How to change your salary bank. Salary card: how to change it

Nowadays, most employers pay employees wages based on bank card. This is much more convenient than issuing cash. For example, if the card is stolen, the holder will be able to block it, so the attacker will not be able to use the funds stored on the card. In addition, through Internet banking it is convenient to track debits and receipts, as well as control expenses. The cards also provide an advantage to the employer. He does not need to use the services of collectors for transportation large sums, which will then be transferred to employees, and any payment can be made in just two clicks. In addition, banks very often service salary projects for free. large enterprises. It seems like a lot of advantages. Why then would the employee change salary card for a product from another bank?

There can be many reasons. For example, there are no ATMs near your location, branches have inconvenient opening hours, irresponsible employees are often encountered or service failures occur... All these problems can be easily solved - now you can choose the bank where you want to have a salary card. You are not obliged to use only the credit institution that your employer offers you.

What is required to change banks?

Bank cards are issued to employees according to the salary project. Typically, a credit institution offers holders of such cards various benefits for other products, for example, cheaper loans or increased rates by deposits. When you move to another bank, you most likely will not be served as part of the salary project, so there will be fewer bonuses. However, if this does not matter to you, then changing a salary card from one bank to another is very easy:

  • contact new bank to issue a card;
  • write an application containing new data for transferring money, then have it certified by your immediate superior and chief accountant;
  • the employer must make changes to your employment contract.

After these simple actions you will receive your salary on the card you specified. Your employer cannot refuse you to choose another bank; this right is enshrined in the third part of Article 136 Labor Code, however, in some organizations, accountants or managers are dissatisfied. The fact is that they have to transfer funds separately from the rest of the employees who are participants in the salary project, which requires Extra time. You can justify your decision by saying that you are not satisfied with the conditions or products of the bank offered by your employer.

Possible disadvantages

This is not to say that such a castling will lead to great difficulties, but there are some aspects that should be kept in mind. Firstly, you will have to pay the cost of card servicing yourself. Secondly, the benefits of the salary package will no longer apply. Third, some banks may charge a fee for transferring money to your account. Therefore, you should be sure that the bank you choose will be more convenient to use and will bring a lot of benefits that can justify the increased costs of maintaining an account and the lack of bonuses.

Petr Trofimov

In the current economic situation not all banks are able to provide profitable terms for their products, even for payroll clients. The solution may be to switch to another bank.

It is worth replacing a salary card with a similar one from a different bank in the following cases:

  • Are you interested in any product from a bank that provides PO card holders with special conditions and benefits.
  • It is inconvenient for you to get to branches and ATMs. Now it is especially important that bank branches are easily accessible. This is especially true for those who like to travel, because some banks operate and deposit funds in the territory of one region.
  • Your bank is not trustworthy. This reason also exists. Now you can easily find information and reviews about a particular bank. If your bank has collected more negative points of view, then you should not trust it, and it is better to change it to a more successful company.

Controversial aspects of the procedure

But not everything is so simple, because there are several points that can delay or even completely prevent the transition to another bank.

Legislative side

Recently appeared amendments to Part 3 of Art. 136 of the Labor Code indicate that now the employee can choose which bank he will receive his salary from.

It is worth pointing out that before the changes were made, the legislation left the choice of salary bank for all employees to the management.

Opens up wide opportunities for its owner: this includes participation in bonus programs and the opportunity to receive a loan for preferential terms, and substantial discounts in the bank’s partner companies.

Is it possible to put money on a salary card? It is explained in detail in.

It’s worth a try, but you also need to take into account the fact that the employer must be notified that you have changed banks at least before 5 days before the salary is transferred.

Coercion of an employee

But does this work in practice? Unfortunately, not always; the fact is that individual salary service in a bank is very expensive for company managers. Therefore, most often you can find companies in which all employees are paid in one bank.

