Ready-made forms. Form P21001 (new): sample of filling out an application for state registration of individual entrepreneurs

“Who cares what?” - this approach to the design of forms is used by many Russian clerks and secretaries. At the same time, they completely forget that the form is the face of the company. The reputation of the company depends on how carefully you paid attention to its creation. Learn how to correctly compose official forms.

The document form contains a set of details identifying the author of an official written document. It contains only permanent information about the organization - the author of the document, characterizing it as the creator of the official written document.

Why do we use forms? The document form is a sheet of paper of a standard format, on which details are applied using various technical means. It makes information official and speeds up the process of creating a document.

A document created on a form in accordance with the state standard has a high-quality appearance, is easy to understand, convenient to use, store, transmit by any means of communication and fulfills its main function - storing information. In addition, the use of forms reduces labor costs for its preparation.

When to use forms

First of all, you need to remember that only the first page of the document is made on forms, and the remaining subsequent pages are made on standard sheets of paper. If a document is to be sent to several addresses, then the first sheet of the office work service of each copy of the document, which is intended to be sent from the organization, is created on forms.

Organizational and administrative documents: letters, certificates, protocols, orders, instructions, regulations, instructions, etc. must be created on document forms.

Information and reference documents: memos, memos, proposals, representations, statements, etc., which are internal and not sent to other organizations, are created on a standard sheet of paper with all the necessary details applied.

For these types of documents, you can develop electronic form forms and save them on your computer. This will unify internal information and reference documents and reduce the time for their creation. Some organizational and legal documents(charter, constituent agreement) are drawn up on standard sheets of A4 paper with all the necessary details.

The concept of a form is fully applicable only to paper documents, however, when automating office work, it is practiced to create electronic forms containing electronic images of forms, the use or completion of which allows you to create full-fledged documents that comply with modern rules and current paper forms.

Preparation of templates of forms is a function of the office work service. Her responsibilities also include providing forms to structural units, monitoring the correct use of forms, and timely making changes to them (if any have occurred in the organization).

How to fill out the form details

The location of the details on the forms can be longitudinal or angular.

At longitudinal arrangement details are placed along the top margin of the sheet and aligned either widthwise or centered.

At angular location details are placed in the upper left corner of the sheet and aligned either to the left margin or to the center of the allocated area.

Each organization has the right to choose the placement of details when developing forms. The composition of the form details does not depend on their location and remains unchanged.

Emblem organization (symbolic graphic image) must be enshrined in the constituent documents of the organization. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 4, gives the following definition: “An emblem is a means of visual identification of an organization. It may consist of verbal, pictorial, volumetric and other designations or their combinations in your favorite color or color combination.”

A trademark (service mark) or commercial designation, which are placed on the letterhead in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization, can be used as an emblem. A trademark or commercial designation must be registered. In this case, the right to use them is protected by law, including on official forms.

The logo of the organization is placed on the form either in the top margin above the name of the organization or in the left margin at the same level as the name of the organization - the author of the document.

It is important to remember that the following is NOT ALLOWED:

  • replace the name of the organization with its emblem on the form;
  • place the image of the coat of arms and emblem on the forms at the same time.

Name of the organization - the author of the document is printed first in full, and below - abbreviated, but in strict accordance with the constituent documents on the basis of which this organization was formed and operates. The abbreviated name is enclosed in parentheses.

Organization code is affixed according to the Public Classifier of Industrial Associations and Enterprises (OKPO). The OKPO code is an element of the organization’s electronic identification.

Document type code entered in the form according to the Public Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD). The OKUD code is an element of electronic identification of a document.

Props main state registration number (OGRN) of a legal entity is placed on a form in accordance with the documents issued by the tax authorities.

Taxpayer identification number/reason code for delivery for registration (TIN/KPP) are also marked on the form in accordance with the documents received from the tax authorities.

Each organization, based on state standards, works with documents, taking into account the specifics of its activities, documentation technology, and working conditions of the management apparatus. These internal rules for the preparation of documents are implemented through the publication of local regulations (regulations, rules, instructions). However, the organization’s requirements for document preparation should not contradict the requirements established by state standards.

Basic rules for making forms

When developing document forms and their further production, it is necessary to remember that the basic requirements for document forms are established by GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Each organization decides on its own method of producing forms, that is, forms can be printed by typography, by means of online printing or computer technology directly during the production of the document. The exception is forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, which must be produced only by printing and stamp-engraving enterprises that have certificates of technical and technological capabilities for the production of this type of product at the proper quality level.

