Hazard information system information cards. New Design Hazard Information System Information Card

Organization of a hazard information system (HIS)

The organization of a hazard information system (HIS) in accordance with the requirements of the General Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road is the responsibility of the carrier carrying out the transportation of dangerous goods and the shipper (consignee).

Practical activities within the framework of the SIO are carried out by the carrier together with the consignor (consignee).

SIO information tables are prepared by organizations that manufacture dangerous goods and are presented to carriers for installation on special devices in front and behind the vehicle.

The hazard information system (HIS) includes:

  • information tables for designating vehicles;
  • an information card to decipher the code of emergency measures indicated on the information table;
  • emergency card to determine measures to eliminate accidents or incidents and their consequences;
  • special painting and inscriptions on vehicles.

The information table for marking a vehicle must be made according to the dimensions shown in Fig. 4.2, subject to the following requirements:

  • the general background of the table is white;
  • background columns “KEM” and “UN No.” - orange;
  • the table frame, graph division lines, numbers and text letters are in black;
  • the name of the column (“KEM”, “UN No.”) is written in white;
  • the frame of the danger sign is drawn with a black line at least 5 mm thick at a distance of 5 mm from the edge of the sign;
  • the thickness of letters and numbers in the columns “KEM” and “UN No.” is 15 mm, and on the danger sign - at least 3 mm;
  • The thickness of the frame and dividing lines of the table is 15 mm. In Fig. 4.2, as an example, the columns “KEM”, “UN No.” and the danger sign are filled in for motor gasoline.

The SIO information card is used to decipher the information table; it is made of thick paper measuring 130x60 mm. The numbers indicate the code of emergency measures (EMC) in case of fire and leakage, the letters indicate the EMC for the protection of people. The form of the information card is presented in table. 4.10.

The code of emergency measures, given as an example in the sample information table (see Fig. 4.2), is deciphered using the information card as follows: 3 - use sprayed water or thin jets to cool a container of gasoline in case of fire; 4 - use foam to extinguish burning gasoline; 5 - prevent gasoline from entering wastewater; K - full protective clothing and breathing apparatus are required when extinguishing a gasoline fire (for emergency personnel); E - it is necessary to evacuate people from the danger zone.

The danger signs and their numbering according to ADR are somewhat different from those according to GOST 19433 - 88. The danger signs prescribed for the designation of substances and products of classes 1 - 9 (color incl., Fig. IV) mean:

Special danger signs according to GOST 19433-88
Sign No. 7A - “Radioactive material in packages of category I - white” (if the package is damaged and leaked, the contents are hazardous to health if ingested, inhaled or in contact with it). Symbol: at the top of the sign there is a stylized trefoil on a white background, at the bottom there are the inscriptions “Radioactive” with one vertical red stripe, “Content” and “Activity”, a small number “7” in the lower corner;

Gross mass characteristics
The maximum gross mass indicated in the ADR table is the maximum quantity of dangerous goods above which the carriage of this substance is dangerous and is prohibited in accordance with the requirements of ADR. This limit cannot be exceeded even if the cargo is permitted to be transported together with other dangerous goods. When these dangerous goods have the same maximum gross mass, their gross masses must be added, the sum must not exceed 1,000 kg - the limit value of the total gross mass of all dangerous goods transported in one motor vehicle, the non-exceeding of which exempts from compliance with the requirements of ADR for the joint carriage of dangerous goods cargo.

Transportation of spare fuel
Motor vehicles are permitted to transport in additional tanks or canisters a certain amount of reserve fuel, the transport of which is exempt from the provisions of ADR. To do this, it is necessary that the total capacity of the fuel tanks of the vehicle (that is, the combined capacity of the main and additional tanks) does not exceed 1,500 liters. In addition, for additional tanks placed on trailers, a limit of 500 liters is set. Spare fuel tanks can carry a total of no more than 60 liters of fuel.

