embroidered heraldic sign - the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service - 25 mm;

diameter of the metal emblem - 20 mm;

the diameter of the metal emblem mounted on the crown of the cap is 50 mm;

the diameter of embroidered stars for the highest group of positions is 25 mm;

the diameter of the metal stars for the main group of posts is 20 mm;

the diameter of metal stars for leading, senior and junior groups of positions is 13 mm;

strip width - 3 mm.

3. The stars are located along the longitudinal axis of the shoulder marks. On the field of shoulder insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions, golden-colored transverse stripes are located on the lower edge.

4. Insignia placed on shoulder insignia:

Actual State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 1st class, Actual State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 1st class - 3 stars;

Actual State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 2nd class, Actual State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class - 2 stars;

Actual State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 3rd class, Actual State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class - 1 star;

State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 1st class, State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 1st class - 3 stars;

State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 2nd class, State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class - 2 stars;

State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, 3rd class, State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class - 1 star;

1st class adviser to justice, 1st class adviser to the state civil service of the Russian Federation - 3 stars and 3 stripes;

2nd class Justice Advisor, 2nd Class State Civil Service Advisor of the Russian Federation - 2 stars and 3 stripes;

3rd class adviser to justice, 3rd class adviser to the state civil service of the Russian Federation - 1 star and 3 stripes;

lawyer 1st class, assistant of the state civil service of the Russian Federation 1st class - 3 stars and 2 stripes;

lawyer 2nd class, assistant of the state civil service of the Russian Federation 2nd class - 2 stars and 2 stripes;

lawyer 3rd class, assistant of the state civil service of the Russian Federation 3rd class - 1 star and 2 stripes;

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 1st class - 3 stars and 1 stripe;

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 2nd class - 2 stars and 1 stripe;

Secretary of the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 3rd class - 1 star and 1 stripe.

Today, a large number of law enforcement agencies operate on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main goal of such an organization is to ensure human rights and freedoms. In addition, some structures are engaged in the implementation of public service. All such bodies are direct evidence of the importance of their work in our country. However, the performance of all sorts of functions by the state can occur in various manifestations. For example, the police are concerned with maintaining law and order, and the courts carry out the processes of justice.

As a result, the state has access to most spheres of life of every citizen of the Russian Federation. In addition to all the well-known bodies in the form of the FSB, the prosecutor's office, etc., there are also more specific structures, which also include the bailiff service (FSSP). The tasks of this body are to control and regulate relations in the field of execution of acts of the justice department.

The FSSP is an executive authority whose scope of activities includes organizing the implementation of judicial acts. The structure operates within the Ministry of Justice. And in this article we will look at what changes await this service for 2020-2018.

What may change in the FSSP

In the coming year, the Ministry of Justice is going to introduce additional requirements for all employees that relate to the qualifications of employees. According to the new criteria, those who do not have higher education diplomas (specialty in economics or law) will be fired or demoted. Statistics show that more than 5 thousand people fall into the risk category. This figure is about 25% of the staff of the entire structure.

This reform, according to the FSSP, will reduce the number of employees to 300 people in some regions. This arrangement has already caused indignation on the part of the employees of this body, because such a number of employees will not be able to cope with the current load. As a result, there will be a noticeable decrease in the quality of the work done.

Defining reforms for 2020

In 2016, the president initiated the development of a completely new bill in the field of enforcement proceedings. The new law is aimed at completely replacing the current regulatory documents that have been in place since 1997.

The main innovation is that from the beginning of this year, bailiffs belong to a special category of civil servants.

Thus, employees receive:

  1. Titles
  2. Social guarantees.
  3. Additional payments and other benefits.

The entire state is divided into categories:

  1. Bailiffs who operate in courts.
  2. Bailiffs.
  3. Investigating officers.

All privileges are granted only to those who have a higher education in the legal or economic field.

Employees who are not suited to the current position will be considered for termination or demotion. Another option could be an offer to become a bailiff's assistant. The activity of such persons is to prepare documentation.

Authorized representatives of the Ministry of Justice claim that the new reform can ensure an influx of students who can work as assistants. It is possible to occupy any position upon graduating from a specialized university in one of the two areas that we have already mentioned above. The first step in a student’s career ladder will be the position of bailiff.

The Ministry of Justice also says that the reform can improve the status of the bailiff profession as such. Reducing staff turnover will make the position quite attractive. This will attract people with a high level of qualifications.

