State programs. General issues of implementation of state programs and federal target programs

The state program for the development of healthcare for 2018 - 2025 was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2017 No. 1640 "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation" Development of healthcare ".

The state program for the development of health care for 2018-2025 will be financed in the amount of more than 34.9 trillion. rubles.

Among the goals of the program:

  • an increase in life expectancy at birth to 76 years by 2025;
  • reduction by 2025 of the mortality rate of the working-age population to 380 per 100 thousand of the population;
  • reduction by 2025 of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system to 500 per 100 thousand population;
  • a decrease in mortality from neoplasms to 185 per 100 thousand population by 2025;
  • increasing by 2025 the share of the population satisfied with the quality of health care to 54 percent.

The state program provides for the development of the following areas (subprograms):

  • improving the provision of medical care, including the prevention of diseases and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • development and implementation of innovative methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, as well as the basics of personalized medicine;
  • development of medical rehabilitation and spa treatment;
  • development of human resources in health care;
  • development of international relations in the field of health protection;
  • examination and control and supervisory functions in the field of health protection;
  • medical and sanitary provision of certain categories of citizens;
  • information technology and industry development management;
  • organization of compulsory medical insurance for citizens of the Russian Federation.

The decree declared invalid the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2014 N 294 "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation" Development of health care ""





The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached state program of the Russian Federation "Development of health care".

2. To the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

post the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of health care", approved by this decree, on the official website of the Ministry, as well as on the portal of state programs of the Russian Federation in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" within 2 weeks from the date of the official publication of this decree;

to take measures to implement measures of the state program of the Russian Federation "Healthcare Development".

3. To recommend that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when making changes to the state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, aimed at the development of healthcare, take into account the provisions of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of healthcare" approved by this decree.

4. To declare invalid:

resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 294 "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation" Development of health care "" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, N 17, Art. 2057);

clauses 2 and 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2017 N 394 "On amendments and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" and clause 1 of amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation approved by this decree (Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation Federation, 2017, N 15, Art.2225);

resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2017 N 539 "On Amendments to the State Program of the Russian Federation" Development of Health Care "" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, N 20, Art. 2924);

resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2017 N 964 "On Amendments to Appendix N 9 to the State Program of the Russian Federation" Development of Health Care "" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, N 34, Art. 5288).

Prime Minister

Russian Federation

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The Russian government, headed by the president, periodically approves programs that have specific deadlines, develops the economy, helps to improve the living standards of the population, and ensures the internal and external security of citizens. Let's consider what issues will be considered in the state programs of the Russian Federation in 2018

Priority tasks of Russia for the period 2018 - 2025

  1. The leadership of the Russian Federation approves a set of various measures to improve the standard of living of people;
  2. Security, economic development are considered the priority areas of the present time;
  3. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation approved a number of measures to modernize the military-industrial complex for a period from 2018 to 2025;
  4. By 2020, measures have been developed to provide the army with up to 70 percent of the total number of advanced weapons;
  5. For the next few years, a strategy has been put forward to counter the information war, which has been gaining momentum over the past few years;
  6. A number of measures will be put forward to counter, prevent, detect, eliminate terrorism;
  7. Public figures pay special attention to culture, sports, tourism;
  8. Preparation and holding of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in our cities, are one of the main tasks of the country for the period 2017-2018;
  9. One of the social programs "Young Family 2018" has already been approved and will soon start working, providing benefits to young spouses purchasing housing;
  10. For the sake of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as providing highly qualified medical services, health care measures are already being carried out until 2020.

Every year the government of the Russian Federation supports financing of a large number of various programs necessary to improve the life of citizens of the state in various areas. Before talking about what are planned state programs of the Russian Federation in 2018, you should explain the very essence of the issue.

Main information

The state program is a strategic planning document that contains information on the set of planned activities, the timing of their implementation, the executors and resources required to achieve the set goal, as well as state policy instruments that ensure the achievement of the priorities of the entire country.

The development of such programs is carried out by the federal executive authorities. The period of their validity of ready-made goals is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The state program includes several other subprograms, which contain information about the targeted purposes and individual activities of the authorities of the Russian Federation.

