The Taurus horoscope protects against failures in relationships. Characteristics of a Taurus woman by zodiac sign: a gorgeous and sophisticated lady What a Taurus woman likes in bed

Taurus are never in a hurry in relationships, preferring the slow but sure path. It often happens that a partner has to take active initiative, for which a true Taurus will be grateful deep down, because he himself is not always ready to take responsibility. In addition, it is worth remembering that Taurus are very distrustful of their partner and can torment him with their excessive suspicion and jealousy. But, if the trust is deserved, then the reward will be appropriate. Taurus are quite capable of making love for hours, delivering true pleasure to their partner.

It is almost impossible to seduce a woman who was born under the sign of Taurus if for some reason she does not like the man. In this case, it is useless to seduce her. She will reject a man who is too intrusive or arrogant and will immediately make it clear that he has no chance. She prefers to choose her own partners. And if a man interests her, then with him she will show the full depth of her feelings and she does not care about the opinions of others. At the same time, the Taurus woman is very often very capricious towards her partner. She is quite sensitive, but at the same time picky and demanding, preferring faithful and experienced lovers. At the same time, she herself can have several love relationships at the same time, absolutely sincerely becoming attached to each man. When communicating with a Taurus woman, frankness, emancipation and great patience are required. Sex for a Taurus woman is one of the brightest pleasures in life. She likes to do it long and skillfully. It is impossible to interest her with a simple, rude and primitive approach in bed. At the same time, they do not like very bold erotic experiments and extremely rarely agree to participate in them.

Sexuality of Taurus Woman

A woman of this sign has invited you to an intimate (candlelight) dinner. She stocked the appropriate wines and prepared a splendid dinner. In a conversation, you notice what a pleasant voice she has (many Taurus women sing very well). You are captivated by her dress and well-chosen jewelry. She also finds something attractive in you - otherwise you wouldn't be here. And you're about to have a great meal.

You notice that she has soft and shiny skin, this is a property of almost all women of this sign. The deep neckline of her dress reveals her full breasts, as most Taurus women have beautiful lines. Later you will dance and her perfume will lure you even further. She carefully chose them for this romantic evening, which is the result of a well-laid plan. The light in the bedroom is dim, the sheets are silk: the Taurus woman loves silk more than cotton or linen.

You must handle it carefully. She expects you to be kind and patient and to make love “by the rules.” She anticipates that it will give her pleasure and is not interested in unusual approaches. If you want to try a new technique, you must do it gradually after she begins to trust you. Although the Taurus woman is capable of the deepest sexual experiences, she is conservative and difficult to persuade her to change.

The Taurus woman is a demanding lover. Once you are in her bed, she will leave you breathless. After all, this is where she does her best work. Every intimate meeting with her takes place with the intensity of a “bullfight”. She likes caresses, hugs, squeezing her buttocks, kissing, but do not appease her with this for too long. What's the use of tuning your strings if you're not going to play?

Her behavior in the bedroom is consistent and deeply romantic. The environment must be at its best. She loves fur and may enjoy making love on a fur blanket or on a fur coat laid out on the floor. The Taurus woman always looks very seductive. When she enters the bedroom dressed only in jewelry and the scent of perfume, you can be sure that it is the time of love. Her favorite pastime is to dramatize her vivid sexual fantasies. To enhance the erotic sensations, he will feign resistance - subject to your cooperation as a ruthless lover who does not tolerate refusal. Or she will attack you like a vampire on a sleeping victim. It's all pretense, a game, a strong and healthy expression of real passion.

But she can go to extremes. The Taurus woman is torn between enormous sexual energy and the desire for stability. Since the sexual need is great, the Taurus woman may gravitate towards nymphomania or prostitution. She must. get satisfaction. The older she gets, the more she declines physically. First, silk sheets. Now she is turned on by a dirty blanket thrown on the sand or the floor. And she loves the smell of a hard worker emanating from a man's body.

In Italy, not so long ago, men would sometimes carefully wipe away the sweat from their crotch with a rag and then place the rag in their breast pocket. While dancing or being close enough to a man, the woman would smell the scent and be with him at night. The modern Taurus woman will understand this. Her other idea, the need for oral satisfaction, invariably translates into readiness for fellatio. Some Taurus women turn to lesbianism. Once they have tried this form of satisfaction, they find it difficult to break away from it. The Taurus woman will move from one partner to another, constantly looking for a sexier one who can give the highest satisfaction.

Let's consider what features the Taurus woman has. We are talking about women born between April 21 and May 20.

