GOST 12.2 003 91 production equipment. Occupational Safety Standards System

GOST 12.2.003-91





Official publication



Occupational Safety Standards System


General safety requirements

Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General safety requirements

MKC 13.100 OKSTU 0012

Date of introduction 01/01/92

This standard applies to production equipment used in all sectors of the national economy and establishes general safety requirements, which are the basis for establishing safety requirements in standards, technical specifications, operational and other design documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

The standard does not apply to production equipment that is a source of ionizing radiation.


1.1. Production equipment must ensure the safety of workers during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation, both in the case of autonomous use and as part of technological complexes, subject to the requirements (conditions, rules) stipulated by the operational documentation.

Note. Operation generally includes intended use, maintenance and repair, transportation and storage.

1.2. The safety of the design of production equipment is ensured by:

1) selection of principles of operation and design solutions, energy sources and characteristics of energy carriers, parameters of work processes, control system and its elements;

2) minimizing consumed and accumulated energy during equipment operation;

3) selection of components and materials for the manufacture of structures, as well as those used during operation;

4) choice of manufacturing processes;

5) the use of protective equipment for workers built into the design, as well as information means warning of the occurrence of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazards) situations*;

6) reliability of the structure and its elements (including duplication of individual control systems, protective equipment and information, failures of which can lead to the creation of dangerous situations);

7) the use of mechanization, automation (including automatic regulation of work process parameters) remote control and monitoring;

8) the possibility of using protective equipment not included in the design;

9) fulfillment of ergonomic requirements;

* A dangerous situation is a situation the occurrence of which may cause the worker(s) to be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors.

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© Standards Publishing House, 1991 © Standartinform, 2007

limiting physical and neuropsychic stress on workers.

1.3. Safety requirements for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands) are established based on the requirements of this standard, taking into account:

1) features of purpose, design and operating conditions;

2) test results, as well as analysis of dangerous situations (including fire and explosion hazards) that occurred during the operation of similar equipment;

3) requirements of standards establishing acceptable values ​​of dangerous and harmful production factors;

4) research and development work, as well as analysis of means and methods of ensuring safety using the best world analogues;

5) safety requirements established by international and regional standards and other documents for similar groups, types, models (brands) of production equipment;

6) forecasting the possible occurrence of dangerous situations on newly created or modernized equipment.

Safety requirements for a technological complex must also take into account possible dangers caused by the joint functioning of the units of production equipment that make up the complex.

1.4. Each technological complex and autonomously used production equipment must be equipped with operational documentation containing requirements (rules) to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation. General requirements for the content of operational documentation in terms of safety are given in the appendix.

1.5. Production equipment must meet safety requirements throughout the entire period of operation provided that the consumer meets the requirements established in the operational documentation.

1.6. During operation, production equipment should not pollute the natural environment with emissions of harmful substances and harmful microorganisms in quantities exceeding the permissible values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms.


2.1. Requirements for the structure and its individual parts

2.1.1. The construction materials of production equipment should not have a dangerous and harmful effect on the human body in all specified operating modes and envisaged operating conditions, as well as create fire and explosion hazards.

2.1.2. The design of production equipment must exclude, in all intended operating modes, loads on parts and assembly units that can cause destruction that poses a danger to workers.

If loads may arise that lead to dangerous destruction of individual parts or assembly units for workers, then production equipment must be equipped with devices that prevent the occurrence of destructive loads, and such parts and assembly units must be fenced or located so that their collapsing parts do not create traumatic conditions. situations.

2.1.3. The design of production equipment and its individual parts must exclude the possibility of them falling, overturning and spontaneous displacement under all intended operating and installation (dismantling) conditions. If, due to the shape of the production equipment, the distribution of masses of its individual parts and (or) installation (dismantling) conditions, the necessary stability cannot be achieved, then means and methods of fastening must be provided, for which the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements.

2.1.4. The design of production equipment must prevent the fall or ejection of objects (for example, tools, workpieces, machined parts, chips) that pose a danger to workers, as well as the release of lubricants, coolants and other working fluids.

If for these purposes it is necessary to use protective barriers not included in

design, then the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements for them.

2.1.5. Moving parts of production equipment, which are a possible source of injury hazard, must be fenced or located so that the possibility of touching them by the worker is excluded or other means (for example, two-handed control) are used to prevent injury.

If the functional purpose of moving parts that pose a danger does not allow the use of guards or other means that prevent workers from touching the moving parts, then the design of production equipment must provide an alarm warning about the start-up of the equipment, as well as the use of signal colors and safety signs.

Emergency stop (braking) controls must be installed in the immediate vicinity of moving parts that are out of sight of the operator if there may be workers in the danger zone created by the moving parts.

2.1.6. The design of clamping, gripping, lifting and loading devices or their drives must exclude the possibility of danger in the event of a complete or partial spontaneous interruption of the power supply, as well as to exclude a spontaneous change in the state of these devices when the power supply is restored.

2.1.7. Structural elements of production equipment should not have sharp corners, edges, burrs or surfaces with unevenness that pose a risk of injury to workers, unless their presence is determined by the functional purpose of these elements. In the latter case, measures to protect workers must be provided.

2.1.8. Parts of production equipment (including pipelines of hydraulic, steam, pneumatic systems, safety valves, cables, etc.), the mechanical damage of which may cause danger, must be protected by fences or located so as to prevent their accidental damage by operating or technical means. service.

2.1.9. The design of production equipment must prevent spontaneous loosening or disconnection of fastenings of assembly units and parts, and also exclude the movement of moving parts beyond the limits provided for by the design, if this may lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

2.1.10. Production equipment must be fire and explosion proof under the intended operating conditions.

Technical means and methods for ensuring fire and explosion safety (for example, preventing the formation of fire and explosive environments, eliminating the formation of ignition sources and initiation of explosions, warning alarms, fire extinguishing systems, emergency ventilation, hermetic shells, emergency drainage of flammable liquids and bleeding of flammable gases, placement of production equipment or its individual parts in special rooms) must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.11. The design of production equipment driven by electrical energy must include devices (means) to ensure electrical safety.

Technical means and methods for ensuring electrical safety (for example, fencing, grounding, grounding, insulation of live parts, protective shutdown, etc.) must be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands), taking into account operating conditions and characteristics of sources electrical energy. Production equipment must be designed in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges in quantities that pose a danger to workers, and to exclude the possibility of fire and explosion.

2.1.12. Production equipment operated by non-electrical energy (eg hydraulic, pneumatic, steam energy) must be constructed in such a way that all hazards caused by these types of energy are eliminated.

Specific measures to eliminate hazards must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.13. Production equipment that is a source of noise, ultrasound and vibration,

must be carried out so that noise, ultrasound and vibration under the intended conditions and operating modes do not exceed the permissible levels established by the standards.

2.1.14. Production equipment, the operation of which is accompanied by the release of harmful substances (including fire and explosion hazards) and (or) harmful microorganisms, must include built-in devices for their removal or provide the ability to connect removal devices that are not included in the design to the production equipment.

The device for removing harmful substances and microorganisms must be designed so that the concentration of harmful substances and microorganisms in the work area, as well as their emissions into the natural environment, does not exceed the values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms. Where necessary, treatment and/or neutralization of emissions should be carried out.

If the combined removal of various harmful substances and microorganisms poses a danger, then their separate removal must be ensured.

2.1.15. Production equipment must be designed in such a way that exposure of workers to harmful radiation is excluded or limited to safe levels.

When using laser devices you must:

exclude unintentional radiation;

shield laser devices so that there is no danger to the health of workers.

2.1.16. The design of production equipment and (or) its placement must exclude contact of its flammable parts with fire and explosive substances, if such contact could cause a fire or explosion, and also exclude the possibility of a worker coming into contact with hot or supercooled parts or being in close proximity to such parts, if this may lead to injury, overheating or hypothermia of the worker.

If the purpose of production equipment and the conditions of its operation (for example, use outside production premises) cannot completely exclude contact of a worker with supercooled or hot parts, then the operational documentation must contain a requirement for the use of personal protective equipment.

2.1.17. The design of production equipment must eliminate the danger caused by splashing of hot materials and substances being processed and (or) used during operation.

If the design cannot completely eliminate such a hazard, then the operational documentation must contain requirements for the use of protective equipment not included in the design.

2.1.18. Production equipment must be equipped with local lighting if its absence may cause eye strain or entail other types of danger.

The characteristics of local lighting must correspond to the nature of the work for which it is needed.

Local lighting, its characteristics and locations must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.19. The design of production equipment must exclude installation errors that could be a source of danger. In the case where this requirement can only be partially met, the operational documentation must contain the installation procedure, the scope of checks and tests, excluding the possibility of dangerous situations arising due to installation errors. Pipelines, hoses, wires, cables and other connecting parts and assembly units must be marked in accordance with the installation diagrams.

2.2. Requirements for workplaces

2.2.1. The design of the workplace, its dimensions and the relative arrangement of elements (controls, information display devices, auxiliary equipment, etc.) must ensure safety when using production equipment for its intended purpose, maintenance, repair and cleaning, and also meet ergonomic requirements.

The need to have fire extinguishing equipment and other means used in emergency situations at workplaces must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

If a cabin is included in the workplace to protect against the adverse effects of hazardous and harmful production factors, then its design must provide the necessary protective functions, including the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions, ease of performance of work operations and optimal visibility of production equipment and the surrounding space.

2.2.2. The dimensions of the workplace and the placement of its elements should ensure that work operations are performed in comfortable working positions and not impede the worker’s movements.

2.2.3. When designing a workplace, it should be possible to perform work operations in a sitting position or when alternating sitting and standing positions, if the operations do not require constant movement of the worker.

The design of the chair and footrest must meet ergonomic requirements.

If the location of the workplace makes it necessary to move and (or) stay the worker above the floor level, then the design must provide platforms, stairs, railings and other devices, the dimensions and designs of which must exclude the possibility of workers falling and ensure convenient and safe performance of labor operations, including operations for maintenance.

2.3. Control system requirements

2.3.1. The control system must ensure its reliable and safe operation in all intended operating modes of production equipment and under all external influences provided for by operating conditions. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to violation by the worker(s) of the sequence of control actions.

Workplaces must have inscriptions, diagrams and other means of information about the required sequence of control actions.

2.3.2. The control system of production equipment must include emergency braking and emergency stop (shutdown) controls if their use can reduce or prevent a hazard.

The need to include the specified means in the control system should be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.3. Depending on the complexity of managing and monitoring the operating mode of production equipment, the control system must include means of automatic normalization of the operating mode or means of automatic shutdown if a violation of the operating mode may cause a dangerous situation.

