Functions of the federation and state councils. Parliament of the Russian Federation – Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: structure and functions


I. History of the Federation Council

II. Federation Council as structural subdivision Parliament

2. Authority

III. Structure of the Federation Council

2. Divisions and their functions

3. Guide

IV. New in the organization of activities


List of used normative legal acts and literature


Parliament, in accordance with the principle of separation of powers, being a body of national representation, exercises legislative power in the state. Historically, the bicameral structure of parliament arose in Western countries as a way to restrain one chamber (the upper) from the excessive radicalism of the other (the lower).

IN Russian Federation bicameral parliament is a fairly new phenomenon, emerging only in 1990. At this time, as representative body was the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, which included the Council of the Republic and the Council of Nationalities. Before that, starting from October revolution 1917, the highest representative body of Russia, was unicameral. However, bicameralism in the Russian Federation in the period from 1990 to 1993 turned out to be not very effective: the chambers Supreme Council for the most part met jointly, and the Presidium played a dominant role - governing body parliament as a whole, suppressing the initiative of both chambers.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, established a new representative body - the Federal Assembly, which exercises legislative power in the Russian Federation. From that moment on, the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 introduced fundamental changes in the understanding of the structure federal parliament. Heterogeneous order of formation of chambers Federal Assembly, their exceptional competence served a shining example this. In paragraph 1 of Article 95, the Constitution established the structure of parliament: “The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and State Duma" Since the Federation Council is the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, it should be noted that it is the bearer of a huge “package” of powers, and at the same time it exists as a fundamental basis for regulation critical issues arising in the public sphere.

In general, all subjects of jurisdiction, composition, structure and status of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are regulated by relevant regulations - legal acts, which, as a rule, are periodically supplemented or changed.

From the moment of its formation to the present, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation as a chamber Russian Parliament studied by many scientists. The Federation Council, as the upper house of the Federal Assembly, is of interest to both constitutionalists in Russia and abroad, as well as well-known specialists in the field of state - legal disciplines. Along with them, the Federation Council is also considered with undying interest by figures who have contributed to the industry historical sciences. Among the leading constitutionalists of the country we can highlight M.V. Baglaya, E.I. Kozlov, O.E. Kutafin and I.V. Grankin, who made a significant contribution to the constitutional law of the Russian Federation. Each of them wrote more than one scientific work O constitutional law Russian Federation, and along with this, more than one book dedicated to this branch of law, which became the first reference book any constitutionalist. Also, such experts as N.V. also devoted separate articles to the Federation Council. Zorkin, S.M. Benetova, O.O. Mironov and L.A. Kravchenko.

Within course work it is impossible to reflect all the information about the Federation Council, so I will try to focus on the most important points concerning this chamber. I consider it necessary to most fully disclose issues affecting the history of the emergence of the Federation Council, status, composition, and its competence.

I. History of the Federation Council

For the first time a body called "Federation Council" was created on July 17, 1990 under the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (B.N. Yeltsin) and included the chairmen of the Councils of all autonomous republics, autonomous regions And autonomous okrugs(31 people) and Chairmen of some regional, regional and city Councils (31 people). From January 30, 1991, it included the chairmen of the Councils of all 88 (then 89) subjects of the Federation. In July 1991, the post of Chairman of the Federation Council was inherited by new chapter Supreme Council R.I. Khasbulatov.

On September 8, 1993, President Yeltsin convened a meeting of the heads of the executive and representative power regions, announced in advance by the constituent assembly of the new Federation Council and the prototype of the upper house of the new parliament, an alternative to the current Congress people's deputies RF. The meeting participants refused to sign the document on the creation of the Federation Council.

The Federation Council as the upper house of parliament was created by presidential decree No. 1400 of September 21, 1993 “On the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation.” Approved by decree"Regulations on federal bodies authorities for the transitional period" stipulated that the Federation Council acts as part of the chairmen of legislative (representative) authorities and leaders executive power(presidents of the republics) of each subject of the Federation until the expiration of the powers of the Councils of People's Deputies of the current convocation (March 1995). The Federation Council was supposed to begin parliamentary function after the election of the new State Duma. Yeltsin soon revised his decision: on October 9, 1993, he issued a decree on the elections of new representative bodies in the regions, and on October 11, he ordered direct elections to the Federation Council of the first convocation in 89 two-mandate constituencies. The Constitution, adopted in a referendum on December 12, 1993, established that the Federation Council “includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation: one each from the representative and executive bodies state power".

