Characteristics of PU, rules for taking readings. Double receipt for housing and communal services payments

Four days, and the joint Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation N 74, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation N 114/pr dated February 29, 2016 will come into force. From July 1, 2016 management organizations you will have to enter twice as much information into the GIS housing and communal services. To optimize your work, we have launched a series of articles in which we share tips on uploading information to the system.

Today we will talk about how and in what time frame to place in the GIS Housing and Communal Services information about metering devices (which are used to determine the volume of utilities) provided owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

Information about common house metering devices

According to the Order, the management authority is responsible for posting in the system information about installed collective metering devices, except for information about installed collective metering devices, which are owned by RSO.

This information must be entered no later than 7 days from the date the metering device was put into operation or information was received from the person who commissioned the metering device. Also, information can be entered from the date of change in information about the relevant metering device or receipt of information about changes in information from the person responsible for these changes.

What is this information:

  • MKD address, which is indicated along with the installation location of the control unit;
  • OKTMO code of the municipality on whose territory the apartment building is located;
  • the name of the communal resource, to measure the volume of supply of which a common house meter is used;
  • serviceability or malfunction of the metering device - note that this information is posted within 2 days from the date of change in the status of the control unit or receipt of information about a change in such status;
  • type of PU depending on tariff zones of the day - more about tariff zones of the day can be read on the website of the Federal Tariff Service;
  • serial number - indicated serial number PU;
  • brand, model PU - information is taken from technical documentation to PU;
  • unit of measurement;
  • information about the presence of temperature sensors - the location of the sensors at the metering station is also indicated;
  • information about the presence of pressure sensors - data is also entered indicating the location of pressure sensors at the metering station;
  • date sealing the metering device the manufacturer or organization that carried out the last verification of the control unit;
  • date of the last verification of the control unit;
  • interverification interval, planned date of PU verification;
  • the possibility of remotely taking PU readings - the name is also indicated installed system remote taking of such readings;
  • information about putting the PU into operation - type of utility resource, date of putting the PU into operation and the act of putting the PU into operation. Moreover, the act of putting the PU into operation is subject to placement on the PU put into operation from July 1, 2017.

Information about the readings of a common house meter

This information is placed in the system of the management entities, which are the executors of the control system. It is paid monthly, on time:

  • issuing payment documents to pay for residential premises or utilities;
  • payment for residential premises or KU;
  • or transfer of readings from individual and apartment control centers - the start and end dates of the period for transferring readings are indicated.

Data on the readings of the common house control panel are:

  • date of taking PU readings;
  • collective PU readings - readings are indicated, including differentiated by day zones or other criteria.

Information about installed individual, apartment and room metering devices

No later than 7 days from the date of putting the control panel into operation or receiving information from the person who entered the control panel, or from the date of changing information about this control panel or receiving information about changing information from the person who changed this information, in information system GIS housing and communal services information about:

  • the address of residential or non-residential premises in an apartment building or a residential building in respect of which the PU indications are applied;
  • in the form of a communal resource, for measuring the supply volumes of which the PU is used;
  • serviceability or malfunction of the control panel - please note that this information is posted within 5 days from the date of change in the status of the control panel or receipt of information about a change in such status;
  • in the form of a metering device depending on the tariff zones of the day, serial number (serial number is indicated), brand, model of the control unit and unit of measurement;
  • date of PU commissioning;
  • the date of sealing of the control panel by the manufacturer or the organization that carried out the last verification of the control panel - this information is indicated if available;
  • date of the last verification of the control unit - data is also indicated if available;
  • the verification interval and the planned date of verification of the PU - also if available;
  • availability of the possibility of remotely taking PU readings, indicating the name of the installed system for remotely taking such readings.

Information about the readings of individual, apartment and room PU

  • PU readings - readings are entered, including differentiated by zones of the day or according to other criteria;
  • date of taking or transmitting PU readings.

Guide to GIS Housing and Communal Services

To enter the necessary data about the control unit, log into your personal account, open the “Management Objects” tab, select “Metering Devices” from the list. In the opened " Register of metering devices» all are entered necessary information about the PU, for example, about the type of PU and about communal resource.

To enter information about the location of the house in which the control panel is installed, you need to open the “Location” tab.

To add data about the new PU to the GIS housing and communal services information system. By clicking the “Actions” button, you can select the “Add PU” function.

In the dialog box that opens, all that remains is to mark the type of control unit and the utility resource.

Today, Russians pay for absolutely all utility services, presenting a housing and communal services receipt when repaying debts - the basis for completing the transfer of funds. Receipt for payment utilities is an official payment document that reflects information about the amount of debt of CU users for the past period.

What information does a housing and communal services receipt include?

Receipts for payment of utilities include a list of typical utilities, as well as a list of such items as maintenance of common household services, Maintenance and overhaul. This document may also indicate the need to pay for the security of the territory of the house or the operation of a video surveillance system. Note that the agreement of absolutely all additional items with citizens living in the house is mandatory. This is usually done at general meetings. All owners of residential premises in separately must in writing agree to pay for services that a standard receipt for housing and communal services does not include.

The final amount to be paid is calculated taking into account the established tariffs attributable to certain period, and indicators of the CU user counter. Note that today individual metering devices are installed in many apartments. Their owners provide evidence themselves. As for residents who do not have metering devices, their utility bills are calculated based on standards or data from public meters. At the same time, information is taken into account about how many people live in the apartment, what is the square footage of the room, and whether it contains devices with increased energy intensity.

Homeowners' associations and management companies are required to issue personal accounts for apartments that are someone else's property or are used on the basis of a social tenancy agreement. But remember that a personal account is not a document that can act as confirmation of the rights of the owner or tenant. A social tenancy agreement or a certificate of ownership, on the contrary, is such a justification.

  • How to collect debt for housing and communal services

The personal account indicates:

  • information about the owner;
  • information about citizens living in the apartment;
  • total footage of the room;
  • CG amount;
  • share of owners of residential premises (if there is more than one).

To open a personal account, Passport Office need to pass:

  • owner's passport;
  • agreement about maintenance housing;
  • certificate of ownership or social lease agreement.

