How to cleverly quit your job. How to leave work gracefully: expert advice

In former Soviet times, work biographies were considered exemplary, described in the spirit of “Ivan Notechaev came to the Red Forge plant as a 17-year-old boy, and for 60 years now...”. Those who tried to find something they liked or more profitable, and therefore changed jobs, were called “flyers”, and they were depicted in the magazine “Crocodile” as some mysterious birds with rubles instead of wings on their backs and with coin-like eyes. Now the era is different, people often lose their jobs against their will, and few people’s work books are limited to one entry. Dismissal is a common and frequent thing, but despite this, so far some uniform rules and society has not developed customs regulating behavior in such situations. However, this does not stop people from sharing their experiences and giving advice. Some of them, which seem to be the wisest and most balanced, are given below.

Overcome embarrassment

Each person is the master of his own life, and this should always be remembered. An employee, leaving the team that is familiar to him, experiences a certain embarrassment and sometimes feels like some kind of “traitor”, chasing a “long ruble” - such are the costs of our traditional upbringing, which is still largely Soviet. And that's even good. A world populated by soulless individuals who think only about profit and do not experience any emotions when parting with people with whom they had to objectively communicate longer than with own family(9 hours a day!) would seem like a nightmare. You can at least take comfort in the fact that communication is still possible in the future.


In difficult times, when it is not easy to find a job, to be fired at will As a rule, certain and significant motives are needed. If the issue is low wages, then if there is best offer the situation looks very simple. It’s a different matter if, as they say, they brought it up. Many workers who find themselves in this situation have a desire after passing bypass sheet and receive a work book and say a couple of “kindly, quiet” things. Now nothing prevents you from explaining to your boss what a rude person he is, and his former colleagues can also “go to hell” if they deserve it.

Wise people, who have often gone through the harsh school of life, do not advise doing this. This makes no rational sense. It will still not be possible to correct a bad boss, an intriguer and gossip will not gain nobility after such attacks, and a coward will not become bolder. But if this desire is irresistible, then perhaps the soul should be given a holiday. Everyone decides for themselves. The advice is to maintain good relations with everyone if possible. Life is long, and anything can happen.

Chief is First

If the boss learns about the employee’s intention to quit from one of the employees, and not from the author of the application, then most often this will overshadow the final stage of work in this institution. The psychological reasons why the conversation is constantly postponed are understandable, but discussing this issue with anyone before the first person is informed about it is, at least, unethical. It is best to calm down, go to the office door, knock, enter and tell about your plans. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to disclose the place of new employment, and if the boss is smart enough, then he himself will not insist on this. If his level of intelligence allows similar questions, then you can answer them vaguely, and turn the conversation to technical side affairs, placing the application on the table. Valuable employees can get quite tempting offers, in the form of a salary increase or raise. You have to think quickly so as not to make a mistake. IN as a last resort, you can take a day or two to think about it. Not only the attractiveness of the promised prospects must be assessed, but also the reality of management’s intentions to fulfill them.

Do not hurry!

Having decided to resign, the employee must pick up the calendar and calmly select the date for filing the application. If there are holidays ahead, then there is no need to rush - it is always much more pleasant to relax with money than without it. The same applies to vacations: in a new place you will have to work hard right away, and therefore it won’t hurt to relax a little beforehand. It should also be taken into account that after submitting the application, another month may pass until you are released from work, and this norm is enshrined in law. Management uses this time to find a replacement and transfer cases. You should not ignore the rule, much less stop going to work, otherwise the order may indicate dismissal under the bad article of the Labor Code “absenteeism.” It is best to help a new employee get up to speed as quickly as possible. Then the dismissal will speed up.

How to be trained?

There is no need to repeat the platitude that it is best to first find new job, and only then quit the old one. But if it didn’t turn out that way, then dismissal before the holidays is doubly undesirable, since finding a job during this period is the most difficult. The search time, even if registered with the employment center, plays against the job seeker - the longer it is, the less chance of finding something worthwhile. Things are more complicated for those who have undergone training at the enterprise and signed the corresponding obligations to work at it. certain period. There are two ways out: fulfill the terms of the contract or pay a penalty, sometimes quite significant.

