Go notification of Novorossiya. Chervonets: Reports from the militia

Today our partner Go group, whose reports have been broadcast on the Novorossiya Online feed for a long time, turned 2 years old!
The MEDIA REPOST team congratulates its colleagues on the anniversary, combined with the launch of the Goves.ru website (New Russia Alert) and wishes creative success and peaceful skies.

The website goves.ru is a new project of the Go group, the press release of which is given below:

The first thing we have prepared is a “register of criminals”; in this section we have created a database of criminals in Ukraine who have committed, are committing crimes against residents of Donbass cities. We have added the ability for users to add criminals to the register themselves; to do this, they do not need to register or fill out their personal information.
We have added an “online summary” text broadcast mode. You will also get the opportunity to receive notifications on your PC and phone for a free subscription to notifications.
You are also given the opportunity to become a participant in our project; each registered user can start his own personal blog. The most popular blogs will be shown on the main page of the site. In addition, a rating system is being developed, which we will report on later.

All project features can be viewed on the website

Most Erefians do not know and do not want to know in what hell Donbass, betrayed by Putin, lives. And this hell was jointly created by Putin and his partner Valtsman. It seems to Erefians that since they don’t talk about Donbass on TV anymore, it means life there has improved. Let me publish one figure to show what unbearable conditions they have created in the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

“Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have violated the ceasefire 1,233 times. At the same time, the enemy fired 125 mines of 82 and 120 mm caliber, as well as 1,010 ammunition from various types of grenade launchers, into the territory of the Republic. In addition, infantry fighting vehicles and small arms were used.”

These figures are from the reports of the famous accountant Basurin, published by him in the afternoon. And they concerned only the territory of the DPR. And shelling also occurs in the LPR. But since that time, the shelling not only has not stopped, but has also increased. For example, urgent reports appeared about attempts by punitive forces to seize the Donetsk filtration station. And what will happen if she is captured is well written here. And if you look at Donetsk groups, such as "GO" Novorossiya Alert Group", "Reports from the Novorossiya Militia" or other similar groups, then in real time you can find out about the number of attacks on the territories of the DPR and LPR. And this horror is happening endlessly for the third time year.

And the population of Donbass itself lives worse than in Africa. The puppets installed by the Kremlin are creating real chaos in the republics. Any person. Those who disagree with the theft of Plotnitsky and Zakharchenko are sent to the basement, from where he will never come out. There is a constant shortage of food. Entire settlements. Due to incessant shelling, they are forced to be without electricity and gas. Pensions amount to 2-3 thousand rubles. And this is at Moscow prices. Only the salaries are a little higher. And then only if you sign up for the militia. In a word, this can be called a joint genocide of the Kremlin and Kyiv partners.

In general, I am surprised that the people have not yet completely left the territories of the DPR and LPR. After all, it is impossible to live in Donbass Somalia. But he endures this because he does not want to go back to Ukraine, where the Kremlin is pushing him. For this reason, the Kremlin regime, with the help of its Ukrainian partners, created these unbearable living conditions in Donbass. So that the population of the region wants to return to Ukraine. And if he doesn’t want to, the joint genocide of the partners will continue.

In this regard, all these Erefian bastards who reproach Donbass for not standing up like that, not rising up like that, are especially disgusting. The Erefians did not have to live in basements and bury their relatives every day from shelling. They don’t know what it’s like to live for months without electricity and gas. Without salary, pensions and generally without any means of subsistence. However, they have the audacity to blame Donbass for something. Or tell its exhausted population to endure it for another two or three years. Call them Donetsk crests, try to shame them into refugees from Donbass. Coming up with various HPPs to cover up betrayal. Erefian scum, you will soon experience on your own skin all these “delights” that the unfortunate residents of Donbass are forced to experience. For renouncing your own people and for justifying the Kremlin’s betrayal, history will punish you. And then you will know what it’s like to not get out of a damp basement for months, so as not to be killed by fragments of a shell, mine or rocket. Then remember the loyal Donbass, including you. How he was framed for the Ukrainian genocide, and then washed his hands of it. You have to pay for everything in this life. And you will pay a very high price for the blood of Donbass. And very soon you will see for yourself if you don’t believe it.

