Functions of a cashier and operator in a pharmacy. Responsibilities of a cashier-operator. How do cashier tasks differ in different service areas?

A cashier-operator is a person who works in a bank or in the postal system, in stores. Functional responsibilities operator are associated with the presence of financial liability.

Training for those wishing to work as cashiers

Of course, working at a cash register does not require fundamental knowledge at the level higher education. Nowadays, specialized skills are provided by cashier-operator courses and vocational schools, the program of which includes training for cashiers.

What does the training of an employee working with money include? Firstly, graduates must have a good knowledge of mathematics, namely, be able to quickly perform basic mathematical operations (multiplication, division, subtraction, summation) in their heads or on a calculator. Communication skills with people are also important for this profession, namely sociability, politeness, and developed vocabulary.

Besides all this, probably the main task educational institution- this is to convey to the student (course attendee) the basics accounting, nomenclature of accounts, etc. The cashier-operator must be able to work efficiently with cash (correctly count, pack, identify counterfeit banknotes). The training of a professional cashier cannot last a week or two, as is done in some banks during an internship. The optimal period for learning basic skills is several months.

What does a cashier-operator do?

Many people think that working with money is very simple. These people are mistaken, because such work, especially in intensive mode (for example, as in modern grocery supermarkets) is hard labour, which should be well paid.

The responsibilities of a cashier-operator are approved in the Standard Job Description. First, let's look at what a bank teller does. Probably, most often he accepts various payments (utilities, budget, to legal entities). In addition, the functionality bank employee money management includes:

  • working with a POS terminal (withdrawing and replenishing funds for bank cards clients);
  • transactions for the purchase and sale of currency (dollars, euros and other foreign monetary units);
  • acceptance and payment money transfers in national and foreign currency;
  • opening and servicing of deposits, current accounts, etc.;
  • working with old banknotes;
  • work with software systems and reporting, cash management.

Responsibilities of a cashier-operator in a supermarket and pawnshop

Is working with money difficult or easy? Probably, every novice cashier has no idea how responsibly one should approach the performance of one’s duties. In each industry, the work of a cashier-operator has its own specifics. It will be difficult for a person who worked at a cash register in a banking institution to get used to working at a supermarket cash register. Let's analyze the functionality of a supermarket cashier. From the point of view of an ordinary client - nothing complicated. Well, it’s really not that simple. A supermarket employee must know customer service standards; additional packaging requirements various types goods at the checkout; have a clear understanding of the store's software package.

When a customer approaches the checkout, the operator usually scans all items using a barcode. But even here there are exceptions, because, for example, the store’s own baked goods are not packaged. Customers take a pie or some other product, put it in a special bag and often do it incorrectly. The cashier must check all this.

The responsibilities of a cashier-operator in a pawnshop are generally specific due to the level of responsibility. The fact is that unscrupulous clients may bring counterfeit gold instead. The employee must, with the help special knowledge and observation to reveal this. In addition, the pawnbroker knows how to work with special scales and determine the sample of metal without any marking.

Job "cashier-operator": how to find vacancies and get a job?

Finding any job is difficult, especially if a person does not have a wide circle of acquaintances. The most important place where those wishing to find a job turn is state center employment. Vacancies for cashiers are usually found frequently, because quite a lot of stores, bank branches, etc. are now opening. The majority of employers are looking for labor precisely through employment centers, because government agency will always send for an interview a person who meets all the basic requirements qualification requirements to the profession.

In addition, many read employment sites on the Internet and purchase special thematic newspapers, which also publish employer vacancies.

What details are important for the employer?

For many employers there is no special significance what the person graduated from: vocational school, cashier-operator courses, or received a profession in a completely different industry. Employers who are thinking about the prospects for the development of their company will definitely pay attention to a self-confident, competent person who has experience working with people and has developed the ability to sell products and offer the client something additional.

A professional is not an employee who has memorized a work algorithm, but a person who loves and knows how to develop. Of course, anyone who has completed the course can perform the duties of a cashier-operator, but not everyone is destined to become a successful cashier.

Employment is an important and difficult process. And very often people find a vacancy called “operator-cashier”. True, not everyone knows what the responsibilities of such an employee are. Plus, job descriptions This type of employee may vary depending on your place of work. Let's try to understand what qualities a cashier operator should have, and also understand what his responsibilities are.


Let's start with perhaps the most common scenario. This is nothing more than working as a teller in a bank. It would seem that just keeping an eye on the cash register is enough. But in reality this is not at all the case. The work that a cashier-operator signs up for at a bank is very varied. His duties are not particularly difficult, but nevertheless, sometimes considerable effort will have to be made to fulfill them.