Registration of a personal account is required specifically in relation to the apartment, and not its owner. If a citizen is the owner of several premises, it is necessary to organize accounting of charges and payments for each of them. You can change your personal account only after receiving the written consent of the owner.

A receipt for housing and communal services is a document that resembles a monthly form to be filled out. It's forming authorized organization and is delivered directly to the owners. Each apartment owner is provided with a receipt for housing and communal services. The transcript in the document concerns such points as:

  • account number;
  • details of the organization providing the services;
  • calculation period;
  • general information about property;
  • meter readings;
  • general house expenses;
  • information about benefits, subsidies, and installment plans available to the owner.
  • When will the provision of payment documents to consumers using GIS Housing and Communal Services begin?

Receipts for housing and communal services for an apartment and for a private house may differ in sections for payment of concierge services, maintenance of the entrance and intercom - that is, general house expenses. It is important that the information displayed on the payment slip is understandable to the consumer. The data should be transparent - a person should not have a question about how to decipher a receipt for housing and communal services.

For the most part Russian subjects The information in this document is structured in a specific way.

  1. The first part displays information about the payment amount for the calculation period and making earlier advance payments. In the same section, the amount of debt, if any, is sometimes written down. The first part of the receipt for housing and communal services includes information about the details of the company providing the services; they are needed so that the user can pay for utilities.
  2. The second block contains general information about the utility consumer (the owner or tenant of the residential premises), as well as the number of people living or registered in the apartment.
  3. The third block is the most important. This is a summary table that displays user data, units of measurement and final calculations, including advances and all outstanding payments.

Thanks so much detailed description the owner can personally check all accruals. If he does not agree with the figures, he can contact clearing center The management company or the accounting department of the homeowners association.

The National Payments Council introduced a standard according to which this moment All housing and communal services receipts have a special barcode. Thanks to special service Each consumer, using automatic terminals, can quickly pay for utilities without entering information manually.

What changed in the receipt for housing and communal services in 2017-2018

Approximate form receipts for housing and communal services were developed by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation due to the fact that from 01/01/2017, general house needs took on the type of housing services, ceasing to be, as before, communal. The Government of the Russian Federation approved the transition by the relevant Resolution No. 1498 dated December 26, 2016.

In accordance with the draft order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the order of this department dated December 29, 2014 No. 924/pr has changed. It is on its basis that an approximate form of a payment document has been introduced with a list of items on repairs, maintenance of residential premises and the provision of utilities.

New receipts in 2017 for housing and communal services do not include the item “common house services are needed.” It is replaced by the line “consumption during the maintenance of common property in the apartment building.” The new formulation of the old concept of ODN was approved by RF PP No. 1498. Now the changes are also mentioned in the draft order. New receipts in 2017 for housing and communal services are structured a little differently. In the payment document for housing and communal services, ODN is moved up a line, taking the form of housing services. On the receipt they are divided into individual items behind:

  • wastewater disposal;
  • power supply

ODN changed its name, becoming consumption for the maintenance of collective property in apartment buildings and moving from the category of utility services to housing.

Owners of premises have previously paid for the supply of electricity and water - resources for general household needs. The amount of payment was formed from the difference between the ODPU indicators and the sum of the IPU indicators in residential premises, together with the standard volumes of residents who did not have such devices.

The distribution of resources used in excess of the standard on one-room premises among residents was carried out in proportion to the footage of their premises. This volume also included the amount of water, electricity, and gas that was hidden or stolen by citizens. The scheme by which consumption is now calculated remains the same.

The changes affected next aspect: redistribution of excess housing between homeowners in the absence of OSS permission is currently prohibited. Payment of overruns is the responsibility of management organizations.

Generally speaking, the inclusion of general house needs into communal needs, and not into housing needs, as before, is a formality. If in general one resident paid a payment of 1,500 rubles. for all collective expenses, now the same amount will go as housing maintenance costs.

If the apartment does not have metering devices, a multiplying factor of 1.5 will be used on bills. Until June 1, 2017, regional authorities are required to report new approved standards for resource consumption for general household needs.

Innovations that occurred in 2018

1. Law on direct payments for housing and communal services.

On March 23, the State Duma, in the final 3rd reading, adopted a law allowing resource supply organizations to switch to direct contracts with consumers. For management organizations, this means excluding them from the utility payment processing chain. The main reason for introducing such rules, legislators cite the need to combat unscrupulous management companies that collect funds from homeowners and delay their transfer to resource specialists.

The transition to direct payments will not be widespread and automatic. Honest management organizations still have the option of retaining the right to process payments.

If MKD nevertheless switches to direct contracts with RSO, then the management company will be able to charge payments only for those resources that are used for general house needs. The management company’s generation of a repeated receipt for volumes paid by residents directly to resource officers will be regarded as fraud.

2. Receipts for major repairs in the Moscow region are now generated by MosoblEIRTS.

Since the beginning of April, the procedure for generating and issuing receipts for payment for major repairs of apartment buildings has changed in the Moscow region. Now responsibility for the preparation of these documents lies with MosoblEIRTS. The payment center will also collect and process contributions. This innovation began to work on January 1, 2018.

The receipt according to the new rules will be generated in two ways, depending on whether you have management organization agreement with the regional EIRC for settlements. In the absence of such an agreement, apartment owners will receive a separate payment with a single line - “contribution for major repairs.” A receipt will be sent quarterly.

If the apartment building serviced by the management company is included in regional program capital repairs, and the management company entered into an agreement with MosoblEIRC for settlements, then payment overhaul will be included in the EPD received by residents every month.

Similarly, payment for major repairs will be made to the EPD in the territories of the region where the settlement agreement has three-sided shape. This refers to cases where this agreement is concluded between the management organization, the local RCC and the MosobleIRC.

This law began to be considered back in November 2017, but it was rejected by the Federation Council. For its further promotion, a conciliation commission was assembled, which began developing new edition taking into account the comments received.

As a result, at the end of March 2018, the State Duma adopted an updated bill. It introduces a ban on placing advertising messages on housing and communal services receipts. The rule applies to both sides of the payment document. It was decided to publish only social advertising and background information - this was the main amendment made conciliation commission. New law will begin to work 60 days after it is posted in official sources.