Federation Council of the first convocation (elected), as an exception established transitional provisions Constitution, was elected directly by the population on December 12, 1993 for a two-year term and sat from January 11, 1994 to January 15, 1996. The Chairman of the Federation Council from January 13, 1994 to January 23, 1996 was Vladimir Filippovich Shumeiko.

The specific mechanism for forming the Federation Council from representatives of regional authorities should have been established by federal law. The first version of the law (July 1995) - on direct alternative elections from among candidates nominated by regional authorities - was rejected by the President. A week before the expiration of the term of office of the parliament of the first convocation, on December 5, 1995, the Duma adopted and the President signed a laconic law that came into force on December 13, 1995 and was in force until August 2000. In accordance with this law, the Federation Council includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation: the head of the legislative (representative) and the head of the executive body of state power, ex officio. In a bicameral legislative (representative) body of a subject of the Russian Federation, a joint decision of both chambers determines its representative to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the law prescribed that in all regions where heads of administrations were appointed by presidential decrees, elections should be held no later than December 1996.

Second (“governor-speaker”) Federation Council was formed on January 23, 1996 for an unlimited term, but sat from January 23, 1996 to December 26, 2001. Thus, actual term his activities, with the capture" transition period", amounted to 7 years. Yegor Semenovich Stroev was elected Chairman of the Federation Council during this period. The 1995 law on the procedure for forming the Federation Council was appealed to the Constitutional Court by both houses of parliament. However, the request sent on December 9, 1995 by the Federation Council of the first convocation was withdrawn by the new composition of the chamber at its very first meeting, a similar request from the new State Duma was rejected on April 10, 1997, the Constitutional Court reminded that the Duma itself could exercise its powers to amend the law it contested, instead of trying to do so through a decision. Constitutional Court influence positions in internal parliamentary discussions.

The State Duma Committee on Legislation prepared a draft law replacing the official principle of forming the Federation Council with an elected one. President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin submitted to the Duma in May 2000 his draft law on the procedure for forming the Federation Council, providing for the replacement of heads of executive and legislative branch regions by representatives of these bodies. On May 31, 2000, the Duma considered both projects and adopted Putin’s draft in the first reading. After the law was adopted by the Duma as a whole, it was rejected by the Federation Council. After the work of the conciliation commission, created at the insistence of the Duma, the Federation Council approved the law in the agreed version. The law was signed by the President on August 5, published in the Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation and came into force on August 7, 2000.

The transitional period of “coexistence” in the Senate of governors and speakers on the one hand and “appointees” on the other lasted from August 7, 2000 (the date of entry into force of the new law on formation) until January 30, 2002 (the “organizational” 81st meeting).

Third Federation Council was finally formed by January 1, 2002 for an unlimited period and has been sitting in a completely renewed composition since January 16, 2002. The rules and structure of the chamber were reformed on January 30, 2002. The Chairman of the Third Federation Council, Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov, was elected earlier - on December 5, 2001 (re-elected on January 29, 2003).

Structure of the Federation Council:

1) Chairman of the Federation Council and his deputies (elected by members of the chamber and cannot represent the same subject of the Russian Federation);

2) committees of the Federation Council on individual issues activities of the Federation Council (their number cannot be less than 10 people, all members of the chamber must be members of one of the committees);

3) permanent (according to regulations and parliamentary procedures) and temporary (for some special reason significant issue or event) commission. The Chairman of the Federation Council presides over meetings of the chamber of the Federal Assembly and manages internal regulations activities, and also sends bills to the State Duma and carries out representative functions of the chamber in relations with other government bodies of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

Competence is the scope of powers established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws government agencies and officials. The competence of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation is the scope of powers and responsibilities established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Federation Council is the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, therefore it main function is the approval (disapproval) of federal laws adopted by the State Duma. Other powers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation:

1) appointment and dismissal of higher state officials: judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Court RF, Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, as well as the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, etc.;

2) resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside its borders;

3) approval of Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency and martial law on the territory of the Russian Federation;

4) approval of changes in the boundaries of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

5) introducing bills or amendments to laws to the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

6) calling elections for the President of the Russian Federation;

7) removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office.

