How to pay for utilities through government services. How to pay for housing and communal services online on the government services portal

With the development of innovative technologies, you can save a lot of your time. Indeed, today a lot of things can be done via the Internet, without even leaving home. Thus, the ability to make online payments makes life much easier for city residents. However, not every user of the World Wide Web knows how to pay through government services and continues to go to the post office/bank branch to pay for services with exorbitant commissions. Thanks to the instructions below, such situations should become as few as possible, or better yet, if they do not arise at all.

Payment Methods

To begin with, it would be correct to indicate in what ways you can make payments on state portal. So, there are 4 options available for this:

  • Using bank card(plastics from MasterCard and Visa payment systems are accepted for payment);
  • By debiting funds from the account number mobile phone(the portal maintains communication with all federal operators);
  • Various types of electronic wallets, including Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money;
  • Having received a receipt on the portal and paid through the bank’s cash desk (probably not an attractive option at all. Why then use online services at all?!)

Types of payments through government services

Thanks to the portal public services You can make almost all types of payments. Moreover, completing the payment transaction will require a minimum of time and effort. To facilitate the user’s work in “sorting out” government services, it would be correct to show how payment for the most popular services is made.

Payment of traffic fines

The state portal for the provision of services is located at At the beginning of any operations here, a mandatory login is required. If the user has previously registered on the site, then only a login and password will be required. IN otherwise, you will need to click on “register” (the button is on the right side of the window that opens).

As a result, a window will open asking you to enter the last name and first name of the new user, indicate a mobile phone number or email address. After entering the required information, click on “register”.

Afterwards, depending on the previously filled in field, you will need to confirm your phone number or email address. That's all! Now you can safely undertake to pay through government services different kinds payments. If desired, the user can fill in all the information about himself before doing this. So, in the future he will not have to constantly prepare documents before committing various operations: All data will be filled in automatically.

So, now you should proceed directly to the payment itself. To do this you need to find home page website section “payment” and click on it.

In the window that opens, find the required item in the list on the left. In the example under consideration, this is “payment of traffic police fines”, click on it.

The following window will open:

Here you need to find and click on the “get service” button (located on the right side of the page that opens). As a result, a page will appear for entering driver data (full name, number driver's license) and vehicle (register number of the car and STS). If this information has already been specified in the profile, the fields will be auto-filled. All you have to do is click on “search for fines”, and then, if you have debts, select fines and pay them using one of the methods presented above. As a rule, funds are credited within 2 minutes.

It should be noted that according to the new legislation, when paying fines within 20 days from the date of drawing up the decision, the driver is given a 50% discount. Isn’t this a reason to “say goodbye” to existing payments on time?!

Payment of utility services

To pay for housing and communal services through government services, you should do the following:

  • Log in to the portal (if you don’t have an account here, register).
  • Find the “Payment” section and go to it. Next click on “ public utilities" - "receive a service."
  • In the window that opens, find your service provider and select it. Then enter the requested data. In the example under consideration, this is the personal account number. Click on “next”.

At the bottom of the page, 2 new items will appear: an invoice for the amount of ... rubles (amount of debt) and an arbitrary amount. We choose one of them (depending on how much you are supposed to pay). Click on “next”.

  • Pay for housing and communal services through government services using one of the proposed methods.

It should be noted that there is a commission for carrying out the operation. Her Exact size determined depending on the type of payment option selected.

Tax debt

To find out your tax debt and, if any, pay it, you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to your profile, click on “payment” - “ tax debt" - "receive a service."
  2. In the window that appears, you should fill in the required data: full name of the taxpayer and his TIN number. Click on “find debt”.

  1. Pay existing charges using one of the proposed methods.

Judicial debt

The first point, if it is necessary to pay court debt, is identical to that indicated in the “tax debt” section. The only difference: here you will need to select, respectively, the item “ judicial debt" After which the following window will appear.

If the account profile has been pre-filled, then all fields will be automatically filled in with data. As a result, all that remains is to click on “find debt” and, if there are unpaid payments, pay for them cash. Available methods entering money have already been described above.

