Let's go to the pool! Swimming during pregnancy - moderate physical activity is only beneficial.

It is quite difficult to answer unequivocally the question: can pregnant women go to the pool. Every pregnant woman should approach this issue wisely. Before visiting the pool, you should consult your doctor. In the absence of any indications, visiting the pool has a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother and baby.

When can pregnant women go to the pool?

Having secured the approval of a gynecologist, you can safely go to the pool. It is necessary to obtain detailed recommendations from a specialist who will tell you when you can swim in the pool and when it is better to abstain.

Important! You should not neglect your doctor's recommendations. Otherwise, you can worsen your health situation or that of your unborn baby.

It is better to visit the pool when the formation of the mucous plug is complete, which prevents the penetration of harmful components into the cervical canal of the pregnant woman. In other words, it completely protects the baby from external negative influences.

The plug formation stage begins at 7 weeks of pregnancy. This means that in the first semester of pregnancy it is not advisable to go to the pool (first 12 weeks). Starting from the 13th week, you can go swimming. When the 36th week arrives, visiting the pool should be stopped. At this stage, the plug begins to peel off in most pregnant women. Consequently, there is a risk of various infections reaching the fetus.

Swimming for pregnant women

In water, the body becomes as if weightless, which allows you to relieve the spine of the expectant mother. Accordingly, the feeling of heaviness in the pregnant woman’s body decreases. At the same time, back pain disappears and the psycho-emotional state stabilizes.

Attention! It is highly undesirable to swim without prior preparation! It is necessary to prepare your body, which is already overloaded with pregnancy. A careful, smooth approach to business will bring very positive results for the health of the expectant mother and her baby.

What are the benefits of swimming during pregnancy?

In order to dispel the fears and doubts of expectant mothers regarding the health of their baby, reasoned arguments about the benefits of swimming are listed below:

  1. The water space allows you to relieve the spine, thereby avoiding osteochondrosis and back pain.
  2. Swimming burns more calories than normal exercise. In this case, the likelihood of stretching tendons and muscles is almost zero. This is an ideal solution for overweight expectant mothers.
  3. Swimming stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. As a result, blood and lymph circulate better throughout the body, blood pressure normalizes, and the strength of blood vessels and heart muscles increases. An excellent solution for hypertension and varicose veins.
  4. Manipulations in water help remove excess fluid from tissues, which can help get rid of swelling.
  5. Swimming and diving in the pool, the expectant mother is well prepared for childbirth and develops proper breathing. By holding your breath while diving, the vitality of the baby itself increases. Considering that during childbirth, oxygen access to the fetus decreases, it will be easier for the child to cope with this.
  6. While swimming, the unified element of the baby and the expectant mother is felt. Harmonious unity with your own child has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman.
  7. Swimming helps strengthen the immune system.

Which pregnant women should not go to the pool?

Pregnant women should not use the pool:

  • with uterine hypertonicity;
  • with copious discharge;
  • those at risk of premature birth;
  • suffering from severe toxicosis;
  • with infectious diseases;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • if they feel unwell or have a headache;
  • with a negative reaction to bleach;
  • if there was a history of spontaneous miscarriage.

Which pool is better during pregnancy?

Of course, the priority is a seawater pool. These pools are filled with ordinary water and sea salt is added to it. Every person on the planet now knows about the benefits of sea salt. Water purification is carried out by electrolysis. There can be no question of the presence of bleach here. Sea water tends to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin along with its nerve endings.

It is much easier to move in salt water, because it pushes a person to the surface. Unfortunately, there are very few swimming pools with sea water, and a subscription here is not cheap.

An alternative option is swimming pools cleaned by ozonizing units. The advantage of ozone disinfection is the saturation of water with oxygen. Considering the continuous operation of the ozonizing unit, the cost of a subscription is above average.

Pools cleaned using ultrasound, ultraviolet light, and high-frequency electromagnetic pulses are more affordable.

When choosing a swimming pool, it is advisable to focus on compliance with sanitary standards and the availability of specialized classes for pregnancy. A good instructor will prepare you for childbirth, teach you how to breathe correctly, and select a set of exercises to strengthen your muscle corset.