With the advent of new legislation, lawyers will also be able to find employment. This is especially true for those who have been laid off in law enforcement agencies.

A reduction in the number of branches in the regions is also considered an innovation. Small units will be combined into interregional structures of the FSSP. This approach will reduce the expenditure of budget money.

What experts say about new reforms in the FSSP bodies

Vyacheslav Lysakov (first deputy chairman of the State Duma in the field of short-term protection) says that such innovations will entail negative consequences. As practice shows, court secretaries have the lowest salary level when compared with other law enforcement agencies. Therefore, staff turnover has always been the same and will remain the same. And this figure reaches 80%.

The salary of the bailiffs themselves is also not appropriate to the working conditions. Consequently, the reorganization of the FSSP should not begin with staff reduction. Initially, it is advisable to confirm the status of the position by increasing salaries and creating attractive working conditions.

Such statements are supported by Dmitry Gortsov, who works as Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Security and Anti-Corruption Affairs. As he claims, the president did not directly initiate the need to cut workers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSSP. The head of state spoke about reducing ineffective spending of funds from the budget. As a result of all this, these departments preferred to take the simpler path - to fire the bulk of people.

Perhaps the state apparatus heard Lysakov’s opinion - from the beginning of 2020, FSSP employees can count on receiving a share of the money they collected. At best, this is mentioned in the updated legislation. It is proposed to create special funds using the collected funds. Such innovations will make it possible to introduce a system of incentives for those performers who have shown the best results in terms of penalties. Today this project is under public approval and discussion.

What powers will be added to bailiffs?

This year, bailiffs can already dispose of the right to drive vehicles. The responsibilities of FSSP employees include the possibility of confiscating rights from habitual defaulters. The peculiarity of this power is that employees do not require additional court decisions for this. The condition for the application of such measures is a verbal notification during a personal conversation. After this, the data is sent to the traffic police, where the driving license is suspended. The sanction is lifted immediately after the person repays all debts.

This innovation applies to all people who are obliged to pay a debt in the amount of 10,000 rubles or more. All defaulters are frightened by the prospect of further expansion of the powers of employees of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Thus, from 2020, it is likely that FSSP officials will be able to isolate the access of defaulters to government services. This will affect the inability to pass driving tests or refusal to register a car or trademark.

To summarize, we note that it is not yet fully known how the FSSP reform will take place. But in this article we examined all possible innovations that may come into force both this year and in 2020. Time will tell whether it will be possible to make the job of a bailiff prestigious. For now, we can only wait and hope for improved working conditions for employees of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

III. The procedure for wearing individual items of uniform

3.1. Workers' shoulder badges are rectangles with a rounded top edge, with a dark green border and a field.

At the top of the shoulder insignia there is a uniform button. On the removable shoulder badges next to the button there is a heraldic sign - the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service. The distance between the button and the emblem is 5 mm. Metal button of golden color with a border depicting the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service with a diameter of 14 mm.

The stars are located along the longitudinal axis of the shoulder insignia. On the field of shoulder insignia of employees of the leading, senior and junior groups of positions there are three, two or one transverse golden stripes 3 mm wide. The distance between the strips is 3 mm. The lower stripe is located at a distance of 5 mm from the lower edge of the shoulder badge.

Number of stars on shoulder insignia

Diameter of stars (mm)

Distance from the bottom edge of the shoulder badge to the center of the first star (mm)

Distance between star centers along shoulder sign (mm)

Number of stripes on shoulder badges

3.2. On the crown of the cap there is a heraldic sign - the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service. The distance from the top edge of the emblem to the top edge of the cap is 5 mm.

The diameter of the emblem on the crown of the cap is 50 mm.

3.3. To be worn on the collars of jackets and jackets, the emblems are placed along a bisector at a distance of 35 mm from the corner of the collar to the center of the emblem. The diameter of the metal emblem is 20 mm.

3.4. A cockade is worn on a cap with earflaps, a cap, a cap, a cap, a cap and a hat.

The cockade is a convex round rosette made of golden metal with a corrugated surface with three concentric circles: the outer one is white, the middle one is blue, and the inner one is red.

Read also: Sale of debtors' property by banks

The diameter of the cockade is 30 mm.

