How to make an extract from an approved document. The court requested extracts from personnel documents: how to draw up

This article is devoted to certificates, copies and extracts from documents. Copies and certificates are currently prepared in each organization. But extracts are not used at all enterprises. Let's look at the requirements for the execution of these documents, and also determine their purpose.


In accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation(OK 011-93) there are several different forms documents whose titles include the word “certificate” and which relate to different systems documentation. See for yourself:

Document fragment

All-Russian classifier of management documentation. OK 011-93 (approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299, as amended on June 8, 2009)

Within of this article we will only consider certificates related to organizational and administrative documentation and drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

The definition of this type of document is not contained in normative legal acts, but it can be found in Brief dictionary types and varieties of documents VNIIDAD1:


– 1) a document containing a description and confirmation of certain facts and events; 2) a document confirming facts of a biographical or official nature.

So, certificates related to organizational and administrative documentation are usually divided into two groups:

– those that describe facts and events related to the main activities of the organization;

– those that confirm biographical or official information about a person.

The certificates that make up the second group are more common nowadays. These include certificates confirming the position held, length of service, places of study, etc. This group of references is external, i.e. intended for submission to other organizations.

Certificates belonging to the first group can be either external or internal. External references are compiled for presentation to another (often higher) organization, internal certificates– for presentation to the management of the organization or for consideration collegial body. Today, internal certificates are used quite rarely and not in all organizations. Therefore, first we will consider the requirements for the preparation of external certificates.

External references External certificates must be issued on a form. And in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, three types of forms are distinguished according to the types of documents drawn up on them:

– general form (used for the production of any types of documents, except letters);

– form specific type document (other than a letter);

- letter form.

So, according to the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003, certificates must be issued in general form or a form of a specific type of document (i.e., on a certificate form). Accordingly, to mandatory details The certificates include the following (see Examples 1 and 3):

National emblem Russian Federation, or the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the emblem of an organization/ trademark(service mark)2*;

- name of company*;

– name of the document type (HELP)*;

– document date**;

– document registration number**;

– place of preparation or publication of the document*;

– title to the text (when formatted on A4 format);

– text of the document;

– addressee;

– text of the document;

- signature;

– seal impression (for biographical or financial information).

For information you can use the forms as angular location details, and with longitudinal. However, the first option is more preferable, since in this case the right side of the top of the form is used to place the “addressee” detail. And this allows you to use the sheet area more economically.

In the process of preparing the certificate, the details are drawn up in accordance with the layout diagrams of the details given in Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003. Leave two to four line spacing between details.

Date certificate is the date of its signing, which is usually issued Arabic numerals in sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and month are written in two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year – in four Arabic numerals. For example, 14.01.2009 . At the same time, it is allowed verbal-digital method date registration, for example, February 02, 2009.

Registration number is located on the same line as the document date and includes serial number, which can be supplemented by an index or several indexes. Serial numbers for certificates must be assigned within a calendar year, i.e. first certificate in calendar year must have serial number 1.

The date and registration number of the certificate are usually drawn up at the time of registration of the document (i.e. after signing), so it is more correct to put them on the document manually rather than print them when preparing the certificate.

Title to text the certificate must answer the question “About what?” and may include an indication of the time period to which the information contained in the certificate relates. For example: “On the organization of air transportation of tourists in the second half of 2009”.

The title, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, should be printed from the field without quotation marks, starting with capital letter and end without using a period. On certificates issued in A5 format, the title may not be indicated.

Help text, as a rule, consists of two parts: the first sets out the facts that served as the basis or reason for its compilation, the second contains specific information, reflecting the essence of the issue. The text of the certificate may not contain the basis for its preparation; then the certificate includes only one part describing the facts (events).

If the certificate contains homogeneous, systematized information, its text is presented in the form of a table.

The text of a biographical certificate usually begins with the indication in the nominative case of the last name, first name and patronymic of the person about whom the information is being reported. A number of biographical certificates are issued for typical, frequently recurring situations, and can be used for their preparation unified forms with stencil text.

Help text should not use archaic phrases, for example: « real certificate given...", “It is hereby confirmed that... it actually works...”.

Example 1

Props "addressee" must be drawn up on certificates in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003. If the certificate is addressed to an organization or its structural division, then their names are indicated in the nominative case (see Example 1).

When addressing a certificate to an official, his position and surname are indicated in the dative case, the initials are indicated before the surname. There must be a space between initials and last name:

Example 2

External biographical certificate, prepared on A5 format

Inquiries in mandatory must be signed by an authorized official or two officials. As a rule, the head of the organization or his deputy has the right to sign external certificates.

Example 3

Certificates drawn up to confirm biographical information must also be signed by two persons: the head of the organization and the manager personnel service(or the chief accountant), and they must also be stamped with a seal.

