Where is the best place to live and work? Which city to move to to live in Russia: rating

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Pack your bags, guys! website I found 15 fabulous places where living is cheaper than we imagine. Of course, they all have their flaws, but the eternal sun and blue water outshine them.


In addition to the fact that you can eat, pray and love in Indonesia, you can also simply live here affordably. And live on a fairly low budget. Prices here are very affordable: you can eat for less than $1, live for $150 a month, but you can only work via the Internet, since there is a very high unemployment rate here.


What's the catch? This is not a clean beach island where you will lie under an umbrella for days on end. The wild local beach is sometimes “decorated” by packs of stray dogs or other forest inhabitants. Just right for those who want to live away from civilization.


The southeastern coast of Vietnam is famous for its 11 thousand hectares of tropical forest. And this is perhaps the best place in Asia for diving and spearfishing: there is a huge barrier reef. And even on weekends these places are free of tourists.


Laos is a state in South-East Asia, famous for its beautiful mountains, Buddhist monasteries and rubber boat rafting with stops at cafes and bars.


Despite the fact that this place is very popular among tourists and is a little more expensive than others Asian countries, prices in Thailand are still not that high compared to many European countries.


A densely populated country with the Taj Mahal, famous caves, forts and temples, and a holy cow. In addition, it is also a very good place to live from an economic point of view. Just $100-110 is enough to rent an apartment here for a month for two. A plate of hot rice with chicken here can cost only 40 rupees - that's about 60 cents; for a full meal you'll have to pay $1-2.


Mystical Nepal is renowned as the center of spirituality in Asia, and path-seekers travel here from all over the world to meditate and soak up the unique atmosphere of the place. Those who do not crave enlightenment also go to admire the most beautiful mountains, stunning temples and ancient pagodas. Nepal is a paradise for budget travelers. Food expenses here can be limited to $1 per day. Of course, if you go to restaurants, it will be more expensive, but the most expensive dishes here they cost at most $8, and renting a one-room apartment (Kathmandu) costs $1-2 per day. Public transport here it costs up to $0.2.


China is a land of contrasts, with picturesque rural landscapes and crowded urban metropolises, with natural beauty that spans the wild and untamed plains of the Gobi Desert and the northern peak of Everest.

Even though China is a huge country, it is quite easy to get from one place to another. Traveling around the country will not exhaust you as much as in other countries. And taxis in most cities are especially cheap - $1 for a short trip. And you can have a hearty lunch here for just $2.


The most inexpensive countries for living have nothing in common with this state - housing here is expensive, but in comparison, for example, with Switzerland, holidays in Bulgaria are very economical. It's just as beautiful as France, but a bottle of beer costs just $0.80 and you can rent an apartment here for just $200 a month.


Nicaragua is a real budget paradise for those who like to save money. In this country, everything is cheap, from food to rent. However, the minimum cost of living does not mean that you will have to sacrifice the quality of life to which you are accustomed at home. $995 will be enough to rent a large apartment, pay bills and food for two, afford small entertainment (cinema, for example), and even invite a cleaning lady three times a week.

Are you thinking about which country is better to live in? We present a rating of countries where immigrants will like.

The proverbs “Where you were born, you come in handy”, “At home, the walls of your home help”, “It’s good where we are not” and the like are not very impressive to modern people.

Almost open borders of many states, loyal migration legislation and a high standard of living attract those who are dissatisfied with life in their homeland.

But how to determine which country is better to live in? how to do right choice to move, so as not to regret it later?

Don't think that everything is limited to Europe.

Future migrants have access to Asia, Africa, America, Oceania and other parts of the world.

What should you look for when choosing which country is better to live in?

There is an opinion that people do not become immigrants because they have a good life.

This is not to say that this statement is untrue, but it is, in my opinion, a little one-sided.

Yes, indeed, most people who leave their homeland and move to other countries do so out of a desire to earn more than at home, to build up a more powerful material base for themselves.

But this is not the only reason why people become emigrants. There are others:

    The desire to realize oneself in the profession.

    Often our athletes, whom everyone is trying to brand as traitors, take citizenship of another country and begin to compete under its flag not because of greed, but because their native country does not invest enough in their development, so they cannot show their maximum in competitions.