The most common method of producing forms is printing, but forms can be produced using online printing tools or reproduced using a computer. A template of the form on which the text of the document is printed must be stored in the computer's memory. For the production of forms, mainly two paper formats are used: A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (210 x 148 mm). Each sheet of the document, executed both on a letterhead and on a standard sheet of paper, must have margins of at least 20 mm - left, 10 - right, 20 - top, 20 - bottom.

How to fill out a letter form

The following details (information about the organization) can be placed on the letterhead:

  • reference information about the organization (postal address, telephone/fax, email address);
  • organization code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Institutions, Organizations and Enterprises (OKPO);
  • main state registration number (OGRN);
  • Taxpayer identification number/reason code for delivery for registration (TIN/KPP);
  • document form code (OKUD);
  • a mark for the registration number and date of the document;
  • mark to reference the document number and date.


It should be noted that the name of the type of document is not written on the letterhead, i.e. the word "Letter" or "Business Letter".

The form has marks for putting two numbers and two dates: one mark contains the date and registration number of the document (letter), and the other gives a link to the date and number of the received (incoming) document.

Types of forms and features of their design

There are several types of forms, each of which has its own design rules.


The general form is used to draw up internal documents of the organization. This form does not contain the name of the type of document, and it is a template for many types of documents. The general form of the organization may contain the following details:

  • organization emblem or trademark (service mark);
  • name of the organization (author of the document);
  • mark for affixing the date and document number;
  • place of compilation or creation of the document (geographical point).

The document type form differs from the general form in that the name of the document type is added (order, instruction, protocol, act, etc.). It is advisable to create forms for types of documents in an organization if there are a large number of different types of documents.

Form in two languages

The form in two languages ​​is used in organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The details of the form, along with Russian, are also printed in the national language. The name of the organization in the state language of the subject of the Russian Federation is located below or to the right of the name in Russian.

The name of the organization in a foreign language is placed on the letterhead if it is enshrined in the charter or regulations of the organization. In this case, it is located below the name in Russian. If an organization corresponds with foreign correspondents, then in this case a form is created in two languages. All details are repeated in two languages, without distorting the name of the organization, its legal form, address and reference data.

In large organizations, in addition to the form, organizations create forms for structural divisions. Such forms differ only in that they contain the name of the structural unit below the name of the organization - the author of the document. A structural unit may have a letter form and forms of types of documents that are often used in this structural unit (order of the head of the structural unit, protocol, etc.).

Official forms are created for the heads of the organization and large structural divisions who have the right to sign documents. The name of the position of the head of the organization is placed below the name of the organization - the author of the document. On the letterheads of heads of structural units, the name of the position is placed together with the name of the structural unit.

T.V. Voitsekhovich

consultant on

office work


Official documents created by legal entities or individuals must be executed and certified in the prescribed manner.

When preparing organizational and administrative documents, it is customary to use a pre-made form.

A document form, as defined by GOST R 51141-98, is “a set of details that identifies the author of an official written document.” GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions. M., 1998.-S. 2, paragraph 44.

Document forms can be printed in a printing house, and when using a PC, the form can be entered into the machine’s memory and automatically output when the document is printed. No matter how the form is produced, it is necessary to take into account certain requirements that are established by GOST R 6.30-97 for the types of forms, their design, accounting and storage, including forms with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Forms must be made on white paper or light-colored paper of appropriate quality.

When designing document forms, the dimensions of the areas for the location of the details used on the forms must correspond to those shown on the sample form.

On the form, in accordance with the established dimensions and rules for the design of details, permanent details are applied, the locations of some variable details, which should be in the upper (header) part of the form, are marked in the form of corners or lines. Also, the corners mark the fields of the document and the location of the details applied at the bottom of the form.

Document forms can be produced in A4 and A5 formats, with angular and longitudinal options for the location of details. When producing forms by printing or using computer technology, the details are always drawn up in a centered way, when produced using a typewriter - in a flag way.

The following types of forms are established for an organization, structural unit, or official: general form; letter form; form of a specific type of document.

The general form is used to prepare any types of documents except letters.

Depending on the constituent documents of the organization, the following permanent details can be written on the general form:

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 - emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

06 - name of the organization; 12 - place of drawing up the document.