Classification of perishable goods
Among perishable goods there is a group of especially perishable products, in which, if the temperature regime and deadlines are violated, a particularly favorable environment is created for the proliferation of microorganisms that can cause food spoilage, acute intestinal diseases and food poisoning in people.

Natural loss and loss rates of perishable goods during transportation
The natural loss of goods during the transportation of perishable goods by road is normalized as a certain percentage of the initial weight of the goods (net weight) to cover the following losses: shrinkage (reduction of moisture content in the goods - volatilization, evaporation, freezing); crushing and spraying (when loading and unloading bulk goods); broken dishes (when transporting food products in glass containers, as well as returnable glassware).

Methods to ensure the safety and quality of perishable goods
World practice of storing and transporting perishable goods by various modes of transport has determined a variety of ways to preserve perishable goods and its quality, which can be summarized as follows:

Hypobaric method of transporting perishable goods
The hypobaric method of transportation involves lowering atmospheric pressure relative to normal, and the hyperbaric method involves increasing it. Further research is required to establish the feasibility and effectiveness of these methods in combination with refrigeration and RGS to improve the safety of food cargo.

Transportation of frozen goods
Frozen cargo is stacked in the body in dense stacks with the greatest use of body volume. Fresh and refrigerated perishable goods packed in containers must be stowed in such a way as to ensure air circulation. In this case, the distance between the ceiling of the van and the top row of cargo must be at least 30...35 cm; a gap cannot be left between the last row of cargo and the rear wall of the body.

Excess cargo
The maximum dimensions and other parameters of motor vehicles, taking into account the dimensions of swap bodies and cargo containers, including containers, must not exceed the values ​​given below:

Limit dimensions and weight parameters for different types of transport
Limit values ​​of the maximum dimensions, total weight and axle loads of vehicles with or without cargo are defined in the regulatory document - the Agreement “On the masses and dimensions of vehicles carrying out interstate transportation on the roads of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States”, adopted on 06/04/1999 in Minsk.

Conditions for transportation of excess cargo
Transportation of excess cargo is carried out in accordance with the Instructions for the transportation of large-sized and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions), approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on May 27, 1996. Large and heavy cargo must be transported taking into account the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, the general rules for transporting goods by road and additional requirements specified in the permit for the carriage of goods.

Transportation coordination
After receiving permission, the carrier coordinates this transportation with the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (STSI MVD of Russia) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in whose service territory the transportation route begins. Upon approval, special requirements for the procedure for transporting cargo are determined, based on the conditions for ensuring road safety, and a special pass is issued, which is placed in the lower right corner of the windshield of the vehicle.

Fuels and their properties
In the actual engine cycle, physical and chemical transformations of the working fluid occur. A fresh charge - air or air-fuel mixture - enters the engine cylinder. The fresh charge is then mixed with the residual gases remaining in the combustion chamber, forming a working mixture. During the combustion process, when heat is released, the working mixture turns into exhaust gases (EG). The oxidizing agent during fuel combustion is atmospheric oxygen.

Composition and properties of fuels
Paraffins have the least detonation resistance, while aromatic hydrocarbons have the greatest. The octane number of gasoline is increased by adding low-boiling high-octane carbons or oxygen-containing substances to it - methyl alcohol, methyl tert-butyl ether and other anti-knock additives (tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead, as well as metal carbonates, alkyl halides). The use of lead-based additives is limited in use due to their toxicity. When increasing the compression ratio and cylinder diameter, it is necessary to use fuel with a higher octane number.

Advantages of gas fuels
The main advantages of gas fuels in comparison with gasoline ones: due to high combustion efficiency, they can provide greater efficiency; allow you to significantly increase the compression ratio; provide reliable starting at low temperatures; satisfactory environmental properties due to the absence of lead, metal oxides, aromatic hydrocarbons, and low sulfur content.

Elemental composition of the working fluid and combustion products
Oxidation (combustion) of fuel. The elemental composition of the fuel represents the mass fractions of its individual components. One kilogram of fuel contains: gc carbon, gH hydrogen, g0 oxygen. The relationship between the amount of initial products (fuel and air) and combustion products can be found from the equations of a chemical reaction.