Deputies explain the need for the described ban by the fact that citizens, when receiving receipts with commercial advertising placed on them, confuse them with spam and throw them away. This provokes violations of payment discipline. The introduced legislative changes should correct the current situation.

At the end of 2017 in State Duma also began to develop amendments that would allow management companies and other responsible organizations to be fined for errors in payments for utility and housing services. A proposal was voiced to impose a fine of 50 percent of the amount in the incorrectly accrued invoice.

In March 2018, the Federation Council began to talk about the need to exclude imposed social insurance. Current practice persistent promotion of insurance services to citizens, masquerading as standard monthly payments for an apartment, was called illegal.

IN currently Residents of apartment buildings receive receipts every month, in which they see two different amounts as payment for housing and communal services. One of them includes voluntary insurance apartments from an accident. This figure is deliberately placed last, so it is enough a large number of payers simply confuse it with total amount payments for housing and utilities.

The initiators of the ban on such insurance say that misled apartment owners have no idea about the following key points:

  • what exactly do management organizations insure;
  • What payment amounts can you expect?

None of the residents not only signed the insurance contracts, but also saw them. Legislators consider it necessary to develop normative act, prohibiting placing this item in the list of services printed on receipts. They plan to extend the initiative to OSAGO contracts, upon signing of which life insurance is imposed on people.

It should be noted that, in accordance with Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, property insurance is a voluntary procedure.

5. Development of a mechanism for publishing tariffs of management organizations for housing and communal services.

The order to prepare such a mechanism was issued by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In his opinion, this information, which determines certain amounts in receipts prepared monthly by management companies, must be posted in open sources. People paying for housing and communal services should be able to compare. This way they will be able, for example, to find out that in a neighboring house another management organization offers similar services that are 1.5 times cheaper.

This will make the work of the management company more transparent and ultimately reduce the costs of apartment owners to pay for housing and communal services. Some houses will decide to move to another one in order to pay less management company. However, in most cases, the very formulation of the question will simply lead to the equalization of tariffs and the elimination of obvious overstatements.

The government spoke about the monitoring of prices for housing services in all regions. He showed that similar services in identical high-rise buildings located in the same climatic zones often differ in price by tens of times. That is why they plan to bring this situation out of the shadows and force the formation of value based on the laws of market competition.

Management organizations that allow such inflated prices are advised to prepare for price equalization so as not to provoke dissatisfaction among residents and not risk the loss of multi-storey buildings under their control. So far, the development of the bill is only in plans, but given the high rank of the official who initiated it, it is worth preparing for the imminent start of consideration of this document in parliament.

How is the cost of utilities included in the housing and communal services receipt calculated?

Calculations are primarily based on information provided by users and utility providers. Responsibility for housing and communal services receipts lies with management companies. All services in the payment order must be accompanied by the name, settlement, actual cost, units of measurement. Based on this information, the CG user can check the indicators of metering and accrual devices himself. At the end of the payment document, the total amount to be repaid is indicated, as well as the amount of funds already deposited in a given period.

A standard receipt for housing and communal services displays a list of utilities.

1. Water supply

If there is a meter in the apartment, the amount of payment for cold water supply is calculated in accordance with its data. Based meter readings DHW is also calculated.

Vsnab = Vv * Tariff,

Vsnab here is the amount for water supply specified in the payment document. Vв – volume of water consumed based on PU indicators. The tariff is the price per cubic meter of water. Cost sets local administration, based on Russian legislation.

Let's give an example: the meter showed that the user consumed 12 cubic meters of cold water during the month. In Moscow, a tariff for cold water has been approved equal to 33.03 rubles. for 1 cubic meter. It is valid for users in the MKD. As a result of calculations, we get 396.36 rubles. (12*33.03). It is this amount that is reflected in the receipt for housing and communal services.

In the absence of a counter the user pays for services according to approved standards for each of the registered residents separately.

Supply = number of people * Standard * Tariff

Let's give an example. The number of registered people in the apartment is 2. The standard cold water consumption per person is 6.935 m3. In Moscow, a tariff for cold water supply for citizens living in apartment buildings has been approved, equal to 33.03 rubles. per 1 cubic meter. As a result of the calculations, we obtain the amount of payment for cold water supply in the amount of 458.13 rubles. (2*6.935*33.03).

Please note that sewerage and water supply services are fundamentally different from each other. Many Russians believe that payment for sewerage is made exclusively for sewerage, that is, citizens must pay for draining water. This is correct, but only partly, since in addition to discharging used liquid, drainage is:

  • waste water disposal;
  • delivery to treatment facilities;
  • cleaning procedures;
  • disposal;
  • removal of purified water.

2. Water disposal

The amount of resources used is learned from the meter readings. In the absence of metering devices, the amount consumed is determined as an average of consumption standards. These values ​​set regional authorities at the local level.

To calculate water disposal, the volume of water received according to the meter readings in your residential premises is multiplied by the tariff for this service. First, the costs for cold water supply are determined, then for hot water supply. The results are summarized. The resulting value is the amount of payment for sewerage, which is included in the receipt for housing and communal services:

Votv = (Vxv * Tariff) + (Vgv * Tariff).

Vхв – volume of consumed cold water based on PU indicators; Vgv – volume of consumed hot water also according to the meter. Tariff is the price per cubic meter of water, which is determined by the local administration based on Russian legislation.

Let's give an example: the meter readings indicate that within one month the user consumed 7 cubic meters of cold and 4 cubic meters of hot water. The sewerage tariff for residents of apartment buildings in Moscow is 23.43 rubles. per cubic meter. As a result of calculations, we get 257.73 rubles. ((7*23.43) + (4*23.43)). This will be the amount of payment for sewerage. The receipt for housing and communal services will reflect exactly this amount.

In the absence of a metering device, payment is calculated according to water consumption standards. These readings are approved every year and can be viewed by visiting the official website of your administration settlement. Note that for different Russian regions standards differ.

When calculating drainage in an apartment building, it should be taken into account that the amount is calculated based on the readings of the general building water supply system, and not for each apartment separately. In the absence of a counter, the management company determines the amount of payment based on current standards, and enters the received amount into the housing and communal services receipt.

