Main architector. Our mission is to make the city more comfortable! The work goals and responsibilities of the chief architects of the constituent entities of Russia were discussed at the “Architecture Council of the Chief Architects of the Subjects of the Russian Federation”

On September 11, 2019, in Moscow, on the initiative of the construction section of the International Social Security Association (ISSA - Construction) with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "VNII of Labor" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the International Conference "Zero Injuries in the Construction Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the Conference) will be held. NOSTROY will take part in the Conference as a co-organizer.

Specialists and experts in the field of labor protection, business representatives from construction and other fields of activity, representatives of government agencies, as well as international participants - experts in the field of labor protection from Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, and Chile are invited to participate in the Conference. The speakers will focus on the practical implementation of the Zero Injury concept in construction companies, best practices from different countries, as well as the economic benefits of implementing this approach.

Venue: St. Petersburg.

Over the past years, the conference has established itself as a significant industry event that attracts more than 800 participants - leading experts in the construction industry, representatives of large, medium and small construction businesses, top officials of federal and regional government bodies, specialized national associations of SROs, public organizations, self-regulatory organizations , educational institutions from various regions of Russia.

The event will traditionally include two broad blocks: a plenary session in the format of an open dialogue between conference participants and thematic sections where relevant issues will be discussed. An exhibition of building materials and technologies and a B2B-workshop for construction market professionals will also be organized.

The National Association of Surveyors and Designers and the Russian Academy of Arts announce the holding of the VI International Professional Competition for the Best Project in 2019.

The competition is held in the field of architecture, urban planning and engineering systems design, and the projects themselves are evaluated taking into account the innovative development of the construction industry. Awards are given in 19 categories. Special mention is given to projects in the creation and implementation of which young specialists (not older than 30 years), students and graduate students of specialized universities took part.

Russian and foreign organizations and individual entrepreneurs, regardless of their legal form and form of ownership, preparing and implementing projects, individual authors, as well as young specialists (not older than 30 years) and students of specialized universities are invited to participate in the competition. In accordance with the Regulations on the competition, projects (concepts) submitted by competitors must be created no earlier than 2016.

Venue: Moscow.

The National Association of Surveyors and Designers invites you to take part in the events of the business program of the International Festival “Zodchestvo”.

The International Festival "Architecture" is a national event with foreign participation, a review of achievements in the field of architectural and urban planning activities of cities and regions of Russia.

The purpose of the festival is to activate, develop and raise the level of architectural and urban planning activities in Russia, strengthening professional status through the organization of reviews, competitions, and exhibition events.

The format of the festival is a creative, business communication space for the professional community, executive authorities responsible for State policy in the field of architecture and urban planning, as well as for the general public of Moscow and the regions of Russia.

As part of the Zodchestvo festival, a meeting of the council of chief architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities was held. The topic of discussion was the question of whether a chief architect is needed as such for the territory for which he is responsible.

“I believe that in general the existence of chief architects and architectural councils is not an end in itself; the creation of a high-quality urban environment, cool architecture and the social development that these things bring with them is an end in itself,” - noted Sergey Kuznetsov.

According to him, we must understand that the role of architecture and its weight in decision-making will depend on the electoral effect - how many people pay attention to it and consider it important. “Here, of course, we must remember that the public position is key. “To what extent can we interest people, prove to them that we are doing the right thing, that all this makes sense not only everyday, but also long-term,”- added Kuznetsov.

It is precisely working with misunderstandings and raising the level of culture of the population that should be one of the first places - then all other powers and responsibilities will come by themselves.

The XXXVIII meeting of the Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities will take place from June 22 to 25. One of the most significant events in the industry will take place this year in the Moscow region. The grand opening and plenary meeting are scheduled for June 23 at the Government House of the Moscow Region.

The topic of the plenary session is “National identity in the context of modern architectural and urban development.” Chief architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities will discuss the best practices for the development of territories, issues of preserving cultural and historical heritage, creating a modern comfortable environment and other topical issues.

“The decision to hold the most significant event in the industry in our region was made on the basis of serious innovations in the Moscow region in the field of urban planning and architecture,”- said the head of the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region, Vladislav Gordienko. According to him, the meeting of the Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities is a unique opportunity to communicate with the best professionals in the country.

“The experience of the Moscow region in terms of redistribution of powers, new urban planning policies, development of new generation master plans, development of the region’s transport system, and creation of the appearance of cities is of interest to professionals. Today we are faced with serious tasks, and we would like to discuss methods for solving them at a meeting of the Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities,”- said Vladislav Gordienko.

A rich business program has been formed for the event participants, which will include a plenary session, round tables, excursions and an exhibition. Participants of the event will be able to get acquainted with the exhibition, which will present landmark projects of the Moscow region in the field of architecture and urban planning.

Since 1998, the Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities has been a permanent all-Russian advisory body for the implementation of urban planning policy. Among its main tasks are the exchange of experience in the field of architectural and urban planning activities, participation in the formation of the legislative, regulatory and legal framework, discussion of various aspects of architectural and urban planning practice, interaction with authorities.

