State bodies of territorial administration. Government bodies

At present, there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of “capital”. The original meaning of the word "capital" comes from the Latin "capitalis" - main. In the very general view capital is understood as a certain amount of goods in the form of material, monetary and intellectual tools, used as a resource in production activities. In addition, capital can be understood as a set of economic relations, value that generates surplus value, etc.

Theories of capital have a long history. Thus, A. Smith characterized capital only as an accumulated stock of things or money. According to D. Ricardo, capital is the means of production or “part of the wealth of the country, which is used in production and consists of food, clothing, tools, raw materials, machines and other things necessary to set labor in motion.”

K. Marx considered capital as social category and interpreted it as “self-increasing value, which gives rise to the so-called surplus value.” The creator of surplus value, in his opinion, was only the labor of hired workers. Therefore, K. Marx considered capital as certain relationships, arising between different layers of society in the process of creating value (primarily between wage workers and capitalists).

Among others, it is worth highlighting the so-called theory of abstinence, which was formulated by the English economist of Nassau William Senior (1790-1864). According to this theory, labor is the “sacrifice” of the worker, who loses his leisure and peace, and capital is the “sacrifice” of the capitalist, who refrains from using all his property for personal consumption, and converts a significant part of it into capital. Thus, the theory made it possible to put forward the postulate that goods in the present have greater value than in the future. And, accordingly, the person investing his funds in economic activity, sacrifices his interests for the sake of the future, the reward for which will be profit or interest.

The 19th century economist held a similar point of view. E. Boehm-Bawerk, who put forward the theory of preference for the goods of the present over the goods of the future. Thus, the category was formulated time preference which reflects the tendency of individuals, ceteris paribus, to value current consumption or income higher than future consumption or income.

In modern economic theory, there are two main forms of capital:

  • means of production in the form of machines, equipment, raw materials, etc., used in the production process with the aim of making a profit for their owner. Such capital is called real or physical;
  • a certain amount of money used to attract resources to manufacturing process (financial or monetary capital).

However, money becomes capital only when it is used to purchase means of production on the market and work force. A so-called “money - product - money” circuit arises, where the ultimate goal is to obtain an increased amount of funds - an increase in value initial capital. Thus, in each case, capital involves the owner extracting a certain amount of profit from its use. Consequently, capital as a whole can be defined as everything that is capable of generating income for its owner.

Sources of capital can be both own funds and borrowed funds, attracted to projects using the banking system, within which temporarily free funds are accumulated and redistributed. monetary assets. As a rule, households investing their savings in banks play a decisive role in the formation of these funds. The demand for borrowed funds in the capital goods market comes from businesses that invest these funds in ongoing projects. Under investments This refers to the long-term investment of capital in enterprises with the aim of generating income.

Capital can be considered in two categories - stock and flow. The totality of funds available at a certain point in time characterizes capital as an indicator of stock. In turn, the movement of capital in the form of investing in any projects with the aim of further increasing it will characterize capital as a category of flow. The latter characterizes capital from the point of view of its turnover as one of the properties. In this case, the circulation of capital can be considered within the framework of three main stages (stages) of turnover:

the first stage - the transformation of capital into in cash into physical capital, which then becomes a factor of production. Wherein cash not just invested, but advanced, which characterizes the return of funds to the owner;

the second stage is the production of a new product with a higher value;

the third stage is the transformation of commodity capital into money capital.

At this point, one cycle of capital circulation ends and flows into a new cycle. However, such cyclicality is characteristic mainly of working capital as one of its varieties.

Separate form capital is also allocated human capital as the totality of a person's mental and physical abilities used in the production process, or a measure of a person's embodied ability to generate income. However, this form of capital is rather a special type of human resources. Therefore, capital is most often distinguished in real and monetary form.

It should be noted that the term “capital” has many meanings. As a productive resource, capital represents assets that can be used to increase production capacity and includes physical assets (buildings, structures, machinery, equipment), financial assets(cash, savings in bank accounts and securities), intangible assets(brand valuation, brands, patent and other economic rights).

By defining capital as a factor of production, economists identify capital with the means of production. A similar approach comes from the classics of political economy: A. Smith considered capital as accumulated labor, D. Ricardo believed that capital is the means of production. Capital consists of goods durable created economic system for the production of other goods. These goods include countless machines, roads, computers, hammers, trucks, rolling mills, buildings, etc.

Another aspect of the category of capital is related to its monetary form. Capital could be defined as the investment resources used in the production of goods and services and their delivery to the consumer.

