GIS GMP official. Memo to participants in the state information system on state and municipal payments

Memo to the ParticipantState information system on state and municipal payments

§ other bodies or organizations through which payment of funds is made by the applicant (including bank payment agents, payment agents, local administrations empowered to accept cash from payers to the cash desk of the local administration to pay taxes, fees and other payments for their transfer to the budget system of the Russian Federation to the appropriate account of the territorial body of the Federal Treasury, including mandatory payments, if there is no credit organization on the territory of the municipality).

Functioning of GIS GMP

The GIS GMP system itself does not have a portal solution. This is a database containing all of the above information.

The functioning of the system involves the use of two types of electronic documents – request and notification:

1. There are two types of requests:

Request for accrual.

Request for acceptance of a client’s order for execution.

The first document is intended to receive information from the system about the amounts accrued to the payer. Such requests can be sent to the system by portals of state and municipal services, multifunctional centers, credit institutions and other participants of the GIS GMP that accept payments.

The second document allows you to obtain information confirming the fact of payment by the payer (i.e. the same document that will allow you to provide a public service without the payer presenting a copy of the payment document confirming the fact of payment)

2. Notice.

If we are talking about providing mandatory information required by law, then in this case the accrual administrator provides:

Notice of accrual– information necessary to make a payment, to transfer funds (for example: details necessary to pay a fine or other obligatory payment, payment amount, etc.). Obviously, these notices are sent to the GIS GMP by budget revenue administrators.

Notice of acceptance of the client’s order for execution– an electronic document containing information about the acceptance for execution of the payer’s order for the transfer of funds.

The functioning of the GIS GMP is the use of identifiers in the system that would allow linking, matching, accruals with the actual payment of the payment, as well as providing information in the context of payers.

The GIS GMP uses two types of identifiers

Unique accrual identifier (UIN), which must be formed according to a certain model established by the formats for interaction of the GIS GMP with external information systems.

Payer ID (IP):

The identifier of a legal entity is a bunch of indicators

– identifiers of an individual can be:

– SNILS - insurance number of the individual personal account of the insured person in the personalized accounting system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

– series and passport number.

What will the full-scale implementation of GIS GMP throughout the country bring?:

1. Reducing the volume of unidentified revenues;

2. Improving the quality of budget revenue administration;

3. Reduction of paper document flow;

4. Improving the procedure for paying payments to the budget (simplifying payments);

5. Possibility of banks providing additional services

6. Maximum implementation of electronic service.

Connection to GIS GMP

GIS GMP does not have a portal solution. It is implemented as an electronic service in a unified System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEI).

Interaction of Participants with the operator of the GIS GMP (Federal Treasury) is carried out only electronically through SMEV in the manner established Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 No. 697“On a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2011 No. 977“On the federal state information system “Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form.”

Conditions that must be met when connecting to the GIS GMP system:

1. A government agency, budget revenue administrator, credit organization, or other GIS GMP participant must be connected to the SMEV system, which has two segments of the SMEV system: federal and regional.

2. A government agency, budget revenue administrator, credit institution, or other GIS GMP participant must submit to the territorial body of the Federal Treasury at the location of the potential GIS GMP participant an application for registration in the GIS GMP with all necessary documents attached.

The Federal Treasury has developed a Roadmap that defines the procedure for Participants when registering in the GIS GMP with a link to sites whose information resources will allow you to obtain all the necessary information.

Please note that failure to provide to a state body information that is required by law and is necessary for this body to carry out its legal activities entails liability in accordance with Article 19.7 of the Code of the Russian Federation on

In order to optimize the interaction of government bodies, citizens and organizations regarding the transfer of various payments to the budget, the Russian legislator established a special system - GIS GMP.

The State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP) is a centralized system that ensures the reception, recording and transmission of information between its participants, which are budget revenue administrators, organizations for accepting payments, portals, multifunctional centers, the interaction of which with the GIS GMP is carried out through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. GIS GMP allows individuals and legal entities to obtain information about their obligations to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation according to the “single window” principle.

Created in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

the main objective

The main goal of the system is to combine in one place information about all payments of citizens that are accepted by government agencies and municipal organizations. The system contains information about the following payments:

  • For municipal and government services.
  • For services provided by government agencies and municipal organizations where state or municipal orders or assignments were placed.
  • For state and municipal services that are mandatory for provision.
  • For sources of budget income generation.