Taurus woman in love and sex

Taurus women crave worship and expect proof of their feelings from their lovers. Having become confident in love, she becomes affectionate, languid and happily pampers and spoils a man in various ways. It must be admitted that for men she is as attractive and alluring as she is ruinous.

And besides, he has more fortitude than the strongest man. But at the same time, she is smart enough not to demonstrate this unfeminine quality to her partner. Taurus is a true woman, so she looks for a true man for sex. Her passion does not arise suddenly, but grows slowly and imperceptibly, but when her feelings begin to speak, there is no more sensual sign.

She is sincere in eroticism and gives herself over to her desire recklessly, trying to draw yet unknown pleasures from each new partner. Perceiving life through touch, the Taurus woman is unusually sensual in sex, but tends to lazily perceive other people’s caresses rather than lavish her own; but if you tune in to her inner state, the cloud of bliss surrounding her will envelop you too.

Taurus women are characterized by soft, shiny skin and a pleasant voice, and they often sing well. Take the time to pay admiring tribute to each of her virtues. You must handle a Taurus woman carefully.

She expects you to be kind, patient, and to make love "by the rules"—love that should please her—so she's not interested in unusual approaches.

If you want to try a new technique, you will have to do it gradually, after she begins to trust you. Although the Taurus woman has enormous abilities for sexual experiences, she is conservative and difficult to persuade her to change.

The Taurus woman is a demanding lover. Once you are in her bed, after sex she will leave you breathless. After all, this is where she does her best work. Every intimate meeting with a woman of this sign will have the tension of a “bullfight” for you. A Taurus woman likes affection - hugs, squeezing buttocks, kisses, but do not appease her with this for too long.

What's the use of tuning your strings if you're not going to play? For a Taurus woman to experience aesthetic pleasure before intimacy, the environment must be at its best. She loves fur and may enjoy making love on a fur blanket or fur coat laid out on the floor.

A Taurus woman's favorite technique is to dramatize her vivid sexual fantasies. To enhance the erotic sensations, she will feign resistance - subject to your cooperation as a ruthless lover who does not tolerate refusal. Or she will attack you like a vampire on a sleeping victim.

Additional characteristics of the Taurus sign

Element Earth / permanent sign / female

Symbol: bull (winged), cow (winged).
Colors: lemon, yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lemon green, orange and all spring colors (red is a bad color).
Stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, green marble, jade, carnelian.
Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.
Metal: copper.
Talisman: owl, golden calf.
Happy days: Monday, Friday.
Unlucky day: Tuesday.
Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16 (all numbers divisible by 6).

