Where is the best place to live? Rating of countries by standard of living. Top five countries you want to live in The most attractive country for you in Europe

Today there are 197 countries on the globe officially recognized by all humanity. If we add to them unrecognized countries, partially recognized countries and dependent territories, the number will reach almost three hundred. Of course, this figure is fluid and subjective, which is why all world surveys and ratings only include countries that are universally recognized. And among them it is selected annually based on hundreds of indicators. Even after analyzing all the ratings, of which there are thousands, and comparing the data of all surveys conducted among an audience of billions, it is impossible to single out one single best country in the world. Our planet is too different, and each state on it is unique. But most of the most authoritative studies claim that the best country to live on planet Earth is Norway, the best country to immigrate is Sweden, and the best country to vacation is Portugal.

Portugal is the best country for tourism

In 2017, the Portuguese Republic, for the first time in the history of European countries, was awarded the first World Travel Awards as the best tourist destination in the world. Previously, this “Oscar in tourism” went only to hot and exotic countries.

The charm of a Portuguese holiday lies in the fact that this country, one of the few in Europe, has been able to maintain a leisurely, measured rhythm of life in our turbulent times. There is no fuss or stress here. People are sociable and friendly, calm and good-natured.

You can enjoy magnificent beaches, generous sunshine, and tranquil nature in Portugal six months a year. This is due to the Portuguese climate, which best suits the available epithets to “pleasant”. The warm Gulf Stream is to blame.

It gives the country even climatic characteristics. January in Portugal is the beginning of spring. In May and October the air temperature is stable at +22°C. But the Gulf Stream is beautiful because even at the height of the hot season it never gets above +28°C during the day. Moreover, there is a permanent breeze, fresh and turning air conditioners into an unnecessary attribute of hotel luxury.

Advice. Yes, there is winter here, and it is “harsh.” Twice colder than summer. The air warms up in the sun to +14°C. Therefore, if you come across a last-minute tour for the winter months, your vacation may well be comfortable at this time.

Resorts and attractions in Portugal

The Atlantic Ocean – it’s impossible not to fall in love with it. It conquers not only the land of the Portuguese Republic, but also the hearts of tourists. The country, thanks to the ocean, has a lot of different beaches. Fans of beach holidays are offered a constellation of resorts that have long earned worldwide fame. Warm waters, clean sandy coast, natural beauty and interesting architecture, infrastructure - what else is needed for a first-class holiday.

By the way. All beaches in Portugal belong to the municipality, so entry is free. A set of sun loungers with an umbrella will cost from 8 to 10 euros for one day.

Lisbon Riviera and Algarve – fine sandy beaches. The resort of Madeira mainly has a pebble or artificial coastline.

For the convenience and safety of vacationers, there is a flag system on all beaches:

  • red flag - swimming in the sea is prohibited due to large waves;
  • yellow flag – you can be in the water, but you should be careful;
  • green flag – swimming is safe.


An extremely southern resort, the length of the coastline is 200 km. The most luxurious beach in the world is located here. During the season the air temperature is +24°С…30°С. The water warms up to +20°C.

By the way. In the north of the resort there are mountains that reliably protect from the wind and maintain a mild, stable climatic background.

  1. For an active holiday, there are golf, tennis and all possible water sports - surfing, diving, water skiing, sailing.
  2. You can go horseback riding, go on a safari, ride a yacht, or stroll through the picturesque surroundings.
  3. There are many natural reserves inhabited by the most beautiful and rare fauna. The most grandiose is Ria Formosa.
  4. Among the excursion attractions is the ancient Moorish castle of Aljezur, which rises above the river of the same name.


This island is called the “Pearl of the Atlantic”. This is because the beauty of nature here is extraordinary and pristine. A natural reserve filled with lush vegetation, beautiful flowers and strange birds.

The capital of the island is the legendary city of Funchal, which is a landmark in itself. Here is the ancient fort and park of Santa Catarina, which is several centuries old.

By the way. Wine and flower festivals take place here. The island is considered an elite holiday destination.

The temperature here is “heavenly”: +25°C for air, +23°C for water. And this happens almost all year round. A milder and more comfortable climate cannot be found in all of Europe. The beach is an ideal place for kids. Calm water, non-traumatic coating, healing air, rich in iodine compounds.

Video - Madeira. Attractions

The city is the second largest after Lisbon, called the northern capital. Located at the mouth of the river, on steep picturesque banks. The sea is nearby. The whole city is imbued with history, mystery, and the spirit of adventure.

There are temples, monasteries, chapels and ancient castles. Religious pilgrims and simply lovers of antiquity and museum recreation come here. This is the “cradle” of Portugal, beautiful and majestic.