In fact, forcing an employee to receive money in a way that is convenient for management is illegal, but there is one “but”. This aspect must be stipulated in a collective or employment agreement, and the employee must immediately indicate the details of the account into which the salary will be deposited.

In order to avoid a quarrel with your superiors when replacing a salary card, you need to do the following.

When applying for a job, the terms of salary transfer must be included in the employment contract. If they are not there, then the employee and the employer must enter into an additional agreement, which will establish exactly how payment can be made.

If you are already settled, then read the contract, and if it states that you can make cashless payments, then fill out the application. In it, state your desire to change the card and all the details necessary for transferring funds.

The employer himself does not have the right to point his subordinates to a specific bank and force them to receive money through one system. Moreover, this applies to both the initial choice and subsequent replacements of salary banks.

But he can come to an agreement with his employees. It is this agreement that is secured by the additional agreement specified in the first paragraph.

What to do

If you are an employee who wants to change your card, fill out an application; it does not have an exact form, so write in a free, but still business style.

The salary is transferred to the employee’s new account in the event that he was able to submit an application for at least 5 working days before funds are disbursed. Write an application a week before salary payment.

If you are an employer, then accept the employee’s application and double-check all details and account numbers for accuracy.

Now it’s worth considering a more detailed diagram of exactly how to proceed when replacing a ZP card.

Instructions on how to change your salary card to another bank

So, let's look in more detail at how to change a salary card to another bank.

All actions are completed in just 4 steps:

  1. Contact the bank you like and ask to issue a salary card for you.
  2. Write a statement to free form, which should contain information about new map and a new account, but which must be transferred to the salary.
  3. Have your application certified by the accounting department at your workplace or ask your senior management to do this.
  4. After certification, all new data is entered into the employment contract.

An application submitted less than 5 working days before transfers begins to be valid only on next payment salaries.

The employer is obliged to provide you with the opportunity to use the bank that is most convenient for you, and not for him. If he refuses, try to convince him, for example, tell him that the type of your card is not suitable for some operations.

Thus, Maestro and Visa Electron cards are much less functional than Visa or MasterCard. In addition, you can explain that the ATMs of your current PO bank are located in places that are inconvenient for you.

In case of complete misunderstanding and disagreement on the part of your superiors, you will have to use the services of the Labor Inspectorate or the Prosecutor's Office.

If you follow the instructions, then replacing the card is not such a difficult process

Transition principle

Amendments to the law on how to change a salary card to another bank came into force in 2014.

Since then, any employee, with certain conditions, It has every right use salary transfer services from the bank that is most pleasant to him.

To do this, it is enough to submit an application filled out in free form to the accounting department or management.

Approximate content:

  • In the header, indicate that you are writing an application addressed to your boss;
  • indicate your desire to change the bank and card, based on Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • enter the pay date from which you would like to start receiving money to your new account;
  • indicate all necessary details: your full name and other personal information for the account. Current account number, name of the new bank, correspondent account, BIC, INN, KPP;
  • date, signature.

All the necessary details can be found in the contract, or you can find out at the nearest branch of the bank that provided you with a new salary card.

If a specific bank is specified in the employment contract, it is sent to the accounting department for correction. This only happens once. During it, instead of the name of the bank, it is indicated that the salary is transferred to the account that the employee indicated in the application.

Along with the changes, an addition to the employment contract appears in the form of an agreement between the employee and the employer that both parties (employee and employer) agree with the choice of the salary bank.

You may find that the accounting department will be against the decision to change the salary bank, since this increases their work. But legal grounds They don't have any options to refuse.

This is because the application is written in the name of the manager, which means the agreement is concluded with him, and not with the employees of this department. This is beneficial because management is more likely to accommodate the employee halfway, since this is the path of least resistance.

If the application is refused, then you can safely go to court or Labor inspection with a complaint about non-compliance legal requirements. But in this case there is a risk of losing your job, which is often taken advantage of unscrupulous companies, they say, if you don’t like it, leave.