On a hat with earflaps and a hat with kubanka, the cockade is worn in front, in the center of the fur band. On the cap and cap, the cockade is attached to the front, in the middle of the band. On the cap, the cockade is worn in the front center. On a hat, the cockade is worn on the front part in the middle of the ribbon.

A hat with earflaps, a hat with kubanka, a cap, a cap, a cap and a hat are put on so that the lower edge of the hat with earflaps, a hat with kubanka and a cap is the width of one or two fingers placed horizontally above the eyebrows, and the visor of the cap and cap is at eyebrow level.

3.5. The cap is worn with a slight tilt to the right side, and the cap with earflaps, a cap with kubanka, a cap, cap and hat are worn straight, without tilt.

3.6. The jacket (jacket) is fastened with all buttons.

The jacket is worn with a zipper zipped up to the level of the chest pockets.

3.7. The departmental sleeve insignia is sewn on the outer side of the left sleeve (jacket, jacket, jacket, jacket of summer and winter suits, raincoat, winter coat) at a distance of 8 cm from the top point of the sleeve to the insignia.

The departmental sleeve insignia made of black fabric represents the outline of a shield with a pointed lower part and a rounded upper part. Inside the outline of the shield are located: in the upper part there is the inscription “RUSSIA”, in the middle part there are wavy lines of the colors of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, in the lower part there is the inscription “FSSP”. The outline of the shield and the inscription are golden (yellow) in color.

Departmental sleeve insignia (for a dress jacket for the highest group of positions) - made of light gray fabric.

3.8. The sleeve insignia of the Federal Bailiff Service is sewn on the outside of the right sleeve (jacket, cardigan, jacket, jacket of summer and winter suits, raincoat, winter coat) at a distance of 8 cm from the top point of the sleeve to the insignia.

The sleeve insignia of the Federal Bailiff Service, made of black cloth, represents the outline of a shield with a pointed lower part and a rounded upper part. Inside the outline of the shield there is a heraldic sign - the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service. The outline of the shield and the inscription are golden (yellow) in color.

The sleeve insignia of the Federal Bailiff Service (for a ceremonial jacket for the highest group of positions) is made of light gray fabric.

3.9. Shirts (blouses) are worn buttoned up, with shoulder straps and a tie (bow tie). The collar of a shirt (blouse) is flush with the top edge of the collar of a jacket (jacket, jacket) or protrudes above it by 5 mm.

long-sleeved shirts (blouses) with a tie without a jacket (jacket, jacket) in the summer, and indoors - at any time of the year;

shirts (blouses) with long sleeves with the top button undone, without a tie, without a jacket (jacket, jacket) in the summer, and indoors - at any time of the year;

shirts (blouses) with short sleeves, with the top button undone, without a tie, without a jacket (jacket, jacket) at daytime air temperatures above 20 degrees;

if necessary, short-sleeved shirts (blouses) with a tie (bow tie).

3.10. The tie is attached to the shirt with a gold-colored metal bar between the third and fourth buttons from the top.

The bow tie is attached to the shirt (blouse) with a golden metal fastener between the first and second buttons from the top.

3.11. The muffler is worn neatly tucked under the collar of a coat, raincoat or winter jacket. The upper edge of the muffler should protrude evenly above the collar by 1 - 2 cm.

3.12. State awards, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs established in accordance with the established procedure are worn on uniforms. The procedure for wearing orders, medals and other insignia is regulated by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3.13. Special insignia are placed on the left side of the chest at a distance of 10 mm to the left of the collar so that the lower edge of the medal block is at the level of the corner of the lapel.

3.14. Orders and medals on the left side of the chest are placed horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge. When wearing two or more orders and medals on the left side of the chest, their blocks are connected in a row on a common bar. Orders and medals that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows, located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge. Orders and medals on a jacket (jacket) are placed so that the upper edge of the common bar of the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

3.15. Orders and medals, worn without blocks, are placed on the right side of the chest. Orders and medals on the right side of the chest are placed horizontally in a row from the center of the chest to the edge. Orders that do not fit in one row are transferred to the second and subsequent rows, located below the first, also placing them from the center of the chest to the edge. In this case, the conditional centers of the orders in the row must be at the same level. The distance between rows of orders is 10 mm, between orders (medals) - 5 - 10 mm. Orders on a jacket (jacket) are placed so that the upper edge of the largest order in the first row is located 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner.

