How to successfully sell your own product. How to sell stale goods

Personally, as a trader with extensive experience, I have often had to rack my brains over how to sell stale goods. Quite often, one or two things from the batch remain and... freeze. They have been lying around in the store for a year or two, but are not for sale. Sometimes it’s even worse - you buy a batch of goods that seem to be fashionable and of high quality, but you have to sell out quickly, but no one looks at it.

At the same time, often, goods that are wholesale purchase raised doubts and were purchased “for assortment”; they sell out like hot cakes and, conversely, a product from which you expect a good profit may not interest buyers at all.

1. Discounts are the easiest way to sell old goods and the one that is used first. Just don’t forget to warn buyers about the links - create bright signs or cross out the prices in red and put new ones on them. And remember – 5% is funny!

2. Promotions: two products for the price of one, take two - the third is free, all for 299, all for 999, “Bestseller”, etc.

13. Liquidation, final sale. Everyone knows that when they close a store or department, they organize big sales, selling everything at bargain prices. You may well arrange something similar outside your point of sale, preferably where no one knows how much your products actually cost.

How to sell stale goods on the Internet?

The World Wide Web is special world Here, along with the usual laws, completely different ones, unknown in real life, also work. How to sell stale goods on the Internet? To do this, you can create your own website, online store, VKontakte group, or place advertisements on virtual bulletin boards. In addition, many products can be sold through auctions or specialized forums. In addition, just like in real trading, you can hold a variety of promotions, competitions and sales. And this is where photos of stars with your product will be especially relevant.

If you have your own experience in how to sell stale goods, please share it in the comments. Perhaps it will be useful to some of my readers.

Unsold leftover goods after the end of the season is one of the most painful issues for a clothing store owner. Therefore, today I will focus on solving this issue. What to do to gradually get rid of them, even in the off-season.

The remaining goods in the warehouse that are not sold this season are essentially “frozen” money for the year. And you can safely add to their cost the amount you will pay for rent square meters, which are necessary for storage. Plus wages people who look after the warehouse, etc.

Of course, in the case of small stores, not everything is so sad, since you can store leftover inventory at home. But, in any case, it becomes obvious that it is better to sell it now than to store it for six months or a year.

Where to put leftover clothes from previous seasons?

Someone is trying to “leak” them with a 50-70% discount, but in most cases, the product still remains unsold.

Throwing them away is not an option, and it’s a shame because money was paid for them. For example, buying summer goods in winter is bad because it’s not the season.

All that remains is to pack it in bags and hope to sell it next year. But in next year The trend may change and no one will need last year’s product.

But still, if you now have large balances, then read this article carefully and do what is written about. And, of course, write in the comments and then report the results.

With the help of leftover goods from previous seasons, you can increase sales

Surely you already know that selling MORE to those who are already buying is much easier and simpler. And to more people agreed to buy something else (respectively, leave it in your store more money), need to and give a reason to buy more.

One of the reasons for increasing the average check amount is bonus for increased purchase. Of course, you can give accessories, a taxi ride, a cup of coffee as a bonus...

But you can give a more valuable bonus for the buyer. This is your product. Those. those same remnants.

Option #1. Increase your average check with a bonus

First, determine the amount of your . For example, do you understand that your average bill is 650 conventional hryvnia. You already know this amount. This is your statistics, the figure that exists now.

Then you mentally raise the amount of the current average check by 30-50% and write down this value. In other words, you want to increase the average check by 1.5 times:

650*1.5= 975 (desired average check amount)

If the buyer makes a purchase for this (increased) amount, you will give him something from the remainder as a gift.

It is advisable that the gift be a logical addition to the current purchase. For example, T-shirts and turtlenecks will go well with any product in the autumn range, but not so much with winter ones. But autumn to winter is just right.

You simply tell the buyer: “The amount of your purchase was 650 UAH. By the way, we are currently running a promotion. Buy for another 325 hryvnia, for example... (you call specific product) and get a free T-shirt for 180 hryvnia.”

You need to clearly state the amount for which you need to make a purchase in your store now in order to receive a gift.

The gift, as you understand, is the remnants of your past seasons. What you wanted to sell at a 50-70% discount.

But there is one trick here.

The point is that you are offering a gift that has a value much higher than its actual price (cost) or the price for which you are willing to sell it for money.

The value of a T-shirt from last season (regular sale price) is, say, 180 UAH, and you are ready to give the same T-shirt for half the price, i.e. 90 UAH, because you need to return the money.