There are other services, payment for which can be tracked in the GIS GMP. Traffic police fines, Rosreestr services, duties and fines of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and others provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Additionally, the state information system on state and municipal payments provides for the collection of information on the payment of debts in enforcement proceedings.

System for citizens and organizations

What is GIS GMP for a citizen? First of all, it is a tool for obtaining information about debts to the budget. To do this, you need to contact any bank or download an application connected to the GIS GMP. Fines, debts for taxes and other payments accrued in accordance with the law are recorded in the databases of the relevant system. Upon request, they are transmitted by the competent authorities to interested parties.

The GIS GMP information system also allows not only citizens, but also organizations to receive information about what obligations they have to budgets at various levels.

Functioning formats

Work in the system is carried out using formats established by the Federal Treasury. There are quite a few of them, but let’s look at the main and most popular ones in practice:

  • Messages involved by the service.
  • Import, export, refinement or cancellation of system entities.
  • Request in GIS GMP, or general format.

Naturally, they are systematically adjusted and modernized by treasury developers.

Using IDs

The main feature of the system is the use of various identifiers. Let's consider their features. Any notice sent to the GIS GMP operator must contain information about who is paying and payment details. Payers can be both ordinary citizens and legal entities.

Individual identifiers include:

  • Pension insurance certificate number.
  • TIN number.
  • Details of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Driver's license number or car registration certificate.
  • FMS registration code and other details permitted by Russian legislation.

The legal entity identifier can be:

  • TIN number.
  • UIN (optional condition required for certain subjects).

To make a payment to the budget, you need to contact, for example, a bank and provide the listed identifiers. Below you can check your car or driver for fines.

Check fines for a car or driver


In order to make a payment in the system, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • For the FSSP: date of the resolution, category and number of enforcement proceedings, amount to be paid.
  • For the traffic police: the number and date of the fine, the amount to be paid..
  • To pay taxes and tax debts: enter either the TIN number or the tax document number.
  • For Rosreestr: indicate the payment code consisting of 20 digits.

Specify the purpose of payment:

  • For the FSSP: you need to select the bailiff department and region, OKTMO is entered automatically by the system.
  • For the traffic police: the type of violation, region and division are indicated, the KBK is set automatically by the system; To pay the duty, a region and a division are selected, OKTMO is entered automatically by the system.

Provide information about the payer:

  • For an individual: full last name, first name, patronymic, region and registration address.
  • Confirm payment details. In GIS GMP, payment verification is a mandatory step in processing a transfer. After all, if the details are incorrectly specified, the payment may not go through or go inappropriately, which will aggravate the situation. The system provides a sample receipt where a citizen can verify all data.

Select payment method:

  • Bank card.
  • Mobile phone account.

Next comes the completion of the payment process. A window will appear in front of the payer notifying him of the transaction using the system. He can save or print this notice, and track information about payments and, in particular, the status in the GIS GMP, in his personal account.

So, having studied the system, it becomes clear that it is designed to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs of employees of the relevant services when considering issues related to monetary transfers from citizens or organizations in favor of the state.

Also, the main database is available to persons who contact financial organizations to inform about debts, etc.

The main department responsible for the operation, updating and modernization of the GIS GMP is the Federal Treasury. In addition to the latter, active participants in the system include financial organizations, multifunctional centers, a government services portal, payment systems, revenue administrators, ordinary citizens and legal entities.

State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP) is a source of information for individuals and legal entities. Issues of providing state and municipal services to the population using the latest information technologies are one of the most discussed topics in our society. Today, online government services are becoming a reality. The most important step in this direction has been taken - a single source of information is being created about the facts of payment by applicants when receiving state and municipal services. This is the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP). We are talking with the Deputy Head of the Federal Treasury Department for the Vladimir Region, Svetlana Vladimirovna Zhidomorova, about how it will work.