According to Art. 106 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council must consider and make a decision on approval (disapproval) of newly adopted federal laws on the following issues:

1) federal budget;

2) federal taxes and fees;

3) financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue;

4) ratification and denunciation international treaties Russian Federation;

5) status and protection state border RF;

6) war and peace. All decisions on issues within the competence of the Federation Council are made at meetings of the chamber and within the framework of its working committees and groups.

Currently the Federation Council is constantly acting body authorities, whereas previously it met periodically to solve its immediate problems. Therefore, the Federation Council today includes not the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but their authorized representatives. The direct work of the upper house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is carried out during sessions (from October 1 to July 31 of each year) with breaks for parliamentary holidays. In the work of the Federation Council, there are also breaks from chamber meetings, which represent procedural breaks in work due to the need for parliamentarians to rest or to eliminate obstacles in the work (shortcomings, ambiguities in the issues raised at the meeting). In this case, the work of the Chamber of the Federal Assembly is considered ongoing and continuous. The procedure for the activities of the Federation Council, its bodies and officials is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and its Regulations and decisions. Meetings of the Federation Council are always open, with the exception of cases provided for by the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber, when closed meetings may be held. They always take place separately from the lower house of the Federal Assembly, with the exception of cases of hearing messages from the President of the Russian Federation and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as speeches by leaders of foreign states. In these cases, the work of the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is carried out within the framework of a joint meeting.

Meetings of the Federation Council are recognized as competent if more than half of the members of the chamber from total number members of the chamber.

The Federation Council makes decisions on general meeting chamber by direct secret or open voting on each issue brought up for discussion. However, the main work on preparing issues for discussion in the Federation Council is carried out by special committees (for example, to consider the newly adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation federal law).

All direct work The Federation Council of the Russian Federation is carried out within the framework of meetings of the chamber and the work of specially formed working groups within it. Special order is provided for such activities as the approval of federal laws adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The Federation Council must express its approval by special resolution within 14 days from the date of receipt of the federal law by the Council or within the same period, express your disapproval. If such disapproval is not expressed within the 14-day period, then the Federation Council is considered to have expressed tacit consent.

For the discussion, the responsible committee of the Federation Council must prepare and present accompanying documents within 14 days from the date of receipt of the federal law by the Federation Council. If the responsible committee has not prepared the relevant documents, then the Federation Council immediately sends the federal law to the President of the Russian Federation for signing. This ensures speedy adoption federal law. For the same purposes, the deadline for sending a resolution of the Federation Council to the State Duma to reject a received federal law or to approve it is set at 5 days.

The legal status of parliamentarians, in addition to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is regulated by the Federal Law of May 8, 1994.
No. 3-FZ “On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” and is characterized by their inviolability during the entire period of execution of powers, i.e. the inadmissibility of committing certain actions from the outside power structures regarding these persons.

The following cannot be applied to parliamentarians:

1) personal search;

2) detention;

3) arrest (detention);

4) search as a criminal and administrative procedural measure.

Involvement of parliamentarians in criminal or administrative responsibility for expressing an opinion or expressing a position when voting in the relevant chamber of the Federal Assembly and other similar actions related to the exercise of their powers are not allowed, unless these actions were of the nature of an insult or did not contain another offense. Coercive measures may be applied to parliamentarians:

1) if a member of the Federation Council or a deputy of the State Duma is detained at the scene of a crime;

2) in cases where the security of the country or its citizens requires it.

Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma may be deprived of parliamentary immunity. This is possible if there is a decision of the relevant chamber of the Federal Assembly, made on the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation for the guilty behavior of a parliamentarian and adopted by a majority vote of the total number of parliamentarians of the chamber of the Federal Assembly. Deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federal Assembly have parliamentary immunity throughout their entire term of office.

The term of office of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation begins on the day of their election and ends on the day the work of the Duma of a new convocation begins, unless the term of office of the State Duma is terminated early on established by law ok.