What to focus on when choosing a swimming pool during pregnancy

Choosing the ideal maternity pool requires a combination of all the following criteria:

  • the water undergoes a high degree of purification.
  • The swimming pool is located close to the house.
  • swimming is carried out under the supervision of an instructor for pregnant women. The optimal time for classes is 40–50 minutes, visits per week – 2 times.
  • the water should warm up to 28–31 degrees.
  • if there are convenient handrails at the place of descent to the water.

Essentials for expectant mothers at the pool

When visiting the pool, the expectant mother must have with her:

  • medical certificate of health;
  • one-piece swimsuit;
  • non-slippery shoes with corrugated soles;
  • rubber cap;
  • body cleansing supplies;
  • hair dryer for drying wet parts of hair;
  • skin nourishing product.

In addition, you can bring unsweetened drinks and fruits with you. Starting from week 30, it is better to carry an exchange card with you.

In this material we will talk about the rules for visiting the pool. Let's look at what is required for swimming and what you should pay attention to during exercise on the water. By following the rules of visiting, you can make your stay in such a place safe and comfortable.

Medical certificate

A prerequisite for visiting such public institutions is the presence of a medical document, which confirms the absence of infectious diseases. The certificate for the swimming pool is presented to the staff of the establishment upon the first visit. As a rule, it remains valid for six months. However, there are private swimming pools whose staff may require the certificate to be updated after a shorter period.

A certificate for the swimming pool is issued by district clinics or private medical centers. Some fitness clubs that have a swimming pool have a doctor on staff who, for a reasonable fee, can conduct the necessary tests and issue a document suitable for visiting the establishment.

What you need to take with you when going to the pool

The rules for visiting the pool force visitors to take the following items with them:

  • rubber cap;
  • bathing suit;
  • towel;
  • slippers;
  • washcloth and soap.

Rules for visiting the pool

According to generally accepted standards of behavior, swimmers are required to stay on the right side in the water. In this case, movement in the pool always occurs in a counterclockwise direction. When moving along the path, you need to overtake those in front on the left side.

Pool visitors are allowed to rest between swims only in the corners of the bowl. This allows you to avoid creating obstacles for people moving along paths and making turns.

To clear the airways of accumulated fluid, you must use a special drain chute. Such devices are available in every pool. Failure to comply with the rules, in particular, blowing your nose and spitting in the water is a gross violation.

Pool visitors are not allowed to jostle while swimming. It is also prohibited to jump from tables and sides, or cling to the floats that delimit individual paths.

The rules for visiting the pool impose restrictions on making noise and talking. In addition, false signals to personnel that assistance is required are prohibited.

Absolute contraindications to visiting the pool

The rules for visiting the pool prohibit people who suffer from the following diseases from going to such places:

  • epilepsy;
  • scaly lichen;
  • tuberculosis;
  • purulent lesions of the skin and soft tissues;
  • helminthiasis;
  • fungal diseases.

Rules for minors

Minors have special rules for using the pool. According to SanPiN, the air and water temperature maintained in the bowls of public swimming pools, as well as the depth, are not suitable for swimming children under 3 years of age. Later, kids can enjoy swimming, but only when accompanied by their parents or adult guardians.

The rules for visiting an outdoor pool, as well as an indoor one, require the presentation of documents confirming that the child has reached the required age. In this case, responsibility for the health and life of the minor will rest entirely with the person accompanying him.

Changing girls over 4 years of age in the men's locker room is prohibited. The same goes for boys of a similar age in women's locker rooms.

Children from 7 to 13 years old who are learning to swim have the right to visit the pool in groups without parental supervision. The safety of the children is ensured by the trainer. Therefore, children are obliged to unquestioningly obey his commands and orders. In case of systematic violations of discipline, a minor may be suspended from visiting the pool, without compensation for the cost of the subscription.

  1. Eat a hearty meal, preferably 1.5-2.5 hours before the start of classes. This will allow you to get the energy boost you need for a comfortable swimming session.
  2. Avoid eating garlic and onions. As a result of such actions, both the swimmer himself and other visitors to the pool may experience discomfort due to the spread of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Before plunging into the water, you should thoroughly wash your body with soap or shower gel. It is necessary to wash off cosmetics, creams, if any, on the skin, remove plasters and bandages.
  4. Do a little warm-up. This will help tone your muscles, warm them up and get rid of unnecessary injuries.