The prepared state programs are approved by the government in accordance with the BKRF. It remains only to announce the list of all programs of national importance, the deadline for which concerns 2018.

New quality of life

Within the framework of this direction, the availability of health care and educational services of the proper quality, access to cultural benefits, the necessary level of provision with real estate, as well as the conditions due to which the population of Russia will be able to systematically engage in sports and lead a correct lifestyle are ensured.

This will require a special social policy aimed at supporting vulnerable groups of Russians and the integration of migrants. There are plans to achieve high standards of environmental safety, as well as improve the effectiveness of countering the existing drug trafficking.

To achieve the set goals, 3489.1 billion rubles were allocated from the treasury of the Russian Federation. They will go to the implementation of the following subroutines.

1. Development of education.

2. An accessible environment.

3. Development of the pension system.

4. Environmental protection.

5. Development of culture and tourism

Innovative development and economic improvement

During the implementation of the plans of the indicated direction, it will be necessary to take care of the implementation of important measures with the help of which the Russian economy can remain in the place of the world leader in the energy sector. Thanks to the steps approved by the government of the Russian Federation, a competitive economy of high technologies and knowledge will be created.

A modern transport network should also appear, which made it possible to ensure interregional integration and mobility of the population at the proper level. In this case, Russia will be able to strengthen its current position in the integration processes of the continental space.

To achieve the announced goals, the government allocated 1986.2 billion rubles from the budget of the Russian Federation. These tools will be used to execute the list of subroutines.

1. Development of forestry.

2. Energy efficiency and energy development.

3. Information Society.

4. Development of the aviation industry.

5. Development of science and technology.

6. Development of shipbuilding and equipment for the development of shelf deposits.

7. Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry.

8. Development of the electronic and radio-electronic industry.

9. Space activities.

10. Development of the transport system.

Ensuring national security

During the implementation of this state program, support for a high level of Russia's defense capability and its security must be ensured. It is also planned to achieve an improvement in the combat capability of the RFSRF, so that this department would correspond to the indicators of the leading powers in the past. All this will help to correctly implement the policy of containment, conditioned by the economic and social development of Russia's military organization.

1. Ensuring state security.

2. Achievement of the proper level of the country's defense capability.

Balanced regional development

In this direction, it is necessary to achieve a balanced development of the Russian Federation from a territorial point of view, focused on improving conditions, thanks to which each region of the state will receive a sufficient amount of resources to achieve normal living conditions for the population. It is also planned to carry out central work regarding the development of federal relations, and the normalization of the system of regional self-government.

In relation to each individual region, a list of comprehensive measures will be carried out with the help of which it will be possible to equalize the provision of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and thereby improve the quality of control over the expenditure of public finances.

For the announced goals, the government decided to allocate 836.3 billion rubles from the treasury of the Russian Federation.

1. Development of the North Caucasus Federal District.

2. Socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region.

3. Socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region.

4. Social and economic development of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

5. Socio-economic development of the Arctic zone.

Effective state

During the fulfillment of the tasks of the indicated direction, the efficiency of the management of public finances, as well as property of the same sphere, should increase. A special formulation is to increase the stability and further effective development of the insurance and financial markets. To do this, one will have to pay sufficient attention to creating conditions for the subsequent formation of an international financial center.

The government also plans to implement a whole range of measures to effectively and comprehensively ensure the interests of the Russian Federation at the international level.

To achieve the planned programs, it is planned to allocate 1,249.4 billion rubles from the budget of the Russian Federation.

1. Foreign policy activity.

2. Regulation of financial markets and public finance management.

3. Management of federal property.

4. Justice.

Until the beginning of 2018, new state programs may be approved, but this will become known closer to the noted period.

Stability today and prospects for the future are the most important components of well-being and quality of life. What is needed for this?

Get an education, find a job, get housing and start a family, provide guarantees of a comfortable old age and support for health. In many ways, the social stability of a person depends on the conditions created by the state for the realization of rights and opportunities.

