Gross traffic violations. What traffic violations can be retaken for: list and fines for them Is there an amnesty for violations?

In Malta, the points system is only valid for inexperienced drivers. In Great Britain, Latvia and France, the attitude towards drivers is differentiated: there are no concessions for beginners, the law is more severe for them. Points earned are no longer marked manually: they are entered into databases. In some countries, the driver has the opportunity to view his history. By the way, penalty points can be worked off. In France, Germany and Hungary, to improve your driving record, you must attend a course of lectures on traffic safety. You cannot attend courses regularly - only once every few years. In South Korea, points are deducted for those who report violations on the road, and this is not called snitching, but active citizenship. Getting your rights back is not easy. In Poland and Israel they take theory, in Latvia, France and the Czech Republic they also take practice.

A complete list of traffic violations for which a driver’s license will be revoked in 2018-2019

  • do not drive drunk;
  • do not transfer control of the vehicle to third parties if they are not specified in the contract;
  • do not drive the car yourself if you do not have the right to do so;
  • do not drive a car during periods not specified in the text of the contract;
  • not intentionally cause harm to third parties;
  • do not hide the circumstances of the accident in order to obtain a larger insurance premium.
  • Thus, a compulsory motor liability insurance policy must be taken out without fail, and in no case is it recommended to allow situations that may be considered a gross violation, due to the fact that in the future there may be a significant increase in the cost of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, as well as more serious consequences.

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Increasing coefficients for compulsory motor liability insurance for traffic violators have become known (preliminary for now)2016-02-05T13:43:23+00:00 Compulsory motor liability insurance news As I wrote earlier, in 2016 it is planned to introduce increasing coefficients when calculating the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for traffic violators. Work in this direction is underway and the first concrete proposals have already been made. NAAC (Independent Actuarial Information and Analytical Center), commissioned by the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, calculated the increasing coefficients.

They can form the basis of new amendments to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance. NAAC has prepared two proposals: one provides for an increase in the cost of compulsory motor insurance only for gross traffic violations (this option, according to the Vedomosti newspaper, is supported by the insurers themselves), the other takes into account all traffic violations by drivers over the last year (but in this case, the increasing coefficients are smaller).

Deprivation of rights for three traffic violations

Article Description of the offense Type of punishment Driving without a license. signs Article 12.2 Part 2 Driving a vehicle without state registration plates, as well as driving a vehicle without state registration plates installed in the places provided for this, or driving a vehicle with state registration plates modified or equipped with the use of devices or materials that impede the identification of state registration plates registration plates or allowing them to be modified or hidden. Read about liability and judicial practice regarding deprivation of rights for driving without license plates in the corresponding article at the link.

Traffic police fine table 2018 and other penalties

Driving a vehicle on which devices for producing special light or sound signals (with the exception of security alarms) are installed without appropriate permission will result in deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years with confiscation of these devices. Art. 12.5 Part 5 Use of devices for giving special light or sound signals (with the exception of security alarms) when driving a vehicle, installed without appropriate permission, deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one and a half to two years with confiscation of these devices. Art. 12.5 hours

Gross violations of traffic rules are a reason for the rise in the cost of insurance

In our country, the return of the points system has been repeatedly discussed: the last time in 2013 it was proposed by deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov. And now the project has finally been adopted - in the form of changes to the 12th “automobile” chapter of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In the State Duma, the project was represented by Vyacheslav Lysakov and Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Igor Zubov.


At the same time, the general, as a justification, said that about 40% of those responsible for road accidents had previously violated the Rules. And Lysakov explained that the points will help effectively deal with chronic offenders, who make up 3-5% of the total number. So, the new article 12.38 “Systematic violation of the rules of operation, use of a vehicle and control of a vehicle” proposes to deprive of rights for a year and a half for a three-time gross violation within a year.

For three traffic violations, your license will be revoked.

Exceeding the speed limit by more than 60, but not more than 80 km/h, fine 2000-2500 rubles. or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months, Part 5, Article 12.9. Exceeding the speed limit by more than 80 km/h, fine 5,000 rubles. or deprivation of license for 6 months, part 6, article 12.9 Repeated speeding by 40-60 km/h fine 2000-2500 rubles. Part 7, Article 12.9 Repeated speeding by more than 60 km/h, deprivation of license for a year, if recorded by cameras - a fine of 5,000 rubles. Part 1 Article 12.10 Crossing a railway crossing outside a crossing, entering a railway crossing when the barrier is closed or closing, or when there is a prohibiting signal from the traffic light or the person on duty at the crossing, stopping or parking at the crossing, a fine of 1000 rubles. or deprivation of rights for 3-6 months, part 3, article 12.10 Repeated violation of part 1, article 12.10 deprivation of rights for a year, part 1, article 12.12 Driving through a prohibiting traffic light signal or prohibiting gesture of a traffic controller, with the exception of cases of driving beyond the stop line, fine 1000 rub.

