Fortune telling on the betrothed on the mirror. Effective ways to tell fortunes about your betrothed using a mirror and candles

Ever since people invented mirrors, they began to be credited with magical and mysterious properties, and even in our time, many believe that mirrors are guides to the other world. Fortune telling on a mirror - (for a betrothed, groom or future husband) - is rightfully considered one of the most popular and accurate options for predictions.

Mirrors are one of the important components for fortune telling, and a way to look into the future. With their help, you can open the door to the future and find out what awaits us there, what trials and changes await us, and how to rid yourself of all the troubles and misfortunes that probably await you.

A selection of fortune telling on the mirror for your future “betrothed” or simply groom.

With the help of a mirror, you can get answers to certain current circumstances. To properly tune in to contact with the mirror, you need to focus and concentrate on your problems. So, before any fortune-telling, we take a mirror, examine it, clean it, wipe it. It is important that you like it and that it is not broken or worse, cracked. In such a mirror you are unlikely to see anything good...

The most correct “antique” fortune telling using candles with a mirror

It goes like this: a girl goes alone into an empty room, brings with her a mirror and a candle. He puts everything on the table, lights a candle and sits down in front of the mirror, and begins to whisper:

“Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

  • This whisper is repeated many times, the time allotted for fortune telling is as long as the candle burns.
  • A minute before you see your betrothed, the mirror will most likely dim, after which the girl should wipe the mirror with a towel specially provided for this.
  • After this, you will see the image of your future groom.
  • After you have examined all the facial features of your betrothed, you need to quietly shout: “Out of this place!” The demon that appeared in the form of your man will disappear.
  • When you don’t rush to “shield” the demon (betrothed), then he will stop looking in the mirror and will be able to sit down next to the girl calling him and put a ring or a knife, or maybe some other object, on the table.
  • Then, after the “offerings” of the demon, the girl must have time to “lock up” him and he will disappear, and the left thing will go to her as a keepsake.

Our ancestors really believed that these items really disappeared from your future betrothed (groom).

Fortune telling for your husband using a mirror and a candle.

Other fortune telling using mirrors and candles

Fortune telling with two mirrors and one candle

This fortune telling with two mirrors and a candle is rightfully considered the most terrible. You need to go to this fortune telling prepared, have strong nerves and determination.

  • You need to lock yourself in your room at midnight.
  • For fortune telling you need two identical large mirrors.
  • They need to be placed opposite each other and a candle placed between them.
  • Mirrors must be arranged so that they form a mirror tunnel illuminated by lights.

Mirrors must be clean and not cloudy, because the girl must sit motionless and peer into the depths of the corridor and examine her future groom.

The danger of this fortune telling is that there have been cases where the “betrothed” dragged the fortune tellers into the mirror, so the main thing here is to say “mind me” in time and throw a white cloth over the mirror.

Therefore, before fortune telling, you need to tune in accordingly, so as not to get confused at the wrong moment.

Fortune telling at the crossroads with a mirror

Another simple fortune telling, which however will require you to leave the house.

  • They go to the intersection of roads at midnight and take a mirror with them.
  • They stand at the crossroads so that the month is behind them, then they look in the mirror, saying the words: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.”
  • After some time, the one who was called will come.

Fortune telling with a mirror under the bed and fir branches

The best time for this fortune telling is Christmastide. For it you will need a new medium-sized mirror and a small number of spruce branches.

  • By midnight, have all of the above ready.
  • Before going to bed, take a mirror, write the name of your lover or a wish associated with him.
  • The next thing you need to do is to carefully place the mirror under the bed and cover it with spruce branches in a circle.
  • In the morning, take the mirror out from under the bed, and if the inscription disappears, then all your plans will come true. And if the inscription remains, then everything will remain the same.

If a cross appears on the mirror, then this is a bad sign for the one you were fortune-telling about.

Fortune telling on a church candle for Intercession

The most effective time for fortune telling on a mirror for a guy is Christmastide and Christmas.

In the time of our great-grandmothers, there was another fortune-telling using church candles for the betrothed groom on the Intercession.

From the very morning, even before the first rooster, the girls hurried to light a candle for the holiday in the church. This was done so that the relationship between lovers would be strong, and whichever girl would light a candle first would be the first to get married. Girls could tell fortunes by the flame of a candle.

