Ukrainian citizens are being deported from the EU en masse. Passport verification process

Migration issue, who tortured Europe - and local residents, and hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants rushing to “quiet countries” - has become relevant for citizens of fraternal Ukraine.

The FMS has already officially announced that from November 1, Ukrainians (if they are not refugees from the DPR and LPR) will lose special privileges on Russian territory. This means that they can no longer be in Russia not only without registration, but also without a patent from November 1, 2015- after the relevant law comes into force.

Now they need to decide whether they will officially live and work in Russia or go home. After all, if a police officer or government employee discovers that they have remained in Russia beyond the “allotted” period (90 days every 180 days), they will be fined and deported, barred from entering Russia for years or even forever.

“Illegal stay for more than 360 days - the barrier will be closed for 10 years,” the head of the FMS officially warned all migrants. By the way, the FMS itself and the press have repeatedly reported that November 1 will become “X-Day”.

What should Ukrainians do after November 1, 2015?, if they are in Russia, want to stay in it and do not want to be deported with a “wolf ticket”? Naturally, perfect option - obtain Russian citizenship. True, this will not be possible to do quickly - to obtain citizenship, citizens of Ukraine must either go through all the stages (registration, patent, recognition as Russian speakers, temporary residence permit, residence permit), or use the “simplified” procedure.

But even simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship takes time - you need to prove that at least one parent is a citizen of the Russian Federation, or that a Ukrainian was born on the territory of the RSFSR, or be married to a Russian at least 3 years old, or have incapacitated children - citizens of the Russian Federation and do not have a second parent.

Or, as the law says, you need to conduct your business in Russia for at least three years, and the official profit from it must be at least 10,000,000 rubles (or invest at least 100,000,000 rubles in the Russian economy or pay taxes in the amount of 6 0000 rubles. This is hardly affordable for ordinary Ukrainians who came to the Russian Federation to earn extra money, to escape mobilization, or to visit relatives, would you agree?

On extreme case"simplified" can be given for 3 years to Ukrainians working "in a profession that belongs to the category of highly qualified specialties."

"A patent can be a basis for staying in the country. The period of temporary stay in Russian Federation a foreign citizen can be extended, in particular, when issuing a patent to a foreign citizen, when extending the validity of a patent, or when re-registering a patent,” the same Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes lawyers.

Is it so?

Yes, the patent will allow Ukrainian citizens to avoid “one-way” deportation.

"For the purpose of long-term stay in the Russian Federation, citizens of Ukraine must obtain provided for by law documentation. This is a patent, a temporary residence permit, temporary asylum,” the site reported official representatives Federal migration service.

There, the site was explained to journalists - in case of applying for the appropriate status “temporary stay specified category foreign citizens may be extended for another 30 days for registration purposes permitting documents".

That is, citizens of Ukraine will have one more month to collect documents.

Otherwise, “in the absence of grounds confirming the legality of stay on Russian territory, the period of temporary stay of Ukrainian citizens cannot exceed 90 days in total during each period of 180 days.” That is, you can live for three months, after which you are obliged to return for 6 months, either to Ukraine, to Belarus, or to the West - and only then you can return to the Russian Federation.

The remaining option for Ukrainians (except for temporary residence permits, residence permits, etc.) is refugee status (it is issued to those who officially prove that they do not want and cannot live in Ukraine any longer). Or, which is easier, temporary shelter. Just like Snowden - and, according to media reports, he is extradited to refugees from Ukraine very quickly.

To obtain temporary asylum, citizens of Ukraine need to come to the Federal Migration Service, undergo dactyloscopy (give fingerprints), pass medical examination(provide certificates from the official medical institution). In this case, the Ukrainian passport is confiscated for storage in the Federal Migration Service, and a refugee certificate is issued instead.

Yes, by the way, in this case it is impossible to travel to Ukraine without a Ukrainian passport. But here it’s either checkered (the opportunity to go home, to Ukraine) or go (stay in Russia).

"Temporary shelter issued for a period of 1 year. Temporary asylum and refugee status give the right to work in the region without obtaining a work permit,” lawyers say.

Is registration enough for Ukrainians? in Moscow or other cities of the Russian Federation, so as not to go back for six months and not be deported? "Registration is needed, but it doesn't give full rights residence in the Russian Federation, to speak officially. A patent gives such a right - this means that a person works, has permanent source income (and will not engage in crime, or work “in the shadows”), which means he is socialized in Russia,” lawyers say.