What traffic violations are considered gross?

Repeated violation of Part 1 of Article 12.12 fine of 5,000 rubles. or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months, Part 2, Article 12.13 Failure to comply with the traffic rules requirement to give way to a vehicle enjoying the right of way through intersections, a fine of 1000 rubles. Part 2 Article 12.14 Turning around or reversing in places where such maneuvers are prohibited (except for highways and violation of signs and markings) fine 500 rubles. Part 3, Article 12.14 Failure to comply with the traffic rules requirement to give way to a vehicle enjoying the right of way, a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Part 4, Article 12.15 Driving into the oncoming lane in violation of traffic rules, fine 5,000 rubles. or deprivation of rights for 4-6 months, Part 5, Article 12.15 Repeated violation of Part 4, Article 12.15, deprivation of rights for a year, if recorded by cameras - a fine of 5,000 rubles. Part 2 Article 12.16 Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings fine 1000-1500 rubles.
Turning/turning in places prohibited by signs or markings; (Article 12.16 part 2) Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway; (Article 12.18) Failure to provide priority in traffic to pedestrians or other road users Will repeated violations of traffic rules from photo and video cameras be taken into account? The bill clearly states that liability for repeated violations of traffic rules will not extend to violations recorded by photo and video recording. A fine and deprivation of rights will be imposed only if there are protocols.
The “credit” year is counted from the moment the decision on punishment for the first gross violation comes into force - that is, ten days after the traffic police or the court renders a verdict. If a chronic violator turns out to be a person without a driver’s license at all (and this happens!), then he will be fined 10-30 thousand rubles. In this case, the amount accrues is considerable: the fine for the violation itself plus the fine for driving without a license is 5-15 thousand - and a new one for another 10-30 thousand.
Misdemeanors recorded by automatic cameras are not taken into account, since automation, in accordance with Article 4.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, can only issue fines. Thus, only an inspector who personally recorded a violation and determined that it was the third gross violation in a year has the right to initiate a case under the new article.

This type of insurance, unlike CASCO, is mandatory. If compulsory motor liability insurance is not issued, then the driver simply does not have the right to drive on the roads.

It is mandatory so that if the car owner gets into an accident due to his own fault, he does not have to pay for the repair of someone else’s car. And if another driver is at fault for the accident, then the insurance organization that insures the culprit’s car should pay for the repair of his car.

Thus, under OSAGO payments can only be made for repairing someone else’s car. If the fault lies with the owner of the car, then he must repair the car himself at his own expense.

This reduced fine was introduced to some extent in order to combat drunkenness: it is better for a drunk driver to ask a loved one to get behind the wheel than to drive the vehicle himself.

Besides, OSAGO can be issued, but forgotten at home. This situation can happen to any person. In such circumstances, you will also have to pay 500 rubles. We talked about this situation and other penalties for driving without insurance in.

Important! If you pay off the fine promptly - within 20 days, you will have to pay half as much, that is, for example, for the absence of a policy, the budget from the driver will receive only 400 rubles.

Despite the fact that compulsory motor liability insurance is mandatory, not all drivers decide to shell out money and purchase it. They think they will save money this way. However, no one can know for sure that an unpleasant situation will never happen to him, and he will not have an accident. Without insurance, you will have to spend a much larger amount on repairing someone else's car., so it’s not in vain that the law obliges you to have such a policy.

How do gross violations affect the cost of the policy?

It is no secret that the cost of the policy is not fixed and depends on many factors. Of course, there are base rates for calculating the cost, but increasing factors may be applied to them.

One of these coefficients is provided in connection with significant violations by the car owner in the past, therefore, gross violations of the conditions of compulsory motor liability insurance are what cause the price of insurance to increase.

Moreover, it increases significantly – by 50%.

What cases do they apply to?

The law clearly establishes what it is - gross violations, in this regard, let's look at after what events the owner of the vehicle will have to spend 1.5 times more on the policy and whether non-compliance with traffic rules applies to such cases. When you decide to take out insurance for yourself, you should know that its cost will be 50% higher if:

It is precisely such cases, if they occurred in the past, that are recognized as gross violations, which have a significant impact on the level of payment for the policy.