If a citizen wants to equip his apartment with a separate water meter, he must notify the management company about this. The organization is obliged to give permission to install the PU, equip the device with a seal and recalculate payments for sewerage and water supply. The amount received as a result of this will be reflected in the receipt for housing and communal services.

3. Heating

Citizens whose houses do not have a meter are charged for heating their premises within heating season. The payment amount depends on:

  • total footage of the living space;
  • consumption standard;
  • established tariff for heating.

By multiplying the standard by the square footage of the apartment, we obtain the volume of heat consumed per month. To calculate the amount of payment for heating in the past month, the result obtained is multiplied by the tariff for this service. This amount is included in the receipt for housing and communal services.

O = Standard * Sq * Tariff,

Sq – square footage of living space. The standard is the amount of heat consumption set local authority authorities. Tariff is the cost of heating, which is determined by the local administration based on Russian legislation.

Let's give an example: the footage of a residential premises is 50.3 m2. Current tariff for heating for residents of an apartment building in Balashikha is 1,601.35 rubles. per Gcal. The heat consumption standard in Balashikha is 0.016 Gcal/m2 of total area. As a result of calculations, we obtain an amount of 1288.77 rubles. (50.3*1601.35*0.016). This is what will be indicated on the receipt.

Formula for calculating the amount of heating payment for apartments without counters, but at the same time a common house control panel is installed in the house, it looks like this:

O = V*(Sq/Sd)*Tariff,

V here is volume consumed heat based on the indicators of a common house meter; Sq – square footage of living space; Sd – area of ​​the MKD. Tariff is the rate of payment for heating per unit of thermal energy. It is established by the local administration, based on Russian legislation.

Let's give an example: the area of ​​the apartment is 62.1 m2. Total footage MKD premises, where heating works, is 5 thousand m2. The tariff for residents of an apartment building in Balashikha is 1,601.35 rubles. per Gcal. The indicators of the common house metering device are 72 Gcal. As a result, we receive a payment amount of 1431.99 rubles. (72*(62.1/5000)*1601.35), which is reflected in the receipt for housing and communal services.

If in MKD there is a common house meter, and the apartments in the building are equipped with individual recorders, the formula for calculating the amount of payment for heating is as follows:

О = (Vkv + Vodn x (Skv / Sd))*Tariff,

Vkv – volume of consumed heat based on meter readings; Vdn is the heat consumption for general house needs, Sq is the footage of the living space; Sd – area of ​​the MKD. Tariff is the rate for paying for thermal energy. It is established by the local administration in accordance with Russian legislation.

Here's an example:

  • the footage of the living space is 50 m2;
  • the total footage of heated areas in the apartment building is 8 thousand m2;
  • The heating tariff for subscribers in an apartment building in Balashikha is 1,601.35 rubles. per Gcal;
  • readings from a common house meter – 140 Gcal;
  • the volume of heat consumed by all apartments is 100 Gcal;
  • readings of individual PU in the apartment - 2 Gcal;
  • costs for providing hot water supply – 15 Gcal.

As a result of the calculations, we obtain the amount of payment for heating energy in the amount of 3452.91 rubles: ((2+(140-100-15)*50/8000)*1601.35).

4. Housing maintenance

Housing maintenance fees are calculated on the basis of established tariffs, based on the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. House maintenance is a whole range of works, the implementation of which is within the competence of housing company. This is an activity for:

  • maintenance of structural parts of the building and in-house engineering equipment;
  • cleaning and maintaining order in the area adjacent to the house;
  • maintenance of indoor gas equipment;
  • disinsection and deratization (fighting insects and rodents);
  • landscaping of the yard and adjacent areas;
  • bringing public places in proper form;
  • timely garbage removal;
  • maintenance of ventilation ducts and chimneys;
  • elevator maintenance (if there is one in the apartment building);
  • maintenance of the garbage chute (if there is one in the apartment building);
  • electric lighting of common areas.

This list can be adjusted and supplemented taking into account the wishes of citizens living in an apartment building during general meetings.

5. Maintenance

  • engineering equipment;
  • in-house gas equipment;
  • structural elements of buildings.

Owners of apartments in apartment buildings pay for current repairs depending on the size of their share in the common property. The exact amount of expenses for maintaining the building and restoration work are determined by management companies (housing associations, housing cooperatives, housing and communal services) during general meetings. The local administration can also set the payment rate.

Tariff is the amount of payment for repairs and maintenance of housing, which was established by the city or district administration. Sq here is the square footage of the apartment.

Let's give an example: a residential building with an area of ​​60 m2 is located in an apartment building in Moscow. The house has a garbage disposal, elevator and other amenities. For this type of apartment, the housing maintenance tariff is 26.53 rubles.

As a result of the calculations, we obtain the amount of payment for repairs and maintenance of housing, included in the payment slip, in the amount of 1591.8 rubles. (26.53*60).

In what ways can a receipt for housing and communal services be paid?

The user chooses how it is more convenient for him to pay for housing and communal services. Until recently, the overwhelming number of subscribers paid for utilities at the offices of management companies or financial institutions. But in Lately The banking infrastructure is rapidly developing. Online banking is also gaining momentum. That is why subscribers now often pay off their debts on CG using ATMs or the Internet.

You can pay for utilities at any of the branches of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post". If the subscriber repays the debt in post office, here, as when paying at a bank, you must pay a commission accrued by money transfer intermediaries.

You can deposit funds for CG at payment terminals installed in all large stores, the metro, at gas stations and in high-traffic areas. Pay in the terminal by bank card, like at an ATM, you can’t. You can deposit money only in cash. In addition, machines usually do not give change, which means you will have to pay the maximum exact amount, close to the one reflected in the receipt for housing and communal services. The undeniable advantages of using terminals are instant deposit of funds and operation 24 hours a day.

Many CG users prefer to pay off debts using electronic money. Today you can make payments for housing and communal services using services such as WebMoney, Yandex.Money, and others.

To make paying for housing and communal services even more convenient for subscribers, banks have provided the opportunity to use automatic payment systems. Every month, financial companies transfer a certain amount of funds from the client's account to the utility service provider.