    The desire to live in a more developed country.

    I’m talking now not only about the level of salaries, but also about the attitude towards the law, the level of culture, corruption, environmental safety, etc.


    Europe is now overrun with Syrian immigrants fleeing war in their homeland.

    Exploding bombs, constant firefights, military coups are what make you flee to another country, headlong, without looking at where it is better to live.

If you are not pressed by circumstances and you do not need to run for your life, then you should seriously think about which country would be better for you to live in, where you can realize your potential to the maximum, where you will receive citizenship without long delays.

When choosing a country for further residence, you should pay attention to:

  • crime level;
  • migration legislation;
  • environmental indicators;
  • climatic conditions;
  • attitude towards immigrants;
  • real estate prices;
  • infrastructure facilities;
  • transport connection;
  • salary amounts;
  • level of medicine and education;
  • political and economic stability.

Which country is better to live in Europe?

It is not surprising that most often the views of immigrants from former republics The USSR turns to Europe.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  • many republics have already become members of the European Union, which means they have the opportunity to move freely between countries;
  • climatic conditions and time zones are not so shocking;
  • living conditions are almost familiar (of course, better, but nothing shocking or exotic);
  • high level of development, etc.

Today the EU is going through hard times. He:

  • economically and politically not very stable;
  • is bursting at the seams - following Great Britain, other members are threatening to leave the European family.

But it still remains an excellent option for people from poorer countries.


    Safe, environmentally friendly and economical developed country It’s not for nothing that it attracts foreigners so much – here you can live magnificently and happily until you are very old.

    Alas, complex migration legislation does not provide such chances to everyone.

    Sweden is another one Scandinavian country, the standard of living, medicine, education, ecology and safety of which is highly rated by immigrants.

    Unfortunately, it’s not easy to get a job here – the language is difficult to learn, and obtaining citizenship is almost impossible.


    A very expensive country to live in, which is suitable for non-poor immigrants, so that the state treasury is immediately ready.

    Pros: safety, high standard of living and medicine.

    The disadvantage is the high cost of everything.

Which country is better to live in America?

America is not only the USA, but also other states located on the South and North American continents.

If you are thinking about which country is better to live in in this part of the world, then be sure to consider the following options:

    This state is one of the world leaders.

    The world's reserves are concentrated here drinking water, enough resources to provide its population with everything necessary, relatively honest politicians, citizens who are tolerant of foreigners, loyal migration legislation.

    There is also a huge Ukrainian- and Russian-speaking community here, which will not let you feel lonely.

    The climate in winter, however, is very harsh, but these are minor things compared to the bonuses that you can get by moving here.

    In my opinion, there is no need to even explain why the United States is among the top 10 countries where it is best to live and easiest to get a job.

    The hundreds of thousands of immigrants who flock here are clear evidence of this.

From alternative options you can consider Uruguay, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and others.

The named states cannot, of course, compare with the USA and Canada in terms of living standards and security, but they have quite attractive sides for foreigners.

Which country is the best to live in Asia?

IN Lately More and more of our fellow citizens are deciding that it is better to live not in Europe, but in one of the Asian countries.

Indeed, real estate prices are lower here, the attitude towards immigrants is more loyal, obtaining citizenship is easier than ever, and there are fewer rules to follow.

The top 5 attractive Asian countries to live in looks like this:

  1. Singapore.
  2. Japan.
  3. South Korea.
  4. Thailand.
  5. China.

You can consider other options, for example, more closely located Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, or very exotic ones - Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines.

All of these countries are rapidly developing economically, and it’s not difficult to get a job here.

We invite you to watch a video with a selection of exotic countries,

where you can enjoy life at low cost:

Africa, Oceania, the Middle East - which country is better to live in?

If none of the proposed options suits you, and you continue to turn the globe in search of the best country to live in, then here’s 3 more good options for immigration:


    A very mysterious continent, unevenly populated and located far away.

    And yet, the emigrants who decided to live here are happy with everything, just like the Australians themselves, who adore their country.

    The disadvantages are that there are a lot of dangerous animals.

    New Zealand.

    There are wonderful climatic conditions and a fairly high level of economy and security.