At 21:50, a large reconnaissance group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces entered the Trudovskiye area and was blocked by reconnaissance officers of the DPR Armed Forces.

Self-defense of Donetsk

21:28 - YaBP, Trudovskie - small arms combat with the use of short-range machine guns, automatic self-propelled guns, mortars
21:36 - On Tikhoy (Petrovka) you can hear the battle and even see it. Tracers fly nearby - we observe from the top floor
23:25 - Trudovsky - intense battle with the use of heavy artillery and mortars

LDNR War Alert Group

23:00 Residents of Trudovskiye urgently take safety measures. The cockroaches (DRG) nevertheless slipped into our territory in a small group (not into the city, but onto the defense line of Donetsk), now our people are ironing them out, and the dill brought up heavy artillery to pull out the half-dead Nazis. Small arms, mortars, artillery, armored vehicles.

Unsuccessful attempts to save the heroes fail with varying intensity. They say that the DRG of dill on the radio are already saying goodbye to their people (including in foreign languages)...

To make it clear where the breakthrough attempt is and where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are supporting the group with mortars and artillery:

0:14 Meanwhile, the battle continues in the Trudovskiye area. Also in the Airport-YaBP-Spartak area it is not quiet, there are dense small arms and mortar battles.

It seemed quiet in the LPR, from the Popasnaya dill side they occupied Novoaleksandrovka (if I wrote it wrong, correct me) which was sort of in a gray zone, but the city was served by Novorossiya workers (humanitarian aid, pensions, police, etc.). The Ukrops are building a fortification around this settlement, and are “restoring order” in Novoaleksandrovka itself, that is, they are engaged in looting...

Message from a militiaman with the call sign "Sych".

Regarding the combat situation: despite all the withdrawals, ceasefires, and so on, the Ukrainian Army continues shelling and we have to respond to them. In addition, the enemy's DRGs have noticeably intensified. Every day our army suffers losses in the wounded, in addition there are killed (October 6 near Zhelty). Rejections are being disrupted, and even if they are carried out on paper and in the media, in reality virtually no recusals are made. We can only watch the clownery that politicians create.

I will repeat my opinion and that of most of the fighters I know. If Russia has taken a tough stance on Syria, then it needs to act here in Novorossiya. Only then can we force our enemies to retreat. And all these games of “diplomacy” will end in tears, lives will not be saved (as a result, even more dead), Donbass, and then Russia, will fall, and yesterday’s “Russian Elite” will become outcasts in the Golden Billion. In Donbass, people die every day, and I don’t even want to discuss what’s going on inside the Republics (since it can only be described in one obscene word).

In general, the situation is very difficult, but despite all the external and internal ill-wishers, despite the uncertainty and complete lack of faith in the authorities of the LDPR, the faith of the fighters in Russia and in victories remains. Veterans of the companies of the past two years still remain in the ranks of LM LDNR. And when war begins, and it cannot be avoided because the enemy is intensively preparing for it, we will stand up to defend our land. Therefore, I urge everyone not to give up and fight. Even if the situation seems hopeless to you, continue to fight. Stopping resistance to what is now happening in the world means leaving hope, leaving a dream, and betraying all the ideals for which our ancestors fought. To betray what they did for us. In the end it means betraying yourself! Remember this and strive for victory!"

And also emergencies that have arisen. Among the protective methods used, a special place is occupied by civil defense warning signals, which help to inform the population in advance about a real threat of a natural or man-made nature, as well as in the event of a military attack.

According to statistics, such measures can reduce civilian casualties by 80% by providing the opportunity to prepare for a threat, as well as find shelter or refuge.

Civil defense and emergency signals are organized by civil defense headquarters. Their . They contain the necessary brief information about the procedure to act in a particular dangerous situation.

What is an emergency and its types

In modern factories, chemical, toxic and fire hazardous substances are increasingly used, which increases the risk of a hazardous situation for humans, as well as the severity of its consequences.

Such situations are:

  • Explosions or major accidents accompanied by the release of radioactive, biologically hazardous, chemical substances into the airspace
  • Rapid self-destruction of structures, structures and buildings
  • Emergency situations in systems supporting human life (energy systems, utilities, treatment facilities)
  • Breaks of dams, dikes or so-called hydrodynamic hazardous situations leading to flooding of large residential buildings.