CLASS 5 - oxidizing substances and organic peroxides that can easily release oxygen, support combustion, and can also, under appropriate conditions or in mixture with other substances, cause spontaneous combustion and explosion; subclass 5.1 - oxidizing substances that are not flammable in themselves, but contribute to the easy flammability of other substances and release oxygen during combustion, thereby increasing the intensity of the fire; Division 5.2 - Organic peroxides, which are generally flammable, can act as oxidizing agents and react dangerously with other substances. Many of them catch fire easily and are sensitive to shock and friction.

Hazard information system (HIS) emergency card

Caustic and (or) corrosive, having acidic properties, poisonous;32. Caustic and (or) corrosive, with basic properties, flammable, with a flash point of 23 degrees. C to 61 degrees. C;33. Caustic and (or) corrosive, with basic properties, oxidizing;34.
Caustic and (or) various corrosive, poisonous and oxidizing;35. Various caustic and (or) corrosive, flammable, with a flash point of no more than 23 degrees. C;36. Various caustic and (or) corrosive, flammable, with a flash point of 24 degrees.
C to 61 degrees. C;37. Caustic and (or) corrosive, various, poisonous.

Hazard information system emergency card

Flammable liquids with a flash point of minus 18 degrees. C to plus 23 degrees. C poisonous, caustic and/or corrosive;10. Flammable solids are caustic and/or corrosive;11.

Highly flammable solids that self-decompose at temperatures not exceeding 50 degrees. C with the danger of packaging rupture;12. Spontaneously combustible solids are toxic;13. Spontaneously combustible solids are caustic and/or corrosive;14.
Substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water are flammable;15. Substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water, spontaneously combustible and toxic;16. Substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water, are flammable, caustic and (or) corrosive;17.
Oxidizing substances are toxic, caustic and (or) corrosive;18. Organic peroxides are explosive, self-decomposing at temperatures not exceeding 50 degrees. C;19.

Dangerous cargo

The numbers are printed in black 1.5 Orange 4 Gas cylinder Green 5 Flame Red 6 Flame Red and white alternating stripes 7 Flame Upper half is white, lower half is red 8 Flame Blue 9 Flame on a circle Yellow 10 Skull and bones White 11 Ear of wheat crossed out by two with black stripes White 12 Three black crescents superimposed on a circle White 13 Trefoil (one red stripe in the lower triangle) White 14 Trefoil (two red stripes in the lower triangle) Top half yellow, bottom white 15 Trefoil (three red stripes in bottom triangle) Upper half - yellow, lower - white 16 Acid flowing from two test tubes and corroding the hand and metal Upper half - white, lower - black 17 Symbol is not applied Alternating black and white stripes WARNING AND MANIPULATION SIGNS APPLIED TO DANGEROUS GOODS PACKAGING Appendix 7.8 1.

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HAZARD INFORMATION SYSTEM EMERGENCY CARD T T T ¬ ¦Name of cargo¦Class¦Code¦No. according to the emergency list of cargo UN measures + + + + + Synonyms + + + + + Physical properties Danger signs + + + Boiling point, ¦grad. C¦¦ + +¦ ¦Melting point,¦¦ ¦deg. C¦¦ + +¦ ¦Volatility (vapour elasticity) ¦¦ + +¦ ¦Vapor density¦¦ ¦(air)¦¦ + +¦ ¦Density (water)¦¦ + +¦ ¦Solubility in water¦¦ L + Fire and explosion hazard T T T ¬ ¦Temperature¦ Temperature¦Area¦Limits¦ ¦flash¦self-ignition¦ignition,¦ ¦(ignition),¦ignition,¦vapour¦deg. C¦ ¦grad. C¦grad.