The control system must include alarms and other means of information that warn of malfunctions of production equipment leading to hazardous situations.

The design and arrangement of means warning of the occurrence of dangerous situations must ensure error-free, reliable and quick perception of information.

The need to include means of automatic normalization of operating modes or automatic shutdown into the control system is established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.4. The control system of a technological complex must exclude the occurrence of danger as a result of the joint functioning of all units of production equipment included in the technological complex, as well as in the event of failure of any of its units.

2.3.5. The control system for a separate unit of production equipment included in a technological complex must have devices with the help of which it would be possible, in necessary cases (for example, until the completion of maintenance work), to block the start-up of the technological complex, as well as to stop it.

2.3.6. The central control panel of the technological complex must be equipped with an alarm, a mnemonic diagram or other means of displaying information about violations of the normal functioning of all units of production equipment that make up the technological complex, means of emergency stop (shutdown) of the entire technological complex, as well as its individual units, if the emergency stop of individual units will not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation.

2.3.7. The central control panel must be located or equipped so that the operator can control the absence of people in hazardous areas of the process

complex or control system must be designed so that the presence of people in the dangerous zone excludes the operation of the technological complex, and each start-up is preceded by a warning signal, the duration of which would allow a person located in the dangerous zone to leave it or prevent the functioning of the technological complex.

2.3.8. Command devices of the control system (hereinafter referred to as controls) must be:

1) are easily accessible and clearly distinguishable, where necessary, indicated by inscriptions, symbols or other means;

2) designed and placed in such a way that their involuntary movement is excluded and reliable, confident and unambiguous manipulation is ensured, including when workers use personal protective equipment;

3) placed taking into account the required effort to move, the sequence and frequency of use, as well as the significance of the functions;

4) made so that their shape, dimensions and surfaces of contact with the worker correspond to the method of gripping (fingers, hand) or pressing (finger, palm, foot);

5) located outside the dangerous zone, with the exception of controls whose functional purpose (for example, controls for the movement of a robot during its adjustment) requires the worker to be in the dangerous zone; in this case, additional safety measures must be taken (for example, reducing the speed of the moving parts of the robot).

2.3.9. Starting production equipment into operation, as well as restarting after a shutdown, regardless of its cause, should be possible only by manipulating the start control.

This requirement does not apply to the restart of production equipment operating in automatic mode, if restart after shutdown is provided for by this mode.

If the control system has several controls that start up production equipment or its individual parts and violation of the sequence of their use can lead to the creation of dangerous situations, then the control system must include devices that prevent the creation of such situations.

2.3.10. The emergency stop control, once activated, must remain in the stop position until it is returned to its original position by the operator; its return to its original position should not lead to the start-up of production equipment.

The emergency stop control must be red and different in shape and size from other controls.

2.3.11. If the control system contains a switch for operating modes of production equipment, each position of the switch must correspond to only one mode (for example, regulation, control mode, etc.) and be securely locked in each position if failure to lock may lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

If in some operating modes increased protection of workers is required, then the switch in such positions should:

block the possibility of automatic control;

movement of structural elements is carried out only with constant application of force by the worker to the motion control;

stop operating associated equipment if its operation may cause additional danger;

exclude the operation of parts of production equipment that are not involved in the implementation of the selected mode;

reduce the speed of moving parts of production equipment involved in the implementation of the selected mode.

2.3.12. Complete or partial interruption of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit, should not lead to hazardous situations, including:

spontaneous start when power supply is restored;

failure to execute an already issued stop command;

falling and throwing out moving parts of production equipment and objects attached to it (for example, workpieces, tools, etc.);

reducing the effectiveness of protective devices.

2.4. Requirements for protective equipment included in the design and signaling devices

2.4.1. The design of protective equipment must ensure the ability to monitor the fulfillment of their purpose before and (or) during the operation of production equipment.

2.4.2. Protective equipment must fulfill its purpose continuously during the operation of production equipment or in the event of a dangerous situation.

2.4.3. The effect of protective equipment should not cease before the effect of the corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor ends.

2.4.4. The failure of one of the means of protection or its element should not lead to the cessation of the normal functioning of other means of protection.

2.4.5. Production equipment that includes protective equipment that requires them to be turned on before the production equipment begins to operate and (or) turned off after the end of its operation must have devices that ensure such a sequence.

2.4.6. The design and location of protective equipment should not limit the technological capabilities of production equipment and should ensure ease of operation and maintenance.

If the design of protective equipment cannot provide all the technological capabilities of production equipment, then the priority is the requirement to ensure the protection of the worker.

2.4.7. The shape, dimensions, strength and rigidity of the protective fence, its location relative to the protected parts of the production equipment must exclude the impact on the worker of the protected parts and possible emissions (for example, tools, workpieces).

2.4.8. The design of the protective fence should:

1) exclude the possibility of spontaneous movement from a position that provides protection for the worker;

2) allow the possibility of its movement from a position that provides protection for the worker only with the help of a tool, or block the operation of production equipment if the protective fence is in a position that does not ensure the performance of its protective functions;

3) ensure that the worker can perform the prescribed actions, including monitoring the operation of protected parts of production equipment, if necessary;

4) do not create additional dangerous situations;

5) do not reduce labor productivity.

2.4.9. Signaling devices warning of danger must be designed and located so that their signals are clearly visible and audible in a working environment by all persons at risk.

2.4.10. Parts of production equipment that pose a danger must be painted in signal colors and marked with an appropriate safety sign in accordance with current standards.

2.5. Design requirements that promote safety during installation, transportation, storage and repair

2.5.1. If it is necessary to use lifting equipment during installation, transportation, storage and repair, the production equipment and its individual parts must be marked with places for connecting lifting equipment and the weight to be lifted.

2.5.2. Connection points for lifting equipment must be selected taking into account the center of gravity of the equipment (its parts) so as to eliminate the possibility of damage to the equipment during lifting and moving and to ensure a convenient and safe approach to them.

2.5.3. The design of production equipment and its parts must ensure that they can be securely fastened to a vehicle or in a packaging container.

2.5.4. Assembly units of production equipment, which can spontaneously move during loading (unloading), transportation and storage, must have devices for fixing them in a certain position.

2.5.5. Production equipment and its parts, the movement of which is intended to be done manually, must be equipped with devices (for example, handles) for movement or have a shape that is convenient for gripping by hand.


2. Operational documentation must establish requirements (rules) that would exclude the creation of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazards) situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation of production equipment, and also contain requirements that determine the need to use means not included in the design and methods of protecting the worker.

3. In general, operational documentation regarding safety must contain:

1) specification of equipment, tools and devices that ensure the safe execution of all required installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation work;

2) rules for installation (dismantling) and methods for preventing possible errors leading to the creation of dangerous situations;

3) requirements for the placement of production equipment in production premises (at production sites), ensuring convenience and safety when using the equipment for its intended purpose, its maintenance and repair, as well as requirements for equipping premises and sites with protective equipment that are not included in the design of production equipment;

4) actual levels of noise, vibration, radiation, harmful substances, harmful microorganisms and other hazardous and harmful production factors generated by production equipment, and the environment;

5) the procedure for commissioning and methods for preventing possible errors leading to dangerous situations;

6) boundary conditions of external influences (temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, solar radiation, wind, icing, vibration, shock, earthquakes, corrosive gases, electromagnetic fields, harmful radiation, microorganisms, etc.) and the effects of the production environment, under which the safety of production equipment is maintained;

7) rules for controlling equipment in all intended modes of its operation and the actions of the worker in cases of hazardous situations (including fire and explosion hazards);

8) requirements for service personnel to use personal protective equipment;

9) methods for timely detection of failures of built-in protective equipment and the actions of the worker in these cases;

10) maintenance regulations and methods for its safe implementation;

11) rules of transportation and storage, under which production equipment remains in compliance with safety requirements;

12) rules for ensuring fire and explosion safety;

13) rules for ensuring electrical safety;

14) prohibition of using production equipment or its parts for purposes other than their intended purpose, if this may pose a danger;

15) requirements related to the training of workers (including training), as well as requirements for age and other restrictions;

16) safety rules when carrying out disinfection, degassing and decontamination.

4. The operational documentation may contain other requirements (rules) or it may not include some of those listed in and. 3 requirements (rules), if they do not reflect the safety features of a specific type, type, model of production equipment.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards, the Council of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR


V.G. Versan, Ph.D. economics, sciences; N.T. Timofeeva, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.B. Ohlyand; T.A. Alekseeva; V.V. Dyakov, Doctor of Engineering. sciences; I.P. Stabin, Dr. Tech. sciences; O.M. Kasatkin

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated 06.06.91 No. 807

3. INSTEAD GOST 12.2.003-74

4. REPUBLICATION. December 2006

Editor R.G. Goverdovskaya Technical editor L.A. Guseva Corrector V.I. Barentseva Computer layout I.A. Naleykina

Signed for publication on January 15, 2007. Format 60 x 84*/8 - Offset paper. Times typeface. Offset printing. Uel. pech.l. 1.40. Academician-ed. 1.15. Circulation 101 copies. Zach. 29. C 3570.

FSUE "Standardinform", 123995 Moscow, Granatny lane, 4.

Typed at FSUE “Standardinform” on a PC.

Printed in the branch of FSUE "Standardinform" - type. "Moscow Printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.

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2.1.4. Moving parts of production equipment, if they are a source of danger, must be fenced or provided with other means of protection.

In cases where executive bodies or moving parts of production equipment that pose a danger to people cannot be fenced or equipped with other means of protection due to their functional purpose, signaling means must be provided to warn about the start-up of the equipment, and means of stopping and disconnecting from energy sources.

2.1.5. Structural elements of production equipment should not have sharp corners, edges or surfaces with irregularities that pose a source of danger, unless their presence is determined by the functional purpose of the equipment. In the latter case, measures must be taken to protect against possible injury.

2.1.6. In order to prevent industrial injuries, the design of production equipment must exclude the possibility of accidental contact of workers with hot and supercooled parts.

2.1.7. The release and absorption of heat by equipment, as well as the release of harmful substances and moisture in production premises should not exceed the maximum permissible levels ((concentrations) within the working area established by CMEA standards


2.1.8. Workplaces included in the design of production equipment must be safe and convenient for performing work.

Production equipment, if necessary, must have cabins to protect workers from the adverse influence of the external environment. The design and location of the cabins should not cause the appearance of additional dangerous and harmful factors and impede the actions of workers.

2.1.9. Production equipment, the maintenance of which involves the movement of personnel, must be equipped with safe and convenient in design and size passages and devices or devices for carrying out work (working platforms, passages, stairs, railings, etc.).