How to look for a new job?

Again, it seems obvious that openly engaging own employment while working at the old place, at least imprudently. To do this, you should use only personal means of communication and email addresses, but not corporate. No matter how axiom it may seem, there are always those who do not listen to this advice. It is also categorically not recommended to publish a resume indicating your real personal data - it is much more rational to act incognito for the time being. Even from a personal phone, conversations with possible employers it is preferable to lead to free time, and if this doesn’t work out, then find justifiable reasons for privacy. This is not always possible, so certain risk still exists. Most often he is justified.

Farewell party

One of the practiced customs accompanying the dismissal process is considered to be “dismissal”. If the employee does not fly to space rocket to a foreign planet or even simply does not move to another city, then with his former employees he will most likely see each other periodically, so it is very advisable to arrange the farewell event in such a way that it leaves a pleasant aftertaste. Most often, some kind of tea party is recommended, but usually there are other, stronger drinks on the table, and it is very important not to overdo it in serving them. Snacks should also be given attention. Luxury is not welcome, neither in the West nor here. The goal is to ensure pleasant and cultural communication. By the way, you need to be prepared for the fact that something similar will have to be organized at your new place of work, but after the first salary - such is the tradition. As a rule, management does not object in both cases.

The perfect dismissal

Yes, a job change is a significant event for every person, and it is all the more important that it be as painless as possible. It is best if new friends appear in the new place, and the old ones are also preserved. And it is preferable to maintain relations with the previous bosses acceptable level, without hostility. This does not always work out, but you need to strive for it. Life is indeed very long...

Maria Soboleva

How to quit? We're leaving beautifully

How to quit your job correctly? What rules of work etiquette should you follow if you decide to leave your employer? Should you voice the real reasons for your departure?

Rules for dismissal from work

Quitting work is a desire that periodically visits almost every working person. For some, it remains just an intention, while others decide to take such a step seriously.

How to leave correctly, leaving a favorable impression of yourself and not overshadowing your separation from the team?

The main thing is to remain calm!

Experiencing stress at work, in another fit of anger after an unfair scolding or conflict with colleagues, you are ready to immediately slam the door and leave for nowhere.

Cool down, come to your senses and take control of your emotions. There is no need to leave out of spite, proving something to someone, or out of resentment and irritation.

When you calm down, weigh again all the pros and cons to see if you are taking a deliberate step. Maybe the desire to leave was a momentary impulse.

Conversation with superiors

The first person to know about your decision to quit is your boss. How to properly communicate this - of course, neither by email, nor by a note sent through a third party, or even left on his desk.

If you decide to leave this job, talk to your boss personally. Discuss with colleagues your intention to slam the door? In no case! Information will reach the boss very quickly and, most likely, in a very distorted form.

You need to inform your boss about your desire to quit at least two weeks before the date of your intended departure, preferably three, so that management has time to find a replacement for you.

Reasons for dismissal

Honesty is an excellent quality, but basic work etiquette does not allow telling the boss to his face that he is a tyrant and a tyrant, and for such a salary let him work himself.

You will have to voice the reasons, but be a diplomat and explain with maximum restraint what you are dissatisfied with - the excessive workload, the difficult microclimate in the team, the boss’s manner of communication with his subordinates and his leadership style in general.

And then, this is acceptable when the boss is adequate. In other cases, come up with something neutral - you have received an interesting offer with more favorable conditions, you decided to gain work experience in another field of activity, family circumstances have changed.

“And you, ..., I’ll ask you to stay!”

If you really valuable employee, they may try to keep you with a variety of tempting offers.

How exactly? A promise to raise wages, promote in position, give additional powers, offer a flexible work schedule, send you on a business trip abroad is good if these are not just promises, but real prospects.