The “signature” requisite includes: the title of the position of the person who signed the document; his personal signature; decryption of the signature (initials and last name separated by a space). Since the certificate is drawn up on a form, when filling out the “signature” detail, the name of the position is indicated in an abbreviated version, i.e. the name of the organization is not included (see Example 1).

When signing a certificate by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held: for example, first CEO and behind him - Chief Accountant or the head of the human resources department (as shown in Example 1).

So, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, external certificates must be issued on a general form or certificate form. A letterhead should not be used for this purpose. But what is currently happening in practice? Firstly, GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature, and secondly, some organizations present Additional requirements for inquiries. For example, when obtaining some visas, a certificate indicating the address and telephone number of the company is required. Therefore, nowadays you can find certificates that are issued on letterhead with such details as reference information about the organization (address, telephone, etc.). At the same time, on the letterhead somewhere on free space one more detail is added: the name of the document type – HELP.

Internal inquiries When preparing internal references, we usually adhere to following rules registration Unlike external certificates, internal certificates are drawn up not on a form, but on a standard sheet of paper in A4 (210...297 mm) or A5 (148...210 mm) format. At the same time, there are differences in the composition of the details - internal certificates must include the following details(see Example 4):

– name of the structural unit – the author of the document;

– name of the document type (HELP);

– document date;

– registration number of the document;

– title to the text (when written on a sheet of A4 paper);

– text of the document;

– addressee;

– signature (signed by the head of a structural unit or a specialist compiler, indicating the position in an abbreviated version - without the name of the organization).

Example 4

Internal help

Copy of the document

There are often situations when a third party organization, official or to an individual they need this or that document, but they can’t give them the original. In this situation, a copy of the document comes to the rescue.

The definition of a copy of a document can be found in GOST R 51141-98 and in the Rules for Office Work in federal bodies executive power.

Document fragment

Clause 4 of the Rules for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477

“Copy of document” is a document that fully reproduces the information of the original document and its external signs, having no legal force.

In the terminology of office work, in addition to the concept of “copy of a document,” the term “certified copy of a document” is used. Moreover, it is the second of them that has legal force.Document fragment

GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions

Certified copy of a document – ​​a copy of a document on which, in accordance with in accordance with the established procedure put down necessary details, giving it legal force.

The procedure for certification of copies of organizational and administrative documents is established in GOST R 6.30-2003, and for this purpose the attribute “copy certification mark” is used.

Document fragment

GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements

3.26. When certifying the compliance of a copy of a document with the original, below the “Signature” requisite, a certification inscription is affixed: “True”; position of the person who certified the copy; personal signature; decryption of the signature (initials, surname); certification date, for example: True

Human Resources Inspector Personal signature T.S. Levchenko

It is allowed to certify a copy of the document with a seal determined at the discretion of the organization.

Document fragment

Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. / Rosarkhiv; VNIIDAD; Comp.: M.L. Gavlin, A.S. Krasavin, L.V. Kuznetsov and others; General ed. M.V. Larin, A.N. Sokova. – M., 2003. – 90 p.

3.21. Mark on certification of the copy (detail 26).

...When sending documents that have a regulatory legal nature(decrees, orders, instructions, etc.), duplicated copies of distributed documents should be certified with the seal of the organization or the seal of a structural unit, for example: a seal with the name preschool educational services organization (office, general department, etc.).

But due to the fact that GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature, the need to certify with a seal a copy intended for transfer to structural subdivision within the organization or to its official, as a rule, is enshrined in the organization’s office management instructions. But copies of documents intended for use outside the organization are usually certified with a seal.

Example 5

At the same time, the obligation to certify with a seal copies of documents relating to the rights and interests of citizens is also enshrined in the current Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated 08/04/1983 No. 9779-X. The same document, instead of the word “True,” prescribes in certification letter write a more detailed text structure: "Copy is right, original document located in the name of the organization is indicated". Some organizations use an even more detailed design, adding information about in which case the original is stored (this is the option now described in the project Methodological recommendations on the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities).

Example 6

It is customary to place a mark on the certification of a copy of a document in accordance with Appendix A3 of GOST R 6.30-2003, namely at the bottom of the copy sheet. This option is ideal for a one-page document. What about multi-page copies? It is more rational to stitch them first, and then on the last page to fill out the requisite “copy certification mark”.

For most types of documents, legal acts do not establish any specific requirements for the binding of sheets of their copies. Usually this operation This is done like this: the sheets are stitched manually with 2 or 4 punctures. After stitching the sheets onto the ends of the stitching thread, back side On the last sheet of the copy of the document, a sheet of A7 format or smaller is pasted, on which the number of bound sheets is indicated, as well as the name of the position of the person who certified its binding, personal signature and transcript of the signature. In addition, when stitching sheets, a seal impression is usually affixed, and in such a way that it captures part of the person’s job title and the reverse part of the last sheet of the copy.