    Real estate prices are moderate, and immigration legislation is relatively loyal.

    The main disadvantage is that it is located too far from us.

  1. The United Arab Emirates has become a second home for many domestic businessmen and people of other professions.

    The standard of living and safety in the Emirates is the highest.

    Despite the fact that the UAE is a Muslim country, they are loyal to people of other faiths.

    However, this state also has disadvantages:

    • it is impossible to obtain citizenship;
    • many restrictions;
    • difficult climate.

Of course, this is incomplete information about which country is better to live in?.

In principle, if you want, you can successfully get a job in any state.

A person quickly gets used to good things, especially if he was deprived of this very good thing in his homeland.

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Are you satisfied with the city in which you live? Have you ever thought about moving to another place? If you have thought about it, why? What you don’t like: climate, environmental situation, or maybe economic situation? Where is the best place to live in Russia? Let's figure it out.

Where is it better to live in Russia: rating of cities from the category “who can live well in Rus'”

Every year, ratings of the most comfortable cities for living are compiled. Many factors are taken into account when compiling ratings. These include: climatic conditions, infrastructure development, availability of educational and medical institutions, salary level and much more.

If we consider the question of where it is better to live in Russia in terms of wages, unemployment, and in general the opportunity to earn good money, we can highlight the following cities:

Moscow - the bells are ringing

No other city can compete with Moscow in terms of the number of jobs. In the capital of Russia both wages and living standards are attractive. Here you can find work for everyone: from generalists to highly specialized specialists.

Favorable conditions have been created in Moscow for creating own business. Even with great competition, you can always find your niche in this huge metropolis.

It’s not for nothing that people hear such concepts as “Moscow is not rubber”, “they’ve come in large numbers here” - this suggests that many people continue to move to Moscow. Some come here for higher education, and then they remain like that permanent place residence.

In addition to Moscow itself, you can also get a good job in the Moscow region. There is also enough work here with a good salary for everyone.

To the main areas of activity that allow achieving high financial results in Moscow and the Moscow region, include: marketing, trade, the latest technologies. Work in these areas is fairly well valued in monetary terms.

City on the Neva – St. Petersburg

Moscow’s worthy competition in terms of the number of jobs is the country’s second multimillion-dollar city, St. Petersburg. This is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia, its cultural center. The very concept of “cultural center” should already make you think about actual receipt work for representatives of cultural professions.

A huge number of tourists from all countries flock to St. Petersburg - again, not free, of course, but a niche for the excursion and hotel business.

If you are tormented by the question of where is the best place to live in Russia, then, of course, St. Petersburg is perfect for work, study, and recreation. But do not forget about the rainy and gloomy climate of this city.

It is worth noting that Moscow and St. Petersburg love ambitious and purposeful people, because... Despite the enormous prospects, it is quite difficult to break into these megacities.

A storehouse of oil and gas – Tyumen

In terms of living standards, Tyumen always ranks first in the ranking. This is also evidenced by statistical data from a survey of people living there. People note the quality of education, the climate, and the work of public utilities.

Tyumen has a high percentage of vacancies with salaries over one hundred thousand rubles. The high northern coefficient also contributes.

The main activities in Tyumen are oil and gas production, woodworking industry, and battery production. That is, these are quite “expensive” areas of employment.

Oh, Kamchatka - the cities of the Kamchatka Territory

Despite the high wages, Kamchatka is not suitable for everyone. This place is suitable for those looking for privacy. The main activity in Kamchatka is the extraction of fuel and energy minerals.

For those who consider Kamchatka as their destination permanent residence, information about business opportunities will not be superfluous. Firstly, these are implementation projects latest technologies processing of fish and seafood. Secondly, this is the tourism sector.

Ekaterinburg - are you from the Urals?

Yekaterinburg is one of the important scientific and industrial centers of Russia. A variety of industries from engineering to light industry are concentrated here. The trade sector is also well developed. So jobs are provided to everyone.

The service market is also widely developed in the metropolis, which in turn provides employment opportunities for people of completely different professions. Yekaterinburg is also a major transport hub, connecting seven railway lines.

Concentrated in Yekaterinburg a large number of educational institutions, and these are prospects for young people, who are undoubtedly wondering where it is better to live in Russia. It should also be noted that Yekaterinburg has quite attractive housing prices compared to other megacities.