So we looked at the generally accepted rules of behavior in the pool. Finally, I would like to say a few words about choosing a swimming lane. Here you should be guided by your own speed of movement. In most pools, the outer lanes are reserved for beginners and children who feel unsure in the water and need close sides that they can grab onto at any time. In turn, the central lanes are intended for experienced swimmers. Therefore, beginners are not recommended to keep company with experienced athletes, especially athletes who train with a coach or work on an individual program. After all, creating such interference can also become a reason for imposing disciplinary sanctions.

Swimming is rightfully considered one of the most harmless sports. It is almost impossible to get injured while moving in water, provided safety precautions are followed. At the same time, in the process of working in the water, all muscle groups actively develop, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are strengthened, and the entire body is toned.

Yes, the advantages of swimming are undeniable. But where to practice this sport? Our climate, unfortunately, is not conducive to year-round swimming in open natural reservoirs. As an alternative, numerous swimming pools are available. But is it worth going to the pool, and can you harm yourself by regularly visiting such places?

The most important advantage of the pool is that here, for a reasonable fee, you can realize all your desires to learn to swim, or thanks to swimming, solve a whole range of problems. Including with the help of personal trainers. So, say, you will hardly be able to strengthen your back muscles, stretch your spine, cope with diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, without the instructions of a professional assistant (unless, of course, you independently and thoroughly understand the methods of therapeutic swimming). The same can be said for pregnant women exercising in the pool. The positive effect of swimming in this case will depend on the correct execution of a certain set of exercises. In addition, during classes for expectant mothers, the coach monitors the woman’s health and will always see if she suddenly needs to stop and get out of the water.

But even if you just visit the pool to relax and swim for fun, your body is charged with additional energy and trains its protective functions. Due to the active work of all muscle groups, exercising in the pool can significantly correct your figure, strengthen your joints and strengthen your body.

During exercise in water, a person’s body weight decreases significantly, which makes the load on the person’s skeletal system minimal. Only in this position do our joints have the opportunity to rest and straighten. And for some joint diseases, swimming is even highly recommended during the inter-relapse period. In this way, spinal diseases are prevented. The formation of a strong muscle corset, which inevitably occurs if you exercise in the pool 2-3 times a week, helps maintain the spinal column in the correct physiological position.

In addition, many of those who answer affirmatively to the question of whether it is worth visiting the pool note the positive impact of this activity on the nervous system. Swimming in the water, we seem to wash away all the negative information accumulated during the day, update our emotional background, and emerge from the water as a “reborn” person.

Or maybe it’s still not worth it?

However, opponents of swimming pools also present their own rather convincing arguments. And the first of them is the use of bleach. Unfortunately, at the moment this chemical is the only available and effective means of disinfecting the water space of swimming pools. True, some companies that care about the health of their customers are gradually switching to an ozone water purification system. But so far this is the exception rather than the rule.

It is no secret that a mandatory condition for visiting swimming pools is a certificate from a doctor indicating your positive state of health. But no one can guarantee that a person who receives this certificate today will not get sick tomorrow and will not come to infect others in a public “bathroom.” Therefore, treating water with bleach is a necessary and understandable measure. The trouble is that some people are very sensitive to this component and cannot be in chlorinated water due to an allergic skin reaction. For them, the answer to the question of whether to go to the pool will always be negative.

In addition, even the skin of a healthy person, chlorine dries very much, and many pool visitors are forced to pour tons of moisturizer on themselves after the procedures. The same applies to hair and nails.

The negative side effects of bleach include its effect on the fabrics of swimwear. Therefore, when planning a visit to the pool, you should not buy expensive swimsuits or swimming trunks - they will still fade very quickly.

Another danger of the pool is possible infection by infections and fungi. Provided, of course, that you are visiting a public pool. You can protect yourself from getting such unwanted diseases by constantly wearing rubber slippers (except for the pool itself, of course), and avoiding skin contact with any surfaces as much as possible. In addition, women are not recommended to come to the pool on “critical” days. During this period, the female body remains most defenseless against infections, and even modern tampons cannot save the situation.

