How to register on the social insurance fund portal. Search and monitoring system of the social insurance fund

Work of funds social insurance associated with analysis control checks, calculations economic indicators. In addition, the Social Insurance Fund needs to structure all information for individual policyholders. All this would be extremely difficult if it were not for special service– FSS search and monitoring system.

This system was created on his initiative and through his own efforts. The main initial purpose of creating this service was to simplify certain procedures in the work accounting department social insurance. Big number policyholders, the dynamic movement of funds and other factors motivated the creation of the PMS (search monitoring system) back in 1997.

Created as software, this system made it possible to correctly compile reports and promptly identify and eliminate errors. Nowadays, the functionality of this program has expanded significantly. In particular, through this system it became possible to plan and notify policyholders about upcoming inspections.

In the current circumstances, PMS is a practical tool that optimizes the work of accountants, economists, policyholders and insurers. You can access the site using the link: //

Anyone who needs it can use this system without restrictions. The simple registration procedure has two options:

  1. As a regular user with a personal account;
  2. In the role of an official user with confirmation from the Social Insurance Fund of the submitted information about the account owner.

In both cases, registration is free of charge.

Access to certain information search monitoring system may be limited to third party users. At the same time, system participants registered as official users can fully use all the practical advantages of the PMS.

One of the main advantages of the social insurance search and monitoring system is the ability to prepare regular reports in Form 4-FSS. Without this service this procedure would be unreasonably lengthy and labor-intensive. Moreover, preparing such reports would require much larger number accounting department employees.

At the same time, it is possible to check finished report– through this service you can quickly detect errors and correct them immediately. This functionality is available to official PMS users.

Regarding movement financial resources The system also has the advantage that users can track some capital movements. At the same time, you can promptly learn about accrued payments, the deadlines for their payment, as well as the timing and amount of penalties.

The service allows you to promptly learn about upcoming inspections of policyholders. This makes it possible to avoid queues and additional loads during the inspection process.

Users with official status can learn in a timely manner about deadlines and goals, as well as the results of desk audits.

If necessary, users of all categories can obtain information about policyholders and clarify data from the history of previously submitted reports for previous periods.

An important service is carrying out calculations. The user has the opportunity to calculate the amount of child care benefits. The accountant has the ability to adjust the parameters of sick leave.

Usage service in search monitoring system social insurance fund allows you to optimize the work of the organization, avoid controversial nuances, and conduct timely and correct checks.

To obtain an xml file of the policyholder’s calculation according to Form 4 of the Federal Insurance Service of the Russian Federation, you can use:

  1. Any report preparation program that allows downloading of Social Insurance Fund reports in an up-to-date format. (For example, accounting systems companies "1C", "Parus", etc.)
  2. Portal services ( To work on the Portal, you must register and obtain extended access rights.

Instructions for submitting calculations to the FSS of the Russian Federation in in electronic format and work in the system electronic document management FSS of the Russian Federation look at information resources FSS RF:

  • - Recommendations for submitting pay slips according to Form 4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation in electronic form using electronic digital signature;
  • - Gateway for receiving reports in Form 4-FSS;
  • - Free program for signing and encrypting files;
  • - Search and monitoring system of the FSS of the Russian Federation;
  • - Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation No. 19 of 02.12.2010 “On the introduction of secure exchange of documents in electronic form using an electronic digital signature for the purposes of compulsory social insurance.”

Filling out the FSS reporting file on the Portal

To obtain an xml file of the policyholder's calculation according to Form 4 of the Federal Insurance Service of the Russian Federation, you can use the services of the Portal ( To work on the Portal, you must register and obtain extended access rights (first stage).

If you are already registered on the Portal, then proceed to the second stage.

If you use third-party software (for example, accounting systems from 1C, Parus, etc.) to prepare an xml file for the policyholder’s calculation in accordance with Form 4 of the Federal Insurance Service of the Russian Federation in the established format (Appendix No. 1 to the Technology), go to the third stage.

The first stage is registration on the Portal of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Load the Fund Portal in your Internet browser at, click the Registration link in the upper left corner, a card opens for filling out the data of the user authorized by the head of the organization to fill out the policyholder’s calculation on Form 4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation, you need to come up with a unique username and a complex password (at least 6 characters), which you will use in the future to work on the Portal. You can use Russian and letters, both lowercase and uppercase, as well as numbers. After that, click the button Go to step 2.