Why? The point is that such an employee must work with the cash register. And this is understandable. Issue-acceptance Money, as well as checking banknotes with exchange - all this lies on the shoulders of the operator. As you might guess, you will also have to maintain some papers, or rather, fill them out. To be honest, the cashier-operator is very heavily burdened with paperwork in banks. Moreover, the work of such an employee may imply the performance of duties other than his own.

In principle, in banks, cashiers are engaged in:

  • receiving and receiving money;
  • checking banknotes;
  • checkout at the end of the day;
  • filling out summary statements;
  • bookkeeping (in some cases).

In order to end the working day, you will have to fill out the cashier-operator form. It is also sometimes called summary statement per day. The balance of funds in the cash register is recorded there, as well as the time of your work. And some more nuances that each bank chooses separately. But all this will not be difficult for you. Especially after training. A bank teller is a very important employee. It's hard to imagine without him normal work with cash.


Also, a cashier operator is constantly found in supermarkets. People usually call them simply “cashiers.” What are they doing? It’s probably no secret to anyone what the responsibilities of such an employee are.

First, you will have to “check” the goods at the checkout and calculate the cost of the client’s entire purchase. After this, make the calculation. Also, when conducting a cash transaction, you will be required to check banknotes for counterfeits. For this purpose, each cashier has special apparatus. It seems that it is not very difficult, but in reality such work is very tiring.

The cashier-operator works tirelessly. His responsibilities in supermarkets are varied. Exactly the same as in any other place. Only in stores such an employee is also responsible for filling out a special journal at the end of the day, exchanging money and monitoring the money in the cash register, suitable for giving change to the client. It doesn't seem very intimidating. But in reality, it turns out that cashiers-operators are much more tired than any other employees.

Filling out the cashier-operator's log is a completely separate matter. Here you often have to show your skills in economics and mathematics. But, as a rule, the employer only requires reporting who worked at which cash register, as well as making final calculations and writing down how much money is in each machine after the supermarket closes. Operators are required to carry out such actions after each shift.


Post offices also have cashiers. Many people do not even suspect which employees they have to communicate with. Only the cashier-operator at the post office is not at all the same employee that is found in banks or supermarkets. There are even more responsibilities and responsibilities here than you can imagine.

Filling out the cashier-operator's journal is an integral part of this profession as a whole. You will have to close the cash register, notify about the remaining funds at the end of the day (or shift), and so on. It doesn't seem very difficult. Especially considering the fact that the mail doesn’t have many empty fields to fill out in the magazine.

The duties of such an employee include customer service. More precisely, receiving and sending parcels. This is perhaps the most labor-intensive process imaginable. You'll have to learn all the standards postal items, as well as communicate them to visitors by mail.

Once you have been introduced to the main tasks, prepare for the secondary ones. For example, paying clients and issuing funds to them. For example, money transfers. Or, for example, accepting money for the purchase of some product (nowadays there are small kiosks in post offices).

The responsibilities of the cashier operator also include working at the computer in the post office office. What will you have to do? Fill out dispatch forms, as well as record sent letters and parcels. Plus, you will have to sort them and then give them to the postman.

But this is not all that an operator should do at work. In addition to all of the above, you will also have to accept parcels. And drag them from place to place - depending on the sorting system. When is that simple letters- no problem. But there are heavy boxes all over post office Carrying is backbreaking work.

As you can see, a good cashier operator at the post office will have to literally be torn to pieces. This vacancy is always empty. After all, in a bank, for example, you work less, but they pay much more. Moreover, the bosses are often very kind (or at least polite).


Not so long ago, such a concept as a cashier-operator in a cafe appeared. Here we can distinguish two categories of workers. And we will start with you from a more prestigious place - from restaurants.

In such places, the operator must simply stand “at the cash register”, and also take orders and count customers. In general, waiters usually do this. But cashiers still participate this process, for example, they print out payment slips, give out change and accept cash at the cash register.

In principle, this is where all the difficulties of working as an operator in a restaurant end. You, like everyone else previous cases, you will have to keep a special logbook. You don't have to fill out many fields. Don't be afraid if you haven't worked as an operator before - you will be given a sample to fill out. To be honest, they don’t look for a cashier-operator very often in restaurants. After all, in these institutions you receive not only a good salary, but also a flexible, convenient schedule. So few people will refuse a “cushy” place just like that.

Fast food cafe

But the second category of operator in the catering industry is the employment of an employee in a cafe. But not to prestigious ones, but to so-called eateries. There is almost always this vacancy there. Why?

The thing is that the duties of such an employee will include not only working the cash register, but also constantly running to the kitchen in order to transfer customer orders. Plus, such an employee will be required to monitor the cleanliness of the premises.

Cashier duties sometimes include clearing trays and trash from tables. So, as you can see, such an employee will have to work for three people, or even more. But despite all this, his salary is small, and many quickly abandon such a career. In practice, cashiers in a cafe fast food- these are schoolchildren and students. You don't need experience or education for this job - you will be taught everything.