For variable details, limit marks in the form of lines are applied to the general form - for details:

09 - document date;

10 - registration number of the document (for this detail the “No” sign is also printed in advance).

In the form of corners, the locations of the following details are distinguished:

14 - addressee (the beginning and end of the attribute, which simultaneously indicates the border of the right field);

17 - title to the text of the document;

18 - control mark;

28 - mark on receipt of the document by the organization;

29 - identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

Between detail 04 “Organization code” and details 09 “Document date” and 10 “Document registration number”, space is left for applying (imprinting) detail 08 “Name of document type”.

When the name of the type of document is entered into the general form, for example, “order”, “act”, “protocol”, this form becomes a form of a specific type of document - order form, act form, protocol form, etc. Thus, a form of a specific type document is actually a type of general form, since a general form without using the name of the type of document is not used at all when drawing up organizational and administrative documents.

Detail 05 “Document form code” is imprinted on the form when registering a specific type of document, since each type (variety) of document has its own unified form code according to OKUD.

Samples of a general form and a form for a specific type of document are given in the appendix. 2-6.

The letter form is used when drawing up only one type of document - an official letter, so there is no need to indicate the name of the type of document in it. In the letter form, in place of detail 10 “Name of the type of document” is placed detail 07 “Reference data about the organization”, and in place of detail 12 “Place of document preparation” is placed detail 11 “Link to the registration number and date of the document”, which is so necessary for correspondence.

Detail 07 “Reference information about the organization” necessarily contains information about the place of preparation, therefore there is no need to use detail 12 “Place of preparation of the document.”

Thus, the letter form differs from the general form in only two details. All other details, for which marks in the form of corners are applied on the general form, are also used on the letterhead and are drawn up according to the same rules. Letter forms are given in the appendix. 7-10.

The form of a structural unit of an organization or an official is designed if the head of the unit or official has the right to sign. The name of the structural unit or the name of the position is entered on the form after detail 06 “Name of the organization.”

Samples of official forms are given in the appendix. 11, 12.

Forms of organizations with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (stamped forms) are printed products subject to accounting.

Stamp forms are produced only by printing and stamp-engraving enterprises that have licenses for the relevant type of activity and certificates of technical and technological capabilities for high-quality production of the specified type of product.

In order to produce a stamp form or any other form in a printing house, it is necessary to make a layout of the form on a scale of 1:1, on which permanent details must be applied, the necessary marks for variable details, and the dimensions of the areas where the details are located are indicated. It is necessary to indicate the type and color of paper, select the necessary fonts, indicate the circulation, agree on the deadlines and production costs. The layout of the form must contain an indication that the head of the organization allows this layout to be printed (usually the word “I authorize” is written). The layout must also include the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization.

The organization's official forms must have serial numbers, which are stamped in a typographical manner or with a numberer. Sometimes series of these numbers are also put on stamp forms. Each type of stamp form is recorded in a separate journal (or other registration and accounting form), and the forms themselves are stored in securely locked and sealed cabinets. Their destruction occurs in the prescribed manner, according to an act with a mark in the registration form.

The organization of production, storage, accounting, issuance, checking the availability of stamp (as well as simple) forms in organizations is assigned to the unit responsible for office work. The office management instructions of any organization must have a section describing the procedure for the production and use of organization forms.

General requirements for the production and storage of forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the federation are given in section. 5 GOST R 6.30-97 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Security questions

1. What is a document form as defined by GOST R51141-98?

2. In what ways can document forms be produced?

3. What is the basis for designing a document form?

4. How many types of forms are established by GOST R 6.30-97?

5. To prepare what types of documents is a common form used?

6. What permanent details can be applied to each type of form?

7. In what ways can places for variable details be marked on forms?

8. How does a general form differ from a letter form?

9. What are the requirements for the production of a form with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation?

10. What must be submitted to the printing house to produce the form?

Although an organization's letterhead is not a legal document, it is an official form of business correspondence that a company sends. Therefore, certain requirements are imposed on the preparation of such a document, enshrined in the relevant GOST R 6.30-2003.

You can download a sample form at the end of the article.

The form serves as the main form for business correspondence and is used in the following cases:

  • when preparing outgoing correspondence;
  • for issuing any information letters from counterparties: notifications, congratulations, commercial offers and others;
  • drawing up orders and instructions of an internal nature;
  • compilation of thanks and congratulations to employees;
  • drawing up contracts with contractors and private citizens.

