How much is the state fee for a patent? Patent government fees

Fees to FIPS are paid if it is necessary to carry out certain legal procedures, which can be associated both with the registration of a patent and with the registration of a trademark.

These financial transactions have their own characteristics that the payer needs to know if he wants to make payment in the prescribed manner.

Since the Tax Code of Russia has undergone many changes in 2017, the payer should know which legally significant actions are subject to mandatory taxation.

The timing of the provision of the service, the performance of appropriate actions with documents and, consequently, obtaining the desired result depend on this.

Exist the following types duties:

  • patent fees;
  • payments for trademarks;
  • payment of state duty for the transfer of intellectual property rights;
  • security of objects industrial property.

The patent fee is payable in accordance with the current Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It also provides a list of actions that have any legal significance and, accordingly, are taxed. This is called a state fee, the payment of which is mandatory with rare exceptions.

Trademark fee

The FIPS fees for a trademark are established by law the amount that the payer must pre-pay before providing legal services. The list of actions includes:

  • filing an application;
  • making changes to it;
  • conducting an examination;
  • work of trademark registration;
  • issuance of a certificate of appropriate form and purpose.

Appeals against decisions are also subject to payment. Federal Institute industrial property (FIPS).

Payment of the state fee is made when it is necessary to obtain a duplicate of the registration certificate, as well as when renewing rights to a trademark.

Duty amount

The total amount of state duty depends on the services provided that have legal significance.

For an accurate calculation sum of money, which must be paid, is valid on the official website of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property universal calculator. Thanks to its functions, the payer will be able to receive exact amount to pay.

The amount of the patent state duty is also affected by the benefits that are provided certain categories citizens subject to the following conditions:

  • an individual has invented an industrially useful mechanism and files a patent in his name, being the sole inventor - 50% of total amount duties;
  • the individual is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, other military actions on the territory of the USSR and the Russian Federation, a veteran of military operations in other countries - obtaining a patent for free;
  • the individual is disabled or a student of one of the educational institutions mentioned in the Tax Code - only 20% of the established amount is paid;
  • the payer is a small business – 50% of the amount.

At the same time, the payer should remember that these monetary fees have nothing to do with payment for the services of organizations that assist in obtaining the corresponding patent. This significantly affects the final cost of obtaining a certificate.

What procedures are covered by the benefits?

The following legally significant actions are subject to preferential conditions:

  • registration of a patent application (except for utility models);
  • alteration;
  • conducting an appropriate examination to identify discrepancies from the applicant’s application;
  • actual registration of the invention;
  • annual fees (except for utility models).

Payment methods and details

To pay for such legal services the payer can use two methods that will allow him to make financial transaction upon payment state property on time and without problems:

  1. Contact a bank branch. This option has a number of features that should be taken into account. The payer should not make a mistake in the details, as this will lead to the need to re-deposit the amount, since the refund procedure lasts up to sixty days. Payers are recommended to contact a branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, but payment can also be made in other financial institutions, if they provide for the provision of such a service.
  2. Using the “Government Services” portal. This method has several advantages - remote option payment and simplicity of the algorithm of actions. Since the payer is accessing a specialized site, he will not have any problems trying to understand the functionality. Thanks to the systematized categories, the applicant is able to fast payment in online format.

It should be noted that the state duty is refundable only in the following cases:

  • was introduced excess amount for any reason;
  • the legal service was not provided because the payer refused it;
  • The payment was made with errors in the details and a refund is required to repay the state duty.

Useful news from Rospatent for heads of organizations, entrepreneurs and simply inventors. The agency published for public discussion a bill introducing new fees for issuing a patent and registering a trademark and increasing existing ones.

Rospatent published on single portal to accommodate draft regulations, a bill proposing to introduce new ones and significantly increase the size of existing ones patent fees. Changes are expected to be made to patent and other fees for carrying out legally significant actions related to a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial model, With state registration trademark and service mark, with state registration and provision exclusive right on the name of the place of origin of the goods, as well as with state registration of the alienation of the exclusive right to the result intellectual activity or a means of individualization, pledge of an exclusive right.

What will change in payment of duties?

Officials propose introducing new duties:

  • fee for substantive examination of utility model applications;
  • fee for converting a contested invention patent into a utility model patent.