Filling out a special journal (statement) at the end of the working day is no longer your task. Typically, this matter is handled by a senior manager. All you need to do is simply calculate your clients. It doesn't sound as scary as it actually looks.

Who is better to choose

Any career is a responsible choice. And specific people are hired for each position. Who better to get a job as a cashier-operator?

To be honest, all the “laurels” here are given to the female half of society. As a rule, in all the places we have listed, such employees are girls. Why does this happen?

Firstly, the work is mainly mental. It will not require much physical effort (except in some places). Moreover, a female cashier, for example, in a bank, is a good image of an employee. It’s as if he shows customers all the charm of the establishment. To be honest, men are rarely seen as cashiers. The male half of the population is more suitable for jobs where physical effort must be made.

Secondly, earnings in all the places we listed are average. For a woman it is considered normal (about 20-25 thousand rubles). But this is not at all suitable for male careerists. Therefore, it is very difficult to see a male cashier.

Thirdly, paperwork. It is this process that men dislike the most. But for women to fill out documents is the norm. If you are a girl who wants to try herself as an operator, then don’t worry - you will definitely be accepted somewhere. You just have to have some skills and character traits. Which ones exactly? Let's look into this.

Personal qualities

Let's start by trying to understand what qualities a successful operator must have. After all, a person’s career often depends on it. Don't be afraid - you probably have them too.

What are we talking about? For example, a good operator must have tremendous willpower, as well as perseverance. Without this, you will not be able to progress successfully through career ladder, and nowhere. Working with papers is a real “Groundhog Day”. And only an employee with enormous driving power can cope with it.

Next comes fast learning. Of course, cashiers-operators in mandatory must immediately assimilate the information told to them. Your learning ability often determines your level of earnings and success. The faster you improve and learn a new profession, the better. Both for you and for the employer.

In addition, you will have to have natural charm and kindness. Of course, you can do without these qualities. But in this case, even if you are a very good, purposeful employee, you will not be able to climb up the career ladder. And you won’t last long in the workplace - no one wants to see a cashier with a sour face.

Determination and hard work are two more qualities without which it is impossible to imagine an operator. To be honest, they must be present for any employee at any place of work. These qualities help demonstrate that you are the best best worker, whatever it can be. Show your boss that you enjoy your work. This will not only help you get goodwill, but sometimes it will also contribute to an increase in your salary. For example, in the form of bonuses.


The skills of a cashier operator can be described for a very long time. But there is a small list that such an employee must have. This:


Today we learned what a cashier operator is, as well as where he can work. Plus, we were able to create an ideal image of such an employee and get to know his responsibilities in the workplace.

To be honest, working as a cashier-operator suits many people. If you really want to apply for this vacancy, then just find yourself a more or less prestigious place. Then you won't have to change your job. This stability always has a good effect on the prestige of the company and on the salaries of employees. Don't be afraid. The main thing is to correctly decide on your future superiors.

Which every client of the institution has to meet financial sector. It is on his behavior and manner of conversation with visitors, as well as the speed and quality of service, that the impression received about the bank itself, its stability indicators and rating in the financial market depends. From this specialist largely depends on whether the client turns to this financial institution again or not. Cashier operator - enough. However, among specialists in this category there is a strong main reason for the occurrence of such a negative fact - low pay labor. However, there is also positive point constant change of personnel this level- moving up the career ladder.

Basic rules for an operator

The basic rules of a cashier-operator include: providing answers to all their questions, maintaining accounts with appropriate changes to the database banking institution. The work of these specialists requires enormous effort, since constant contact with people can cause certain psychological stress. We must not forget about the fact that they often have irregular work schedules due to large volumes of document flow; their responsibilities also include maintaining databases up to date. It is worth mentioning the high financial responsibility.

The organization of the work of a banking institution depends on the behavior and restraint of the cashier, so these employees must be calm and focused. Unfortunately, not all clients are friendly when contacted, and this leads to scandals in the operating room.

To work in this position, those interested must obtain special education, V as a last resort, you need to complete a cashier-operator course. When carrying out transactions with foreign currency You must obtain a special currency certificate. Also, the cashier operator should know various shapes both cash and bank documents with the order of their execution. The specialist must have knowledge current legislation in terms of management, be able to carry out operations in the field valuable papers and cash, correctly use the procedure for generating cash register reports and the corresponding order journals, have the skills to work with computer equipment and related software.

Cashier specialization

Most often, cashiers' work area is related to cash circulation. However, there are specialists responsible for all other operations associated with it.

Successful career as a cashier

Cashier operator is a position with which a young specialist can successfully develop his career in institutions. Exactly modern leaders They began their careers as cashiers in banks. Also, young professionals holding the position of operator have the opportunity to combine work with study to obtain a higher education.

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