2.1.10. The seats included in the design of the equipment must be made in accordance with ergonomic requirements.

2.1.9., 2.1.10. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1.11. If necessary, the design of production equipment must have means of local lighting,

corresponding to operating conditions (explosive environment, high humidity, etc.); At the same time, the possibility of accidental contact with live parts of installed equipment must be excluded.

2.1.12. Control systems for production equipment must be designed in such a way that no danger can arise as a result of the combined action of functional systems.

2.1.13. The design of production equipment must provide an alarm system in case of violation of the normal operating mode, and, if necessary, means of automatically stopping and disconnecting the equipment from energy sources in the event of dangerous malfunctions, accidents and operating conditions close to dangerous.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.1.14. Production equipment, where necessary, must have braking means, the effectiveness of which must be sufficient to ensure safety and meet the requirements of product standards.

2.1.15. Equipment that uses an emergency stop to ensure safety must not create a hazard as a result of the activation of the emergency stop means.

2.1.16. The working parts of production equipment, as well as gripping, clamping and lifting devices or their drives must be equipped with means that prevent the occurrence of danger in the event of a complete or partial interruption of the supply of energy (electric current, fluid in hydraulic systems, compressed air, etc.) to the drives of these devices, as well as means that prevent self-starting of the drives of the working parts when the energy supply is restored.

2.1.17. The design of production equipment must provide protection against electric shock (including cases of erroneous actions of operating personnel), meeting the following basic requirements:

live parts of production equipment that are sources of danger must be reliably isolated or fenced, or located in places inaccessible to people;

electrical equipment with open live parts must be placed inside housings (cabinets, units) with lockable doors or covered with protective covers when located in places accessible to people;

metal parts of production equipment, which may, due to damage to the insulation, be exposed to dangerous electrical voltage, must be grounded

Lena (zeroed). It is allowed to use other protective measures instead of protective grounding (grounding);

The electrical circuit diagram of production equipment must include a device that centrally disconnects all electrical circuits from the supply network. When powering production equipment from its own autonomous source of electricity, it is allowed to remove the voltage by turning off the power source without breaking the electrical circuit.

2.1.18. The design of production equipment must prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges in dangerous quantities.

Production equipment containing circuits containing electrical capacitors must be equipped with devices for removing residual electrical charges.

2.1.19. Production equipment, depending on the specifics of the production process, must have built-in devices for removing harmful, explosive and flammable substances released during operation directly from the places of their formation and accumulation or places for installing such devices that are not included in the design of the equipment.

2.1.20. If necessary, production equipment must have devices that discharge hazardous and harmful substances into receivers or places for disposal or disposal.

For substances that cannot be discharged together, separate discharge devices must be provided.

2.1.21. The design of production equipment must ensure the elimination or reduction of noise, ultrasound, infrasound and vibration levels to the values ​​regulated by CMEA standards.

2.1.22. Production equipment, during the operation of which harmful radiation occurs, must be equipped with means of protection against these radiations in accordance with the requirements of CMEA standards.

2.1.18-2.1.22 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2. Requirements for controls

2.2.1. Production equipment controls must meet the following basic requirements:

have a shape, size and surface that is safe and convenient for work;

be located in the work area so that the distance between them, as well as in relation to other structural elements, does not impede the performance of operations;

placed taking into account the forces and directions required to move them; the layout of the controls should

take into account the sequence and frequency of their use, as well as the significance of their functions;

be activated by efforts not exceeding the norms established by CMEA standards, taking into account the frequency of use.

The shape, dimensions, nature of the surface and instructions for the placement of controls, the distances between them, as well as in relation to other structural elements and permissible forces must comply with the standards established in the industries for the corresponding groups of equipment.

2.2.2. Management of production equipment belonging to the same group must be unified (location of handles, pedals, buttons, instrumentation, control rules, standard inscriptions, signs, etc.).

The direction of rotation of handwheels and steering wheels, the movement of levers, pedals, etc. must comply with the rules established by CMEA standards.

Controls must be designed so that their movement coincides in direction with the movement of the equipment itself, unless the design and functional features of the equipment do not allow this.

2.2.1, 2.2.2 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2.3. Controls of production equipment must be designed or interlocked in such a way that an incorrect sequence of operations is excluded, or have diagrams and inscriptions that clearly indicate the correct sequence of operations.

2.2.4. The design and location of controls must exclude the possibility of involuntary and spontaneous switching on and off of production equipment.

2.2.5. Emergency shutdown controls must be red, differ in shape from other controls, have indicators of their location, inscriptions about their purpose, be easily accessible to personnel and exclude the possibility of starting until the emergency situation is eliminated. Signal painting of emergency shutdown controls must be provided throughout the entire period of operation.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.2.6. Controls of production equipment operated simultaneously by several persons must have interlocks that ensure the necessary sequence of actions.

If a part of the equipment that poses a danger to people is out of sight of the operator,

Additional emergency switches must be provided.

2.3. Requirements for protective equipment included in the design of production equipment

2.3.1. The protective equipment must be made ready before the equipment begins to operate so that the operation of the equipment is impossible if the protective equipment is disabled or faulty.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.3.2. Protective equipment must continuously perform its functions or be activated when a danger arises or a person approaches the danger zone.

2.3.3. The effect of protective equipment should not cease before the effect of the dangerous (or harmful) production factor ceases.

2.3.4. Failure of individual elements of protective equipment should not terminate the protective effect of other means or create any additional danger.

2.3.5. Protective equipment must be accessible for maintenance and monitoring.

Where necessary, protective equipment must be provided with automatic control devices for their operation.

2.3.6. Removable, folding and sliding guards of working bodies that prevent danger during the operation of production equipment, as well as opening doors, covers, shields in these guards or in the equipment body must have devices that prevent their accidental removal and opening (locks, removal with tools, etc.) . p.), and, if necessary, have interlocks to ensure that the work process is stopped when the fence is removed or opened.

2.3.7. To warn of danger, sound, light and color alarms should be used as signaling elements.

2.3.8. Signaling devices must be installed within the visibility and audibility of operating personnel.

Alarm signals (danger signals) must be easily visible in the work environment.

2.3.9. Parts of production equipment that pose a danger to people must be painted in signal colors. They must bear safety signs established by CMEA standards.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. Safety requirements determined by the features of installation and repair work, transportation and storage

2.4.1. Production equipment must be equipped with devices that ensure safety and ease of installation and repair work.

2.4.2. If it is necessary to use lifting equipment, production equipment and its components, which have a design that is inconvenient for mooring, must have devices (places) for lifting and moving (cranes, jacks, etc.).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


3.1. The structure and content of the standards are according to this standard, GOST 12.0.001-82 and GOST 1.5-85.

3.2. Safety requirements must be established taking into account the design and operation of the elements and functional systems of production equipment after identifying possible sources of dangerous and harmful factors.

3.3. Safety requirements standards for groups of production equipment should include an introductory part and the following sections:

Safety requirements for the main structural elements and control system;

Requirements for the installation of protective equipment included in the design;

Safety requirements determined by the characteristics of installation and repair work, transportation and storage;

Methods for monitoring compliance with safety requirements (test methods).

The standard may contain other sections or may not include some of the above sections if they do not reflect the safety features of the equipment of the group in question.

3.4. The section “Safety requirements for the main structural elements and control system” must contain safety requirements determined by the specific purpose, design and operation of this group of production equipment and its components:

to prevent or limit possible exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors to regulated levels;

to eliminate the causes contributing to the occurrence of dangerous and harmful production factors;

to the design of controls and other requirements.

The standards for individual groups of production equipment must indicate: moving, live and other dangerous parts that must be fenced;

permissible values ​​of noise characteristics and method of their determination;

permissible values ​​of vibration indicators, method of their determination and means of protection against its transmission to workplaces and to the hands of workers;

permissible levels of radiation and methods for their control; permissible temperature values ​​of controls and external surfaces of production equipment; permissible amounts of effort on the controls; requirements for the presence of protective interlocks, braking devices and other protective equipment.

3.5. The section “Requirements for protective equipment included in the design” must contain requirements determined by the design features, placement of operation control and the use of the means in question, including the requirements:

to protective fences, screens and means of protection against ultrasound, ionizing and other radiation;

to means of removing substances with hazardous and harmful properties from the work area;

to protective interlocks; to signaling equipment;

to signal painting of production equipment and its components;

to warning notices.

3.6. The section “Safety requirements determined by the features of installation and repair work, transportation and storage” should contain design requirements specific to groups of production equipment that ensure the safety of performing the specified work, including the presence and arrangement of devices for lifting and transportation.

3.8. Safety requirements for components and systems included in the production equipment of this group must be specified in the standards and technical specifications for these products and systems.

Reissue (October 1988) with Change L& 1, approved in January 1979 (IUS 3-79).

© Standards Publishing House, 1989

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

Unofficial edition



GOST 12.2.003-91



Occupational Safety Standards System


General safety requirements

Occupational safety standards system.
Industrial equipment. General safety requirements



Date of introduction 01.01.92

This standard applies to production equipment used in all sectors of the national economy and establishes general safety requirements, which are the basis for establishing safety requirements in standards, technical specifications, operational and other design documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

The standard does not apply to production equipment that is a source of ionizing radiation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Production equipment must ensure the safety of workers during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation, both in the case of autonomous use and as part of technological complexes, subject to the requirements (conditions, rules) stipulated by the operational documentation.

Note. Operation generally includes intended use, maintenance and repair, transportation and storage.

1.2. The safety of the design of production equipment is ensured by:

1) selection of principles of operation and design solutions, energy sources and characteristics of energy carriers, parameters of work processes, control system and its elements;

2) minimizing consumed and accumulated energy during equipment operation;

3) selection of components and materials for the manufacture of structures, as well as those used during operation;

4) choice of manufacturing processes;

5) the use of protective equipment for workers built into the design, as well as information means warning of the occurrence of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazards) situations*;


A dangerous situation is a situation the occurrence of which may cause the worker(s) to be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors.

6) reliability of the structure and its elements (including duplication of individual control systems, protective equipment and information, failures of which can lead to the creation of dangerous situations);

7) the use of mechanization, automation (including automatic regulation of work process parameters) remote control and monitoring;

8) the possibility of using protective equipment not included in the design;

9) fulfillment of ergonomic requirements;

10) limiting physical and neuropsychic stress on workers.