The Taurus woman does not need textbooks on seducing men, because her patron is Venus, all the secrets of seduction are known to her from the very beginning. Even simple, innocent gestures from representatives of this sign turn into powerful sexual impulses for all men who are nearby. If she wants to attract the attention of a particular man, she just needs to direct her erotic fluids at him, which no one can resist.
She is sensual, her ability to attract men has been elevated to the level of art. However, while attracting many, she honors only a select few with her attention. Those who love rapid development of relationships will be disappointed: they will find it overly traditional. In general, when choosing a lover, a Taurus woman is guided, first of all, by her intuition, by the unexplained impulses of her soul.
The Taurus woman is characterized by sentimentality; she defends her rights fiercely and violently. A serious, real relationship with her will not be smooth and calm. She is jealous by nature, and even if she stages scenes, they are so spectacular that even the best Hollywood pyrotechnicians would be jealous. Don't you dare neglect it! The Taurus woman will not start long and tedious conversations with thoughtful arguments: she will directly say everything she thinks. At the same time, she can strengthen the significance of her words by demonstrably breaking the dishes on your head.
A woman of this sign clearly knows what she wants and can be unreasonably stubborn, even when there is no reason for this. If she decides to achieve something, she will go straight to her goal, using any means: tears, threats, the same breaking of dishes. If you are in a relationship with her, you either need to learn to give in or be willing to leave.
Be afraid to show your contempt to a Taurus woman - you will make a very dangerous enemy. For revenge, she will not disdain any methods, she will use any methods. But this coin also has a flip side: it gives as much as it takes. Being very affectionate, she also has an innate common sense. She is able to quickly detect deception, but in response to sincere feelings she will give her partner reciprocity.
The Taurus woman trusts her emotions. Some doubt her intellectual abilities, since she does not demonstrate her wit in society. But this opinion is wrong; in search of the truth, she simply relies not on intellect, but on her own intuition. She has no tendency towards idealism, she is quite practical.
It is not typical for her to worry about the heroes of films when a real, real man is sitting next to her. Platonic love for her is something mythical; she perceives physical attraction as an essential component of love. In her young years, the Taurus woman most strives for knowledge of life, so with a high probability she will give her heart to the man who is able to give it to her. But in the future, getting to know more men, the list of her requirements for a lover expands. If the candidate does not meet her needs, he has no chance.
The Taurus woman is sensual, and when her partner does not satisfy her, she has no qualms about finding another. She does not bother searching for reasonable explanations for her sexual desires. It is enough for her that she simply has these desires. In clothes she demonstrates good taste, but without excessive luxury. She knows how to buy things without exceeding the acceptable budget and enjoying her purchases.
The representative of this sign is partial to jewelry: rings, earrings, and especially necklaces. Her neck is highly sensitive, so she wears jewelry on it with great pleasure. The Taurus woman appreciates chic. The man who provided her with jewelry and furs, who surrounded her with the attributes of wealth, will remain in her soul for a long time.
Her flaw is carelessness. When she feels good and at ease with her chosen one and she has self-confidence, she begins to be lazy, be late for meetings, and allows herself to dress sloppily. Like the Taurus man, the woman of this sign loves to drink and eat, so she can become overweight or even fat. A thin Taurus woman is fat at heart, it’s just not visible from the outside.
She needs an object of affection, but her innate conservatism does not allow her to be satisfied with a relationship; she needs marriage. She needs someone to connect with her and be close to her. But at the same time, she treats her beloved as her property, and does not consider it necessary to do anything to make him faithful to her. Despite her tendency to strong emotional reactions, her self-control is even more developed: she will never show her feelings in public. Even if she is excited, she can restrain her desire for as long as she likes, guided by common sense. She may seem helpless and fragile, but this is a deceptive impression. In fact, she is persistent and smart.
The Taurus woman is a good cook and an excellent lover. She can make an excellent wife, as she is a loving and devoted woman by nature. But remember: she will never forgive betrayal. If you are overwhelmed by love, do not connect your life with it, you may greatly regret it. The Taurus woman is the quintessential Woman, and this is the only way to treat her.
Sexual characteristics of a Taurus woman
A Taurus woman invites you to dinner. On the table there are candles, excellent dishes and excellent wines. When communicating, you notice that she has a pleasant voice (by the way, many representatives of this sign sing well). Her outfit captivates you, all the jewelry she wears is chosen perfectly. Surely she saw something attractive in you, because otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Have no doubt, you will never regret this evening, all your wishes will come true.
You notice her soft and fresh skin (this is typical for Taurus women). A deep neckline cannot hide high breasts (most representatives of this sign have curvy figures). You begin to dance, and the smell of her perfume beckons you further, promising unprecedented pleasure.
She prepared for this evening as she should. There is nothing spontaneous about it, everything goes according to a well-thought-out plan. The bedroom has a light, unobtrusive light, and the bed is made with silk sheets - she loves silk, not linen or cotton.
Lead her gently. She expects you to be kind and patient and make love as described in novels. She expects pleasure from sex; she is not interested in innovative ideas in this regard. If you want to try something new, then you need to be patient, gradually prepare her for it, and only when she feels confident in you. Possessing enormous potential for experimentation in sex, she nevertheless finds it difficult to change her preferences.
The Taurus woman is a good lover, but demanding. If she wants you, then you will end up in her bed, that's a fact. And after sex with her you will remain breathless. No wonder, she has no equal in sex. Each relationship with her can be compared in intensity to a bullfight. She pays tribute to restrained signs of adoration - she loves light hugs, gentle caresses of the buttocks, kisses, but it is impossible to satisfy her in this way.
She acts very romantic in the bedroom. She attaches great importance to visual design. Her love for fur can also be reflected in sex; she may want to engage in lovemaking on a fur coat thrown on the floor, for example. She knows the art of seduction perfectly and uses it to the maximum. When she appears in the bedroom, wearing only jewelry and the smell of perfume, you realize that it's time for the main thing.
The bedroom is her territory, here she reveals herself in full force, giving all of herself to the embodiment of her erotic fantasies. To increase attraction, she can play resistance, naturally, if you support this game by becoming a ruthless, unobtrusive lover. Or, for example, she may attack you: she is a vampire, and you are a sleeping victim. In all her actions, real passion is felt, there is no falsehood in them. But the Taurus Woman can go to extremes. Inside, she is torn apart by a powerful sexual desire and a need for security. The craving for sex can cross all boundaries, it can turn into a nymphomaniac. The Taurus woman should always receive satisfaction, for her this is the Law.
As she grows up, her outward manifestations of passion change. If earlier she preferred silk sheets, now she will be excited by a shabby blanket, which is spread right on the unwashed floor or sand. She begins to enjoy the work smells emanating from the male body.