In addition, fees for registering an application for a Russian patent for an invention will be doubled - from 1,650 rubles to 3,300 rubles. The payment for each claim over 25 points will increase almost threefold. Currently, inventors pay 250 rubles for this; if the amendments are adopted, such payment will be 700 rubles, and for each section of the formula over 10 points. The fee for registering an application for a patent for a utility model or industrial design will also increase.

The trademark registration fee, which is paid by many businessmen who do not invent anything, but simply want to protect their trademark, will also grow and change. After approval of the project by Rospatent, you will have to pay 16 thousand rubles for such registration, and also pay additionally for a trademark certificate, which will cost 2 thousand rubles. Now businessmen do not pay separately for the certificate, but the entire payment is 16.2 thousand rubles.

The developers of the document note that when determining the new fees, inflation and the practice of collecting fees for similar procedures in other EAEU member countries were taken into account. The project is underway public discussion, which will last until March 20, 2017.

IN the article will do we are talking about what the state duty is, which in mandatory everyone needs to pay migrant worker who wishes to legally register and work in the territory Russian Federation.

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Fee for a work patent for a foreign citizen

As practice shows recent years, obtaining a work patent is not difficult for foreign citizens, since you do not have to collect so many documents and pay not at all high prices for the right to work in Russia.

You need to understand that deportation is possible in case of violation migration legislation, as well as failure to timely pay the state fee for a patent, so you should not allow a failure established deadlines making mandatory payments.

In each of Russian regions established its own requirements for the amount of such deductions, but in an average value we're talking about about 4200 Russian rubles for Moscow and the region.

It is possible to make payments both for a certain number of months and for the entire year at once, since the document is given only for 12 months, after which a new one is required. Note that it is most often used.

State duty on a patent for citizens of the CIS, in the Moscow region

As already mentioned, the state fee for a patent to a foreign citizen in 2017, 2018, 2019 and any other year is set in accordance with the current market situation and taking into account fluctuations national currency. The average value is 4200 Russian rubles, but the data may change at any time. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the data collected in the article about.

When to pay for a patent for work on next month Every foreign citizen must find out after receiving it and not miss the established deadlines.

Is it possible to pay for a patent immediately for a year, 3, 6 months or even 1 month? Yes, such a possibility exists, but there is a peculiarity here. Remember that simultaneous payments are only possible for 1, 2 or 3 months. It turns out that you need to make 4 payments a year, but there is no way you can immediately pay for the entire validity period of the document.

The rules for paying taxes for a work patent say that payment is made 2 days before it is issued. The calculation is simple, as you just need to add one month from the date it was printed and subtract a couple of days.

Is it possible to pay Personal income tax earlier? This possibility cannot be excluded and there are no prohibitions in current legislation. But we must remember that delay is unacceptable.

State duty for a patent in Krasnodar region

It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the second part of the Russian tax code dated 08/05/2000 under number 117 as amended on 11/28/2015 and current changes and do not forget about Chapter 25.3 “State Duty” dated November 2, 2004 under number 127-FZ. Another source of information can be the regional office of the Federal Migration Service.

State duty for a work patent for a citizen of Ukraine

Personal income tax amount with foreign citizens, working under a patent is different every year. For example, it recently amounted to 1,200 rubles as a fixed rate for an advance payment, after which the amount must be multiplied by current coefficient for the region. In the example, you need to multiply by 2.5504. the resulting value is multiplied by the so-called deflator coefficient, which is equal to 1.307, and only after that the amount that must be paid as a state fee for the patent is obtained.

LIST of legally significant actions related to a patent with state registration of a trademark and service mark, with state registration and granting of an exclusive right to, as well as with state registration of the transfer of exclusive rights to other persons and agreements on the disposal of these rights , for which patent and other fees are charged

Contact us and we will calculate and describe your duties in detail: their size, purpose and possible options payment. At your request state duties we can pay for you. We remind you that the prices for our services are significantly lower than the market average.

