The main difference between an accident and a disaster. Human radiation safety standard? Disinsection is an action to destroy

State educational institution of higher education
vocational education

                  Faculty of Economics Department of Economic Theories
Levin Vitaly Valerievich

By discipline

"Life Safety"

option No. 10


Scientific director
Vnukova E.V.

Moscow 2010
1. What is the difference between the terms “accident” and “catastrophe”?
The conceptual apparatus of emergency situations includes the following terms: accident, catastrophe, dangerous a natural phenomenon, natural disaster and environmental disaster. In the definitions of these terms, economic categories and terms are used directly or indirectly.
Accident – an emergency event of a man-made nature that occurred for structural, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to accidental external influences, and consisting in damage, failure, destruction of technical devices or structures.
Industrial accident is a sudden stop of work or disruption of the established production process in industrial enterprises, transport, etc.
Catastrophe - This major accident with great loss of life, i.e. an event with very tragic consequences.
Industrial or transport disaster – a major accident resulting in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences.
The main criterion for distinguishing between accidents and disasters is the severity of the consequences and the presence of human casualties. As a rule, major accidents and disasters result in fires and explosions, which result in the destruction of industrial and residential buildings and damage to machinery and equipment.
2. How do natural hazards differ from natural disasters?
The concept of an emergency situation (ES) of natural origin in accordance with the text of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2003. No. 794 “On the unified state system of prevention and liquidation emergency situations", can be formulated as unfavorable situation in a certain territory, formed as a result of a dangerous
natural phenomenon, natural disaster which may result or have resulted in human casualties, damage to human health, the environment, significant material losses, and disruption of human life.
Emergency natural character develops under the influence of dangerous natural phenomena (natural disasters).
The concept of a dangerous natural phenomenon.
A dangerous natural phenomenon is understood as a spontaneous event of natural origin, which, due to its intensity, scale of distribution and duration, can cause negative consequences for human life, the economy and the natural environment.
The difference between an emergency and a dangerous natural phenomenon
Not every dangerous natural phenomenon leads to an emergency, especially if there is no threat to human life at the place of its occurrence. For example, an annual flood is not counted as a flood if it does not threaten anyone. There is no reason to consider storms, storms, avalanches, freeze-ups, and volcanic eruptions as emergencies in places where people do not live or do any work.
Disaster - a natural phenomenon of an emergency nature and leading to disruption normal activities population, loss of life, destruction and destruction of material assets.
Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, forest fires, hurricanes, avalanches, mudflows and landslides), unlike man-made accidents, are almost impossible to prevent, but in many cases they can be predicted and measures can be taken to minimize their negative consequences for human life and the environment.
3. What is the cause of earthquakes?
Earthquakes are called tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface, resulting from sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust or upper mantle and transmitted over long distances in the form of elastic vibrations, or human activity.
The intensity of earthquakes is assessed in seismic scores. The earth's interior is in constant motion. IN earth's crust low-frequency waves propagate (periods of seconds and above). You can call fluctuations minute, hourly, daily, annual. The waves propagating across the earth's crust are enormous. Wavelength over 1000 km. The vibration amplitudes are hundreds of meters. These waves contain enormous energy. Due to inhomogeneities in the earth's crust, oscillations of similar frequencies arise, which begin to interfere with each other, which leads to the formation of resonant oscillations at some points of the earth's crust and suppression of oscillations at others - “beating”. There is a redistribution of vibration energy over the Earth's surface. Earthquakes occur at those points where the earth's surface cannot respond plastically to a multiple increase in the amplitude of vibrations.
At the end of the 20th century, man-made activity, which assumed a planetary scale, became the cause of induced (artificially caused) seismicity, which occurs, for example, when nuclear explosions(tests at the Nevada Test Site triggered thousands of seismic tremors), during the construction of reservoirs, the filling of which sometimes provokes strong earthquakes. This happened in India when the construction of the Koyna reservoir caused an 8.0 magnitude earthquake that killed 177 people.
4. Is it possible to predict flooding?
Floods can be predicted by conducting a hydrological forecast. The hydrological forecast includes studies aimed at scientifically substantiating the nature and scale of this natural disaster. Forecasts can be local and territorial, short-term (10-12 days), long-term (up to 3 weeks) and ultra-long-term (more than 3 months).
5. What is a collapse and what is its danger?
The collapse of large (more than 1 cubic meter) masses of rocks is called landslides.