If the question of whether you should go to the pool does not exist for you, then before visiting this place it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • Always shower before and after swimming in the pool, remembering to use hygiene products;
  • Swimming goggles will help protect your eyes from irritation - do not neglect this accessory;
  • When deciding to jump from a height, make sure that there is no one below to avoid an accident. And in general, when planning any action in the water, look around often. People around may not be aware of your plans, and may unwittingly suffer;
  • Try not to come to the pool on a full stomach. It is better to refresh yourself after pleasant procedures;
  • To avoid catching a cold, dry your hair well after swimming. And if you couldn’t avoid the disease, stay at home. You shouldn’t risk the health of other people for the sake of your own whims, and it’s still better to restore your own health completely before you plunge into the cool water of the pool again.

Of course, the ideal option to improve your health through swimming is to use salt or fresh natural reservoirs. And the answer to the question of whether it’s worth going to the pool, provided that life is not pleasant for you without swimming, depends rather on your financial capabilities. However, it should be noted that compliance with the described rules for visiting public swimming pools may well ensure a relatively safe pastime within their walls. And at the same time get all those advantages for which we so strive for the water element.

From the author: I can say for myself: all last winter I visited the pool. Not only for the pleasure of swimming when there is snow all around, but to “please” your joints, because due to a sedentary lifestyle or something else, they began to behave not as loyally as before. In general, they began to hurt. I even went to a rheumatologist and took some kind of chondroprotectors or something. So the pool really helped. Almost a year has passed and I do not experience any negative sensations in my joints. In addition, I lost a few extra pounds and pumped up my muscles, which is definitely nice :) And bleach... Unpleasant, of course. But it's quite tolerable.

Do you visit the pool? How does it positively affect your health and mood? Share with us via the comment form!

First of all, you must decide for what purpose you will visit the pool - to learn to swim, improve your figure, relieve stress, or for relaxation. It must be said that physical activity in water is more effective than regular exercise: the beneficial effects of the aquatic environment are felt. By providing noticeable pressure on every square millimeter of the skin of a person immersed in water, water helps improve its blood supply and elasticity, increasing flexibility and mobility of joints. Swimming not only helps improve your health, but also stimulates your brain. This will immediately affect your success in business and creativity. So, you need to find out if there are classes that interest you in swimming pools located nearby. If you don’t know whether there are swimming pools near your home, ask your neighbors, look in a directory or the Internet. But now the pool has been found, you have decided on the time. What's next?

Medical certificate

For visiting swimming pool a medical certificate is required (certifying that the classes are pool you are not contraindicated for health reasons, and you are not a carrier of the infection). It can be obtained from your local doctor after passing the necessary tests. Some swimming pools provide the opportunity to undergo a medical examination and obtain the necessary certificate “on the spot”. You should also consult with your doctor regarding the mode and intensity of exercise, taking into account your existing health conditions. Usually the certificate is valid for six months, but in some cases (where the certificate is issued by a doctor directly pool) its validity period can be reduced to three months.

Types of pools

Based on their purpose, swimming pools can be divided into sports and recreational. In sports swimming pools Professional athletes train where the water temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees, while recreational ones are available to everyone, and in the latter the water temperature is 2-3 degrees higher than in sports ones. Swimming enthusiasts are also offered indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Water temperature in indoor swimming pools usually 25-28 degrees. In open swimming pools the mobility of people is usually higher than in indoor ones. Therefore, the air temperature here is often lower. To this should be added the beneficial effects of fresh air, which maintains a comfortable feeling at low temperatures. Water temperature in open pool usually lower than indoors, and is 21-25°C. To improve the microclimate and create additional comfort, especially during a long swimming season or using the pool in winter, the floor is heated. The approaches to the pool are usually protected from the wind.


The following opinion is quite common: “water, of course, is a source of health... but not in swimming pools! Just look, you'll catch some kind of infection!" It cannot be said that this opinion is completely unfounded, but if in pool a control and cleaning system has been established, the likelihood of such an incident is minimal. Water in swimming pools undergoes a special cycle of cleansing and disinfection - this is necessary, since each visitor brings (unintentionally, of course) a “bouquet” of his own microorganisms - after all, they are present in abundance on the skin of each of us. Therefore, all visitors are required to pool go to the shower and wash with soap or other cleansers. In addition, the swimming pools are regularly closed for “general cleaning,” when all “public areas” are washed especially thoroughly with a disinfectant solution. In good swimming pools will not allow a person to swim without a medical certificate (by the way, in many large swimming pools A photograph is pasted into the subscription to avoid the “borrowed a subscription from a friend” situation). As for water disinfectants, recently more and more pools are moving away from the practice of disinfecting with banal chlorination - water is disinfected using anolyte, ozonation, ultraviolet cleaning and other methods. But even if in pool, which suits you in terms of location, services offered, comfort, water purification is still carried out using a not so progressive method, you can protect yourself from chlorine. After leaving the water, rinse thoroughly in the shower and lubricate your skin with moisturizer. To protect more sensitive facial skin, apply a nourishing cream (of course, remove makeup before swimming) and wait a few minutes for the cream to be absorbed.