At the same time, a distinction is made between capital - fixed capital, materialized in buildings and structures, machines, equipment, functioning in the production process for several years, serving several production cycles. Another type of capital is circulating capital, which includes raw materials, materials, energy resources, and is completely consumed in one production cycle, turning into finished products. It is called working capital. Money spent on working capital is fully returned to the entrepreneur after the sale of products. Fixed capital costs are reimbursed gradually.

In the process of operation, fixed capital is subject to physical and moral wear and tear. Physical depreciation is a process as a result of which elements of fixed capital become physically unsuitable for use. further use in production. The physical wear and tear of fixed capital is determined by many factors: the duration and intensity of use of machinery and equipment, the characteristics of production technologies where fixed capital is used, exposure to atmospheric conditions, internal processes occurring in the material from which the means of labor are made. The degree of physical wear and tear and the duration of use of fixed capital are directly proportional. How longer time operation of machinery and equipment, the greater the degree of their physical wear and tear.

Obsolescence is the process of depreciation of fixed capital due to the appearance of cheaper or more modern equipment. There are two types of obsolescence:

First, fixed capital may depreciate as similar equipment begins to be produced at lower costs and therefore becomes cheaper;

Secondly, as a result of scientific and technological progress, more modern, more productive equipment appears.

Morally obsolete equipment is economically ineffective, and therefore the products produced by it are uncompetitive.

Compensation for physically worn out and obsolete equipment occurs through depreciation charges (this is part of the cost of fixed capital, which is annually included in the cost of manufactured products). The ratio of the amount of depreciation to the cost of fixed capital, expressed as a percentage, is called the depreciation rate. The state increases depreciation rates in legislative order. This government activity is called the accelerated depreciation policy; it allows you to quickly get rid of obsolete equipment. In Russian industry, the depreciation of fixed assets exceeds 60%. A similar problem exists in transport.

The income on capital in cash is interest rate. Distinguish nominal and real interest rates. The real interest rate takes into account the rate of depreciation of money as a result of inflation. The real interest rate is determined using the I. Fisher formula:

Where r– real interest rate, i– nominal interest rate, π – rate (level) of inflation.

1.3. Land as a factor of production

The third factor of production is land. One of important characteristics the earth is hers limited area. The term "land" is used in a broad sense. It covers all the utilities that are given by nature in a certain volume and over the supply of which man has no control, be it the land itself, water, forest resources or minerals: oil, gas, coal.

Certain areas of the earth's surface contribute to certain human production activities, such as mining, construction, and transport.

For a farmer, a plot of land serves as a means for growing certain crops and grazing livestock. According to the chemical composition, the earth must contain inorganic elements in a form in which they are quite easily absorbed by plants. A person is capable of within certain limits change the condition of the soil using mechanical tillage, introducing organic and chemical fertilizers. Thus, the properties of the earth can be divided into those initially given, that is, natural and artificially created. However, it is precisely the first group of properties, which includes the nature of the soil, the location of the site and climatic conditions, is the main one.

However, the time will come when the additional return received from additional application labor and capital to the land will be reduced so much that it will cease to reward a person for their application.

The law of diminishing returns begins to operate: “Each increment of capital and labor invested in cultivating the land generates, in general, a proportionally smaller increase in the amount of product obtained, unless this increment coincides in time with the improvement of agricultural technology” (Marshall A.).

On insufficiently cultivated land this tendency is not noticeable at first; it begins to act only after it has been reached. maximum level recoil. Diminishing returns can be temporarily halted by improvements in agricultural technology.

The law of diminishing returns applies to land only because, unlike other factors of production, it has one important property - limitation. The land can be cultivated more intensively, but the area of ​​cultivated land cannot be increased indefinitely.

The law of diminishing returns does not apply to mining.

1.4. Entrepreneurship as a factor of production

Entrepreneurship is the main factor of a market economy. Although the history of entrepreneurship goes back centuries, its modern understanding developed during the period of formation and development of capitalism.

The concept of “entrepreneur” appeared in the 18th century. and was closely related to the concept of “owner”. The English economist R. Cantillon first introduced the term “entrepreneur” into economic theory. An entrepreneur is a person with an uncertain, non-fixed income (peasant, artisan, merchant, robber, beggar, etc.) who buys other people's goods at a known price, and will sell his own at a price still unknown to him. Risk is the main one distinguishing feature entrepreneur, and his main economic function is to bring supply into line with demand in various product markets.

