Where can I get a certificate of the child’s place of residence? Format of the child registration certificate at the place of stay

The article tells you where to get a certificate of registration at your place of residence and explains what documents are needed for this.

This is a document that specifies where the child lives. Adult citizens are given a stamp in their passport, and for children, a Form 8 certificate is issued about the child’s legal registration.

Important! You can obtain document 8 regarding the registration of a child at the place of residence upon application. You can submit an application in person, send it by mail or through the website gosuslugi.ru. The certificate is issued in one copy and contains important information.

The form itself is not used. It serves as an attachment to the birth document.

6 information that the form contains:

  • Full name of the minor, year of birth;
  • full indication of the address where the minor is registered.
  • name of the institution where the form is issued.
  • position, as well as the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee who filled out the form;
  • date when the document was issued;
  • seal of the organization.

Each form is issued under an individual number and registered in a special register.

Why do you need a certificate?

Without a registration document, you will not be accepted into kindergarten and will not be accepted into school. To attach a baby to a clinic, you also need a certificate. Benefits and benefits, as well as family capital, are now also registered at the place of residence. Parents must take care to obtain an identification form, otherwise they will have to pay fines. Lack of registration is a violation of the law.

The amount of the penalty for the absence of a certificate of registration of a child at the place of residence is established by Art. 19.15.1 Code of Administrative Offences. Residents of the capital and St. Petersburg will have to pay from three to five thousand rubles for accommodation without registration.

But children under sixteen do not pay fines. Therefore, be responsible for the fact that a certificate of registration at the child’s place of permanent residence is not received in a timely manner.

Where to get the document

There are several options for where to obtain a certificate of registration at your place of residence:

  1. Contact the MFC staff.
  2. Contact the management organization, HOA or other company that manages the housing stock.

You can submit your application online. To do this, you need to register on the gosuslugi.ru portal. The documents will be checked. If everything is in order, the citizen will be asked to come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in person for an appointment.

Multifunctional public service centers are official intermediaries. They hand over the documentation to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for processing.

You can independently choose where to get your registration certificate and begin collecting the necessary documents.

What is needed for registration

Where to obtain an official certificate of registration at the child’s place of residence, they will require supporting documents.

4 reasons for issuing a certificate:

  1. parent's passport;
  2. birth certificate of a minor;
  3. data from the BTI about those registered in the apartment;
  4. reasons for living in a house or apartment.

There is a certain list of requirements when a child’s registration certificate is issued. The entire list was announced in Government Decree No. 713, dated July 1995.

Employees who accept documents confirming official registration at the place of residence cannot make additional requirements.

A certificate of registration at the place of residence is issued regardless of whether other owners agree to live with the minor. The child is registered where the mother or father is registered.

A form confirming registration at the place of residence is issued, even if the square meters for living are clearly not enough. Children's rights must be respected.

Rules for registration of minors

Children under fourteen years of age are registered where there is confirmation of the registration of one of the parents. After fourteen years of age, children are allowed to live separately.

Therefore, when your son or daughter turns fourteen, you can register him with his grandmother. From the age of 14, the application must be completed independently.

You must confirm your desire to register by submitting an application. Until children are fourteen, the mother, father, or guardian fills out the application. When a certificate of registration at the place of residence is issued, the official consent of the minor's guardians is required.

Explains how to obtain a registration certificate and the procedure for providing services, Administrative Regulations approved by Order of the Federal Migration Service No. 288 of September 11, 2012.

When is the certificate issued?

There are several cases when parents receive a certificate:

  • a baby is born;
  • a new living space is purchased;
  • a move is taking place.

After the birth of the baby, you must obtain a certificate from the registry office. After this you can already register.

Types of registration certificates

Form No. 8 indicates information about a specific citizen who is registered in the apartment.

To apply for benefits and receive benefits from social protection and the pension fund, you request certificate No. 9. This document shows information about the citizens registered in the apartment. Documents are issued by specialists from the MFC and the territorial division of the MFC.


Not only Russian citizens, but also migrants send their children to school and kindergarten. To apply, you need to collect the same list of documents as Russian citizens.

A certificate from the place of registration is issued on the basis of a residence permit, as well as other documents confirming the legal presence on Russian territory.

The question of how to obtain a certificate is most often decided before enrolling in a kindergarten or school. Children with permanent and temporary registration are accepted.

There is no need to pay a fee; certificates are issued free of charge.