If a collapse occurs, you must quickly take cover behind a rock ledge or a large stone. If this is not possible, then you need to stand still, watch the flight of the stone and only at the last moment deviate to the side. When small stones rain down in a hail, you need to lift your backpack on your head.
A common mistake of novice climbers is that, having seen a stone jumping along the ledges from afar, the beginners begin to rush into different sides, turn their back to the rockfall, protect their head with their hand (this can only be used in a completely hopeless situation, when, for example, a stone flies straight at the head). On steep screes, to avoid rockfalls, you need to walk in a wide front or in a closed column, possibly closer friend to a friend, and at turns everyone converges together. In Russia, landslides most often occur in areas North Caucasus, the Urals, Eastern Siberia, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Kola Peninsula, as well as along the steep banks of large rivers and reservoirs.
6. What is a tsunami and for which areas of the Earth are they most typical?
Tsunamis are sea waves of very long length, arising mainly as a result of the upward and downward displacement of extended sections of the seabed during underwater and coastal earthquakes. The distance between adjacent wave crests during a tsunami can range from 5 to 1,500 kilometers, and the waves travel at speeds from 50 to 1,000 kilometers per hour. The height of waves in the area of ​​their occurrence ranges from 10 centimeters to 5 meters, but off the coast it can reach from 10 to 50 meters or more. One of the most destructive tsunamis occurred in 2004. Originating in the Indian Ocean, it hit the coasts of Indonesia and Sri Lanka in giant waves, claiming more than 300 thousand human lives. There is a known case in 1994, when a tsunami was caused by the collapse of a dock in the sea in the American port of Skagway (Alaska). Then the wave height reached 11 meters, one person died.

As is known, the Pacific Ocean is the region in which the largest number of tsunamis are recorded, mainly resulting from the geological structure of the seabed. Countries washed by the ocean are at risk of earthquakes and tsunamis generated by them. For residents of the island of Hokkaido in northern Japan, this fact does not raise the slightest doubt.
7. Name the actions that must be taken to ensure safety when receiving a “storm warning” signal.
The Hydrometeorological Service usually issues a storm warning several hours in advance. The doors should be closed attic spaces, dormer windows. Cover the glass with strips of paper or fabric. Remove things from balconies, loggias, and window sills that could cause injury to people if they fall. Turn off the gas. Prepare emergency lighting - lanterns, candles. Create a supply of water and food for 2-3 days. Place medications and dressings in a safe and visible place. Keep radios and televisions constantly on: they can transmit various messages and orders. Transfer people from light buildings to strong buildings. Avoid injury from glass and other flying objects.
If you find yourself in an open area, it is best to take cover in a ditch, hole, ravine, or any recess: lie on the bottom and press tightly to the ground.
8. What types of crowds are there?
In everyday language, a “crowd” refers to a large number of people present in one place at the same time 1 .
A crowd is a collection of people who are not united by common goals and a single organizational and role structure, but are connected by a common center of attention and emotional state.

A large number of observations and special studies made it possible to identify the following types of crowds:
1. Occasional crowd (from English, occasion - chance) - a gathering of people who have gathered to watch an unexpected incident.
2. A conventional crowd (from English, convention - convention) gathers on the occasion of a pre-announced event: a boxing or football match, a rally, a rock band concert, etc. and so on.
Here a more directed interest already prevails, and people for the time being (as long as the crowd retains the quality of conventionality) are ready to follow certain conventions.
3. Expressive crowd (from English, expression), rhythmically expressing one or another emotion: joy, enthusiasm, indignation, etc. As you can see, the range of emotional dominants here is very wide, and the main distinguishing feature is the rhythm of expression.
4. Expressive crowd (from English, expression), rhythmically expressing one or another emotion: joy, enthusiasm, indignation, etc. As you can see, the range of emotional dominants here is very wide, and the main distinguishing feature is the rhythm of expression.
5. Ecstatic crowd (from English, ecstasy - ecstasy) - an extreme form of expressive crowd. In ecstasy, people selflessly torture themselves with chains at the Shiite religious holiday “Shahsey-Wahsey”, drive themselves to the point of insanity under the increasing rhythm of frantic prayer in the Shakers sect, or
dancing at a Brazilian carnival, tearing their clothes to the rhythm of rock.
6. The active crowd is the most politically significant and dangerous look collective behavior. Within its framework, in turn, several subspecies can be distinguished:
An aggressive crowd, the emotional dominant of which (rage, anger), as well as the direction of its actions, are transparently expressed in the name.