Information card

Note: Explosive mixtures of gases, vapors and dust are not considered explosives. CLASS 2 - compressed gases, liquefied by cooling and dissolved under pressure, meeting at least one of the following conditions: - absolute vapor pressure at a temperature of 50 degrees. C equal to or higher than 3 kgf/sq. cm (300 kPa); - critical temperature below 50 degrees.
C. According to their physical state, gases are divided into: - compressed, the critical temperature of which is below -10 degrees. C; - liquefied, the critical temperature of which is equal to or higher than -10 degrees. C, but below 70 degrees. C; - liquefied, the critical temperature of which is equal to or above 70 degrees.

When transporting any dangerous cargo, the first thing you need to do is draw up a document of a strictly established form. This is an emergency card. The information contained in it will help rescue and emergency services eliminate the consequences of the emergency as quickly as possible in an unforeseen situation. We will talk about the content, form and features of this document in this material.

The role of the document An emergency card for dangerous goods contains data on its potential danger, methods of preventing an accident and rules that are important to adhere to when eliminating the consequences of an emergency. Thus, the document records everything you need to know about a single hazardous substance in the cargo or a combination of elements that are particularly harmful to the environment. Responsibility for this document lies with the forwarder (driver).


Depending on the length and width of the cargo item (package), handling signs have the following dimensions:

  • 75 x 105 mm - for the length and width of the cargo space up to 1 m inclusive;
  • 108 x 148 mm - with a length and width of the cargo space of 1 m; allowed size:
  • 148 x 210 mm - with a length and width of the cargo space exceeding 1.5 m.

2. Signs and inscriptions must be black on light surfaces and white or light yellow on black and dark ones. 3. Samples of manipulation signs (GOST 14192-77) and their description: Samples of manipulation signs Description of manipulation signs The sign “a” has the meaning “Fragile, carefully.”

The mark is applied to containers containing breakable, brittle, brittle, precision and other loads that react to shock. The sign “b” means “Do not use hooks directly.”

New sample transportation of dangerous goods information card download

Procedure for filling out danger signs Class and subclass Figure Inscription characterizing the danger of the cargo and the class number, applied to the signs Class 1 Subclass 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 Explodes; 1 Class 1 Subclass 1.4 Explodes; 1 Class 1 Subclass 1.5 Explodes; 1 Class 2Division 2.1 Non-flammable gas; 2 Class 2 Subclass 2.2 Poisonous gas; 2 Class 2Division 2.3 Flammable gas; 2 Class 2Division 2.4 Flammable gas; 2 Class 2 Subclass 2.4 Poisonous gas; 2 Class 3 Flammable liquid; 3 Class 4 Subclass 4.1 Flammable; 4 Class 4 Subclass 4.2 Self-ignites; 4 Class 4 Subclass 4.3 Ignites from water; 4 Class 5 Subclass 5.1 Oxidizing agent; 5 Class 5 Subclass 5.2 Organic peroxide; 5 Class 6 Subclass 6.1 Poison; 6 Class 6<*Подкласс 6.1 Вредно; 6 Класс 6Подкласс 6.2 Инфекционное вещество; 6 Класс 7Категория упаковки I Радиоактивно…Содержимое…Активность…

New sample information card for transportation of dangerous goods

Procedure for filling out danger signs Class and subclass Figure number Inscription characterizing the danger of the cargo and the class number, applied to the signs 1 2 3 Class 1 Subclass 1.1; 1.2; 1.3 Explodes; 1 Class 1 Subclass 1.4 Explodes; 1 Class 1 Subclass 1.5 Explodes; 1 Class 2Division 2.1 Non-flammable gas; 2 Class 2 Division 2.2 Poisonous gas; 2 Class 2 Division 2.3 Flammable gas; 2 Class 2 Division 2.4 Flammable gas; 2 Poisonous gas; 2 Class 3 Flammable liquid; 3 Class 4 Subclass 4.1 Flammable; 4 Class 4 Division 4.2 Spontaneously combusts; 4 Class 4 Subclass 4.3 Ignites from water; 4 Class 5 Subclass 5.1 Oxidizing agent; 5 Class 5 Division 5.2 Organic peroxide; 5 Class 6 Subclass 6.1 Poison; 6 Class 6<*Подкласс 6.1 Вредно; 6 Класс 6Подкласс 6.2 Инфекционное вещество; 6 Класс 7Категория упаковки I Радиоактивно…Содержимое…Активность…

1 Apply dry substances

Do not use water!