Of course, these are not all cities that offer us a real opportunity to earn extra money. Statistics are an unpredictable thing, bringing first one city or another in the ranking. By favorable conditions for doing business, cities such as Ufa, Belgorod, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Kaliningrad, Voronezh also occupied and still occupy high positions Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Sochi.

It should be noted that when researching where it is better to live in Russia, it is also necessary to take into account the ranking by region. For example, in terms of average wages, the top five regions include:

  • Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region where it is concentrated most of oil and gas production throughout the country;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, famous for its mining industry;
  • Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug, which is not inferior in gas reserves to the Yamalo-Nenets;
  • Nenets Autonomous Okrug, famous for its fishing and forestry industries, as well as the Vasilkovo-Naryan-Mar Gas Pipeline;
  • Magadan region, whose main activity is the fishing industry and gold mining.

Of course, when deciding to move to these regions for high salaries, do not forget about others no less important factors, such as climatic conditions and assessments of the level of quality of life in general.

So, you have found out where you can earn extra money. But work is not the most important thing in life. There is also a family, children. You also need to think about old age. Let's travel around Russia in search of a better life through the prism family values and environmental conditions. We will look for where it is better to live for retirees in Russia, and also where to move with children.

Where is the best place for retirees to live in Russia?

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In this article we have revealed the most current ways to obtain starting capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

When choosing a place of residence for retirees, factors such as the ability to earn money in retirement should be taken into account, of course, if desired. Also, no less important is the health factor. It is no secret that older people suffer from various types of diseases. Therefore, when searching for the best place to live for retirees in Russia, it is necessary to take into account the climate and environmental situation.

Don’t forget about the size of the pension in a particular region, because the majority of pensioners live only on pensions. It should also be taken into account communal infrastructure, size of the food basket, i.e. all those factors that make up consumable part pensioner's budget.

Having studied all this, one can come to the sad conclusion that it is better for a pensioner to live abroad, where the size of the pension allows not to survive, but to actually live!

But what about Russia? Where is the best place to live in Russia: rating of Russian cities comfortable for retirement.

  • Irkutsk

Features: increased pension due to subsidies for pensioners living in Far North, affordable housing costs utilities And food basket.

  • Tula and Bryansk regions

Features: a fairly high well-being index, which shows the amount of free Money, remaining with pensioners after basic expenses (housing and communal services, food basket and medicines).

Feature: environmentally friendly environment

  • Yaroslavl

Feature: one of the lowest utility fees in Russia

  • Krasnodar region

Of course, everyone decides for themselves where it is better to live in Russia, based on their own criteria. For some, the main thing is material well-being, for some – development Agriculture, and for the third, a favorable climate is important.

Worth it again Special attention Please note that pensioners are a category of people who suffer from various diseases. And not only pensioners, to say the least. Therefore, when choosing a place of residence, do not neglect the fact that it is not always good for a hypertensive patient where it is good for an allergic or asthmatic person. Climate is of great importance here.

Features: favorable climate, well-developed healthcare system.

Where is the best place to live in Russia with children?

When answering the question “Where is the best place to live with children in Russia,” you need to take into account factors such as the availability of educational institutions and medical care. Pay attention to the crime rate.

Also, when moving, you need to take into account climatic conditions. It is advisable, if the child is small, that the climate of the two cities - the one you live in and the one you plan to move to - is not very different. And if children have weak immunity, then give preference to coastal regions.

  • Kazan
  • Belgorod, Voronezh

    Also one of the largest scientific and educational centers, occupying top positions in the ranking.

  • Rostov-on-Don

    Cultural and Education Centre With a huge amount entertainment facilities for children and youth.

  • Kaliningrad

Of course, it would take a very long time to list the best places to live in Russia. To identify best place Ratings and surveys are conducted annually. Moreover, both large million-plus cities and small ones are compared with each other. If a city is among the top five this year, it does not mean that it will retain this position next year. It is quite difficult to find a place that would suit you in all respects: in terms of doing business, and in terms of favorable conditions for children and elderly parents. Even such a question as “where is it better to live by the sea in Russia” is worth thinking about. Of course, no one argues about a favorable climate, but is it possible to find a good job everywhere?