It all depended on how it burned:

  • If the flame burns quietly, it meant a quiet, even life and fate in general, without any failures or major upheavals;
  • The candle flame is bright and sometimes “winks” - life is vibrant and interesting;
  • The candle flame is very bright with crackling - means a stormy and cheerful life, a destiny full of adventures and positive impressions awaits you;
  • The candle flame is dim - a short and sad life;
  • Red flame - to life’s grief;
  • A yellow candle flame means great joy and happiness;
  • A flame the color of red gold - to a very rich life;
  • A candle flame with soot - to an accident, misfortune;

Fortune telling "by wish" using a mirror

Another option for a simple “mirror” fortune-telling for desire (including for a meeting with the groom). On the mirror you need to write a wish, a question, or what you want to know in a dream.

For example, you want to know how events will develop on the love front, you need to write “love groom”; if you are interested in money issues, write “money work” and continue in the same spirit.

  • Then, you need to wrap it in a handkerchief, and then put the mirror under the pillow. As a result, you will see a dream and it will be like a hint for your actions related to the subject of fortune telling in the future.
  • Most often, direct answers to questions asked do not come in a dream. The answer will come in the form of symbols or images that you should interpret correctly.

There is another simpler way: put a mirror on a table or nightstand near the bed, and put a sheet of paper and a pencil on top of the mirror. They believe that at night evil spirits will write the answer to your questions. It is believed that the answer written on paper should not be shown to anyone; it is better to burn it after reading it.

Fortune telling for a lover's fidelity

When jealousy of your lover or just your boyfriend gnaws at you, although it may be groundless, if you want to test the fidelity of your soulmate, then you have the opportunity to use this fortune telling for the fidelity of your lover or fiancé.

  • Take two identical new candles. The color and material of candles can be any. Church candles are not recommended for use in this case.
  • Carefully place both candles in the glass, and place the glass in turn on the table.
  • Draw a circle around the glass with chalk. Draw directly on the table; after fortune telling, the circle can be erased.
  • Mentally choose one of the candles and write your name on it.

Then read this plot three times :

« Let my candle go out without completely decaying, if my dear one is unfaithful to me in deed or in thought.”

Next, the candles are lit and if the candle that you wished for (with your name) goes out first and does not burn out completely, this means that they are cheating on you. If your second candle goes out, or even better, both candles burn out to the end - everything is fine, there is no betrayal.

With the help of a mirror you can see not only your betrothed, but also find out your future

How to choose the right candles for fortune telling?

Previously, candles were produced in artisanal factories or by hand, but now many can purchase candles in special esoteric or magical stores. It is better to buy clean wax candles in church. This way you will protect yourself from the influence of evil spirits on the attribute of fortune telling.

Depending on the purpose of the ritual, the color of the candle is selected:

  • white is a universal color for love purposes;
  • orange or yellow - for traveling and wandering;
  • red – for decision making;
  • black – for rituals with the enemy (it is better not to use without preparation);
  • green and blue - for performing rituals related to desires;

If you want to get answers from fortune telling that will be accurate in the questions asked. Then you should ask the same questions in different types of fortune telling, so you will avoid various types of inaccuracies or misinterpretations. But even in such cases, you need to trust your heart and common sense more.

As the sages said: “the stars predict, but do not oblige”!

Fortune telling for a betrothed with a mirror is known to many under the stigma of “terrible and dangerous” fortune telling. But are people rightly afraid of him? Or, if you are judicious and careful, perhaps you can avoid all the dangers? Learn more about all this.

In the article:

About the magic of mirrors

Mirrors are any polished, smooth surfaces that reflect light and images, as well as the surface of water. Since ancient times, people have used them in magical rituals; but they were always afraid that it might steal their soul. Currently, they are used for development and to obtain information about past lives.

The use of mirrors and crystal balls in magic is called Scrying. This includes any form of magical action involving looking at images in reflections.

There has always been an aura of mysticism and mystery around mirrors. In the West, mirror magic was especially popular in the mid-19th century. They were actively used by people from different walks of life, as well as magicians, witches and sorcerers.

The famous astrologer and magician John Dee used a black mirror made of polished obsidian to predict the future.

It was rumored that Catherine de Medici often consulted a magic mirror, which allowed her to see her future and the future of France.

Nowadays, mirrors for fortune telling are more often used in the East than in the West. In some parts of India, preparation for the ritual includes fasting, prayer and smudging. Tibetan lamas trust divination through reflection, and actively use this method when making important decisions.