If a citizen has not paid for utilities, this is not a reason to refuse to issue a certificate. The public service is provided regardless of whether utility bills have been paid or not.

The question of what the form looks like arises for applicants. This is a regular information certificate confirming where the minor is registered. If the residence is temporary, the period for which we will register is specified. Without a birth document, the certificate has no legal force. The details of the certificate are included in the certificate.

4 features of issuing certificates:

  1. Form No. 3 is issued for temporary registration, and certificate No. 8 is issued for permanent registration.
  2. The document is issued in one copy. If lost, a duplicate will be issued.
  3. The basis for issuance is the parental application and the basis for using the premises.
  4. A mother, father, guardian or legal representative acting on the basis of a power of attorney can obtain a certificate of registration of a child at the place of residence.

It doesn’t matter what the owner thinks about the registration of a newborn. If the father or mother is registered, then the child will be registered there. To register a minor in the future, you need the approval of the owner of the property.

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Every citizen living on the territory of the Russian Federation is required to have a permanent place of residence. The age of the person is not important. Both children and the elderly must register. The fact of its existence is confirmed by Form 8 on the child’s registration.

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The document may be required for admission to kindergarten, school, or during the divorce process. To know how to draw up a paper, then get acquainted with the latest information on the topic.

What it is?

Form number 8 - certificate of registration of a minor citizen at the place of residence. The document is drawn up during registration with the Federal Migration Service. The paper has a unified appearance. Its form is fixed by the provisions of the current legislation.

In essence, the document is an additional identification document for a small child. It complements the birth certificate.

Form No. 8 is provided in a single copy. If a person loses a document or damages it, the paper can be restored. To do this, you will need to submit an application for a duplicate. The certificate is usually provided upon the request of the parents.

The legislative framework

Before figuring out where to get Form 8 about a child’s registration, a citizen should familiarize himself with the provisions of the current legislation regarding the provision and use of documents.

Today, the procedure for obtaining permanent registration is carried out in accordance with Articles 20-21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Similar provisions are enshrined in Article 70 of the RF Housing Code.

The provision of documents must be carried out in accordance with the provisions enshrined in Federal Law No. 143.

Place of registration

According to current legislation, the place of registration of a child must be the actual place of residence of his parents or one of them.

This means that the government body will agree to register only if one of its legal representatives is registered on the territory of the living space.

In this case, the real estate can be registered on the basis of ownership or property rights. If the apartment belongs to one of the child’s parents, but they themselves are not registered there, the minor citizen can still be registered in it.

If a person does not have ownership rights to housing, but has a legal basis for being in it, there is no need to complete the procedure of agreement with the owner to register a child. According to the rules, children can be registered on a free basis. This rule also applies to municipal housing, even if the child is not indicated in the social loan agreement. In the future, his parents have the right to register the minor citizen with them.

However, there are exceptions to the rules. If parents register a minor citizen with them on the territory of the rented living space, permission from the owner will be required.

According to the general rules, the procedure must be completed within 7 days from the date of departure from the previous place of residence. If the requirements of the law are not met, the citizen will be fined. You can avoid punishment only if there are compelling reasons.

Form 8 about child registration

The design of form number eight has a number of features. To figure out how to make a finished document, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main points of the procedure and the nuances that a person may encounter in the process.

Why is it necessary?

Form number eight serves as confirmation of the place of residence of a minor citizen. It can be useful when enrolling a child in school or kindergarten. Documents may also be required to be presented when applying for a number of benefits, if this is provided for by current legislation.

Sometimes it is necessary to confirm the fact of registration in the region. This requirement is often put forward by institutions that interact only with citizens who are permanent residents of a certain territory.

In the absence of registration, the child’s parents may encounter problems in enrolling the child in an educational institution.


You can obtain form number 8 by contacting the relevant government agency authorized to provide the paper. The form must be filled out correctly.

It must reflect the following information:

  • Full name of the minor citizen and his date of birth;
  • address at the place of registration;
  • document on the basis of which form number 8 is provided;
  • name of the institution providing the document;
  • signature of the specialist providing the paper;
  • seal of the institution that issued the document.

The absence of one of the above details will make the paper invalid.

Where and how to get a certificate?

Today, there are several government agencies that have the right to provide form number eight.

You can obtain a certificate by contacting one of the following institutions:

  • the relevant department of the housing organization servicing the residential building.

You must contact the branch of organizations located at the citizen’s place of residence. The interests of a minor child are represented by the parents. It is they who must contact one of the above institutions.