By the way. The most visited place is the historical center with the famous Exchange Palace - a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The “heart” of the country is one of the oldest capitals in Europe – Lisbon. An ancient city with unique historical monuments, rich examples of ancient architecture and a rich cultural life. Jeronimos Monastery, St. George's Castle, Ajuda Palace - all this is located in Lisbon. There is everything here - museums and restaurants, clubs and shopping centers, luxury hotels and discos. The vibrant tourist life of Lisbon is one of the reasons why many tourists from different countries, including Russia, come here to relax, change their surroundings and “recharge”.

The country is good because, despite its relatively small size, it can provide guests with a full range of tourism services. There is a wonderful coastal and beach holiday, healing springs, ski slopes, interesting places, works of architecture and antiquity, a mixture of diverse cultures, beautiful nature, serene sea, clean air, eco-tourism.

By the way. All the wealth of diversity is located on an area of ​​92,212 km². This compactness allows you to cover almost all seasonal entertainment within one tour and get impressions until the next season.

Video - Lisbon in 3 days

Hotels and shops

Hospitality towards tourists is the main distinguishing feature of the country's residents. Therefore, in hotels, restaurants, shops, and on the street, you will always be treated with attention and care and provided with the highest level of service.

The level of hotel culture is very high - even two-room apartments are much more decent than in many European countries. The best hotels are considered to be old Portuguese hotels (pousadas). They all meet the full five-star global standard.

Chain hotels are represented by a large number of both global chains and inexpensive hostels.

  1. World Rest Hotel Group is part of a hotel chain whose hotels are located all over the world.
  2. AC Hotels by Marriott is also a global chain with services of a high European level.
  3. Inatel is part of a hotel chain with hotels all over the world. There are 19 of them in Portugal.

Most hostels are located in Lisbon, but inexpensive accommodation can also be found in other resort towns:

By the way. All Portuguese airports are famous for their huge network of duty-free shops. And in the country's shopping centers you can buy very high-quality clothing and shoes, local ceramics, antique lace, wicker and leather goods, as well as high-grade gold items (higher than in the Emirates).

Stores in large cities that have the status of shopping centers in Portugal are open until 12 at night, even on holidays and weekends. But most boutiques close on weekdays by seven in the evening, and on Saturday at one in the afternoon, and do not open until nine in the morning on Monday.

By the way. The operating hours of pharmacies are the same as those of most stores. They are closed from Saturday afternoon until Monday morning. Farmacia means “pharmacy” in Portuguese. In large cities, each of them has a machine with coupons and a queue for service. All pharmacists must speak English.

Table. Useful information about Portugal.


Most residents speak good English, so there is no need to learn Portuguese if you have a trip to this country. The Portuguese also know Spanish, but they are reluctant to communicate in it.

If you want to learn a few phrases in Portuguese, the most essential ones are:

Ola! Como está? (Ola! Como esta?) - Hello! How are you?

Se faz favor (Fash favor) - Please.

Obrigado (Obrigado) - Thank you.

Não entendo (Nau entendu) - I don’t understand.

Many festivals and carnivals are held here. Spring Carnival on February 5, Chocolate Festival and Flower Festival in March. In addition to international holidays such as Christmas and Easter, the Portuguese widely celebrate the days of various Saints, which take place monthly in every city.

A traditional Portuguese souvenir is a rather unusual piece of art called azulezhush. These are tiles for decorating walls, the history of which dates back to the times of Arab rule in the country.

One of the country’s “strategic” shopping products is alcohol. Port and Madeira are two calling cards of Portugal, which constantly compete with each other. For a bottle of young branded alcohol you can pay from 10 to 30 euros. But old port and Madeira aged over a hundred years will cost connoisseurs half a thousand euros.

Russians will need Schengen to travel to Portugal. You can open it at the Portuguese Embassy in Moscow, or at one of 14 visa centers located in different cities of Russia. Visa centers in Portugal provide the “Visa to Home” service, using which tourists do not have to visit any institutions. The courier will pick up a package of documents prepared for obtaining an entry permit from home, and then deliver the completed passport with a Portuguese Schengen visa to the owner.

Norway is the best place to live

Norway has been leading among the world's countries recognized as the best places to live for fifteen years. The UN Development Program reports on this every year with enviable regularity.

Secrets of successful persistence:

  • stable growth in incomes of the population, combined with a high standard of living;
  • ensuring equal freedoms and rights for all residents;
  • equal distribution of benefits;
  • solid investments in healthcare and educational systems;
  • achieving gender equality.

How do Norwegians live, and why is this country considered the best place to live?

Earnings and expenses

Almost any resident of Norway who has a standard, average, not highly paid job spends less than he earns. Yes, here there are expensive products, utilities and all expenses are twice as high not only in Russia, but also in many European ones. But the average monthly salary of three thousand euros easily covers all expenses and allows Norwegians to live prosperously.

Equal opportunities for women/men. Here they will not prefer a man to a woman when searching for an employee for a high-paying position, and they will not pay an employee less just because she is a woman.