One of the methods of divination using a mirror is the interpretation of images. It was hung in front of a low table, and a pan of boiling water was placed on the table. Steam rose and the mirror fogged up, and after some time the drops began to flow down, forming bizarre patterns, which were then deciphered.

Preparing for fortune telling

For fortune telling, it is better to use round or oval mirrors, preferably with a metal frame. Also, an old mirror works more efficiently than a new one.

Most seers prefer to tell fortunes on a black mirror. If it is not possible to purchase one, you can make it yourself by filling the glass surface with several layers of black glossy paint.

The most popular time for fortune telling is at midnight on the first Christmas Eve. But you can also cast a spell in the next 14 days after Christmas. Why is that? Because January is a magical and joyful time, full of hopes and expectations. This is the border zone between old and new, winter and spring. They say that otherworldly forces and spirits are most accessible to contact at this time. Girls and women actively use these energies in the hope of finding out their future.

It is worth carefully preparing for, remove all jewelry, let down your hair and, preferably, take off all your clothes. You can wrap yourself in a towel - the main thing is that there are no rubber bands, because they slow down the movement of energies in our body. Prepare the room carefully - there should be no light sources other than a candle flame.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror

After all the preparations, you can proceed directly to the ritual. Below are the two most popular methods of fortune telling with a mirror:

  • You will need candle and mirror. Just before midnight, cover the table with a clean cloth and place a mirror on it and a candle opposite it. Sit in front of it, tune in, and begin to peer closely at your reflection. If possible, try not to blink. At exactly midnight you should see the image of a person over your shoulder. It is assumed that this person is your future husband.
  • You can conduct an even more effective fortune telling, which can be done either alone or with friends. Everything should take place in complete silence, so it is better for the faint of heart and emotional people not to participate. Place two mirrors opposite each other with their reflective sides, thus creating a gallery of reflections. Look carefully into the reflection and after a while you will see the image of a man there.

Important! Immediately after you see the images in the mirror, even if you did not have time to remember it, stop fortune telling. If you delay, it can have very bad consequences. Actually, this is why this fortune telling is considered so dangerous - spirits from mirrors can easily penetrate into our world, but expelling them back will be very troublesome.

For a long time in Rus', people have been telling fortunes at Christmas time. It is curious that this did not go unnoticed even among artists, writers and musicians. were described in great detail by such Russian writers as Ostrovsky, Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Pushkin, and, of course, Gogol. Here is an excerpt from Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”, which talks about Christmas fortune telling with a mirror on the betrothed:

Here in the little room the table is covered with a white shroud;
And on that table there is a Mirror with a candle;
Two cutlery on the table. “Make a wish, Svetlana;
In the clear glass of the mirror At midnight, without deception
You will know your lot:
Your dear one will knock on the door with a light hand;
The lock will fall from the door;
He will sit down at his device to have dinner with you.”

Zhukovsky V.A. "Svetlana"

Indeed, fortune telling with a mirror about your betrothed is deservedly considered scary and frightening. Therefore, you should resort to it only when you are completely confident in your actions. And, of course, follow all safety measures - this will help reduce the risk as much as possible.

In contact with

Ever since the mirror was invented, it has been a very mystical object. This is a gateway to a parallel world, which is usually hidden from human eyes. With the help of auxiliary means - candles - you can find out your fate and predict the future.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

The most common fortune telling on a mirror are rituals to determine the betrothed. These methods have been known for decades. Many generations have learned their fate through reflection. This method of prediction was used not only by representatives of the fair half of humanity, but also by men.

Fortune telling on a mirror is not a traditionally female affair. Finding out fate is always interesting. To predict the future, you only need a mirror and a candle. The easiest way is to decipher the images that form on the surface in a candle flame. This method is used to respond to any life situation, but recently this technique has been actively used in cases where you want to know your own personal life in the future. Those signs that appear in the mirror are not 100% the result. You can change a lot in life, the main thing is to want it.

Rules for fortune telling for your betrothed:

  • it is necessary to remain alone during the ritual; it is best to lock yourself in the farthest room;
  • the light in the room must be turned off, the only light source is the candle that will be used in the ceremony;
  • the candle should be tall and thick - this way the magical flows that pass through it will be better perceived; it is better to select a white or red attribute;
  • clothing should be loose - do not wear pants or trousers with tight shirts, it is best to use a dress or nightgown;
  • if your hair is long and braided, it is better to loosen it and throw it behind your back; on short hair, do not use hairpins or elastic bands.