The panic (saving) crowd is seized with horror, the desire of everyone to avoid real or imaginary danger.
A greedy crowd is a group of people who engage in unorganized conflict over the possession of some value. This term, unlike the previous ones, requires explanation. The dominant emotion here usually becomes greed, the thirst for possession, which is sometimes mixed with fear.
A rebellious crowd is similar to an aggressive crowd in a number of ways (a feeling of anger predominates), but differs from it in the socially just nature of its indignation.
9. What features of the transaction should raise suspicion of the partner’s dishonesty?
As recommendations for researching a business partner on preliminary stage and in the course of direct interaction the following can be distinguished: find out what transactions have already been made, with whom, the financial position of the company, information about other parties to the transaction; turn to reference publications that contain information about existing firms and enterprises, as well as turn to organizations specializing in obtaining and accumulating information about the state of affairs in commercial structures; find out during the preliminary acquaintance the nature of the transactions made and then ask partners who were previously in the relationship to evaluate the effectiveness of cooperation business relations with this company.
In the process of direct contacts with business partners, many parameters are subject to assessment, ranging from characteristics and behavior patterns to impressions of the environment, employees, and room design.
Repeated references to integrity and honesty can also be a consequence of the fact that the partner has “overacted” in an effort to look better than he really is.

To overcome the feeling of caution that is usually present in initial stage business cooperation, and gaining the trust of his victim, an unscrupulous partner can fulfill his obligations quite accurately, for example, take out loans at high interest rates, which he successfully repays several times, and then, when the amount is large enough, the borrower suddenly disappears. In this regard, it should be remembered that the emphasized efficiency and commitment at the initial stage of cooperation is not a complete guarantee and may disappear after the unscrupulous partner achieves the desired goal. Therefore, having completed negotiations and moved on to practical actions, we must not forget about intermediate control over the implementation of agreements.
Be sure to read the charter of the partner company. Find out whether the company has the right, according to the charter, to engage in the activities provided for in the contract. Check whether the director has the right to enter into an agreement with you without the approval of senior management. If the partner refers to reputable founders, check this in the memorandum of association. It is also very useful to familiarize yourself with the balance sheet of the partner company.
Check the passport and credentials of the person signing the agreement with you, as well as the coincidence of the name of the partner company in the text of the agreement, in other documents and on the seal.
In the contract, clearly stipulate your economic interests. If the contract is not fulfilled, seek maximum compensation under the terms of the contract.
Don't rush to part with your own money. Strive to pay for the goods only after they are delivered to you. IN as a last resort, issue a letter of credit with favorable conditions for its disclosure (after delivery of the goods). At the same time, there is a possibility of forgery of documents necessary for opening a letter of credit.

When concluding contracts for the purchase and sale of goods, control the agreed amounts of penalties received and paid in the event of contract failure.
The text of the agreement should not contain references to the obligations of other legal and individuals except those who signed the agreement. You must be especially careful if the contract is concluded on behalf of a well-known company, and the money is sent to another company (even if the latter calls itself a subsidiary or regional representative well-known company).
If you have completed one or two small transactions with a new partner, do not assume that the third one will necessarily be successful, big deal. Especially if, when making a major transaction, your partner will manage your money.
When concluding a joint activity agreement, provide for your mandatory participation in all major operations of the joint activity, your strict control over the expenditure of funds and the distribution of income.
Proceed with caution if you are offered extremely profitable terms agreement.
Check the collateral provided for possible remortgage.
When providing you with guarantees (guarantees) from other enterprises or organizations, check the solvency of the guarantor (guarantor) and find out whether he gave the guarantee provided to you at all.
In invoices, in work acceptance certificates and in delivery notes, always check the compliance of the quantity and quality of goods supplied, as well as the volumes of work and services performed, as indicated in the documents and the actual quantity.
Thus, in the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) appeared separate chapter III.1. “Challenging the debtor’s transactions” (amended by Federal Law No. 73-FZ of April 28, 2009).