View legally meaningful action Amount of duty (rubles)

1.1. Registration of an application for a patent of the Russian Federation for an invention (hereinafter referred to as an application for an invention) and making a decision based on the results formal examination

1650 + 250 for each claim
over 25

1.2. Registration of an application for a patent of the Russian Federation for
utility model (hereinafter referred to as the application for a utility model) and making a decision based on the results of the examination of the application

850 + 100 for each point of the useful formula
models over 25

1.3. Registration of an application for a patent of the Russian Federation
for an industrial design (hereinafter referred to as an application for an industrial design
sample) and making a decision based on the results of the formal

850 + 100 for each item on the list of essentials
signs of an industrial design more than 1

1.4. Registration transferred to the national phase
international application for an invention, utility model,
filed in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty
dated June 19, 1970, and making a decision based on the results
formal examination

in accordance with subclause 1.1 or 1.2
+ 250 for each part of the international application, according to
which has not been searched internationally
search authority or was not carried out
international preliminary examination

1.5. Inclusion in the formula of the invention of a clause that is absent in
previously proposed by the applicant and accepted for consideration

650 each new item formulas before starting
substantive examination of the application
+ 2350 for each new independent point
formulas after the start of the examination of the application

1.6. Introducing a missing clause into the utility model formula
previously proposed by the applicant and accepted for consideration
formula, after 2 months from the date of application

650 for each new point of the formula

1.7. Listing essential features industrial
sample item missing from the previously proposed
the applicant and the list of essential materials accepted for consideration
signs, after 2 months from the date of application

1700 for each new item on the list of essentials
features of an industrial design, forming
group (whole and part)
+ 650 for each new item on the list
essential features of industrial
sample (options)

1.8. Carrying out an examination of the application for an invention on the merits and

2450 + 1950 for each independent claim
over 1 (but not more than 10) + 3400
for each independent claim over 10

1.9. Conducting an examination of an application for an industrial design and
making a decision based on its results

1650 + 1300 for each industrial design from
forming a group over 1 (whole and part) + 250
for each variant of an industrial design
over 1

1.10. Converting an application for a utility model into an application for

850 + 200 for each formula point over 25

1.11. Converting an application for an invention into an application for a utility

1.12. Extension of the deadline for responding to a request for examination or
notification of the need to submit a message
on the selection of an application for which a patent may be issued
(for each month of renewal):

1.12.1. up to 6 months 200
1.12.2. from 6 to 10 months 400
1.13. Restoration of the established information missed by the applicant

legislation of the Russian Federation deadline for submission
documents or additional materials on request
examination, filing a petition for examination of the application
for an invention on the merits or filing an objection to the chamber on
patent disputes federal body executive power
By :

1.13.1. if the application is submitted within 6 months 650
1.13.2. if the application is submitted after 6 months 2600
1.14. Registration of invention, utility model, industrial

sample and issuance of a patent for an invention, industrial
sample, utility model


1.15. Maintaining the validity of the Russian Federation patent for
invention, industrial design, utility model,
certificates of the Russian Federation for a utility model,
as well as operating on the territory of the Russian Federation
USSR patent for invention:

1.15.1. annual fees for maintaining a patent for an invention
or a patent for an industrial design for the years of validity, counting
from the date of application: for the third 850 for the fourth 850 for the fifth 1250 for the sixth 1250 for the seventh 1650 for the eighth 1650 for the ninth 2450 for the tenth 2450 for the eleventh 3650 for the twelfth 3650 for the thirteenth 4900 for the fourteenth 4900 for the fifteenth 6100 for the sixteenth 6100 for the seventeenth 6100 for the eighteenth 6100 for the nineteenth 8100 for the twentieth 8100 for the twenty-first 12000 for the twenty-second 12000 for the twenty-third 12000 for the twenty-fourth 12000 for the twenty-fifth 12000

1.15.2. annual patent maintenance fees
(certificate) for a utility model for the years of validity, counting from
application submission dates: for the first 400 for the second 400 for the third 850 for the fourth 850 for the fifth 1250 for the sixth 1250 for the seventh 1650 for the eighth 1650 for the ninth 2450 for the tenth 2450 for the eleventh 3650 for the twelfth 4050 for the thirteenth 4050
1.16. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the objection:

1.16.1. against the decision to issue or refuse to issue a patent for
invention, utility model, industrial design,
utility model certificates