How many people, so many opinions. And when accepting this important decision Like moving to another city, you need to consider both your goals and expectations from the move, and the composition of your family. It is always easier for one person to take off, it is easier to endure, for example, an unfavorable climate in the name of receiving a high salary.

Many consider Kaliningrad the best both in terms of quality of life and, attention, for doing business. Moreover, this is the most European city. Therefore, when considering the best options to live with children in Russia, do not ignore this city.

Where is it better to live by the sea in Russia?

Many Russian residents who want to change their place of residence opt for cities in central or southern Russia. This is especially true for residents of northern cities who lack the sea and sun. And experts recommend moving to the sea for children who constantly suffer from colds. For retirees, again, the southern climate is most favorable.

So, where is it better to live by the sea in Russia, so that, as they say, “the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”? Let's stop at a couple of towns.

At the end of our search better life in Russia, it is worth mentioning the four cities in which the most happy people. Maybe this criterion will be decisive in your choice. So, the four included Grozny, Tyumen, Kazan, Surgut. And in general, if you analyze the entire article, you can find the intersection of many cities in lists of different importance. The same Krasnodar or Sochi have appeared almost everywhere: they are favorable both for doing business and for living in retirement. Everything has already been said about moving with children to these southern seaside towns.

Let us note that there is no smell of Moscow and St. Petersburg here. But you can pay closer attention to Tyumen and Kazan. Tyumen was noted in the TOP of the “richest” cities in Russia, where there is real opportunity earn money. And we saw Kazan on the list of favorable places to move with children.


So, we have found out where it is better to live in Russia from the point of view of experts and sociological surveys - now the choice is yours. Research and compare which criteria are paramount for you and which are not so important. Don't forget to take into account who you'll be living with in your new place, so you can take their interests into account as well.

And no matter what city you choose to live in: your hometown or one that is in the top five for quality of life, be sure to take into account your preferences. Some people like large cities, with many “factories and ships,” while others prefer a quieter life in the outback. Good luck with your choice!

In the age of the Internet, everyone can receive necessary information, without leaving home. Thanks to this, some people can find out from others how they live in other cities, read statistics on housing and food prices in different regions countries. By analyzing this information, people can seriously think about moving and determine for themselves where it is better to live in Russia. Moreover, everyone will have their own selection criteria. Let's consider the advantages of different cities of the country from the point of view various categories citizens.

  1. What level average salary people in the region have.
  2. How developed is the infrastructure and amenities of the city?
  3. Is it heavily polluted? environment cities.
  4. What is the quality medical care and education in the region.

If we take into account all these factors, then the leading cities stand out, where it is good to live in Russia, according to the majority. The top 5 such cities are below.

  1. Krasnodar.
  2. Moscow.
  3. Kazan.
  4. Saint Petersburg.
  5. Tyumen.

Families with children and pensioners want to live in Krasnodar because it is warm and close to the sea, they go to Moscow and Tyumen to work, Kazan is loved for its cleanliness and amenities, St. Petersburg is preferred by lovers of architecture and art.

Regions of the Russian Federation participating in the resettlement program

While our compatriots are thinking about which city to move to to live in Russia, for foreign citizens who are native speakers of Russian, is provided special program resettlement According to it, foreigners can receive Russian passport and relocation assistance in the form of lifting aids, provided they live in one of the less populated regions of the country. These regions received priority status for resettlement:

  • Far East;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Amur and Khabarovsk territories;
  • Buryatia;
  • Sakhalin.


The city of Sochi with its subtropical climate is known throughout Russia as the most popular resort. Everyone who vacations here involuntarily thinks about how wonderful it would be to move here from their city for permanent residence. The gentle climate of Sochi is due to its favorable location: Caucasus ridge protects the city from sudden temperature changes. Warm weather prevails here more than 200 days a year. There is no sweltering heat in summer, and winter is mild and frost-free. Resort town very handsome. There are palm trees, gorgeous flower beds, fountains, and amusement parks everywhere. The following factors oppose moving to Sochi:

  • work in the city is seasonal, there is practically no work in winter, there is no industry;
  • exorbitant prices for goods and services;
  • very expensive housing to buy or rent.