As a rule, the design of the letterhead of any organization is worked out according to a pre-created sample. It is assumed that its tones, style, and artistic elements correspond to the trademark, brand, company logo or accepted corporate colors. The form is created in a special program or with the involvement of special companies providing design and printing services.

It is used in two versions:

  • paper;
  • electronic.

Both types should be exactly the same not only in content, but also in page parameters, proportions, etc., so as not to create the feeling of their differences.

To a greater extent, the form plays a representative role. It is convenient for an organization to contact its partners, clients or potential buyers using a specific letterhead in correspondence. In addition, this is convenient from a practical point of view: among many documents, the company’s correspondence can be found very quickly by insignia.

What does the letterhead contain: sample

The form must contain:

  • full corporate name of the organization;
  • contact details (address, phone numbers, e-mail);
  • payment details, company website, tax identification number, checkpoint are indicated upon request.

Regulatory documents do not oblige the company to create any logo, trademark or other artistic designs. However, most often the form is not only the form itself with details, but also an image of the logo of an LLC, individual entrepreneur or other company, which allows it to become more noticeable and, accordingly, attract more clients.

Thus, in the simplest version, a sample letterhead of an organization may look like this.

And in most cases, artistic elements are used to create the effect of a unique shape: some examples are shown below.

Requirements for registration of a company letterhead

The legislation does not contain the concept of “company letterhead”, therefore, in many ways, when creating this form, a company can adhere to its own point of view and implement any design idea. However, GOST R 6.30-2003 provides a detailed description of the requirements, which are advisory and not mandatory. The key ones are the following:

  1. The text is written legibly, and the following information is required:
  • full name of the company;
  • address – actual and legal, indicating the postal code and region;
  • organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, LLC, PJSC, public association);
  • jurisdiction of the structure (in the case of budgetary organizations and government bodies).
  1. Sheet format A4 or A5, standard quality paper, white or with a dim, light background, the color of which is left to the discretion of the designer.
  2. Margin margins:
  • left, bottom and top 2 cm;
  • on the right 1 cm.

It is better to provide a space on the left that is slightly larger than the normative one - 25-30 mm, since in many organizations paper media are filed in files.

There are other classifications of forms - often such forms are used not only for an organization, but also for a department or a specific official, as well as for a branch (local division) of a company. Also, the separation of types of documents is related to their purpose - for example, sometimes in the same organization samples of letterheads for specific documents are created. All types of classification are presented schematically in the figure.

From a practical point of view, you should consider a few tips to make using the form as convenient as possible:

  1. You can use background images on the surface of the paper, but if you need to send a document by fax, you need to keep in mind that they will not be printed and may interfere with the reflection of the main text.
  2. Again, from the point of view of faxing, you should take into account that the font is large enough and readable.
  3. It is better not to use glossy or coated paper, because ink and blue printing can “spread” across its surface.
  4. In the electronic version of the document, it is best to place all unchangeable information in the footers (name, contact information, payment details, etc.) so that it cannot be deleted or edited by negligence.

From the point of view of design and artistic elements, there are no uniform requirements and cannot exist. However, there are a few general tips that can help you design your form more beautifully and make it attractive.

1. Keep it simple

On the one hand, this is an obvious requirement, although against the backdrop of the rapid development of modern design technologies it becomes especially relevant. By simplicity we mean the use of harmonious artistic motifs and the combination of a small number (from 1 to 3) colors. It is a mistake to think that the success of form design depends on a large number of elements or bright colors. In fact, if you pay attention to the world's logo brands, their graphics are based on simple motifs.

It should be taken into account that form, and a trademark is not the content itself, but a means of presenting it in the most attractive form. Therefore, if you use an excess of bright colors and drawings, then the form itself will simply distract all attention from the content of the message.

In addition, the lurid colors introduce some frivolity and even distrust of the company - in this regard, do not forget that this document refers to business correspondence for official use.

Here is an example of a sample organization letterhead with a simple design.

2. Use the right graphics editor

The simplest and at the same time quite attractive forms can be developed in the regular Ms Office Word application. However, there are many other programs that allow you to efficiently process graphic information and provide greater design choices:

  • Photoshop;
  • Illustrator;
  • InDesign.

The verbal formula for the attractiveness of a form is this: it should attract attention and evoke a desire to pick it up and read the contents.