Basic GO signals description and actions

For protection purposes, the civil defense system has created 5 main active alerts, which every person should be aware of.

What is the GO signal, what does it sound like? , Let's take a closer look at what it notifies and how to behave.

Air raid alert

It is a warning for all people inhabiting a particular location. It is given if there is an immediate threat of enemy attack. After the sound alert, a text announcement with instructions for action is broadcast on radio and television. The sound notification lasts no more than 3 minutes. Such a signal can catch a person on the street, at home, and in the workplace. In any situation, it is necessary to maintain a calm appearance, act according to instructions, clearly and without panic.

Air raid clear

Means that the threat of attack has passed. After such a notification, with the permission of the commandants, you should leave the shelter and return to the normal rhythm of life. In areas where air attacks have been carried out, information about the external situation is brought to the attention of the people taking refuge.

Radiation hazard

This signal notifies populated areas towards which a cloud with radioactive substances is directed. Here it is necessary to take measures to protect the respiratory system, namely, use a respirator, gauze mask, homemade bandage or gas mask. Find yourself a shelter. You will need to stay in the shelter from several hours to 3-4 days, depending on the degree of radioactive damage. In any case, leaving the building is possible wearing protective equipment. Radioprotective special tablets are a prophylactic agent that can reduce harmful effects.

Chemical alarm

Signal about the presence of toxic, chemical and poisonous substances in the air. Depending on the localization and spread of the release, you will need to either leave the room and go to a special shelter, or seal the room (treat all cracks, close doors and windows tightly), put on a wet mask, cover open areas of skin and stay in place. Remember that while in a contaminated area you cannot lie down or sit on the ground, and you are also prohibited from taking any objects with you from there. After evacuation from the affected area, everyone must undergo sanitary treatment.

Attention everyone

Separated into a special group because All other warnings to the public begin with it. It is necessary to attract people's attention to an emergency situation.

This is done using a siren, car and factory horns, light-signaling and loud-speaking devices, as well as other means existing at the facility.

When you hear such a signal, if possible, immediately turn on the radio or TV, where the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations will give more detailed information about what happened and what actions will need to be taken. This text message is repeated up to 5 times.

If it is not possible to read the text, then you should take all important documents, medicines, food supplies, money, clothing for the season, and come to the state administrative authorities.

Department employees additionally take equipped emergency suitcases.

There are also general rules for what to do when signaling an emergency.

If the signal finds you at home:

  • , close windows and ventilation. Take care to protect food and water from possible contamination or contamination. Prepare a home first aid kit, try to adapt the available personal protective equipment.
  • Take essential things with you (documents, money, medicine, food) and take refuge in the nearest shelter or find a suitable place for this (basement of a building, basement). You can also build a simple shelter yourself.

Threat of catastrophic flooding

Rules of behavior and actions of the population in the event of a signal “Threat of catastrophic flooding”

Take a first aid kit, documents, necessary things, supplies of food and water. Warn neighbors (work colleagues) and, if necessary, assist the elderly in going outside. Take shelter in a fixed (closest) special civil defense system that has waterproofing.

Maintain calm and order. Fulfill all requirements of the head of the unit (group) for servicing the civil defense system.

All citizens located outside the areas where shelters are located must immediately leave the area of ​​possible catastrophic flooding, guided by the instructions issued by external sound equipment.

If it is impossible to quickly leave the short-circuit zone, you must take the nearest elevated place, climb a large tree or the top floor of a stable building.

Additional material:

Organizational structure and tasks of the Civil Defense teaching staff.