3.16. Breastplates allowed to be worn on uniforms are placed horizontally on the right side in a row from the center of the chest to the edge. There should be no more than three characters. Wearing a graduation badge is mandatory.

The signs on the jacket (jacket) are located so that the upper edge of the sign is 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, and in the presence of orders (medals) - 10 mm below them.

3.17. If an employee has badges indicating graduation from two or more educational institutions, only one badge is worn. If there is a badge of graduation from a higher educational institution, the badge of graduation from a secondary specialized educational institution is not worn.

3.18. Insignia of wounds made of golden galloon (for severe wounds) and dark red (for light wounds) are located on the flap of the same color as the uniform. The dark red braid is located above the golden braid. The width of the braid is 5 mm, the length is 40 mm.

Signs of wounds are placed on the right side of the chest behind orders and medals, and in the absence of orders and medals - in their place.

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Reform of the bailiff service in 2020

For FSSP employees, 2020 promises serious changes - the Ministry of Justice proposes to introduce additional qualification requirements for this category of employees, dismissing or demoting those who do not have a diploma of higher economic or legal education. According to the FSSP, 5,600 people fall into this category—25% of the current number of service employees. Preliminary calculations for the regions showed that in some federal subjects, after the implementation of the norm, no more than three hundred bailiffs will remain. Representatives of the FSSP have already expressed concern that the remaining employees simply will not be able to cope with the workload, which will naturally lead to a deterioration in the quality of the work performed.

The Ministry of Justice plans to reduce the number of FSSP employees by 25%

The essence of the FSSP reform in 2020

Let us recall that the development of new legislation in the field of enforcement proceedings was initiated by the president. The new bill will replace the law that has regulated the industry since 1997. The main innovation of the document is that from the beginning of 2016, bailiffs will belong to a special category of civil servants.

They will receive appropriate titles, social guarantees, additional payments and other incentives. In addition, FSSP employees will be divided into several categories - bailiffs who support the activities of the courts, bailiffs and a new category of bailiffs-investigators. However, all kinds of privileges will be granted only to those who have a higher education in economics or law.

Employees who do not meet the stated requirements will be dismissed from their positions, or they will be offered to become assistants whose responsibilities include exclusively technical work on the preparation of documents. According to representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the FSSP reform should ensure an influx of students who will work as assistants until they graduate from a higher education institution. In the future, they can count on the prospect of obtaining the position of bailiff.

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The goal of the FSSP reform is to make the bailiff profession prestigious.

The Ministry of Justice explained that this measure will lead to an increase in the status of the bailiff, which will reduce staff turnover and make the position attractive to highly qualified specialists. The opinion was also expressed that the new requirements for bailiffs will make it possible to employ lawyers who will be laid off due to the reform of law enforcement agencies. Another innovation will be a reduction in the number of regional offices of the FSSP. Small units will be united into interregional governing bodies. This will ensure budget savings.

Experts' opinions on the consequences of the FSSP reform

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Constitutional Legislation, Vyacheslav Lysakov, said that such a policy would lead to serious negative consequences. Court secretaries have the lowest pay compared to other law enforcement agencies. This leads to a huge staff turnover, reaching 80% of employees. The salaries of bailiffs also do not meet working conditions, so the reorganization policy should not begin with dismissals. First, you should increase the prestige of the position by increasing pay and creating decent working conditions.

Experts consider the priority task not to reduce personnel, but to increase the salaries of FSSP employees

This opinion is also supported by Dmitry Gorovtsov, who holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for security and anti-corruption issues. According to him, the president did not issue a direct order to reduce the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSSP, but only ordered the reduction of ineffective budget expenditures. Departments, in turn, preferred to take the easiest way to solve this problem, simply firing people.

It is quite possible that the government heard Lysakov’s words - from the beginning of 2020, bailiffs may receive the right to a share of the money they collected. At least this is what is discussed in the recently published bill. Using the collected funds, it is proposed to form special funds to reward bailiffs who have demonstrated high performance and exceeded collection standards. Currently, the project has been submitted for public discussion.

Expanding the powers of bailiffs

Let us remind you that bailiffs recently received the opportunity to dispose of driving licenses. Now bailiffs can take away rights from malicious debtors. Moreover, to carry out this procedure, employees of the enforcement service do not need an additional court decision - the main thing is that the driver is notified in a personal conversation. Then the information is sent to the traffic police, which suspends the license to drive the vehicle until the debtor pays off his obligations.