Table. Cost of some goods and products.

Product/product/serviceCost in euros per liter/kilogram/piece

from 700 to 1000

from 130 to 150








3 (ten)




4 (100 g)



Norwegians spend about 300 euros per month on groceries with proper nutrition. A simple calculation shows that no matter how much you want to spend more than 2000 euros per month. There are also, however, clothing, travel, entertainment and other expense items. They are left with 1000 euros from their monthly salary.


Everyone has equal access to quality education and medicine. Those who have the opportunity to pay for it - pay, those who do not - receive it for free. Children from families that are considered low-income (by Norwegian standards) have the same opportunities as children from well-off families.

Mothers give birth to their first child, on average, at the age of 30. They are entitled to 100% paid leave, which lasts 49 weeks, or leave, lasting 59 weeks, which is paid 80%. At the same time, not only the mother, but also the father can sit with the child, or each can take half of the vacation.

Kindergartens are state subsidized. Children are accepted there from one year old. You can even bring a child who has a cold to the garden, and they will take care of him there. For children's illnesses, if they do not have chronic diseases, each parent is given 10 paid days at work per year (for each child). You don’t have to call a doctor or take sick leave - just stay at home with your child for a few days.


There is no short-term unemployment in Norway. The shortage of specialists is observed in various fields - from construction to information technology. The oil industry can be considered the most in-demand industry - residents of the country are in no hurry to associate themselves with work on oil rigs, because, although such work is highly paid, it is still considered hard and has an inconvenient schedule.

By the way. As for long-term unemployment, with official payment of benefits, its level is 0.4% on average across the country.

The working day in Norway begins early - at 7-8 am. It ends at 3-4 p.m., respectively. People pick up their children from kindergartens and schools and spend evenings with their families or go outdoors.

Ecology and sport

People here are taught to think about ecology from infancy. Take care of plants and trees, study flora and fauna. Separate waste collection and saving natural resources are everyday things that everyone has long been accustomed to and does automatically.

On weekends or in the evening after work, both young people and families go either to the fjords, to the forest, or to the sea.

Nature is health, everyone knows about it, as well as sports. Running and cycling can be considered the national sports in Norway. The whole country goes jogging through parks and nearby forests from early morning.

By the way. Marathons are often held. In Oslo alone, about 20 thousand runners participate in this marathon every year. Competitions take place even at sub-zero temperatures. There is an opportunity for the most resilient to overcome the marathon distance on roller skis.

Norwegians are a very sporty nation. In winter, they use every free minute to go skiing or snowboarding.

Children are allowed to walk through puddles, play in the snow and do any outdoor activity without limit. Children are taken for walks in any weather.

When it comes to weather, the climate in Norway is far from the best for living. The Norwegians themselves talk about this. In winter it is almost as cold here as in Russia. But utility services instantly remove even the slightest manifestations of snow and ice from the road surface in cities. Everything is thoroughly cleaned and sprinkled with eco-friendly sand. Large cities have heated sidewalks.


Norwegians love to work, but they also love to relax. The best vacation for them is closer to nature. There is even a special expression in Norwegian for outdoor recreation. July is a month of vacations.

By the way. Norwegians are required to take three weeks of vacation out of the five months they are entitled to by law in July. This is how the government makes sure that citizens have a rest in the warmest and sunniest month of the year.

The whole country is literally emptying out. Residents are leaving in all directions. Someone is heading to warm countries to the warm sea. Someone is leaving for the country. Norwegian dachas are wooden houses high in the mountains, away from civilization, often without electricity or water.

All residents of the country can easily afford a holiday abroad, on the warm sea, but many of them prefer secluded plank houses without amenities, water from a mountain stream, evening gatherings by candlelight, and for dinner - mushrooms collected in the forest with their own hands or caught fish.

The people of Norway are incredibly proud to be Norwegian. They respect traditions and, despite their outward closeness, are warm-hearted and welcoming people. Not everyone can afford to go to Norway as a tourist. Still, the price level for goods and services in this country is much higher than what Russians are accustomed to. But living in Norway seems to be really good. But to do this you need to either be born here or immigrate.

Sweden – the best conditions for immigrants

The local population lives no worse than in Norway and other countries from the Big Ten. Education and medicine are free in Sweden. Social housing and other benefits are guaranteed, including payments for food and the state paying for utilities for you. In addition, this country is distinguished by the highest level of humanity and ideal living conditions created for people. It is not surprising that all roads for those wishing to change their place of residence today lead not to Rome, but to Sweden.

For the third year now, Sweden has been leading Europe in terms of the number of migrants per capita. Even in Germany, where refugees from all over the Middle East and Africa seemed to flock, there are fewer of them than in Sweden. Plus, politically, labor migrants flock here.