2 Use water jets 3 Use water spray or fine jets 4 Apply foam 5 Prevent substances from entering wastewater D Breathing apparatus and protective gloves P Breathing apparatus and protective gloves only in case of fire TO Full protective clothing and breathing apparatus E Evacuation of people is necessary * - code of emergency measures in case of fire or leak │

** - danger sign according to GOST 19433-88 │

*** - N UN

SIO information tables are produced by organizations producing hazardous substances and presented to motor transport organizations for installation in front and behind the vehicle perpendicular to its longitudinal axis, but without overlapping license plates and external lighting devices and without protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle. Devices for fastening tables must ensure their reliable fixation. Information tables are made of fire-resistant materials. The overall dimensions of the SIO information tables must correspond to the drawing (see Fig. 1). When making and painting tables, it is recommended to comply with the following requirements:
- the general background of the tables is white;
- background graph KEM and N UN orange;
- the table frame, graph division lines, numbers and letters of the text are made in black;
- the name of the column (KEM, UN N) and the inscription in the danger sign “Spontaneous combustion” is written in white;
- the frame of the danger sign is applied in black at a distance of 5 mm from the edges of the sign with a line having a thickness of at least 5 mm;
- the thickness of the letters in the KEM and UN N columns is at least 15 mm, on the danger sign at least 3 mm;
- the thickness of the frame and dividing lines of the table is 10 mm, the alphanumeric code of emergency measures is written in any order of letters and numbers.

The paints used in the manufacture of tables must be reflective and resistant to the effects of transported dangerous goods.

The SIO emergency card is filled out using a unified form at the organization that produces the goods and is attached in addition to the waybill. The emergency card must be on the vehicle transporting dangerous goods or on the cover vehicle. When a dangerous cargo is accompanied by a representative of the consignor (consignee), the emergency card is with him.
The SIO information card is made on thick paper measuring 130 mm by 60 mm. On the front side of the card there is a decoding of the information tables of the SIO, on the reverse side there are examples of danger signs. The numbers indicate the EMC in case of fire and leakage, as well as information about the possibility of substances getting into wastewater. The letters indicate KEM for protecting people. The choice of letters is made based on the initial letters of the most characteristic words of the code used:
D - breathing apparatus and protective gloves are required;
P - breathing apparatus and protective gloves are required only in case of fire;
K - full protective clothing and breathing apparatus are required;
E - evacuation of people is necessary.

In the event of an incident during the transportation of dangerous goods, measures to eliminate its consequences are carried out in accordance with the instructions of the SIO emergency card or emergency measures code according to the information table of the SIO. Full identification of the dangerous cargo being transported is carried out using the UN number available in the information table and the SIO emergency card, as well as in the application for the transportation of this cargo.

Vehicle bodies, tank trucks, trailers and tank semi-trailers permanently engaged in the transportation of dangerous goods must be painted in the identification colors established for these goods and have the appropriate inscriptions:
- when transporting methanol, the vehicle (tank) is painted orange with a black stripe and the inscription “Methanol is poison!” is made in orange paint on the side;
- when transporting ammonia, the color of the vehicle is any and the inscription “Ammonia water. Flammable”;
- when transporting substances that emit flammable gases when interacting with water, the vehicle is painted blue and marked “Flammable”;
- when transporting spontaneously combustible substances, the lower part of the vehicle (tank) is painted red, the upper part is painted white and the inscription “Flammable” is written in black;
- when transporting flammable substances, the vehicle (tanks) is painted orange and marked “Flammable”;
- when transporting substances that support combustion, the vehicle (tank) is painted yellow and marked with the double inscription “Flammable”/”Corrosive”;
- when transporting corrosive substances, the vehicle (tank) is painted yellow with a black stripe along the side, on which the inscription “Corrosive Substance” is written in yellow.

