GIS housing and communal services terms. Did you know that the deadline for posting information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services has been postponed? New dates and important nuances

To many ordinary citizens, in a series of constant waves of crisis, sanctions, some innovations and other things, it might seem that no one really thinks about them. The population often has controversial situations and misunderstandings in the field of public services. Now the state has also taken over this area - and in our country everything always happens somewhat unconventionally, with “adventures”. Changes in the area of ​​control over management companies could not do without this. GIS Housing and Communal Services: postponement to 2019 - all the news about the appearance of the information service, as well as how it was decided to punish negligent intermediaries.

Official launch of the housing and communal services information system

The emergence of GIS housing and communal services has led to noticeable changes in the provision of utility services, especially in the work of management companies. After the “pranks” of such organizations with ODN charges, certain indicators were introduced at the legislative level. Now control over all types of financial transactions can be carried out in a matter of minutes. This, at a minimum, limits the unhealthy desire of management companies to charge excessive rates for their services.

According to the original plan, the system with all the information was supposed to start functioning from the beginning of 2017. As a result, this did not happen, the deadlines were moved up, and both capitals and Sevastopol received additional time limits.

The law of the Russian Federation concerning the information system has already been finally adopted; now the deadlines for fully entering information are as follows:

  • Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019
  • other cities of Russia - from July 1, 2017.

This only applies to entering all data into the system, i.e. by the specified dates, all management companies, HOAs and RSOs must regularly reflect the stages of their financial and administrative activities. They must also be prepared to implement their obligations in an orderly manner to avoid economic impacts.

Obligations of management companies and sanctions for violation of them

Now all companies engaged in the housing and communal services sector are required to reflect in the GIS not only their addresses, details and a list of work performed. Additionally, we need information about contracts with the service recipients themselves and resource supply companies.

Penalties for late, incomplete or unreliable information entered have already been introduced. For most Russian cities, such liability began on January 1, 2018. Management companies in Sevastopol and both capitals are exempt from this for now. For them, obligations and responsibility for their failure to fulfill them will begin simultaneously, i.e. from 07/01/2019.

The amounts of fines have already been determined:

  • officials - 30 thousand rubles;
  • legal entities in the amount of 200 tr.

Penalties apply not only to HOAs and management companies - all organizations responsible for accepting funds from the public will also bear administrative responsibility. Separately, it is worth highlighting the responsibility of officials involved in organizing the quality work of the created information system. In case of failures, they also fall under administrative liability in the form of fines from 10 to 70 thousand rubles.

At the beginning of full-fledged work, a single violation will be punishable by a warning and only a repeated violation will be subject to a fine. Subsequently, repeated cases of failure to provide data or their incorrect reflection in the system will lead to an increase in the amount of material sanctions.

In addition, another enforcement measure will appear - in case of violations recorded from January 1, 2018, management companies will be deprived of the opportunity to charge consumers penalties and fines. For the capitals and Sevastopol, this measure will begin to be implemented in January 2020.

Initially, it was intended to give consumers the right not to pay for the service for failure to enter data into the system or to provide it incorrectly. Later, it was decided to abandon this idea, introducing instead the deprivation of the right of management companies to collect penalties.

Along with this impact on the management companies themselves, the final development of measures for the system operator is expected. The activities of the GIS and control of its performance will be handled by Russian Post; a method of influencing the event of system failures or loss of data due to the fault of the operator is currently being discussed.

Reasons for postponing the start date of GIS Housing and Communal Services

The idea of ​​a centralized system of information about housing and communal services, all payments made and accrued, is a good way to cut off unscrupulous intermediaries between resource providers and their consumers. Also, such a system will eliminate the fact of simulating bankruptcy of management companies. The government wanted to put the system into operation as quickly as possible, but neither the participants in the process, nor the operator, nor the program were ready for an emergency start.

If we look at the problem in more detail, we can understand that there was also an error in the timing - initially, all companies required to enter data into the system clearly did not have enough time to fill out the primary information. Its volume was too significant, which led to the postponement of the launch, while simultaneously giving all intermediaries the opportunity to correct errors in contracts and other documents.