Therefore, just like that, right off the bat, it will be difficult to move and “survive” in Sochi. This city is suitable for those who have a remote source of income, for example, profitable business in the previous city of residence.

Where is the available property?

Another quite a few important factor, which is useful to consider when people think about how to choose a city to move to - the availability of a square meter of residential real estate. Moving is always associated with the sale of housing in the previous city of residence and the purchase of living space in a new city. The following rules apply here.

  1. Proximity to the center: Moscow and the Moscow region have the most expensive housing. The further away, the cheaper.
  2. City size: the larger the city, the more jobs there are, which means more expensive real estate.
  3. Proximity to the resort area: buying your own home within the popular resorts is quite expensive.

Based on statistics for the 4th quarter of 2018, the cost per square meter of housing in different regions of the country is presented in the table.

There is one more important criterion to select your region of residence, this is the cost of your shopping cart. This includes basic set goods and services. By this criterion the cheapest place to live is in Kursk, Lipetsk, Saratov or Belgorod region.

Big cities

Those who are thinking about where to move to live in Russia to earn money make their choice in favor of large cities. The first on the list, of course, are Moscow and St. Petersburg, but besides them, there are several other cities where you can find work with a high salary.


Russian capital rightfully occupies a leading position in the top cities for moving. Almost all of it is concentrated here thanks to the endless stream of citizens from neighboring countries coming for work. According to official data alone, the population of Moscow now numbers more than 12 million people.

The main advantage of the capital region, which attracts thousands of provincials and guests from other countries to this city, is the large number of jobs with decent pay. People with a wide range of qualifications, with or without work experience, with or without higher education, will be able to find high-paying jobs in Moscow.

However, there is another side to the coin - life in the city is very expensive. Starting from the cost of housing (a one-room apartment, even in the Moscow region, can no longer be found for less than 2 million rubles, and a rented apartment costs within minimum wage in the city - 30 thousand rubles) and ending expensive travel and food, all this takes up a significant part of earnings. In addition to the high cost, there are also traffic jams, so city residents spend a lot of their time traveling from work and back.

It is worth adding here the poor ecology, which makes the capital city not the most suitable place for families with small children to live. Despite this, foreigners flock to Moscow every year, for whom the main thing is to work with permanent residence in Russia. There are also many students here - the city is home to the most prestigious universities in the country, such as Moscow State University, MGIMO, VGIK, etc. The bustle in the city never ceases, so life here is not suitable for everyone.

Saint Petersburg

Northern capital, Russian Venice, cultural capital, “metropolis for the soul”, city of rains - all these names are assigned to St. Petersburg and characterize its features. There are 2 times fewer people living in the city than in Moscow (slightly more than 5 million), and the average monthly income here is lower (40 thousand rubles). But many people still come to this city for permanent residence. Some people are attracted by the beauty of St. Petersburg: palaces, canals, fountains, drawbridges, squares. Some people value this city more for the abundance of the most prestigious educational institutions, including military universities famous throughout the country.

St. Petersburg does not have the bustle of Moscow; life in the city is always calm and measured. The same features are characteristic of the mentality of St. Petersburg residents. People of a special poetic nature, who are not afraid of always rainy weather, will find this city the most suitable place for themselves. Well, if life in the city is not to someone’s taste, let’s consider a few more places where to move from St. Petersburg to live in Russia.


Yekaterinburg is a city with a population of one million, which is called the “capital of the Urals”. A well-developed industry and a service market that is not inferior to it in development in Yekaterinburg makes it as easy as possible for people to find a job. People of various specialties will be able to find work here without any problems, and the average salary level is very pleasing - 35-40 thousand rubles per month. Despite the fact that Yekaterinburg has the status of a million-plus population, housing prices here are very affordable. The level of medicine and education in the city is also at a high level.


It is among the top most popular cities to move to. Every year thousands of new residents buy housing here, despite this their number has not yet reached a million, but fluctuates between 800-900 thousand, while Krasnodar residents do not complain about the bustle of the city. Immigrants are attracted here by the mild climate of the southern city, good ecology due to the absence of large industrial enterprises, land fertility and abundance of harvest, long warm summers. Excellent conditions have been created here for developing your own business, and the average salary exceeds 30 thousand rubles. Most Russians choose Krasnodar because of its proximity to the sea coast, which can be reached from the city within a couple of hours’ drive.