Svetlana Vladimirovna, the abbreviation GIS GMP is well known. Tell us more about this information system.
- GIS GMP is a centralized system that provides reception, recording and transmission of information between its participants. The system accumulates a huge amount of information, provides citizens with real-time service when receiving government services and allows the consumer to quickly communicate information about his obligations to the state using the “one-stop-shop” principle. This ensures the realization of the rights of our citizens to receive state and municipal services without providing documents confirming the fact of payment. GIS GMP will provide payment information electronically to each department upon their request.
GIS GMP is designed for a wide range of consumers, both individuals and legal entities, and allows them to obtain up-to-date information about charges made to them and payments made by them.
In accordance with the Budget Code (Article 166.1), the Federal Treasury is vested with budgetary powers to create, maintain, develop and maintain the GIS GMP. It also, in agreement with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, establishes the procedure for maintaining GIS GMP.
Order of the Federal Treasury dated November 30, 2012 No. 19n “On approval of the procedure for maintaining GIS GMP” (registered with the Ministry of Justice on December 25, 2012 No. 26329) determined the list of participants in the system, the list of information required for payment, including the amount payable, the procedure for receiving it and provision, procedure for access to the information system.
- Who are the participants of the GIS GMP?
- Administrators of budget revenues, organizations for accepting payments (credit organizations, postal organizations, etc.), portals, multifunctional centers (MFC).
By connecting to the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (ISIE), these bodies gain access to the GIS GMP in order to place the necessary data or obtain the necessary information. This information, through the GIS GMP, is supplied to the Unified Portal of state and municipal services (functions) and is available to consumers of information - both legal entities and individuals. If it is impossible to access the portal, information can be obtained through the MFC and credit organizations.
I would especially like to emphasize the need to connect to the GIS GMP credit institutions that accept payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds (and this is the vast majority of banks). This will allow banks to promptly send information about the client making a payment.
There will no longer be a need to conclude dozens of agreements between revenue administrators and credit institutions on the transfer of information about payments - all information will be contained in the GIS GMP.
In the future, by contacting any bank, the client will be able to immediately receive information about all charges and debts to the budget.
How the GIS GMP works can be seen in the diagram published below.
All types of messages, their composition and requirements for the transfer of information are contained in the GIS GMP interaction formats, which were developed by the Federal Treasury and published in the public domain on the website in the section State Information System on State and Municipal Payments/GIS GMP.
There are three types of data in the system: accrual (preliminary and advance), payment and receipt.
Preliminary charges are generated without the payer's request, and payment, as a rule, is made after the charge is generated (for example, a traffic police fine). An advance accrual is formed after the payer applies; the payment, as a rule, is made before the accrual is generated (for example, state duty). When the administrator places information about charges in the system, payment details become available both for payers and for organizations for receiving and transferring payments, portals, and multifunctional centers.
If we talk about payments, then information about the order of an individual or legal entity accepted for execution by the operator for receiving or transferring payments is generated by a bank, other credit institution, federal postal service organization, or payment agent. This information is available to administrators, portals and MFCs.
A receipt is a document that is the result of acknowledgment (comparing information about accrued and paid payments), is generated and signed by the GIS GMP automatically and is available to administrators, portals, and MFCs.
- It turns out that electronic interaction is beneficial and convenient for everyone?
- Certainly. For payers, this is prompt information about accrued and paid payments, the presence of debt, simplification of the payment procedure, including in real time. There is no need to submit receipts or payment orders to government agencies confirming the facts of payment for the provision of public services.
For revenue administrators - receiving information about completed payments online, reducing the costs of administering payments, increasing awareness of the status of debt for each payer, reducing the volume of unidentified receipts.
GIS GMP will allow you to receive state and municipal services immediately after they are paid for, and not after enrollment and transfer of information to the revenue administrator.
In 2012, an information system for recording accruals and payment facts (UNIFO) functioned, which was the prototype of the GIS GMP. The Federal Treasury Department for the Vladimir Region has connected 404 participants to the UNIFO system. Among them are the operator of a regional portal, a multifunctional center (Vladimir), administrators of regional and local budgets, and regional credit organizations. In addition, the Interregional Operations Directorate of the Federal Treasury has registered 48 federal budget administrators in the system, and the Federal Treasury has registered more than 40 credit institutions.
Currently, in connection with the entry into force of the Order of the Federal Treasury of November 30, 2012 No. 19n “On approval of the procedure for maintaining the GIS GMP,” all participants in the UNIFO system are re-registered in the GIS GMP, and new participants are registered. To do this, it is necessary to submit an application for registration to the Office of the Federal Treasury for the Vladimir Region - institutions whose accounts are opened in the Office, and to the remaining participants - in addition to the application, also a package of documents approved by the specified order.