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Types of state support for citizens

Social policy in Russia covers all spheres of life.

This is the strategic action plan of the state with ambitious tasks by:

  • development of social infrastructure;
  • creation of intellectual potential;
  • preservation of cultural and family values;
  • preserving the health of the nation.

Activities are planned for years in advance through state social programs... Forward-looking statements are represented by legal documents approved at the government level.

Program passports include:

  • goals and objectives, period of validity;
  • socio-economic justification;
  • list of activities with stages of implementation;
  • performers from among the specialized state structures;
  • financial support mechanism,
  • expected results.

Housing, pension, educational programs, support and development of health care, agriculture, young specialists in rural areas, families with children and socially vulnerable citizens operate in the areas.

Let us dwell in more detail on social programs that are relevant in 2017.


A pilot version was launched in 2011 federal program "Housing" valid until 2014. The impressive results left no doubt that special events will continue.

Federal Target Program (FTP) "Housing" for 2015-2020

Coordinates the M program ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation.

  • construction of energy efficient and functional economy class facilities;
  • development of low-rise construction and new forms of citizen participation in this process;
  • provision of affordable housing for special categories of the population established by federal legislation;
  • providing financial support to those in need of purchasing their own square meters;
  • modernization of communal infrastructure;
  • overcoming stagnation in the housing market.

Target audience FTPs are citizens to whom the state has obligations to provide housing for the population that is not provided with housing. The program also solves the interests of the executive power of the subjects (in terms of creating housing stock in the field), representatives of the construction industry.

FTP includes 5 subroutines, 3 of which are aimed directly at citizens.

"Provision of housing for young families"

The government will need five years to resolve the housing problem of citizens under 35 years of age. All of them, of course, should be on the line at the municipalities to improve living conditions.

Officially unsettled citizens are provided with social subsidies for part of the cost of an "economy" apartment or construction of a residential building.

  • 30% for childless young families;
  • 35% for families with children, including incomplete ones.

The subsidy right is confirmed by the certificate. It is issued by local executive authorities. Of course, it will not work for public money to buy a penthouse.

Desires are limited social standards of the area:

  • 42 "squares" for a family of two;
  • 18 sq. meters for a large family.

An essential condition for obtaining a certificate is that the family has its own funds or the possibility of obtaining a home loan for the remaining value of the property. The state assists in lending on concessional terms, including with the use of maternity capital funds.

Subprogram "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by law"

The state support segment is aimed at housing for the following persons:

  • retirees of military service, departments of internal affairs, registered as housing waiting lists before 01.01.2005;
  • military personnel, employees of law enforcement agencies, subject to dismissal for health reasons, in connection with staff changes or upon reaching the age limit. Their service life must be at least 10 years of the "calendar";
  • persons affected by radiation in accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • forced migrants who are on special migration registrations;
  • people leaving the Far North and equivalent territories;
  • migrants from ZATO.

Support is provided in the form of a cash subsidy. Confirmation is state housing certificate (GZhS)... An apartment, a house, its part, a room are purchased both in the primary and in the secondary market. The provision of the certificate is calculated taking into account the standards for the area and cost of a square of housing in the region.

Installed the following standards:

  • 33 squares for a lonely citizen;
  • 42 sq. m for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for a larger family.

Every six months, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade sets the estimated cost per square meter for the regions and for the country as a whole. It is forbidden to purchase premises smaller than the standard. If the subsidy is not enough, it is allowed to use credit or own funds.

The main condition is the absence of own real estate or the free transfer of the existing one to the municipality.

Subprogram "Provision of housing for certain categories of citizens" - 2015 - 2020

The social package is aimed at providing modern and comfortable housing representatives of the public sector:

  • civil servants;
  • employees of the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • rescuers of the Ministry for Civil Defense and Emergencies;
  • scientific workers.

A separate direction of the program is the resettlement of the population of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) from emergency housing.

Support is provided through the acquisition / construction of residential real estate for social rental or as official housing, the provision of subsidies for the purchase of real estate property.