Thus, the special grounds for recognizing transactions as invalid are clarified and supplemented.
You should also pay attention to the norms of Chap. III.I Federal Law No. 127-FZ aimed, first of all, at ensuring the interests of the debtor’s creditors, his bankruptcy estate, since, as practice shows, on the eve of bankruptcy, artificial accounts payable controlled by interested parties are often created, often associated with the real withdrawal of property from the possession of the future bankrupt.
Article 61.2 Federal Law No. 127-ФЗ dated October 26, 2002 N 127-ФЗ. (as amended on July 27, 2010). “On insolvency (bankruptcy)” a new concept has been introduced – “suspicious transaction”. This is a transaction made by the debtor with unequal counter-fulfillment of obligations by the other party to the transaction, including if the price and (or) other conditions of this transaction differ significantly for the worse for the debtor from the market ones.
A transaction made by a debtor for the purpose of causing harm to the property rights of creditors is also considered suspicious if, as a result of its completion, damage to the property rights of creditors was caused and if the other party to the transaction knew about the specified purpose of the debtor at the time of the transaction.
Thus, the Law contains both objective criteria for challenging a suspicious transaction - “unequal counter-performance”, and subjective ones - “the debtor’s intention to cause harm to creditors in their ability to obtain satisfaction of their claims at the expense of the debtor’s property” 2.
10. How does modern terrorism differ from terrorism of the early twentieth century?
At the beginning of the twentieth century, terrorism had a pronounced ideological and political orientation, but today this orientation is mixed. Various organizations and communities that do not have political motivation resort to terrorist methods: mafia groups, non-traditional sects
religions, drug dealers, etc. In modern conditions, increasing emphasis is placed on terrorism not as a form of political struggle, but as a “low-cost and highly productive method” of achieving a wide variety of goals. Terrorism has become a common way to resolve interethnic, interfaith and territorial disputes, and has become part of the practice of nationalists, extremists, religious radicals and separatists to achieve unconstitutional goals.
Distinctive features of modern terrorism from terrorism of the early twentieth century are:
* the formation of international and regional governing bodies to address issues of planning terrorist activities;
* preparation and conduct of specific operations, organization of interaction between individual groups and performers involved in a particular action;
* inciting anti-government sentiments in society in order to successfully fight for influence and power;
* penetration into public and state political, economic and security structures;
* creation of an extensive network of centers and bases for training militants and supporting operations in various regions of the world, creation of an underground network, caches and warehouses of weapons and ammunition in various countries and regions;
* creation of a network of firms, companies, banks, funds that are used as cover for terrorists, financing and comprehensive support for their operations;
* concentration of financial resources in the hands of terrorists due to the merging of terrorism with drug trafficking and arms trafficking;
* use of the right to political refuge, residence, activities and basing provided by a number of states;

* use of conflict and crisis situations to spread their influence.
11. What is relative humidity?
Air humidity is one of the most essential characteristics of climate. It greatly influences people’s well-being; it is this characteristic, along with temperature, that determines the conditions of a person’s existence in and outside his home.
Relative humidity is the amount of water that is contained in the air at a given temperature compared to the maximum possible content at that same temperature. The optimal humidity level for humans is between 40-60%. This is due not only to the requirements of comfort, but mainly to the necessity for normal functioning and health.
12. Name the composition of clean air.
Air consists of approximately 20% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, some water vapor and carbon dioxide, as well as inert gases (argon, neon, xenon, etc.) and other impurities in microscopic quantities 3.
Air composition, in volume fractions:
Nitrogen N2 - 78,084 (%)
Oxygen O2 - 20.9476 (%)
Argon Ar - 0.934 (%)
Carbon dioxide CO2 - 0.0314 (%)
Neon Ne - 0.001818 (%)
Methane CH4 - 0.0002 (%)
Helium He - 0.000524 (%)
Krypton Kr - 0.000114 (%)
Hydrogen H2 - 0.00005 (%)
Xenon Xe - 0.0000087 (%)
13. First aid for injuries caused by potent and toxic substances.
Medical care for acute poisoning is aimed at introducing special antidotes, removing poison from the body, maintaining impaired
vital functions. Before the arrival of emergency medical services, you can independently wash the areas of skin and mucous membranes contaminated with poison with water, perform a gastric lavage, give activated charcoal in the amount of 30–50 g (for an adult), or a laxative (20–30 g of magnesium sulfate, 50–100 g of castor oils). In case of breathing problems (vomiting, tongue retraction), it is necessary to give the victim’s head a comfortable position, remove the tongue, in case of respiratory arrest, perform artificial respiration (you should remember the danger of mouth-to-mouth breathing in case of poisoning with household chemicals and industrial poisons, because . the rescuer may poison himself). The victim, who is unconscious, should be placed on a bed or couch and the head should be placed in such a position that the tongue does not sink in and the airways do not become blocked with mucus and vomit. It is better if he lies on his side so that his head is lowered slightly below body level. A patient experiencing hallucinations should be tried to be kept in the room until medical assistance arrives, and supervision should be provided to prevent him from falling out of a window, balcony, or stairs.
The described first aid measures are general and are carried out in almost all poisonings, especially since the type of poison and its name are not always known.
14. First aid for fractures.
The main first aid measures for bone fractures are:
1) creating immobility of bones in the fracture area;
2) taking measures aimed at combating shock or preventing it;
3) organizing the fastest delivery of the victim to a medical facility.
Rapid creation of bone immobility in the fracture area - immobilization reduces pain and is the main point in preventing shock. Immobilization of the limb is achieved by applying transport splints or splints made from available hard material.