Since 2014, when making payments and transfers in banks, it is required to indicate the UIN - a unique identifier of charges. Without writing such a code, the payment simply will not reach the addressee, which is why the question is still relevant: “How to find out the UIN of an organization?” We will answer it in detail. Decoding UIN is a combination of 20 digits. Each character or group of characters carries certain information. It looks something like this: 111 2 333 333 333 333 333 4, where:

  • 111 - payment addressee code;
  • 2 is an “empty” number, most often it is 0;
  • 333 333 333 333 333 - these fifteen digits represent the identification number or index of this document;
  • 4 is a control number calculated using a special algorithm.

Why is this code needed? This number greatly simplifies the distribution of remittances to the state budget.

Tax not found in GIS GMP Sberbank online

In the case where this type of entry is more preferable for the payer, it is carried out by the revenue administrator. But for this you need:

  1. Send a request to the organization that is implementing the system in a specific subject.
  2. Complete registration.
  3. Prepare a workplace with appropriate equipment.
  4. Check access security.

After all stages have been completed, the revenue administrator sends a request to receive a login and password to enter the system.
Financial organizations in the system The bank is one of the most important participants in the system, so it is important to consider how a financial organization can access the GIS GMP. Like other participants, banks are required to prepare the workplace for entering the system.

Win: how to find out where to point it and what it is needed for

The UIN is identical to the index only if the index includes 20 digits. Thus, to determine the unique identifier of the Federal Tax Service it is very easy: look at the tax receipt with the payment index.
In this form, it is transmitted to the GIS GMP (state information system of state and municipal payments). Based on the previous fifteen-digit Federal Tax Service indices, a unique code is generated according to the above principle:

  • from the revenue administrator to the tax system,
  • payment document index
  • the final block, which is calculated according to a specific algorithm.

For convenience, there are sites on the Internet where you can validate a unique code, that is, check the control block for a twenty-digit index, and also determine the UIN of the Federal Tax Service for a fifteen-digit one.

Online magazine for accountants

Accounting info

If the specified accrual is found in the GIS GMP, then all the necessary details will be entered automatically. Payment, for example, of a fine by UIN number online is available regardless of the region where the service is received and ordered or the accrual is paid.
You can pay off debts or make any other payments throughout Russia, including in the following regions:

  • Moscow and Moscow region,
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region,
  • Krasnodar region,
  • Novosibirsk region,
  • Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region,
  • Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

Payment guarantees When paying for government services using the UIN number, on the “Payment for government services” portal, you can be sure that the information will enter the GIS GMP immediately and will be processed by the system.

Developer's blog

What is UIN UIN is a unique accrual identifier in the State Information System on state and municipal payments; with its help, you can pay off any debts and fines to the state, and using the UIN number you can easily pay various fees for services provided by state and municipal bodies. Due to the fact that information about all payments made is centrally transmitted and stored in the GIS GMP, it becomes available immediately after the fact of payment is transferred to the system, and payers are relieved of the need to provide any supporting documents. What can be paid by UIN Payment by UIN is a simple and convenient tool for making payments for any state and municipal services.

What is ween?

The main tasks of connecting banks to work in the system are:

  1. Arranging work in the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.
  2. Interaction with other organizations through GIS GMP.

The first task is implemented as follows:

  • The bank submits an application to the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
  • The organization buys equipment for data encoding.
  • There is a connection to the interdepartmental electronic interaction system through an operator.
  • Receiving an electronic signature.
  • Submitting a request to register in the system.
  • The bank is conducting a test connection to interact with the system services.
  • Formation of an application for activation of access.

The second task is to directly connect to the GIS GMP.

Unique accrual identifier

Let's consider their features. Any notice sent to the GIS GMP operator must contain information about who is paying and payment details. Payers can be both ordinary citizens and legal entities.

Individual identifiers include:

  • Pension insurance certificate number.
  • TIN number.
  • Details of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Driver's license number or car registration certificate.
  • FMS registration code and other details permitted by Russian legislation.