Taurus in sex are characterized by boundless sensuality and the ability to bring pleasure to their partner. These are ideal lovers, because the strength and energy that they happily give to their partner does not dry out.

Taurus in sex is monogamous and romantic

Taurus are never in a hurry with sex; they love to charm, seduce and create a romantic atmosphere for intimacy. Representatives of this Sign think through everything to the smallest detail: they know exactly when, where and in what atmosphere physical intimacy will occur. In sex, Taurus like games, romantic foreplay, they master the art of finding erogenous zones in their partner. This Sign belongs to the category of monogamous people, and the only reason for changing partners is the search for an ideal. Taurus cannot have sex without love. They perceive intimacy as a merging of soul and body. Taurus are excited by tactile and tactile sensations, which is why they always pay attention to the aroma, softness of the skin, elasticity of the body and tactile sensations of bed linen.

What are Taurus like in bed?

Under no circumstances should Taurus be urged on or be persistent. To win over your partner, try to take care of everything in advance and think through the foreplay scenario. Light candles, decorate the room, fill the room with sensual aromas, give an erotic massage and wait for the oncoming sexual impulse. Despite the high level of activity, Taurus prefer to first intensify desire to the limit in order to remain in a state of sensual torment and only then proceed directly to sexual intercourse. Sexually, Taurus are ideal partners, because the most important thing for them is to please their partner, always looking for new ways to bring pleasure to their loved one. Their intuitive gift always tells them how to behave correctly in bed. In bed, Taurus are ready for sexual experiments and innovations, so you can safely openly express your intimate secrets and sexual preferences.

Sexual compatibility of Taurus

The most stable union will be the union with Scorpio; in the combination of sensuality and spirituality, such a tandem has no equal. There is no point in starting a sexual relationship with Pisces and Aries. Always remember that sex alone is not enough to keep a Taurus. Despite the fact that this is an earthly Sign, the secret attraction to a partner is caused by spiritual qualities. By being rude, sloppy or narrow-minded, you can push your partner away.
The devotion and fidelity characteristic of Taurus does not allow them to abruptly end personal relationships. Therefore, if you notice cooling in sex with Taurus, you should not delay it, take the first step towards breaking up so as not to prolong your torment. If you have just achieved a sensual favor on the part of a representative of this Sign, it will be easy and simple for you to maintain your relationship.

Any woman can become an ideal lover for a Taurus man, as long as she is luxurious, interesting and original. He doesn't chase women who are ideal in appearance, but if a woman exudes confidence and style, he is unlikely to refuse her. But you still need to know what you can say and what not, so as not to scare off this man. For those whose significant other is a Taurus man, this article was written. Here you will find answers to all questions about how to behave with him. So, first things first.

This man's behavior in bed is influenced by the environment. You need to carefully prepare for intimacy with him. It is important that everything in the bedroom is perfect - beautiful, expensive, reliable and stylish. You can leave the light on the bedside table, the music should be just a hint, the smell of wildflowers will have a good effect on it. Having created such an atmosphere, the main thing is not to delay the surprise, but to immediately move on to active actions.

Women's activity and initiative!

The very first and most important advice is to be active. You need to take the initiative in all cases. Initiative does not mean that you need to rush at a man as soon as he enters the house, but you also shouldn’t walk around like a beautiful and insensitive doll. It is unlikely that he will appreciate such a game.

This man, despite his conservatism, loses his head at the woman’s initiative. Of course, he will be a leader, but this does not mean that a woman should lie around without showing her interest. You need to be active, but not take a leadership position. Here you need to understand this line, since the first option will attract, the second will repel. If the partner is passive, the man may understand that this is an insult or invent something about himself that is not really there.

Believe me, this man will definitely appreciate a simulator than a lazy woman who simply does not want to respond to his desires and caresses. If there is an insensitive woman next to him, he is unlikely to want to be with her again. Sex is not just a proof of love, but also an exciting game in which the prize is pleasure. And the more active the partners, the deeper the pleasure.