The procedure for obtaining paper is not complicated. The applicant will have to provide a package of documentation and then wait until form number 8 is ready.

Who is eligible to receive?

The list of persons who have the right to receive a child’s registration certificate is clearly recorded.

The following may apply for a document to a government agency:

  1. Parents of a minor. Both mother and father have the right. They are the official representatives of the child. Parents must also be registered in this living space or own it.
  2. Homeowner. The citizen does not necessarily have to be registered on the territory of the real estate.
  3. Official representative of the parents or owner. At the same time, a person applying for a certificate of registration of a child must have a state-issued power of attorney.

Required documents

Before contacting a government agency to obtain form number 8, you must prepare.

The list of required papers that will be required to carry out the registration process includes:

  • passports of the legal representatives of the minor (original and copy);
  • a certificate of registration of the parents’ marriage or a document confirming the fact of divorce;
  • birth certificate of a minor containing a note on citizenship (original and copy);
  • a completed application (data can be entered into the paper directly at the branch of the government agency);
  • an extract from the house register confirming the fact that a minor is being registered for the first time.

In some situations, the list of documentation may change. So, if parents live separately, written permission from one of them will be required to register the child or.

The documents must be submitted by a person who will not be registered with a minor citizen.

Dates of issue

Usually the document is provided on the day of application. However, deviations from the deadlines are possible depending on individual nuances in the current situation. There is no fee for issuing the document.

How long does it last?

Having figured out where to go to obtain a child registration certificate, a citizen must find out how long the document is valid. According to the rules, the paper can be used until the child turns 14 years old.

What is and why do you need a certificate of registration at the place of residence?

The place of residence is considered to be the point where the citizen does not live permanently, but is located temporarily.

No one is forbidden to travel, study, work, improve their health, the main thing is that in case the period of stay away from home is more than 90 days, then you need to report yourself to the migration service. The result of accounting activities will be a special paper - a certificate.

This document give a chance to its owner:

  • use the services of clinics and inpatient medical institutions;
  • apply for a pension, benefits, subsidy;
  • to get a good job;
  • register children in or at their non-permanent location;
  • take out a loan, etc.

Form requirements

This document, in accordance with Order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated September 11, 2012 N 288, which approved the Administrative Regulations for Accounting Services, is called form No. 3(Appendix to Administrative Regulations No. 9).

Certificate of location, corresponding to the standard sample f. No. 3, doesn't look like a card, and a sheet measuring ½ standard A-4 format or full A-5 format.

The appearance and dimensions of this sheet are regulated not by the form, but solely by the content.

In any case, this sheet, which is planned use for a long time, you need to copy it on a color machine, laminate it and use it in everyday life, and store the original.

You should also know that this document by itself is not valuable, but only together with the identity card, to which it is an attachment.

Temporary registration at your place of stay can also be found on our website.

The form of the certificate of registration at the residence address has your personal number, assigned during registration actions. Below is the full name of the owner of this certificate, his date and place of birth, and then the detailed address of temporary registration and deadline required, specifying the start and end days of this document.

Below you must write the number and series of the identity card on the basis of which this certificate was issued.

At the bottom, the position and full name of the person signing this document, as well as the date of issue, must be indicated in full. In the lower left corner there should be seal imprint of the FMS department.

You can find out how to do so at your place of stay in our article.

Where and how do you get it?

A document on non-permanent registration is obtained from one of the bodies that are authorized to carry out registration procedures:

You can come to any of these institutions during reception hours with the necessary papers (passport, documents for housing), fill out what is given in the window statement and written consent of the owner apartment or tenant.

The person receiving the guest must appear in person, with his or her passport. Usually within 3 days from the date of acceptance of the documents, accounting procedures will be carried out and a certificate will be issued in the same window.

If housing municipal, then consent to adding one more tenant will be required from the remaining inhabitants of the apartment, and sometimes from the municipal authority that has jurisdiction over the housing.


They issue a certificate of form No. 3 for the period during which the owner of the apartment agrees to keep the guest, most often it is 1-2 years. In a municipal apartment, the validity of this document is limited and ranges from 6 months to 1 year.

If further stay is necessary this period can be extended by submitting an application and a package of documents, which must contain confirmation of the need for further stay in this point.

Cost and state duty

There is no state duty for registration actions, and the service itself, called registration at the place of stay, is provided free of charge.

But additional services may be required from employees of the registration authority, such as assistance in filling out an application form or other actions not provided for in the registration procedure and provided for an additional fee of insignificant amounts.