They also add that “previously, Ukrainians, like citizens Customs Union, came to Russia, rented apartment-rooms, worked for a salary “in an envelope”, did not pay taxes, did not register (many landlords were afraid to register a newcomer “in case he transferred the apartment to himself” or “in case he was forced to pay taxes”).

Now this will no longer happen - we need to decide and formalize it."

In addition, as police sources told the site, in connection with the foreign policy situation and the threat of terrorism (recall that the IS group banned in the Russian Federation declared “jihad” to Russia), police will conduct thorough checks of rented apartments, hostels and other places of residence - including, checking documents for “the presence of rights to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for citizens of other countries.”

“What should Ukrainians do after November 1? Actually, they should have started fussing earlier - this was constantly talked about on TV, in print media, on the Internet. But the answer is short and succinct - register as soon as possible. Or leave,” lawyers advise.

And it’s really difficult to add anything to this.

They are preparing to expel Ukrainians who are asking for refugee status en masse from Israel. And, as it turned out, there are many of them - more than 15 thousand people, and almost half of them filed applications this year alone.

The reason for the deportation is that the country's authorities officially recognized Ukraine as a safe country in which there is no military action, and among those applying for refugee status they found many impostors.

These are mainly migrant workers from peaceful areas who came to the country under the guise of refugees from the ATO zone. While their applications were being considered, which took months, they could work without special work visa, which is not easy to obtain.

They are attracted to Israel high salaries 2-3 thousand dollars each. They pay especially well on construction sites - three times more than in Poland, which is popular among workers.

The changes do not apply to Lugansk and Donetsk regions. Applications for asylum from people from the ATO zone will be considered in individually(although this does not guarantee status in Israel).

False refugees will now be able to be deported in a couple of weeks.

The Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs calculated that there were twice as many applications from Ukrainians and Georgians as from refugees from African countries(Eritrea, Sudan), where there is a war.

“We will use all the means at our disposal to put an end to this phenomenon. Thousands of such applications, most of which are without any basis, complicate the work of the system and prevent our specialists from dealing with real appeals,” said Israeli Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, quoted by the press service of the migration department.

By law, if refugee status is denied, a person is required to leave Israel within seven days. If he refuses to do this voluntarily, a warrant is issued for his arrest. And from prison the illegal immigrant is taken to the airport and sent home.

However, you can still play for time and appeal the decision in court special commission about denial of refugee status.

But in the end, deportation still looms, and legal costs in Israel considerable.

Lviv residents talk about “militia fathers” and “uncles from the DPR”

It turned out that pretending to be a refugee from a war zone has become a common practice for thousands of Ukrainians who do not want to “bother” with a complex work visa.

“A lot of us ask for refugee status immediately upon arrival. They tell tales that their father is a “militiaman”, their uncle is for the “DPR” and if they stay in Ukraine, they will be killed. And these are people from Kiev, Chernigov, Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk. They come in thousands and lie. But a country that respects human rights and the law on refugees honestly considers them, spending a lot of money on it, including from Israeli taxes. All these people are given the opportunity to work while their case is being considered,” - says Vera Gailis, an ex-Ukrainian who lives in Eilat.

The trick with refugees was carried out by intermediary companies. On the Internet you can find hundreds of advertisements promising legalization in Israel for several thousand dollars without guarantees.

“People are promised work, and upon arrival they are advised to apply for refugee status. They say that they are from Donbass, there is war there and it is dangerous for life. And by the time it comes to considering their application and interview, months will pass, during which they will do well In fact, they are illegal immigrants, but legally there were no questions about them. They travel alone or in pairs,” Israeli journalist Jan Shterenberg tells Strana.

Builders receive more than 75 thousand UAH, waiters - 60 thousand.

In Israel, as they say in recruitment agencies, really good conditions, there are not enough workers there, especially at construction sites, so a place can be found in less than a month.

“Plus - there is no language barrier, many speak Russian. Builders earn 2.4-2.9 thousand dollars a month, welders receive 2.4-2.6 thousand, electricians - 2.5-2.9 thousand dollars , general workers - 2.4 thousand. Even a simple waiter or cleaner has $2.2-2.3 thousand. In Poland, of course, they pay much less, although the cost of living in Israel is higher, but ours manage to save. On Saturdays, when Israelis have a day off, they work part-time,” Maria Furdak, a representative of a Lvov employment agency, told Strana.