1.3. Safety requirements for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands) are established based on the requirements of this standard, taking into account:

1) features of purpose, design and operating conditions;

2) test results, as well as analysis of dangerous situations (including fire and explosion hazards) that occurred during the operation of similar equipment;

3) requirements of standards establishing acceptable values ​​of dangerous and harmful production factors;

4) research and development work, as well as analysis of means and methods of ensuring safety using the best world analogues;

5) safety requirements established by international and regional standards and other documents for similar groups, types, models (brands) of production equipment;

6) forecasting the possible occurrence of dangerous situations on newly created or modernized equipment.

Safety requirements for a technological complex must also take into account possible dangers caused by the joint functioning of the units of production equipment that make up the complex.

1.4. Each technological complex and autonomously used production equipment must be equipped with operational documentation containing requirements (rules) to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation. General requirements for the content of operational documentation in terms of safety are given in the appendix.

1.5. Production equipment must meet safety requirements throughout the entire period of operation provided that the consumer meets the requirements established in the operational documentation.

1.6. During operation, production equipment should not pollute the natural environment with emissions of harmful substances and harmful microorganisms in quantities exceeding the permissible values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms.

2. General safety requirements

2.1. Requirements for the structure and its individual parts

2.1.1. The construction materials of production equipment should not have a dangerous and harmful effect on the human body in all specified operating modes and envisaged operating conditions, as well as create fire and explosion hazards.

2.1.2. The design of production equipment must exclude, in all intended operating modes, loads on parts and assembly units that can cause destruction that poses a danger to workers.

If loads may arise that lead to dangerous destruction of individual parts or assembly units for workers, then production equipment must be equipped with devices that prevent the occurrence of destructive loads, and such parts and assembly units must be fenced or located so that their collapsing parts do not create traumatic conditions. situations.

2.1.3. The design of production equipment and its individual parts must exclude the possibility of them falling, overturning and spontaneous displacement under all intended operating and installation (dismantling) conditions. If, due to the shape of the production equipment, the distribution of masses of its individual parts and (or) installation (dismantling) conditions, the necessary stability cannot be achieved, then means and methods of fastening must be provided, for which the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements.

2.1.4. The design of production equipment must prevent the fall or ejection of objects (for example, tools, workpieces, machined parts, chips) that pose a danger to workers, as well as the release of lubricants, coolants and other working fluids.

If for these purposes it is necessary to use protective barriers that are not included in the design, then the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements for them.

2.1.5. Moving parts of production equipment, which are a possible source of injury hazard, must be fenced or located so that the possibility of touching them by the worker is excluded or other means (for example, two-handed control) are used to prevent injury.

If the functional purpose of moving parts that pose a danger does not allow the use of guards or other means that prevent workers from touching the moving parts, then the design of production equipment must provide an alarm warning about the start-up of the equipment, as well as the use of signal colors and safety signs.

Emergency stop (braking) controls must be installed in the immediate vicinity of moving parts that are out of sight of the operator if there may be workers in the danger zone created by the moving parts.

2.1.6. The design of clamping, gripping, lifting and loading devices or their drives must exclude the possibility of danger in the event of a complete or partial spontaneous interruption of the power supply, as well as to exclude a spontaneous change in the state of these devices when the power supply is restored.

2.1.7. Structural elements of production equipment should not have sharp corners, edges, burrs or surfaces with unevenness that pose a risk of injury to workers, unless their presence is determined by the functional purpose of these elements. In the latter case, measures to protect workers must be provided.

2.1.8. Parts of production equipment (including pipelines of hydraulic, steam, pneumatic systems, safety valves, cables, etc.), the mechanical damage of which may cause danger, must be protected by fences or located so as to prevent their accidental damage by operating or technical means. service.

2.1.9. The design of production equipment must prevent spontaneous loosening or disconnection of fastenings of assembly units and parts, and also exclude the movement of moving parts beyond the limits provided for by the design, if this may lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

2.1.10. Production equipment must be fire and explosion proof under the intended operating conditions.

Technical means and methods for ensuring fire and explosion safety (for example, preventing the formation of fire and explosive atmospheres, eliminating the formation of ignition sources and initiation of explosions, warning alarms, fire extinguishing systems, emergency ventilation, hermetic shells, emergency drainage of flammable liquids and bleeding of flammable gases, placement of production equipment or its individual parts in special rooms) must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.11. The design of production equipment driven by electrical energy must include devices (means) to ensure electrical safety.

Technical means and methods for ensuring electrical safety (for example, fencing, grounding, grounding, insulation of live parts, protective shutdown, etc.) must be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands), taking into account operating conditions and characteristics of sources electrical energy. Production equipment must be designed in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges in quantities that pose a danger to workers, and to exclude the possibility of fire and explosion.

2.1.12. Production equipment operated by non-electrical energy (eg hydraulic, pneumatic, steam energy) must be constructed in such a way that all hazards caused by these types of energy are eliminated.

Specific measures to eliminate hazards must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.13. Production equipment that is a source of noise, ultrasound and vibration must be designed so that noise, ultrasound and vibration under the intended conditions and operating modes do not exceed the permissible levels established by the standards.

2.1.14. Production equipment, the operation of which is accompanied by the release of harmful substances (including fire and explosion hazards) and (or) harmful microorganisms, must include built-in devices for their removal or provide the ability to connect removal devices that are not included in the design to the production equipment.

The device for removing harmful substances and microorganisms must be designed so that the concentration of harmful substances and microorganisms in the work area, as well as their emissions into the natural environment, does not exceed the values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms. Where necessary, treatment and/or neutralization of emissions should be carried out.

If the combined removal of various harmful substances and microorganisms poses a danger, then their separate removal must be ensured.

2.1.15. Production equipment must be designed in such a way that exposure of workers to harmful radiation is excluded or limited to safe levels.

When using laser devices you must:

exclude unintentional radiation;

shield laser devices so that there is no danger to the health of workers.

2.1.16. The design of production equipment and (or) its placement must exclude contact of its flammable parts with fire and explosive substances, if such contact could cause a fire or explosion, and also exclude the possibility of a worker coming into contact with hot or supercooled parts or being in close proximity to such parts, if this may lead to injury, overheating or hypothermia of the worker.

If the purpose of production equipment and the conditions of its operation (for example, use outside production premises) cannot completely exclude contact of a worker with supercooled or hot parts, then the operational documentation must contain a requirement for the use of personal protective equipment.

2.1.17. The design of production equipment must eliminate the danger caused by splashing of hot materials and substances being processed and (or) used during operation.

If the design cannot completely eliminate such a hazard, then the operational documentation must contain requirements for the use of protective equipment not included in the design.

2.1.18. Production equipment must be equipped with local lighting if its absence may cause eye strain or entail other types of danger.

The characteristics of local lighting must correspond to the nature of the work for which it is needed.

Local lighting, its characteristics and locations must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.19. The design of production equipment must exclude installation errors that could be a source of danger. In the case where this requirement can only be partially met, the operational documentation must contain the installation procedure, the scope of checks and tests, excluding the possibility of dangerous situations arising due to installation errors. Pipelines, hoses, wires, cables and other connecting parts and assembly units must be marked in accordance with the installation diagrams.

2.2. Requirements for workplaces

2.2.1. The design of the workplace, its dimensions and the relative arrangement of elements (controls, information display devices, auxiliary equipment, etc.) must ensure safety when using production equipment for its intended purpose, maintenance, repair and cleaning, and also meet ergonomic requirements.

The need to have fire extinguishing equipment and other means used in emergency situations at workplaces must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

If a cabin is included in the workplace to protect against the adverse effects of hazardous and harmful production factors, then its design must provide the necessary protective functions, including the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions, ease of performance of work operations and optimal visibility of production equipment and the surrounding space.

2.2.2. The dimensions of the workplace and the placement of its elements should ensure that work operations are performed in comfortable working positions and not impede the worker’s movements.

2.2.3. When designing a workplace, it should be possible to perform work operations in a sitting position or when alternating sitting and standing positions, if the operations do not require constant movement of the worker.

The design of the chair and footrest must meet ergonomic requirements.

If the location of the workplace makes it necessary to move and (or) stay the worker above the floor level, then the design must provide platforms, stairs, railings and other devices, the size and design of which must exclude the possibility of workers falling and ensure convenient and safe performance of labor operations, including operations for maintenance.

2.3. Control system requirements

2.3.1. The control system must ensure its reliable and safe operation in all intended operating modes of production equipment and under all external influences provided for by operating conditions. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to violation by the worker(s) of the sequence of control actions.

Workplaces must have inscriptions, diagrams and other means of information about the required sequence of control actions.

2.3.2. The control system of production equipment must include emergency braking and emergency stop (shutdown) controls if their use can reduce or prevent a hazard.

The need to include the specified means in the control system should be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.3. Depending on the complexity of managing and monitoring the operating mode of production equipment, the control system must include means of automatic normalization of the operating mode or means of automatic shutdown if a violation of the operating mode may cause a dangerous situation.

The control system must include alarms and other means of information that warn of malfunctions of production equipment leading to hazardous situations.

The design and arrangement of means warning of the occurrence of dangerous situations must ensure error-free, reliable and quick perception of information.

The need to include means of automatic normalization of operating modes or automatic shutdown into the control system is established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.4. The control system of a technological complex must exclude the occurrence of danger as a result of the joint functioning of all units of production equipment included in the technological complex, as well as in the event of failure of any of its units.

2.3.5. The control system for a separate unit of production equipment included in a technological complex must have devices with the help of which it would be possible, in necessary cases (for example, until the completion of maintenance work), to block the start-up of the technological complex, as well as to stop it.

2.3.6. The central control panel of the technological complex must be equipped with an alarm, a mnemonic diagram or other means of displaying information about violations of the normal functioning of all units of production equipment that make up the technological complex, means of emergency stop (shutdown) of the entire technological complex, as well as its individual units, if the emergency stop of individual units will not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation.

2.3.7. The central control panel must be located or equipped so that the operator is able to control the absence of people in hazardous areas of the technological complex, or the control system must be designed so that the presence of people in the dangerous zone excludes the operation of the technological complex, and each start-up is preceded by a warning signal, duration of action which would allow a person located in a dangerous zone to leave it or prevent the operation of the technological complex.

2.3.8. Command devices of the control system (hereinafter referred to as controls) must be:

1) are easily accessible and clearly distinguishable, where necessary, indicated by inscriptions, symbols or other means;

2) designed and placed in such a way that their involuntary movement is excluded and reliable, confident and unambiguous manipulation is ensured, including when workers use personal protective equipment;

3) placed taking into account the required effort to move, the sequence and frequency of use, as well as the significance of the functions;

4) made so that their shape, dimensions and surfaces of contact with the worker correspond to the method of gripping (fingers, hand) or pressing (finger, palm, foot);

5) located outside the dangerous zone, with the exception of controls whose functional purpose (for example, controls for the movement of a robot during its adjustment) requires the worker to be in the dangerous zone; in this case, additional safety measures must be taken (for example, reducing the speed of the moving parts of the robot).