1.16.2. against the decision to recognize the withdrawn application for an invention,
utility model, industrial design


1.16.3. against the issuance of a patent for an invention, utility model,
industrial design, utility model certificates,
as well as against actions on the territory of the Russian Federation
USSR title of protection for an invention, industrial
sample (for each violation of the requirements stipulated by
legislation of the Russian Federation)


1.17. Extension of the deadline for submitting a request to conduct
examination of an application for an invention on the merits


1.18. Making changes to application documents in case of transfer
rights to obtain a patent for an invention, utility model,
industrial model

1.19. Early publication of information about an application for an invention 400
1.20. Extension of the validity period of the exclusive right:
1.20.1. for invention 2450
1.20.2. for a utility model 400
1.20.3. for industrial design 400

1.21. Restoration of a patent for an invention, useful
model, industrial design, utility certificates

annual size increased by 2.5 times
the duty provided for in subparagraph 1.15 and
corresponding to the year in which it was filed

1.22. Recognition of law convention priority by application
for an invention at the request of the applicant


1.23. Extension of the deadline for filing an application for an invention, an application for
utility model, industrial design applications
claiming convention priority


1.24. Making corrections to obvious and technical errors,
made by the applicant, as well as changes relating to
information about the author, patent holder and address for
correspondence, in an issued patent for an invention, useful
model, industrial design and (or) in the corresponding
state register (for each correction, 1 patent)

1.25. Issuance of a duplicate patent (certificate) 1350

1.26. Publication in the official bulletin of a federal body
executive power for intellectual property
court decisions on violation of the rights of the patent holder


1.27. Preparation, certification and issuance of copies of patents, certificates,
materials from the application file


1.28. Establishing the state of the art for assessing patentability
inventions and information search reporting
(at the request of the applicant or a third party)

6500 + 6200 for each independent point
formulas over 1

1.29. Establishing the state of the art for assessing patentability
utility model and drawing up a report on information
search (at the request of the applicant or a third party)

2050 + 1650 for each independent point
formulas over 1

1.30. Entering into State Register inventions of the Russian
Federation, State Register of Utility Models
Russian Federation and State Register
industrial designs of the Russian Federation information about
changes related to early termination
patent (certificate), based on application
patent owner


2.1. Registration of an application for registration of a trademark, mark
services (hereinafter referred to as the trademark application) and acceptance
decisions based on the results of formal examination


2.2. Registration of an application separated from the original application for
trademark and decision-making based on the results of a formal


2.3. Registration of an application for registration of a place name
origin of the goods and to provide exclusive
rights to such name or to provide
exclusive right to previously registered
name (hereinafter referred to as the application for the name of the place
origin of the product) and making decisions based on the results
formal examination


2.4. Carrying out an examination of the designation declared as
trademark, and making a decision based on its results

11500 + 2050 for each International class

registration requested, over 1

2.5. Carrying out an examination of the designation declared as
appellation of origin of goods, and decision-making
according to its results


2.6. Making changes and corrections to a trademark application,
in the application for the appellation of origin of the goods

2.7. Registration of a trademark and issuance of a certificate for it 16200

2.8. Registration of a collective mark and issuance of a certificate for


2.9. Issuance of a certificate of exclusive right to
name of place of origin of the goods


2.10. Amendments to the State Register of Trademarks
and service marks of the Russian Federation and in
certificate for a trademark in the State Register
appellations of origin of goods of the Russian
Federation and as a certificate of exclusive right
for the name of the place of origin of the goods (for each
change by 1 trademark, 1 place name
origin of the goods)


2.11. Amendments to the list of well-known in Russian
Federation of Trademarks (for each change by
1 well known)


2.12. Separate registration trademark, separated from
valid trademark registration, and issuance
certificates for him


2.13. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of an objection to
decision to refuse to accept a trademark application
consideration or recognition of the application as withdrawn


2.14. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the objection
on the decision made based on the results of the examination of the declared
designations on an application for trademark registration


2.15. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the objection
against providing legal protection trademark


2.16. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the objection
against providing legal protection to well-known
in the Russian Federation trademark


2.17. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the objection
on the decision to refuse to accept an application for a name
place of origin of goods for consideration or recognition
application withdrawn