The migrant workers themselves speak differently about working in Israel. “It’s definitely better than Poland. I worked there myself, and my brother and a friend. You can’t earn that kind of money in Europe now,” says Frankovo ​​resident Mikhail Zadorozhny, who recently returned from construction in Israel.

Others complain about difficult conditions. “It’s hard to work there - heat and terribly dry air. But for general workers it’s like hell. People then have a lot of illnesses. It’s better to go to the north of Europe - the climate is normal and the salaries are high,” says Lviv resident Alexey Palyukh.

Payback for the "anti-Israel" resolution?

Since the beginning of hostilities in Donbass, Israel has hesitated to recognize Ukraine as a safe country. The fact is that everything has changed, according to experts. there is a political background.

Since December last year, relations between Ukraine and Israel have deteriorated sharply - after our diplomats approved an “anti-Israeli” resolution of the UN Security Council. According to it, Israel was once again called an occupier of part of Palestinian territory and called to stop construction on disputed lands. Jerusalem was offended.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu immediately canceled the planned visit of the Ukrainian head of government Vladimir Groysman.

The agreement on labor migrants. Last summer, the countries ratified a document under which Ukrainians could get jobs in certain areas of the Israeli economy without bureaucratic delays.

Under this agreement, Israel allocated 15 thousand jobs in the construction sector to Ukrainian workers with confirmed qualifications and provided them with wages, health insurance and normal conditions labor. It is now unclear when the agreement will go into effect.

“Immediately after the vote on the UN resolution, already in January, at the Israeli Ben Gurion airport, Ukrainians flying into the country became much more picky. By the way, they are now promising more friendly checks, because they hope that the decision on refugees will scare away illegal immigrants. Although, to be honest, Ukrainians behave calmly - they find work, work, send money home and do not create any special problems,” says journalist Shterenberg.

“You have been granted visa-free travel to Europe - go there”

The tourists themselves share stories of how they were not allowed into Israel. Journalist Liliya Vitvitskaya from Ivano-Frankivsk did not go there on vacation this summer. "I thought that the workers border service understand what a person who comes on vacation and one who comes to look for work illegally looks and behaves. And I was mistaken - they refused me,” shares Vitvitskaya.

According to her, the officer passport control were not satisfied with her answers to traditional questions about the purpose and duration of the visit, and the girl was sent for an interview. There the conversation turned to elevated tones.

“They shouted at me: “You’re lying, you came to work!” You Ukrainians come here to work, you're lying!" In a state of shock, I explained that I work and study in Ukraine, came to rest, and have no intentions of staying to work in Israel. However, the man accused me of lying: "You have been granted a visa-free travel to Europe, so go there, not to us, to trample our land. I'm protecting my country from people like you!"

The girl was suspected of coming to work in a brothel and decided to deport her.

“Two men came into the office, took my documents, took me to a closed room and told me to wait. One of the guards said that they would let me into Israel only if I contacted their lawyer, who would take custody of me for a few days for $2,000. However, I didn’t have that amount. Therefore, I was sent to an office where the same citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia were waiting, whom they decided to expel. From the stories, I realized that most often Georgians and Ukrainians, in particular, women and young girls, are denied entry. Israelis believe that the girls arrive to engage in prostitution in Israel,” says the journalist, who was sent on a plane home.

Even candy is scanned at the airport

“Apparently, this is a standard attitude towards Ukrainians. They also kept me for a long time and questioned me,” shares Lviv resident Alexander Shvets.

“They ask everyone, including Israelis,” Yuri Korogodsky, who often flies to Israel, disagrees.

“And a friend of mine went to visit her sister, but spent three days in prison at the airport and she was deported, like other Ukrainians, Georgians and Moldovans,” Lviv resident Darina Popil is indignant.

However, according to ex-Ukrainian Vera Gailis, who lives in Israel, Israeli border guards still have reasons for deportation: “This means that there were real suspicions that Ukrainians want to stay in the country and work in a dirty way. There are thousands of them here, and they are damaging the Israeli economy."