Even though the GIS Housing and Communal Services announced a postponement to 2019, the very fact of its creation should please ordinary citizens. Such a system complicates the life of intermediaries - now it will be difficult both to inflate tariffs and sometimes to spin consumers’ money in bank accounts before sending it to suppliers of heat, electricity, gas and water. At the same time, consumers of services have gained a chance that the government will at least try to establish control over compliance with standards and will not allow management companies to openly inflate the cost of services provided or engage in banal collection of money for something ephemeral.

So, for each of the MKDs in management, in the GIS you need to publish:

  1. House address;
  2. Number and date of the apartment management agreement;
  3. Date of commencement of management responsibilities;
  4. The end date of these duties;
  5. Date of termination of the management contract;
  6. Grounds for concluding (terminating) a management agreement;
  7. A copy of the protocol of the competition for the selection of a management organization (if such a competition was held);
  8. Apartment building management agreement;
  9. Documents on amendment, termination or termination of the management agreement.

That's all the specifics. Above is an exact list of what inspectors may ask you during inspections. Now let’s go translate the intricate wording of the law on the State Information System from bird’s language into Russian.

What does 209-FZ require to disclose?

I repeat that the law basically contains only general wording, which will later be clarified and expanded by additional orders. For convenience, we have left the original line numbering.

So, according to paragraph 18 of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 209-FZ (dated July 21, 2014), organizations managing apartment buildings under service agreements must disclose the following information to GIS Housing and Communal Services:

  1. Lists of resource providers that are needed to provide public services.
  2. General information about the management organization.
  1. Technical characteristics and condition of houses under management.
  2. Data on heat, gas, electricity, water supply and sanitation facilities, which are used to provide utilities and supply resources.
  1. Cost (and procedure for its calculation), volume, quality and frequency of provision of services for:
    • management of common property of apartment buildings;
    • work on the content of visual objects;
    • current and major repairs.
  2. A list of services provided, as well as information about the volume, quality and cost of resources that are needed to provide these services. Again, you need to indicate the procedure for calculating the cost and upload copies of contracts.
  3. Data on metering devices, with the help of which the volumes of supplied resources necessary for the provision of utility services are determined, as well as information on how the readings of these devices are taken into account when calculating the cost of services;
  4. Information about compliance with the established quality parameters of goods, work performed and services provided, including the need to talk about the facts of deviations from these parameters and how many there were;
  5. Information about:
    • carrying out repairs (including scheduled maintenance);
    • performing maintenance work:
      • centralized networks of engineering and technical support;
      • in-house engineering systems included in the building infrastructure.
  1. Prices and tariffs for the provided utilities;
  2. Prices for management services;
  3. Prices and tariffs for services and work on maintenance and repair of equipment;
  4. Information on settlements with resource suppliers;
  5. If a company uses the services of intermediaries to manage apartment buildings (for example, to carry out work on the maintenance, current and major repairs of buildings), then all information on mutual settlements must be provided, with the placement of concluded contracts and the corresponding acceptance certificates for the results of services provided;
  6. Information on consumer payments with:
    • MKD manager,
    • CG suppliers,
    • suppliers of resources necessary to provide CG;
  1. Information on the deadlines for making payments for residential premises and utilities, as well as the deadlines for submitting payment documents on the basis of which such payments are made;
  2. Data on general meetings of owners or other specialized consumer cooperatives, indicating the decisions of such meetings;
  3. Information about the management method chosen by the owners and the method of forming the capital repair fund, as well as copies of supporting documents;
  4. Terms of the management agreement and report on its implementation;
  5. Agreements on the provision for use of part of the property owners, and information about those who entered into these agreements (with documents confirming their authority);
  6. Lists of received appeals on housing and communal services issues and the results of their consideration;

The list is already quite large, and, apparently, it will soon become even larger. In addition, strict deadlines for completion will be added to it. But we’ll talk more about what awaits us in the draft order on posting information in GIS Housing and Communal Services next time.