Consequences if the receipt for housing and communal services is paid late

Some citizens are dissatisfied with the fact that they always pay money for housing and communal services using payment documents, but when the next month arrives, they receive a receipt with the debt. The issue may be that subscribers did not pay for utilities on time or made a mistake when viewing the readings of an individual meter. Of course, it is easy to get confused by numbers and provide incorrect information. Sometimes it happens that when paying, the PU readings were entered untimely. The computer entered zeros, and the receipt for housing and communal services for next month, accordingly, will contain the amount of payment for CG and the invoice for the past period.

Residents who are not included in the category of persistent defaulters do not have to fear fines. If a subscriber does not repay a small debt within 2-3 months, communications in his apartment will not be disconnected. In accordance with the housing agreement, the existing underpayment will simply be transferred to a new receipt.

Management companies issue fines only if:

  • the user regularly does not pay for CG, he has new and new outstanding obligations;
  • the amount of debt is very large;
  • the consumer is constantly late in paying for utilities.

So that subscribers do not have questions, the receipt for housing and communal services, as a rule, contains the date of payment of funds last month. If there is a fine, it is highlighted in bold on the payment document. You can obtain information on debts and other information from utility users at the Housing Office. To do this, you should know the location of the branch responsible for a particular residential building and the opening hours of the institution.

In rhythm modern life Receiving information about fines via the Internet has become much more convenient. You don’t need to wait in line or leave work early to pay off your debt on your debt. However, not all management organizations provide information of this nature in a remote format.

Receipt for housing and communal services with errors: causes and consequences

Management companies often make mistakes when preparing receipts. Probably, every citizen in our country has at least once encountered incorrect data in a payment card. Errors occur due to various circumstances. Here are the most common ones.

  1. Not all management companies are decent and honest. Unscrupulous organizations often raise prices unreasonably. Many companies include in the payment amount a number of non-existent services or the cost of work of specialists who have nothing to do with the maintenance of this house.
  2. A receipt for housing and communal services may be drawn up with errors due to technical failures in the systems. And there are mistakes in the operation of machines, because of which the amounts in receipts for housing and communal services increase, and sometimes they decrease.
  3. Don't forget about the human factor. Operators can get confused in calculations, get distracted and enter incorrect data into payments.

Sometimes it happens that the management company forgot about a resident who was recently registered in an apartment and made an incorrect calculation, taking into account a smaller number of citizens. As a result of such inattention, the consumer, having paid an underestimated amount for utilities, will next time be obliged to pay money to more. Here it is necessary to take into account the time during which the tenant pays a smaller amount for housing and communal services. The management organization has no right to demand repayment of debt accumulated over more than three years. Thus, if the company charges the wrong amount for 10 years, the subscriber will only have to pay for utilities for the last three years. CG recalculation is carried out exclusively for this period, and debts from the past period disappear. If the user refuses to repay the obligations, the issue is resolved in judicial procedure. In such cases, the courts take the side of citizens.

Under the circumstances described below, users have the right to demand a recalculation (in case the amount of payment for services is overstated in receipts for housing and communal services):

  • the company increased tariffs;
  • the receipt for housing and communal services contains information about the need to pay non-existent employees;
  • the payment document indicates the services that are not performed;
  • the amount in the receipt is supplemented by the debts of unscrupulous apartment tenants;
  • The management company does not fulfill its obligations related to the maintenance of the apartment building.

If an error is discovered, as a result of which the charges for utility services turned out to be higher than required, the citizen should contact the office of the management organization and submit an application for recalculation of the amount of payment for utilities. If an organization is decent and honest and does not need scandals and legal disputes, it is in as soon as possible will recalculate at the request of the applicant. Typically, extra charges to residents occur due to the inclusion of other people's debts in receipts for housing and communal services. Among the tenants of residential premises there are unscrupulous people who believe that they can not pay for housing and communal services. Instead of fighting similar citizens management organizations often distribute the amounts of their debts according to the receipts of honest residents. But business companies must deal with unscrupulous users. No one is obligated to pay off other people's debts.

Unfortunately, many organizations do not carry out recalculations, citing refusals by the fact that the correct amounts are indicated on the receipts. In such cases, users should write official requests, draw up an inventory and send both documents to management companies as registered letters. If there is no response from the management company, residents can go to court. Filing a claim is a completely justified step if incorrect and inflated amounts constantly appear in payment documents.

  • Payment of a fine for violation in calculating the amount of payment for utility services

Double receipt for housing and communal services payments

Often management companies begin to argue over the management of apartment buildings. As a result of these disagreements, residents of the house receive two or more receipts for housing and communal services.

What to do in such situations? Not everyone can figure this out, and Russian legislation does not explain such issues, which complicates the situation. For example, some employees of the prosecutor's office believe that both management organizations, if such situations arise, should suspend the issuance of payment documents until the dispute is resolved in court. But this opinion never resulted in any legal form.

According to Part 9 of Art. 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, only one company can manage an apartment building. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owners of residential premises in the building maintain public property at their own expense. The amount of mandatory expenses for servicing collective assets for each owner is proportional to his share in them.

The tenant is obliged to pay for the maintenance of common property and utilities from the moment he acquires ownership of the property (under Article 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). According to Parts 1, 2, 4 of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, payments for the apartment and utilities must be made by the 10th day of each month following the previous one, unless a different deadline for depositing funds is stated in the apartment management agreement.

A receipt for housing and communal services is the basis for paying off bills for housing and utility bills. Payment document The management organization is obliged to provide it no later than the 1st day of the month following the end of the month, unless a different period is specified in the management agreement for the apartment building. Tenants of housing under a social lease agreement or the use of state or municipal residential premises housing stock in the MKD, which is headed by individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form, bear the costs of maintaining and repairing housing, and also pay the utilities of such a business company.

If the user paid for services not with the organization with which the relationship was secured by the management agreement (which, for example, was reported by the court, declaring the meeting’s decision to select the appropriate company invalid), the issue of the possibility of debt collection is considered in court. The practice of making decisions on double receipts cannot be called unambiguous.

Example 1.