Payment of state duty

In contrast to the above instructions for paying various payments, paying state fees for certain actions is done somewhat differently. To clarify the situation a little, several examples of payment of fees for government services provided will be given.

So, let’s say you need to pay the state fee for a passport through government services. Then you will need to act on the following points:

  • Login or register on the portal.
  • On the main page, click on “service catalog” (located at the top of the page). In the window that appears, find and click on “passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation” in the “passports, registration, visas” section.

  • In the window that opens, find and click on suitable reason replacement of passport. For example, due to reaching the age of 20, 45 years, due to changes in appearance, full name, gender.
  • A page with a questionnaire will open. Here you will need to enter personal data, upload a photo, indicate the details of the passport to be replaced and answer a few more questions.
  • Then all you have to do is check the boxes to consent to the processing of personal data and click on “send”.
  • After reconciliation Federal Migration Service data Russia, a window for paying state duty will open.
  • Now all that remains is to pay the state fee for the passport through government services in a convenient way.

Another example that will be considered in this article is how you can pay the state fee for a foreign passport through government services. Here you need to follow these instructions:

  • Log in to your account on the government services portal.
  • Go to “service catalog” - “passports, registration, visas” - “foreign passport”.
  • In the window that opens, select the type of passport: new or old. The characteristics and cost of each are also indicated here.
  • Then select the age of the person for whom the international passport is issued: over 18 years old, from 14 to 18 years old, or under 14 years old.
  • On the page that appears, click on “receive a service” and fill out the fields provided.
  • After checking specified information All that remains is to pay the state fee for a foreign passport through government services using one of the proposed options.
  • After a certain time, the user will need to contact regional office passport office to receive ready-made documents.

Using the government services portal means saving your time and nerves. After all, thanks to him, there is no need to stand in queues, arguing with arrogant clients trying to jump in line; no need to go and look for the required post office, bank, territorial bodies management of various departments at the state and municipal level.

One of the most pressing problems for Russian citizens is payment for housing and communal services. We are all already accustomed to queues in which we have to sit almost all day, but at the same time, no one likes it. Previously, there was no alternative to this - both at banks and at the post office there were approximately the same queues.

But time does not stand still, and for several years now citizens have been able to pay for a wide variety of utility services via the Internet. This is convenient because you don’t have to spend a lot of time on payment - the whole process takes a few minutes. In addition, you don’t even need to leave your home, since all you need to make a payment is a computer with an Internet connection (and in some cases, a smartphone is enough).

Pros and cons of paying for housing and communal services via the Internet

There are quite a few options for paying via the Internet - almost all bank websites provide this opportunity, as well as various third-party services. But they can hardly be called safe - after all, to make a payment you will need your bank card or online wallet. This means that any of your personal data could fall into the wrong hands at any time.

At the same time, an interesting fact is that most services are paid only with a commission, the size of which can reach up to in some cases 5 percent, and sometimes more. That's why payment for housing and communal services online possible, but you need to be careful. It is much more convenient and safe to pay for housing and communal services using “Electronic government” or, more precisely, in simple language, State Services.

Creating and activating an entry in State Services

Payment for housing and communal services through is available only to those who have an identified and confirmed account. To create it, you need to enter your personal data in the appropriate fields on the government services portal, including last name, first name, patronymic, passport details and registration address, as well as data and SNILS. After this, you need to confirm your account using any of the methods. All registered citizens use different options confirmation, but we recommend confirming your data through Russian Post. This option is faster than the others because you don't have to wait for an email with a confirmation code, which can take several weeks. Once the data is confirmed, you can pay for Government Services quickly and easily.

Choosing the right service

Instructions for payment for housing and communal services via the Internet quite simple. It includes several points:

  • choosing the required service;
  • filling in the necessary data (account number, agreement, etc.);
  • filling in bank card details;
  • filling in the payment amount;
  • making payment.