The Government of the Russian Federation is progressively introducing new open management technologies into everyday life. One of the innovations is the state information system for housing and communal services (GIS Housing and Communal Services).

The essence and goals of the portal

The GIS housing and communal services system is an information resource that performs a number of useful functions:

  1. Collection of data by region on public services provided to the population, including:
    • about the housing stock;
    • about enterprises operating in this area;
    • about the list of services and tariffs;
    • about maintenance and repair work;
    • about the movements and directions of investment of collected funds;
    • about debts;
    • about utility and engineering infrastructure facilities;
    • and etc.
  2. Information processing.
  3. Data storage.
  4. Informing the population on housing and communal services issues.
  5. Posting information.
  6. Use of information.
Attention: registration of an organization in the Housing Information System is mandatory for enterprises that have received a license to organize appropriate services for citizens.

The electronic service of GIS housing and communal services was organized within the framework of the implementation of Law No. 209-FZ of July 21, 2014. In addition, during its creation, the requirements of the Housing Code were strictly taken into account. The system is a site for collecting the following information:

  1. about enterprises providing services;
  2. about the state of the housing stock;
  3. about fundraising;
  4. about their spending;
  5. on the results of state control over the activities of operators.

For reference: the website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services should accumulate complete information about the state of the housing stock throughout the country, which greatly facilitates:

  • state control over the activities of relevant organizations;
  • policy development in this area.

The service is also useful for a regular payer. It allows you to find out the status of your own accounts, including the amount of debt.

In addition, all registered organizations post information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services. Therefore, it is possible to compare the data provided by management companies in order to transfer functions to them from an unscrupulous organizer.

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What functions does it perform?

  1. Organizing open information for the population, publishing important data for citizens in the public domain.
  2. Monitoring the state of the residential premises stock in the country.
  3. Collection and systematization of information about enterprises tasked with providing people with the following resources:
    • water;
    • electricity;
    • warmth;
    • others.
  4. Creation of an electronic directory of data on management companies.
  5. Assistance in the implementation of state control functions.
  6. Systematization and dissemination of information about capital repair programs by region, including:
    • on the status of collection of due contributions;
    • about planned and actual costs.
  7. In terms of working with the population:
    • organization of automatic collection of requests;
    • creation of an online service for accepting payments;
    • technical support for voting by residents on issues of improvement of the building and territory.
Hint: the service allows you to automate the collection and transmission of statistical information to government organizations.

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Who should register

The legislation divides users into two groups based on the principle of mandatory registration. They are:

Hint: participation in the Internet system is not mandatory for citizens. Anyone can go through the registration process voluntarily.

Responsibilities of organizations and enterprises

The law provides for entering certain information into the electronic complex and creating an account for all companies operating in the industry. Moreover, liability for failure to provide data does not depend on the form of ownership. Organizations and enterprises must:

  • register;
  • regularly publish information on the state of affairs (specified in regulations).
Attention: the current legislation provides for the liability of officials for failure to comply with the requirements relating to the operation of the portal.

How to register a legal entity

The algorithm of actions for legal entities is the same. Let us describe it using the example of a management company. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. The manager must first create his own account.
  2. After confirming it, you need to log into your personal account on the website using your login and password.
  3. Select the “Add organization” function in the data section.
  4. From the list that appears, select the form of the enterprise:
    • individual entrepreneur;
    • entity;
    • government agency
  5. In the window that opens, you should step by step enter reliable information about the company:
    • full name (according to extract from the state register);
    • OGRN;
    • location address;
    • telephones.
  6. Certification of data with an electronic digital signature.
Hint: data verification is carried out using the Federal Tax Service database. The process takes up to ten days. At the end of the check, you will receive confirmation of the successful completion of the operation.

Further work on publishing information

The duties of legal entities at the legislative level include the function of providing information about their activities.
Each position is strictly regulated.