Bailiffs will be able to dispose of debtors' rights to drive a car

For now, this innovation will only affect those who have not paid obligations in the amount of 10 thousand rubles or more. Defaulters are frightened by the prospect of further expansion of the powers of FSSP employees - it is quite possible that in 2020 they will also be able to limit debtors’ access to public services. First of all, this will affect the ban on taking driving tests, as well as the refusal to register vehicles and trademarks.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 N 540 “On uniforms and insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the federal bailiff service”

(Published on the website of the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" on the "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 08/02/2010, No. 31, Art. 4239)

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law "On Bailiffs" the Government of the Russian Federation decides :

1. Approve the attached:

description of the uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service;

description of the insignia of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service;

standards for providing uniforms to bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service.

2. Establish that:

a) costs for the purchase of uniforms for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are carried out within the budget allocations provided for in the federal budget of the Federal Bailiff Service for these purposes;

b) the transition to new uniforms for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service is carried out taking into account the wearing time of previously issued uniforms and the complete depletion of existing stocks of uniform items of previous samples.

3. Recognize as invalid paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 9, 2001 N 280 “On the uniform of bailiffs” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 16, Art. 1608).

Government of the Russian Federation

Description of the uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service

The uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service is a set of clothing and shoes intended to be worn by bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service holding class ranks.

State awards, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs established in accordance with the established procedure are worn on uniforms.

The essential features of uniforms include:

design and color of uniform items;

decorative and distinctive elements of established colors - piping, stripes and cap bands;

fittings of established samples;

Shoulder insignia are special elements of uniform designed to place insignia for class ranks.

Bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service with class ranks wear two types of shoulder badges - sewn and removable. At the top of the shoulder insignia there is a uniform button. On the removable shoulder badges, next to the button there is a heraldic sign - the emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service (hereinafter referred to as the emblem).

Shoulder badges of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service are rectangles with a rounded top edge, having a dark green border and a field made:

for the highest group of positions - from a specially woven gray braid, stitched with golden thread (on ceremonial, formal dress uniforms - from a specially woven golden braid);

for the main group of posts - from special gray braid;

for leading, senior and junior groups of positions - from gray fabric.

Shoulder insignia on a shirt and blouse when wearing ceremonial and formal dress uniforms have a white field. For the highest group of positions, the field of shoulder insignia is stitched with golden thread.

Uniforms for men

The hat with earflaps is made from natural astrakhan fur (sheepskin) in black. The top of the hat with earflaps is made of graphite-black fabric. At the front, in the center, is a cockade.

The cap for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made:

for dress uniforms - from graphite-black wool fabric;

for formal dress uniforms - from light gray woolen fabric;

for everyday wear - made of graphite-black wool fabric.

The specified cap has a edging and band of dark green color (on the band there is gold-colored sewing), a braided cord of golden color, a visor covered on top with black patent leather with sewing in the form of a special golden-colored ornament (for everyday uniforms - without sewing). In front, in the center, is a cockade.

The cap for bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the main, leading, senior and junior groups of positions is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has a dark green edging and band, to which a golden braided cord and a cockade are attached.

The emblem is attached to the crown of the cap.

The cap is made of graphite-black wool fabric, has a dark green edging and a cockade.

The cap is made of graphite-black fabric and has a cockade.

The winter coat is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has a removable collar made of sheepskin fur (natural astrakhan fur) and shoulder insignia.

The demi-season raincoat (with an insulated removable lining) is made of graphite-black fabric and has shoulder insignia.

The winter jacket is made of graphite-black fabric and has shoulder marks.

Winter trousers are made of graphite-black fabric.

The summer suit (jacket and trousers) is made of graphite-black fabric and has shoulder marks.

The jacket is made of graphite-black wool fabric and has shoulder insignia.

On the collar of the jacket of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service there are:

golden-colored sewing in the form of a special ornament - for the highest group of positions;

golden-colored embroidery in the form of a special ornament on a dark green cloth lining - for the main group of positions;

metal emblems - for leading, senior and junior groups of positions.

The jacket for the dress uniform of bailiffs and other officials of the Federal Bailiff Service of the highest group of positions is made of graphite-black woolen fabric, has shoulder insignia and on the collar - golden-colored embroidery in the form of a special ornament.

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