The management company filed a lawsuit, demanding to collect arrears of payment for housing and communal services in the period from June 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. By decision of the magistrate judicial section No. 8 (Republic of Karelia, Petrozavodsk) the plaintiff’s demands were fully satisfied on 10/31/2013. The Appellate Division of the Petrozavodsk City Court of the Republic of Karelia dated February 13, 2014 left the decision of the magistrate unchanged.

The courts found that the defendants paid for utilities in the period from June 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013 of the Liza Chaikina 7 HOA in accordance with receipts for housing and communal services. It was also determined that the creation and registration of the HOA “Liza Chaikina 7” took place on 10/08/2010 by decision of the homeowners in the apartment building on general meeting 09/28/2010. The Petrozavodsk City Court of the Republic of Karelia recognized on October 1, 2012 creation of a homeowners association invalid and ordered its liquidation. The decision came into force on December 18, 2012.

The agency agreement dated December 29, 2012, which was concluded between RITs ZHH LLC and TeploAvtomatika LLC, allowed issuing payment documents for the repayment of debts for housing and communal services and bringing claims against defaulters.

When satisfying claims for collection from defendants in favor of the management company of debts for housing and communal services courts were guided by the fact that TeploAvtomatika LLC managed the house where the defendants lived during the specified time. The fact that the organization acted legally when it issued receipts to residents of the house from June 1, 2012 was confirmed by the Petrozavodsk City Court of Karelia on February 4, 2013. Based on this decision, the defendants were obliged to pay for utility bills from June 1, 2012 to October 31, 2013 to the designated management company, on behalf of which RIC Housing LLC calculated and collected utility bills in accordance with the agreement agency agreement dated 12/29/2012.

With this decision the court cassation instance did not agree. Users of housing and communal services believed that their home was managed by the HOA “Liza Chaikina 7”, and paid for utilities to this particular company from 06/1/2012 to 03/31/2013 on the basis of monthly receipts for housing and communal services without arrears. That is why in the resolution of the Presidium Supreme Court The Republic of Karelia dated December 24, 2014, in case No. 44-g-47/2014, stated that the demands would not be satisfied.

Example 2.

Upravdom LLC filed statement of claim to court against V. with a demand to collect debts on payment for housing and communal services in the period from September 2009 to October 2012. According to the plaintiff, Upravdom LLC, acting on the basis of an agreement dated August 15, 2009, carries out a number of works and provides utilities services to apartment owners in MKD. The defendant does not pay for utilities and is currently a debtor. The court satisfied the plaintiff's demands.

The appellate court did not agree with this, saying that when making decisions to satisfy claim LLC "Upravdom" the court of first instance relied on the fact that V. is a consumer of the services provided, who does not perform financial obligations. However, the defendant provided payment documents indicating that since January 2009 he has been paying utility bills monthly, transferring money to LLC Management Company Comfort-Prikamye, from where he receives receipts for housing and communal services.

Since during the time mentioned in the claim, V. paid for utilities and thereby fully fulfilled his financial obligations, there could no longer be any claims against him from Upravdom LLC.

If management companies argue among themselves while resolving an issue MKD maintenance, this does not mean that the subscriber can be subject to the obligation of double payment for the provided utility services (see the appeal ruling of the Perm regional court dated 08/07/2013 in case No. 33-6889).

  • Three rules for concluding agreements with resource supply organizations when accepting/transferring MKD

Generation of receipts and payment taking into account the introduction of GIS housing and communal services

In April 2017, news appeared that citizens would be completely exempt from the need to pay for housing and communal services if the management company or other responsible organization didn't post necessary information in GIS Housing and Communal Services. The initiators of the introduction of such legislative norm clarified that payers do not receive complete liberation from payment. The deferment is given only until the organization submits information.

However, already in June 2017, the government refused to allow non-payment of housing and communal services in the absence of information about them in the Housing Information System. Authorities in in this case listened to the opinion of the management company and other business representatives in the field of housing and communal services. One of the main arguments was the fear of provoking an avalanche of non-payments.

Managing organizations still retain responsibility for failure to enter information into the information system. Measure economic stimulation They made it impossible to accrue penalties for failure to comply with the rules regarding integration into the GIS housing and communal services. This rule will come into effect on January 1, 2019.

According to experts, it is impossible to do without economic motivation for posting information in the GIS housing and communal services. This is the only way for participants in the housing and communal services market to enter the necessary information about themselves into the common database.

From the State Information System, users will receive complete and up-to-date data on management companies and enterprises supplying resources, on the work carried out in the house, on the services provided and payment calculations for them.

GIS Housing and Communal Services, among other things, will allow citizens to resolve issues related to the management of apartment buildings through electronic voting, compile ratings of management companies, contact companies and supervisory authorities, enter meter readings, pay for services on receipts for housing and communal services, and enter into contracts, including for the management of apartment buildings. and provision of CG.

To implement public inspection mechanisms, it will be possible to compare the cost of services and work of companies in the housing and communal services sector, learn about the results of inspection activities of supervisory authorities, monitor the implementation of capital repair programs, resettlement from dilapidated residential buildings, and improvement of housing infrastructure.

If there is no information in the system or distortion of the posted information, data providers may be fined based on Art. 13.19.2 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For legal entities providing utility services and enterprises supplying resources, the amount of recovery will be 200 thousand rubles. Fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. will have to pay legal entities, manager of the apartment building. The system will have the ability to automatically monitor the placement of information and impose penalties.

  • Instructions: how to transmit water meter readings via the Internet in your personal account

Expert opinion

Advantages of GIS housing and communal services

Evgeniy Shonov,

project manager “Kontur. Housing and communal services" of the company "SKB Kontur"

The state information system and previous projects are fundamentally different from each other in a number of ways. GIS Housing and Communal Services presents information differently. From July 1, 2016, everyone who performs any functions in the housing market must post in the system information regarding services, meters, and residential properties (Federal Law No. 209-FZ dated July 21, 2014). In this case we are talking about service providers, resource supplying enterprises, payment agents, etc.

In addition, the system provides common standards exchange of information. This allows you to establish real information interaction between all participants without agreeing on identifiers and formats. The basic principles of operation of the State Information System are openness and one-time entry of information, which the GIS Housing and Communal Services stores and allows for future use.