The powers of a member of the Federation Council begin on the day the decision on his election (appointment) comes into force and terminate on the day the decision on the election (appointment) of a newly elected member of the Federation Council comes into force. Early termination of the powers of parliamentarians is possible in the following cases:

1) submission written statement a member of the Federation Council to resign his powers;

2) election of a member of the chamber of the Federal Assembly official whose powers are incompatible with the powers of a parliamentarian;

3) appointment of a member of the chamber of the Federal Assembly (or occupation of it commercial activities) to state or municipal service, incompatible with membership in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

4) loss of citizenship of the Russian Federation or acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state;

5) joining legal force conviction court proceedings against a member of the House of the Federal Assembly;

6) entry into force court decision on limiting the legal capacity of a member of the chamber of the Federal Assembly or declaring him incompetent;

7) death, recognition of a member of the chamber of the Federal Assembly as missing or declaring him dead on the basis of a court decision that has entered into legal force;

8) calling a member of the House of the Federal Assembly to military service with his consent;

9) early termination powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the order of dissolution.

The functions of the State Duma and the Federation Council are defined in the Constitution. These bodies belong to the legislative (representative) power in the country. Together they form the parliament - the Federal Assembly. The Constitution defines quantitative composition chambers, in the Federal Law - the procedure for creating and key aspects activities. Let us next consider what the main functions of the Federation Council are.

General information

In Art. 95 of the Constitution determines the quantitative composition of the chambers of the Federal Assembly. The State Duma includes 450 deputies. The number of members of the Federation Council is determined by the number of regions in the country. There are two representatives from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council. In total it has 178 members. Article 102 of the Constitution establishes issues related to exclusive jurisdiction this chamber.

Main functions of the Federation Council

The following issues are within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council:

Legislative activity

The functions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly include approving or rejecting regulations adopted by the lower house of parliament. The body is given 14 days to do this. According to Art. 105, the Federal Law will be considered approved if, within specified period The Federation Council did not consider it. In Art. 106 of the Constitution contains a list of issues, regulations on which must necessarily be discussed in the Federation Council. Among them are laws on:

  1. State budget.
  2. Customs, credit, financial, currency tax regulation.
  3. Denunciation and ratification of international agreements.
  4. War and peace.

Federation Council in mandatory also considers federal constitutional normative acts.


The functions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation include the adoption of resolutions and regulations governing the activities of the upper chamber. General rules are established in the Constitution and Federal Law. However, the regulations on self-organization published by the Federation Council have special meaning in activity. These acts regulate in detail the procedural and organizational issues in the work of the organ.


The functions of the Federation Council include electing its Chairman and deputies. The latter are presented in the amount of 3 people. In addition, the Federation Council forms special committees and commissions whose activities are carried out in specific deadlines and by certain directions. In addition, the staff of the chamber is being formed. The chairman and deputies are appointed and removed from office by decision of the Federation Council. It is accepted by the majority total number members of the chamber.

Specifics of activity

The functions of the Federation Council are implemented according to the principle of collectivity. Issues included in the agenda are discussed openly and freely. The Rules of Procedure may provide for cases in which closed sessions of the chamber are held. Representatives of government agencies may be invited to discussions by decision of the Federation Council, scientific institutions, public associations, independent experts, specialists to provide opinions and necessary information on one issue or another. The meetings may be attended by the media, State Duma deputies, members of the Government, the President, Chairmen of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court, the Supreme Court, and the Prosecutor General.

Work organization

A meeting of the Federation Council will be considered valid if at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the chamber are present. The Chairman leads the discussions. He does not have the right to express his opinion on issues on the agenda, comment on the speakers’ speeches, or give them characterizations. The work of the chamber is carried out on official language state - Russian. Members of the Federation Council can make presentations final words, co-report, provide certificates, statements, and so on. Decisions are made by secret or open voting. The resolution will be considered approved if more than 50% of the total number of members vote for it. Adoption constitutional laws is also carried out by voting. However, at least 3/4 of the total number of members is required for approval.

Joint meetings

The functions of the Federation Council include resolving various issues. Some of them relate to the exclusive jurisdiction of the chamber. Some issues are subject to joint discussion with the State Duma. At such meetings, the Head of State speaks with messages about the key directions of domestic and foreign policy, and the situation in the country as a whole. Particular importance at joint sessions is attached to the President’s addresses on legislative program or regulatory proposals that serve as a specific guideline for government authorities. For example, the message of the Head of State may recommend:

At joint meetings, messages from the Constitutional Court and speeches by representatives of the leadership of foreign states can also be heard.