A summary of the responsibilities is given in the table:

Function Term
About making a management decisionWithin 24 hours from the date of account registration
Appeals from people (essence and answer)Within three days after the end of the reporting period
Statistics relating to the quality and cost of servicesUpon completion of the reporting period no later than seven days
Registration of metering devicesWeek from event date
When changing accounting equipment data3 days
Quality indicators of services providedWithin a week after the end of the reporting period
Tariff dataA week
Estimated indicatorsUntil the 10th of the next month
Information about payment deadlines3 days, within 24 hours after changes are made to the decision
About holding meetings by residentsA week
Terms of the service agreementOne week from registration

Hint: the portal functionality allows you to enter the necessary information in two ways:

  • with the help of an operator in the office;
  • by filling out and uploading forms created in Excel.

About responsibility

The information from the table above should be constantly available to the public. Due to the fact that the function of publishing it is entrusted to the organizations that generate it, punishment is imposed for violation of the law.

Attention: regulatory authorities apply fines and disqualification from 01/01/2018 to all mandatory users of the system.

In 2018, only civil servants could be fined within the framework of the law. There are currently no statistics on imposed fines.

Liability arises for the following violations:

  1. violation of deadlines for entering data into the system;
  2. failure to post mandatory information;
  3. publication of false information;
  4. incomplete information of the population;
  5. data distortion.

A primary detected violation threatens (Articles 13.19.1 and 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses):

  • individuals with fines up to RUB 30,000.0:
  • legal - up to RUB 200,000.0;
  • disqualification for a repeated violation for a period of one to three years.
Note: in 2020, financial institutions that organize the collection of utility bills from the population may be held liable. Download for viewing and printing:

GIS housing and communal services for citizens

The system was created mainly to inform the population about the state of affairs in the industry. Citizens can obtain the necessary information on the website:

  • without registering;
  • after completing a simplified account creation procedure.

Hint: citizens who have not become participants in the system will not have access to all sections. They will see information of a general information nature, including:

  1. laws and explanations;
  2. news;
  3. general information about:
    • buildings and services;
    • management companies and their licenses.

How to register as a citizen

The site can be accessed via the following link: The system is connected to the State Services portal. Therefore, to obtain information about housing and communal services, you need to create a personal account on this portal.

Citizens who have an account on State Services can log in to the system using their login and password. IN All necessary information will be available in the office.

There are two levels of system user:

  1. Unconfirmed. You will need to enter your first name, last name and email address. Login and password information will be sent by email.
  2. Confirmed. You need to enter your passport details and SNILS number. After verification, you can obtain your personal account login information:
    • by post;
    • through the support center;
    • as well as in a government agency (for example, in a branch of the Pension Fund, if you indicate it when carrying out the operation to create an account).
Hint: more complete information about the functionality of the system can be found in the “User Guide” in your personal account.

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GIS Housing and Communal Services is a unified information system that collects and stores information about housing stock, repairs, utilities, housing tariffs, debtors, and so on. Management companies, homeowners' associations, resource supply organizations and other organizations in the housing and communal services sector are required to enter this data into the housing and communal services GIS.

Why do you need GIS Housing and Communal Services?

On October 13, 2011, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the creation of a single information resource to make the housing and communal services sector open. On July 21, 2014, he signed Federal Law No. 209, which obliges representatives of the housing and communal services sector to register and post information about activities in the GIS housing and communal services system from July 1, 2016 (the date was later adjusted to July 1, 2017).

From July 1, 2017, but not before the system is put into operation, information providers are required to post in the system the information provided for by this Federal Law. 209-FZ, Art. 12, part 4

With this system, residents quickly receive information about prices, tariffs, activities of the RSO and management companies. They don't need to go to offices and send out requests. The system helps management companies manage an apartment building, interact with resource supply organizations, accept payments for housing and communal services and track debts.