The legal entity identifier can be:

  • TIN number.
  • UIN (optional condition required for certain subjects).

To make a payment to the budget, you need to contact, for example, a bank and provide the listed identifiers. How to connect to the system So, what is GIS GMP is clear.

Search for accruals by UIN

For the traffic police: the type of violation, region and division are indicated, the KBK is set automatically by the system; To pay the duty, a region and a division are selected, OKTMO is entered automatically by the system. Provide information about the payer: - For individuals: full last name, first name, patronymic, region and registered address.

Error searching UIN in GIS GMP what does it mean

  • Buy specialized equipment and configure it.
  • Purchase an electronic signature.
  • Adapt the existing financial system to the formats used in the GIS GMP.
  • Connect to the system.

For many financial organizations, the last function is the most painful, because the connection is slow. But in any case, companies must resolve this issue. The main tasks of connecting banks What is GIS GMP for banks? This is a tool through which they interact with other subjects of legal relations established by Russian legislation.

Add to favoritesSend by email Payment order - field 22 has been included in it since 2014. What is this field for, what code is entered into it and where can I find its number to transfer the payment? In this article we will look at the main points regarding filling out field 22 in payment orders. Why do you need to fill out field 22? What does the UIN number mean? Where can you find the UIN? Why do you need to fill in field 22? The requirement to fill out field 22 in payment orders appeared relatively recently - since March 31, 2014. It was introduced by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107N. When filling out field 22, you must indicate the UIN - a unique accrual identifier. Some sources mention UIP - a unique payment identifier. In fact, these 2 concepts mean the same thing - a unique digital number. Read about the difference between UIP and UIN codes in the article “Unique accrual identifier in a payment order - 2017.”

Online magazine for accountants

What is UIN in Sberbank Online in this case - this is the index of the document required to be indicated when paying:

  • mandatory taxes, state duties, fees administered by tax authorities;
  • fines according to government regulations;
  • services of municipal and government institutions.

Unique accrual identifier in a payment order When generating a payment document, the code must be indicated at the beginning of the “Payment Purpose” field with the word “UIN” and then, without spaces, the identifier value itself, consisting of 20 characters, that is, 23 characters are indicated along with the keyword of the details. If it is necessary to specify other information, the procedure is carried out using a triple slash. Any credit institution provides samples of filling out documents using an identifier.

What is UIN to Sberbank online?

It is impossible to make a payment without this information through online services. UIN is a unique accrual identifier, which consists of a combination of 20 digits and ends with the symbols “///”. The unique identifier must be entered in the “Code” field provided for this purpose.

Each individual number consists of several parts:

  1. The first three digits are the distributor number, for example, for the state traffic inspectorate it is 188, and for the tax inspectorate 182.
  2. The fourth digit characterizes the organization accepting payment.
  3. The remaining numbers are the purpose of the transfer, indicating other information to determine the transfer.

Why is it needed? First of all, it should be noted that the unique identifier is generated by the organization itself, which accepts transfers and payments. They are primarily needed for the convenience of accounting for each income received by a budget institution.

Code UIN 22 in payment order 2018

When making commercial payments (internal settlements of an enterprise with suppliers and contractors, for example), you do not need to indicate the UIN, or, at the request of the bank, indicate its zero value. The most common clarifying questions on this issue

  • It is impossible to come up with a UIN on your own, since it is formed by the body to whose address payments are made;
  • For two payment orders, the UIN cannot be the same, because it is generated only for one payment once, that is, in dynamics;
  • If you do not know the UIN, then you must enter zero in field 22. In this case, the payment will reach the recipient and will not be rejected by the bank.
  • If, when entering the UIN code, the payment is not identified, then this may be a system error in the structure to which the payment is sent.

Fill in field 22 in the payment order (nuances)

If taxes are paid by individuals based on a notification sent by the tax authorities themselves, then, as a rule, an already completed payment document with mandatory details is attached to it. Its index is assigned as the document identifier. It is recommended that before payment you make sure that the code is included in the received request from the tax authorities.
If a taxpayer plans to make a tax payment without a tax notification, then a document for transferring amounts can be generated independently on the website of the tax service, where the service automatically assigns an index. UIN when paying a traffic police fine The established identifier is present in a specific document issued to the payer as confirmation of its receipt from the traffic police. The UIN is determined from the receipt, where the protocol number is the identifier.