The splint must be applied directly at the scene of the incident and only after that the patient must be transported.
In case of an open fracture, an aseptic bandage must be applied before immobilizing the limb. When bleeding from a wound, methods of temporarily stopping bleeding should be used (pressure bandage, application of a tourniquet, etc.).
It is more convenient to immobilize the lower limb using a Dieterichs transport splint, a Kramer upper-scalene splint or a pneumatic splint. If there are no transport tires, immobilization should be carried out using improvised tires from any available materials.
In the absence of auxiliary material, immobilization should be carried out by bandaging the injured limb to a healthy part of the body: the upper limb - to the torso using a bandage or scarf, the lower - to the healthy leg.
When carrying out transport immobilization, the following rules must be observed:
1) the splints must be securely fastened and properly fix the fracture area;
2) the splint cannot be applied directly to a naked limb; the latter must first be covered with cotton wool or some kind of cloth;

Human existence is forced to intersect with many dangers that threaten life and health. If they could not be avoided, they speak of emergencies such as accidents and disasters. At the same time, in many media the concepts are identified and refer to the same incidents. In reality, the difference between accidents and disasters is quite significant. There are also differences in preventive actions that are designed to protect a person and save him from the onset of negative consequences.
Accident– an emergency that is accompanied by the destruction of buildings and structures, damage to equipment, damage Vehicle and creates conditions for causing major damage. As a result of an accident, power lines, roads, and material values. The consequences need to be addressed immediately to prevent large-scale negative consequences.
Catastrophe– a large-scale incident that occurred due to natural or man-made factors and led to the onset of extreme adverse consequences. This could be doom large quantity of people, environmental disaster, destruction of a large number of buildings and structures. At the same time, the consequences of the disaster cannot be eliminated immediately, which is due to the large scale of the emergency.

What is the difference between accidents and disasters?

Thus, the main difference between accidents and disasters is the scale of emergency incidents. The risk of their occurrence exists in all corners globe. During an accident, the destruction is relatively small, and there are few or no casualties. If we are talking about a disaster, then its consequences are much more tangible. For example, an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant soon developed into a disaster: the spread of radioactive substances forced people to leave entire cities.
There are also certain features the use of these categories to designate emergency incidents. Accidents are called road accidents, emergency situations at work, or equipment failure. They can have a very different scale: the Moscow blackout of 2005 led to a power outage over vast areas, but no casualties were avoided. At the same time, the train derailment in Spain on July 24, 2013, despite being localized, was immediately called a disaster due to the large number of victims.
Accidents may be accompanied by the release of radioactive and chemical hazardous substances, failures in the provision of electricity and heat supply. A delayed response to danger always leads to disaster. This is exactly what happened in the Indian city of Bhopal in 1984. Untimely elimination of the consequences of the methyl isocyanate spill and lack of information led to massive casualties and environmental disaster. determined that the difference between an accident and a catastrophe is as follows:

Casualties among the population. Disasters are characterized big amount dead, while accidents can happen without them at all.
Dynamics. The catastrophe is accompanied by the appearance damaging factors, while an accident most often occurs without them.
Consequences. The disaster has an extremely Negative influence on ecology and environment. The accident has relatively minor consequences.
Scale. Accidents are always confined to a small area, but disasters are global in nature.
Overcoming. Eliminating the consequences of an accident takes relatively little time. Overcoming disasters can be extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible (explosions at nuclear power plants).