The FS acts as the highest legislative (representative) body in the country. His powers with varying degrees completeness is enshrined in Chap. 5 of the Constitution. The chambers of parliament are in constant interaction with bodies of other branches of government. Thus, many functions of the Federation Council are implemented taking into account the opinion of the Constitutional Court or the President. The FS chambers are not located in privileged position relative to other government bodies. Their activities play a significant role in the social, economic and political development of the country.

Representatives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are present in the Federation Council. This ensures that the interests of the regions are taken into account when adopting regulations and various management decisions on top level. As a result, all subjects of the country, without exception, participate in the affairs of the state. The Federation Council accepts major decisions for the state. They concern not only internal, but also foreign policy. It is this chamber that gives consent to the use of armed forces abroad, discusses the appointment and removal from the post of President. In the activities of the Federation Council, Regulations and other acts regulating work are of particular importance. These documents specify the provisions of the Federal Law and the Constitution, determine the procedure for making decisions and approving/rejecting bills.

The Federation Council is the upper house of parliament - the Federal Assembly. It consists of two representatives from each region of the country. The total number of members of the Federation Council is 170. The powers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly are established by Art. 102 of the Basic Law.


As mentioned above, the Federation Council has two representatives from each region: from its legislative and executive bodies. In addition, the Federation Council includes persons appointed by the president of the country. Their number is no more than 10% of regional representatives. The number of members of the Federation Council has changed since 1993 due to the formation of new entities and the merger of existing entities.


The Federation Council is considered the "Chamber of Regions". She represents the interests of subjects in state level. The Federation Council reflects the federal structure of the country. Acting as an institution for consolidating the integration of regions, this chamber ensures a balance of national and territorial interests in the decision-making process aimed at achieving the strategic goals and objectives of the country's development.


The formation of the Federation Council is carried out on a non-partisan principle. Members of the chamber do not form factions or associations. The functions and powers of the Federation Council are exercised at meetings. They are convened as needed, but must be held at least 2 times a month. Meetings are the main form of work of the Federation Council. Termination of powers of the Federation Council is not provided for by law. Members of the Chamber perform their duties on permanent basis. Unlike the State Duma, the Federation Council cannot be dissolved by the president.

State guarantees

Members of the Federation Council enjoy immunity. It applies to the entire term of office. Members of the upper house cannot be arrested, detained, searched or searched, except in cases where this is provided for by the Federal Law to ensure the safety of other citizens.

The Upper House approves changes in the boundaries of the country's regions. The powers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation include resolving issues related to the use of aircraft outside the state. The Federation Council approves the presidential decree introducing a state of emergency in the country. Based on the proposal of the head of state, judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of Russia are appointed at meetings of the chamber. The powers of the Federation Council also include the removal of the president from the post of impeachment after the State Duma brings forward relevant charges. To make such a decision, a majority of 2/3 of the Federation Council is required. The powers of the Federation Council also include the appointment and dismissal of:

  1. Prosecutor General and his deputies.
  2. Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors.

On issues that are included in the powers of the Federation Council, the chamber adopts resolutions. They are approved by a majority of the total number of members, unless a different order is specified in the Basic Law.


In the sphere of lawmaking, the Federation Council occupies a subordinate position in relation to the State Duma. Any draft regulations are first submitted to the lower house and then, after approval, sent to the Federation Council. The entire Federation Council, as well as its individual members, have the right to legislative initiative. But at the same time, laws providing for amendments to the Constitution can be introduced by the entire Council as collegial body or a group of its members, the number of which should not be less than 1/5 of the composition of the chamber.

Approval and rejection of bills

The powers of the Federation Council include the consideration of regulations adopted by the State Duma, without the right to amend them. The Upper House can either reject or approve the entire law. The decision is made by voting. The law will be considered approved if more than half of the total number of members voted for it. A normative act can be adopted without a vote, automatically, if the Federation Council has not considered it within 14 days after adoption by the State Duma. If the bill is rejected by the Federation Council, a conciliation commission. Her work is aimed at overcoming disagreements that arose regarding the document during its discussion. After this, the law must be reconsidered in the State Duma. If the lower house does not agree with the decision of the Federation Council, normative act will be adopted if at least 2/3 of the total number of deputies votes for it the second time. To approve a constitutional federal law, a majority of 3/4 of the members of the Federation Council is required. If the document is rejected, the veto of the upper house for the State Duma cannot be overcome. A member of the Federation Council must personally exercise his right to vote.