Important! There is a paradoxical situation in the country. The Swedish economy is developing much faster and more successfully than planned. For this reason, the country of almost 10 million people has a labor shortage. Therefore, the government welcomes and actively encourages migrants who are able to give their skilled and unskilled labor to the country in exchange for quite decent pay.

Features of employment in Sweden

If you are legally employed in this country, you can expect not only to obtain a residence permit, but also to move to Sweden with your entire family, including unmarried children, under the age of 21.

That is, it is enough for one family member to find a job, and everyone else can go to live comfortably (since wages in Sweden, by our standards, are high even for unskilled workers - the minimum is 1,350 euros) in one of the ten most prosperous countries in the world.

Where can you work in Sweden?

  1. The most promising and highly paid industry is the IT sector.
  2. Next comes medicine.
  3. Next on the list is industry.
  4. For unskilled labor, there are numerous job opportunities on farms or in forestry (for example, seasonal berry harvesting).


The minimum wage mentioned above is a safety figure, less than which no one can ever pay an employee. Swedish legislation allows trade unions and employers to set their own “minimum wages” in each industry through collective agreements, without, however, falling below the official level.

Important! The average salary in Sweden is 3,500 euros per month for skilled workers and 2,200 euros for unskilled workers. 90% of working citizens of the country and labor immigrants have a salary that is 70% of average earnings. This figure is higher than in any European country.

Table. Salary levels by profession.

Profession/type of employmentSalary (in euros)
The doctors6000-6500
IT specialists4000-6000
Aviation workers6000-7000
Company executivesup to 10000
Nannies, nurses2500
Security guards2000
Farm workers2000-3000

How to find

How can a Russian find a job here? There are many different Internet resources for this, as well as the media.

The first thing in the search should be the portal of the state employment service. The government is primarily interested in the employment of migrants. Therefore, the official government website contains a constantly updated database of vacancies, where everyone who wants to work for the benefit of Sweden can find a job to their liking.

By the way. In addition to the vacancy database, the site contains a lot of useful information, including on the employment process and paperwork.

There are 320 employment offices in Sweden, in any of which a visitor can register as soon as he is in the country.

Each company has its own website on which vacancies are periodically published. Print and electronic media also devote a lot of space to free workspaces.

From time to time, job fairs are held in one city or another. All of them are open, including for foreigners.

How to get a job

To obtain legal work in Sweden, a resident of a country that is not a member of the European Union will need a special permit. It is easily issued by local authorities. You can apply for a permit if you have an invitation from an employer (a work offer from a company or a private business owner) and a current foreign passport.

By the way. Swedes can invite a non-EU worker only after meeting the following requirements. Post the vacancy on the EURES website within ten days so that compatriots can apply for it first. Announce a salary that is no less than that accepted in the industry. If no Swedes have responded to the vacancy within ten days, the employer can send the foreign applicant an offer of employment and submit the documentation to the trade union for approval.

Upon completion of these procedures, the migrant worker can apply for a work permit. Submission is carried out at the Swedish Embassy, ​​which is located in Moscow (Migration Department) or online on the website of the immigration agency.

The following documents are provided for a work permit.

  1. Employee statement.
  2. A copy of a foreign passport.
  3. Original offer from a Swedish employer.
  4. Paid fee – 200 euros.

Specialists of the Migration Department can study from two to five months. In case of a positive decision, which most often happens, the employee will be offered to open a work visa and obtain a residence permit for two years with a possible extension. At the same time, family members of a potential employee can apply for a residence permit.

Important! After four years of stay under a residence permit, a labor migrant receives the right to permanent residence, and another four years later - Swedish citizenship.

Applying for a work visa

A residence permit card gives you the right to live in Sweden, but to work you will need to apply for a work visa. If the period of stay is more than three months, a category D visa is issued. Of course, obtaining a residence permit makes obtaining a visa guaranteed, but still, documents, if they are incorrectly or incorrectly prepared, can be returned, thereby slowing down the process of obtaining. Therefore, the preparation of documentation should be taken responsibly.

The following documents are submitted to the embassy.

  1. A completed application form.
  2. Two photographs in color with standard parameters 3.5x4.5 cm.
  3. Original foreign passport.
  4. Copy of national passport.
  5. Permits guaranteeing employment.
  6. Visa payment receipt.
  7. Additional documents (upon request from embassy staff).

Other immigration methods

If you don’t want to work, but have a great desire to live in Sweden, there are other ways to immigrate to this country.

  1. Family ties.
  2. Marriage.
  3. Studies.
  4. Obtaining refugee status.

To obtain refugee status, you just need to ask for it. This country is a standard of loyalty towards political migrants. Anyone who requests asylum immediately receives a special SIV card, which entitles them to preferential housing, medical services and benefits. While the application is being considered by the authorities, you can remain in temporary status. Then, when the request is satisfied, which happens in 70-80% of requests, the SIV changes to permanent residence.

