State environmental assessment of projects. On environmental assessment of project documentation

Legal entities, Individuals

You can request this service:

  • Through a legal representative

List of required documents:

    2. Identity document of the applicant or his representative.

    3. A document confirming the authority of a person to carry out actions on behalf of the applicant.

    4. For objects of state environmental assessment (hereinafter - SEE) - draft regulatory, technical and instructional documents in the field of protection environment, including those related to natural and green areas of the city, approved by authorities state power the city of Moscow; projects targeted programs of the city of Moscow, providing for the construction and operation of facilities economic activity that have an impact on the environment, in terms of the placement of such objects taking into account the regime for the protection of natural objects, the applicant represents:

    Draft normative-technical or instructional-methodological document, passport of the state program;
    - materials for assessing the impact of the proposed activity on the environment.

    5. For SEE objects - materials of a comprehensive environmental survey of areas of territories that justify giving these territories legal status specially protected natural areas regional significance, the applicant submits materials justifying giving part of the territory of the city of Moscow the status of a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance and containing:

    Characteristics of the location of the designed territory;
    - natural characteristic projected territory;
    - characteristics of the urban planning situation in the designed territory and adjacent territories;
    - assessment of the state of the natural complex, flora and fauna of the specially protected natural area being created;
    - justification for the formation of a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance and assigning it a specific category, taking into account the assessment (analysis) of environmental significance (value);
    - justification of the proposed boundaries of a specially protected natural area;
    - justification for the proposed establishment of a special protection regime for a specially protected natural area;
    - justification of the regimes proposed for the establishment of regulation of urban planning activities;
    - description and diagram of the proposed boundaries of a specially protected natural area (M 1:2000-1:5000).

    6. Documents and information received by an authorized official of the Department using interdepartmental information interaction, including through access to Basic Register information:

    6.1. For SEE objects - design documentation of objects, the construction and reconstruction of which are supposed to be carried out on lands of specially protected natural areas of regional significance, the Department receives design documentation materials from Moscow State Expertise independently.
    6.2. The department independently receives from the authorities executive power the city of Moscow, organizations subordinate to state authorities, following documents(If specified documents(the information contained therein) is at their disposal):
    - positive conclusions and (or) approval documents executive bodies state authorities and bodies local government received in established by law Russian Federation ok;
    - conclusions of federal executive authorities on the SEE object in case of its consideration specified authorities;
    - conclusion of a public environmental assessment if it is carried out;
    - materials of discussions of the SEE object with citizens and public organizations (associations), organized by the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
    (as amended by the resolution of the Moscow Government dated July 21, 2015 N 459-PP)
    6.3. The applicant has the right to submit the documents specified in 6.2. own initiative.
    6.4. In the case of submitting project documentation on his own initiative, the applicant submits to the Department the materials of the design documentation for the SEE facility in three copies (including one copy on magnetic media), other necessary materials - in one copy.
    6.5. Documents submitted to the SEE in in electronic format, must have the format PDF file, JPG, TIFF.
    6.6. During the SEE process, the applicant is allowed to submit to the Department additional sections project documentation and information contained therein, necessary to assess the admissibility of the impact of the planned activity on the environment, including data from special environmental studies, results of calculations and analyses, and other materials necessary for preparing the SEE conclusion.
    6.7. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 16 Federal Law dated November 23, 1995 N 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” The Department, upon application of SEE experts in the process of conducting SEE, has the right to require applicants to submit additional materials for a comprehensive and objective assessment of SEE objects.

Cost of the service and payment procedure:

Environmental assessment is one of the vital important ways identifying the impact of any aspects of human activity on a healthy environment through prevention negative impacts economic and other activities on the natural environment and thereby provides for the implementation of the constitutional right of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to jointly with the Russian Federation manage issues of environmental protection and ensure environmental safety.

Environmental assessment is the establishment of compliance of the planned economic and other activities with environmental requirements and determination of the admissibility of the implementation of the object of environmental assessment in order to prevent possible adverse effects of this activity on the natural environment and the associated social, economic and other consequences of the implementation of the object of environmental assessment.