3. How does a disaster differ from an accident: A) the presence of human casualties, significant damage; b) exposure to damaging factors on people; c) impact on the natural environment.

Picture 31 from the presentation “Emergencies technogenic nature» for life safety lessons on the topic “Man-made emergencies”

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Download presentation Man-made emergencies“Natural emergencies” - Natural. Tasks. Suggest ways to protect the population of Suzun from natural emergencies. Topic: "Rules safe behavior: in natural and man-made emergencies. Make a list of possible natural emergencies in the territory of Suzun. Hazardous factors

heat , smoke in the premises."Ministry of Emergency Situations" - EMERCOM of Russia -. The rescue. There are emergency situations: In case of fire. Hostage rescue occurs through action special units. (capture groups). Vanguard of the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia -. When emergency Technogenic situations: Always ready! Center

special purpose "Leader".“Life Safety and Emergency Situations” - Training plan for management and command staff for the ___________ year. Chairmen and members of the commissions on PFU and evacuation commissions. They undergo training at the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Training Center in Moscow. Training fee is not carried out. Participation in exercises and training

civil defense and protection from emergency situations;“Actions in emergency situations” - Civil Defense and Emergency Management Bodies municipal institution. Destruction, fires, explosions. Sabotage, terrorist attacks, explosions, fires. Shock wave. Make simple respiratory protection equipment. Biological (bacteriological) weapons. Carry out partial

sanitization body, clothes and shoes. The author of the presentation is teacher-organizer of life safety Klyuev A.V.“Man-made emergency” -

“Man-made emergencies” - Potentially dangerous objects. Accidents on oil fields. IN gas industry: Accidents in fields. About 120 thousand people remain without electricity. The circumstances of the incident are being established. All victims were provided health care. 1. Trends in the field of natural and man-made safety.

There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

summary of other presentations

“Rules of conduct in case of radiation accidents” - Urban population. Population rural areas. Evacuation of the population. Protect food. Turn on the radio. Carry out iodine prophylaxis. Actions upon notification of an accident at the ROO. Driving through areas contaminated with radioactive substances. Rules for safe behavior. Protect your respiratory system immediately. Actions of the population upon notification. Protection of the population from radioactive fallout.

“Radiation according to life safety” - The impact of radiation on humans. Radiation hazardous object. Thermonuclear bomb device. Carrying out iodine prophylaxis. Consequences of a single radiation exposure. The effect of radiation on the body. Atom stations. Protective effect of iodine prophylaxis. Stable iodine regimen. CHP operation diagram. A unit of measurement for radioactivity. Research And design organizations. The structure of a nuclear reactor.

“Classification of man-made emergency situations” - Hydrodynamic accidents. Fires. Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of radioactive substances. Classification of industrial accidents. Classification depending on the nature of origin. Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of chemically hazardous substances. Causes. Causes of accidents. What is the difference between a disaster and an accident? Classification of emergencies by scale of distribution. The situation resulting from the accident. Impact of emergency source.

“Natural disaster flood” - Classification of floods. Wind surges. Outstanding floods. Flood protection measures. Flood. Wind surge. Flooding of the area with water. Flood area. Ice jams. Find the error. Actions of the population during a flood.

“Life Safety Game” - What is a fire. What is a traffic accident? Industrial accidents and disasters. Rules of the game. What is an explosion? Combustion process. When you came home in the evening, you smelled gas. While at home alone, you suddenly hear intermittent beeps from businesses. Feeling of suffocation, cough, skin irritation. Who wants to become an excellent student. Qualifying round. What does OBZH mean? Surveillance and control system. Mutagens. In case of a chemical accident dangerous object There was a chlorine leak.

“Consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” - Total release of radioactive substances. Chronicle of facts and events. The world's worst accident. Peaceful atom. The danger comes from radioactive cesium and strontium. Radioactive substances. Consequences of Chernobyl. How to act in case radiation accident. The territories of Belarus were affected. The dangers of nuclear power. Disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

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