Degree of readiness of civil defense. The procedure for transferring from a peaceful to a special (military) situation. Civil defense warning signals and actions on them. Rules for overcoming contaminated areas.

civil defense - a system of measures to prepare for the defense and to protect the population, material and cultural values ​​on the territory of the Russian Federation from dangers arising during the conduct of military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;
Main tasks of Civil Defense:

Training of the population in the field of civil defense;

Warning the population about the dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets to safe areas;

Providing the population with shelters and personal protective equipment;

Carrying out activities on light camouflage and other types of camouflage;

Carrying out emergency rescue operations in the event of dangers to the population arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as due to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

Priority provision for the population affected by military operations or as a result of these actions, including medical care, first aid, urgent provision of housing and taking other necessary measures;

Fighting fires that arose during military operations or as a result of these actions;

Detection and designation of areas exposed to radioactive, chemical, biological and other contamination;

Sanitary treatment of the population, disinfection of buildings and structures, special treatment of equipment and territories;

Restoring and maintaining order in areas damaged during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as due to natural and man-made emergencies;

Urgent restoration of the functioning of necessary public services in wartime;

Urgent burial of corpses in wartime;

Development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of civil defense forces and means.

PPS GO designed to organize and ensure fire protection of populated areas and national economic facilities in special conditions.

The main tasks of the civil service teaching staff are:

* increasing the fire resistance of cities and facilities, creating the necessary conditions to combat possible massive fires in wartime;

* fire protection for rescue and other emergency operations;

* development and improvement of tactics for combating mass fires in wartime;

* combat training and ensuring combat readiness of command and control bodies and forces of the Civil Defense PPS;

* creation and maintenance of readiness control points (protected work premises) and communication centers of the Civil Defense PPS;

* protection of GPS personnel and equipment from the damaging factors of modern combat weapons.

Included in the forces of the Civil Defense PPS includes all management bodies, units, except for special wartime formations of the State Fire Service, and training units of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Fire-technical research institutions and fire-technical educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are included in the forces of the Civil Defense PPS in agreement with the heads of these institutions and institutions.

Fire departments of other departments, as well as non-military fire fighting units of civil defense (NPF GO) are involved in the forces of the PPS GO in the manner determined by regulations on civil defense.

To ensure continuous work, the Civil Defense PPS forces are divided into two echelons and a reserve.

Civil Defense PPS forces of the first echelon are intended for the immediate deployment of fire safety work for the SidnR.

The first echelon PPS GO forces include personnel from the control bodies and units of the State Fire Service, fire departments of other departments and NPF GO (if the latter are included in the PPS GO forces), left in places of permanent deployment to protect settlements and enterprises after evacuation and dispersal .

Civil Defense PPS forces of the second echelon are intended to strengthen and develop the actions of the first echelon civil defense patrol forces, as well as their partial or complete replacement.

The second echelon PPS GO forces include personnel from the control bodies and units of the State Fire Service, fire departments of other departments and the NPF GO (if the latter are included in the forces of the PPS GO), deployed to the suburban area (including the personnel of the combined units of the State Fire Service).

Reserve PPS GO forces are designed to solve sudden problems when using PPS GO forces of the first and second echelons, as well as to strengthen their actions.

The reserve forces of the PPS GO include personnel of State Fire Service units from adjacent regions (krais, republics), allocated according to interaction plans, personnel of fire-technical research institutions, fire-technical educational institutions and units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (if the latter are present in the composition) PPS GO forces).

Separate units of the State Guard Service of cities that are not classified as civil defense groups and rural areas that do not allocate forces and resources to the SOPS may be retained as part of the reserve forces of the Civil Defense PPS.

Transfer of civil defense to martial law – This is one of the most responsible and difficult periods of activity. At the same time, the order and sequence of implementation of all activities is carried out according to the established degrees of readiness of civil defense, which are determined in advance in peacetime.

In the Russian Federation, the following degrees of readiness of civil defense are established:

· "Casual";

· « Civil defense events of the first stage";

· “Second stage civil defense events”;

· “Third stage civil defense events.”

In order to optimize the planning of civil defense activities, it was established that the implementation of measures to transfer civil defense from daily readiness to increased readiness should be reflected as implementation of the Civil Defense Activity of the first stage, from increased to military danger - how implementation of Civil Defense Events of the second stage, from military danger to complete danger - how implementation of Civil Defense Events of the third stage

Bringing civil defense to one degree or another can be carried out either sequentially, or, depending on the situation, immediately to the highest levels of readiness, with the mandatory implementation of measures provided for by the previous degrees of readiness.