Environmental assessment is based on the principles: presumption of potential environmental hazard any planned economic and other activities; the obligation to conduct a state environmental assessment before making decisions on the implementation of the object of environmental assessment; the comprehensiveness of assessing the impact of economic and other activities on the natural environment and its consequences; the mandatory consideration of environmental safety requirements when conducting environmental assessments; reliability and completeness of information submitted for environmental assessment; independence of environmental impact experts in the exercise of their powers in the field of environmental impact assessment; scientific validity, objectivity and legality of environmental assessment conclusions; transparency, participation of public organizations, accounting public opinion; responsibility of participants in environmental assessment and interested parties for the organization, conduct, and quality of environmental assessments.

In the Russian Federation, state and public environmental assessments are carried out.

Active regulations Two main mechanisms have been identified, the purpose of which is to take into account the impact of activities on the environment when making decisions. This is an environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment.

Environmental assessment, state or public, is carried out special commission upon completion of the preparation of project documentation. This commission must make a conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of carrying out the planned activity. Positive conclusion state examination is a necessary condition project implementation.

According to the Law “On Environmental Expertise”, the customer submits for environmental expertise “materials for assessing the impact of economic and other activities on the environment” for any project.

At the stage of the state environmental assessment, the public is also given the right to receive information: on the results of the state environmental assessment; on regulatory and technical documents that establish requirements for conducting state environmental impact assessments.

State environmental examination. State environmental assessment, including repeated, is carried out provided that the form and content of the materials submitted by the customer comply with the requirements of the law, the established procedure for conducting state environmental assessment and if the submitted materials contain: documentation subject to state environmental assessment, in the amount specified in in the prescribed manner, and containing materials for assessing the impact on the environment of economic and other activities, which are subject to state environmental impact assessment; positive conclusions and approval documents from authorities federal supervision and control with local government bodies, received in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; conclusions of federal executive authorities on the object of state environmental impact assessment in the event of its consideration by these bodies and conclusions of public environmental impact assessment in the event of its implementation; materials of discussions of the object of state environmental assessment by citizens and public organizations organized by local government bodies.

The state environmental assessment is carried out by an expert commission formed by a specially authorized state body in the field of environmental assessment to conduct an environmental assessment of a specific facility.

The result of the state environmental assessment is the conclusion of the state environmental assessment.

The positive conclusion of the state environmental examination is one of mandatory conditions financing and implementation of the object of state environmental assessment.

In the event of a negative conclusion of the state environmental examination, the customer has the right to submit materials for a second state environmental examination, subject to their processing, taking into account the comments set out in this negative conclusion. The conclusions of the state environmental assessment may be challenged in court.

Customers of documentation subject to environmental impact assessment are required to: submit the required documentation for environmental impact assessment in accordance with the law, and

number on rerun state ecologist

technical expertise; pay for the state environmental assessment; transfer to specially authorized government officials

bodies in the field of environmental assessment and public

special organizations organizing environmental assessments, the necessary materials, information, calculations, additional developments regarding objects of environmental assessment; carry out planned economic and other activities in accordance with the documentation received positive conclusion state environmental expertise; transmit data on the conclusions of the state environmental assessment to banking organizations to open financing for the implementation of a state environmental assessment project.

Public environmental assessment. Citizens and public organizations in the field of environmental assessment have the right to: put forward proposals for public environmental assessment of economic and other activities, the implementation of which affects the environmental interests of the population living in a given territory; send to writing to specially authorized government bodies in the field of environmental assessment, reasoned proposals on environmental

aspects of the planned economic and other activities; receive from specially authorized state bodies in the field of environmental assessment, organizing the conduct of state environmental assessment of specific objects of environmental assessment, and information on the results of its implementation; carry out other actions in the field of environmental assessment, not contrary to law RF.

Public environmental impact assessment may be carried out in relation to objects subject to state environmental impact assessment, with the exception of environmental impact assessment objects, information about which constitutes a state or commercial secret.

Environmental assessment projects is one of the mechanisms for additional control over various economic projects in the light of those established by law environmental standards. There is a mandatory procedure preliminary research all types of economic activity projects for compliance with established legal requirements security. This makes it possible to determine the validity of the implementation various activities in our country.

Environmental assessment projects allows you to check the project for compliance with the standards of the impact of activities on the environment, public health, and assess the safety of materials, substances, and technologies planned for use. Considering the importance of research and its universal obligation, research is entrusted to government agencies. Implementation of any project without a positive conclusion similar examination prohibited.