“The slightest doubt in a voice is enough for a person not to be allowed through. We even scanned chocolates. This is the job people have. The country is constantly in a state of war. I don’t think anyone intentionally wanted to offend anyone,” says Ukrainian Yaroslava Lytvyn , who recently visited Israel.

At certain situations, when a person is on the territory of Ukraine, various troubles can happen to him. This leads to conflicts with the law and the state itself. But, if the situation reaches the worst case scenario, it may happen deportation from Ukraine. The reasons for this may vary. But it is worth remembering that there are no unsolved problems and you can always get help from lawyers.

Why is deportation from Ukraine carried out?

There are many reasons why official authorities have the right to evict a person from the state. This concerns violation current legislation either order or undesirable behavior on the territory of the country. The most common situation among them is the expiration of the visa. Unforeseen circumstances may be to blame for this:

  • illness;
  • disasters;
  • financial difficulties;
  • problems with the law.

Not uncommon deportation from Ukraine for the reason when the expiration date personal documents expired or they were lost. It is also important to remember that if a person is dangerous to society or he has committed a crime under the laws of Ukraine, then the result will be one of three options:

  • reduction of length of stay;
  • punishment, as for citizens of Ukraine;
  • deportation.

Another case when they are necessarily expelled from Ukraine is illegal crossing borders. It is also important to remember that if a foreigner is accused of certain crime, then he must prove his non-involvement as quickly as possible, otherwise this will have an extremely negative impact on his future stay in this country. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to use the services of legal consultants.

Procedure for deportation of foreign citizens

If a person is announced about deportation, he is obliged to leave the territory of the state within the specified period. He must be explained the rights, responsibilities or possible charges under crime committed, if such was the case. In the case when you need to explain to a person what method is used deportation of foreigners from Ukraine in another language, then use the services of a translator.

In cases where a person has committed serious crimes or has threatened the security of the state, then the note “undesirable person” is entered in the passport. In any situation, it is better to immediately use the services of professionals in Lviv who will help you understand a particular case. More detailed information can be found on our website.

Disadvantages of the Ukrainian deportation system

Despite the confident desire for the West and the European approach in all spheres of life, the process of detention and deportation of persons who have committed certain violations of their stay in the territory Ukrainian state, is quite imperfect. Of all negative aspects Human rights experts highlight the following points:

  • the process of detention and deportation is not based on a strict court decision, and therefore one can often observe a high-handed attitude various organs to this question;
  • there is no regulated period and place of detention of foreign citizens who fall under the article of deportation, which provokes unfixed retention of such persons in pre-trial detention centers;
  • lack of immediate judicial appeal issue regarding the detention and deportation of a foreigner, which entails holding in custody until the circumstances are clarified for more than 72 hours accepted throughout the world.

Given such nuances, Ukraine should strive to improve its deportation system, making the process less complex and more acceptable for each person.

The forced eviction of foreigners from the territory of the Russian Federation is an unpleasant and humiliating procedure. Many have heard about it, but not everyone knows what it is and how it goes. Due to the tightening of migration legislation in relation to residents of Ukraine (except for immigrants from its eastern regions), this topic has become the most relevant for them. The deportation of Ukrainians from Russia in 2019 is applied in special cases and does not concern those who comply established standards entry and stay in the country.

What does the term “deportation” mean?

To understand the peculiarities of the procedure, you first need to find out what is hidden behind this term, which is unpleasant for many foreigners. Translated from Latin, “deportation” means expulsion, expulsion. It is carried out in forcibly for disobedience to rules, regulations and laws and threatens violators certain restrictions entry fees and fines.

Separate legislation regulating the algorithm of actions during this procedure or establishing the reasons for its application to to a foreign person, does not exist.

The rules that govern the process of eviction of violators from the Russian Federation are set out in Federal law dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreigners in Russia.”

Don't be confused this concept with another term “expulsion”. The difference is that deportation does not entail special consequences if the offender has not committed serious acts. Expulsion is always accompanied by a ban on subsequent crossing Russian border. In practice, both concepts are quite vague, and therefore both procedures can have unpleasant consequences.

In view of the events taking place in the east of the Ukrainian state, for Ukrainians in 2014, preferential terms stay on Russian territory. In order to combat illegal migration in November 2016, all Ukrainians (except for residents of Lugansk and Donetsk regions) were required to confirm legal grounds for living in Russia. Everyone who was unable to do this was subject to a deportation order from January 1, 2017.