The height of the letters of the inscriptions applied to vehicles transporting dangerous goods must be at least 150 mm, black, except in special cases.

The organization of SIO is entrusted to motor transport organizations with the technical assistance of shippers and consignees, provided for in the contract for the transportation of dangerous goods, the qualitative characteristics of which are given in the certificate (Form 6).

When transporting any dangerous cargo, the first thing you need to do is draw up a document of a strictly established form. This is an emergency card. The information contained in it will help in an unforeseen situation to eliminate the consequences of an emergency as quickly as possible. We will talk about the content, form and features of this document in this material.

Document role

An emergency card for dangerous goods contains information about its potential danger, ways to prevent an accident and rules that are important to follow when eliminating the consequences of an emergency. Thus, the document records everything you need to know about a single hazardous substance in the cargo or a combination of elements that are particularly harmful to the environment.

Responsibility for this document lies with the forwarder (driver). The document is stored in the vehicle cabin or in a folder with the sender’s agent, if it accompanies unsafe cargo. They try to place the card in a material that is resistant to many negative factors in case of a critical situation.

The production of emergency cards is the prerogative of the cargo recipient. And all the required data is entered into it by the carrier. In the case of moving unsafe items, the sender and the recipient must enter into a contractual document between themselves. It is distinguished by the red imprint “Dangerous Goods” in the upper right corner of the front page. The agreement contains the following information:

  • Shipping Name;
  • its physicochemical properties;
  • tools to protect transported goods and eliminate accidents;
  • a copy of the contents of the emergency card.

Description of the document

The dangerous goods card contains important information on both sides:

  • External: decoding of information symbols of the HIS (hazard information system).
  • Verso: examples of danger symbols, behavior in case of fire of a substance, work when toxic compounds enter wastewater, rules for protecting people.

An emergency card is just one of the designations and descriptions of dangerous cargo. In addition, the carrier must paint any type of vehicle (tank truck, railway car, tank, trailer, etc.) in a color that meets the requirements, identifying high-risk cargo, and apply warning notices.

Types of cards

Emergency cards for dangerous goods are divided into two groups:

  • Individual for each type of cargo.
  • Group for cases when several cargoes contain similar dangerous elements.

Standard information on emergency cards is as follows:

  • Number of a hazardous element according to the UN classification, emergency measures code (ECM), sign and hazard class. The UN number is that important information that helps the cargo. Each card must have a specific numeric code. An alternative is a number of cargo accompanying documentation. At the same time, the numbers and danger signs of dangerous goods, as well as the emergency card code, are painted on wagons and containers in black paint on a white background.

  • Fire and explosion hazard, level of toxic substances, degree of danger to people, recommended methods of individual protection of humans.
  • Name of dangerous goods.
  • The level of unsafety of the transported product, its characteristics.
  • Protocol for the use of personal protective equipment.
  • Measures that should be taken in the event of an emergency: what needs to be done when a substance spills, spills, dissipates, leaks, or there is a fire or explosion.
  • Methods for cleaning up the consequences of an emergency.
  • Methods of providing emergency care to victims.

Dangerous goods hazard signs

Hazard symbols are divided into 9 classes, each of which has its own subclasses:

  • Explosives. Fire mass explosion, high sensitivity, large spreading radius.
  • Gases. Toxic, flammable, oxidizing, corrosive.
  • Highly flammable liquid masses.
  • Flammable materials. Solid, capable of spontaneous combustion, emitting gases that quickly ignite on contact with water.
  • Organic peroxides and oxidizing elements.
  • Infectious and toxic materials.
  • Radioactive components. fissile elements.
  • Corrosive and caustic components.
  • Other hazardous components. Solid and liquid environmental pollutants, lithium batteries, genetically modified organisms, etc.