A. Smith also characterized an entrepreneur as an owner who takes economic risks in order to implement some commercial idea and make a profit. He himself plans and organizes production, and manages its results.

Major French economist of the late XVIII - early. XIX centuries J.-B. Say emphasized the active role of the entrepreneur as an economic agent, combining factors of production as an intermediary, possessor of knowledge and experience.

Say described in some detail the specific properties of an entrepreneur and the nature of his income, part of which is a payment for his rare entrepreneurial abilities.

The Austrian economist J. Schumpeter calls an entrepreneur a person who undertakes the implementation of new combinations of factors of production and thereby ensures economic development. At the same time, Schumpeter believed that an entrepreneur is not necessarily the owner of production, an individual capitalist - he can also be the manager of a bank or joint-stock company.

During the period of the advent of credit, the unification of the owner and the entrepreneur in one person began to collapse. Property of any commercial bank- authorized capital, which may represent a relatively small amount of the total capital.

The separation of entrepreneurship from property is most noticeable in joint-stock companies. Power in production moves from property to organization, and the role of property becomes more and more passive. The shareholder owns only security, title of property. He, the owner of the shares, has very conditional control over the entrepreneurs themselves. However, he is not responsible for the results of the corporation's activities. Managing managers bear this responsibility.

So, we have found out that there is no strict connection between the entrepreneur and the owner, that entrepreneurship is fundamentally not a function of the owner alone, persons who are not directly subjects of property rights can participate in it.

In modern economic literature, entrepreneurship is considered in three aspects: as an economic category, as a method of management and as a type of economic thinking.

To characterize entrepreneurship as an economic category, the central problem is the establishment of its subjects and objects.

Business entities can be primarily private individuals (organizers of individual, family, and larger production). The activities of such entrepreneurs are carried out both on the basis own labor, and with the involvement of a hired one. Entrepreneurial activity can also be carried out by a group of persons related to each other contractual relations and economic interest. Subjects of collective entrepreneurship are joint stock companies, rental collectives, cooperatives, etc. In some cases, the state represented by its relevant bodies is also considered a business entity. Thus, in market economy There are three forms of entrepreneurial activity: state, collective and private.

The object of entrepreneurship is the implementation of the most effective combination of factors of production in order to maximize income. Entrepreneurs combine resources in order to produce a new good unknown to consumers, discover new methods of production (technologies) and commercial use an existing product; development of a new sales market; development of a new source of raw materials; carrying out reorganization in the industry.

For entrepreneurship as a method of running an economy, the main condition is the autonomy and independence of business entities, the presence of a certain set of freedoms and rights - in choosing the type of entrepreneurial activity, in forming production program, on the choice of sources of financing, access to resources, on the sale of products, setting prices for them, disposing of profits, etc. An entrepreneur should be understood in the sense that there is no governing body above him, indicating what to produce, how much to spend, to whom and at what price to sell, etc. But the entrepreneur depends on the market, on the dynamics of supply and demand, on the price level.

Another condition of entrepreneurship is responsibility for the decisions made, their consequences and the associated risk. Even the most careful calculation and forecast cannot eliminate the factor of unpredictability.

The third sign of entrepreneurship is a focus on achieving commercial success and the desire to increase profits. IN modern business activities of many business structures goes beyond pure economic tasks, they take part in the decision social problems societies, are sponsors of programs for the development of culture, education, healthcare, protection environment etc.

Entrepreneurship as special type economic thinking is characterized by a set of new views and approaches to decision making that are implemented in practice. “Entrepreneurship is not an occupation, but a mindset and a quality of nature. You need to be able to find something new and use its possibilities. You need to be able to take risks, overcome fear and act not depending on the processes taking place - to determine these processes yourself” (Schumpeter).

An entrepreneur in his activities is driven by the will to success, the desire to fight, and the special creative nature of his work.

In domestic literature, entrepreneurship is also viewed through the prism of economic art, economic and organizational creativity, free expression of initiative, innovation, willingness to take risks, etc. for the sake of making a profit.

Capital as a factor of production is a material good for production purposes, that is, a means of production.

According to the characteristics of their participation in the production process and interaction with labor as a factor of production, the means of production are divided into objects of labor and means of labor.

Objects of labor include everything from which material goods or things are made: raw materials, auxiliary materials, semi-finished products. In other words, this is the material of nature involved in the production process, towards which human labor is directed.

The means of labor include everything that influences the objects of labor, and the means by which this influence is carried out. Thus, active and passive parts are distinguished in the means of labor.