2.3.9. Starting production equipment into operation, as well as restarting after a shutdown, regardless of its cause, should be possible only by manipulating the start control.

This requirement does not apply to the restart of production equipment operating in automatic mode, if restart after shutdown is provided for by this mode.

If the control system has several controls that start up production equipment or its individual parts and violation of the sequence of their use can lead to the creation of dangerous situations, then the control system must include devices that prevent the creation of such situations.

2.3.10. The emergency stop control, once activated, must remain in the stop position until it is returned to its original position by the operator; its return to its original position should not lead to the start-up of production equipment.

The emergency stop control must be red and different in shape and size from other controls.

2.3.11. If the control system contains a switch for operating modes of production equipment, each position of the switch must correspond to only one mode (for example, regulation, control mode, etc.) and be securely locked in each position if failure to lock may lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

If in some operating modes increased protection of workers is required, then the switch in such positions should:

block the possibility of automatic control;

movement of structural elements is carried out only with constant application of force by the worker to the motion control;

stop operating associated equipment if its operation may cause additional danger;

exclude the operation of parts of production equipment that are not involved in the implementation of the selected mode;

reduce the speed of moving parts of production equipment involved in the implementation of the selected mode.

2.3.12. Complete or partial interruption of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit, should not lead to hazardous situations, including:

spontaneous start when power supply is restored;

failure to execute an already issued stop command;

falling and throwing out moving parts of production equipment and objects attached to it (for example, workpieces, tools, etc.);

reducing the effectiveness of protective devices.

2.4. Requirements for protective equipment included in the design and signaling devices

2.4.1. The design of protective equipment must ensure the ability to monitor the fulfillment of their purpose before and (or) during the operation of production equipment.

2.4.2. Protective equipment must fulfill its purpose continuously during the operation of production equipment or in the event of a dangerous situation.

2.4.3. The effect of protective equipment should not cease before the effect of the corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor ends.

2.4.4. The failure of one of the means of protection or its element should not lead to the cessation of the normal functioning of other means of protection.

2.4.5. Production equipment that includes protective equipment that requires them to be turned on before the production equipment begins to operate and (or) turned off after the end of its operation must have devices that ensure such a sequence.

2.4.6. The design and location of protective equipment should not limit the technological capabilities of production equipment and should ensure ease of operation and maintenance.

If the design of protective equipment cannot provide all the technological capabilities of production equipment, then the priority is the requirement to ensure the protection of the worker.

2.4.7. The shape, dimensions, strength and rigidity of the protective fence, its location relative to the protected parts of the production equipment must exclude the impact on the worker of the protected parts and possible emissions (for example, tools, workpieces).

2.4.8. The design of the protective fence should:

1) exclude the possibility of spontaneous movement from a position that provides protection for the worker;

2) allow the possibility of its movement from a position that provides protection for the worker only with the help of a tool, or block the operation of production equipment if the protective fence is in a position that does not ensure the performance of its protective functions;

3) ensure that the worker can perform the prescribed actions, including monitoring the operation of protected parts of production equipment, if necessary;

4) do not create additional dangerous situations;

5) do not reduce labor productivity.

2.4.9. Signaling devices warning of danger must be designed and located so that their signals are clearly visible and audible in a working environment by all persons at risk.

2.4.10. Parts of production equipment that pose a danger must be painted in signal colors and marked with an appropriate safety sign in accordance with current standards.

2.5. Design requirements that promote safety during installation, transportation, storage and repair

2.5.1. If it is necessary to use lifting equipment during installation, transportation, storage and repair, the production equipment and its individual parts must be marked with places for connecting lifting equipment and the weight to be lifted.

2.5.2. Connection points for lifting equipment must be selected taking into account the center of gravity of the equipment (its parts) so as to eliminate the possibility of damage to the equipment during lifting and moving and to ensure a convenient and safe approach to them.

2.5.3. The design of production equipment and its parts must ensure that they can be securely fastened to a vehicle or in a packaging container.

2.5.4. Assembly units of production equipment, which can spontaneously move during loading (unloading), transportation and storage, must have devices for fixing them in a certain position.

2.5.5. Production equipment and its parts, the movement of which is intended to be done manually, must be equipped with devices (for example, handles) for movement or have a shape that is convenient for gripping by hand.


2. Operational documentation must establish requirements (rules) that would exclude the creation of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazards) situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation of production equipment, and also contain requirements that determine the need to use means not included in the design and methods of protecting the worker.

3. In general, operational documentation regarding safety must contain:

1) specification of equipment, tools and devices that ensure the safe execution of all required installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation work;

2) rules for installation (dismantling) and methods for preventing possible errors leading to the creation of dangerous situations;

3) requirements for the placement of production equipment in production premises (at production sites), ensuring convenience and safety when using the equipment for its intended purpose, its maintenance and repair, as well as requirements for equipping premises and sites with protective equipment that are not included in the design of production equipment;

4) actual levels of noise, vibration, radiation, harmful substances, harmful microorganisms and other hazardous and harmful production factors generated by production equipment, and the environment;

5) the procedure for commissioning and methods for preventing possible errors leading to dangerous situations;

6) boundary conditions of external influences (temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, solar radiation, wind, icing, vibration, shock, earthquakes, corrosive gases, electromagnetic fields, harmful radiation, microorganisms, etc.) and the effects of the production environment, under which the safety of production equipment is maintained;

7) rules for controlling equipment in all intended modes of its operation and the actions of the worker in cases of hazardous situations (including fire and explosion hazards);

8) requirements for service personnel to use personal protective equipment;

9) methods for timely detection of failures of built-in protective equipment and the actions of the worker in these cases;

10) maintenance regulations and methods for its safe implementation;

11) rules of transportation and storage, under which production equipment remains in compliance with safety requirements;

12) rules for ensuring fire and explosion safety;

13) rules for ensuring electrical safety;

14) prohibition of using production equipment or its parts for purposes other than their intended purpose, if this may pose a danger;

15) requirements related to the training of workers (including training), as well as requirements for age and other restrictions;

16) safety rules when carrying out disinfection, degassing and decontamination.

4. The operational documentation may contain other requirements (rules) or it may not include some of the requirements (rules) listed in paragraph 3 if they do not reflect the safety features of a particular type, type, model of production equipment.



USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards,

Council of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR


V.G. Versan, Ph.D. economy sciences; N.T. Timofeeva, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.B. Ohlyand; T.A. Alekseeva; V.V. Dyakov, Doctor of Engineering. sciences; I.P. Stabin, Dr. Tech. sciences; O.M. Kasatkin

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated 06.06.91 N 807

GOST 12.2.003-91 System of occupational safety standards (SSBT). Production equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.2.003-91

Group T58


Occupational Safety Standards System


General safety requirements

Occupational safety standards system.
Industrial equipment. General safety requirements

Date of introduction 1992-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards, the Council of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated 06.06.91 N 807

3. INSTEAD GOST 12.2.003-74

4. REPUBLICATION. August 2001

This standard applies to production equipment used in all sectors of the national economy and establishes general safety requirements, which are the basis for establishing safety requirements in standards, technical specifications, operational and other design documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

The standard does not apply to production equipment that is a source of ionizing radiation.



1.1. Production equipment must ensure the safety of workers during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation, both in the case of autonomous use and as part of technological complexes, subject to the requirements (conditions, rules) stipulated by the operational documentation.

Note. Operation generally includes intended use, maintenance and repair, transportation and storage.

1.2. The safety of the design of production equipment is ensured by:

1) selection of principles of operation and design solutions, energy sources and characteristics of energy carriers, parameters of work processes, control system and its elements;

2) minimizing consumed and accumulated energy during equipment operation;

3) selection of components and materials for the manufacture of structures, as well as those used during operation;

4) choice of manufacturing processes;

5) the use of protective equipment for workers built into the design, as well as information means warning of the occurrence of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazards) situations*;
* A dangerous situation is a situation the occurrence of which may cause the worker(s) to be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors.

6) reliability of the structure and its elements (including duplication of individual control systems, protective equipment and information, failures of which can lead to the creation of dangerous situations);

7) the use of mechanization, automation (including automatic regulation of work process parameters) remote control and monitoring;

8) the possibility of using protective equipment not included in the design;

9) fulfillment of ergonomic requirements;

10) limiting physical and neuropsychic stress on workers.

1.3. Safety requirements for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands) are established based on the requirements of this standard, taking into account:

1) features of purpose, design and operating conditions;

2) test results, as well as analysis of dangerous situations (including fire and explosion hazards) that occurred during the operation of similar equipment;

3) requirements of standards establishing acceptable values ​​of dangerous and harmful production factors;

4) research and development work, as well as analysis of means and methods of ensuring safety using the best world analogues;

5) safety requirements established by international and regional standards and other documents for similar groups, types, models (brands) of production equipment;

6) forecasting the possible occurrence of dangerous situations on newly created or modernized equipment.

Safety requirements for a technological complex must also take into account possible dangers caused by the joint functioning of the units of production equipment that make up the complex.

1.4. Each technological complex and autonomously used production equipment must be equipped with operational documentation containing requirements (rules) to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation. General requirements for the content of operational documentation in terms of safety are given in the appendix.

1.5. Production equipment must meet safety requirements throughout the entire period of operation provided that the consumer meets the requirements established in the operational documentation.

1.6. During operation, production equipment should not pollute the natural environment with emissions of harmful substances and harmful microorganisms in quantities exceeding the permissible values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms.


2.1. Requirements for the structure and its individual parts

2.1.1. The construction materials of production equipment should not have a dangerous and harmful effect on the human body in all specified operating modes and envisaged operating conditions, as well as create fire and explosion hazards.

2.1.2. The design of production equipment must exclude, in all intended operating modes, loads on parts and assembly units that can cause destruction that poses a danger to workers.

If loads may arise that lead to dangerous destruction of individual parts or assembly units for workers, then production equipment must be equipped with devices that prevent the occurrence of destructive loads, and such parts and assembly units must be fenced or located so that their collapsing parts do not create traumatic conditions. situations.

2.1.3. The design of production equipment and its individual parts must exclude the possibility of them falling, overturning and spontaneous displacement under all intended operating and installation (dismantling) conditions. If, due to the shape of the production equipment, the distribution of masses of its individual parts and (or) installation (dismantling) conditions, the necessary stability cannot be achieved, then means and methods of fastening must be provided, for which the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements.