Among the best Russian cities With high level life, so many people dream of moving here to earn money. The city is located in Western Siberia, the population is more than 700 thousand people. Every tenth Tyumen resident is employed in oil and gas sector, which is very developed here. Hence the most high salaries, which exceed even Moscow ones.

The average monthly income in the city exceeds 40 thousand rubles, but even ordinary engineers and other highly qualified personnel receive over 100 thousand. A wealthy region can afford to invest in the development of infrastructure, housing and communal services, urban improvement and social projects, so this is all at the highest level too.


This Russian city known for its unique geographical location. Being part of Russia, it is located far from it, in the central part of Europe on the Baltic coast. The economy here is well developed - thanks to oil production, the largest amber deposit and shipbuilding.

Therefore, there will be no problems with finding employment and receiving a decent salary. The city is famous for its rich history. European influence is also felt here. Kaliningrad is multinational, since representatives of many nationalities live in the city.

About how they live simple people in Russia, writing is difficult. Because it hurts the soul... Many do not live, but survive. Especially those who are not used to dodging, deceiving others, or profiting from the misfortune of others.

Average earnings of a Russian according to official data

So how do ordinary people live in Russia? Differently. depends on income. And here a person who sets himself the task of finding out how ordinary people live in Russia will be overcome by a wave of bewilderment.

Statistics Federal service gives a completely acceptable figure - 32,600 rubles. Indeed, you can live quite decently on that kind of money. But this is what we get if we divide all the incomes of people, both ordinary and rich, by total number. That is, some are fattening, receiving a hundred thousand a month, and some, and they are the majority. This suggests itself the conclusion that it is impossible to draw for yourself a real picture of how ordinary people live in Russia based on these data.

Real official salaries of Russian residents

However, there are other data by which one can imagine how much ordinary people receive for their work.

For example, if you calculate your salary based on employers’ proposals, taking into account the figures indicated for advertising purposes, then on average it will be 27,521 rubles. By the way, this data also cannot be trusted. After all, there is a “luring” of people here, an exaggeration. In many places, quite high average earnings are obtained due to the fact that the majority of workers work beyond the standard working hours, more than one rate.

An independent sociological survey shows a different figure, which fluctuates between 6,000 rubles and 18,000. And, strange as it may seem to people with normal incomes, such small salaries, below living wage, is far from uncommon in Russia. In the provinces, for example, a kindergarten nanny - an assistant teacher - can receive 5,000 rubles. A school cleaner is offered... as much as 7,000 rubles for a full day of work! A janitor can get a job with earnings ranging from 3,000 to 9,000 rubles, again, according to employers who advertise for employment.

So draw a conclusion about how an ordinary person lives in Russia, gets by, makes ends meet, receiving an amount for work that is less than the subsistence level.

Approximate monthly housing costs

Russians give the lion's share of the money they earn to pay for utilities. To reside in one-room apartment, a Russian citizen must pay 1,500 rubles or more monthly.

Electricity is a separate item, TV antenna, Internet. And this is about 1000 rubles more.

By the way, many tenants receive receipts for additional payment overhaul the house in which they live. Although a lot of materials are published on the Internet that this is being done illegally. It states that the “repair” column is already included in total amount housing fees. Moreover, in many houses the condition leaves much to be desired. Photographs of houses in neighborhoods of people who are not so wealthy as to buy luxury housing clearly demonstrate how ordinary people live in Russia.


The constantly rising cost of travel in public transport is also not encouraging. There are, of course, certain benefits established for pensioners, schoolchildren, students, and war veterans. But since an ordinary person lives in Russia, he is often forced to use private transport, not municipal transport, which is very difficult to wait for, especially during rush hour. And there all these benefits are fiction.

As a result, it will take (23*2)*2 (road to child care facility and back) +23*2 (way to work) = 168 rubles. With six days working week this will result in a tidy sum of 4032 rubles. And if the child still attends some sections or clubs, music or dance school, which are far from home, then fare turn out to be even higher.