In addition, data is placed in the system using an electronic digital signature. The company is legally responsible for the information entered. The system allows you to publish data sufficient to pay utility bills or record the fact of debt.

Housing and communal services organizations are obliged to strictly comply with all requirements. If a company does not post information in the system, it may be subject to a fine. In addition, at the legislative level it is approved that owners have the right not to pay bills if the information in the receipt for housing and communal services and the data available in the system differ.

  • Placing information in the GIS Housing and Communal Services: documents confirming information about the apartment building

How long should a receipt for housing and communal services be kept?

Receipts for housing and communal services, confirming the fact that money has been paid for utilities, should be kept. Few people know how much they need to save payment documents and why to do it.

Often, CG suppliers and consumers begin to argue over various issues. You need to keep receipts for housing and communal services, first of all, to confirm the payment of money for services. If the user sent funds Bank transaction, you can always take an extract from it. Please note that the provision of this document will take more than one day, and for the past waiting period it is possible that a penalty will be charged on the receipt for housing and communal services.

It is best to store payment slips for three years. This period is the period limitation period according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If possible, retain documentation for even longer.

There are often cases when a receipt for housing and communal services is lost in transit and the user does not receive it. When such situations arise, the most the right decision will be an appeal to communal organization with the requirement to provide information about the amount that needs to be paid for the CG. If, due to late receipt of the receipt to the addressee, the payment is overdue, the tenant should present evidence in favor of the fact that the management company is to blame.

If a receipt for housing and communal services is lost, it can be restored through a service provider or resource. When paying for housing and communal services in financial institution the payer needs to obtain information from banking system about previously made contributions. Ideally, of course, you shouldn’t lose payment documents. It is not always possible to restore them on time and quickly.

Can a receipt for housing and communal services contain advertising?

Advertising on payment documents allows management organizations and utility service providers to earn additional money. According to residents of apartment buildings, the placement of advertising and informational information on back side receipts for housing and communal services are illegal. The opinion of Rospotrebnadzor coincides with the point of view of citizens.

It is Rospotrebnadzor that controls advertising activities. Based on applications received from citizens, it is possible to conduct an unscheduled inspection of the management company. Upon presentation of an order supervisory authority demands to eliminate the violation in relation to an individual subscriber or to finally exclude from working practice the possibility of placing third-party information on receipts for housing and communal services.

Management companies and resource supply companies compensate a certain share own expenses for printing and sending out receipts for housing and communal services thanks to advertising. If organizations are prohibited from posting it, which they do, the companies lose profits.

For the most part, the basis of Rospotrebnadzor’s regulations is clause 69 of Rule No. 354. This clause refers to data that is in mandatory Receipts for housing and communal services should be included. In accordance with the agreement on the provision of corporate governance, other information can be placed on payment cards, however, advertising information is not included in any of the permitted categories.

The Ministry of Construction approved a sample form of payment documents for housing and communal services and developed a number of methodological recommendations for entering information into them. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Construction, a receipt for housing and communal services is needed to provide the consumer with reference and notification information, which is indicated in Rules No. 354.

When studying inspection reports, you can often find information that the consumer and the executor of the payment system did not enter into an agreement with each other for the placement of advertising on payment documents.

Attached files

  • Sample form of payment document.xls
  • Payment document.jpg
  • Payment document with advertising.jpg

The state information system “Housing and Communal Services” (GIS Housing and Communal Services) has entered an active phase of work. On July 1, 2017, the requirement for full-scale interaction with the system of all organizations that provide public services came into force. In particular, it became mandatory to place meters in the GIS housing and communal services and regularly enter control readings into the system.

Data on all operating metering devices must be entered before January 1, 2018. After this date, utility service providers, including management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives, who have not complied with the requirements of the Government of the Russian Federation within the prescribed period, will be subject to administrative penalties.

For cities federal significance deadline submission of data on metering devices to the GIS Housing and Communal Services has been postponed to July 1, 2019.

The timing of the launch of the full-fledged work of the GIS housing and communal services, including its filling, had to be postponed due to technical difficulties that were discovered during testing. But repeated postponement is excluded.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

Who can add metering devices to the GIS housing and communal services

Entering meters into the GIS Housing and Communal Services is available to an employee of the management organization (MA), who is assigned the role of “Authorized Specialist of the Organization” (USO).

In order for the USO to post information about metering devices (MU), it must have the right of access to maintain a register of MUs of serviced houses, which can be set up by an MA employee with administrator status.

In addition, in order to post information about meters in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. The MKD management agreement is placed in the Register of Management Agreements and is assigned the status “Valid”.
  2. All utilities consumed in the apartment building are included in the text of the management agreement.
  3. Information about apartment buildings, including information about premises and rooms, is posted in the Register of Housing Facilities.
  4. The GIS Housing and Communal Services contains information about the personal accounts of all consumers of utility resources.

Information about what types of devices need to be uploaded to the GIS Housing and Communal Services

The system contains information about utility metering devices included in the management agreement for an apartment building.

The list of metering devices included in the GIS Housing and Communal Services is determined by paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings":

  • customized PU, which are installed at the entrance to a private residential building, apartment or non-residential built-in premises in an apartment building and take into account the personal consumption of utility resources by the owner of the premises or private household;
  • collective (common house) PU, which are mounted at the entrance to the apartment building and take into account the consumption of utility resources by all owners and users of residential or non-residential premises in apartment buildings, including consumption for general house needs (GDN);
  • general (apartment) PU, which are installed at the entrance to a communal apartment and are used to determine the volume (quantity) of consumption of communal resources by all homeowners in communal apartment, including consumption for general needs;
  • indoor PU (usually - electrical energy), which are mounted at the entrance to a room, or several rooms belonging to one resident in a communal apartment.

Information about collective PUs that are property resource supply organizations, no need to enter.

We eliminate redundant information and supplement it with data that is really needed in the system.

Mikhail Evraev, Deputy Minister of Communications and mass communications RF

Adding PU to GIS Housing and Communal Services: step-by-step instructions

To begin work on placing the PU in the GIS Housing and Communal Services, log in to the system and go to the personal account of the PU. In the “Management Objects” menu, select the “Metering Devices” line. You will find yourself in the “Register of Metering Devices” tab.