Example 7

Example 8

They also try to place the personal flourish so that it is partially located on the last sheet of stitching, and partially on the sticker glued over the thread. It is convenient to immediately print the certification text on a piece of sticky paper (then it will not go beyond it); some organizations use special stamps or write such text manually (in these cases as additional protection to prevent forgery, you can place the certification text so that it extends beyond the glued sheet).

So, we will show you the possible correct options for designing a certified multi-page copy document. In Examples 7 and 8 the composition and arrangement of the text are different, both options are correct. How the text is applied (by hand or on a printer, as in Example 7, or using a single or several stamps, as in Example 8) does not matter.

If legal act rules have been established for stitching sheets of copies of documents certain type, then they must be respected.

Document fragment

Rules for sending a copy of the declaration about the object real estate, the ownership of which is registered by the body implementing state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it, to the organization (body) for recording real estate objects, approved by resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2006 No. 531

A copy of the declaration consisting of more than one sheet is bound.

The numbering of sheets (pages, if both sides of the sheet are filled out on the original declaration) on the copy of the declaration is carried out if such numbering is not on the original declaration.

Copies of documents in the organization must be certified only by authorized officials. The rights and obligations of employees to certify copies are usually enshrined in job description or office management instructions. An administrative document may also be issued for the same purpose.

At the end of the conversation about copies, we note that in certain cases The law establishes notarization of copies of certain documents when submitting them to other organizations. Also some government bodies may ask to provide them with notarized copies and in cases not provided by law. Order notarization copies of documents is established by the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries dated 02/11/1993 No. 4462-1 (as amended on 07/19/2009).

Extract from the document

Extract from the document is a copy of part(s) of a written document.

In the practice of working with documents, extracts are prepared in cases where making a copy of a document for one reason or another is impossible (the document contains confidential information) or impractical (the document is large and completely unnecessary).

Departmental regulations can be installed certain order preparing an extract from a document of a certain type. For example, by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 24, 2006 No. 280 “On approval of the Instructions on the conditions and procedure for admission to the military educational institutions higher vocational education Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" approved the form of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Military Council. Accordingly, if a procedure has been established for preparing an extract from documents of a certain type, then it must be followed.

But for most types of documents there are no strict requirements for the preparation of extracts from them. And they are usually formatted as follows:

Firstly, when preparing statements, it is customary to reproduce the details of the form in full, with the exception of the “name of document type” detail. Part of this requisite the phrase “EXTRACT FROM...” should be added. For example, instead of the word “ORDER” you will need to write “EXTRACT FROM ORDER”.

In addition, the statement indicates registration number and the date of registration of the original document, and not the date of production of the extract and its number.

Under the text of the extract, indicate the position of the person who signed the document, his initials, and last name. Personal signature official“signature” is not included in the statement as part of the details.

Secondly, in office work, extracts are considered to be a type of copy of a document. Therefore, in order for the extract to acquire legal force, it must be certified. To do this, use the “mark on certification of a copy of the document”4, the requirements for the execution of which were discussed above.

As well as for copies of documents, the need to certify with a seal statements intended for use within the organization is usually fixed in the internal regulatory document. And when sending an extract to third party organization it is certified with a seal. At the end of the article we will provide a sample of the execution of an extract from the order (see Example 9).

Example 9

Extract from the order intended for use within the organization

1. A brief dictionary of types and varieties of documents. – M.: VNIIDAD. – 1974.

2. If the organization has the right to reproduce on its documents the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) or the organization has an emblem (trademark or service mark).

* details included in the form are marked.

** details are marked for which restrictive marks are applied on the form.

3. Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003 contains layout diagrams of document details.

4. The “copy certification mark” is used when certifying extracts from documents, but only if a different certification procedure is not established for a specific type of extract.

Kameneva E.M., chief expert Electronic Office Systems company

This article is devoted to certificates, copies and extracts from documents. Copies and certificates are currently prepared in each organization. But extracts are not used at all enterprises. Let's look at the requirements for the execution of these documents, and also determine their purpose.


In accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OK 011-93), there are several different forms of documents, the names of which include the word “certificate” and which relate to different documentation systems. See for yourself:

Document fragment

All-Russian classifier of management documentation. OK 011-93 (approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299, as amended on June 8, 2009)

In this article, we will consider only certificates related to organizational and administrative documentation and drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

The definition of this type of document is not contained in regulations, but it can be found in the VNIIDAD Brief Dictionary of Types and Varieties of Documents:


– 1) a document containing a description and confirmation of certain facts and events; 2) a document confirming facts of a biographical or official nature.

So, certificates related to organizational and administrative documentation are usually divided into two groups:

– those that describe facts and events related to the main activities of the organization;

– those that confirm biographical or official information about a person.