Video - Immigration to Sweden

Pros of living in Sweden

Many migrants consciously choose this country not even because of its loyal policy towards visitors. The main thing that attracts immigrants is stability. Everything is stable here: politics, economics, society. In each area, the country's residents feel 100% protected.

In the social sphere, there are many different benefits designed to cover all the needs of those in need. Unemployment benefits, payment for housing, utilities, child benefits. Any Swedish citizen in any situation can apply for financial assistance, and it will be provided to him.

In schools and other educational institutions, everything is free, from textbooks to lunches and school buses.

All higher education, second, first, tenth, is free. And you can get it up to 56 years old. A person can quit work at any age and go to school. And he will even be paid a stipend until he turns 56 - retirement time. If a teacher wants to change jobs, he enters a university and receives leave from his main place of work for the entire duration of his studies at the university. If you can’t quickly find a job in a new specialty, and you don’t want to live on unemployment benefits, you can go back to school and then enroll in another university while going on another vacation.

The economy is so stable that Swedes keep all their savings only in crowns, never purchasing dollars or euros. Banks guarantee 100% safety of deposits, and interest on loans is scanty - from 2 to 3% per annum.

And, most importantly, political stability. Over the past two hundred years, there has not been a single political conflict in this country. A democratic, prosperous state, socially oriented towards the needs of its citizens - this is what Sweden is today.

Video - How to immigrate to Sweden

The reputable analytical company Economist Intelligence Unit has published a rating best cities in the world to live for 2017. The company's experts assessed them on 30 parameters - crime, education, military conflicts, healthcare, infrastructure, education, ecology, diversity of cultural life...

According to tradition, we will start from the last, 10th place. So…

10th place. Hamburg, Germany, 95 points

It is the second largest city in Germany (after Berlin), the seventh largest in the European Union and the most populous non-capital city in the European Union. It is the largest port in Germany, the second largest in Europe, and ranks ninth in the world.

The remains of the first buildings on the territory of modern Hamburg are dated by archaeologists to the 5th-6th centuries AD and belong to the era of the Great Migration.

The city has retained certain features of medieval buildings. Hamburg is home to 60 museums and 17 universities.

Central Town Hall:

Hamburg also ranks first among European cities in terms of the number of bridges (according to various sources, from 2300 to more than 2500). The city has more bridges than Venice (400), Amsterdam (1200) and London combined.

9th place. Helsinki, Finland, 95.6 points

It is the capital and largest city of Finland, the administrative center of the province of Uusimaa. Located in the south of the country, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea.

The city was founded on June 12, 1550 by the Swedish king Gustav Vasa. The city's elevation changes are significant and rocks are a common part of the landscape. There are waterfalls on the rivers within the city.

Helsinki is home to 8 universities and 6 technology parks. Bicycle lovers are also welcome here - the total length of bike paths in Helsinki is more than 1000 km. By the way, the Helsinki tram system is one of the oldest electrified tram networks in the world.

8th place. Auckland, New Zealand, 95.7 points

It is New Zealand's largest city with a population of approximately 1.3 million people, accounting for a quarter of the country's total population. The city is located within the Auckland Volcanic Region. Within its boundaries are the craters of 49 extinct monogenic volcanoes.

Today Auckland is the economic and cultural center of New Zealand. The city is not rich in historical sights, but with its picturesque beauty Auckland strikes many hearts of those who come here for the first time. Although, some say that it is good, safe, clean, but boring.

One of the attractions is the Sky Tower with a height of 328 meters - the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere:

Panorama of Auckland from the Sky Tower (clickable 2500 x 651 px):

7th place. Perth, Australia, 95.9 points

It is the largest city and capital of the state of Western Australia with a population of approximately 1,200,000 people, located on the shores of the Indian Ocean. It was founded on June 12, 1829 by Captain James Stirling shortly after the formation of the port settlement.

The city is considered one of the main economic centers of Australia. Gold, diamonds and nickel are mined here. It is here that the world's largest open deposits of gold and nickel are located in the Kalgoorlie region, as well as the world's largest diamond-bearing area, the Kimberley, which is the main competitor of the South African and Yakut diamond deposits.

Modern skyscrapers are a characteristic feature of the Perth cityscape:

Perth is called "The Pearl of Australia". Ancient buildings, a convenient pedestrian area in the center of Perth, and beautiful views of the river make Perth attractive to tourists.

One of the attractions is:

6th place. Adelaide, Australia, 96.6 points

The capital and largest city of the state of South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country with a population of more than 1.1 million people is the city of Adelaide. It is named after the queen - the wife of the King of Great Britain and Hanover, William IV, who sat on the throne from 1830 to 1837.

The city is located on the ocean. The central part of Adelaide is multi-storey, with several modern skyscrapers, and is small, while the rest of the city is one or two storey in nature. Perfect cleanliness, neatness and impeccable finishing of buildings are the hallmark of Adelaide.