After this, you need to wait for a request letter for confirmation of registration, which will arrive at the address you specified during registration. Email, and confirm registration. The letter will arrive within 24 hours. Click on the link in the middle of the email to confirm your registration.

You will automatically be taken to the Foundation Portal, enter your username and password in the upper left corner and click the Login button

In the card that opens, fill in the required fields, in the Type of organization field Outside organization, in the Name field - Full name of your

organization, fill out the fields TIN, KPP, OGRN, Insured Registration Number, Address, in the Regional branch/branch of the Fund field, select the regional branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation or its branch to which you submit pay slips in accordance with Form 4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation (number of the Fund's branch or branch corresponds to the subordination code of your organization) and press the button Save.

After that, press the button in the horizontal menu Policyholder application, check that all fields are filled in correctly, press the button Type.

Print it out said statement on paper, signed by the head of the organization, affixed the organization’s seal or individual entrepreneur and bring or send by mail (regular, NOT electronic) paper original applications to the executive body of the Fund (regional office or its branch) at the place of registration of your organization (in accordance with the subordination code).

Postal addresses and Contact Information regional branches The Fund and their branches are posted on the Fund’s website ( in the Regional Branches section.

Within a few working days after receipt of your application at the Fund’s branch, you as a policyholder will be given expanded access rights to the Fund’s Portal, about which you will receive a letter to the email address specified when registering on the Portal.

Similar steps must be completed for each of your organizations (no more than 100). Thus, one user has the ability to serve up to 100 organizations.

Second stage - filling payslip according to Form 4 of the FSS of the Russian Federation on the Portal of the FSS of the Russian Federation

The need to create a FSS database that would contain and allow processing a huge flow of information arose more than 10 years ago. It was not possible to manually process all the information coming from each of the 4 million policyholders. Therefore, in 1997, the Foundation created a search and monitoring system, which helps to quickly decide whole line tasks: from issuing sick leaves to filling out form 4-FSS. The Deputy Chairman of the Social Insurance Fund spoke about the functioning of this system and how it helps in the work of an accountant Sergey Kovalevsky.

– When creating the search and monitoring system, distributed data processing technology was used, since we have to work with various payments: payment of sick leave, maternity benefits, childcare benefits for children up to one and a half years old, sanatorium treatment and many others. The database of this system includes information Pension Fund(registers preferential categories citizens), Federal tax service(Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, data exchange under the Unified Social Tax), applications of preferential categories of citizens for vouchers and technical means rehabilitation, reporting by policyholders on the expenditure of social insurance funds. It is important to note that we are not directly involved in collecting and transmitting this information - it is all located on the network. Information is collected in unified system with the help of numerous local networks regional offices and branches of the Fund. Thus, the data bank is formed in real time.

– Sergey Stanislavovich, how does this search and monitoring system help an accountant in his work? – Users can work with the document flow system, which reduces the time for submitting reports. In addition, accountants have the opportunity to pre-check the report using special program, independently find and eliminate errors, prepare a report in Form 4-FSS using data for previous periods, learn about planned documentary on-site inspections the policyholder and the results of inspections already carried out, automatically calculate penalties for late payment contributions. Besides, official registration gives users the opportunity to receive Additional information from the FSS databases: registration data of policyholders, data from Form 4-FSS of the Russian Federation for previous periods, the status of mutual settlements with executive body fund. In general, accountants simply need this system. Most services are designed for them.

Using the FSS search and monitoring system, accountants can prepare a report in Form 4-FSS using data for previous periods, learn about planned documentary on-site inspections of the policyholder and the results of already conducted inspections.

– Please tell us in more detail about these services. – The most important opportunity for an accountant of all those provided is the calculation of sick leave (sick leave certificates). This process is quite simple: the data on the sick leave card is filled in, and the saved calculation goes into the register of sick leave certificates. If there is a need to make corrections, just find it in the registry, click on the name and make the necessary adjustments in the calculation that opens. There is one more important point: when an auditor comes to the enterprise, the algorithms for checking the calculation of sick leave will be the same as those that work on the search and monitoring system, and which were used for the calculation in automatic mode accountant. This reduces the number of errors, and checks are completed faster. In addition, the search and monitoring system has a calculator for calculating child care benefits for children up to 1.5 years old. To find out the amounts monthly allowance, you need to specify the average daily earnings, regional coefficient, the number of children and the date on which the calculations are made.