Today, migration rules are determined for citizens of Ukraine next order actions:

Further actions depend on how long Ukrainian migrants intend to stay in Russia. Without legalization of status, you can stay up to 90 days during each six months. Next, they need to either leave the Russian Federation or apply for a temporary residence permit, work permit (patent), refugee status or temporary asylum.

How to check Ukrainians for deportation

Often, those who were deported to Ukraine remain unaware that, along with forced eviction, they were subject to a ban on entry into Russia for certain period. They can only find out about this the next time they try to cross the border. To avoid this unpleasant surprise, it is necessary to clarify in advance, for example, on the website of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whether there are any restrictions.

To check, you must enter the following data:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Citizenship.
  4. The type of document that will be searched ( national passport, foreign biometric or old-style foreign).
  5. Document number, date of issue and country to which it belongs.

Please note that the information obtained in this way is for reference only. To receive an official response, you will have to personally contact the migration authorities.

The grounds for the eviction of Ukrainian citizens outside the Russian Federation are related to the illegality of their residence in the Russian state. In other words, the first candidates for forced deportation are violators migration rules. This measure– the main method of combating illegal immigrants who do not pay taxes, thereby negatively affecting the country’s economy and its life in general.

Federal Law No. 115 provides a list of reasons for which Ukrainian citizens can be deported from Russia:

Who can't be deported?

In the matter of deportation, it is necessary to take into account the laws that apply to international level, and accepted Russian authorities. For example, the expulsion of people from their country of nationality constitutes a serious violation of the Fourth Protocol of the European Convention, signed in Paris in 1957.

According to the Rome Statute, it is prohibited to expel national minorities and the indigenous population.

IN Russian legislation It is also clearly stated who cannot forcibly leave Russia:

  • refugees, as well as persons who have received temporary or political asylum status;
  • persons who applied for the assignment of these statuses;
  • persons who have lost these statuses, but due to humanitarian principles cannot be expelled due to military operations on the territory of their country;
  • diplomats;
  • residents of states where hostilities are taking place.

Before a person is deported, the fact of his violation of migration laws must be established. This duty entrusted to GUVM employees Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the violator is discovered, he is taken to the migration service department until all the circumstances of the case are clarified. He is then transferred to a closed facility, where he will be held until a decision is made regarding his deportation.

The decision is made by the leader territorial service migration. If the penalty is expressed only in the imposition of fines or other administrative penalties, which are in no way connected with deportation, then the offender can only be expelled from the country through a judicial procedure.

Below we provide step by step instructions How deportation from Russia to Ukraine occurs:

The eviction procedure is paid by:

  • the deportee himself – by default;
  • who invited this person party or his relatives;
  • diplomatic mission of the state of which he is a citizen;
  • the Russian side, provided that all the above cases cannot be applied.

Don't forget about penalties. If it is discovered that a Ukrainian citizen is illegally staying in Russia, he will have to pay a fine of 3,000-5,000 rubles.

For how long can they be deported?

Most often, deportation is accompanied by a ban on subsequent crossing of the Russian border. This means that those who were planning to work in Russia will have to abandon this idea. For the most part, this situation is due to the carelessness of migrants: they forget about the expiration of documents giving the right to reside in Russia.

How long Ukrainian citizens are deported from Russia depends on the severity perfect action; On average, the period of a ban on entry into Russia can range from 3 to 10 years.

Often, violators do not even know for how long they cannot cross the Russian border. To find out, you need to send a request on the website of the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A citizen who was deported to Ukraine can appeal the decision made regarding his person. He can apply to the court at his place of residence within 3 months or 10 days after receiving notification of the decision. If court will accept the appeal, the deportation process will be suspended. This will enable the applicant to remain in Russia for the entire period of consideration of his case.

To submit an application you will need:

  1. The act to be appealed.
  2. Grounds for canceling deportation.
  3. Observed period for filing a claim (10 days for removal, 90 days for deportation).

If the arguments presented turn out to be unfounded, the decision to evict the applicant will be annulled. IN otherwise he will have to leave for Ukraine and wait until the entry ban expires for his next visit.

What could be the consequences?