2.1.4. The design of production equipment must prevent the falling or ejection of objects (for example, tools, workpieces, machined parts, chips) that pose a danger to workers, as well as the release of lubricants, coolants and other working fluids.

If for these purposes it is necessary to use protective barriers that are not included in the design, then the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements for them.

2.1.5. Moving parts of production equipment that are a possible source of injury hazard must be fenced or located so that the worker cannot touch them or other means (for example, two-handed control) are used to prevent injury.

If the functional purpose of moving parts that pose a danger does not allow the use of guards or other means that prevent workers from touching the moving parts, then the design of production equipment must provide an alarm warning about the start-up of the equipment, as well as the use of signal colors and safety signs.

Emergency stop (braking) controls must be installed in the immediate vicinity of moving parts that are out of sight of the operator if there may be workers in the danger zone created by the moving parts.

2.1.6. The design of clamping, gripping, lifting and loading devices or their drives must exclude the possibility of danger in the event of a complete or partial spontaneous interruption of the power supply, as well as to exclude a spontaneous change in the state of these devices when the power supply is restored.

2.1.7. Structural elements of production equipment should not have sharp corners, edges, burrs or surfaces with unevenness that pose a risk of injury to workers, unless their presence is determined by the functional purpose of these elements. In the latter case, measures to protect workers must be provided.

2.1.8. Parts of production equipment (including pipelines of hydraulic, steam, pneumatic systems, safety valves, cables, etc.), the mechanical damage of which may cause danger, must be protected by fences or located so as to prevent their accidental damage by operating or technical means. service.

2.1.9. The design of production equipment must prevent spontaneous loosening or disconnection of fastenings of assembly units and parts, and also exclude the movement of moving parts beyond the limits provided for by the design, if this may lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

2.1.10. Production equipment must be fire and explosion proof under the intended operating conditions.

Technical means and methods for ensuring fire and explosion safety (for example, preventing the formation of fire and explosive atmospheres, eliminating the formation of ignition sources and initiation of explosions, warning alarms, fire extinguishing systems, emergency ventilation, hermetic enclosures, emergency drainage of flammable liquids and release of flammable gases, placement of production equipment or its individual parts in special rooms) must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.11. The design of production equipment driven by electrical energy must include devices (means) to ensure electrical safety.

Technical means and methods for ensuring electrical safety (for example, fencing, grounding, grounding, insulation of live parts, protective shutdown, etc.) must be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands), taking into account operating conditions and characteristics sources of electrical energy. Production equipment must be designed in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges in quantities that pose a danger to workers, and to exclude the possibility of fire and explosion.

2.1.12. Production equipment operated by non-electrical energy (e.g. hydraulic, pneumatic, steam energy) must be constructed in such a way that all hazards caused by these types of energy are eliminated.

Specific measures to eliminate hazards must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.13. Production equipment that is a source of noise, ultrasound and vibration must be designed so that noise, ultrasound and vibration under the intended conditions and operating modes do not exceed the permissible levels established by the standards.

2.1.14. Production equipment, the operation of which is accompanied by the release of harmful substances (including fire and explosion hazards) and (or) harmful microorganisms, must include built-in devices for their removal or provide the ability to connect removal devices that are not included in the design to the production equipment.

The device for removing harmful substances and microorganisms must be designed so that the concentration of harmful substances and microorganisms in the work area, as well as their emissions into the natural environment, does not exceed the values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms. Where necessary, treatment and/or neutralization of emissions should be carried out.

If the combined removal of various harmful substances and microorganisms poses a danger, then their separate removal must be ensured.

2.1.15. Production equipment must be designed in such a way that exposure of workers to harmful radiation is excluded or limited to safe levels.

When using laser devices you must:

exclude unintentional radiation;

shield laser devices so that there is no danger to the health of workers.

2.1.16. The design of production equipment and (or) its placement must exclude contact of its flammable parts with fire and explosive substances, if such contact could cause a fire or explosion, and also exclude the possibility of a worker coming into contact with hot or supercooled parts or being in close proximity to such parts, if this may lead to injury, overheating or hypothermia of the worker.

If the purpose of production equipment and the conditions of its operation (for example, use outside production premises) cannot completely exclude contact of a worker with supercooled or hot parts, then the operational documentation must contain a requirement for the use of personal protective equipment.

2.1.17. The design of production equipment must eliminate the danger caused by splashing of hot materials and substances being processed and (or) used during operation.

If the design cannot completely eliminate such a hazard, then the operational documentation must contain requirements for the use of protective equipment not included in the design.

2.1.18. Production equipment must be equipped with local lighting if its absence may cause eye strain or entail other types of danger.

The characteristics of local lighting must correspond to the nature of the work for which it is needed.

Local lighting, its characteristics and locations must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.19. The design of production equipment must exclude installation errors that could be a source of danger. In the case where this requirement can only be partially met, the operational documentation must contain the installation procedure, the scope of checks and tests, excluding the possibility of dangerous situations arising due to installation errors. Pipelines, hoses, wires, cables and other connecting parts and assembly units must be marked in accordance with the installation diagrams.

2.2. Requirements for workplaces

2.2.1. The design of the workplace, its dimensions and the relative arrangement of elements (controls, information display devices, auxiliary equipment, etc.) must ensure safety when using production equipment for its intended purpose, maintenance, repair and cleaning, and also meet ergonomic requirements.

The need to have fire extinguishing equipment and other means used in emergency situations at workplaces must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

If a cabin is included in the workplace to protect against the adverse effects of hazardous and harmful production factors, then its design must provide the necessary protective functions, including the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions, ease of performance of work operations and optimal visibility of production equipment and the surrounding space.

2.2.2. The dimensions of the workplace and the placement of its elements should ensure that work operations are performed in comfortable working positions and not impede the worker’s movements.

2.2.3. When designing a workplace, it should be possible to perform work operations in a sitting position or when alternating sitting and standing positions, if the operations do not require constant movement of the worker.

The design of the chair and footrest must meet ergonomic requirements.

If the location of the workplace makes it necessary to move and (or) stay the worker above the floor level, then the design must provide platforms, stairs, railings and other devices, the size and design of which must exclude the possibility of workers falling and ensure convenient and safe performance of labor operations, including operations for maintenance.

2.3. Control system requirements

2.3.1. The control system must ensure its reliable and safe operation in all intended operating modes of production equipment and under all external influences provided for by operating conditions. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to violation by the worker(s) of the sequence of control actions.

Workplaces must have inscriptions, diagrams and other means of information about the required sequence of control actions.

2.3.2. The control system of production equipment must include emergency braking and emergency stop (shutdown) controls if their use can reduce or prevent a hazard.

The need to include the specified means in the control system should be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.3. Depending on the complexity of managing and monitoring the operating mode of production equipment, the control system must include means of automatic normalization of the operating mode or means of automatic shutdown if a violation of the operating mode may cause a dangerous situation.

The control system must include alarms and other means of information that warn of malfunctions of production equipment leading to hazardous situations.

The design and arrangement of means warning of the occurrence of dangerous situations must ensure error-free, reliable and quick perception of information.

The need to include means of automatic normalization of operating modes or automatic shutdown into the control system is established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.4. The control system of a technological complex must exclude the occurrence of danger as a result of the joint functioning of all units of production equipment included in the technological complex, as well as in the event of failure of any of its units.

2.3.5. The control system for a separate unit of production equipment included in a technological complex must have devices with the help of which it would be possible, in necessary cases (for example, until the completion of maintenance work), to block the start-up of the technological complex, as well as to stop it.

2.3.6. The central control panel of the technological complex must be equipped with an alarm, a mnemonic diagram or other means of displaying information about violations of the normal functioning of all units of production equipment that make up the technological complex, means of emergency stop (shutdown) of the entire technological complex, as well as its individual units, if the emergency stop of individual units will not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation.

2.3.7. The central control panel must be located or equipped so that the operator is able to control the absence of people in hazardous areas of the technological complex, or the control system must be designed so that the presence of people in the dangerous zone excludes the operation of the technological complex, and each start-up is preceded by a warning signal, duration of action which would allow a person located in a dangerous zone to leave it or prevent the operation of the technological complex.

2.3.8. Command devices of the control system (hereinafter referred to as controls) must be:

1) are easily accessible and clearly distinguishable, where necessary, indicated by inscriptions, symbols or other means;

2) designed and placed in such a way that their involuntary movement is excluded and reliable, confident and unambiguous manipulation is ensured, including when workers use personal protective equipment;

3) placed taking into account the required effort to move, the sequence and frequency of use, as well as the significance of the functions;

4) made so that their shape, dimensions and surfaces of contact with the worker correspond to the method of gripping (fingers, hand) or pressing (finger, palm, foot);

5) located outside the dangerous zone, with the exception of controls whose functional purpose (for example, controls for the movement of a robot during its adjustment) requires the worker to be in the dangerous zone; in this case, additional safety measures must be taken (for example, reducing the speed of the moving parts of the robot).

2.3.9. Starting production equipment into operation, as well as restarting after a shutdown, regardless of its cause, should be possible only by manipulating the start control.

This requirement does not apply to the restart of production equipment operating in automatic mode, if restart after shutdown is provided for by this mode.

If the control system has several controls that start up production equipment or its individual parts and violation of the sequence of their use can lead to the creation of dangerous situations, then the control system must include devices that prevent the creation of such situations.

2.3.10. The emergency stop control, once activated, must remain in the stop position until it is returned to its original position by the operator; its return to its original position should not lead to the start-up of production equipment.

The emergency stop control must be red and different in shape and size from other controls.

2.3.11. If the control system contains a switch for operating modes of production equipment, each position of the switch must correspond to only one mode (for example, regulation, control mode, etc.) and be securely locked in each position if failure to lock could lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

If in some operating modes increased protection of workers is required, then the switch in such positions should:

block the possibility of automatic control;

movement of structural elements is carried out only with constant application of force by the worker to the motion control;

stop operating associated equipment if its operation may cause additional danger;

exclude the operation of parts of production equipment that are not involved in the implementation of the selected mode;

reduce the speed of moving parts of production equipment involved in the implementation of the selected mode.

2.3.12. Complete or partial interruption of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit, should not lead to hazardous situations, including:

spontaneous start when power supply is restored;

failure to execute an already issued stop command;

falling and throwing out of moving parts of production equipment and objects attached to it (for example, workpieces, tools, etc.);

reducing the effectiveness of protective devices.

2.4. Requirements for protective equipment included in the design and signaling devices

2.4.1. The design of protective equipment must ensure the ability to monitor the fulfillment of their purpose before and (or) during the operation of production equipment.

2.4.2. Protective equipment must fulfill its purpose continuously during the operation of production equipment or in the event of a dangerous situation.