Fortune telling is best done in a nightgown.

The technique of fortune telling is very simple and does not require additional preparation. You need to prepare everything you need, wait until midnight and start. It is better to spread some kind of tablecloth on the table. For the candle, you need to take a small saucer or glass so as not to drip wax on the table. The candle should be placed to the right of the reflective surface. After the candle is lit, you need to concentrate and close your eyes for a few seconds. At this time, you need to think about the desire to see your betrothed in the reflection.

Opening your eyes, you need to say, looking in the mirror:

“My betrothed, the mummer, come to me, my good one, my betrothed, the mummer, come to have dinner with me.”

If you peer into the mirror after these words, you can see how a silhouette appears on a smooth surface. Don't be afraid - he won't do any harm. This is simply a spirit that has taken on the appearance of a betrothed. He will return back to his world immediately after completing the fortune telling.

To complete the ritual, you must say:

“This place is crazy.”

These are magic words that will prevent spirits from a parallel world from entering reality. There is a belief that if these words are not spoken, the entity may leave the surface and make its way into the house. If she is friendly, she will do no harm. It is then worth offering the spirit tea or food. Then you can avoid trouble. If you make a guest angry, he may begin to take revenge. Then you will have to turn to specialists to drive the persistent spirit away.

Fortune telling rituals for your future husband

There are many variations of fortune telling on mirrors. More complex and dangerous methods use multiple attributes.

  1. For this method of fortune telling, you need to take a candle and a pair of mirrors of the same size. It is necessary to take reflective surfaces without magnification so that the image is not distorted.
  2. After dark, take both surfaces and place them on the table in such a way that you can see the passage that forms between the two mirrors. This is where all the action will take place.
  3. It is worth lighting a candle so that it illuminates the resulting corridor between the worlds. Then you need to start calling the betrothed, who should appear soon.
  4. Be very careful - this corridor is very dangerous. There are legends that Satan himself appears to beautiful girls in the guise of a groom. If the ritual is not stopped in time, it can come out and take over the soul of a young woman, therefore, as soon as the contours of the young man become discernible, it is worth taking a quick look at him.
  5. As soon as he starts to approach, you need to say protective words:

    “This place is crazy.”

This spell will prevent the entity from passing into our world by trapping it in the mirror. To be safe, you should immediately break the corridor after this, placing reflective surfaces on the table. Then you can read a prayer and turn on the light.

Another method of ritual for love using a mirror is dream fortune telling. It was often used in past centuries. For this you need a mirror, a candle and a comb.

Dream fortune telling will help you see the image of your betrothed

At midnight, when the household went to bed, the girl began the ritual. She sat down in front of the surface, lit a candle and began to comb her hair, looking at her reflection. Sometimes it was necessary to spend several hours in this position until a silhouette appeared in the mirror behind the girl’s shoulder, but it was not worth looking at.

When the spirit first appears, you must place the mirror on the table with the reflective surface down and, without looking into it, take it to the bed. After this, you need to put it and a hair comb under the pillow and immediately go to bed. You cannot be distracted by anything, then in a dream the narrowed one will come, which will be clearly distinguishable, right down to the facial features. In the morning, before taking the magical accessory from under the pillow, you need to read a prayer so that the spirits go back into the reflection.

Prediction from the mirror of Fate and Peace

Nowadays, fortune telling has become more common and can be done online without leaving your computer or smartphone. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to classical rituals. These options are suitable for very impressionable girls who are afraid to call upon spirits in the middle of the night.

Free fortune telling, which is called the Mirror of Fate, is very popular. The essence of fortune telling is that a certain image appears on the surface of the mirror. It can be presented in the form of a certain picture of an object, an event or a certain life situation. Each picture has its own encryption, which can only be understood by the person performing the ceremony.

The Mirror of the World is a way of predicting fate by receiving a certain phrase from the mirror, which is the answer to the question posed.

For each person, the phrase is selected individually to suit the request that disturbs the soul. You should guess on the Mirror of the World no more than once a day.