The search and monitoring system of the Social Insurance Fund appeared more than 10 years ago, and today it enjoys enviable popularity among accountants.

– But social insurance concerns not only accountants. Can they ordinary citizens use this system? – It is very important for us not only to correctly calculate benefits and finance various social programs, but also so that every person can see where, in fact, the Foundation is directing cash flows. Using the search and monitoring system, you can obtain any information from the Fund - for example, certificates, summaries and reports - identify various dependencies, and study trends. All information posted on the search and monitoring system is provided free of charge. Collection of data on the same birth certificates takes place in every region: most medical institutions work independently in the system. Hence the opportunity to observe in real time where, when and how many children were born. Naturally, the Foundation takes into account statistics only on those women who used birth certificates, but there are more than 90% of them in the country, so we can safely say that the accuracy of the system’s data is at this level. Interesting trends are also revealed during monitoring of the program of in-depth medical examinations workers in “harmful” industries. The program is designed to identify social significant diseases employees at an early stage, provide them with timely treatment. Similar information very interesting and useful both for specialists and for employees themselves. A system of mutual settlements has now been created between the Social Insurance Fund, medical institutions, insurance companies and territorial funds mandatory health insurance. This exchange is the transfer of data necessary to solve technological needs (according to the primary sanitary care, birth certificates, medical examinations). All this socially significant information open to everyone. – And the last thing. How to access this resource? – To do this, just go to our website and find the “Search and Monitoring System” section there. Users are given the opportunity to register for free, with 2 options: either create a personal user profile or register as an official user. By the way, the number of users of the search and monitoring system already exceeds 250,000 people.

Natalia Dubtsova

FSS online filling out 4-FSS offers to produce on its official website. The site also provides the ability to calculate sick leave and reconcile settlements. Read about how to do this in the material.

How to fill out the 4-FSS report online for free?

Fill out 4-FSS on the FSS website online you can by following the link This web service allows not only for free fill in the form 4-FSS online, but also calculate sick leave, child care benefits up to 1.5 years old, or transfer the completed calculation via telecommunication channels (TCS).

To fill 4-FSS report online, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Form 4-FSS” tab and fill out all fields marked with “*”, as well as necessary details and tables.
  2. Click the “Check” button.
  3. If there are no errors, print and upload the file by clicking the “Print” and “Upload to XML” buttons.

IMPORTANT! Fill out a report to the Social Insurance Fund online for free It is also possible on other resources, for example, on the website Fill out 4-FSS online, and you can also send the file to the FSS using the “VLSI - electronic reporting" Functions for filling out and sending statements 4-FSS online offers another well-known resource - However, these services are paid.

How to calculate sick leave and reconcile payments with the Fund on the Social Insurance Fund website?

Before you start online filling out form 4-FSS, it is necessary to correctly calculate all sick leave and it is very advisable to reconcile mutual settlements with the Fund.

  1. Calculation of certificate of incapacity for work.
  2. Calculation of child care benefits up to 1.5 years.

To reconcile mutual settlements with the Fund, you must register on the website However, it will not be possible to carry out a reconciliation immediately, since this information confidential. In this regard, to obtain an extended package of rights you must:

  1. Register responsible employees who can receive this information.
  2. Print and fill out the policyholder’s application on the “Policyholder’s Application” tab of the same name, indicating all persons who can have access to information about the policyholder.
  3. Submit the completed, signed and stamped (if available) application form to territorial department FSS at the place of registration.
  4. After confirming the payer’s data, a notification about granting extended rights to employees will be sent to the email specified during registration.
  5. Will appear in the service menu new item"Insured".
  6. To carry out a reconciliation with the Fund, you need to go to the “Policyholder” tab, open the “Card” tab and click the “Settlements” - “Generate” field.

After granting extended rights, the policyholder can fill form 4-FSS online free, and also find out about planned inspections by the Social Insurance Fund.