Is childhood a carefree time?

Get to the municipal kindergarten maybe not every child. Many children's institutions that still exist after the Soviet regime demand (tacitly) entrance fee, which ranges from 5 to 50 thousand rubles. Although, if the mother carefully took the turn while she was still pregnant, then the likelihood of a four-year-old child ending up in a nursery organized team increases.

Schoolchildren also have to constantly pay either for repairs or for security. In some places, extortions are even made for the wages of cleaners. Despite the decrees, which say that one should not follow the lead of school management and pay them, parents choose the lesser of two evils, that is, they pay, since the children of “malicious evaders” are disliked by teachers. They are simply terrorized by constant humiliation and nagging.

How do older people live in Russia?

It's sad to know that after 45 it is very difficult to get a well-paid job. It is especially difficult for women in this regard. When looking for employees, employers often specify age limits.

Abroad, this fact would be recognized as discrimination and could appear in trial. For Russians, this has long become the norm. Therefore, many educated, qualified workers belonging to this category (women over 45 years old) are forced to use their skills and knowledge with a doormat in their hands or behind a private counter.

Our government, unfortunately, often turns a blind eye to the fact of how people live in Russia. Discussion of these issues is not strictly prohibited, but is practically not brought into the national arena.

Retirement has arrived - disaster! Open the gates for her...

It gets even worse when it comes retirement age. Facilities mass media They enthusiastically praise the Russian government for its care for the elderly: they either increase pensions or issue credit cards to the elderly. And everything is supposedly in order.

However, credit cards give pensioners the opportunity to “get by” if there is a lack of funds from pension to retirement; they can only be used to buy goods in stores. Naturally, this opportunity is often not taken advantage of. And when you withdraw money, such a huge percentage is immediately charged, and 25% per annum is charged on the entire amount spent. Good help old people have nothing to say. An impression is being created that no one at the top even knows how ordinary people live or survive in Russia, but believe that everyone here is well-fed, warm and happy.

But if pensioners lived so well, they wouldn’t own initiative sit in any weather near shops and transport stops, offering passers-by some old things, items made with my own hands vegetables and flowers grown on your own plot. Don't think that older people don't know how to rest. It is unlikely that any of them would refuse free travel to a holiday home or sanatorium, from a trip abroad or a boat tour along the Volga. They just don’t offer it, unfortunately. But not everyone can pack for such a vacation on their own.

My village, dying...

Don't touch on problems rural outback it is impossible, covering the question of how people live in Russia. it is difficult there to such an extent that most townspeople cannot even imagine it. There is practically no work, transport has been cancelled, shops and medical posts are closed. There is often no Internet, and the TV can only broadcast one or two programs. People are simply cut off from civilization. To get bread and salt, you have to walk five or six kilometers to a larger village in any weather.

Of course, this is not the case in all villages. However, in most small rural settlements everything is exactly like that. Speaking about how ordinary people live on the border of Russia and Belarus, we can say the same thing: most of the villages are abandoned, and the people have to survive as best they can.

Organization of leisure time for children and adults

Russians have long been accustomed to taking care of themselves. They are tired of waiting for someone to renovate the building in which they live with their own money and take care of the beauty of the area around their houses. Therefore, the walls of entrances painted by local craftsmen themselves are often pleasing to the eye. And the old women, creaking their joints, with difficulty plant flowers in front of their houses and water the seedlings. And some even manage to equip playgrounds with amazing swans made of tires, sculptures made of plastic bottles, and houses made of empty glass containers.

When talking about how people live in Russia, we cannot ignore the issue of their free time. If we compare the current state of affairs with the organization of leisure in Soviet period, then the gain will not be with modernity. Today, free circles in which people of different ages can get together, engage in creativity and simply communicate are practically non-functional.

Therefore, special mention should be made of those rare organizations where there are still altruists who make efforts and spend their time working with people for free. These are, for example, literary associations, where experienced writers and poets conduct classes with beginners, share their work, and help promote the creativity of unrecognized talents.

With great love and gratitude from people of all kinds social levels enjoy the festivals of art songs and poetry, which are held by the public. Almost anyone can come there and take part completely free of charge, both as a spectator and as a performer of their own works.

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