Driver's responsibility

In case of significant violations, such as concealing the circumstances of an accident in order to increase insurance payments, driving a car while intoxicated during an accident, etc., this will not go unpunished and will have certain consequences:

  1. in the future you will have to pay a large amount of money to purchase an MTPL policy. At the same time, information about gross violations falls into a single database, which helps ensure that the car owner will not be able to avoid paying an increased amount of insurance annually;
  2. if specified events occur, as a result of which an increasing coefficient is applied, then the driver should not count on an insurance premium greater than the base rate multiplied by five and the territorial coefficient;
  3. A fifty percent discount for prompt payment of a fine will not apply if there is gross negligence.

In the same time the culprit will have to answer for his actions, for example, if he was not indicated in the policy as a person entitled to drive a car, then the insurer has grounds for a recourse claim.

This means that the insurance organization will pay for the damage caused to the victim, but subsequently demand that the culprit who committed a gross violation return the money spent to the organization.

Important! Thus, having committed a gross violation, the person will be held liable - he will be forced to independently bear the costs of restoring the vehicle to a third party.

In addition, violations are punished through administrative and criminal legislation. These are violations such as intentional actions that caused harm to a person’s life, fleeing the scene of an accident, and driving while intoxicated. Therefore, the responsibilities and consequences may include:

  • deprivation of driver's license;
  • the onset of administrative liability;
  • onset of criminal liability.

Unpleasant consequences await the driver for driving a vehicle with expired insurance. You can learn about the driver’s responsibility in such a situation in the articles on our website. Read about:

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared its amendments to the bill, which provides for the deprivation of rights for systematic and gross violation of the Traffic Rules.

The department believes that three traffic violations recorded by a traffic police inspector are enough to deprive a driver of his license for a period of one to one and a half years. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not believe that any division is necessary into whether these were gross violations or not.

“It is proposed to supplement Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (“Administrative offenses in the field of road traffic”) with Article 12.38 (“Systematic violation of the rules of operation, use of a vehicle and driving a vehicle”). It is proposed that a person subjected to administrative punishment three or more times for committing administrative offenses should be held administratively liable in the form of deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one to one and a half years,” the department’s press service told TASS.

Earlier, the State Duma considered the corresponding bill in the first reading. But the deputies proposed to deprive only those who not only systematically, but also flagrantly violate traffic rules. We are talking about such offenses as exceeding the speed limit by more than 40, 60 and 80 km/h, entering or crossing a railway crossing at a prohibiting traffic light, driving through a red light or contrary to a traffic controller’s prohibition, failure to comply with traffic regulations to give way to a vehicle using advantage, and a number of other violations.

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Comments on the news

    Well done, namesake, it’s a pity we mere mortals don’t have such powers.

    The traffic cops are pushing their way, but read more carefully: the Duma proposes - But the deputies proposed to deprive the rights only of those who not only systematically, but also flagrantly violate traffic rules. We are talking about such offenses as exceeding the speed limit by more than 40, 60 and 80 km/h, entering or crossing a railway crossing at a prohibiting traffic light, driving through a red light or contrary to a traffic controller’s prohibition, failure to comply with traffic regulations to give way to a vehicle using advantage, and a number of other violations.) Don’t be rude on the road and there will be nothing to be afraid of. Of course, no one is safe from GAI scams, but it happened, it exists, and the worst thing will happen, there’s nothing new here.

    I propose to introduce execution of violators right on the spot

    In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, some smart guy or vice versa found himself and somehow pushed his amendments into the bill and here your new law appears to replenish your wallets. I know there is corruption and whatnot, but there are also HONEST guys, it’s a shame that they are so young. I can foresee that if you continue to be impudent and tighten the screws on people, then people will simply start shooting at you. Just think before you decide!

    The first traffic cop was NIGHTINGALE THE ROBBER!!! He sat on a tree between the branches and whistled and robbed!!! TO BE CONTINUED!!! Absolutely AHAMELI!!!

    And the cops here say that Putin allows a separate state, so the guys are robbing the elections

    But what if we add 3 violations to the traffic cop for violations on his part and deprive him of his job for such periods and the judges, too, for incorrect punishment

    Let's introduce a law "Bribe the police" and force drivers to pay it every year, like for damn insurance.

    Corruption must first be put an end to, but it seems that no one in power is interested in this, but they are coming up with new “earnings” for themselves, no matter how they get drunk,

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