King William Street is the widest street in the city:

Tourists are attracted here to Adelaide by Australia's third largest Kangaroo Island, a wildlife sanctuary with a colony of sea lions and an excellent coastline for fishing.

5th place. Calgary, Canada, 96.6 points

In the foothills and prairies region, approximately 80 km east of the Canadian Rockies watershed.

The city is one of the sunniest in Canada - the sun shines there on average 2,400 hours a year.

Calgary is located in the transition zone between the foothills of the Canadian Rockies and the Canadian Prairies, so its topography is quite hilly. The elevation of downtown Calgary is approximately 1048 m above sea level.

Life in Calgary, one way or another, revolves around oil production. Its deposits were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. Despite this, this city is considered by many organizations one of the cleanest in the world. For example, driving just 200 kilometers from the city you find yourself at the glacial Moraine Lake in Banff National Park:

Olympic Plaza. In the distance you can see a famous landmark - the Calgary Tower, 91 m high. It is designed in such a way that, swaying slightly in the wind, even with very strong gusts it maintains its stability:

Downtown Calgary, 2010 (clickable 2000 x 561 px):

4th place. Toronto, Canada, 97.2 points

And the administrative center of the province of Ontario. The city received its current name in 1834.

Toronto is Canada's most diverse city, with about 49% of its residents being immigrants.

3rd place. Vancouver, Canada, 97.3 points

Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada, on the shores of a picturesque bay, at the foot of the Pacific coastline of the North American Cordillera.

It is the 3rd largest city in Canada with a population of 2,433,000 people and the largest population center in the province of British Columbia.

And the climate here is good, because it is part of a unique ecosystem - a temperate tropical forest, so the summers here are mild and not hot, and in winter it rarely snows.

One of the most picturesque cities in the country is surrounded by dense pine forest, snow-capped mountains and fjords. Clickable:

Stanley Park is a city park located in Vancouver, the largest city in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The park is an evergreen oasis on the border with the business center of the city. By the way, it is 10% larger than the area.

The United Nations annually releases an extensive report on the world's best countries to live in. A list of 180-197 states is becoming traditional for UN analytical comparisons, taking into account such indicators as the quality of life of the population, including medicine, education, nutrition, recreation, etc., life expectancy and per capita income. The data obtained turned out to be no coincidence: the main twenty first places were occupied by European countries, Russia was in 32nd place on this list. It is worth noting that the irreconcilable rival of the Russian Federation, the United States, did not make it into the Top 10 best countries, ending up only in 11th place. In last place in this ranking was the state of Niger, recognized as the worst country in the world.


Switzerland, a state located in Western Europe with the highest index of potential human development, is recognized as the best country in the world based on the totality of all indicators.

For almost 8 million of the country's population, Switzerland is a state with the most developed social infrastructure and a stable economic situation, thereby satisfying all the average criteria for the life of citizens.


Norway, with its population of five million, was for many years recognized as the best country in the world, but eventually lost its place in the ranking to Switzerland, despite the fact that the HDI (Human Development Index) index remains the highest in the world.

Achieving high standards of living is facilitated by developed oil and gas production and processing.


The Kingdom of Sweden, located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, ranks third in the list of the best countries in the world. Stable economic development and effective social reform of society have allowed this northern country to become one of the most livable people.

The population of Sweden is 9.7 million people, almost fully employed in all sectors of the economic sector, excluding unemployment.

New Zealand

Located in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand ranks fourth in the ranking of the best countries and becomes the first among non-European countries to be included in this list.

The country's developed market economy allows it to provide for the social sector of the state with a population of just over 4.5 million people. Despite the nominal GDP indicator, which is far from the first world positions, the HDI index is not just high, but is increasing.


The next state in this ranking was another Scandinavian state, Denmark, with a population of 5.96 million people, represented by a large percentage of highly qualified workers in various industries. Despite low inflation of no more than 2.4% and an unemployment rate of no more than 5%, huge taxes and a lack of competitiveness due to high wages prevent Denmark from taking a more prestigious place in the list of the best countries in the world.


In the endless list of European countries that have become the best in the world, fifth place is again occupied by the Pacific country - Australia, with a population of 23 million people. Adhering to the state's development strategy according to the index of economic freedom, GDP and a high level of medicine and education make Australia one of the best among the world's countries.


Once again, a state from Western Europe - the Netherlands - becomes the best in the world. With a population of more than 16.8 million people, the country ranks among the first on the Human Development Index.

Despite numerous controversial reforms and peculiarities of Dutch legislation, the level of social security here is practically the highest in the world. The inhibitory factor in the development of the population's life is high taxes and insurance payments.