Advantages and disadvantages

The possibility of transferring to another salary bank has both its pros and cons:

TO positive aspects Possibilities include:
  • be serviced in banks with more favorable conditions for the employee;
  • use the products of the bank you like on more favorable, preferential terms, since most banking organizations soften the conditions for receiving services for payroll clients;
  • transferring funds to a bank with which the organization has not entered into a salary project, no longer than usual.
There are also negative sides:
  • Payment annual maintenance The card is the responsibility of the employee, which means that the funds must be deposited independently.
  • You will also have to pay the commission that is charged for transferring money to your personal account. In the payroll project this is done automatically.
  • There is a risk of being left without benefits provided salary project for the company, which are often more profitable than for clients with an individual contract.
  • You may have to argue with your bosses in order to achieve your goal and start receiving money from the bank you like.
  • Changing details can create confusion in accounting documents, due to which temporary failures with transfers may occur, for example, sometimes, by chance, money may be accidentally transferred to an old account.

All this suggests that the employee has every right to change the salary bank. However, this action most often it is unprofitable, and promises a lot of not very pleasant consequences for both the employee and the employer.


People often get confused before switching banks, below are examples of some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers:

How to change card and salary bank? To do this, the employee will need to open an account in a bank that, in his opinion, is more convenient. After this, it is necessary to notify management and accounting about the changes using a statement written in the name of the employer.
How long does it take to switch from one bank to another? The account opening itself takes place in one day, but card issuance takes some time. In general, all processes in the bank last up to 10 working days, as stated by Mikhail Chamrov, who is the director of the department retail products and marketing in Rosbank. In fact, all procedures most often take no more than 7 calendar days.
Are there possible delays in transferring money after changing the salary bank? According to experts, transferring salaries to other banks does not take much time.
Who is responsible for paying for card maintenance when changing the bank's salary? When choosing another bank, the employee is most often required to pay for card maintenance on his own. But, provided the client complies with the necessary obligations, the new bank can accommodate its client and provide the opportunity not to worry about transferring fees for servicing the card and account.

Must be accompanied official registration business trips of the employee, otherwise this receipt may be considered by the tax authorities as income.

About the possibilities credit card Read UralSib for salary card holders.

289 price

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Lawyers' answers (2)

    fee 100%

    Lawyer, Volgograd

    • 7.1 rating

    Good afternoon, Maxim!

    Method of obtaining wages and the choice of bank is absolute right employee. The employer does not have the right to impose his own conditions. And of course, he cannot fire you for this for the following reasons:

    The possibility of transferring an employee’s salary to his bank account is provided for in Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part three of this article states that wages are paid to the employee, as a rule, at the place where he performs the work or is transferred to credit institution specified in the employee’s application, under the conditions specified collective agreement or employment contract. The employee has the right to change the credit institution to which the wages should be transferred by informing writing to the employer to change the details for the transfer of wages no later than five working days before the day of payment of wages.
    This wording appeared in the law as a result of changes made to part three of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by Federal Law of November 4, 2014 N 333-FZ. The previous edition of this norm did not mention written statement employee as a document that initially determines and subsequently changes the name of the bank and details for the transfer of wages. The salary should have been transferred to specified by the employee bank account under the conditions determined by the collective agreement or employment contract. Based on this norm, many experts actually concluded that replacing a credit institution specified in an employment or collective agreement is impossible without making changes to this document and that the employee does not have the right to demand that the employer pay wages to an account in any bank. This approach is also reflected in judicial practice. For example, Irkutsk regional court in the determination dated March 16, 2012 N 33-2138/12 indicated that there are no grounds for recognition illegal refusal in the transfer of wages to a bank account chosen by the employee, if the current procedure for paying wages in the organization does not provide for such an obligation of the employer and there is no agreement between the parties on such a transfer.
    It is impossible to say that such an approach has a right to exist at present. New edition Part three of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation excludes the choice of a credit institution from among the issues that are resolved by agreement between the employer and the employee or team. The law now directly assigns to the employee the right to choose a bank and the right to replace it at any time by submitting an application, that is, unilaterally without signing an additional agreement with the employer. The news about this was reported in the media under the loud headline “Wage slavery has been abolished.” As follows from explanatory note to the bill, amendments are aimed at improving the competitive environment in the market banking services, expanding the ability of credit institutions to compete for cash and receive income from their placement.
    The fact that the parties to the employment contract (annex or additional agreement to it) agreed on the transfer of the employee’s salary to a specific credit institution cannot be considered as a circumstance preventing the bank employee from replacing him at his own discretion. By virtue of Art. 9 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, collective agreements, agreements, and employment contracts cannot contain conditions that limit the rights or reduce the level of guarantees of workers in comparison with those established by labor legislation and other regulations legal acts containing labor law norms. If such conditions are included in a collective agreement, agreement or employment contract, then they are not subject to application. Thus, agreements with the employer that limit the employee’s right to choose and change a bank established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be applied.
    So, currently the employee is in force direct instructions federal law belongs absolute right choose any bank to receive your salary. This most likely explains the lack judicial practice for the current year this issue.
    Source SPS "Garant"