The certificates that make up the second group are more common nowadays. These include certificates confirming the position held, work experience, place of study, etc. This group of references is external, i.e. intended for submission to other organizations.

Certificates belonging to the first group can be either external or internal. External references are compiled for presentation to another (often higher) organization, internal certificates– for presentation to the management of the organization or for consideration by a collegial body. Today, internal certificates are used quite rarely and not in all organizations. Therefore, first we will consider the requirements for the preparation of external certificates.

External references External certificates must be issued on a form. And in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, three types of forms are distinguished according to the types of documents drawn up on them:

– general form (used for the production of any types of documents, except letters);

– a form for a specific type of document (except for a letter);

- letter form.

So, according to the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003, certificates must be issued on a general form or a form for a specific type of document (i.e., on a certificate form). Accordingly, the mandatory details of the certificate include the following (see Examples 1 and 3):

– State emblem of the Russian Federation, or the emblem of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or the emblem of an organization/trademark (service mark);

- name of company ;

– name of the document type (HELP);

– registration number of the document;

– place of preparation or publication of the document;

– title to the text (when formatted on A4 format);

– text of the document;

– addressee;

– text of the document;

- signature;

– seal impression (for biographical or financial information).

For information you can use forms with both angular and longitudinal placement of details. However, the first option is more preferable, since in this case the right side of the upper part of the form is used to place the “addressee” details. And this allows you to use the sheet area more economically.

In the process of preparing the certificate, the details are drawn up in accordance with the layout diagrams of the details given in Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003. Leave two to four line spacing between details.

Date certificate is the date of its signing, which, as a rule, is issued in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and month are written in two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year – in four Arabic numerals. For example, 14.01.2009 . In this case, a verbal-numeric method of formatting the date is also allowed, for example, February 02, 2009.

Registration number is located on the same line with the date of the document and includes a serial number, which can be supplemented by an index or several indexes. Serial numbers for certificates must be assigned within a calendar year, i.e. The first certificate in a calendar year must have serial number 1.

The date and registration number of the certificate are usually drawn up at the time of registration of the document (i.e. after signing), so it is more correct to put them on the document manually rather than print them when preparing the certificate.

Title to text the certificate must answer the question “About what?” and may include an indication of the time period to which the information contained in the certificate relates. For example: “On the organization of air transportation of tourists in the second half of 2009”.

The title, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, must be printed from the margin without quotation marks, begin with a capital letter and end without using a period. On certificates issued in A5 format, the title may not be indicated.

Help text, as a rule, consists of two parts: the first sets out the facts that served as the basis or reason for its compilation, the second provides specific information reflecting the essence of the issue. The text of the certificate may not contain the basis for its preparation; then the certificate includes only one part describing the facts (events).

If the certificate contains homogeneous, systematized information, its text is presented in the form of a table.

The text of a biographical certificate usually begins with the indication in the nominative case of the last name, first name and patronymic of the person about whom the information is being reported. A number of biographical certificates are issued for typical, frequently recurring situations, and unified forms with stencil text can be used for their preparation.

Help text should not use archaic phrases, for example: “This certificate has been given...”, “It is hereby confirmed that... it actually works...”.

Example 1

Props "addressee" must be drawn up on certificates in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003. If the certificate is addressed to an organization or its structural division, then their names are indicated in the nominative case (see Example 1).

When addressing a certificate to an official, his position and surname are indicated in the dative case, the initials are indicated before the surname. There must be a space between initials and last name:

Example 2

External biographical certificate, prepared on A5 format

Certificates must be signed by an authorized official or two officials. As a rule, the head of the organization or his deputy has the right to sign external certificates.

Example 3

Certificates drawn up to confirm biographical information must also be signed by two persons: the head of the organization and the head of the personnel department (or chief accountant), and they must also be stamped.

The “signature” requisite includes: the title of the position of the person who signed the document; his personal signature; decryption of the signature (initials and last name separated by a space). Since the certificate is drawn up on a form, when filling out the “signature” detail, the name of the position is indicated in an abbreviated version, i.e. the name of the organization is not included (see Example 1).

When signing a certificate by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held: for example, first the general director and followed by the chief accountant or head of the human resources department (as shown in Example 1).

So, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, external certificates must be issued on a general form or certificate form. A letterhead should not be used for this purpose. But what is currently happening in practice? Firstly, GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature, and secondly, some organizations have additional requirements for certificates. For example, when obtaining some visas, a certificate indicating the address and telephone number of the company is required. Therefore, nowadays you can find certificates that are issued on letterhead with such details as reference information about the organization (address, telephone, etc.). At the same time, on the letterhead, somewhere in the free space, one more detail is added: the name of the type of document - HELP.