Daria Nessel| Jun 5, 2018


Great Britain



Costa Rica


A country with a high level of education and income attracts not only young people, but also middle-aged people. Highly qualified specialists with work experience and knowledge of the local language, English or French, are valued here. Another way of migrating to the country is through a successful marriage, in which girls marry Canadians in advance and then move to their spouse’s territory. Prospects for professional growth and financial well-being make Canada an ideal choice for relocation.


The United States of America is the most popular country for immigration among residents of the post-Soviet space. Having the opportunity to earn money or study in the United States, many find ways not to leave the borders of the state. The country is welcoming to new residents and is developing acceptable immigration programs. The most common method is to obtain a permanent residence permit called a Green Card, which provides all the rights of a US citizen except the right to vote in elections.


In order to become a citizen of Latvia, you just need to purchase real estate worth from 72 to 140 thousand euros, depending on the distance from the capital, and be its owner for 10 years. The owner of the home and his family are immediately issued a residence permit, thanks to which they can move around the territory of the Schengen zone. Of course, many European countries provide the right to migrate to the territory through the purchase of real estate, but Latvia has the lowest investment threshold.


The main advantage for the Slavic population when moving to the Czech Republic is the easy-to-learn Czech language. In the country, you can get free higher education in the state language, regardless of the student’s citizenship. Therefore, for young people who want to study at a European university and do not have large financial resources, the Czech Republic will be an excellent option.


Poland is the most convenient option for immigration to Europe for residents of the CIS; with a short distance from their homeland, the future Pole receives all the privileges of European life. The country offers immigrants free education and favorable conditions and privileges for starting their own business. An additional advantage of the Polish state is the ability for foreigners to work without a work permit.

The best country to live is the one that has an atmosphere of safety and tranquility. One in which a person can realize his dreams, start a family and raise happy children. And for everyone it is different, for one it is their homeland, and for another it is a distant country on the neighboring continent.

Many people leave the country in which they were born and lived part of their lives in favor of a more comfortable state for living. Finding the perfect place to live for yourself and your family is one way to improve your well-being and realize your goals.

We have prepared for you an overview of 10 countries in the world that are the best for immigration. And for those who currently do not want to say goodbye to their homeland, the article will introduce states that are worth visiting in order to experience the quality of life on their territory.


This country will gladly accept people who know how to organize their own business, and the state, in turn, will support small businesses. Residents are open to communication and have a favorable attitude towards immigrants. Social services to the population are provided at a high level, but taxes can amount to about 80% of income. At the same time, the Swedes are satisfied with the quality of life and large fees do not bother them. Therefore, enterprising people should take a closer look at Sweden.

Great Britain

The UK is one of the most economically resilient countries in the world. Highly qualified specialists, wealthy entrepreneurs, as well as people of creative professions who have received a global vocation can easily find a place in the kingdom. The best way for young people to immigrate is to get an education in the country. Immigrants from the former Soviet Union, having changed their place of residence in favor of Great Britain, often achieve good professional success by applying their knowledge and talents. What's not a great opportunity to try your hand under the patronage of Elizabeth II?


The prosperity and economic stability of Germany is increasingly attracting both tourists and immigrants to its territory. And this is understandable, since there is a high standard of living here, and higher education is provided free of charge. In general, there are plenty of reasons to move here for permanent residence.


If you value comfort and the quality of social and medical services provided, then you cannot find a better country to live in. Norway ranks first in providing social support to the population. And the level of GDP per capita is one of the highest in the world. Caring for residents is a priority in the work of the state of this country, which allows Norwegians not only to live and raise children with dignity, but also to meet old age.

Costa Rica

For people seeking happiness and longevity, Costa Rica is the best country. You will find favorable weather conditions all year round, as well as beautiful nature with many beaches and forests. Under such conditions, the population works and enjoys life with a minimum amount of stress, as evidenced by the high average life expectancy of about 80 years. Costa Ricans are often called the happiest people on the planet, and their favorite expression, “Life is good” (“Pura Vida”), says it all.

“It’s good where we are not,” says the old wise proverb. Indeed, where is it good? Which countries are the best to live in? We invite you on a tour!

20. China

China ranks second in economic development after the United States and first in terms of government and entrepreneurship. Rapid technological and economic development exceeds the quality of life of the average citizen, and therefore shows very poor results in categories such as gender equality, religious freedom and security.

19. Spain

Spain can rightfully be proud of its historical heritage and rich culture. Spaniards proudly say that their country is adventurous, spirited, open-minded and culturally accessible.

True, such social areas as the organization of government, the taxation system and the level of income indicate that Spain needs to improve its economy.

18. Luxembourg

Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world. It is distinguished by very high economic stability, loyalty to doing business, level of education and property rights. But a developed economy cannot compensate for cultural hunger: Luxembourg's citizens feel they lack a national culture and a rich historical past about which legends can be made.