The law defines the objects of examination. These may be federal or regional level. Objects include:

  • construction projects that may have an impact on the environment,
  • draft documents establishing environmental standards,
  • documents justifying the assignment of the status of specially protected natural areas,
  • environmental justification for licensing projects individual species activities.

In accordance with the law, citizens and public organizations have the right to demand public environmental assessment projects that may have an impact on local population. This is an important mechanism that makes it possible to comply constitutional rights citizens. For this purpose we introduced interesting principles- presumption of danger of impact on the environment of any activity, the obligation to take public opinion into account.

Further, the law also specifies the following principles: the obligation to study the planned activity in a pre-design state; comprehensiveness of assessment of the impact of activities on the environment; responsibilities when conducting an examination of requirements for environmental safety, independence expert activities, reliability, comprehensiveness and completeness of information; justification of results scientific facts, compliance with the law, responsibility for quality.

The procedure for conducting such a study has also been established. The examination is carried out if the required package of permitting or approval documents is available. The study is carried out taking into account preliminary deposit payment by the customer in in full. The start of the period is set one month in advance or other dates, provided by law. Duration research work cannot exceed six months.

The examination involves a commission review. Part state commission Experts who are not full-time employees may be included, which is additionally subject to agreement with these specialists. And in cases established by law, they are involved full-time employees government agencies. When conducting a state examination, experts are presented with established by law requirements.

Taking into account the principle of independence of expert activity, the law establishes that a customer’s representative cannot be an expert. The conclusion of the expert commission requires approval by government agencies, which confirms compliance with the procedure for conducting the examination. The conclusion may be challenged in court.

Environmental assessment projects plays the most important role in maintaining balance natural environment, protection of citizens' rights to security, in the implementation civil society their rights to evaluate a particular planned activity. Preferably more Active participation citizens in the established process.

is a procedure whose purpose is to prevent violations of the rights of citizens to a favorable environment ( this right enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation). About the procedure for conducting it and the nuances relating to an examination of this kind, we'll talk later in the article.

On environmental assessment of project documentation

IN modern world All more attention is devoted to issues related to monitoring compliance with environmental standards at any stage of project implementation, including during the preparation of project documentation. Its examination is intended to establish compliance of the planned construction and other activities with the requirements established by regulations in force in Russia.

During the examination of such objects, it is possible to find out to what extent they are capable of causing harm to the environment, and to take measures to prevent possible negative consequences. Carrying out similar procedure allows you to avoid the implementation of projects that are inherently harmful to nature and unnecessary expenses associated with them.

Environmental assessment can be either state or non-state (public). We will talk about their implementation in detail later.

About state eco-expertise

Who is involved in the state environmental examination of project documentation is stated in Art. 10 Federal Law “On Environmental Expertise” dated November 23, 2995 No. 174-FZ. According to this norm, the examination is entrusted to the State Committee of Russia for Environmental Protection and its territorial divisions.

The assignment of project documentation to the jurisdiction of a federal government body or a body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of Art. 11-12 of the above-mentioned Federal Law. Thus, federal authorities conduct an examination of project documentation relating to:

  • construction or reconstruction of facilities located in specially protected natural areas at the federal level;
  • objects that are particularly dangerous, unique or technically complex;
  • construction or reconstruction of defense and security facilities located in specially protected natural areas of regional and local significance(provided that such construction or reconstruction is permitted by the current legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • facilities created or reconstructed for the purpose of disposal and/or disposal of waste of hazard classes 1-5, and projects for the decommissioning of such facilities;
  • lands used but not intended for disposal or disposal of waste of hazard classes 1-5;
  • artificial land plots in the territory water bodies related to the property of the Russian Federation.

The competence of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation includes the examination of objects under construction/reconstruction located in regional or local environmental zones that are not within the competence of the federal body.

About public eco-expertise

In addition to the state, the law also provides for public holding, as reported in Chapter. IV Federal Law “On Environmental Expertise”.

In this case, the following has the right to initiate its implementation:

  • public organizations/associations (including those that are directly involved in environmental protection, have the authority to conduct environmental assessments and have been accredited in accordance with the law);
  • local government bodies;
  • ordinary Russians.

To conduct a public eco-expertise from representatives listed organizations and citizens, special public commissions are created that act on the basis of state registration of the application they submit. Experts participating in the examination must adhere to the requirements provided for in paragraph 5 of Art. 16 Federal Law No. 174-FZ.