Internal inquiries When preparing internal certificates, the following design rules are usually followed. Unlike external certificates, internal certificates are drawn up not on a form, but on a standard sheet of paper in A4 (210...297 mm) or A5 (148...210 mm) format. At the same time, there are differences in the composition of the details - the following details must be filled out on internal certificates (see Example 4):

– name of the structural unit – the author of the document;

– name of the document type (HELP);

– document date;

– registration number of the document;

– title to the text (when written on a sheet of A4 paper);

– text of the document;

– addressee;

– signature (signed by the head of a structural unit or a specialist compiler, indicating the position in an abbreviated version - without the name of the organization).

Example 4

Internal help

Copy of the document

There are often situations when a third-party organization, official or individual needs this or that document, but cannot give them the original. In this situation, a copy of the document comes to the rescue.

The definition of a copy of a document can be found in GOST R 51141-98 and in the Rules for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies.

Document fragment

Clause 4 of the Rules for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2009 No. 477

“Copy of a document” is a document that completely reproduces the information of the original document and its external features, and has no legal force.

In the terminology of office work, in addition to the concept of “copy of a document,” the term “certified copy of a document” is used. Moreover, it is the second of them that has legal force. Document fragment

GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions

A certified copy of a document is a copy of a document on which, in accordance with the established procedure, the necessary details are affixed, giving it legal force.

The procedure for certification of copies of organizational and administrative documents is established in GOST R 6.30-2003, and for this purpose the attribute “copy certification mark” is used.

Document fragment

GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements

3.26. When certifying the compliance of a copy of a document with the original, below the “Signature” requisite, a certification inscription is affixed: “True”; position of the person who certified the copy; personal signature; decryption of the signature (initials, surname); certification date, for example: True

HR Service Inspector Personal signature T.S. Levchenko

It is allowed to certify a copy of the document with a seal determined at the discretion of the organization.

Document fragment

Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. / Rosarkhiv; VNIIDAD; Comp.: M.L. Gavlin, A.S. Krasavin, L.V. Kuznetsov and others; General ed. M.V. Larin, A.N. Sokova. – M., 2003. – 90 p.

3.21. Mark on certification of the copy (detail 26).

...When sending documents of a regulatory legal nature (decrees, orders, instructions, etc.), duplicate copies of the distributed documents should be certified with the seal of the organization or the seal of a structural unit, for example: a seal with the name of the service preschool educational institution(office, general department, etc.).

But due to the fact that GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature, the need to certify with a seal a copy intended for transfer to a structural unit within the organization or its official is, as a rule, enshrined in the organization’s clerical instructions. But copies of documents intended for use outside the organization are usually certified with a seal.

Example 5

At the same time, the obligation to certify with a seal copies of documents relating to the rights and interests of citizens is also enshrined in the current Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 08/04/1983 No. 9779-X. The same document, instead of the word “True”, requires a more detailed text structure to be written in the certification inscription: “The copy is correct, the original document is located in the name of the organization is indicated”. Some organizations use an even more detailed design, adding information about in which case the original is stored (this is the option that is now described in the draft Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities).

Example 6

It is customary to place a mark on the certification of a copy of a document in accordance with Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003, namely at the bottom of the copy sheet. This option is ideal for a one-page document. What about multi-page copies? It is more rational to stitch them first, and then on the last page to fill out the requisite “copy certification mark”.

For most types of documents, legal acts do not establish any specific requirements for the binding of sheets of their copies. Usually this operation is carried out like this: the sheets are stitched manually with 2 or 4 punctures. After stitching the sheets, a sheet of A7 format or smaller is pasted onto the ends of the stitching thread on the back of the last sheet of the copy of the document, on which the number of sheets stitched is indicated, as well as the name of the position of the person who certified its stitching, personal signature and transcript of the signature. In addition, when stitching sheets, a seal impression is usually affixed, and in such a way that it captures part of the person’s job title and the reverse part of the last sheet of the copy.

Example 7

Example 8

They also try to place the personal flourish so that it is partially located on the last sheet of stitching, and partially on the sticker glued over the thread. It is convenient to immediately print the certification text on a piece of sticky paper (then it will not go beyond it); some organizations use special stamps or write such text manually (in these cases, as additional protection against forgery, the certification text can be placed so that it extends beyond the glued sheet).

So, we will show you the possible correct options for formatting a certified multi-page copy of a document. In Examples 7 and 8 the composition and arrangement of the text are different, both options are correct. How the text is applied (by hand or on a printer, as in Example 7, or using a single or several stamps, as in Example 8) does not matter.

If a legal act establishes rules for binding sheets of copies of documents of a certain type, then they must be observed.

Document fragment

Rules for sending a copy of the declaration on an object of real estate, the ownership of which is registered by the body carrying out state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, to the organization (body) for recording real estate objects, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2006. No 531

A copy of the declaration consisting of more than one sheet is bound.

The numbering of sheets (pages, if both sides of the sheet are filled out on the original declaration) on the copy of the declaration is carried out if such numbering is not on the original declaration.