Active part means of labor includes tools of labor - that which directly affects the object of labor: machines, machines, equipment, tools. It is the tools of labor that workers are armed with while carrying out the labor process. These tools largely determine the content of their work. Tools of labor distinguish one historical era from another. Thus, the Stone Age stands out, when tools were made of stone, the Bronze and Iron Ages, in which there were tools made of bronze and iron. Tools are sometimes called the musculoskeletal system of production, which determines its power.

The passive part of the means of labor includes industrial buildings, structures, auxiliary devices, pipes, tanks, roads, communication channels. All this is often called vascular system production, that is, a system for ensuring the functioning of the active part of the means of labor.

In classical and neoclassical economics

Capital in economics is resources that can be used in the production of goods or provision of services. In classical economics, one of the three factors of production; the other two are land and labor.

In classical political economy, “Capital” usually means physical (real, productive) capital - means of production used for the production of goods and services: machines, equipment, buildings, structures. For a product to be considered capital, it must have the following characteristics:

· it can be used in the production of other goods (this makes it a factor of production);

· it is the result of processing (land includes unprocessed Natural resources, for example, minerals);

· is not used entirely in the production process (which distinguishes capital from raw materials or semi-finished products). (A significant exception is depreciation, which, like intermediate goods, is treated as a business account.)

Modern authors believe that capital is reflected in corporate rights (for example, in the amount of shares at the time of issue). In contrast, investment is an increase in capital over a period, such as a year. This approach considers capital as a value fixed at a certain time, and investment as an action to attract/allocate funds for a period, capital investments, financial flow.

In Marxist political economy

Marx characterized the term “capital” as “self-increasing value.”

According to Marx, a means of labor can become capital (bring value greater than its own value) only when its owners directly or indirectly enter into economic relations with the owners of labor power. For example, a metal-cutting machine itself does not bring any new value to its owner. The use of a machine by the owner personally does not transform the machine into capital. Even if the owner does not consume the products himself, but sells them, then part of the proceeds will be depreciation of the equipment, and the second part will be wages for the working owner of the machine, which is not profit. A machine becomes “capital” only after hiring a worker or leasing the machine, since only in this situation what is received in excess of depreciation is divided by what is paid wages and the profit of the machine owner.

Marx noted that there is a minimum limit to the amount of value suitable for conversion into capital. Marx suggested that the minimum amount of variable capital equal to costs to hire one employee for the period of the turnover cycle. The minimum amount of constant capital is equal to the costs of purchasing raw materials, materials, and depreciation of equipment necessary for the hired worker for the period of the turnover cycle. The sum of these minimum sizes gives the amount of funds less than which cannot be converted into capital. In this case, the amount of profit received may be less than the worker’s salary. Marx assumes that the real minimum will be several times higher, so that profit ensures not only a standard of living higher than that of the worker, but also allows one to increase the size of capital.

At the Austrian economic school

According to the views of economists of the Austrian school, capital is resources that are extracted from consumption in the present (accumulated) and used to generate profits in the future. At the same time, the return on capital ( interest income) is:

a) payment for delaying consumption

b) payment for the risk of investing capital

IN accounting

In accounting, "capital" is the difference between the value of a company's assets and the amount of its liabilities. This value is interpreted as the contribution (contribution) of the owners (shareholders) to the total value of the company.

IN financial analysis enterprises to designate their own working capital sometimes the name working capital is used (tracing paper from the English Working Capital). This financial indicator, characterizes the ratio of proper and borrowed money with financing current assets companies. Equal to the difference between current assets and current liabilities.

State bodies form unified system exercise of state power in Russian Federation. State administration of the regions is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation and the courts of the Russian Federation, as in federal level, and at the level of the subjects of the Federation.

Federal bodies of various branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial) are interconnected, and the principle of unity makes it possible to ensure a balance between these authorities based on the delimitation of powers in the exercise of their functions.

Currently, the role of regional administration. The regional management system includes:

(system of federal and regional bodies authorities;

(a set of functions performed by government agencies, as well as various methods,resources used to implement these functions;

(civil service system;

(a system of connections (direct and inverse) that arise between objects and subjects of management, etc.

The entire regional management system is based on general principles state power influence on the regions, which is expressed in legal forms, as well as in developing national goals for both federal and regional authorities.