Procedure for attending meetings

Each member of the Federation Council is required to attend meetings of the chamber. Before the start of the meeting of the chamber, its committee, of which he is a member, the senator informs writing chairman (of the relevant body) about the impossibility of being good reason. It recognizes going on a business trip, registering a marriage, illness, birth of a child, death of a close relative/family member, emergency in the region. The absence of a senator for another reason is permitted on the basis of his written request and with the consent of the chairman of the Federation Council or his committee.

Formation of the Federation Council in 2002-2012.

It is worth saying that the structure of the Federation Council has changed several times. The latest reform was proposed by President Putin. Its goal was to replace heads of representative power and governors with appointed representatives. They must be present in the Federation Council on a professional and permanent basis. One of the representatives must be appointed by the governor, and the second, accordingly, legislative institution subject of Russia. Thus, the heads of regional executive bodies lost the opportunity to independently lobby own interests in the capital, as well as take part in political and party activities at the state level. For them, as a certain kind of “compensation”, a so-called “advisory body” was formed. He began to be called State Council. This body periodically convenes meetings in Moscow. At them, with the participation of the President, the most current issues relating to the life of the state. However, this organ is not endowed constitutional status. By January 1, 2002, the final third composition of the Federation Council was formed. Its activities are of an indefinite nature. From January 16 of the specified year the upper house meets in a renewed composition. The structure and regulations of the Federation Council were reformed on January 30, 2002.


The Federation Council is authorized to decide important government issues from the appointment and removal of the president from office to permission to use the Armed Forces abroad. It is a body representing the interests of the legislative and executive powers of the regions at the state level. The Federation Council bears enormous responsibility when making decisions. The organ is permanent.

The Federation Council is called upper house Federal Assembly. All subjects of the Russian Federation have two representatives in it: both an executive and a representative body are represented.

The Federation Council has exclusive powers defined in the one hundred and second article of the Constitution. The Federation Council approves changes in the boundaries of the subjects; approves presidential orders regarding the introduction of military and emergency situations; decides whether to use the Armed Forces beyond Russian territory; calls presidential elections; removes the President from office; appoints judges to the Constitutional and other courts; appoints Prosecutors General and Chairmen of the Court of Accounts, and also appoints fifty percent of its auditors. Accounts Chamber form to control the execution of the federal budget their people who are members of the Federation Council, as well as deputies represented in the State Duma.

Other powers that the Federation Council has are legislative. They are that the Federation Council has the right to consider and approve or reject laws adopted by the State Duma. It is also worth noting that if the Federation Council does not consider the law at all, then it is considered approved.

The third group of powers is the powers of self-organization. The Council adopts regulations that regulate the procedures and issues of organization of the Federation Council. However, they still do not provide for the entire range of issues and procedures.

The structure of the Council includes a Chairman, his deputies (three), formed committees, the apparatus of the Council, and it is also possible to create temporary commissions.

The activities of the Federation Council are based on the principle of collectivity. The issues under consideration are discussed freely and openly, and decisions are made. The Council also has the right to hold closed meetings. Representatives of government agencies, public associations, scientific institutions, independent experts, scientists and other experts. Representatives of the media and State Duma deputies are also allowed to attend meetings.

They also have the right to attend both open meetings and closed meetings Council representatives of the Courts, the President, representatives of the Government.

Meetings are valid if they were attended by at least two thirds of the total number of members of the Council. The meeting is led by the Chairman of the Council; it is worth noting that he does not have the authority to express his own opinion on the issues discussed, to comment on speeches, or to characterize speakers.

The working language of the Federation Council has been and remains Russian. Performances have next view: they can take place both in the form of reports, co-reports, concluding words on the issues discussed, speeches in debates, and in the form of certificates, information, statements, appeals.

The Federation Council makes decisions using either open or secret voting, for which they use electronic system counting votes, or using ballots. A decision is made if more than half of the votes of all members of the Council are in its favor.

Thus, the Federation Council is a government body with a wide range of powers that has complex structure and your own individual work order. It is the chamber of the Federal Assembly and includes representatives of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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