2.18. Making a decision based on the results of the review
objections to the decision made based on the results
examination of the declared designation of the application for
name of place of origin of the goods


2.19. Making a decision based on the results of the review
objections to the provision of legal protection
name of the place of origin of the goods, issue


2.20. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application
on granting legal protection to well-known
in the Russian Federation trademark


2.21. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application
on termination of legal protection of well-known
in the Russian Federation trademark


2.22. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application for

due to its non-use


2.23. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application for
early termination legal protection of a trademark in
case of transformation of a registered trademark
into a designation that has come into general use as
designation of goods certain type


2.24. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application
on termination of legal protection of the name of the place
origin of goods, validity of certificate


2.25. Converting a Trademark Application to an Application
to the collective sign


2.26. Converting an application for a collective mark into an application
for a trademark

2.27. Conversion of a trademark into a collective mark 8100
2.28. Converting a collective mark into a trademark 4050

2.29. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application for
recognition of the provision of legal protection to a trademark
invalid due to recognition in the established
in the manner of abuse of right or dishonest
competition of the rights holder's actions related to
trademark registration


2.30. Making a decision based on the results of consideration of the application
on early termination of legal protection of a trademark
in case of liquidation legal entity- copyright holder
or termination of business activity
individual entrepreneur - copyright holder


2.31. Making a decision to terminate the certificate of validity
exclusive right to the appellation of origin
goods in the event of liquidation of a legal entity or
termination of business activity
individual entrepreneur - certificate holders


2.32. Making additions, corrections and clarifications to materials
trademark applications, place name applications
origin of goods regarding changes in information
about the applicant


2.33. Extension of the deadline for responding to a request for examination of an application for
trademark, appellation of origin of goods or
for notification of the need to submit a message
on the selection of the application for which registration is sought
trademark (for each month of renewal, but not more than
6 months)


2.34. Restoration of the established information missed by the applicant
legislation deadline for submitting additional
materials, corrected or missing documents
upon request during formal examination, presentation
additional materials upon request during the examination process
declared designation, filing an objection to the chamber on
patent disputes


2.35. Extension of the validity period of the exclusive right
for a trademark


2.36. Extension of the validity period of the exclusive right
to the collective sign


2.37. Extension of the validity period of the certificate of
exclusive right to name a place
origin of goods


2.38. Providing a 6-month period for extending expired
validity period of registration of a trademark, collective
sign, validity of the certificate of exclusive right
on the name of the place of origin of the goods

2.39. Issuance of a duplicate certificate 1350

2.40. Preparation, certification and issuance of copies of certificates,
materials from the application file


3.1. Registration of a license (sublicense) agreement,
industrial design, utility model certificate

1650 + 850 for each patent,
certificate over 1

3.2. Registration of an agreement on alienation of exclusive rights
for an invention, utility model, industrial design

1650 + 850 for each patent,
certificate over 1

3.3. Registration of an agreement on the pledge of the exclusive right to
invention, utility model, industrial design

1650 + 850 for each patent,
certificate over 1

3.4. Registration of the transfer of the exclusive right to an invention,
utility model, industrial design to another person
without an agreement

1650 + 850 for each patent,
certificate over 1

3.5. Registration of a transaction involving the use of a single
technologies outside the Russian Federation

1650 + 850 for each patent,
certificate over 1

3.6. Registration of changes made to the agreement relating to
for a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial
sample, utility model certificate

400 + 850 for each patent, certificate,
supplementing the subject of the contract,

3.7. Registration of termination of a contract related to a patent
for an invention, utility model, industrial design,
utility model certificate


3.8. Registration of an application for the possibility of providing
any person has the right to use an invention useful
model, industrial design (open license)
and publication of information about open license


3.9. Registration of a request to withdraw an application
on granting an open license


3.10. Registration of a request to withdraw an application
with an obligation to alienate the exclusive right
for invention


3.11. Registration of licensed (sublicensed)
agreement relating to a trademark, sign

service mark over 1

3.12. Registration of an agreement on alienation of exclusive rights
for a trademark, service mark

13500 + 11500 for each trademark,
service mark over 1

3.13. Registration of an agreement on the pledge of the exclusive right to
trademark, service mark

13500 + 11500 for each trademark,
service mark over 1

3.14. Registration of the transfer of the exclusive right to a commodity
mark, service mark, appellation of origin
goods to another person without a contract