But by offering this T-shirt as a bonus, a person understands that it costs not 90, but 180. Thus, the value is 2 times higher. Plus, you increase the amount of your average check.

Option #2. Determine price thresholds and increase them by adding a bonus

View sales statistics for past period: for two, three months, for six months and make a general report. Enter the data into a table and rank it by purchase amount. You'll end up with a long list.

Look for “price thresholds.” For example, you may have a long shopping list worth 80-100 UAH, but few purchases, for example, from 150 to 200 UAH. Further, from 200 to 300 UAH of purchases you again got a lot.

You need to see the numbers to accurately determine these thresholds. For example, you will see that for a small amount of 100-150 UAH you have a hundred purchases, for a large amount, for example, 290-340 UAH you have fifty purchases, and for an even larger amount, 750-900 UAH - not enough.

Here is the so-called picture of psychological price barriers.

The barrier in each buyer’s head is different, one buyer can easily buy a T-shirt for 300 UAH, another, let’s say, can easily buy some branded T-shirt for 800. But the third one, seeing the price of 800, will be horrified and buy it for 120.

Each buyer has his own thresholds, some are ready to pay 300 UAH for jeans, and some are ready to pay 700 for jeans. Someone can easily go to a cafe to have dinner for 100 UAH, while for others it’s hard to pay 0-30.

Therefore, do the following:

To the numbers that you have already determined by identifying “price thresholds”, add 30-50%. This will be the amount upon reaching which the person will receive a bonus (I hope you understand that the bonus is taken from balances).

The sales scheme is exactly the same as described above. They offered to buy something else and showed the bonus that the person would receive for this purchase.

Of course, for such a system to work perfectly, it is necessary to use scripts for sellers. Clearly write the phrases that the seller should say and define the product that you will offer the buyer as a bonus.

On the Internet, such systems can be easily automated, but offline they will have to be done manually. Well, if you don’t have enough information, there are other ways to increase sales.

Thank you for reading the article to the end.

I have a gift for you that you will definitely like. Download my book and video training for free right now ( practical methods increase sales and profits of your store).

That's all for today.

Please write in the comments how useful this article was for you. Your opinion is important to me. You can also ask your questions and get answers in the question-answer section.

Running a business in times of crisis is especially difficult, since you often have to make very difficult decisions for your own business. Most of the maneuvers that will have to be performed must be fast, but at the same time timely. In any case, haste can only do harm. For manufacturers or sellers there is one very important question: how to quickly sell the remaining goods during the 2016 crisis? But there is still a problem, how to do this with minimal losses? Inventory balances may lie in a warehouse, and then it will be virtually impossible to quickly sell the remainder of the goods.

Sales volumes naturally decline during a crisis. Determining prospects or calculating when the situation will stabilize can be very difficult, almost impossible. You should not allow a situation where the warehouse is overstocked, that is, overflowing with goods. Inventory balances may be "sweet" only in one case - if you are a large discounter. Then you can afford to buy leftovers from retail chains at bargain prices, and sell them at favorable price. Selling the rest of the goods is your task, and delivering it to you is the supplier’s task.

But experts do not exclude that the crisis in 2016 may bring surprises: very soon "leftovers" I can be more expensive than money. After all, it may well happen that there is simply nothing to buy new collections to update the assortment. Then, in order to ensure that the shopping arcades and shelves in stores are not empty, you will have to independently sell those very leftovers that you only recently wanted to get rid of.

Any crisis, even the most serious one, will end sooner or later, and that’s the beauty of it. Until the situation is resolved, the business optimizes and disciplines itself. Previously, in Europe, purchases were made without haggling and, in fact, not even paying attention to prices. But times have changed, and the crisis dictates its own conditions and its own model of behavior. You have to sacrifice something. But the main thing is that you have to count the money and look at things realistically, that is, at purchases. Now those who previously spent money without looking are starting to save and calculate every step. Now the suppliers themselves are ready to change the cooperation scheme, they are ready to provide goods on new terms, with big discounts or in installments. The whole point is that Russian market still remains one of the main famous brands. They are not ready to just leave because of temporary difficulties. For the sake of long-term partnership, factories are ready to compensate losses against future supplies in the event of excess balances.

Goods must be delivered on time

It is important to monitor how suppliers approach the fulfillment of their obligations. In difficult economic conditions, a delay in the arrival of, for example, a new shoe collection in stores will lead to demand being redistributed to competitors. With the onset of the new season, even the most loyal customers will not wait for suppliers to bring you super fashionable shoes. They would rather go to another store. Even if you manage to receive the goods, albeit with a delay, you will have to sell them at discounts. Nobody needs a new collection in the middle of the season. And the sale is not the best effective method to earn money. Financial losses inevitable here.