They operate in each region territorial branches federal executive bodies state authorities, which are directly subordinate to the Center, but often at the same time strongly dependent on regional administrations. Currently, all elected heads of regional administrations are not formally directly subordinate to the federal center, therefore the Head of the Russian Federation and the Government must have their own divisions in the regions.

Coordination of activities territorial bodies federal authorities based on interaction Federal Center And municipal authorities, and is also an integral part in the solution area regional problems and is aimed at achieving the set goals of the federal regional policy.

At the legislative level of government, committees and commissions are created that deal with issues of interaction between the Center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Northern Development Committee was responsible for carrying out effective federal policy in relation to the northern territories. Practical activities of this Committee covered a wide range of issues: from various research in the field of science to the supply of necessary products. territories of the North during the only short summer period.

In both houses of parliament there are specialized committees whose activities are focused on developing laws in the field of regional policy of the state.

One of the important components of regional policy is an in-depth study and analysis of the consequences of adopting various laws to prevent potential negative consequences for individual territories. Such research must be conducted within the framework of officially approved federal regional policy. In the State Duma, the Committee on Federation and Regional Policy is working on this problem. Committees that operate in both houses of parliament work in the field of expert analysis of laws, the annual budget and other official documents.

The organizational structure of regional management at the federal level consists of the following main elements:

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, which has divisions dealing with regional policy issues. The functions of the administration include resolving basic political issues.

Agencies and departments of the Government of the Russian Federation, whose competence includes issues of regional policy (in particular, issues national policy, migration policy).

Ministries of the Government of the Russian Federation, for example the Ministry of Finance. The functions of the Ministry of Finance are related to resolving issues in the field of finance, participation in the budget process;

Industry departments whose competence includes managing processes in the regions related to the functioning of the relevant sectors of the national economy.

Operation organizational structures regional management needs to be improved in order to coordinate their work to increase the effectiveness of the ongoing socio-economic policy. The optimal situation is considered to be in which:

(interaction of all departments is ensured for the most complete implementation of functions in the field of socio-economic policy;

(functions are clearly distributed between departments;

(there are no interdepartmental conflicts.

The Presidential Administration exercises control over the socio-economic development of regions and, if necessary, can directly influence the authorities government controlled subjects of the Federation.

In order to ensure the implementation by the Head of the Russian Federation of his constitutional powers, increasing the efficiency of the activities of federal government bodies and improving the system of control over the implementation of the President of the Russian Federation by the Decree “On the creation federal districts» dated May 13, 2000 created seven federal districts on the territory of the Russian Federation:

Central (with its center in Moscow);

North-West (St. Petersburg);

Uralsky (Ekaterinburg);

Yuzhny (Rostov-on-Don);

Privolzhsky (Nizhny Novgorod);

Sibirsky (Novosibirsk);

Far Eastern (Khabarovsk).

Central Federal District:

Belgorod region, Bryansk region, Vladimir region, Voronezh region, Ivanovo region, Kaluga region, Kostroma region, Kursk region, Lipetsk region, Moscow region, Oryol Region, Ryazan Oblast, Smolensk region, Tambov region, Tver region, Tula region, Yaroslavl region, Moscow city.

Northwestern Federal District:

Republic of Karelia, Republic of Komi, Arhangelsk region, Vologda Region, Kaliningrad region, Leningrad region, Murmansk region, Novgorod region, Pskov region, St. Petersburg, Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Ural federal district:

Kurgan region, Sverdlovsk region, Tyumen region, Chelyabinsk region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Southern Federal District:

Republic of Adygea, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Republic North Ossetia(Alania), Chechen Republic, Krasnodar region, Stavropol region, Astrakhan region, Volgograd region, Rostov region.

Volga Federal District:

Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari-El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Tatarstan, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, Kirov region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Orenburg region, Penza region, Perm region, Samara Region, Saratov region, Ulyanovsk region, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug.

Siberian Federal District:

Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Altai, Republic of Tuva, Republic of Khakassia, Altai region, Krasnoyarsk region, Irkutsk region, Kemerovo region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region, Tomsk region, Chita region, Aginsky Buryat Autonomous District, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District, Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous District, Evenki Autonomous District.

Far Eastern Federal District:

Yakutia, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur region, Kamchatka region, Magadan Region, Sakhalin region, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

The Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the regions of the Russian Federation was transformed into the Institute of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Head of the Russian Federation in federal districts.

The Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Federal District is an official representing the Head of the Russian Federation within the relevant federal district. The plenipotentiary representative ensures the implementation of the constitutional powers of the head of state within the relevant federal district. The plenipotentiary representative is a federal civil servant and is part of the Administration of the President of Russia; accordingly, he is appointed to the position and dismissed from office by the Head of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Head of the Administration. The authorized representative is directly subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation and is accountable to him. The term of appointment to the position is determined by the Head of the Russian Federation, but cannot exceed the period of execution by the Head of Russia of his powers.

The authorized representative has deputies, distributes responsibilities among them and manages their activities. Deputy plenipotentiary representatives are also federal civil servants and are members of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The appointment of deputy plenipotentiary representatives, their dismissal, as well as the application of incentive and disciplinary measures to them are carried out by the Head of the Administration.

The main tasks of the authorized representative are:

(organization in the relevant federal district of work on the implementation by government bodies of the main directions of internal and foreign policy states determined by the Head of the Russian Federation;

(organization of control over the implementation in the federal district of decisions of federal government bodies;

(ensuring implementation in the federal district personnel policy Head of the Russian Federation;

(submission of regular reports to the Head of the Russian Federation on ensuring national security in the federal district, as well as about political, social and economic situation in the federal district, submitting relevant proposals to the President of the Russian Federation.

In order to solve the tasks assigned to him, the authorized representative performs the following functions:

(ensures coordination of the activities of federal bodies executive power in the relevant federal district;

(analyzes the effectiveness of activities law enforcement in the federal district, as well as the state of staffing in these bodies, makes relevant proposals to the Head of the Russian Federation;

(organizes the interaction of federal executive authorities with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, bodies local government, political parties, other public and religious associations;

(develops, together with associations for economic interaction of the constituent entities of the Federation, programs for the socio-economic development of territories within the federal district;

(coordinates candidates for appointment to positions of federal civil servants and candidates for appointment to other positions within the federal district, if appointment to these positions is carried out by the Head of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation or federal executive authorities;

(organizes control over the implementation of federal laws, decrees and orders of the Head of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, over the implementation of federal programs in the federal district;

(coordinates draft decisions of federal government bodies affecting the interests of the federal district or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation located within this district;

(coordinates submissions sent to the federal executive authorities by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation located within the federal district on the awarding of state awards of the Russian Federation, on the declaration of gratitude of the Head of the Russian Federation, as well as on the conferment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation, the highest military and highest special ranks ;

(hands over in the federal district on behalf of the Head of the Russian Federation state awards Russian Federation, and also expresses gratitude to the Head of the Russian Federation;

(takes part in the work of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as local government bodies located within the federal district;

(organizes, on behalf of the Head of the Russian Federation, conciliation procedures to resolve disagreements between federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation located within the federal district;

(makes proposals to the Head of the Russian Federation to suspend the actions of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation located within the federal district, if these acts contradict the legislation;

(interacts with the Main Control Directorate of the Head of the Russian Federation and the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation in organizing inspections of the implementation in the federal district of federal laws, decrees and orders of the Head of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The authorized representative has the right:

(request and receive in in the prescribed manner necessary materials from independent divisions of the Administration of the Head of the Russian Federation, from federal government bodies, as well as from government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation, local government bodies, organizations located within the relevant federal district, and from officials;

(send your deputies and employees of your staff to participate in the work of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments located within the federal district;

(use, in the prescribed manner, data banks of the Administration of the President of Russia and federal government bodies;

(use state, including government, communication systems;

(to organize, within its competence, inspections of the execution of decrees and orders of the Head of the Russian Federation, as well as the progress of implementation of federal programs, the use of federal property and funds federal budget in the federal district;

(to forward for consideration federal government bodies, as well as government bodies of constituent entities of the Federation, local government bodies, heads of organizations located within the federal district, and officials, complaints and appeals from citizens;

(to make proposals to the relevant federal executive authorities on rewarding the heads of their territorial bodies located within the federal district and applying disciplinary measures to them;

(involve employees of the Main Control Directorate of the Head of the Russian Federation, and in necessary cases and employees of federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies to conduct inspections and analyze the state of affairs in organizations located within the federal district;

(form advisory and consultative bodies.

Authorized representative during execution job responsibilities has the right of unhindered access to any organizations located within the relevant federal district.

The operational management of the activities of the plenipotentiary representative is carried out by the Head of the Administration of the President of Russia.

Direct support for the activities of the authorized representative is carried out by the apparatus of the authorized representative, which is an independent division Administration of the President of Russia. The apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative includes the corresponding district inspection of the Main Control Directorate of the President of Russia.