Objects whose information represents a legally protected (state, commercial, etc.) secret may be subject to such environmental assessment. Held public examination previously state or simultaneously with it.

Public organizations conducting environmental assessments have the right to expect:

  • to receive full design documentation from the customer;
  • familiarization with regulatory and technical documents that establish requirements for conducting state environmental examination;
  • participation as observers in meetings of state environmental examination commissions that discuss the conclusions made by the public examination.

Rights and obligations of customers of eco-expertise

Current legislation gives customers a number of rights and obligations. In particular, the customer of the examination has the right:

  • receive information about the start date of the examination;
  • receive examination materials for review;
  • give explanations;
  • submit comments;
  • demand elimination of violations in the order of examination;
  • appeal the expert opinion in court and demand compensation for damage caused by deliberate violation of environmental legislation.

Responsibilities of the customer environmental assessment of project documentation, in accordance with Art. 27 Federal Law No. 174, include the following:

  • submission of documentation in the required volume and in a form that complies with legal requirements;
  • pay for the examination in the prescribed amount;
  • carry out activities in accordance with the documentation that has received a positive conclusion from the expert commission.

About the procedure for conducting the examination

Order of conduct environmental assessment of project documentation regulated by Art. 14 Federal Law “On Environmental Expertise”. According to the specified legal norm, the procedure is carried out if certain conditions are met:

  1. If the submitted documents correspond in content and form to those provided for by current legislation (if the package contains all necessary materials). The rights and obligations of the customer during the procedure are determined by the Town Planning Code.
  2. Provided it is complete prepayment the person submitting documents for conducting.

The start date of the procedure is set by the authority carrying out the examination, but in any case the period cannot exceed 3 days from the date of payment and submission of the full set of documents. The only exception is for waste disposal facilities: in this case, the start of the examination must be scheduled no later than 15 days from the date of payment and submission of all documents.

The maximum period for conducting an examination is 3 months, its extension is possible only at the request of the customer (and only for a period not exceeding 1 month). To conduct an environmental assessment, in each specific case, an expert commission is formed, based on the results of which a conclusion is issued. It is a document containing expert conclusions regarding the compliance of documentation with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental safety.

If some experts disagree with the conclusions of the qualified majority of specialists, their opinions are additionally attached to the conclusion. Making a decision to conduct re-examination only possible arbitration court or a court of general jurisdiction.

It should be noted that in some cases the procedure for conducting an environmental assessment may be separately regulated by relevant federal and regional regulations. An example is the facilities being built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Conclusions issued expert commissions, must be submitted for approval to federal body executive power or government agency of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Only after approval does this document acquire legal force.

Safety examination of equipment and technological processes.

Destruction and damage caused by action shock wave.

Impact of shock waves on people and animals.

(Explore on your own!)

(Explore on your own!)

General requirements to safety and environmental friendliness technical means and technological processes.

When designing and constructing economic facilities, when designing and operating equipment in mandatory technical and environmental requirements security. Each object must be safe for both humans and the environment. In this regard, during operation, as a rule, 2 safety assessments of economic facilities are carried out.

1. Safety examination of equipment and technological processes.

2. Environmental examination of equipment and technological materials.

The basic requirements for the safety of equipment and technological processes, depending on the nature and purpose of the product, are set out in the system of occupational safety standards (OSSS).

Basic safety requirements:

1. Requirements for the design, equipment (arrangement of fences, blocking of switches during inoperative, lighting requirements for working parts, control devices, alarm systems).

2. Requirements for ensuring at standardization and certification facilities sanitary and hygienic conditions that meet current standards(local ventilation systems, lighting systems, various filters, protective screens, means of reducing noise, vibration, and infrasound are subject to).

3. Requirements for electrical safety (electrical insulation, protective grounding systems).

4. Ergonomic requirements to ensure convenience when starting up, managing and maintaining facilities, requirements for the quality of processing and painting of equipment surfaces in accordance with the requirements of technical aesthetics.

5. Requirements for the use of signal paint and safety signs.

6. Requirements for methods and means of monitoring parameters of hazardous and harmful factors production environment.

Environmental assessment of projects- This comprehensive assessments all possible environmental and socio-economic consequences of developed projects or facility designs. This examination is aimed at preventing the negative impact of these projects on the environment and solving the assigned tasks with the least expenditure of resources. An environmental assessment of an enterprise is developed and carried out on the basis of the requirements of the State Environmental Assessment.