As conceived by the developers, the implementation of measures will allow attracting qualified personnel to strategic areas of activity for the country. The BAM zone covers Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Amur and Irkutsk regions. During the years of the development of these areas, young specialists were provided with temporary premises for living. To this day, 10,000 families continue to live in absolutely unsuitable conditions. By 2020, all of these citizens should acquire modern economy-class housing.

Programs to reduce unemployment and promote employment

The project is aimed atand reduction of social tension, improvement of labor relations, assistance in professional development of specialists in leading areas of the economy and social sphere. The imbalance in the professional environment in some areas is planned to be eliminated by attracting foreign labor. This is a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe project.

In total, the program includes three subroutines:

  • "Increasing the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation and reducing unemployment";
  • "External labor migration";
  • "Development of labor market institutions".

Coordinates the project of the Ministry of Labor. The co-executors are the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FTS - at the time of approval), the Ministry of Finance and the State Employment Service.

Social sphere

Social tension in Russian society is high. The economic crisis, the turbulent political situation in the world and other factors cannot be dismissed or eliminated at once.

But it is quite possible to take measures of additional guardianship of vulnerable citizens.

State program "Social support of citizens"

Started in January 2013. The set of measures is designed for a seven-year period.

Implementation will take place in the following areas:

  • expanding the targeted and targeted principle of providing social assistance measures to citizens in need;
  • empowering regional and local authorities to develop and distribute in-kind and monetary forms of social assistance;
  • solving the needs of citizens with disabilities, the elderly in third-party care of social service specialists and other structures;
  • popularization and creation of conditions for the transition to family forms of upbringing children and adolescents left without parental care.

The program also does not bypass the social workers: by 2018 it is planned to raise the salaries of the social workers. structures up to 100% of the regional average earnings.

"Accessible Environment" for 2011-2020

The recipients of the program activities are people with disabilities and non-mobile categories of the population (for example, the elderly).

  • to create comfortable conditions for the life of persons with limited functions, including for disabled children;
  • help them optimally socialize;
  • to increase the tolerance of society towards people with specific psycho-physiological characteristics.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal access of addressees to services and life support facilities, provide the necessary amount of rehabilitation / habilitation, and reform the activities of institutions of medical and social expertise.

The sphere of education

A well-functioning health care system, quality education and a reliable pension system are three “pillars” of the nation's well-being.

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020 is aimed at creating conditions for increasing the availability of quality education at all levels: general, higher, professional and additional.

When implementing the program the following will have to be done:

  • Reorganize the higher education system: create a network of universities (about 60) focused on key segments of regional economies;
  • Develop and implement educational standards for secondary specialized and higher education that meet modern conditions;
  • Create a control system for professional and higher education at the regional and federal levels.
  • Attract investment funds for the construction of educational facilities and the creation of educational, laboratory, economic infrastructure of educational institutions.

Measures to improve the economy of education are highlighted as a separate area.

The state programs of Tatarstan are described in the following video:

Still have questions?

Types of government assistance to low-income families

Types and rules for the provision of state aid for single mothers

Types and amount of assistance to large families

Types and conditions for obtaining a mortgage for large families


hello, I am 37, my wife is 28, I have two children, I am the owner, I have an apartment of 42 square meters, and our grandmother, a pensioner, lives with us. Are we eligible for a program grant (housing) or others for housing improvements?

Hello Sergey, on your living space of 42 sq.m. lives five people, it turns out that for one resident 8.4 sq. m. If the registration rate established by the local government is greater than this figure, then you can register as needing improvement in housing conditions.

In the same office, you can inquire about regional housing assistance programs.

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What support programs for young families exist in Russia

Family is the most valuable thing in human life. The process of birth of a social unit is not the easiest process. In the modern world, the financial well-being of parents is very important. It is this factor that determines the number of children born to two spouses, the age of pregnancy and marriage. Young people who are not provided with sufficient material benefits do not seek to start a family. For them, the primary task is to find a good job, build a career, gain experience, and earn extra money if possible. There is simply no time for the birth and upbringing of children.