Main control department The Head of Russia provides methodological guidance to the specified district inspection on the organization of control over the implementation of federal laws, decrees and orders of the Head of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, and the implementation of federal programs.

The Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation approves the structure and staffing level office of the plenipotentiary representative, determines the number of deputies of the plenipotentiary representative.

Authorized representative:

Manages the activities of the office of the plenipotentiary representative, ensuring the solution of the tasks assigned to him;

Distributes responsibilities among his deputies;

Approves job descriptions of employees of the plenipotentiary representative’s office;

Appoints and dismisses employees of his staff, encourages them and applies disciplinary measures to them;

Signs service documentation within the limits of its competence;

Issues orders on the activities of the office of the plenipotentiary representative;

Resolves issues regarding the secondment of employees of the office of the plenipotentiary representative within the Russian Federation.

The authorized representative is located in the center of the federal district. The location of the deputy plenipotentiary representative and his staff on the territory of the federal district is determined by the plenipotentiary representative.

Foreign experience in regional policy

The first steps in regulating regional development were taken back in the mid-nineteenth century. The basis of regional policy was the “center-periphery” relationship. The literature identifies several stages in the development of regional governance in Western countries:

The initial stage falls on the 30s. XX century After the devastating crisis of 1929-1933. the importance and necessity of studying problems regional development the economy left no doubt. Regional development programs are most widespread in the UK and the USA. For example, in Great Britain in 1933, “special areas” were allocated to carry out the state’s anti-crisis policy, since a decline in production was observed in traditional industries and in some agricultural areas.

The second stage occurs in the 40-50s. This period is also characterized by a decline in production, mainly in traditional industries industry, which was a consequence of the post-war economic crisis. The consequences of this crisis were greatest in countries Western Europe(New England, Alsace, Lorraine, Northern regions of France, etc.). However, a decline in production was observed in some states in the United States, which prompted the government to actively develop underdeveloped areas: Alaska, the northern regions of Scandinavia and Canada.

1. Features of the organization of regional management

1.1 Fundamentals of regional management

In recent years, the role of regional administration in the overall system of public administration has been significantly strengthened, since it is through the regions that the state as a whole is governed. Regional governance acts as a conductor of all-Russian interests, taking into account regional specifics. For normal life, a subject of the Federation, as a regional link in a unified system of a federal state, has all the necessary powers in the economic, financial, and legal spheres. All pressing problems of life support for the population are solved in the constituent entities of the Federation. The governing bodies of the constituent entities bear primary responsibility to the population and the federal center for the situation in the region.

Regional management means public administration, which is carried out by public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the administrative-territorial boundaries of all subordinate industries and areas within their competence, and in accordance with the delimitation of areas of competence and powers based on federal relations. Regional governance is identified with governance within the boundaries of the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, i.e. territories of republics, territories, regions, autonomous okrugs and regions, cities of federal significance. This understanding of territorial management is basic. It should be taken into account that the legal, organizational, financial and organizational support for regional governance cannot be distracted from local self-government, which, as is known, has a territorial basis within the administrative boundaries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of regional management is to increase the satisfaction of the socio-economic needs of the population living in a particular region on the basis of integrated development. The level of economic independence of the region, justified from the point of view of the ability of the regional authorities to carry out its functions, affects the effectiveness of regional governance. As the regions acquire real independence, a new, actually regional sphere interests and responsibilities. The most significant regional interests include:

Compliance of the level and lifestyle of the population with state and other standards;

Availability of budgetary, financial and other material sources (property, etc.);

Potential for using available resources, places of application of labor, intelligence;

Availability of infrastructure for the development of intra- and interregional connections;

Natural resource and environmental potential of the region;

Stability of the socio-political and national-ethnic situation.

Taking into account regional interests, the goals, principles and methods of regional management are formed and activated.

1.4 System of governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, being bodies of general competence, take into account federal and regional interests in the implementation of intersectoral and sectoral management. The President of the Russian Federation, observing the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, has the right to resolve various issues regarding the organization and management of all sectors and areas of government. And although his powers in this area are not specified, in practice he issues legal acts on a wide variety of issues.

An important role in managing industries and areas of management on a nationwide scale is assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation. Organizational and legal support for regional interests in the activities of the government of the Russian Federation is achieved due to the fact that it unites and directs the activities of federal bodies of intersectoral and sectoral self-government; Adopts, on issues within its competence, normative acts that are binding throughout the territory of the state. The heads of administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are subordinate to the Chairman of the Government of Russia on certain issues; he is entrusted with control over the exercise of powers of the heads of regional administrations in order to ensure the powers of federal executive authorities throughout the Russian Federation in the areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and in the areas of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects.