Meetings are held in different cities of Russia. In addition to members of the Council, representatives of the architectural community, local administrations, academicians and corresponding members of the RAASN participate in them. Former chief architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, whose experience is of particular value, are invited to the meetings as honorary members.

The Chairman of the Council is the President of the RAASN, the chief architect of Moscow from 1996 to 2012, People's Architect of Russia Alexander Kuzmin.

Applications for preliminary accreditation of media representatives wishing to take part in the plenary meeting of the Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities on June 23 are accepted by email: tyninepuzb(tep)

The Ministry of Construction of Russia analyzed data from the regions on the progress of implementing the instructions of the President of Russia following the results of the State Council on Construction, where it was recommended to establish direct subordination of the chief architect to the governor. A third of the regions that submitted information to the department complied with the instructions in full. This was announced on October 15 by the director of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Andrei Belyuchenko, at the XXXIX meeting of the Council of Chief Architects of the Subjects of the Russian Federation in Moscow.

According to Andrei Belyuchenko, to date 60 entities have reported to the Russian Ministry of Construction on the implementation of this order. A third of them - 17 regions - fulfilled the instructions in full. Half of the entities that provided information accepted the order for execution; 13 (22%) regions did not fulfill the order due to the absence of the position of chief architect in the staff structure.

And his reassignment directly to the governor was proposed by the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men. After long discussions with the professional community, the department came up with this proposal to the State Construction Council, which was held in May of this year. Based on its results, the regions were recommended to establish the subordination of the chief architect to the governor by the end of 2016.

“The head of the regional construction department and the architect who usually reports to him have different tasks. If the first one primarily solves the problem of the volume of housing commissioned, sometimes regardless of the consequences for the urban environment, then the second one must create this environment and make it comfortable. Due to the subordination of the architect, most urban planning decisions are made in favor of housing volumes, which contradicts the trend of the national project “Housing and Communal Services and Urban Environment”, which is being implemented in the country,” noted Andrey Belyuchenko.

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, President of the RAASN Alexander Kuzmin, President of the Union of Architects of Russia Andrey Bokov, and chief architects of the regions.

In general, the meeting participants unanimously supported the initiative of direct subordination of architects to the governor. The chief architect of the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Igor Kurnosov, believes that in addition to the direct subordination of the chief architect to the head of the subject, it is necessary to actively develop such an institution as the town planning council, legislating the formation of the composition of the council and the decisions it makes.

In Perm, according to the chief architect of the city, Dmitry Lapshin, from November of this year, all projects for improvement and gardening of the city, which the Housing Improvement Department has been involved in for 5-6 years, must now be coordinated with the chief architect. Without his approval, the mayor of the city refuses to allocate funds to finance these projects.

Modern technologies and architectural heritage as the creative basis of the gene pool of the current Russian urban landscape became the topic of the 42nd meeting of the Council of Chief Architects of the Regions, which opened in Kislovodsk and will last until June 10. It is attended by 180 specialists from Russian regions, as well as foreign experts. The Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Vladimir Yakushev sent a greeting to the participants.

This year the Council, created in 1998 under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences and the Union of Architects of Russia, will turn 20 years old. “All these years, the Council has been solving the most important problems in the development of the urban environment. The architectural paradigm of the 21st century is a new generation of cities that meet all the requirements of innovative life support, but at the same time maximally preserving their identity, comfortable and friendly towards people. Only in joint discussions, exchanging experiences, scientific research, and practical examples, can success be achieved in the formation of a harmonious and humanized urban environment. And in this, the community of chief architects of regions and municipalities of Russia can serve as the clearest example of everyone’s professional work towards a common final result,” noted the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Vladimir Yakushev, in his greeting.

During the plenary session, participants discussed the best practices for territorial development, preservation of cultural and historical heritage, features of legal regulation of urban planning activities, as well as issues of creating a modern comfortable urban environment. “Today many buildings are being built that spoil the urban environment. This is especially critical in small towns, where with the construction of one wrong house, the historical panorama can be lost,” said Alexander Kuzmin, Chairman of the Council of Chief Architects of the Russian Federation and Municipal Entities, President of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences. “It is extremely important to pay attention to the details without compromising the scale and identity of Russian cities.”

Forum participants will visit Essentuki and Zheleznovodsk, consider the urban development of the resort towns of Stavropol, and foreign urbanists from the Netherlands and Sweden will hold master classes.

The opening of the forum was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory - Minister of Construction and Architecture Alexander Zolotarev, representatives of the regional administration and the office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, President of the National Association of Surveyors and Designers Mikhail Posokhin and others.

For reference:

The Council of Chief Architects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities is an event that is one of the most important events in the architectural life of our country. It is organized by the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences together with the Union of Architects of Russia. The main tasks of the Council include: exchange of experience in the field of architectural and urban planning activities, participation in the formation of the relevant legislative, regulatory and legal framework, discussion of various aspects of architectural and urban planning practice, interaction with authorities and much more. The Council brings together the heads of architecture and urban planning bodies - the chief architects of large cities and regions of Russia.

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