17. Austria

Austria can rightfully be proud of a decent standard of living, quality public education, and developed human and property rights. But at the same time, Austria is not perceived by world powers as a powerful state: it has very low indicators of leadership, political influence and military power. Ironic of fate, isn't it?

16. Singapore

Singapore is a rich country with very low unemployment and a rapidly growing economy. The city-state has a developed labor market, but income equality and the degree of political influence on the world stage leave much to be desired.

15. Italy

Sultry Italy is one of the most attractive countries in Europe, whose economy directly depends on the tourism business. The country is known for its ancient history and rich culture. Italians say that their country is friendly, incredibly picturesque, stylish, fashionable (it really is!) and incredibly tasty. Let's add a spoonful of piquant “seasoning”: Italy is one of the most corrupt countries in the EU with very sluggish economic growth. Italians are very unhappy with the bureaucracy in the government, the opacity of the economy and inflated taxes.

14. Finland

A global leader in public education and quality of life. Finland has achieved very good results in gender equality, human rights and accessibility to nature. However, Finnish citizens say that they lack quality food, entertainment and national culture. By the way, this state has very low military power.

13. New Zealand

The nuclear-weapon-free zone is a leader in the field of large-scale peacekeeping and international security. The tourism business is developed at the highest level due to the fact that the country is recognized as the most beautiful in the world (the blockbuster “The Lord of the Rings” was filmed here against the backdrop of magnificent landscapes). Local residents are proud of their good ecology and economic stability, but there is no need to talk about the degree of influence on the world community.

12. Norway

Norway is known for the highest incomes, booming private construction and a distinctive Scandinavian culture unlike any other in the world. Norwegians gave their country the highest scores in the field of ecology, protection of human rights and religious freedom, the quality of public education (by the way, free) and business transparency. Norway does not claim leadership, but would like to strengthen its political influence and military strength.

11. Denmark

Danish citizens have access to all levels of healthcare and high-quality free higher education. Moreover, the country rightfully prides itself on income equality, national security and economic stability. The Danish government has virtually zero corruption and the highest level of transparency. But Denmark has one of the highest income taxes in the world.

10. Netherlands

The Netherlands is a leader in human rights and gender equality and the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. The state has very high incomes, a strong agricultural economy, a decent level of education, developed infrastructure and economic stability. But like Finland, the Netherlands ranks very low in terms of affordability.

9. France

France is a country with one of the strongest economies and most influential cultures in the world, and ranks high in the field of human rights and international relations. The French say that their country is prestigious, fashionable, and influential. But modern France has one of the lowest levels of public safety.

8. United States of America

The US dropped four places from 2016 to 2017 and another place from 2017 to 2018, but it is still the strongest economic and military power in the world. Moreover, their influential media actually dictate their will. Americans know their country's business opportunities, respect religious freedom, value their culture, and are proud of their international power. Income equality and the environment leave much to be desired.

7. Australia

Australia is a rich country with quality indicators of life expectancy and standard of living. Australians themselves say that they are friendly, happy, and open. The public education system, developed infrastructure and political stability of the country are at a very high level. But the powers that be do not consider Australia a worthy adversary, and citizens speak of a meager cultural and historical heritage. But this is not surprising.

6. Sweden

Sweden has been a neutral country for many centuries, so the work of the state was aimed at developing human rights and strengthening the civil service. As in other Nordic countries, high tax rates are driven by free healthcare and quality higher education for all citizens. Sweden ranks very high in environmental cleanliness, gender equality, business and government transparency. Swedes do not value their cultural heritage and... level of fun. Yes, exactly fun. Although this is one of the countries where there are slightly fewer holidays per year than working days.

5. Japan

Japan ranks third in terms of economy and technological leadership, but first in terms of entrepreneurship, education and global dominance. The Japanese described their homeland as modern, prestigious and innovative. However, the country still falters on many civil rights issues, such as gender equality and religious freedom.

4. United Kingdom

The United Kingdom's international influence is deeply rooted in its history as the world's largest empire. The UK occupies a leading position in human rights, cultural prestige and political power. The nation's weakness: income inequality.

3. Germany

Germany is one of the largest economic powers, known for its strong workforce and strong entrepreneurship. Germany occupies a worthy place in the world community, is proud of its high level of education, economic stability and the right to vote in international alliances. However, very few Germans describe their nation as cheerful, happy or friendly.

2. Canada

Canada is famous for its multiculturalism and very high level of development. The quality of life in Canada has long remained the highest in the world: ideal indicators of political stability, developed state and civil security, and a rich labor market. The country ranks 3rd in terms of education and second in transparency. According to surveys, the disadvantages are the lack of decent entertainment and a lack of national culture.

1. Switzerland

The leading country (for the second year in a row) is Switzerland, known for its neutrality, low unemployment and stable economy. It ranks very high in environmental friendliness, human rights protection, level of education, access to healthcare and economic stability. Availability and military power are at a very low level.

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