3.15. Registration of changes made to the contract related to
to a trademark, service mark:

3.15.1. included in the registered license
(sublicense) agreement, alienation agreement
exclusive right, agreement on pledge of exclusive
rights to a trademark, service mark


3.15.2. included in the registered license
(sublicense) agreement, agreement on pledge of exclusive
rights to a trademark, service mark,
related to the expansion of its subject

2050 + 11500 for each trademark,
service sign,
+ 850 for each patent, certificate,
supplementing the subject of the contract

3.16. Registration of termination of a contract related to a commodity
sign, service mark


3.17. Registration of the agreement commercial concession(subconcessions),
related to a patent for an invention, utility model,
industrial design, utility model certificate,
trademark, service mark

13500 + 850 for each patent, certificate,
+ 11500 for each trademark, sign
services that form the subject of the contract

3.18. Registration of changes made to the commercial agreement
concession (subconcession) related to a patent
for an invention, utility model, industrial design,
utility model certificate, trademark, sign
services related to the expansion of its subject

2050 + 850 for each patent, certificate,
+ 11500 for each trademark, sign
services that complement the subject of the contract

3.19. Registration of termination of a commercial concession agreement
(subconcession) relating to a patent for an invention,
utility model, industrial design, certificate
utility model, trademark, service mark


4.1. Registration of the Eurasian application and its transmission in accordance with
with the Eurasian Patent Convention of September 9, 1994


4.2. Registration of an international application filed in accordance with
with the Patent Cooperation Treaty of June 19, 1970,
and sending the registration copy to the International
the Bureau World Organization intellectual property
(shipping fee)


4.3. Establishing the state of the art for assessing patentability

international search (search fee)


4.4. Establishing the state of the art for assessing patentability
inventions and preparation of a report on the work carried out
international search in case of violation of unity of invention
for each part of the international application which does not relate to
to the invention mentioned first in the claims
(additional search fee)


4.5. Making a decision on the applicant’s objection to disagree with
arguments regarding violation of unity of invention or size
required additional fee for an international application
(objection fee)


4.6. Extension of the deadline for submitting the list of nucleotide
sequences in electronic form when conducting
international search for an application for an invention (fee for
late submission of the list)


4.7. Establishing the state of the art for assessing patentability

type according to national application


4.8. Establishing the state of the art for assessing patentability
and drawing up a report on the search for international
type in case of violation of the unity of invention for each part
national application not related to the invention,
mentioned first in the formula


4.9. Drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the study
international preliminary examination (fee for
preliminary examination):

4.9.1. if an international search report has been prepared
federal executive body for
intellectual property


4.9.2. if an international search report has been prepared


4.10. Drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the study
international preliminary examination at
violation of unity of invention for each part
international application which does not relate to
the invention mentioned first in the claims:

4.10.1. if an international search report has been prepared
federal executive body
on intellectual property


4.10.2. if an international search report has been prepared
other international search authority


4.11. Preparation, certification and forwarding at the request of the applicant
certified copy of the national application (priority
document) to the International Bureau of the World Organization
intellectual property


4.12. Extension of the deadline for submitting an international translation
applications for international search purposes (late fee
translation submission)


4.13. Restoration of the right of conventional priority in
regarding the international application


4.14. Restoration of the applicant's right to international
applications at his request submitted:

4.14.1. within up to 6 months 2950
4.14.2. within a period of more than 6 months 11700

4.15. Registration of an application submitted under the Madrid procedure
agreements on international registration signs or
Protocol to the Madrid Agreement on International
registration of marks, and sending the registration copy
to the International Bureau of the World Organization
intellectual property (filing fee)

4900 + 400 for each International class
classification of goods and services for which
registration requested, over 3

4.16. Making a decision based on the results of the review
applications for replacement of national registration
foreign copyright holder of international


Extension of the deadline for the applicant’s response to a request when providing
legal protection in the Russian Federation for a trademark,
registered by the International Bureau of the World
organization of intellectual property according to the procedure
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
or the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement on International
registration of marks

in accordance with subclause 2.33
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