Copies of documents in the organization must be certified only by authorized officials. The rights and obligations of employees to certify copies, as a rule, are enshrined in the job description or instructions for office work. An administrative document may also be issued for the same purpose.

At the end of the conversation about copies, we note that in certain cases, notarization of copies of certain documents is legally established when submitting them to other organizations. Also, some government bodies may request that you provide them with notarized copies in cases not provided for by law. The procedure for notarization of copies of documents is established by the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries dated 02/11/1993 No. 4462-1 (as amended on 07/19/2009).

Extract from the document

Extract from the document is a copy of part(s) of a written document.

In the practice of working with documents, extracts are prepared in cases where making a copy of a document for one reason or another is impossible (the document contains confidential information) or impractical (the document is large and is not needed in its entirety).

Departmental regulations may establish a certain procedure for preparing an extract from a document of a certain type. For example, by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 24, 2006 No. 280 “On approval of the Instructions on the conditions and procedure for admission to military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,” the form of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Military Council was approved. Accordingly, if a procedure has been established for preparing an extract from documents of a certain type, then it must be followed.

But for most types of documents there are no strict requirements for the preparation of extracts from them. And they are usually formatted as follows:

Firstly, when preparing statements, it is customary to reproduce the details of the form in full, with the exception of the “name of document type” detail. The phrase “EXTRACT FROM...” should be added to this detail. For example, instead of the word “ORDER” you will need to write “EXTRACT FROM ORDER”.

In addition, the extract indicates the registration number and date of registration of the original document, and not the date of production of the extract and its number.

Under the text of the extract, indicate the position of the person who signed the document, his initials, and last name. The personal signature of the official as part of the “signature” attribute is not included in the extract.

Secondly, in office work, extracts are considered to be a type of copy of a document. Therefore, in order for the extract to acquire legal force, it must be certified. To do this, use the attribute “mark on certification of a copy of the document”, the requirements for the design of which were discussed above.

As well as for copies of documents, the need to certify with a seal extracts intended for use within the organization is usually enshrined in an internal regulatory document. And when sending an extract to a third-party organization, it is certified with a seal. At the end of the article we will provide a sample of the execution of an extract from the order (see Example 9).

Example 9

Extract from the order intended for use within the organization

1. A brief dictionary of types and varieties of documents. – M.: VNIIDAD. – 1974.

2. If the organization has the right to reproduce on its documents the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) or the organization has an emblem (trademark or service mark).

* details included in the form are marked.

** details are marked for which restrictive marks are applied on the form.

3. Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003 contains layout diagrams of document details.

4. The “copy certification mark” is used when certifying extracts from documents, but only if a different certification procedure is not established for a specific type of extract.

This article is devoted to certificates, copies and extracts from documents. Copies and certificates are currently prepared in each organization. But extracts are not used at all enterprises.

Let's look at the requirements for the execution of these documents, and also determine their purpose.


In accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OK 011-93), there are several different forms of documents, the names of which include the word “certificate” and which relate to different documentation systems. See for yourself:

Document fragment
All-Russian classifier of management documentation. OK 011-93 (approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299, as amended on June 8, 2009)

In this article, we will consider only certificates related to organizational and administrative documentation and drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

The definition of this type of document is not contained in regulations, but it can be found in the VNIIDAD Brief Dictionary of Types and Varieties of Documents:

Reference -

  1. a document containing a description and confirmation of certain facts and events;
  2. a document confirming facts of a biographical or official nature.

So, certificates related to organizational and administrative documentation are usually divided into two groups:

  • those that describe facts and events related to the main activities of the organization;
  • those that confirm biographical or official information about a person.

The certificates that make up the second group are more common nowadays. These include certificates confirming the position held, work experience, place of study, etc. This group of references is external, i.e. intended for submission to other organizations.

Certificates belonging to the first group can be either external or internal. External references are compiled for presentation to another (often higher) organization, internal certificates are compiled for presentation to the management of the organization or for consideration by a collegial body. Today, internal certificates are used quite rarely and not in all organizations. Therefore, first we will consider the requirements for the preparation of external certificates.

External references

External certificates must be issued on a form. And in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, three types of forms are distinguished according to the types of documents drawn up on them:

  • general form (used for the production of any types of documents, except letters);
  • a form for a specific type of document (except for a letter);
  • letter form.

So, according to the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003, certificates must be issued on a general form or a form for a specific type of document (i.e., on a certificate form). Accordingly, the mandatory details of the certificate include the following (see Examples 1 and 3):

  • State emblem of the Russian Federation, or emblem of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or emblem of an organization/trademark (service mark) 2 * ;
  • name of company * ;
  • name of the document type (HELP) * ;
  • document date ** ;
  • document registration number ** ;
  • place of preparation or publication of the document * ;
  • title to the text (when formatted on A4 format);
  • document text;
  • destination;
  • document text;
  • signature;
  • seal impression (for biographical or financial information).