Registration in the GIS housing and communal services system

The head of the organization registers in the GIS Housing and Communal Services and begins work. Registration occurs in three stages:

  1. Make a digital signature. This is the electronic equivalent of a real signature. It is done in certified certification centers. You will need a passport, a copy of the charter, an order for the appointment of a manager and confirmation of payment.
  2. Create an account in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA). You will need an electronic signature, passport, insurance account number and telephone number. All information is being verified and it will take time. After that, create an account in the “Organizations” tab. Please indicate that you are registering for a legal entity. Add employees so they can use the Housing and Public Utilities GIS. They will also need a digital signature.
  3. Get access to GIS housing and communal services. Use your ESIA account to register in the system. The system will automatically enter some of the data from the unified identification and authentication system. Indicate the authority of the organization, email, and TIN in the system. Get started with GIS Housing and Communal Services.

What information is included in the GIS Housing and Communal Services?

According to Federal Law No. 209, management companies are required to promptly enter information about:

  1. for yourself and resource supply organizations that service the apartment building;
  2. management, maintenance and repair of common property;
  3. metering devices and readings;
  4. carrying out scheduled repairs;
  5. prices for utilities, repairs and maintenance of an apartment building;
  6. deadlines for payment of housing and utilities, meetings of owners, appeals on housing and communal services issues.

Resource supply organizations need to timely post information about:

  1. for yourself and the management companies of apartment buildings, indicate addresses and other information about these buildings;
  2. investment and production programs;
  3. list, volume, quality and price of utilities;
  4. maintaining the quality of public services;
  5. carrying out scheduled repairs;
  6. prices and tariffs for utilities;
  7. the state of settlements with consumers and suppliers;
  8. requests regarding housing and communal services.

Deadlines for posting information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

According to Federal Law No. 209, resource supply organizations and management companies post information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS 7 days before the end of the reporting period. If management companies and owners do not transmit meter readings, the amount of utility bills is calculated according to the standards. In addition, if the system does not have information about charges, residents have the right not to pay them.

If management companies or resource supply organizations do not post information about charges with the corresponding calculations on the website from January 1, 2018, the consumer will have the right not to pay for this service until complete information is posted in the system. No penalty charged. Mikhail Evraev, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation

After the launch of the system on July 1, 2016, until January 1, 2018, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications introduced a transition period for management companies, homeowners' associations and resource supply organizations. During this time, there will be no fines for failure to post information. But management contracts are required to be posted, otherwise you will be fined under Article 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

From January 1, 2018, the State Information System for Housing and Public Utilities will begin operating without any concessions. For violation of the placement period, individuals will be fined 1 thousand rubles. Administrators of general meetings for 15 thousand rubles. Resource supply organizations - 200 thousand rubles, management companies - 30 thousand rubles, construction companies - 100 thousand rubles.

How to enter information into the GIS Housing and Communal Services

After registration, you need to place information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS. 15 days in advance, the organization must publish the charter, information about the date of state registration, the composition of the organization, registration number, information about the chairman, board members and terms of election.

It is necessary to include all contracts with suppliers, registration documents, information about the apartment building, and deadlines for submitting payment documents. Any changes must be noted in the Housing and Communal Services GIS. Collect and enter meter readings monthly.

You can enter information about meter readings in three ways:

  1. Manually. The registered employee manually fills in the data in the system.
  2. Upload from Excel template. The employee fills out special Excel templates and then uploads the file to the system.
  3. Software unloading method. The organization works with a special program or Internet service that automatically uploads information to the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

Automatic placement of information in GIS housing and communal services

Companies that collect and transfer readings manually waste time and pay employees. In such a situation, it is impossible to avoid mistakes and waste of money and time to correct them.

“STRIZH” wireless metering systems remotely collect and upload readings from metering devices to the “STRIZH.Cloud” web interface. STRIZH offers its customers automatic integration with GIS housing and communal services. As a result, readings from the web interface are automatically sent directly to the GIS housing and communal services, saving time on manual data entry.

Automated collection of readings from housing and communal services meters without wires

In continuation of the article.

Is the management organization obliged to place a copy of the minutes of the general meeting received from the initiator of the general meeting (the owner of the apartment building) in the GIS Housing and Communal Services (Housing and Communal Services Reform)?