2.4.3. The effect of protective equipment should not cease before the effect of the corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor ends.

2.4.4. The failure of one of the means of protection or its element should not lead to the cessation of the normal functioning of other means of protection.

2.4.5. Production equipment that includes protective equipment that requires them to be turned on before the production equipment begins to operate and (or) turned off after the end of its operation must have devices that ensure such a sequence.

2.4.6. The design and location of protective equipment should not limit the technological capabilities of production equipment and should ensure ease of operation and maintenance.

If the design of protective equipment cannot provide all the technological capabilities of production equipment, then the priority is the requirement to ensure the protection of the worker.

2.4.7. The shape, dimensions, strength and rigidity of the protective fence, its location relative to the protected parts of the production equipment must exclude the impact on the worker of the protected parts and possible emissions (for example, tools, workpieces).

2.4.8. The design of the protective fence should:

1) exclude the possibility of spontaneous movement from a position that provides protection for the worker;

2) allow the possibility of its movement from a position that provides protection for the worker only with the help of a tool, or block the operation of production equipment if the protective fence is in a position that does not ensure the performance of its protective functions;

3) ensure that the worker can perform the prescribed actions, including monitoring the operation of protected parts of production equipment, if necessary;

4) do not create additional dangerous situations;

5) do not reduce labor productivity.

2.4.9. Signaling devices warning of danger must be designed and located so that their signals are clearly visible and audible in a working environment by all persons at risk.

2.4.10. Parts of production equipment that pose a danger must be painted in signal colors and marked with an appropriate safety sign in accordance with current standards.

2.5. Design requirements that promote safety during installation, transportation, storage and repair

2.5.1. If it is necessary to use lifting equipment during installation, transportation, storage and repair, the production equipment and its individual parts must be marked with places for connecting lifting equipment and the weight to be lifted.

2.5.2. Connection points for lifting equipment must be selected taking into account the center of gravity of the equipment (its parts) so as to eliminate the possibility of damage to the equipment during lifting and moving and to ensure a convenient and safe approach to them.

2.5.3. The design of production equipment and its parts must ensure that they can be securely fastened to a vehicle or in a packaging container.

2.5.4. Assembly units of production equipment, which can spontaneously move during loading (unloading), transportation and storage, must have devices for fixing them in a certain position.

2.5.5. Production equipment and its parts, the movement of which is intended to be done manually, must be equipped with devices (for example, handles) for movement or have a shape that is convenient for gripping by hand.


2. Operational documentation must establish requirements (rules) that would exclude the creation of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazards) situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation of production equipment, and also contain requirements that determine the need to use means not included in the design and methods of protecting the worker.

3. In general, operational documentation regarding safety must contain:

1) specification of equipment, tools and devices that ensure the safe execution of all required installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation work;

2) rules for installation (dismantling) and methods for preventing possible errors leading to the creation of dangerous situations;

3) requirements for the placement of production equipment in production premises (at production sites), ensuring convenience and safety when using the equipment for its intended purpose, its maintenance and repair, as well as requirements for equipping premises and sites with protective equipment that are not included in the design of production equipment;

4) actual levels of noise, vibration, radiation, harmful substances, harmful microorganisms and other hazardous and harmful production factors generated by production equipment, and the environment;

5) the procedure for commissioning and methods for preventing possible errors leading to dangerous situations;

6) boundary conditions of external influences (temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, solar radiation, wind, icing, vibration, shock, earthquakes, corrosive gases, electromagnetic fields, harmful radiation, microorganisms, etc.) and the effects of the production environment, under which the safety of production equipment is maintained;

7) rules for controlling equipment in all intended modes of its operation and the actions of the worker in cases of hazardous situations (including fire and explosion hazards);

8) requirements for service personnel to use personal protective equipment;

9) methods for timely detection of failures of built-in protective equipment and the actions of the worker in these cases;

10) regulations for technical maintenance and acceptance of its safe implementation;

11) rules of transportation and storage, under which production equipment remains in compliance with safety requirements;

12) rules for ensuring fire and explosion safety;

13) rules for ensuring electrical safety;

14) prohibition of using production equipment or its parts for purposes other than their intended purpose, if this may pose a danger;

15) requirements related to the training of workers (including training), as well as requirements for age and other restrictions;

16) safety rules when carrying out disinfection, degassing and decontamination.

4. The operational documentation may contain other requirements (rules) or it may not include some of the requirements (rules) listed in paragraph 3 if they do not reflect the safety features of a particular type, type, model of production equipment.

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
System of occupational safety standards: Sat. GOST. -
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001

The standard applies to production equipment used in all sectors of the national economy and establishes general safety requirements, which are the basis for establishing safety requirements in standards, technical specifications, operational and other design documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands). The standard does not apply to production equipment that is a source of ionizing radiation.

Designation: GOST 12.2.003-91
Russian name: System of occupational safety standards. Production equipment. General safety requirements
Status: in return
Replaces: GOST 12.2.003-74 “SSBT. Production equipment. General safety requirements"
Date of text update: 05.05.2017
Date added to the database: 01.09.2013
Effective date: 01.01.1992
Approved: 06.06.1991 USSR State Committee on Product Quality Management and Standards (USSR National Committee on Standards and Product Quality Management 807)
Published: Standards Publishing House (1991) IPC Standards Publishing House (2003) Standardinform (2007) Standardinform (2008)
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GOST 12.2.003-91






General safety requirements

Occupational safety standards system.
Industrial equipment. General safety requirements


Date of introduction 01.01.92

This standard applies to production equipment used in all sectors of the national economy and establishes general safety requirements, which are the basis for establishing safety requirements in standards, technical specifications, operational and other design documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

The standard does not apply to production equipment that is a source of ionizing radiation.


1.1 . Production equipment must ensure the safety of workers during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation, both in the case of autonomous use and as part of technological complexes, subject to the requirements (conditions, rules) stipulated by the operational documentation.

Note: Operation generally includes intended use, maintenance and repair, transportation and storage.

1.2 . The safety of the design of production equipment is ensured by:

1 ) choice of operating principles and constructive solutions, energy sources and characteristics of energy carriers, parameters of work processes, control system and its elements;

2 ) minimizing consumed and accumulated energy during equipment operation;

3 ) selection of components and materials for the manufacture of structures, as well as those used during operation;

4 ) selection of manufacturing processes;

5 ) the use of protective equipment for workers built into the design, as well as information means warning of the occurrence of dangerous (including fire and explosion hazard) situations *;


* A dangerous situation is a situation the occurrence of which may cause the worker(s) to be exposed to hazardous and harmful production factors.

6 ) reliability of the structure and its elements (including duplication of individual control systems, protective equipment and information, failures of which can lead to the creation of dangerous situations);

7 ) the use of mechanization, automation (including automatic regulation of work process parameters) remote control and monitoring;

8 ) the possibility of using protective equipment not included in the design;

9 ) fulfillment of ergonomic requirements;

10 ) limitation of physical and neuropsychic stress on workers.

1.3 . Safety requirements for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands) are established based on the requirements of this standard, taking into account:

1 ) features of purpose, execution and operating conditions;

2 ) test results, as well as analysis of dangerous situations (including fire and explosion hazards) that occurred during the operation of similar equipment;

3 ) requirements of standards establishing permissible values ​​of dangerous and harmful production factors;

4 ) research and development work, as well as analysis of means and methods of ensuring safety using the best world analogues;

5 ) safety requirements established by international and regional standards and other documents for similar groups, types, models (brands) of production equipment;

6 ) forecasting the possible occurrence of dangerous situations on newly created or modernized equipment.

Safety requirements for a technological complex must also take into account possible dangers caused by the joint functioning of the units of production equipment that make up the complex.

1.4 . Each technological complex and autonomously used production equipment must be equipped with operational documentation containing requirements (rules) to prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations during installation (dismantling), commissioning and operation. General requirements for the content of operational documentation in terms of safety are given in the appendix.

1.5 . Production equipment must meet safety requirements throughout the entire period of operation provided that the consumer meets the requirements established in the operational documentation.

1.6 . During operation, production equipment should not pollute the natural environment with emissions of harmful substances and harmful microorganisms in quantities exceeding the permissible values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms.


2.1 . Requirements for the structure and its individual parts

2.1.1 . The construction materials of production equipment should not have a dangerous and harmful effect on the human body in all specified operating modes and envisaged operating conditions, as well as create fire and explosion hazards.

2.1.2 . The design of production equipment must exclude, in all intended operating modes, loads on parts and assembly units that can cause destruction that poses a danger to workers.

If loads may arise that lead to dangerous destruction of individual parts or assembly units for workers, then production equipment must be equipped with devices that prevent the occurrence of destructive loads, and such parts and assembly units must be fenced or located so that their collapsing parts do not create traumatic conditions. situations.

2.1.3 . The design of production equipment and its individual parts must exclude the possibility of them falling, overturning and spontaneous displacement under all intended operating and installation (dismantling) conditions. If, due to the shape of the production equipment, the distribution of masses of its individual parts and (or) installation (dismantling) conditions, the necessary stability cannot be achieved, then means and methods of fastening must be provided, for which the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements.

2.1.4 . The design of production equipment must prevent the fall or ejection of objects (for example, tools, workpieces, machined parts, chips) that pose a danger to workers, as well as the release of lubricants, coolants and other working fluids.

If for these purposes it is necessary to use protective barriers that are not included in the design, then the operational documentation must contain the corresponding requirements for them.

2.1.5 . Moving parts of production equipment, which are a possible source of injury hazard, must be fenced or located so that the possibility of touching them by the worker is excluded or other means (for example, two-handed control) are used to prevent injury.

If the functional purpose of moving parts that pose a danger does not allow the use of guards or other means that prevent workers from touching the moving parts, then the design of production equipment must provide an alarm warning about the start-up of the equipment, as well as the use of signal colors and safety signs.

Emergency stop (braking) controls must be installed in the immediate vicinity of moving parts that are out of sight of the operator if there may be workers in the danger zone created by the moving parts.

2.1.6 . The design of clamping, gripping, lifting and loading devices or their drives must exclude the possibility of danger arising in the event of a complete or partial spontaneous interruption of the power supply, as well as exclude a spontaneous change in the state of these devices when the power supply is restored.

2.1.7 . Structural elements of production equipment should not have sharp corners, edges, burrs or surfaces with unevenness that pose a risk of injury to workers, unless their presence is determined by the functional purpose of these elements. In the latter case, measures to protect workers must be provided.