For information, you can use forms with both angular and longitudinal placement of details. However, the first option is more preferable, since in this case the right side of the upper part of the form is used to place the “addressee” details. And this allows you to use the sheet area more economically.

In the process of preparing the certificate, the details are drawn up in accordance with the layout diagrams of the details given in Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003. Leave two to four line spacing between details.

The date of the certificate is the date of its signing, which is usually written in Arabic numerals in the sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and month are written in two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year - four Arabic numerals. For example, 01/14/2009. In this case, a verbal-numeric method of formatting the date is also allowed, for example, February 2, 2009.

The registration number is located on the same line as the date of the document and includes a serial number, which can be supplemented by an index or several indexes. Serial numbers for certificates must be assigned within a calendar year, i.e. The first certificate in a calendar year must have serial number 1.

The date and registration number of the certificate are usually drawn up at the time of registration of the document (i.e. after signing), so it is more correct to put them on the document manually rather than print them when preparing the certificate.

The title to the help text should answer the question “About what?” and may include an indication of the time period to which the information contained in the certificate relates. For example: “On the organization of air transportation of tourists in the second half of 2009.”

The title, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, must be printed from the margin without quotation marks, begin with a capital letter and end without using a period. On certificates issued in A5 format, the title may not be indicated.

Help text, as a rule, consists of two parts: the first sets out the facts that served as the basis or reason for its compilation, the second provides specific information reflecting the essence of the issue. The text of the certificate may not contain the basis for its preparation; then the certificate includes only one part describing the facts (events).

If the certificate contains homogeneous, systematized information, its text is presented in the form of a table.

The text of a biographical certificate usually begins with the indication in the nominative case of the last name, first name and patronymic of the person about whom the information is being reported. A number of biographical certificates are issued for typical, frequently recurring situations, and unified forms with stencil text can be used for their preparation.

In the text of the certificate, you should not use archaic expressions, for example: “this certificate is given...”, “it is hereby confirmed that... really works...”.

Example 1
External biographical certificate, prepared on A5 format

The “addressee” detail must be issued on certificates in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003. If the certificate is addressed to an organization or its structural division, then their names are indicated in the nominative case (see Example 1).

When addressing a certificate to an official, his position and surname are indicated in the dative case, the initials are indicated before the surname. There must be a space between initials and last name:

Example 2

Certificates must be signed by an authorized official or two officials. As a rule, the head of the organization or his deputy has the right to sign external certificates.

Example 3
External certificate issued on A4 format

Certificates drawn up to confirm biographical information must also be signed by two persons: the head of the organization and the head of the personnel department (or chief accountant), and they must also be stamped.

The “signature” requisite includes: the title of the position of the person who signed the document; his personal signature; decryption of the signature (initials and last name separated by a space). Since the certificate is drawn up on a form, when filling out the “signature” detail, the name of the position is indicated in an abbreviated version, i.e. the name of the organization is not included (see Example 1).

When a certificate is signed by several officials, their signatures are placed one below the other in the sequence corresponding to the position held: for example, first the general director and followed by the chief accountant or head of the human resources department (as shown in Example 1).

So, in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, external certificates must be issued on a general form or certificate form. A letterhead should not be used for this purpose. But what is currently happening in practice? Firstly, GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature, and secondly, some organizations have additional requirements for certificates. For example, when obtaining some visas, a certificate indicating the address and telephone number of the company is required. Therefore, nowadays you can find certificates that are issued on letterhead with such details as reference information about the organization (address, telephone, etc.). At the same time, on the letterhead, somewhere in the free space, one more detail is added: the name of the type of document - HELP.

Internal inquiries

When preparing internal certificates, the following design rules are usually followed. Unlike external certificates, internal certificates are drawn up not on a form, but on a standard sheet of paper in A4 (210...297 mm) or A5 (148...210 mm) format. At the same time, there are differences in the composition of the details - the following details must be filled out on internal certificates (see Example 4):

  • name of the structural unit - the author of the document;
  • name of the document type (HELP);
  • document date;
  • document registration number;
  • title to the text (when written on a sheet of A4 paper);
  • document text;
  • destination;
  • signature (signed by the head of a structural unit or a specialist compiler, indicating the position in an abbreviated version - without the name of the organization).

Example 4
Internal help

Copy of the document

There are often situations when a third-party organization, official or individual needs this or that document, but cannot give them the original. In this situation, a copy of the document comes to the rescue.

The definition of a copy of a document can be found in GOST R 51141-98 and in the Rules for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies.
Document fragment

In the terminology of office work, in addition to the concept of “copy of a document,” the term “certified copy of a document” is used. Moreover, it is the second of them that has legal force.