The composition of information posted in the GIS housing and communal services is determined by Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2016 No. 74/114/pr. Not all protocols need to be posted, but only those specified in the Order. For example, it is necessary to post protocols on the formation of a special account for the capital repair fund.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the “MKD Management System” .

Guest, meet me!

“Organizations managing apartment buildings are required to post information about management activities in the Housing and Communal Services State Information System (Part 10.1 of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). The recommendation contains general information on how and within what time frame this should be done.

The State Information System of Housing and Communal Services (GIS Housing and Communal Services, system) is a unified federal centralized information system.

For the purposes of this recommendation, we include management organizations, homeowners' associations, residential complexes, and housing cooperatives as organizations that manage apartment complexes.

To understand the issues of placing information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS, we will divide the information into sections:

  • deadlines for posting information;
  • registration procedure in the GIS Housing and Communal Services;
  • composition of posted information;
  • frequency of updating posted information;
  • services available in GIS housing and communal services;
  • responsibility for non-posting of information.

Deadlines for posting information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

The timing of posting information depends on its composition and the subject of management of the MKD. Organizations managing apartment buildings are required to post information in full in the GIS Housing and Communal Services from July 1, 2017. This is provided for by Part 4 of Article 12 of Law No. 209-FZ of July 21, 2014 “On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 209-FZ).

However, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation such an obligation occurs within a different time frame:

  • for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019 (Part 4.1 of Article 12 of Law No. 209-FZ);
  • on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, an agreement was concluded on the trial operation of GIS housing and communal services - after four months from the date of entry into force of the agreement (Part 5 of Article 12 of Law No. 209-FZ).

Also, all management organizations, homeowners' associations, residential complexes, housing cooperatives had to:

  • initially post the information in full before January 1, 2017 (clause 3 of the order of February 29, 2016 of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 74, Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 114/pr);
  • post information about the apartment buildings they manage and changes in the list of such houses - from August 1, 2015 (Part 3 of Article 7 of the Law of July 21, 2014 No. 255-FZ).

Situation: Should homeowners' associations, residential complexes, and joint ventures post information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS if they have a management agreement with the apartment building?

No, they shouldn't.

The obligation to provide access to information about their activities is assigned to:

  • Homeowners' associations, residential complexes, agricultural cooperatives operating without concluding a management agreement for apartment buildings.

This is established by Part 10.1 of Art. 161 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Housing associations that have entered into a management agreement with the management authority do not post information in the Housing and Communal Services GIS.

Situation: who places information in the GIS housing and communal services with the direct method of managing apartment buildings

With the direct method of managing apartment buildings, information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services is placed by a local government body or a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur - the sole owner of premises in the apartment building. This is enshrined in the note to section 7 and section 16 of the Composition, timing and frequency of posting information by information providers in the state information system of housing and communal services, approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 74, Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 114/pr dated February 29, 2016.

Situation: Should individual entrepreneurs who manage apartment buildings register with the GIS Housing and Communal Services?

Yes, they should.

Individual entrepreneurs have the right to conduct activities related to the management of apartment buildings along with the management authority. Accordingly, they are required to register with the GIS Housing and Communal Services and post the necessary information there.

Registration procedure in GIS Housing and Communal Services

Work in the GIS Housing and Communal Services first involves registration in the Unified Identification and Logistics Agency, and then registration of the organization managing the apartment building in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

Attention: unified identification and authentication system - ESIA

ESIA - federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" was created in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2011 No. 977.

Registration with the ESIA gives access to all government service portals and government information systems.

A confirmed account of an individual and a legal entity are registered in the ESIA.

The presentation of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, posted on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, states that the head of a legal entity must visit the certification center. There are 363 centers in Russia accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia. At the certification center, the manager receives the key for the qualified electronic signature of the head of the organization.

In the Unified Identification and Automation System, access groups are set that allow employees of the organization to work with the GIS housing and communal services. Users are assigned the roles “Organization Administrator” and “Authorized Specialist”.