Monitor what customers prefer

Studying demand is the task of any seller, regardless of what exactly he sells. Shoes, candy, children's clothing or toys, even food - demand can change during a crisis. The proposal should change along with it. Everything must be on time. Selling the rest of the goods is certainly an achievement. But an even greater achievement is to avoid the occurrence of stockpiles of goods in excess of the norm. For everything to work out, you need to constantly study not only demand, but also customer preferences, their ability to pay, a decrease or, conversely, an increase in the need for a particular product.

Brands are brands, but today not everyone is willing to pay only for the brand. It's expensive. In addition, designer shoes can be extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, now customers give preference to expensive, but classic and comfortable shoe models. The same applies to clothing. Natural materials will always remain a priority, even if you can save money on substitutes. As for shoes, most will agree: saving on shoes is fraught. You may still have to save money, but in a slightly different way. For example, instead of the usual two or three pairs of shoes for the season, the buyer will look for just one. But even this one pair will be of high quality and not cheap. Lovers of fashion trends and "Haute couture" they are also unlikely to switch to shoes anymore low level. In addition, any attempt to cheat by passing off, for example, the remains of an old collection as a new one, will be immediately exposed. Moreover, it can lead to loss of reputation. And this will forever ruin all attempts to stay afloat during the crisis. All you need to do to avoid these consequences is plan, plan and plan some more. Work with suppliers must be ongoing.

Discount is good, discount is bad

Working with small batches of goods is, of course, profitable today. Firstly, this way there is no problem of leftovers, and secondly, things are delivered strictly "to order", which guarantees their redemption. And that means profit. But only a few people work this way. As a rule, these are small stores that are called fashionable "showroom". As for most market participants, they have to act differently: bring large quantities of goods in order to reduce the purchase price and ensure further sales. In such a situation, the only planning option that somehow justifies itself is quarterly. Predicting the situation on the market for the same shoes a year in advance is an unaffordable luxury.

If you can’t plan, you need to take a closer look at prices. Price policy– this is a lifesaver. At that moment, when everyone was watching the fall of the ruble in panic, many, unable to withstand the tension, began to inflate prices, for which they later paid. After some stabilization, prices had to be urgently reduced. And today there is only one way to do this - discounts and sales. Promotions and discounts, sales and others tempting offers now at every step, in every store. Red price tags, on the one hand, attract buyers, but on the other hand, disorient them. It is almost impossible to sell a new collection while the sale is on.

The easiest and most profitable way is to carry out more complex activities, but also more effective. This, for example, is a plan to keep prices at 15-20% compared to last year. In this case, your own margin will inevitably decrease, as will the trading margin. But the goods will not stay in the warehouse.

We are working on the leftovers

Remains are goods that are lingering in the warehouse and are rapidly losing their liquidity. If you couldn’t avoid their appearance, you should think about how to get rid of them without losses. First, you will have to determine the degree of liquidity of the product. And as soon as this happens, you will need to act immediately.

In no case should the leftovers be left over; there is no point in waiting until better times. Moreover, each type of product, if we are talking about shoes, then each model should receive individual approach. If you happen to have trendy models that were at the peak of the trend for one season, mark them down and don’t regret them. They will definitely not interest anyone in the near future. But the classic ones basic models may still be useful for more than one season. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to apply discounts of up to 70% to them. If by the beginning of the new season the price for such models returns to its previous level, then buyers will be extremely unhappy with this. And this is wrong.

When deciding to liquidate remaining goods, it is important to do everything correctly necessary calculations. It is necessary to take into account the payback of the entire purchase and calculate the payback ratio. It would be useful to determine the actual markup and turnover of the goods and their inventories. The amount of balances also needs to be predicted at the procurement planning stage. For some, prices and margins are more important, and for others, the pace of sales of leftovers. And someone in time took care of their own discount centers and online stores where they can easily sell leftovers. There are many combinations. The choice of one or the other depends on many factors: volumes and "age" deposits, quality, seasonality and even the qualifications of the personnel conducting negotiations or the degree of trust between business partners.

In any case, no matter how the liquidation of balances goes, this experience should leave the main thing - an understanding of how important it is to plan purchases. Leftovers can only be good within reasonable limits. And when their number goes beyond all boundaries, financial well-being the company may be at risk.

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