To reduce the time required to transfer civil defense to martial law, even before the civil defense plans are put into effect, it is planned to carry out priority civil defense activities of the first and second groups, which increase the readiness of civil defense services. These activities must be carried out secretly, under the guise of exercises, training and repair work.

If civil defense is ready on a daily basis, management and formation bodies, engaged in daily activities, are ready to carry out the civil defense tasks assigned to them according to the plan.

With this readiness:

  • management bodies carry out current and long-term planning, organize and ensure the implementation of activities according to the plan in daily operation;
  • warning and communication systems operate in standby mode;
  • Civil defense forces, engaged in daily activities, carry out measures to ensure that they are ready in a timely manner to carry out rescue and other urgent work.

Upon receipt of an order to conduct Civil Defense Events of the first stage, the head of the civil defense notifies and gathers the leadership of the civil defense, after which he informs the situation received from the relevant management body for civil and emergency situations, assigns a task to the employees of his headquarters, distributes the leadership according to the staff and areas of activity.

Directly at the point of permanent deployment of the control body, round-the-clock duty of the leadership of the civil defense headquarters is organized, whose members begin to perform their duties in accordance with the staffing schedule. Specialists of the management body and members of the civil defense headquarters, in accordance with their functional responsibilities, clarify the sections of the civil defense plan for providing the population in wartime.

1st stage civil defense events (Advanced)

Management and formation bodies carry out activities that result in increased readiness of the civil defense system to carry out tasks in peacetime and wartime.

At this degree of readiness:

(all activities can be carried out covertly to carry out wartime tasks and openly to solve peacetime tasks)

· the management team is assembled, the situation is communicated and tasks are set. 24-hour duty of the facility's management staff at the permanent location is being introduced;

· civil defense plans are being clarified;

· a special working group is sent to the reserve control center of the region to reactivate it and prepare it for work;

· the readiness for operation of warning and communication systems is checked;

· protective structures are brought into readiness at economic facilities that continue to operate in wartime;

· measures are being taken to accelerate the completion of construction and commissioning of the APs being built according to the current year’s plans;

· transported to distribution points: gas masks, radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices, IPP. Their issuance to the personnel of formations, production personnel of the OE and the population is carried out by special order of the President of the Russian Federation or on his instructions by order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

 calculation and analytical stations and groups, chemical dosimetry laboratories of the headquarters of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations and SNLK institutions are brought into readiness;

 at the facilities in cities classified as civil defense groups, stocks of hazardous substances are reduced to the minimum size required to ensure the technological process, preparations are being made to reduce stocks of explosive and fire hazardous substances;

 to protect agricultural animals, livestock buildings, farms and complexes are prepared, a 5-7-day supply of feed and water is created and sheltered in them;

 preparatory measures are being taken for the introduction of a blackout regime, to strengthen the protection of the most important assets, for fire protection and maintaining public order;

 persons studying at the educational center for civil and emergency situations and civil defense courses are sent to a place of permanent work.

Civil Defense events 2nd stage (Military danger)

Management and formation bodies, workers and employees of economic facilities carry out measures that increase the protection of the population and personnel of the military unit, as well as ensuring the fulfillment of civil defense tasks in wartime.

At this degree of readiness:

· the management team is transferred to a round-the-clock work schedule (based on combat crew shifts);

· all control centers are preparing for work;

· control, warning and communication systems are brought into full readiness;

· an operational group is sent to the regional control center;

· all APs, basements, and other buried structures are prepared for sheltering the population and production personnel of the OE. Round-the-clock duty of shelter service units is organized;

· basements and other buried rooms are being retrofitted for PRU;

· all high-readiness formations are brought into readiness at permanent deployment points (without stopping production activities);

· Supplies of food, medicine and tools are placed in shelters;

· in cities classified as civil defense groups, at economic facilities of special importance and the first category outside these cities, workers and employees are issued PPE and radiation monitoring devices from the facilities’ reserves;

· patients whose treatment can be continued on an outpatient basis are discharged from medical institutions, hospitalization of planned patients is reduced;

· preparations are being made for the deployment of hospital bases in the suburban area (ZZ);

· mass immunization of the population and production personnel of the OE is carried out according to epidemiological indicators;