Registration of an organization in the GIS Housing and Communal Services is carried out by the head of the organization (or another representative for whom the Unified State Register of Legal Entities has the entry “has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney”) with the role “Organization Administrator”.

When an employee of an organization enters the GIS Housing and Communal Services through the Unified Identification System, the GIS Housing and Communal Services receives from the Unified Identification System information about the user (last name, first name, patronymic, SNILS, who the user is - an authorized specialist of the organization or an administrator of the organization) and information about the organization of which the user is an employee.

Detailed instructions for registering in the Housing Information System are available in the “Regulations and Instructions” section.

Information is posted in the system via the Internet:

  • through your personal account;
  • through interaction of other systems with GIS housing and communal services.

Information posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services through a personal account must be signed with a simple electronic signature. Exceptions are made in cases provided for by law.

Attention: information posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services using another information system must be signed with a qualified electronic signature. This is determined by clause 162 of the Procedure and methods for posting information, maintaining registers in the state information system of housing and communal services, access to the system and to information posted in it, approved by order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 589, Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 944/pr dated December 28, 2015 G.

Information is considered posted in the system from the moment it is signed by the user of the system.

The system operator ensures that a notification is automatically sent to the system user confirming the placement of information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

Situation: where on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities website can you find instructions and rules for posting information?

The regulations, instructions and rules by which information is posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services are presented on the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal in the “Regulations and Instructions” section.

Composition of information posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

MAs are obliged to ensure free access to information:

  • on the main indicators of financial and economic activity;
  • about the services provided and about the work performed for the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building, about the procedure and conditions for their provision and implementation, about their cost;
  • on prices (tariffs) for provided utility services.
    Homeowners' associations, residential complexes, and joint ventures provide for review the documents provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 74, Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 114/pr dated February 29, 2016 approved the composition, timing and frequency of posting information in the GIS housing and communal services.

The list of information posted in the system by organizations managing apartment buildings is very extensive. The information is organized into sections:

  • information about the management organization, partnership, cooperative;
  • information about objects of state registration of the housing stock, including their technical characteristics and condition;
  • information on the list of provided utilities in MKD, residential buildings, services provided, work performed to manage MKD, work performed on the maintenance and current repairs of common property in MKD, about their volume, about the quality and frequency (timing) of their provision, provision, implementation and the cost of these services, works, as well as relevant contracts for the provision or provision of such services and (or) performance of such work;
  • information on the volume and quality of public services provided to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, as well as on cases of non-compliance with the established quality parameters of such services, including information on the facts and quantitative values ​​of deviations from the quality parameters of the services provided;
  • information about metering devices used to determine the volume of utilities provided to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings (households);
  • information about interruptions in the provision of utility services, suspension or restriction of the provision of utility services;
  • information on the amount of payment for residential premises;
  • information on the amount of payment for the maintenance of residential premises, established based on the results of an open competition for the selection of a management organization to manage the apartment building;
  • information on the status of settlements of the management organization, partnership, cooperative with resource supply organizations, information on the status of settlements of the management organization, partnership, cooperative with consumers of utility services, as well as information on the status of settlements of the management organization, partnership, cooperative for residential premises with owners and users of premises in MKD;
  • information on the status of settlements of the management organization, partnership, cooperative, with persons providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance, current and major repairs of common property in the apartment building;
  • information on the status of settlements between the management organization, partnership, and cooperative with the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste;
  • information to be posted by management organizations, partnerships and cooperatives, if they are the owners of a special account opened for the purpose of forming a capital repair fund;
  • information on the performance of work (provision of services) for the overhaul of common property in an apartment building, carried out at the expense of additional contributions intended to finance the costs of overhaul of common property in the apartment building;
  • information about personal accounts assigned to the owners and users of residential (non-residential) premises in apartment buildings, residential buildings (households) for paying for residential premises and (or) utilities;
  • information about the MKD management agreement;
  • information on the report on the implementation of the MKD management agreement and the annual accounting (financial) statements;
  • information about the report of the partnership and cooperative;
  • information on agreements on the provision for use of part of the common property of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, on the persons who entered into such agreements on behalf of the owners of premises in apartment buildings, as well as documents confirming the authority of these persons to enter into such agreements;
  • information on energy service agreements (contracts);
  • information on the holding of a general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, a general meeting of members of partnerships, a general meeting of members of a cooperative, as well as decisions of such meetings on issues put to vote, if the management organization, partnership or cooperative is the initiator of such a meeting or participates in the organization such a meeting, as well as in the event that the initiator of the meeting submits documents (messages, minutes, decisions) on holding a general meeting to the management organization, partnership, cooperative;
  • information on responses to appeals on housing and communal services received by a management organization, partnership, cooperative, using the system (except for information on the consideration of consumer appeals regarding the provision of utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration for all or some consumers in connection with violations (accidents), including those that occurred in the operation of in-house engineering systems and (or) centralized networks of engineering support).