Unique payment identifier, UIP and UIN - what is it?

Why was this field introduced? First of all, in order to optimize and improve the quality of work of civil servants, speed up the process of crediting payments. Transfers indicating the UIN code made it possible to reduce errors when entering payments into the budget. Civil servants no longer need to check payments using the TIN/KPP or KBK of the enterprise.

In fact, filling out field 22 is much ado about nothing. The requirement to indicate the UIN applied only to certain payments intended for the budget recipient. Based on the latest clarifications of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, for them field 22 may have the value 0.

In all other cases, it is enough to put 0 in this field. The payer statuses indicated in payment documents can be found in the material “Main payer statuses in payment orders - 2017”.

UIN code 22 in Sberbank business online payment to counterparty

What to indicate in field 22 Fill in field 22 of the payment order as follows:

  • if the request contains a UIN – the value of the UIN;
  • if the request does not contain UIN – “0”.

If you indicate the UIN number in field 22, then the recipients of the funds (for example, tax authorities), upon receiving the payment, will immediately identify that it is an arrear, penalty or fine upon request. And they will take it into account correctly. If you make a mistake in the UIN The UIN number automatically records taxes paid, insurance premiums and other payments to the budget. Information about payments to the budget is transmitted to the GIS GMP. This is the State Information System about State and Municipal Payments. If you specify the wrong code, the system will not identify the payment. And the obligation to pay will be considered unfulfilled.

All banks accepting such payments must provide identification of the parameters when transferring: the date of the decision and its number. In addition, the bank must generate a UIN for the transfer regardless of whether there is a fine in the unified treasury database, that is, both the traffic police and the banking institution can determine the code. To pay fines, you can use certain formulas to calculate a unique traffic police accrual number via the Internet (for old fines before February 2014), which will be assigned after entering the data:

  • series and number of the resolution;
  • date of resolution.

How to find out the UIN in Sberbank Online When making budget payments through Sberbank online services, in order to make a transfer, you will need to determine what the UIN in Sberbank Online is.

But even if there is a zero instead of the required value, the payment will go to the address, it will just take much longer to identify it. Today, only the Federal Tax Service and the State Road Safety Inspectorate fully use the UIN code, since the flow of tax payments and penalties is especially large for them, and the number of unidentified revenues is growing every day. Where can I get the UIN code? Due to the individuality of code meanings, it is impossible to find a reference book or table where they would be reflected in full. It is necessary to indicate the code only if there is a recommendation or receipt for payment. In other cases, you can only put a zero and wait for the bank’s review.

Fines GIS GMP on the official website

GIS GMP is a unified payment system that allows citizens of the Russian Federation to receive information about their budget obligations. From the material below you will learn more about this system, as well as what organizations it works with, and how you can check fines using the GIS GMP database.

What is GIS GMP, and what organizations does it work with?

The State Information System on State and Municipal Payments (GIS GMP) is used to post information about receiving payments from individuals and legal entities for state and municipal services.

The system, operated by the Federal Treasury, ensures accounting and exchange of information between budget revenue administrators, MFCs, portals and payment acceptance organizations that interact with it.

You can get information about which credit institutions interact with the GIS GMP on the official website of the Russian Treasury. To do this, on the main page of the site, select the “GIS GMP” section.

Scroll down the page and open the document “List of credit institutions interacting with GIS GMP”. In it you will find a list of banks, electronic payment systems and other organizations that work with the database.

How to check fines using the GIS GMP database

Thanks to this system, individuals and legal entities have the opportunity to find out about their debts to the budget system of the Russian Federation. The database of fines on the official website of the GIS GMP is available to organizations that interact with it.

This means that when you look for information about traffic police fines, for example, on the Yandex.Money website or directly on our website, your request is processed by the GIS GMP system (read about how to find and pay fines through Yandex.Money here). Once you have paid the fine, this information is also sent to the system.

Important: According to Part 8 of Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the credit institution is obliged to send information about the acceptance of the payment to the GIS GMP immediately.