Violations of migration rules may result in material penalties or restrictive measures on visiting the Russian Federation. Too afraid severe punishment those who have slightly exceeded the permissible period of stay and voluntarily left the country should not. And here illegal presence on its territory for a long period of time will necessarily entail both eviction and a ban on entry.

For those whose actions were also accompanied by the commission of a crime (for example, forgery of documents) or evasion of traveling abroad of the Russian Federation, the law also provides for the payment of a fine. Please note that repayment material penalty does not cancel deportation.

All information about violators is entered into a “black list”, which is stored in the system of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In it you can also find a list of persons whose stay in Russia cannot be called desirable. This state policy restricts the entry into the country of foreigners whose presence may pose a danger to society or the constitutional order.

How to avoid getting sanctioned

To avoid exposing yourself to humiliating actions from others migration authorities, lawyers give advice on how to avoid deportation from Russia to a citizen of Ukraine:

  • fill out each item on the migration card and correctly indicate the purpose of the visit;
  • comply with the deadlines for migration registration, registration of temporary residence permit, residence permit and other permits;
  • do not give original documents to anyone;
  • renew everything on time necessary certificates and evidence;
  • do not violate Russian legislation.

All this will help avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.

What interests Ukrainians most often?

In addition to the issues discussed, many more incomprehensible situations may arise when Ukrainians are banned from entering Russia. Below we will try to talk about some.

Small tips will help you find a way out of them:

  1. Can a person be deported anonymously? The main problem of the migration service remains the presence of illegal immigrants (especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg). Most often, they live in groups of several people in one apartment, do not always behave exemplary and create inconvenience for neighbors. In this case, you can submit an application to the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs anonymously. The application will not indicate the name or address of the person applying.
  2. Can they be evicted if they don’t have citizenship? The issue with stateless persons becomes especially acute when they commit a crime. After serving the assigned sentence, it is impossible to actually evict such persons outside the Russian Federation due to their lack of citizenship (for example, the offender still has a USSR passport in his hands). In this case, their imprisonment is extended for an unlimited period, since their stay in Russian society such persons are undesirable.
  3. What is the difference between deportation and expulsion? Deportation rarely entails entry restrictions. The decision is made by the manager migration unit in the violator's region of residence. They can be expelled from Ukraine after a trial in parallel with the imposition of a fine and a ban on subsequent visits.
  4. What happens if you enter Russia contrary to the ban. There are often cases when Ukrainian citizens don't wait until the end established punishment and are attempting a new trip to the Russian Federation. Here you should know that crossing the Russian border before the entry restriction expires is also serious violation. When attempting to cross the border, violators of the entry ban will have their period of “non-entry” increased by Russian territory up to 10 years.


The deportation of Ukrainian citizens is carried out according to the same rules as the deportation of citizens of other states. The main reasons for this procedure are: illegal stay in Russia, illegal entry, expired/canceled documents. Along with deportation, Ukrainians may face a fine and a ban on visiting Russian state in the future for a period of 3-10 years. Compliance with all migration regulations will help you avoid such troubles.

Deportation. Special report: video

Reply by political scientist Oleg Bondarenko

With the last day of November, not only autumn will end for Ukrainian citizens located in the Russian Federation, but also the preferential regime for staying in Russia provided by the FMS. The warning from the migration service, announced in early November, made more than two million Ukrainians nervous, who fled to the country after the February coup. If they do not have a temporary residence permit, residence permit or work patent, from December 1, they will be allowed to stay in the Russian Federation for no more than 90 days within six months. Otherwise, they face deportation. These measures, delayed for a year and a half, became the domestic response to the introduction of similar measures by the Ukrainian side in the spring of 2014. The FMS statement said that these rules do not apply to residents of Donbass, but even without taking into account refugees from this region, there remain more than a million Ukrainians, not all of whom have managed to acquire necessary documents. What can they do?

The heads of individual Russian border regions are considering opening specialized centers for the naturalization of Ukrainian citizens, but this, of course, is not enough.