Document fragment

The procedure for certification of copies of organizational and administrative documents is established in GOST R 6.30-2003, and for this purpose the attribute “copy certification mark” is used.

Document fragment

Document fragment

But due to the fact that GOST R 6.30-2003 is advisory in nature, the need to certify with a seal a copy intended for transfer to a structural unit within the organization or its official is, as a rule, enshrined in the organization’s clerical instructions. But copies of documents intended for use outside the organization are usually certified with a seal.

Example 5

At the same time, the obligation to certify with a seal copies of documents relating to the rights and interests of citizens is also enshrined in the current Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 08/04/1983 No. 9779-X. The same document, instead of the word “True”, requires a more detailed text structure to be written in the certification inscription: “The copy is correct, the original document is in<указывается наименование организации>» . Some organizations use an even more detailed design, adding information about in which case the original is stored (this is the option that is now described in the draft Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities).

Example 6

It is customary to place a mark on the certification of a copy of the document in accordance with Appendix A 3 GOST R 6.30-2003, namely at the bottom of the copy sheet. This option is ideal for a one-page document. What about multi-page copies? It is more rational to stitch them first, and then on the last page to fill out the requisite “copy certification mark”.

For most types of documents, legal acts do not establish any specific requirements for the binding of sheets of their copies. Usually this operation is carried out like this: the sheets are stitched manually with 2 or 4 punctures. After stitching the sheets, a sheet of A7 format or smaller is pasted onto the ends of the stitching thread on the back of the last sheet of the copy of the document, on which the number of sheets stitched is indicated, as well as the name of the position of the person who certified its stitching, personal signature and transcript of the signature. In addition, when stitching sheets, a seal impression is usually affixed, and in such a way that it captures part of the person’s job title and the reverse part of the last sheet of the copy.

Example 7

Example 8

They also try to place the personal flourish so that it is partially located on the last sheet of stitching, and partially on the sticker glued over the thread. It is convenient to immediately print the certification text on a piece of sticky paper (then it will not go beyond it); some organizations use special stamps or write such text manually (in these cases, as additional protection against forgery, the certification text can be placed so that it extends beyond the glued sheet).

So, we will show you the possible correct options for formatting a certified multi-page copy of a document. In Examples 7 and 8 the composition and arrangement of the text are different, both options are correct. How the text is applied (by hand or on a printer, as in Example 7, or using a single or several stamps, as in Example 8) does not matter.

If a legal act establishes rules for binding sheets of copies of documents of a certain type, then they must be observed.

Document fragment

Copies of documents in the organization must be certified only by authorized officials. The rights and obligations of employees to certify copies, as a rule, are enshrined in the job description or instructions for office work. An administrative document may also be issued for the same purpose.

At the end of the conversation about copies, we note that in certain cases, notarization of copies of certain documents is legally established when submitting them to other organizations. Also, some government bodies may request that you provide them with notarized copies in cases not provided for by law. The procedure for notarization of copies of documents is established by the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries dated 02/11/1993 No. 4462-1 (as amended on 07/19/2009).

Extract from the document

Extract from the document is a copy of part(s) of a written document.

In the practice of working with documents, extracts are prepared in cases where making a copy of a document for one reason or another is impossible (the document contains confidential information) or impractical (the document is large and is not needed in its entirety).

Departmental regulations may establish a certain procedure for preparing an extract from a document of a certain type. For example, by order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 24, 2006 No. 280 “On approval of the Instructions on the conditions and procedure for admission to military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,” the form of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Military Council was approved. Accordingly, if a procedure has been established for preparing an extract from documents of a certain type, then it must be followed.

But for most types of documents there are no strict requirements for the preparation of extracts from them. And they are usually formatted as follows:

Firstly, when preparing statements, it is customary to reproduce the details of the form in full, with the exception of the “name of document type” detail. The phrase “EXTRACT FROM...” should be added to this detail. For example, instead of the word “ORDER” you will need to write “EXTRACT FROM ORDER”.

In addition, the extract indicates the registration number and date of registration of the original document, and not the date of production of the extract and its number.

Under the text of the extract, indicate the position of the person who signed the document, his initials, and last name. The personal signature of the official as part of the “signature” attribute is not included in the extract.

Secondly, in office work, extracts are considered to be a type of copy of a document. Therefore, in order for the extract to acquire legal force, it must be certified. To do this, use the attribute “mark on certification of a copy of the document” 4, the design requirements for which were discussed above.

As well as for copies of documents, the need to certify with a seal extracts intended for use within the organization is usually enshrined in an internal regulatory document. And when sending an extract to a third-party organization, it is certified with a seal. At the end of the article we will provide a sample of the execution of an extract from the order (see Example 9).

Example 9
Extract from the order intended for use within the organization

Format: web document

11.07.2011 6165 0 0

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