Executive authorities of general competence of the subjects of the Federation carry out coordinating activities directly, as well as through the sectoral and intersectoral management bodies subordinate to them. These bodies carry out their activities to implement regional governance taking into account:

Relations between the region and the Federation;

Relationships between regional bodies and local governments;

Ensuring the integrated development of the region as a single system.

Executive authorities of general competence at any level exercise their powers also, depending on their nature, directly and through subordinate bodies called upon to manage the industries and areas entrusted to them.

Thus, the regional management system operates on the basis of common goals and principles for federal and regional authorities for exercising state influence on the life of the region, usually expressed in legal forms, and includes:

a) the system of government bodies (federal and regional);

b) the civil service system;

c) a set of realized government agencies functions and the set of methods, tools and resources used;

d) a system of direct and feedback connections between subjects and objects of management, as well as the necessary information flows, document flow, etc. Solution of the problem

the formation of a system of regional government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation requires the allocation of priority areas of activity for a particular subject.

1.5 Priority areas of management

Depending on the specific characteristics of the region (numerical, national and demographic composition of the population, climate, geographical location, distance from the center, etc.) vice versa priority areas, on which the main management efforts are focused, may be different. Meanwhile, there are areas of management that are equally important for all subjects of the Federation. Among them are management:

Political life;

The sphere of material production;

Financial and credit complex;

Consumer market;

Social-budgetary complex;

Use of natural resources;

Public safety;

Information environment.

The most important guidelines in the field of rational combination of national and regional interests in the activities of government bodies, defining the general contours of regional policy, its goals and objectives, are presented in the Basic Provisions of Regional Policy in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 803 of June 3, 1996. In it, regional policy in the Russian Federation is understood as a system of goals and objectives of government bodies (federal and regional) for managing the political, economic and social development of the country's regions, as well as the mechanism for their implementation.

The economic basis for the activities of the bodies of the subject of the Federation is the own subject of the Federation, and the financial basis is the budget of the subject of the Federation.

2. Organization of regional management using the example of the Kaluga region.

According to the Charter of the Kaluga Region, which establishes the status of the region, the principles of organization and activities of state authorities of the region, the Government of the region, headed by the Governor of the region, and the executive authorities of the region constitute the executive power system of the Kaluga region.

The regional government and regional executive authorities organize and administer the region.

The regional government develops, for presentation by the regional Governor in the Legislative Assembly of the region, draft regional budgets and programs for the socio-economic development of the region, and also ensures their implementation.

The regional government and regional executive authorities, representing the interests of the population of the region, take upon themselves the solution of existing problems, and also take care of the long-term harmonious development of the region.

The goal of the activities of the Regional Government and regional executive authorities is to ensure a decent life for Kaluga residents.

Main powers of the Regional Government:

The regional government develops and implements measures to ensure the comprehensive socio-economic development of the region, participates in the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of finance, science, education, healthcare, social security and the environment.

Regional government:

· carries out, within the limits of its powers, measures to implement, ensure and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, protect property and public order, and combat crime;

· develops a draft regional budget for submission by the Governor of the region to the Legislative Assembly of the region, as part of the materials submitted with the draft regional budget - draft budgets of territorial state extra-budgetary funds, reports on their implementation, as well as draft regional programs for socio-economic development;

· ensures the execution of the regional budget, prepares a report on its execution, including a report (information) on the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the region for submission by the Governor of the region to the Legislative Assembly of the region;

· forms executive government bodies of the region - approves regulations on them, structure and staffing levels;

· develops, implements financial, investment, pricing policy in the region, promotes the development of entrepreneurship, promotes the strengthening and development of the banking and credit system;

· manages and disposes of the property of the region in accordance with the laws of the region, as well as federal property transferred to the management of the region in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;

· has the right to propose to a local government body, elected or other local government official to bring the legal acts issued by them into conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the event that these acts contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, this Charter, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the region, and also has the right to go to court;

· resolves the issue of appealing to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

· exercises other powers established by federal legislation, this Charter and regional laws, as well as agreements with federal executive authorities provided for in Article 78 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


The main goal of regional management is to increase the degree of satisfaction of the socio-economic needs of the population living in a particular region, based on integrated development.

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