 RHN posts and SNLK institutions are transferred to round-the-clock duty;

 urgent measures are being taken to improve the sustainable operation of economic facilities in wartime and their trouble-free shutdown according to civil defense signals;

· simple personal protective equipment is produced (if necessary);

· control is carried out over the condition and use of attics, basements, technical rooms, ventilation chambers; staircases and landings;

· compliance with established fire breaks between buildings and structures is checked;

· monitoring of the availability and condition of fire extinguishing equipment is carried out;

· control is exercised over the level of training of fire fighting units and their staffing with personnel and property;

· routes, procedures for using transport and communications for carrying out evacuation measures in the Western Zone are being clarified with the military command and control bodies of the RF Ministry of Defense;

Civil Defense events 3rd stage (full)

Civil defense management bodies organize and carry out activities (except for evacuation) to ensure the completion of all tasks in wartime.

At this degree of readiness:

· the entire population and production personnel of the OE are issued with PPE;

· formations are put on alert at permanent deployment points

· accelerated construction of missing shelters with simplified equipment is being carried out in areas of possible severe destruction;

· medical institutions in cities and rural areas are deploying a network of hospital beds;

· preparing for evacuation to the out-of-town areas of the medical facility;

· calculations for carrying out evacuation measures are being clarified and evacuation agencies are being deployed;

· measures are taken in full to protect material reserves, water supply sources, animals and plants;

· measures are taken at facilities and territories to ensure blackout, blackout modes are put into effect;

· measures are being taken in full to improve the sustainable operation of facilities and sectors of the economy in wartime;

· from the border areas, according to the plans of the military command, the resettlement of the population, the removal of livestock and the removal of material assets are carried out.

For the purpose of timely warning population of cities and rural settlements about the emergence of an immediate danger of the enemy using nuclear, chemical, bacteriological (biological) or other weapons and the need to apply protective measures, the following have been established Civil defense alert signals: "Air Raid"­ "Air raid clear"; "Radiation Hazard"; "Chemical Alert".All signals are transmitted via communication channels and radio broadcast networks, as well as through local radio broadcasting stations. At the same time, instructions are transmitted on the order of actions of the population and formations, the approximate time of the onset of radioactive fallout, the time of arrival of contaminated air and the time of arrival of contaminated air and the type of toxic substances are indicated.

Air Raid Signal served to the entire population. He warns of the immediate danger of the enemy’s defeat of a given city (district). The text is transmitted over the radio broadcast network: “Attention! Attention! Citizens! Air raid alert Air alert! At the same time, the signal is duplicated by the sound of sirens, horns of factories and vehicles. At the facilities, the signal will be duplicated by all means at their disposal. Signal duration is 2-3 minutes.

At this signal, facilities stop working, transport stops and the entire population takes refuge in protective structures. Workers and employees stop work in accordance with established instructions and instructions from the administration, excluding the occurrence of accidents. Where production cannot be stopped due to technological process or safety requirements, those on duty remain, for whom individual shelters are built.

Air raid clear signal transmitted by civil defense authorities. The text is transmitted over the radio broadcast network: “Attention! Attention citizens! Air raid all clear? Air raid warning cleared." At this signal, the population, with the permission of the commandants (seniors) of shelters and shelters, leaves them. Workers and employees return to their workplaces and begin work.

In cities (areas where the enemy has struck with weapons of mass destruction), information about the situation outside the shelters, about measures taken to eliminate the consequences of the attack, “regimes of behavior of the population and other necessary information for the subsequent actions of those being sheltered is transmitted to those taking refuge.

Signal "Radiation danger" is supplied in populated areas and areas towards which the radioactive cloud formed during the explosion of a nuclear weapon is moving.

At the “Radiation Hazard” signal, it is necessary to put on a respirator, an anti-dust fabric mask or a cotton-gauze bandage, and in their absence, a gas mask, take a prepared supply of food, personal protective equipment, basic necessities and go to a shelter, anti-radiation or simple shelter.

Chemical Alert submitted when there is a threat or direct detection of a chemical or bacteriological attack (contamination). At this signal, you must quickly put on a gas mask, and, if necessary, skin protection and, at the first opportunity, take refuge in a protective structure.