2.1.8 . Parts of production equipment (including pipelines of hydraulic, steam, pneumatic systems, safety valves, cables, etc.), the mechanical damage of which may cause danger, must be protected by fences or located so as to prevent their accidental damage by operating or technical means. service.

2.1.9 . The design of production equipment must prevent spontaneous loosening or disconnection of fastenings of assembly units and parts, and also exclude the movement of moving parts beyond the limits provided for by the design, if this may lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

2.1.10 . Production equipment must be fire and explosion proof under the intended operating conditions.

Technical means and methods for ensuring fire and explosion safety (for example, preventing the formation of fire and explosive environments, eliminating the formation of ignition sources and initiation of explosions, warning alarms, fire extinguishing systems, emergency ventilation, hermetic shells, emergency drainage of flammable liquids and bleeding of flammable gases, placement of production equipment or its individual parts in special rooms) must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documents for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.11 . The design of production equipment driven by electrical energy must include devices (means) to ensure electrical safety.

Technical means and methods for ensuring electrical safety (for example, fencing, grounding, grounding, insulation of live parts, protective shutdown, etc.) must be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands), taking into account operating conditions and characteristics of sources electrical energy. . Production equipment must be designed in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of static electricity charges in quantities that pose a danger to workers, and to exclude the possibility of fire and explosion.

2.1.12 . Production equipment operated by non-electrical energy (eg hydraulic, pneumatic, steam energy) must be constructed in such a way that all hazards caused by these types of energy are eliminated.

Specific measures to eliminate hazards must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.13 . Production equipment that is a source of noise, ultrasound and vibration must be designed so that noise, ultrasound and vibration under the intended conditions and operating modes do not exceed the permissible levels established by the standards.

2.1.14 . Production equipment, the operation of which is accompanied by the release of harmful substances (including fire and explosion hazards) and (or) harmful microorganisms, must include built-in devices for their removal or provide the ability to connect removal devices that are not included in the design to the production equipment.

The device for removing harmful substances and microorganisms must be designed so that the concentration of harmful substances and microorganisms in the work area, as well as their emissions into the natural environment, does not exceed the values ​​​​established by standards and sanitary norms. Where necessary, treatment and/or neutralization of emissions should be carried out.

If the combined removal of various harmful substances and microorganisms poses a danger, then their separate removal must be ensured.

2.1.15 . Production equipment must be designed in such a way that exposure of workers to harmful radiation is excluded or limited to safe levels.

When using laser devices you must:

exclude unintentional radiation;

shield laser devices so that there is no danger to the health of workers.

2.1.16 . The design of production equipment and (or) its placement must exclude contact of its flammable parts with fire and explosive substances, if such contact could cause a fire or explosion, and also exclude the possibility of a worker coming into contact with hot or supercooled parts or being in close proximity to such parts, if this may lead to injury, overheating or hypothermia of the worker.

If the purpose of production equipment and the conditions of its operation (for example, use outside production premises) cannot completely exclude contact of a worker with supercooled or hot parts, then the operational documentation must contain a requirement for the use of personal protective equipment.

2.1.17 . The design of production equipment must eliminate the danger caused by splashing of hot materials and substances being processed and (or) used during operation.

If the design cannot completely eliminate such a hazard, then the operational documentation must contain requirements for the use of protective equipment not included in the design.

2.1.18 . Production equipment must be equipped with local lighting if its absence may cause eye strain or entail other types of danger.

The characteristics of local lighting must correspond to the nature of the work for which it is needed.

Local lighting, its characteristics and locations must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.1.19 . The design of production equipment must exclude installation errors that could be a source of danger. In the case where this requirement can only be partially met, the operational documentation must contain the installation procedure, the scope of checks and tests, excluding the possibility of dangerous situations arising due to installation errors. . Pipelines, hoses, wires, cables and other connecting parts and assembly units must be marked in accordance with the installation diagrams.

2.2 . Requirements for workplaces

2.2.1 . The design of the workplace, its dimensions and the relative arrangement of elements (controls, information display devices, auxiliary equipment, etc.) must ensure safety when using production equipment for its intended purpose, maintenance, repair and cleaning, and also meet ergonomic requirements.

The need to have fire extinguishing equipment and other means used in emergency situations at workplaces must be established in standards, technical specifications and operational documentation for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

If a cabin is included in the workplace to protect against the adverse effects of hazardous and harmful production factors, then its design must provide the necessary protective functions, including the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions, ease of performance of work operations and optimal visibility of production equipment and the surrounding space.

2.2.2 . The dimensions of the workplace and the placement of its elements should ensure that work operations are performed in comfortable working positions and not impede the worker’s movements.

2.2.3 . When designing a workplace, it should be possible to perform work operations in a sitting position or when alternating sitting and standing positions, if the operations do not require constant movement of the worker.

The design of the chair and footrest must meet ergonomic requirements.

If the location of the workplace makes it necessary to move and (or) stay the worker above the floor level, then the design must provide platforms, stairs, railings and other devices, the dimensions and designs of which must exclude the possibility of workers falling and ensure convenient and safe performance of labor operations, including operations for maintenance.

2.3 . Control system requirements

2.3.1 . The control system must ensure its reliable and safe operation in all intended operating modes of production equipment and under all external influences provided for by operating conditions. The control system must exclude the creation of dangerous situations due to violation by the worker(s) of the sequence of control actions.

Workplaces must have inscriptions, diagrams and other means of information about the required sequence of control actions.

2.3.2 . The control system of production equipment must include emergency braking and emergency stop (shutdown) controls if their use can reduce or prevent a hazard.

The need to include the specified means in the control system should be established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.3 . Depending on the complexity of managing and monitoring the operating mode of production equipment, the control system must include means of automatic normalization of the operating mode or means of automatic shutdown if a violation of the operating mode may cause a dangerous situation.

The control system must include alarms and other means of information that warn of malfunctions of production equipment leading to hazardous situations.

The design and arrangement of means warning of the occurrence of dangerous situations must ensure error-free, reliable and quick perception of information.

The need to include means of automatic normalization of operating modes or automatic shutdown into the control system is established in the standards and technical specifications for production equipment of specific groups, types, models (brands).

2.3.4 . The control system of a technological complex must exclude the occurrence of danger as a result of the joint functioning of all units of production equipment included in the technological complex, as well as in the event of failure of any of its units.

2.3.5 . The control system for a separate unit of production equipment included in a technological complex must have devices with the help of which it would be possible, in necessary cases (for example, until the completion of maintenance work), to block the start-up of the technological complex, as well as to stop it.

2.3.6 . The central control panel of the technological complex must be equipped with an alarm, a mnemonic diagram or other means of displaying information about violations of the normal functioning of all units of production equipment that make up the technological complex, means of emergency stop (shutdown) of the entire technological complex, as well as its individual units, if the emergency stop of individual units will not lead to aggravation of the emergency situation.

2.3.7 . The central control panel must be located or equipped so that the operator is able to control the absence of people in hazardous areas of the technological complex, or the control system must be designed so that the presence of people in the dangerous zone excludes the operation of the technological complex, and each start-up is preceded by a warning signal, duration of action which would allow a person located in a dangerous zone to leave it or prevent the operation of the technological complex.

2.3.8 . Command devices of the control system (hereinafter referred to as controls) must be:

1 ) are easily accessible and clearly distinguishable, where necessary indicated by inscriptions, symbols or other means;

2 ) are designed and placed so that their involuntary movement is excluded and reliable, confident and unambiguous manipulation is ensured, including when workers use personal protective equipment;

3 ) are placed taking into account the required effort to move, the sequence and frequency of use, and the significance of the functions;

4 ) are made so that their shape, dimensions and surfaces of contact with the worker correspond to the method of gripping (fingers, hand) or pressing (finger, palm, foot);

5 ) are located outside the dangerous zone, with the exception of controls whose functional purpose (for example, controls for the movement of a robot during its adjustment) requires the worker to be in the dangerous zone; in this case, additional safety measures must be taken (for example, reducing the speed of the moving parts of the robot).

2.3.9 . Starting production equipment into operation, as well as restarting after a shutdown, regardless of its cause, should be possible only by manipulating the start control.

This requirement does not apply to the restart of production equipment operating in automatic mode, if restart after shutdown is provided for by this mode.

If the control system has several controls that start up production equipment or its individual parts and violation of the sequence of their use can lead to the creation of dangerous situations, then the control system must include devices that prevent the creation of such situations.

2.3.10 . The emergency stop control, once activated, must remain in the stop position until it is returned to its original position by the operator; its return to its original position should not lead to the start-up of production equipment.

The emergency stop control must be red and different in shape and size from other controls.

2.3.11 . If the control system contains a switch for operating modes of production equipment, each position of the switch must correspond to only one mode (for example, regulation, control mode, etc.) and be securely locked in each position if failure to lock could lead to the creation of a dangerous situation.

If in some operating modes increased protection of workers is required, then the switch in such positions should:

block the possibility of automatic control;

movement of structural elements is carried out only with constant application of force by the worker to the motion control;

stop operating associated equipment if its operation may cause additional danger;

exclude the operation of parts of production equipment that are not involved in the implementation of the selected mode;

reduce the speed of moving parts of production equipment involved in the implementation of the selected mode.

2.3.12 . Complete or partial interruption of power supply and its subsequent restoration, as well as damage to the power supply control circuit, should not lead to hazardous situations, including:

spontaneous start when power supply is restored;

failure to execute an already issued stop command;

falling and throwing out moving parts of production equipment and objects attached to it (for example, workpieces, tools, etc.);

reducing the effectiveness of protective devices.

2.4 . Requirements for protective equipment included in the design and signaling devices

2.4.1 . The design of protective equipment must ensure the ability to monitor the fulfillment of their purpose before and (or) during the operation of production equipment.

2.4.2 . Protective equipment must fulfill its purpose continuously during the operation of production equipment or in the event of a dangerous situation.

2.4.3 . The effect of protective equipment should not cease before the effect of the corresponding dangerous or harmful production factor ends.

2.4.4 . The failure of one of the means of protection or its element should not lead to the cessation of the normal functioning of other means of protection.

2.4.5 . Production equipment that includes protective equipment that requires them to be turned on before the production equipment begins to operate and (or) turned off after the end of its operation must have devices that ensure such a sequence.

2.4.6 . The design and location of protective equipment should not limit the technological capabilities of production equipment and should ensure ease of operation and maintenance.

If the design of protective equipment cannot provide all the technological capabilities of production equipment, then the priority is the requirement to ensure the protection of the worker.

2.4.7 . The shape, dimensions, strength and rigidity of the protective fence, its location relative to the protected parts of the production equipment must exclude the impact on the worker of the protected parts and possible emissions (for example, tools, workpieces).

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