The girl comes into an empty room alone, bringing with her two utensils: a mirror and a candle, puts everything in order on the table and, sitting down opposite the mirror, wonders: “Betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner.” About five minutes before his arrival, the mirror begins to fade, and the girl wipes it with a specially prepared towel; finally, when the bride examines the groom’s facial features, she then shouts: “Out of this place!” The devil who took on the image of her fiancé will disappear. If you are not in a hurry to be shy, then the groom or the devil who has taken his image, having stopped looking, will sit next to the girl and, taking a knife or ring or something else from his pocket, will put it on the table; then the bride will become eccentric and the devil will disappear, and the allotted thing will remain as a spoil for her. Many superstitions claim that this loss actually happens to her fiancé.

Fortune telling with a mirror by candlelight

This fortune telling is considered one of the most terrible. The fortuneteller must be alone, and for this purpose, by 12 o'clock at night, she is locked in a bathhouse (or in a room). Take two mirrors of equal size, large if possible, and place one opposite the other, illuminating them with the help of two candles from both ends. It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror and hold it in your hands so that the directional mirrors in the wall form a long corridor illuminated by lights. Of course, the mirrors need to be immaculately clean. After they are installed one opposite the other and illuminated by two candles of the same height, the fortuneteller must look into the mirror, intently and motionlessly, directing her gaze to the end of the corridor that appears to her, formed from two mirrors, glass directed one against the other. One must carefully observe and concentrate all the tension of the will in this gallery, in which they say the future betrothed is shown.

Fortune telling at the crossroads with a mirror

They go to the crossroads with a mirror and, having a month behind them, look into the mirror, asking: “Betrothed, disguised, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

Fortune telling with a mirror and fir branches

This fortune telling is best done during the holiday week. Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and several spruce branches. Before you go to bed, write on the mirror the name of the person you are thinking about or your deepest desire. Then place a mirror under the bed and place fir branches around it. Look in the mirror in the morning. If the inscription on it has disappeared, then your wish will certainly come true, or you will get married soon. If the inscription remains as it was, alas, you will remain in your own interests. Sometimes a cross may form on the mirror. This is considered a bad omen for the person whose name was written on the mirror.

Fortune telling by candle

A quiet flame means a quiet, even life without any special events or failures.
Bright white, with winks - life is more interesting.
The flame is very bright, crackling - a very cheerful, stormy life with many adventures.
A dim flame means life is sad and short-lived.
Red - to grief.
Yellow is for joy.
The color of red gold means a very good life.
Flame with soot - unfortunately.


Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed was once one of the most interesting events during the winter holidays. Most often, fortune telling was done together with girlfriends, but there are also fortune telling that should be done alone.

In the article:

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with mirrors

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed, for which it is necessary to use a mirror, has always been considered the most dangerous and terrible. In order to see the reflection of your betrothed, you need to guess completely alone. This is done only in the dark, without electric lighting, by candlelight.

In the old days, they tried to do such fortune-telling in non-residential premises or in the attic of a house. It was believed that if an evil spirit appeared instead of the betrothed, it could take up residence in the room in which they were telling fortunes about the betrothed with a mirror. By doing this in non-residential premises, our great-grandmothers tried to protect themselves from evil spirits.

The hair is let down, no hairpins are used, and the belt and jewelry are removed. A large number of buttons and fasteners on clothing can interfere with the free flow of energy that is necessary for fortune telling, so it is better to choose something without them.

The mirror should be thoroughly wiped in advance. It should be free from flaws such as bubbles, stains and distortion. Moreover, you cannot use a cracked mirror or its fragment. These usually start at midnight.

For the first option, your betrothed will need two mirrors, one of which should be smaller in size. You need to place it closer to you. Reflective surfaces should face each other, forming a mirror corridor. Place any candle between them and light it. Some sources advise placing two candles - one near each mirror.

My costumed betrothed, come to dinner with me!

Now peer deep into the mirror corridor. Sooner or later you will be able to see the face of your future husband. As soon as you manage to see him, say: “ Keep me away" Then he will disappear. If you do not interrupt the fortune-telling, the betrothed will be able to come out of the mirror and harm the fortune-teller.

If you don't have two mirrors, do it a little differently. They place a candle near one mirror and sit in front of it. A towel is placed nearby in advance. If the mirror begins to become covered with condensation or the reflection in it becomes cloudy, wipe it with a towel. This means that your future spouse will appear to you soon. With this method of fortune telling, he does not appear from the mirror, but approaches the fortune-telling girl from behind and is reflected in the mirror along with her, but you cannot turn around and generally take your eyes off the mirror. When you look at your betrothed’s face, you must say, “Out of this place.” If he manages to get to the table, he will sit down next to you and put something on the table. This item can be taken away after the betrothed leaves.