Registration of services

Many pools are open from seven in the morning until late in the evening, so choosing a convenient time to visit is quite easy. If you have a medical certificate and an identification document, you can purchase either a one-time ticket or a subscription (in this case, you are assigned a certain time for one or several times a week for several months). In most pools, regular sessions for adults do not involve learning to swim - at the side swimming pool an instructor is present, but he can only “give a helping hand” and give useful advice - his tasks do not include personal training. More often, such training is formalized as individual training. Most large swimming pools also have additional services - for example, by purchasing a special ticket or subscription, you can practice in the swimming pool for several hours. pool, gym - individually or in a group for shaping classes, visit the sauna or solarium. Often when pool You can find a hairdresser, use the services of manicure and pedicure specialists. In some swimming pools There are children's rooms where a mother can leave her child during classes under the supervision of experienced staff.

Is it necessary to know how to swim?

Just because you can't swim doesn't mean the pool isn't for you. Indeed, groups often recruit people who can already float on the water for some time. But, firstly, there are individual swimming lessons, and secondly, in some cases this is not necessary. For example, water aerobics classes do not require such skill, since almost all exercises are pool are made with special rubber holders that do not allow immersion in water. What are the benefits of these exercises?

The benefits of water aerobics

The effectiveness of the exercises is no less than when doing aerobics “on land”, but the additional advantage is that the load you get when doing exercises in water is felt much less. In addition, the supporting effect of water makes it possible, if necessary, to more thoroughly work out individual muscle groups. This can be useful for both thin and overweight women - in both cases, the exercises will help “give the body shape.” Water also helps women with a good figure fight “problem areas” - thanks to its supporting effect, as well as pressure, which improves blood circulation. The exercises themselves can be very different - bending to the sides, raising and bending legs, jumping, running, and so on. The result is a slim, toned figure, elastic skin, vigor and good mood.

What do you need for classes?

Obviously, a bathing suit, flip-flops, a swimming cap, as well as soap, a towel, a washcloth and a hairdryer. And although most pools have stationary hair dryers, in some cases it is more convenient to use your own. Bathing suit. The best swimsuit for swimming is a closed one, with wide straps crossing at the back. You can move freely in the water without fear of accidentally losing your “top” or “bottom”. The main selection criterion is the fabric: sufficiently (but not too) dense, holding its shape well and allowing the skin to breathe. Manufacturers most often use polyamide with additives; good quality is achieved with a lycra or elastane content of at least 18%. It is better to opt for a swimsuit with the simplest cut possible, so that it does not slip down at the wrong time in the wrong places and does not sag. The color of the swimsuit also matters. Of course, this is a matter of taste, but two identical swimsuits made from the same fabric in different colors will fade differently. This depends on the chemical composition of fabric dyes: blue, green and yellow lose their brightness the fastest. Red and crimson, as well as black, practically do not change - however, this also depends on the manufacturer of the cap. A swimming cap will help you protect your hair from the damaging effects of chlorine; in addition, in accordance with current sanitary standards, the administration of many swimming pools requires the use of a cap when swimming. In sports stores, swimming caps are usually presented in a wide range: made of silicone, latex and rubber. Silicone is considered the most expensive, but also the most convenient material. Silicone caps stretch very well, they are more durable, easy to take off and put on. Their main feature is that they require almost no additional care - they do not stick together when wet. Double silicone caps are considered the most comfortable and are suitable for both amateurs and athletes (single silicone caps are intended for athletes and require more careful care). Many people find hats made of fabric comfortable; they are also called “textile”. They stretch very well, fit snugly to the head, but get wet, although they dry quickly. These caps are recommended for athletes, but they are also well suited for relaxation; they are often preferred by ladies for water aerobics. The cheapest materials from which hats are made are rubber and latex. Rubber is a more durable material than latex. Latex is much thinner and requires constant care. After drying, the cap should be sprinkled with talcum powder or baby powder so that it does not stick together.