It is now necessary to consider each of these stages in more detail. The first thing you need to do is select the service you are going to pay for. To do this, select the item for payment of housing and communal services. The following window will open in front of you - with the choice of payment category. This could be gas supply, water supply, electricity supply, etc. Having selected the appropriate category, you need to proceed to selecting a service provider. The name of the supplier is always indicated on the payment receipt. It must be remembered that everything housing and communal services through Personal Area are paid according to the same principles as, for example, in a bank or at Russian post office. That is, you need to choose a supplier specifically in your region and exactly the one that is indicated directly on the receipt.

Fill in the invoice and your payment information

Having selected a service provider, we proceed to next point- filling out the personal account or contract number (depending on the type of supplier). It is important to remember that payments for housing and communal services through government services online must be made to the exact account indicated on the payment receipt. In this case, the account must be indicated exactly as it appears in the payment document.

The next step when paying for utilities through your personal housing and communal services account online is to fill in the details of your bank card or the wallet from which you make the payment. Most people use bank cards, since in this case they can pay for housing and communal services without commission.

At the same time, if you plan to pay through State Services regularly, then it is better to register your card once and then simply select it. Bank card registration is possible at initial stage filling out your registration data.

The final stage is to indicate the payment amount and complete the transaction. IN in this case the functionality of not only the State Services portal is used, but also the official Internet banking website to which your card is connected (by the way, you must remember that paying for housing and communal services online in 2017 is only possible from those cards that are connected to the Internet banking system) .

If you have benefits for paying housing and communal services, you do not need to indicate this on the website, since they are all indicated in advance on the receipt itself. This is especially true for such a situation as pensioners paying for housing and communal services via the Internet, since they are not always able to understand the intricacies of working on the Internet.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the residents of Moscow. They can pay for housing and communal services online through State Services in just one step, but only if they are connected to the single payment document system. In this case, they will only need to enter the payer code on the website and the system itself will give them all the amounts that need to be paid. If they have a benefit for pensioners, then it will also be taken into account here automatically. Therefore, they do not have to worry about the fact that the benefit for pensioners in 2017 will suddenly not be taken into account.

From January 1, 2017, appeals to the housing inspectorate with complaints against public utilities can only be sent through the portal Or - during personal visit to the housing inspection. According to statements received by e-mail, as well as in other ways that do not allow the applicant to be officially identified, housing inspections will not conduct inspections.

Earlier government bodies By housing supervision were inundated with electronic requests from the websites of RosZhKH and Angry Citizen, etc. In parallel, the same appeals were automatically sent to the prosecutor’s office, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities. In addition, citizens had the opportunity to send an application by email or form feedback on the website of the regional itself housing inspection. This practice will no longer be possible.

In accordance with new edition Part 3 Art. 10 Federal Law dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs when implementing state control(supervision) and municipal control» appeals and statements sent by the applicant in the form electronic documents, can serve as a basis for conducting unscheduled inspection only provided that they were sent by the applicant using information and communication technologies that provide for mandatory authorization of the applicant in unified system identification and authentication (USIA).

Thus, now appeals and statements sent by the applicant in the form of electronic documents can serve as the basis for an unscheduled inspection only if they were sent by the applicant from an official Internet resource where personal identification is possible. For example, through the State information system Housing and Communal Services (GIS Housing and Communal Services), Internet address -

Appeals received by the inspectorate by e-mail, as well as from Internet sites without undergoing authorization in the ESIA, will be considered without organizing an inspection based on the stated arguments. In this case, the citizen will be given the necessary explanations.

Housing inspectorates in many regions of the Russian Federation have already issued an explanation regarding the new procedure for considering citizens' appeals. Here is one of them, from the housing inspectorate Murmansk region.

“[Before] it was possible to write a complaint from anyone and against anyone. This was also used as a method for management companies to fight among themselves,” commented Alena Kuznetsova, head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Murmansk Region. - "Now electronic appeal register, they give a response. But we are not obliged to check it. To do this, you need to either send an appeal to us by letter, or appear in person at the State Housing Institution reception, or send it through the GIS Housing and Communal Services portal, confirming your identity through the State Services portal.”

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