The GIS housing and communal services operator is obliged to place in the system forms on which information is posted in a structured form*.

Frequency of updating information in GIS housing and communal services

The deadlines for updating information posted in the Housing and Communal Services GIS by organizations managing apartment buildings are specified in section 10 of Order No. 74 of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, No. 114/pr of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 29, 2016.

Section 10 of the above order is a table consisting of columns: composition of the posted information; timing and frequency of posting information.

For each type of information posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, there is a specific update period. As a rule, a certain period of time is allocated for updating information after the occurrence of a certain event. For example:

  • the type and name of services provided, work performed to manage apartment buildings is updated no later than 15 days from the date of commencement of duties for managing apartment buildings and no later than 7 days from the date of conclusion of the contract or additional agreement on amendments to it;
  • acceptance certificates for work performed (services provided) are posted no later than 7 days from the date of signing the documents;
  • the volume of provided utility services is updated monthly, along with the submission of payment documents for payment of fees for residential premises and (or) utilities.

Services available in GIS Housing and Communal Services

The Housing and Communal Services GIS portal is more than posting information about the management of apartment buildings.

Recipients of services in the system are organizations and citizens. Therefore, a number of services are provided for recipients of housing and communal services - owners and users of premises in apartment buildings.

Online services available in GIS Housing and Communal Services:

  • pay utility bills;
  • hold a meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building;
  • check the license of the management company;
  • enter meter readings;
  • see ratings;
  • learn about major home renovations;
  • find out the house code in the GIS housing and communal services;
  • find on the map;
  • write an appeal;
  • learn about subsidies and benefits;
  • find out about debt;
  • learn about work and housekeeping services.

However, many services are still under development. For example, it will be possible to hold a general meeting of owners using the GIS Housing and Communal Services only from January 1, 2018, and in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019 (Article 2 of the Law of July 3, 2016 No. 267-FZ " On amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation").

Responsibility for failure to place information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services

The organization managing the apartment building faces a fine of 30,000 rubles. for four types of violations of posting information in the GIS housing and communal services (part 1 of article 13.19.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • failure to post information;
  • violation of the procedure, methods and (or) timing of posting information;
  • the information is not posted in full;
  • posting deliberately distorted information.

Individual entrepreneurs who manage apartment buildings on the basis of a license bear administrative responsibility as legal entities. This follows from Part 2 of Article 13.19.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences.

The specified penalties will begin to apply from January 1, 2018, and for organizations managing apartment buildings in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - from July 1, 2019.

However, until January 1, 2018, fines are possible against the licensee if the following information is not posted in the GIS Housing and Communal Services:

  • about MKDs managed by the licensee (LM);
  • on changes in the list of apartment buildings, the management of which is carried out by the licensee, in connection with the conclusion, termination, termination of the apartment management agreement (posted within three working days from the date of the specified event).

The timing of the enforcement of penalties is established by part 2.2 of Article 6 of the Law of July 21, 2014 No. 263-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services.” »

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