To eat or not to eat?

A lot of misunderstandings are associated with what and when you can eat before and after classes. The last meal should be at least an hour before swimming. First of all, the process of active digestion “distracts” blood from working muscles. This leads to overwork and can even provoke a cramp. In addition, digestion is less efficient and food remains “lumpy” in the stomach. If you eat in advance, by the time you exercise, your body will be able to convert the food you eat into energy. The most effective in this sense are “long-lasting” carbohydrates - a piece of toasted wholemeal bread, half a grapefruit, vegetables or dried fruits. They break down gradually and provide a long-lasting supply of energy. A small amount of protein (low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese) is an ideal building material for muscles. After training, warmed muscles continue to “rob” the gastrointestinal tract for another hour, so even then it is better not to pounce on food. It is known, however, that classes in pool awaken a strong appetite, so it would be a good idea to take something light to snack with you (fruits, nuts, crackers) and, of course, drinking water to compensate for the loss of moisture.

"Procedure" in the pool

So, you came to the pool and you have everything you need. What to do next? You hand over your things to the cloakroom, purchase a ticket at the reception desk or return your membership and receive a card with the number of your locker in the locker room on it. In some swimming pools These lockers are locked with a combination lock; in others you will be given a magnetic bracelet with a key. You leave your things in the locker room, wash in the shower, and go swimming with a bracelet on your wrist. Typically a swimming session lasts 45 minutes. After swimming pool again you need to take a shower, after which, if desired, you can use moisturizing milk or body cream. If necessary, apply the cream to your face. As a precaution and for prevention, many people lubricate the skin of their feet with antifungal cream. Dry your hair and exchange your magnetic bracelet or card for a season ticket at the reception (or just return it if you had a one-time ticket). We hope that, having decided to take classes at pool, you will get a lot of benefits and pleasure. We wish you good luck and good mood!

Is it possible to swim in the pool while on your period?

  1. there’s nowhere to go... There’s also this thing - a menstrual cup, but if you don’t want to use tampons, then there’s absolutely no way... I’m 13 and I use tampons if necessary)))
  2. Do you want to swim in red water? If yes, then go to the competition
  3. Contrary to all fears, there are no contraindications for swimming during menstruation. Therefore, to the question: Is it possible to swim during menstruation? the answer will be clearly positive. Without worrying about your precious health, you can safely swim in the pool, river, sea, ocean without any consequences...
    As for the time of continuous exposure to water, it all depends on menstrual hygiene products. It is best, of course, to use tampons. They absorb secretions directly into the vagina, without letting anything come out. So you can swim during your period until the tampon is completely saturated. At the same time, you will be able to appreciate the benefits of this hygiene product.
    If you use other menstrual hygiene products, you should pay special attention to your swimsuit. Finding the right swimsuit can be quite problematic. And many may not be able to afford it. In this case, a sale of women's clothing will come to your aid, where you can choose not only a swimsuit, but also other stylish clothes at affordable prices.
    If you can swim in open water on critical days, then taking a bath or shower at this time is simply necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the external genitalia, especially the labia. Some of the discharge may well remain in the folds. Therefore, we wash them thoroughly using soap. It is not recommended to wash the vagina directly, since the alkaline components included in the soap negatively affect the slightly acidic environment of the internal genital organs.
    During menstruation, a contrast shower is very useful. First warm water, then cold. With cold water you need to follow the following sequence: left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm, then move on to the back, chest and stomach. This procedure activates blood circulation and improves mood.
    Don't be afraid to swim during your period. It's completely safe and harmless...
  4. Better not.
  5. Dear girls, understand correctly, you are not the only ones swimming in the pool. It’s better to wait a couple of days when everything passes and feel free to continue swimming, and missed classes can always be settled with the pool administration. I myself work as an instructor in the pool and always meet halfway if the situation is explained correctly. Health to everyone.
  6. I agree with the previous answer. Just don’t forget: If the water in the pool is very clear, and the discharge. strong, then there may be embarrassment in the form of a red spot with a strong swim and sudden movements.
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