For young citizens in marriage, with or without children, special programs are regularly created at different levels: federal, regional and even municipal. Their main goal is to stimulate the birth rate across the country. Basically, these types of support provide housing, because your own roof over your head is the main thing. The Russian Government forms the requirements for candidates for queuing. A certain limit of certificates for certain amounts is allocated annually for the purchase of real estate. In extremely rare cases, living quarters are the subject of subsidies.

Over the past 20 years, Russian citizens have participated in a large number of state housing programs. The most basic and large-scale of them were established at the federal level. In any case, the state must ensure the future of young people, meet halfway in their desire to create families and support them at the birth of children.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Normative legal documents, which regulate all actions of the state in relation to young spouses and their children, are as follows:

  1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 on the requirements and procedure for obtaining subsidies to improve the living conditions of a young family.
  2. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation, determining the conditions for the entry of young families into federal programs.
  3. Federal Law No. 255, which regulates the provision of financial assistance to minor children.
  4. Federal Law No. 256, on additional measures to support families with children.

In addition to subsidies covering the entire territory of Russia, the state allows the regions to independently and at their discretion install such programs on their territory. The budget, accordingly, will not be a state one, but a certain entity, or the local treasury will be determined as a source of funding.

Since all such types of support are distributed only within the Russian Federation, they can be intended only for citizens of the country... Persons with foreign citizenship cannot become their participants.

Concerning age, then the participants are married couples where both or at least one of the spouses is under 35 years old. A few words can also be said about marital status. Under the influence of such programs the following married couples are suitable:

  • officially registered their relationship;
  • with children, regardless of their number;
  • incomplete, where there is only one parent, with children.

These requirements can be called standard for all types of state aid. The rest of the conditions depend on the purpose of providing the subsidy, terms and region of residence.

Federal level of assistance

Those citizens who are not able to independently provide themselves with full-fledged housing, thereby find it difficult to give the same financial and moral well-being to their children. It is these categories of the country's population that are eligible for these social programs.

Today in 2017 there are several major major social supportin which young families can participate. All basic data are presented in the table.

  • application;
  • marriage certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
    • for 2 people less than 42 m2;

    All of these social products have proven to be relevant and productive. The demand for these types of assistance is due to the extremely low solvency of the young population of the country, which postpones family values \u200b\u200bfor later, primarily engaged in the extraction of material benefits.

    Regional types of support

    As for the local authorities and their concerns about the same issues, social programs are also being developed at the regional level. Young people with children and childless married couples are given the opportunity to stand in line and wait for the moment when the administration will hand over a certificate to pay part of the cost of their own house or apartment.

    Municipal authorities of different regions may vary the conditions for the provision of assistance at their discretion, depending on the needs and capabilities of localities. So, for example, the circle of persons allowed to participate in the state program "Young Family" can be reduced or, conversely, expanded.

    Young professionals who got a job in a village or settlement Voronezh region, receive subsidies from the administration in the amount of 35% of the cost of purchased housing. In exchange for concessions, they will have to work at this enterprise for 10 years. Moscow authorities offer preferential terms for renting housing for the possibility of acquiring your own, having saved up for it. Also in the capital, there are special mortgage programs for young families, allowing them to buy an apartment from the city authorities at a preferential interest rate of 10% per annum. The maximum term of such a loan is 10 years, and the initial payment should be 10 - 20%.

    Novosibirsk housing support requires the presence of children in the family. In addition, the acquired housing must be new, that is, the administration does not subsidize an apartment from the secondary market. For Nizhny Novgorod conditions are more rosy: if, during the advancement of the queue for financial support, another child was born in the family, then 5% is added to the established amount.

    The youth St. Petersburg can register in a similar program if a community unit has been permanently residing in a city or region for at least 10 years. And as for the limiting value of the area per person, here the indicator for the country is perhaps the lowest - 9 m 2. There are more than enough people here, because there are an excessive number of communal apartments in the northern capital of Russia, and they are inhabited by people of all ages.