    Accordingly, you need to write an application indicating the personal account where to transfer wages in two copies. Keep one copy with the employer's mark of receipt. And if the payment of wages according to the details specified in the employee’s application does not happen. File a complaint with the Russian Labor Inspectorate regarding the violation by the employer labor legislation.

    The employer will be involved in administrative responsibility according to Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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    All legal services in Moscow

  • Lawyer, Volgograd

    • 7.1 rating

    Further confirming what has been said, official explanations from Rostrud of the Russian Federation:

    I got a job in an organization, but the accountant refuses to accept the details of my card (for payroll), issued in one bank, having issued a card in another bank, explaining this by the fact that he does not want to take into account the interests of 200 employees in choosing a bank, and it is more convenient for her to send to one bank . What is the procedure in this situation? How can I get my salary credited to the card I need?

    The employer's actions are unlawful. You have the right to change the credit institution to which the wages should be transferred by notifying the employer in writing about the change in the details for transferring wages no later than five working days before the day the wages are paid.
    You have the right to file a complaint against the employer’s actions with the territorial body of Rostrud - state inspection labor (including through this resource) or to court.
    Legal basis:
    In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages are paid to the employee, as a rule, at the place where he performs the work or is transferred to the credit institution specified in the employee’s application, under the conditions determined by the collective agreement or employment contract. The employee has the right to change the credit institution to which wages should be transferred by notifying the employer in writing about the change in the details for transferring wages no later than five working days before the day of payment of wages.
    According to Art. 352 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to protect their labor rights and freedoms by all means not prohibited by law.
    In accordance with Art. 353 Labor Code of the Russian Federation federal state supervision compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards is carried out Federal service on labor and employment (Rostrud) and its territorial authorities(state labor inspectorates). To protect our own labor rights an employee can contact the state labor inspectorate at the employer’s location, including through this resource.
    An employee has the right to go to court to resolve an individual labor dispute within three months from the day he learned or should have learned about a violation of his rights, and in disputes about dismissal - within one month from the date he was given a copy of the dismissal order or day of issue work book.
    When skipping good reasons the above deadlines, they can be restored by the court (Article 392 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    Labor disputes are considered by district (city) courts at the location of the employer (Article 28 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation).
    It must be borne in mind that state inspector labor does not have the right to issue an order to the employer subject to mandatory execution, on claims accepted for consideration by the court, or issues on which there is a court decision (Part 2 of Article 357 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, by filing a lawsuit, an employee loses the opportunity to protect his labor rights by contacting the state labor inspectorate.
    Information portal of Rostrud “Onlineinspection.RF”, September 2015

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