Features and nuances

When registering at the place of residence, the registration at the main place of residence is not canceled - it continues to be valid, it’s just not relevant in another region.

Although the original passport will be taken away (with the issuance of a receipt for the seizure), no marks are put on it.

Since the provision of documents for housing is not mandatory (clause 19 of the Administrative Regulations of the FMS), migration service employees will need to contact Rosreestr or other government agencies to clarify information and receive documents for the apartment electronically, then the process may take a little longer - up to 8 days(clause 29 of the Administrative Regulations).

The need for a certificate of temporary registration

Why do you need a certificate of registration at your place of residence?

A certificate of temporary registration at the place of location can be requested by any institution, since this certificate not only confirms the existence of registration, but also certifies the composition of the family.

Such situations in which help is needed, a bunch of:

  • any actions in the registry office (divorce, marriage, registration of a baby, etc.);
  • registering a child for kindergarten or school;
  • entering service or work;
  • obtaining low-income status;
  • receiving subsidies, benefits, etc.

When a citizen has officially declared his temporary location at a given point, then take a certificate from the MFC or from the passport officer of his housing office - no problem, since registration actions relate to making changes to information about a person in all databases.

The certificate will be issued after checking apartment registration cards the presence of such a surname at the specified address.

Registration at the place of residence is not only a citizen’s right, but also an obligation, failure to fulfill which may result in the imposition of fine.

By performing simple steps consisting of visiting one of the places where services of this kind are provided, any person located outside his permanent place of residence can obtain a certificate of temporary registration.

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According to the law, a child who has not reached the age of majority must be registered soon after arriving home from the maternity facility, until he turns one month old.

Since most institutions are based on territorial reference, registration, in addition to the accounting function, gives the right to use registration to had access to services provided to residents of a particular area, and it is this paper that confirms that a minor citizen belongs to this locality and region.

Certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence.

Content requirements

Confirmation of the registration of children, like any other citizen, is carried out through special form, called form No. 9. It has a certain content.

The law, represented by Order of the Federal Migration Service (FMS of Russia) dated September 11, 2012 N 288, regulated the content of form No. 9.

In it contained:

This standard form, which will be issued to both the baby and the elderly resident according to a single established model.

Find out from our articles about how to register a child at the place of residence or, as well as whether it is possible to register a minor, for example, in an apartment, and how issues are resolved.

Where and how do you get it?

Where can I get a certificate confirming that a child has no or no registration? It is issued by the passport officer of the housing office, HOA, house management company or at the passport office at the place of registration. Should one of the parents(both are not necessary), prescribed here, take:

  • your passport;
  • the child’s birth certificate, where there is a stamp indicating that the fact of registration is present;
  • certificate of registration of the minor (if any);
  • housing papers.

When going to the passport office during reception hours, you need to make sure that you have copies of the original documents.

It will be necessary to write an application requesting the issuance of Form 9 in the name of the young citizen; the employee will check the completeness of the applications and accept or refuse the application. Usually f.9 is received immediately, or when the passport officer is very busy after a couple of hours.

They may refuse if identified invalid documents– for example, lack of photos at a certain age, or other types of shortcomings.

How to obtain such a certificate? You can apply for this paper at the MFC, but there are other options:

  • through the Internet;
  • postal services.

At Internet version They will set a time when you need to come up with the originals of your papers and pick up Form 9.

Post services It will take some time, about 2 days, and a day or two for processing, as a result, in 3-4 days f.9 will be ready.

When sending by mail, you should put in the envelope not only copies of your papers, but also a statement indicating addresses, where exactly you need to send the finished form 9.

The service for providing citizens with form No. 9 refers to free.

You can find out how at your place of residence from our article.

For how long is it issued?

There are no legal restrictions on the validity period for this form. But since family composition– the value is not constant, then most often in serious cases they require a certificate dated no later than 10-30 days.

Features and nuances

It must be borne in mind that a refusal due to arrears in payments for utility services is unlawful, and you must insist on your right to receive the coveted certificate.

According to the rules, a personal application is required, but since a child under 14 years of age does not have a document by which he can be identified visually, his parent (no matter whether it is mom or dad), who is representative of a minor child.

From the age of 14, a teenager must be personally.

If for some reason a person cannot appear in person before the passport officer, then this can be done for him confidant.

To do this, you need a notarized power of attorney.

This paper is one of those that can be obtained not difficult.

If all personal papers are in order, then problems usually do not arise.

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