    Samara I am ready to additionally support civil servants, and the implementation of this program there is kept at a fairly high level. As a result, families receive real estate with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 18 m 2 for each. IN Saratov to improve living conditions, a young family for each should have no more than 10 m 2. The regional budget of Saratov is ready to provide 600 thousand rubles, 800 thousand rubles and 1 million for families of 2, 3 and 4 people, respectively. In this case, the mortgage rate is 13%, with a loan for building a house, the repayment period can be extended to 30 years. When repaying a loan, large families are guaranteed additional benefits.

    For Kazan the length of residence in the city is not important, the main thing is that all family members are registered together. And the maximum area is 12 m 2. IN Ufa this figure is slightly higher - 18 m 2, and the administration requires an annual re-registration of all program participants.

    For Crimea in 2017, federal funding is not provided, so the sources will be the municipal budget and the regional treasury.

    Through this program, implemented until 2020, it is planned to develop housing construction. For this purpose, solvent young families in need of better living conditions will be provided with a subsidy in the amount of 30% and 35% of the cost of a loan for housing. Citizens with children are a priority, but spouses without offspring are also entitled to help.

    Banking offers

    All of them in essence are generally similar, but still, on some points, they may differ.

    Universal conditions can be found in each case:

    1. The age limit for bank customers is from 21 to 35 years old, at least one of the spouses must comply with them.
    2. Permanent place of work and stable earnings - the duration of the last employment is at least six months, and over the past 5 years, the length of service must be at least 12 months. As for earnings, the co-borrowers provide bank employees with a 2-NDFL certificate, according to which they assess their solvency.
    3. Down payment - for young families, this indicator is always lower than in ordinary loan products of the organization. As a rule, it is 10% of the total value of the property.

    Sometimes banks can nominate additional requirements, thereby narrowing the circle of potential customers. These include:

    • participation in a salary project;
    • permanent registration in a city or region for a certain time (as a rule, about 5 - 10 years);
    • the need to improve living conditions.

    To come up to the last point, you need to find out the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and divide it by the number of officially registered persons. The resulting indicator should not exceed the standard established for the region.

    IN list of banksoffering preferential terms of mortgage lending to young families include the largest market representatives:

    There are also similar programs, only with government support. It is expressed in lowering the interest rate by a few more points.

    Relevance of the issue

    2017, compared to several previous crisis years, is characterized by low interest rates, not only for beneficiaries, but also for ordinary ordinary borrowers. Thus, buying a home has become more affordable for a wider circle of citizens. Indeed, people began to apply for loans more often, and the share of early loan repayments increased slightly.

    Preferential programs for young families by the state and banks will be extended for another 3 - 5 years. During this period, stable consumer activity is expected. The benefits for borrowers are obvious, because it is much more difficult to save up a couple of million and wait for the purchase of the coveted apartment than to receive money from the bank and gradually pay it off.

    An example of the operation of one of these state aid programs is presented in the following video:

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    Housing programs for young families

    The federal budget of Russia for 2017 provides for funding for a large number of state programs, among which one can especially single out those aimed at young families with children. The state helps young families to improve their living conditions, to become owners of their own homes for the principle of targeting and wanting, according to which:

    • family must be recognized in need of better living conditions;
    • the family must belong to one of the recognized socially disadvantaged categories (for example, when two or more children are born).

    To participate in any of the state programs below, families will need to prove their solvency and raise their own funds for the purchase or construction of residential premises.

    Below is a list of the main social housing programs for young families:

    What are state programs and what are they

    The federal budget for 2017 and financing of the expenditure items provided for it is carried out according to program principle, within which the concept is widely used government program.

    State program is a government strategic planning document containing a system of measures related to each other by tasks, deadlines and resources and implemented in order to ensure state functions and achieve the goals of socio-economic development of Russia.

    Official website of the Government

    Unfortunately, due to the widespread use by the country's leadership of the program principle for ordinary citizens, there is a lot of confusion in the forms of existence of various programs, within the framework of which some state tasks are solved, including in the field of housing for young families.

    In particular, from official sources, at least the following can be distinguished 4 types of programs:

    • state (state programs);
    • federal target (FTP);
    • subprograms within the federal target program and state programs;
    • implemented as separate activities within the framework of subprograms.