Then it’s worth thinking about whether there is a reason to stay or whether your intention to quit is firm.

Leave gracefully

You need to leave with dignity, even when you've had enough of everything and you're counting the days until you quit. It’s right to remain professional - fulfill your duties, don’t be late for work, get things done so you don’t have to clean up after you.

Tell your colleagues necessary documents, contact information, leave your phone numbers and indicate other ways to contact you. Your successor should be helped to get up to speed.

Do you really want to tell the whole truth to a harmful accountant or the nasty head of a neighboring department? It’s not worth it, keep your standards, maintain smooth relations with colleagues.

There is no need to brag about your future position in a new company; the team won’t understand.

How to resign correctly - only while maintaining a decent reputation. The world is a small place, and where will you encounter former boss or an employee remains to be seen. Don't burn bridges.

Tribute to tradition

Each team has its own established traditions; you should not ignore them. On the occasion of dismissal, it is customary for you to organize gatherings in lunch break or treat your colleagues in a cafe - give them such pleasure. People are pleased, and a good memory will remain of you.

Send to employees emails With gratitude for your cooperation, you can even give your department small but cute souvenirs.

How to properly file a resignation

The application for dismissal is made in in writing, better in two copies.

The employer keeps one copy for himself, and stamps receipt on the second (indicating the date and time) and gives it to you. He will serve documentary evidence that you have indeed submitted your resignation.

Important: if you put the preposition “from” before the date of dismissal (from October 16), then you will be fired the day before. Write: I ask you to fire on October 16 - then this will be the last day of your work.

How to resign correctly if your boss does not want to let you go and does not accept your resignation?

You can submit your application through the office, following all formalities, or send it by registered mail with notification. The date of notification of delivery of the letter will be the date of your request for a settlement.

In two weeks they should give it to you work book. By the way, do not forget that you have the right to compensation for unused vacation.

You can also withdraw your application at any time, unless, of course, a new employee has already been hired to take your place.

Knowing how to resign correctly, you will be able to defend your rights and leave with dignity, maintaining your reputation. decent person and the responsible employee.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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I left work twice. The first time I was young and inexperienced, they “left” me. The personnel officer came up and said that it would be better if I wrote a statement myself. Nobody explained anything else. I quit. Then I worried for a long time and didn’t understand why.

But I had one time when I quit gracefully. Now I know that I need to leave without hanging my head and picking myself, but with dignity, but at the same time politely and professionally.

The decision must be made once

We had a rumor that a wave of layoffs was coming. And this is how it started. Some of my colleagues periodically went to the boss and blackmailed him with dismissal so that he would increase his salary. And he suddenly decided to cleanse our ranks. I understood that I would not be fired, but when the staff was reduced, there would be more work, but the salary would not be raised for sure.

When I decided to quit, I didn’t run and threaten my bosses. First, I thought it over carefully, weighed the pros and cons and made a decision. With this I went to management.

I clearly expressed my thoughts to my boss and wrote a statement in front of him. He listened and signed, asking him to remember that he needed to work for 2 weeks. I said that I would do everything as it should be.

A professional is hardworking until the last day

During the entire 2 weeks of work, I did not allow myself to relax even once. Many of my colleagues wondered why I needed this, since I was leaving. I answered that it was stupid to ruin a reputation earned over five years in two weeks.

I transferred all matters to in perfect order, even accomplished a lot at the end of the month, although there were 10 days left before it. The boss, releasing me, said the following phrase: “You are good employee, sorry you're leaving. And I cannot force you to stay, since I will not be able to adequately pay for your work.” I was very pleased to hear this!

You can and should say goodbye to your colleagues

I informed my colleagues about my dismissal when the boss forwarded my application to the HR department. They were surprised, and many were simply shocked.

I was especially misunderstood by those employees who used blackmail to try to get a raise or salary. When they found out that I was not joking, they began to think. I hope they understand how to work and how to quit.