The situation is even more complicated in the still unrecognized Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. There, since the start of the armed aggression of the Ukrainian army, hypocritically called an “anti-terrorist operation” by Kiev, several tens of thousands of people have been left without documents in principle. First of all, these are young people who have reached adulthood or completed their studies without any official recognized documents. Except for the certificates issued by the DPR-LPR, which are not recognized even by Russia. Without taking into account those who lost their documents along with other property (of which there are also many), those who did not have time to change them upon reaching of a certain age or replaced Family status. Not counting newborns, because no one canceled this process in the war-torn republics. As they say, neither be born nor marry. Consequently, according to these pieces of paper, their bearers cannot cross the border with Russia, and even more so the border with Ukraine, which closely monitors which of the “separatists” enter and leave with controlled territory. There have been numerous cases when 18-year-old residents traveling to the territory of Ukraine to get a passport were arrested right on the contact line and imprisoned for “aiding the occupiers.” Of course, this cannot continue for long.

That is why, at the beginning of autumn, with reference to unnamed sources in the leadership of the people's republics, the upcoming passportization of residents of the DPR-LPR was announced Russian passports. In September similar statement made by the head of Lugansk people's republic Igor Plotnitsky. And already in October, again, high-ranking sources reported about passportization, which should begin before the end of the year through the branches of the Federal Migration Service of Rostov-on-Don. But winter has already arrived, and things are still going wrong. Moreover, knowing the domestic bureaucracy, the further you go, the more doubts about reality overcome specified deadlines. At the same time, the situation in Donbass is becoming more and more critical - renewed shelling from Ukrainian territory does not provide an opportunity to begin a full-fledged peaceful life, and individual Ukrainian oligarchs from Yanukovych’s entourage who fled from the “Euromaidan”, using the connections remaining in the region, are trying to “sell” him piece by piece or entirely Poroshenko. Of course, not just like that, but for permission to return to Kyiv.

For example, “young business talent” and part-time former cashier of the “Yanukovych family” Sergei Kurchenko, trying to make money through mediation in the DPR-LPR gasoline, gas and coal trade with Russia, is simultaneously negotiating with the head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Boris Lozhkin in the calculation and earn money (in Donbass) and return to Kyiv. The old fox who raised the refugee ex-president, Renat Akhmetov, buried the hatchet with Poroshenko and agreed with him that he would return Donbass to the control of Kyiv in exchange for not touching his business, which remained in Ukraine. Another businessman of the “Donetsk” era, Yura Enakievsky, aka Yuri Ivanyushchenko, who previously fed from the “Lugansk patrimony”, is also in a hurry to join the coal trade in the LPR. If there really is a danger of “draining Donbass” back into Ukraine from anyone, it is only from these people who are trying to regain control over the region through their “top managers” on the ground.

Therefore, right now, the need to ensure the possibility of naturalization of our compatriots who remained in the Donbass is becoming more urgent than ever. And throughout Ukraine too. More than 80% of the region’s population craves this, for which Moscow took responsibility in the “Russian spring” of 2014. Only this will allow us to save Donbass and its inhabitants, both in the political and often in the physical sense of the word. Not to mention the “Russian world”, which, of course, is huge and vast, but, alas, regularly loses information wars recent years.

Several years ago, on the pages of MK, we already talked to you about the need to offer tens of millions of Russian compatriots abroad something akin to a “Russian card.” This card must provide its bearer with the rights to free entry into the Russian Federation, preferential employment, doing business and obtaining all permits for living in Russia. After all, even small Poland has its own “Pole card” for all Poles living in other countries. And the program of relocation of compatriots to Russian regions failed miserably, never really getting started. Meager dozens (!) of families who took advantage of this program for Last year, often prefer to change their place of residence and leave the program immediately after moving.

Reasons stopping Russian bureaucracy on the issue of passportization of Donbass, they are prosaic to the point of indecency - as practice shows, the majority of officials are still afraid of Western sanctions. What if they turn off SWIFT? How will we then live without cards? What is it, “National payment system"? When will it be fixed? Aw!

Therefore, if Russian bureaucrats do not dare to passport residents of the DPR-LPR (although they were successful examples V South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria), then at a minimum they are simply obliged to provide benefits on the “Russian card” to everyone who wants Russian compatriots. To do this, however, it is necessary to quickly develop and release this very “Russian card.” Recognize her official document with a very specific scope of rights granted. And start issuing this card in the places where our compatriots live abroad through Russian consulates or directly in Donbass to everyone - from Daugavpils to Berlin and Paris. At the same time, explain to particularly sanctions-dependent officials that this is world practice protection of compatriots.

Otherwise, there will be a serious reason to doubt the reality of the “Russian world.”

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