    Maternity Capital Program

    The programmatic principle of the Government clearly described above is well illustrated by the example of the well-known program Maternity Capital, according to which the Pension Fund issues state certificates in the amount of 453,026 rubles to families with children. in 2017. This amount, in whole or in parts, can be sent in several directions permitted by law, among which - improvement of living conditions (purchase or construction of housing).

    The financing of this program in the budget law is now carried out in the form of the following system:

    • name of the state program - Social support for citizens (valid for the period 2013-2020);
      • subprogram number 3 - Improvement of social support for families and children;
        • main activity 3.8 - Providing maternity (family) capital.

    More details about the terms of its validity can be found on the page Maternity capital.

    FTP "Housing" and the "Young Family" program for 2015-2020

    The Federal Target Program (FTP) "Housing" is one of the most long-lived and has a very long history. In total, several of its editions were in force:

    • for 2002-2010 - completed;
    • for 2011-2015 - came to replace the completed one;
    • for 2015-2020 - adopted and extended in the new edition of August 25, 2015 No. 889.

    Subroutine "Provision of housing for young families", in accordance with which the state subsidizes citizens the acquisition of housing in the amount of at least 30 or 35% of its cost, was present in the Federal Target Program "Zhilishche" from its very first edition, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 28, 2002 No. 638.

    Now its financing is carried out in the form of the following system:

    • name of the state program - Provision of affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for the citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013-2020);
      • FTP "Housing" for 2015-2020;
        • subprogram number 1 - Providing housing for young families.

    Detailed rules for participation in the program can be found on the pages of this site:

    • general federal rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • peculiarities of the implementation of the program in the regions of the country in accordance with local laws.

    "Housing for a Russian family" for 2014-2017

    By Government Decree No. 323 dated April 15, 2014, Dmitry Medvedev approved the state housing program, which includes the implementation of a new program for the period 2014-2017 "Housing for a Russian family" (Iron ore).

    Below are the features of the new program and its difference from the "Young Family":

    • the program is aimed at providing families in need of better housing conditions, economy class apartments costing up to 80% of the average market price for real estate in new buildings in the region, which families will have to pay on their own;
    • new economical housing should be built and commissioned by developers by the end of 2017 (a total of at least 25 million square meters of apartments throughout the country) on special terms of the program;
    • Government subsidizes developers the price of housing that has passed the competition and approved by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation as participants in the program, up to its market value.

    Thus, we can distinguish the following fundamental differences between the iron ore program and the “Young family”:

    • housing is initially provided at a price below market, and all of its cost is citizens pay on their own (for this you need to confirm your solvency) - for this you can attract a certificate for maternity capital or social mortgage;
    • government subsidy issued to non-citizens, and directly to developers who are certified as program participants, build economy-class housing and sell it to families at a price of up to 80% of market value;
    • you can buy housing only in the primary market - and only in new buildings, which are being erected by certified developers specifically according to the rules of the iron ore program.

    Financing of the program "Housing for a Russian family" for the period 2014-2017 is carried out according to the following system:

    • name of the state program - Provision of affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for the citizens of the Russian Federation (for 2013 - 2020);
      • subprogram number 1 - Creation of conditions for providing the citizens of Russia with affordable and comfortable housing;
        • main activity 1.8 - implementation of the Housing for a Russian Family program.
    Don't lose this article!

    Comments 3

    Good evening. I believe that for young families the mortgage for the purchase of housing with 10.5% is too big! As a result, the overpayment is half the cost of the apartment, and this is a very tangible amount for a family with small children.

    And no one cares about it, as you can see ...

    Unfortunately, in Russia they don't care about people at all. Why the same Sberbank in China gives loans to people at 1.5 and 2 percent, and in Russia - please, here's 11% and more! Where's the justice? No, and never has been.

    You work for the state, but it can't even provide you with affordable housing. 70-80 thousand per square meter - where have you seen it? The more active and wider the construction, the lower the price should be, and we have such prices - as if every time the last meter of land is taken away.