And when I finished my last day at the company, I said goodbye to my colleagues. I thanked everyone and told my boss that I was grateful for everything. At the end of the working day, I had a tea party with cake and fruit.

In the 5 years that I worked in the company, no one quit like that. And my boss and some colleagues even gave me recommendations, thanks to which I quickly found a new job. I still communicate with many former colleagues.

Dismissal becomes stressful, even if it is caused by a mature and voluntary desire to change jobs. Usually the decision is preceded by unpleasant events and reflections, but still the dismissal process needs to be softened in order to save business reputation and nerves.

The desire to quit a job periodically arises in everyone or almost everyone. The reasons for this mood may be professional burnout syndrome, an unhealthy psychological atmosphere at work, a small salary, a lack of prospects, and much more. In principle, it does not matter why a person decided to change jobs; in any case, it must be done correctly in all respects.

Quitting is often stressful, even if it is truly voluntary. Probably, before making such a decision, a person experiences unpleasant moments, which push him to “change places.” Still, you need to try to make the dismissal process as painless as possible for nervous system and at the same time not spoil your business reputation.

Of course, many people dream of the moment when they can tell their boss about everything that bothers them, slam the door and leave with their heads held high for a new job. wonderful life. But it’s wiser to keep these dreams to yourself, thank your former management for the acquired experience and knowledge (preferably without sarcasm), and say that you need to continue moving towards professional heights. Leaving gracefully is as much an art as harmonious coexistence. Even if you are sure that nothing can stop you, do not burn bridges. In dismissal, as in divorce, it is not necessary to part as enemies.

First, notice your emotions and soberly assess the situation. Weigh the pros and cons of quitting. You shouldn't write a letter of resignation just to prove something to someone. If you are not completely sure of the usefulness of such a step, there is no need to discuss your desire to find another job with colleagues and management. Your mood may change, but the sediment will remain. If you need to talk to someone about the possibility of change, choose friends or family; your boss is not your advisor in this matter.

If the decision to quit has become absolutely certain, let the first person to know about it be your boss. There is no need to share information with employees so that it does not become distorted beyond recognition and does not reach management in this form.

When going to talk to your employer, keep in mind that they will most likely convince you to stay, offer you a salary increase, and promise to change the list of your responsibilities. Think through your answers in advance, figuring out what offers might interest you.

When dismissing, be correct, friendly and tactful - saving face is always important. If your former manager He was helpful to you, gave you good advice, shared his knowledge, be sure to thank him for this. A wise manager will not view layoffs as a betrayal, and you will be able to maintain goodwill.

Try not to let the company down. Your employer should be able to prepare a replacement for you. Finish what you started, help your colleagues understand your affairs, maybe recommend a specialist to take your place. It is always better to maintain good relationships with people so that you can contact former employees if necessary.

You most likely could observe how your boss treated the dismissal of other employees. If the process was carried out within the bounds of integrity, communicate your decision in advance. If your boss has a tendency to terrorize people leaving, there is no need to darken your last days At work. But two weeks before the proposed dismissal, you are required to submit an application to management.

If you still cannot avoid the conflict, do not comment on the events - this is prohibited business ethics. Information about the scandal on previous place work will spread quickly, so do everything possible to ensure your reputation remains impeccable.

Give up the idea of ​​saying everything that has bothered you over the years of work. It’s more pleasant to smile at each other when meeting former employees than to cross to the other side of the street, pretending that you don’t know each other.

Dismissal technique

9 out of 10 people quit at their own request, but this official statistics. The wording hides dismissal by agreement of the parties, staff reduction, and even dismissal for gross violations labor discipline.

For example, when an organization plans to downsize, a manager can call a subordinate, explain the situation to him and ask him to write a statement. Do not under any circumstances believe in the good intentions of such a boss - by writing a statement, you will deprive yourself of severance pay and other benefits due to a layoff. In addition, you are required to give notice of dismissal due to redundancy two months in advance, during which time you can look for a new job. After the reduction you will receive severance pay in the form of two months' average earnings.