Now let’s look step by step at how to correctly load metering devices into the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

    • Step 1 . Press the Actions key. In the context menu that opens, select the “Add PU” command.
    • Step 2. After opening the “Adding a metering device” tab, select the type of metering device for which you want to enter information.

    • Step 3. Enter information about the utility resource that is listed in the MKD management agreement and the basic PU readings. The basic readings are the PU readings recorded at the time of installation or current as of the date the information was entered into the GIS Housing and Communal Services.
    • Step 4. Press the “Save” button, and information about the PU will be entered into the system. It is necessary to register the PU in the GIS Housing and Communal Services within 7 days from the date of its commissioning or change of information about it.
    • Step 5. Press the context menu key to select further actions from the control panel, for example, entering current and control readings.

    • Step 6. To enter current PU readings, go to the “Register of Metering Devices” page and select the required PU in the “Search Results” block. Press the context menu key and select the “Enter current readings” command. In the window that opens “Entering current readings for individual, general (apartment), room metering devices”, enter the data and press the “Save” button. Please note that current PU readings can be entered by both representatives of the management authority and consumers of utility services if they have a personal account in the GIS Housing and Communal Services.

  • Step 7. Entering control readings is done in the same way as the algorithm described in Step 6. Enter the value of the control reading and the date it was taken in the “Entering a control reading for an individual meter” window and press the “Save” button.

Control readings of the PU can only be submitted by representatives of the PU.

Please note that the GIS Housing and Communal Services checks all PUs that are located in it. Therefore it is necessary to exclude re-posting information about counters. To do this, you need to export information from the Housing and Communal Services GIS in advance.

In one of the following articles we will look in more detail at how to remove a metering device in the GIS housing and communal services, for example, when it is replaced or fails.

Transferring meter readings to GIS Housing and Communal Services

In accordance with by joint Order The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation dated February 29, 2016 No. 74/114/pr “On approval of the composition, timing and frequency of posting information by information providers in the state information system of housing and communal services”, information about PU readings must be entered monthly, within the deadline established for issuing payment documents to consumers of utility resources.

You can post information in several ways:

  • enter all information manually into personal account UO;
  • download information from manually completed Excel templates;
  • use a system that will automatically generate files for import into the GIS housing and communal services.

The last method is the most convenient. In such a system, a ready-made Excel template is automatically generated, which only needs to be uploaded to the Housing and Communal Services GIS. Benchmarks, obtained through automatic data dispatch in real time, are the most accurate, reliable and relevant, since human factor.

We help HOAs, management companies, RSOs and other management organizations automate the collection of readings from housing and communal services resources. Features of our system:

  • generation of Excel files with hourly water/electricity consumption data;
  • The accountant will have all the data on hand by the 25th;
  • Hourly consumption statistics online - see demo of your personal account;
  • connection of up to 2,000,000 metering devices within a radius of 10 km without the need to purchase an additional base station, repeaters and concentrators.

The STRIZH system uses LPWAN technology with a range of 10 km, without hubs and repeaters.

Wireless Resource Dispatch
for management companies/homeowners' associations/distributors

In continuation of the article.

Technical parameters and metrological characteristics of electric energy meters must comply with GOST requirements.

Main characteristics of PU:

1) Accuracy class– this is the maximum permissible error when measuring electrical energy, which is expressed as a percentage.

For example, PU with class.t. 1 may be mistaken by 1% of the true value, i.e. with an electricity consumption of 300 kWh per month true meaning can be in the range from 297 – 303 kWh. The accuracy class of the meter can be found in the PU passport or on the front panel of the PU, often in a circle.

The requirements for the PU accuracy class are specified in clause 138 of the “Basic Operating Provisions” retail markets electrical energy", approved by resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442:

According to clause 142 of the Basic Provisions for the Functioning of Retail Electricity Markets, approved by the Russian Federation GD dated May 4, 2012 No. 442, installed devices meters of an accuracy class below can be used until the expiration of the inter-verification interval established for them, or until such metering devices fail or are lost, if this happened before the expiration of the inter-verification interval. Upon expiration of the MPI or after the failure of metering devices or their loss, if this occurred before the expiration of the MPI, such metering devices must be replaced with metering devices that comply with the requirements of the current legislation.

Metering devices with an accuracy class lower than specified in paragraph 138 of the above document, used by citizens on the date of entry into force of this document, can be used by them until the expiration deadline their operation. Upon expiration of the established service life of metering devices, such metering devices must be replaced.

2) Calibration interval– the duration of the period of time (in years) during which the operation of the device is guaranteed within the error range declared by the manufacturer.

The MPI of modern PUs is in most cases 16 years old. Upon completion of the MPI, the meter must undergo a similar verification followed by sealing, confirming the suitability of the device for further use. Exploitation of the untrusted measuring instruments, according to the Law, is not permissible.

3) Significance of PU– number of characters. According to GOST 6570-96, clause 6.41, fractions of kilowatt-hours must be separated from the whole part of kilowatt-hours by a window (frame), highlighted in a different color (most often red) and must be separated by a comma. Most modern meters are equipped with seven-digit counting mechanisms. A small number of calculation digits (3 – 4) implies frequent “zeroing of readings” - transition through 0.

In the operating manuals for meters manufactured by JSC Energomera, a six-digit counting mechanism is a counting mechanism that has six digitized drums; a seven-digit counting mechanism is a counting mechanism that has seven digitized drums. Indications can only have an integer part or an integer and a fractional part. The fractional part, showing tenths of kW*hours (if present), is located to the right of the comma on the meter nameplate and is highlighted with a colored frame around the drum on the far right. In addition, the operating manual for the meter must contain a table of standard versions, in which the position of the decimal point is indicated for the selected values ​​of the rated voltage and current of a particular meter.

PU parameters

1) Guarantee period- this is the period specified in the PU passport, during which the manufacturer assumes responsibility for replacing the meter if it fails.

2) Average term service is usually 30 years. The MPI is calculated relative to the characteristics of the NEW METER; after 16 years, the PU may not pass verification, or the next verification period will be less than 16 years, because PU characteristics will deteriorate.

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