Another Christmas fortune telling for marriage allows you to find out how many people will live in the house of your future husband. In the past, this was of great importance, because the young husband brought his wife to his home, to his family. Every future bride wanted to know how big this family was and how its members would treat her. You can tell fortunes about the number of relatives if a month is visible in the sky. To do this, take a mirror and place it so that the month is reflected in it, and look closely at its reflection. After some time, several reflections of the month will appear, and their number is equal to the number of relatives. If you see only one month, it means you will live alone with your husband.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with water

With the help of ordinary water you can find out what your future husband will look like. Sometimes a mirror is also used in these fortune tellings. Water should be poured into a transparent container without edges or patterns on the bottom. There are no special requirements for water; you can take water from the tap, but only in your home.

The next option requires complete solitude and is done only in the dark. You will need a container of water of sufficient size, a mirror and any three candles. A mirror is placed on the table, water is placed in front of it, and candles are lit on three sides of the decanter. Look into the mirror through a container of water. When you're done, say: " Mind me, mind me».

Another option requires a fairly developed imagination. You need to take a glass without edges or patterns, pour water into it and lower the ring. You need to look inside the ring. It is believed that this way you can see the face of your betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling for marriage with an egg

To find out something about your future husband,... This method was very popular at girls' get-togethers. You can invite your girlfriends and find out your destiny together.

You need a glass of warm water and an egg. You should release the protein into the water and see what it looks like. Each region had its own interpretation of figures made from egg whites; in addition, this may depend on the attitude of the fortuneteller to the image, her age and many other factors.

For example, church for a young girl it is a sign of marriage this year, and for an older girl it is a sign of death. Interpretations ship also vary. For a married woman, this means the return of her husband or the wedding of a daughter or son; for a young girl, it portends a sailor or foreigner husband.

If the egg white has not taken on any understandable form and sank to the bottom of the container, this is a very bad result of fortune telling. It is believed that it foretells trouble, death or the fate of an old maid.

You can use the service and get to know this method better.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for your betrothed in a dream

Any dream you have at Christmas is considered. At this time, you can find out what your future spouse will be like. To do this, they pronounce a simple spell and put a certain thing under the pillow. If you dream of a man, it means you will get married this year, and if you don’t manage to see him, it means you’ll be a wench for some time.

There are many options for this fortune telling. Before going to bed say:

Come to me, my mummer-betrothed...

and add why he should come and what to do, then put the corresponding object under the pillow and go straight to bed.

For example, you can ask your betrothed to comb your hair and put a comb under your pillow, take you across the bridge, placing a twig or other symbolic image of the bridge. If you place a belt under your pillow, ask it to belt you, and if there is soap, ask it to wash you. Sometimes they put all the items described above, listing everything they want from their future husband.

In some regions, they put on a stocking before going to bed and said:

Betrothed, come to me, and take off your shoes.

It was believed that a man who was destined to become your husband would definitely appear in a dream. True, there are stories that tell that lovers of such fortune-telling were pulled by devils by the legs and were not allowed to sleep, but it is difficult to find such fortune-telling about which there are no terrible stories.

Sometimes a flat frying pan was secretly placed under the mother’s bed at night with the words:

Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes!

In the morning you should ask her if she dreamed of any men.

If you have cockroaches, ask one of them to take you to your betrothed. Catch a cockroach and put it in a box, which you should put under your pillow before going to bed and say:

Multi-legged cockroach, show me the tower,
Where does my betrothed live?
And I'm married to him.

In a dream you will see a cockroach that will show you the way, you are required to follow, watch and not forget the dream in the morning.

You can mix a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, eat the mixture before going to bed and say:

I want to drink from the salt,
I'm calling my betrothed.
Come to me
Give me some water to drink.

It is believed that in a dream a man will come and give you water to drink.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with molten metal

A very original and little-known Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed today is fortune telling with molten metal. They used tin or lead for this purpose. In the past, it was believed that only those girls who had already tried all other varieties, including fortune telling with a mirror, could engage in this fortune-telling. Plans to tell fortunes on lead or tin are kept secret; this is one of those fortune-telling that is done in complete solitude.

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You have entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it is too early to talk about love. Many women in...
Stones for the zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) The zodiac sign Libra represents justice, the kingdom of Themis (second wife...