“A bank or other credit organization, a federal postal service organization, a payment agent engaged in accepting payments from individuals, or a bank payment agent (subagent) operating in accordance with the Federal Law “On the National Payment System”, which pays the amount of the administrative fine , are obliged, immediately after payment of an administrative fine by a person held administratively liable, to send information about the payment of the administrative fine to the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments, provided for by Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services "".

Checking traffic police fines on the official website of the GIS GMP online is available using:

  • Our website;
  • State Services Portal;
  • Official website of the traffic police;
  • Website of the FSSP of Russia;
  • Yandex.Money, etc.

You can find and pay fines under the GIS GMP system using one of the organizations listed above. You cannot independently check your debts on the official website of the GIS GMP.

In order to optimize the work of government organizations with citizens and other enterprises on the issues of making various payments to the budget, the legislation of the Russian Federation established a special system. What is GIS GMP and how it works, we will consider in this article.


The state information system on state and municipal payments (hereinafter referred to as GIS GMP) is designed so that government agencies that provide a certain list of services can turn to it to find out whether an individual has paid a tax fee or duty for these services. In addition, government organizations or a municipality, having transferred the amount that should be sent by an individual to the budget, must promptly send the information necessary to transfer the money to the system.

Based on this, transferring data to the GIS GMP relieves organizations of the obligation to request documents from a citizen regarding the payment of a duty or fee.

the main objective

The main goal of the system is to combine in one place information about all payments of citizens that are accepted by government agencies and municipal organizations.

The system contains information about the following payments:

  • For municipal and government services.
  • For services provided by government agencies and municipal organizations where state or municipal orders or assignments were placed.
  • For state and municipal services that are mandatory for provision.
  • For sources of budget income generation.

There are other services, payment for which can be tracked in the GIS GMP. Traffic police fines, Rosreestr services, duties and fines of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and others provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Additionally, the state information system on state and municipal payments provides for the collection of information on the payment of debts in enforcement proceedings.


The main participants in the system include:

1. Federal Treasury (creator of the system, develops and maintains it, assigns basic rules).

2. Revenue administrator. This participant is authorized to report transfers to:

  • Traffic police
  • FSSP.
  • Other organizations and autonomous institutions.
  • Payment agent. A participant transmitting information about payments made:
    1. In financial institutions.
    2. Through a payment terminal.
    3. At the post office.
    4. Through the official government services portal.
    5. Through MFC.

Interaction of budgetary organizations

What does GIS GMP mean for budgetary structures? This is the main system that allows you to receive, keep records and redirect information between various budgetary organizations of the Russian Federation. In particular, we are talking about government institutions that play the role of revenue administrator, MFC institutions, and financial organizations.

The interaction of these organizations directly in this system is carried out through interdepartmental cooperation.

System implementation

What is GIS GMP in practice? The revenue administrator sends information about the debt of a citizen or organization to the Federal Treasury. In turn, the Treasury, as the main body that is responsible for all information in the system, transmits received information primarily to the public services portal and to the MFC. And these organizations already provide information to the citizen or organization that made the appropriate payment through a bank or any well-known payment system.

GIS GMP also assumes a direct channel for making payments directly to the treasury. In addition, the system has the ability to transmit information about charges to banks and payment systems.

Functioning formats

Work in the system is carried out using formats established by the Federal Treasury. There are quite a few of them, but let’s look at the main and most popular ones in practice:

  • Messages involved by the service.
  • Import, export, refinement or cancellation of system entities.
  • Request in GIS GMP, or general format.

Naturally, they are systematically adjusted and modernized by treasury developers.

Using IDs

The main feature of the system is the use of various identifiers. Let's consider their features. Any notice sent to the GIS GMP operator must contain information about who is paying and payment details. Payers can be both ordinary citizens and legal entities.

Individual identifiers include:

  • Pension insurance certificate number.
  • TIN number.
  • Details of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Driver's license number or car registration certificate.
  • FMS registration code and other details permitted by Russian legislation.

The legal entity identifier can be:

  • TIN number.
  • UIN (optional condition required for certain subjects).

To make a payment to the budget, you need to contact, for example, a bank and provide the listed identifiers.

How to connect to the system

So, what is GIS GMP is clear. Now let's look at the issue of connecting to the system.