Another possible variant- the boss talks about layoffs, but the subordinate knows that his position cannot be cut. Apparently, the employer has another candidate for this position. In such cases, experts recommend resigning by agreement of the parties, having agreed on mutually beneficial conditions. With this form of dismissal, the employee can bargain. If they offer five salaries as compensation, you can ask for more. Just don't go too far.

Dismissal of one's own free will may be beneficial to an employee who knows that he is subject to violations of discipline, inadequacy of the position and other sins. In this case, it is better not to wait for sanctions and leave of your own free will.

This does not mean at all that there are no voluntary dismissals, behind which there is no hidden side. The two weeks that an employee must work before dismissal can be waived if the manager does not insist on compliance with this rule. Calculation can be made on the day of application.

If the boss does not want to part with valuable specialist, and flatly refuses to sign a letter of resignation, you just need to send it to him by mail ordered letter with notification of delivery. The date the letter is sent will be considered the date the application was submitted.

Everything in life has a beginning and an end. If we talk about work, then it is not constant, because it can be changed as often as life circumstances or internal feelings require. On the threshold of a new life, you need to go through an uncomfortable situation - dismissal from your favorite place. IVETTA knows how to do this with dignity, without spoiling the mood of either yourself or others.


1. Write a letter of resignation

The first step is to write a letter of resignation and submit it to your superiors. This procedure will be a turning point, because the document will add some formality to the situation. Leaving slamming the door is, at a minimum, unprofessional, and, at a maximum, will put you in a bad light in front of your ex-colleagues and superiors.


2. Leave before it gets too uncomfortable.

If you change the situation yourself, you will emerge victorious. Quit when your bosses are not yet categorical, and don’t let it get to the point where everything turns out unpleasant for you. Don’t let work problems take their course, otherwise passions will heat up to such an extent that the dismissal process will turn into a battle.

Kaspars Grinvalds/shutterstock

3. Behave well.

Whatever happens, be polite! Don't stoop to anyone's level, remain your good self. Do not involve swearing and scandals in your dismissal. In any case, stay calm. By responding to swearing and rudeness, you will only add more fuel to the fire, and this is not at all necessary. Leave behind only good memories. The opinions of former colleagues can be very useful to you, since the world is a small place, and it is likely that you will have to meet again, and more than once. And let the team regret that they lost a great employee in you.

Syda Productions/shutterstock

4. Talk to your boss

No matter how selfish a tyrant your almost former boss is, it’s worth talking to him and explaining why you decided to stop working under his leadership. This is a mature decision and he will appreciate it. This way you will get ahead of all the evil tongues, which will then only chatter about your resignation behind your back. Put yourself in the shoes of a manager; it will probably be important for him to know why you made such a decision. And for you, after a “heartfelt” conversation, it will become much easier for you morally, the feeling of understatement will go away forever.


5. Thank the team and boss

The boss once hired you and created some conditions so that you could work, so why not thank him for that? And you don't really know exactly where your relationship with management will come up in the future. So do everything so that he has only good memories. What if your future boss wants to get a recommendation for you from your previous job. You may also need a recommendation from your colleagues, and they remember that you are a professional and completely positive, because you said goodbye to them and thanked them for their invaluable experience.


6. Make sure you don't owe the company anything.

The last thing you definitely don't need before leaving is accusations of theft of property or anything like that. Make sure that you pay off all debts and return all the things you borrowed to the company. Even if it's just a small thing, give it back. It's better to be safe than to be convicted later.


7. Don’t forget about this place of work

Just because you quit doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t even set your nose in this place ever again. This is even a kind of betrayal! We are all adults, so leave with dignity and stay with everyone good relations. After all, no one knows how life will turn out. Try to leave only good memories about yourself and then, when you find yourself near your once dear office, you can run into your ex-colleagues for a coffee break.


We wish that your parting with your old place of work becomes a step in new life with a wonderful team and decent wages.

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