    And look how much of this land - expand the infrastructure of the city. Well, no, you have to build one on one!

  • The problem associated with the improvement of their living conditions by the citizens of the Russian Federation served as the basis for the development of various state programs to resolve the situation. One of such programs is the federal target project "Housing" 2018, aimed at improving the unfavorable living conditions of families in need and generally improving the living standards of many categories of Russians.

    In addition to the priority task of "Housing" 2018 - improving housing conditions, the developers of the project have another goal - to participate in the development of the construction sector. Among other things, the program contributes to an increase in the sale of new economy-class houses.

    You can also note the participation of the target project in the development of targeted lending in Russia, mortgages and the entire real estate sector in general.

    To take part in the federal target program "Housing" 2018, a family must need to change their living conditions and be registered. It can be either a full-fledged family or one single person.

    If we talk about the requirements of the project for the existing housing areas, then they should be the only ones for living. Any member of the family should not have ownership of any other piece of real estate, even if it is just a share.

    Only compliance with each of the above points makes it possible to consider a family in need of changing existing housing conditions. And only in this case, a family can apply for participation in such a project as the federal target program "Housing" 2018.

    Interestingly, social payments can be used to purchase not only living space. With the money received, you can pay off the loan or interest on it. You can also give the last share to the cooperative and even pay for a house building contract.

    List of documents

    From the first days of the project's formation, the most popular question that people asked about Dwelling 2018 was “What documents are needed”. And this is the right question, because from how quickly and correctly it will be possible to collect all the certificates so quickly the family can change their living conditions for the better.

    The list of documents, however, is large, but even despite the vastness of the list, it is possible to collect all the papers quite quickly, since most of them are at a person's hand. The main documents include:

    • military ID;
    • marriage certificate;
    • appraisal of personal property;
    • application in duplicate;
    • passports of each of the family members, and for children, a birth certificate and a certificate for obtaining "Maternity capital";
    • the work book of the spouses in the original and certified copies indicating the current place of work and a copy of the organization's charter;
    • proof of ownership of the home that the family is using at the time of the application;
    • certificates in which it is attested: certificates of income, the number of registered persons, the state of the personal account of the living space where the family is currently living.

    Application rules

    To apply for the target project housing 2018, you need to collect the above documentation and contact the administration. It should be borne in mind that people who, at the time of filing, have not yet turned 35 years old can apply. This is the deadline by which you can apply to participate in the project.

    It is better to contact the administration before taking any action regarding the collection of documents and other troubles about the "Housing" 2018. After all, different categories of citizens may have their own norms and restrictions and the nuances can only be clarified first-hand.

    After submitting an application to the administration, the answer is given within 10 days from the date of submission of documents. If the commission makes a positive decision, then during the next year you can become a participant in the program.

    How much can you get under the program "Housing" 2018

    The amount of money provided by the state depends on the family. The amount is not taken from the head. There is a special calculator that calculates the amount of benefits received. In practice, it looks like this:

    number of adults + number of children \u003d amount received.

    From a practical point of view, it looks like this:

    • a young family without a child - 35% of the total cost of living space;
    • family with children - 40% or more, depending on the number of children.

    Results of the target project

    Already at the time of 2015, the Housing program showed excellent results in the development of the construction industry, mortgage lending, and the provision of living space for families of residents of the Russian Federation. If we talk more specifically about the most significant achievements, then it should be noted such points as:

    • a sharp rise in the share of mortgage lending in the banking sector;
    • active development of housing construction and, as a result, a sufficient number of new apartments and houses for the settlement of families;
    • a significant increase in the share of private property, which indicates an increase in the provision of individual citizens with houses and apartments.

    Any person who is interested in the target program "Housing" 2018 is worried about the following questions:

    • how long will my application be considered;
    • will I still get housing.

    It cannot be argued that work on the implementation of the federal project is proceeding very quickly. But the program does not stand still and more and more people get the cherished opportunity to change their living conditions for the better. Therefore, there is no need to doubt the success of the 2018 project, moreover, it is controlled at the federal level.

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