There are several ways to enter it:

1. Independent. First, you need to purchase a specialized GIS GMP solution from the supplier. Login can be completed after performing the following operations:

  • Registration of the purchased system.
  • Installation of the resulting software file.
  • Obtaining an electronic signature, login and password from the operator.
  • Correct installation of electronic digital signature certificates.
  • Download and install a certificate authority certificate.
  • Checking the gateways that communicate with the regional organization, which ensures the security of data exchange in the system.
  • Control connection to GIS GMP. Login.

2. Using an accrual aggregator. In the case where this type of entry is more preferable for the payer, it is carried out by the revenue administrator. But for this you need:

  1. Send a request to the organization that is implementing the system in a specific subject.
  2. Complete registration.
  3. Prepare a workplace with appropriate equipment.
  4. Check access security.

After all stages have been completed, the revenue administrator sends a request to receive a login and password to enter the system.

Financial organizations in the system

The bank is one of the most important participants in the system, so it is important to consider how a financial institution can access the GIS GMP.

Like other participants, banks are required to prepare the workplace for entering the system. For this you need:

  • Buy specialized equipment and configure it.
  • Purchase an electronic signature.
  • Adapt the existing financial system to the formats used in the GIS GMP.
  • Connect to the system.

For many financial organizations, the last function is the most painful, because the connection is slow. But in any case, companies must resolve this issue.

Main tasks of connecting banks

What is GIS GMP for banks? This is a tool through which they interact with other subjects of legal relations established by Russian legislation.

The main tasks of connecting banks to work in the system are:

  1. Arranging work in the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.
  2. Interaction with other organizations through GIS GMP.

The first task is implemented as follows:

  • The bank submits an application to the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
  • The organization buys equipment for data encoding.
  • There is a connection to the interdepartmental electronic interaction system through an operator.
  • Receiving an electronic signature.
  • Submitting a request to register in the system.
  • The bank is conducting a test connection to interact with the system services.
  • Formation of an application for activation of access.

The second task is to directly connect to the GIS GMP. For this:

  • An application for registration as a participant is sent to the Treasury.
  • Documents are being prepared confirming readiness to conduct the GIS GMP test after registration.
  • Conducting testing.

Unique registration number

A unique registration number of the GIS GMP is assigned to a participant in the system if, when checking all documents submitted during registration, the Federal Treasury gives a positive result. Within 7 working days, the Treasury reviews the application and issues its verdict.

In addition, if a system participant provides a list of accrual administrators or a register of separate divisions, unique numbers are sent by the treasury on paper in a single copy.


In order to make a payment in the system, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

For the traffic police: series, number of the resolution, date of the resolution, amount to be paid - payment of fines; type of duty - payment of duties, where the amount is set automatically by the system.

To pay taxes and tax debts: enter either the TIN number or the tax document number.

For Rosreestr: indicate the payment code consisting of 20 digits.

Specify the purpose of payment:

For the FSSP: you need to select the bailiff department and region, OKTMO is entered automatically by the system.

For the traffic police: the type of violation, region and division are indicated, the KBK is set automatically by the system; To pay the duty, a region and a division are selected, OKTMO is entered automatically by the system.

Provide information about the payer:

For an individual: full last name, first name, patronymic, region and registration address.

Confirm payment details. In GIS GMP, payment verification is a mandatory step in processing a transfer. After all, if the details are incorrectly specified, the payment may not go through or go inappropriately, which will aggravate the situation. The system provides a sample receipt where a citizen can verify all data.

Select payment method:

Bank card.

Mobile phone account.

Next comes the completion of the payment process. A window will appear in front of the payer notifying him of the transaction using the system. He can save or print this notice, and track information about payments and, in particular, the status in the GIS GMP, in his personal account.

GIS GMP also offers the service of ordering a receipt, which contains all payment details and a bank stamp. The cost of the service is 35 rubles. This document is sent to the payer’s email in the form of a pdf file.

So, having studied the system, it becomes clear that it is designed to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs of employees of the relevant services when considering issues related to monetary transfers from citizens or organizations in favor of the state.

Also, the main database is available to persons who contact financial organizations to inform about debts, etc.

The main department responsible for the operation, updating and modernization of the GIS GMP is the Federal Treasury. In addition to the latter, active participants in the system include financial organizations, multifunctional centers, a government services portal, payment systems, revenue administrators, ordinary citizens and legal entities.

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