If there is no protective structure nearby, then you can take refuge from aerosols of toxic substances and bacterial agents in residential, industrial or utility rooms.

If it is determined that the enemy has used bacteriological (biological) weapons, then the population will receive recommendations on subsequent actions through the warning systems.

The main way to notify the population about the occurrence of danger and the course of action is to transmit messages via radio and television.

Action of the population in the zone of chemical contamination.

In a chemical contamination zone, you should stay in a shelter (shelter) until you receive an order to leave it. It is necessary to wear respiratory protection when leaving the shelter (shelter).

The direction of exit from the infection zone is indicated by directional signs; if there are none, you must exit in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

In the contaminated area, you must not take anything from the contaminated area, sit down or lie down on the ground. Even if you are very tired, you should not remove your personal protective equipment. If drops of chemical agents or toxic substances get on open areas of the body or clothing, they must be immediately treated using an individual anti-chemical package (IPP).

After leaving the contaminated zone, it is impossible to remove personal protective equipment, and especially a gas mask, without permission, because the surface of clothing, shoes and protective equipment may be contaminated with agents. Those who have received injuries must immediately provide first aid: administer an antidote (antidote), treat exposed areas of the body with the contents of the PPI, and then take them to a medical station. All those leaving the contaminated zone must undergo complete sanitary treatment and decontamination of clothing at special washing stations.

Ways to overcome contaminated areas and the procedure for using protective equipment in this case depends on the type of infection, the nature of the weather and the fire impact of the enemy. Depending on the situation, contaminated areas are overcome using equipment and on foot using personal protective equipment.

Using equipment, it is possible to overcome areas of terrain with higher levels of radiation than on foot, since the time spent in contaminated areas is reduced due to high movement speeds and, in addition, military equipment has protective properties against radioactive contamination. Areas of radioactive contamination are, as a rule, traversed at maximum speeds and in directions that provide the least exposure to personnel. If the situation allows, crossing the contaminated area is advisable after radiation levels have dropped to safe levels.

It is necessary to overcome the contaminated area on foot only if the movement of equipment is impossible or the personnel are fighting on foot.

If the area is contaminated with toxic substances or biological agents, then crossing the contaminated areas in open cars or on foot is carried out wearing gas masks, protective raincoats, protective stockings and gloves. When operating on foot, the protective raincoat is worn in the form of overalls or in sleeves, and when operating on open vehicles - in sleeves. Car drivers are in the driver's seat wearing gas masks, with the cab windows closed.

If the area is contaminated with radioactive substances, then in dry windy weather, when dust formation is possible, crossing the contaminated area in open cars and cars under an awning is carried out in respirators (gas masks) and protective raincoats worn in sleeves, and in cabins, vans and on foot in order - in respirators (gas masks). In damp weather, after rain and snowfall, and in the absence of radioactive dust in the air, crossing contaminated areas in cars is carried out without personal protective equipment, and on foot - with protective stockings on.

In order to maintain readiness for liquidation of emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as emergencies) in peacetime in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for structural units of the central office, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, units of the federal fire service of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as units of the FPS), rescue military units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia ( hereinafter - SVF), rescue and search and rescue units (hereinafter - ASF), paramilitary mine rescue units (hereinafter VGSCH), units of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (hereinafter - GIMS), educational, research and other institutions and organizations, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), the operating modes have been established:




DAILY ACTIVITY mode - the mode of functioning of the structural units of the central apparatus, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, divisions of the FPS, SVF, ASF, VGSCH, GIMS and organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in which, in the absence of a threat of an emergency, they carry out measures to maintain the readiness of control bodies, forces and means to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

HIGH READINESS mode is the mode of operation of structural units of the central apparatus, territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, units of the Federal Border Guard Service, SVF, ASF, VGSCh, GIMS and organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in which, in the event of a threat of an emergency, they are made ready for use for their intended purpose.

EMERGENCY SITUATION mode is the mode of operation of the structural units of the central apparatus, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, divisions of the Federal Border Guard Service, SVF, ASF, VGSCh, GIMS and organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in which they are involved in the prescribed manner in the liquidation of emergencies.

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