PLEASE NOTE. If professional programs are not available, it is quite possible to use Photoshop - it is only important to set the resolution to at least 300 dpi.

3. Prioritize

You should initially decide what information should catch your eye first and highlight it in all possible ways - in a larger and/or artistic font, in a more visible place.

In the example below, the company wants to highlight its contact number - it is printed large on the left, as well as its trademark.

4. Use additional personalization tools

Originality is always an effective means to stand out from the general flow of information. Therefore, the use of an original form and an unusual combination of colors will always catch the eye and create a more pleasant impression than a traditional, unremarkable design.

5. Bring your drawing to life

In the flow of daily information, which in most cases is of a regulated nature, adding a lively effect by “humanizing” a drawing can be a very fruitful idea.

6. Don't forget your brand

Of course, the form must either directly contain the product logo, or be similar to it in its motifs: color and combinations of graphic elements.

7. Don't skimp on paper

If you save too much on paper, then image losses can amount to much greater costs. The most correct option is thick paper with a uniform, textured surface. This is exactly the kind of sheet that will be pleasant to hold in your hands.

8. Add special effects

Any additional means of originality will help the document stand out from the rest. A combination of contrasting colors on the surface with beautiful patterns is used.

9. Pay attention to alignment

Although corner forms are used in most cases, the rules for formatting text are not so obvious. Special attention should be paid to them. You can conduct a survey among employees about how successful this or that option is.

10. Don’t “smear” the picture

The form is an official document, not a drawing, so the proportion of artistic elements should not exceed a quarter.

Creating a form with your own hands: video

If you have very little time, and you want to make a beautiful, but at the same time simple form, you can do the work in the Ms Word application. Video instructions will help with this.

Here's a video tutorial on how to make a mold in Photoshop.

Documentation support for an institution is not as easy a job as it might seem at first glance. Office work in a preschool educational institution—samples of documents, orders, correctly executed—is the basis of any organization. Document specialists have a serious and responsible task of complying with the rules and regulations when compiling papers and working with them.

Classification of documents in office work

To successfully manage document flow, you need to know into what types and subtypes office work divides sample documents. In a modern office, in addition to the usual papers, there are also emails, which are also part of the management system. So, the main office documents:

  1. Incoming, i.e. those coming from outside:
    • requests;
    • notifications;
    • orders of higher organizations;
    • advertising information, etc.
  2. Outgoing, i.e. sent from the organization:
    • letters, including emails;
    • inquiries and responses to inquiries;
    • accounts, acts;
    • powers of attorney;
    • certificates, copies upon request;
    • reports, etc.
  3. Internal, not outside the enterprise:
    • order (a sample paperwork document can be found in the article), instructions;
    • regulations;
    • contracts;
    • confidential and marked “DSP” - for official use;
    • memos, statements;
    • log books, etc.

Internal documents can also be transmitted and registered electronically. But this is not always acceptable: important regulations, especially personnel regulations, that require employees to be familiar with, must be printed and signed.

Maintaining electronic log books is becoming an increasingly popular method of accounting. Such journals should be protected from retroactive changes, so that they can inspire confidence in the event of controversial situations.

When you are tasked with conducting paperwork, sample documents will be very helpful. Many of them are compiled in free form, in compliance with corporate design rules, if any. But having some paperwork documents (samples) on hand is very convenient.

Sample request

Sample Thank You Letter

Sample information letter

Sample order for the allocation of financial assistance

Sample order for main activities

Sample certificate

Sample notification

Organization of office work in accordance with the rules

Commercial organizations usually determine their own internal rules for document flow. Letterhead documents for office work with a special design can be developed. Sometimes several types are approved for different purposes. But we must not forget that there are rules for preparing documents in office work - GOST R 7.0.97-2016. It regulates a number of requirements for documentation. Of course, the secretariats of government agencies must strictly follow the templates for paperwork, but everyone should take some changes into account.

In accordance with GOST, issued copies must be certified indicating the organization and case in which the original is stored.

For example: “the original is in Polet LLC in file No. 01BU/2016/03.” The case number is entered according to the nomenclature of cases.

You should also adhere to the standard regarding the recording of incoming documents in office work. For this purpose, it is mandatory to keep a special journal in which all incoming office documents are recorded. The journal must contain the following columns: date, number, name, where it was received from, to whom it was addressed or assigned by management. The number, in accordance with the journal entry and date, is indicated on the incoming document.