Goals State environmental assessments are:

q ensuring environmental safety and maintaining the health of the population in almost all regions;

q rational spending natural resources;

q compliance international agreements and agreements on the protection and use of land resources;

State environmental assessment is mandatory integral part government procedures issuing decisions on financing, commissioning of facilities, as well as opening new enterprises.

During the State Environmental Expertise the following is assessed:

1. Completeness and sufficiency of materials, reflecting the tasks and requirements of nature conservation and rational use natural resources.

2. Compliance design developments in the current regulations.

3. Complete consideration of environmental protection requirements when choosing options for locating new facilities, when determining the raw material base, production volume and proposed technologies by type of product.

4. Technologies and equipment in comparison with the world level of environmental safety of similar production.

5. Environmental Safety products and waste.

6. Correct determination of the nature of the impact and its results under normal operating conditions, as well as during accidents and extreme loads.

7. Correct definition of stability individual objects, entire complexes and their ability to recover.

8. Correct justification of environmental measures.

9. Methods of accounting and control various types environmental impacts.

To conduct an environmental assessment when choosing a site for the construction of new enterprises and during reconstruction operating enterprises V government bodies The following materials must be provided:

q brief information to justify the choice of construction area, taking into account physical, geographical and meteorological factors.

q characteristics of the enterprise's emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, a plan of the area where the enterprise is located, indicating the size of sanitary zones.

q planned solutions for the treatment and disposal of pollutants.

q simplified calculations of the degree of air pollution in accordance with OND-86 (industry regulatory document).

q justification of data on the formation of emergency and salvo emissions.

q standards for maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by a given enterprise, determination of maximum permissible emissions (MAE), temporarily agreed upon emissions (TAE), maximum permissible levels(remote control), etc.

The maximum permissible limit is calculated using modern methods taking into account the values ​​of background concentrations of pollutants in the area of ​​the industrial enterprise. The air emitted into the atmosphere by general exchange installations and ventilation hoods of enterprises usually contains various pollutants in high concentrations.

The main document regulating the calculation of dispersion and determination of surface emission concentrations industrial enterprises is a method for calculating concentrations in atmospheric air harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises OND 86 .

The methodology is based on the condition under which the total concentration of each harmful substance should not exceed the maximum single limit concentration of this substance in the atmospheric air.

Quite often, in accordance with this methodology, it is necessary to solve the problem of determining the maximum permissible emissions under which the condition of not exceeding the maximum single concentration is met.

If emissions exceed the maximum permissible limits, then in this case they are purified to the dispersion value. At certain stages of the enterprise’s operation or in the event of an accident, so-called salvo emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, the MPE for which is also calculated in accordance with this methodology.

For vehicles and mobile units MPE values ​​are set in accordance with the standards for a single vehicle or installations. If the MPE values ​​according to objective reasons cannot be achieved, then a gradual reduction in emissions of harmful substances from existing enterprises is allowed from temporarily agreed upon results to acceptable values emissions.

To reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, as a rule, next events:

1. Careful study technological process in order to reduce the amount emitted into the atmosphere toxic substances or replacing them with non-toxic ones.

2. Increasing the tightness of equipment.

3. Development and application effective systems dust and gas cleaning.

The decision to release emissions into the atmosphere should be made only after comprehensive implementation of these events. The impact of economic objects on the geological environment is determined technological load– annual quantity of all types of solid and liquid waste entering the environment from enterprises. When examining projects, they check whether the enterprise has the ability to process and dispose of solid and liquid waste, as well as the full use of the latest scientific and technical achievements in the development and implementation of waste-free and low-waste technologies.

Evaluation environmental impact on the hydrosphere is produced on the basis water supply balance enterprise, which takes into account the parameters water consumption And drainage, as well as volumes (m 3 /day) of reused water, industrial Wastewater, domestic wastewater and irretrievable water losses.

During the examination of projects, the availability and completeness of the development of proposals for the creation of closed water supply systems with the necessary feasibility study is checked. When examining projects for the location of large industrial enterprises, the state of the environment in the area adjacent to the enterprise within a radius of 20-30 km is considered. Dimensions are set sanitary protection zones, which are regulated in accordance with SanPiN.

Approval of an enterprise project is not allowed without an environmental assessment, upon completion of which a certificate is issued. environmental passport. By current legislation every enterprise must have environmental passport.

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