Fill out form 4-FSS online and you can calculate your sick leave on the official FSS website After receiving an extended package of access rights for employees fill form 4-FSS online You can also visit the website This resource also allows you to calculate sick leave, check with the Fund and find out about upcoming checks.

The FSS of Russia at one time was created for settlements with policyholders and for filling out and checking reports on Form 4-FSS, a special Internet portal, the so-called ]]> search and monitoring system of the FSS ]]>. Any policyholder can use the social insurance fund portal to submit reports free of charge. The portal's capabilities are not as wide as we would like. But in general, they are sufficient to solve a number of issues: in addition to the essence of preparing reports, it allows you to find out about possible on-site inspections of the Social Insurance Fund, calculate penalties if you transferred social security contributions late, and make calculations for contributions online. The main thing that is required for work is to register on the FSS portal.

How to use the FSS monitoring system?

To take advantage of the capabilities of the FSS portal, you first need to complete electronic registration. Registering in the FSS monitoring system is quite simple. As on any site, you come up with a login and password, you will be asked to fill registration form. You fill it out and you will receive a confirmation email to your email address. electronic registration. Next, registration is confirmed directly on the FSS website, using your login specified during registration, and in the organization’s profile you enter information about your company. You can connect not just one organization, but several, up to 100 companies. Therefore, even an accountant who does bookkeeping for different organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity, once registered, to reconcile and count contributions for all their companies.

But for normal operation With the portal, simple online registration is not enough. After entering the data, you need to print out the policyholder application form. If there are several companies, such a statement is printed for all companies, for each separately. The application must be signed by the manager, if there is a seal, it is placed on the application, after which it must be sent by mail (regular, not electronic) to the address of your FSS branch. To speed up the registration process, you can drive to the branch yourself and submit the application directly to the Social Insurance Fund. After this you will have to wait until it is provided full access to the portal, this usually lasts several days. You will find out whether you have been granted rights or not without additional contacts to the FSS - you will receive a notification to your email address that you have been granted rights. Therefore, if you suddenly wanted to become a user of the portal right today to make a report, you will not be able to do this. The registration process will take approximately a week.

Having received expanded access rights, you will be able to see all your relationships with the fund on the website in the online system. You will have access to the policyholder’s card, settlements between the policyholder and the Social Insurance Fund, preparation of Form 4 of the Social Insurance Fund, searching for a person using SNILS, etc.

However, not everything that users would like to receive from the FSS search and monitoring system will be available. The main thing you get as features of the portal is settlements with the social insurance fund and preparation of the 4-FSS form. For example, calculating the amount of benefits for child care up to one and a half years old is not available on the portal. It is also impossible to receive using the portal social benefits, confirm the main activity of the organization. The portal is not intended for sending 4-FSS reports to the fund. However, if you have prepared reports using it and you have electronic digital signature, you can send the report through ]]> a special gateway ]]> created for these purposes. Despite the fact that the portal is not intended for sending reports, you can send the generated 4-FSS through the gateway to the FSS. This opportunity is provided specifically for those who do not use the services of TKS special operators, but still want to send a report electronically. The main thing is to have an electronic signature. But not just any digital signature is needed. Only those obtained from specially accredited centers, a list of which is on the FSS website, are suitable. When submitting a report through the FSS gateway, you do not need to request anything additional from the fund - after passing the control of the FSS gateway, the report is considered accepted. If there are any errors, the Foundation inspector will contact you after the camera inspection. And if they are not there, then the report itself will appear in your profile - in the section Policyholder-Card-Form F4. You may have to wait up to 3 months. So, if there is no report in the section before this deadline, there is no need to worry.

If you submit reports on paper, you can save the form prepared using the portal in PDF format to your computer, then print it out and either bring it and submit it to the fund yourself, or send the report by regular mail.

The FSS search and monitoring system allows companies and individual entrepreneurs to solve the main problem in their relationship with the fund - prepare a report, if there is an electronic digital signature, send it to the Social Insurance Fund, calculate sick leave and insurance premiums, find out the details of your branch, receive information about possible on-site inspections and many other things. reference information, which is sometimes needed at work. Registering on the portal is easy, and it will become another tool for interacting with extra-budgetary fund without direct appeal to the department.

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