Outgoing document samples are registered in the same way. A journal should also be kept for them. Accurate maintenance of log books is very important. It plays an important role if the deadlines for the execution of documents in office work, the dates of orders, the loss of important papers, or in the event of legal disputes are disputed, and also helps to establish performance discipline in the organization.

Letters must also be drawn up taking into account the basic requirements: it must contain basic details, name, address, telephone number, signature of the manager or responsible person. They are drawn up on company letterhead; this standard applies to all outgoing letters and certificates. Examples of documents are presented in the article.

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Any organization, company or individual entrepreneur has its own office management system. It involves the use of letterhead. Their use is not mandatory, but in some cases for certain reasons it is better to use such forms.

It is possible to conduct business correspondence and issue orders without using special forms, but their use speaks not only of the reputability of the company, but also allows you to create the impression of solidity and serious intentions.

This is a unique tool that demonstrates the corporate style of the company, which, along with branded business cards and envelopes, allows you to create the image of a serious organization and a reliable partner.

Of course, letterhead alone cannot guarantee a successful deal and does not increase the likelihood of a successful partnership, but among other correspondence from different companies, your message or information letter on letterhead will stand out.

A variety of documents are drawn up on forms of this type:

  • outgoing mail;
  • contracts and much more.

The textual component in this case is important, but the design and layout of such a document also plays a role. For this reason, this element should look beautiful, original, but without frills, while all design details should preferably be designed so that they are easy to notice, and the recipient can receive all the necessary information.

There are three ways to create a form:

  1. Draw a design yourself and print the required number of such documents on any printer as needed.
  2. Order design and printing from a printing house, but such services will cost more.
  3. Use special software with which you can create your own form using ready-made templates or your own developments. One of these programs is available for download at:

The corporate letterhead, a sample of which is located on this page, can be made in any style and contain any design elements you need, however, when designing, you should adhere to certain rules.

Registration of the form

Such forms are drawn up on A4 sheets and must contain the following attributes:

  • name of the organization or indication of the individual entrepreneur;
  • contact details;
  • If desired or necessary, you can specify payment details, as well as INN and KPP.

As for the logo, different designers have different points of view on this matter. Some people believe that there is no need to pay special attention to this, since when ordering forms printed at a printing house, this option will cost more, and there is not much benefit from it.

Others argue that a logo is a brand name by which a company will be recognized, so it must be literally “imposed” on the recipient. Both of these points of view can be considered extremes, and it is better to use a compromise solution: the logo can be used somewhere in the corner of the form or next to the name of the organization, but you should not place it several times on one sheet, and it is especially not advisable to use the logo as a background image .

The latter is explained not so much by the nuances of design art, but by practical reasons: many organizations use a fax to transmit documents, and sending documents “overloaded” with graphic elements on such forms can be difficult.


The optimal sample letterhead for an LLC or individual entrepreneur should not contain unnecessary structures and elements, but at the same time it must stand out among ordinary documents printed on ordinary paper. It is quite easy to achieve good design without “overloading” the document with unnecessary details if you follow certain rules.

This mainly concerns the fonts used. By and large, a font cannot be objectively “bad” or “good”, since each person has a different visual perception. But you definitely shouldn’t use various gothic, hard-to-read or exotic fonts for such forms, especially if the form is used by a large, reputable company. You should also avoid mixing styles and fonts and not use underlining, italics, or changing font sizes unless absolutely necessary.

Do not use too small a font, especially when indicating the attributes and name of the organization on the form: when sending by fax, this sometimes leads to the recipient receiving an unreadable copy of the document.

From a practical point of view, also comply with the following requirements. You should not use coated or glossy paper, as it does not absorb ink well and this will create certain problems if you need to stamp a document. When creating a layout of the form, keep in mind that the finished printed document may be filed, so it is better to indent 2-2.5 centimeters from the left edge of the sheet.

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Wine is a drink that is drunk not only at every event, but also simply when you want something stronger. However, table wine is...
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If desired, the meatloaf with egg in the oven can be wrapped in thin strips of bacon. It will give the dish an amazing aroma. Also, instead of eggs...
Apricot jam has a special place. Of course, who perceives it how. I don't really like fresh apricots; peaches are another matter. But I...
The purpose of the work is to determine the human reaction time. Familiarization with statistical processing of measurement results. Instruments and...