Being active during intercourse will show that you care about him. And if he gains confidence, he will do everything to make her pleasure fuller and brighter. And he will also think that she is with him at such moments, for the sake of pleasure.

Tell him about your desires!

Talk about your desires to your partner. The quality of sex depends on your sincerity. You can help in finding your erogenous zones, and all you need to do is just say so. In addition, it is important to say what you do not like and what is unacceptable in sex. It's also worth asking about his preferences. You can even make up a kind of instruction in a conversation with a list of erogenous zones and pleasant desires. Despite his conservative nature, he will like this conversation, because knowing for sure, he will understand every moan and sigh of his partner.

Many women try not to start a conversation on this topic, and this is wrong. If you value yourself and your partner, it will not be difficult to ask about his desires, and also talk about yours. He will definitely appreciate your sincerity and directness, because this will help make the pleasure of intimacy more complete.

Confidence is sexy!

All girls, without exception, are constantly worried that their hairstyle, makeup, and unfashionable underwear are not perfect. And there is no need to talk about curvy figures at all, because many suffer from this. Women constantly think that a man is trying to find faults in her, and that flaws can turn him off. You have to remember that guys think completely differently. He is more interested in how they will spend time together, and not in their body features. The last thing he cares about is what color your underwear is or how much cellulite you have on your legs. He just wants to have fun, remember that.

Also, do not restrain yourself, be ashamed of your feelings and desires. If you want to do something, you need to do it. And this will be ideal, because the complete absence of complexes will be the correct behavior. Intimate relationships are about responding to your partner’s desires. Just keep an eye on what he likes the most.

Don't try to hit him!

Many girls try to impress their partner with unusual poses, lingerie and many other tricks. However, you shouldn’t even try with this man if there are no feelings behind all the actions. His main advice is to behave relaxed and natural. There is no need to suppress yourself, your desires and passions. If she behaves naturally, responding to all his desires, she will conquer him forever. It is worth remembering that he does not like generally accepted erotic cliches, since he is only for naturalness.

Be emotional!

Some women are too shy and afraid to show their temperament. Being modest is good, but only the first few times. Then he will get tired of it, because he will want something brighter and more unusual. If a woman constantly demonstrates only her stiffness, suppresses screams, moans and desires, he will try to avoid her. Of course, you shouldn’t be too cheeky either, and you especially shouldn’t turn your bed into a battlefield.

Have sex to the fullest!

Of course, it is important to have feelings for him in order to make love to him. This is the basis of a relationship. However, do not forget that you need to be able to do this correctly. Of course, you shouldn’t think that he’s not romantic and doesn’t like music, candles and everything else, but sometimes he just wants to have sex. This may sound too vulgar, but if you are a real woman, you should understand this. In addition, intimacy is an opportunity to skip a couple of workouts, because sex is an intense and effective load on all muscles.

During intimacy with him you cannot remain silent. Here you need to find a middle ground - not to remain silent and not to chat incessantly. All you need to do is whisper pleasant words in his ear, or even direct his movements. As a result, intimacy will become more enjoyable. And it’s very easy to do, it’s worth a try.

The love bed is not a place for selfish people. Each partner should try to please the other as much as possible. Many women completely give up activity, leaving everything to their man, which is not right. A man will only be impressed that he is a leader, but he alone cannot make the process better and better. In addition, he loves caresses and kisses just like you. The resulting emotions will make intimacy not only physically, but also morally pleasant for the woman in the first place.

Touch him after intimacy!

Behavior after sex is as important to him as behavior during and before. This man really wants to feel his partner’s love after intimacy. To do this, you just need to touch it with your lips, hands, or you can just lie next to it. This will allow him to rest after active activities. It should be noted that caresses before and after sex indicate spiritual and physical intimacy between partners.

Have conversations with him after intimacy!

Experts say that a shared bed is a place for friendly conversations, and not just for sex. For him, intimacy is an opportunity to tune in to psychological comfort. For him, bed is another place where he can forget about all his problems. The main thing is not to talk to him about everyday problems, shopping and other everyday matters. If sex happens late at night, he will be more in tune with communication and openness. In addition, scientists say that sleep improves significantly after sex.

If you want to make intimacy more tender, sensual, it is enough to simply tell him about your desires, the warm feelings that you experience for your partner. As a result, relationships will become brighter and more stable, and your sex life will be richer.

The most important!

It is quite simple to follow all the above rules. the result of these efforts will be multifaceted sex and strong relationships. It is enough to give him a little attention so that he also wants to give the same quality in return.

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