Document Objectives

Both the Hazard Information System (HIS) emergency card and all other documents for dangerous goods must contain a hazard number code according to the UN classification. The card also performs important tasks, containing the following information:

  • Safety precautions during emergency rescue activities.
  • The radius of the zone that will be affected by fire hazards.
  • Emergency measures in case an emergency occurs on the road: how to move explosive elements.
  • Strict regulation of measures to eliminate the consequences of an emergency.

But at the same time, everyone is aware of the drawback of the card - it is attached only to transport documents, and not to the dangerous cargo itself. The packaging or container does not contain such extensive useful information.

Example of an emergency card

Let's look at a specific example of an emergency card - random number 109:

  • Conditional number: 302, 305, 307, 308, 328, 330.
  • Cargo: explosive material.
  • Classification code: 1.3.
  • Main properties and types of hazard:
    • Properties: solid monolithic explosive, may be in a shell. Combustion without air access. No reaction to water.
    • Fire and explosion hazard: sensitive to both mechanical stress and open flame. The radius of the danger zone is 300 m, etc.
    • Danger to humans: burns, poisoning by gaseous elements, shrapnel wounds.
  • Means of protection:
    • Working with loose materials, camber: anti-electrostatic cotton clothing and shoes.
    • Fire: protective suit To, gas mask grade B with an aerosol type filter.
  • Necessary activities:
    • General recommendations: stop driving within the radius of the accident, remove victims and passers-by from the area. Organize a cordon, call the fire department, medical assistance, emergency response specialists, etc.
    • In case of spillage and collapse: stop driving in the accident area, remove bystanders from it. Eliminate sources of sparks, open flames, etc.
    • In case of fire: stop the train in a safe place, eliminate the source of fire using foam, water, carbon dioxide, etc.
  • First aid: in case of poisoning by combustion products, give oxygen to the injured person. Applying aseptic dressings to burns, wound surfaces, etc.

An emergency card is an important document that not only contains information about dangerous cargo, but also data on its safe transportation, actions in case of an emergency, and measures to save people.

The sign prohibits opening and damaging containers during transportation and storage and is applied when the cargo is especially sensitive to environmental influences. The “and” sign means “Keep away from radiation”. The sign indicates that any type of radiation can affect or change the properties of the cargo (for example, undeveloped photographic films). The sign “k” means “Keep away from heat and radiation.” The symbol indicates that heat or radiation penetration may reduce or destroy the value of the cargo. The “l” sign means “Stacking is prohibited.” It is not allowed to place other cargo on cargo with this sign during transportation and storage. The "m" sign means "Open here". Cargo with this sign is opened only in the specified place.

Hazard information system (HIS) emergency card

In the case of moving unsafe items, the sender and the recipient must enter into a contractual document between themselves. It is distinguished by the red imprint “Dangerous Goods” in the upper right corner of the front page.
The agreement contains the following information:

  • Shipping Name;
  • its physicochemical properties;
  • tools to protect transported goods and eliminate accidents;
  • a copy of the contents of the emergency card.

Description of the document The dangerous goods card contains important information on both sides:

  • External: decoding of information symbols of the HIS (hazard information system).
  • Verso: examples of danger symbols, behavior in case of fire of a substance, work when toxic compounds enter wastewater, rules for protecting people.

An emergency card is just one of the designations and descriptions of dangerous cargo.

Hazard information system emergency card

Substances with a relatively low solid and liquid content. from +61 °C to +100 °C 9.1 — — + + — — + + + hazardous during transportation caustic and corrosive under certain conditions 9.2 — — + + — — + + + slightly toxic irritant 9.3 — — + + — — + + + having increased pressure in the package 9.4 — — + + — — + + + COMPATIBILITY TABLE FOR TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS AND GENERAL PURPOSE GOODS Appendix 7.15 Classes and subclasses of dangerous goods List of general purpose goods prohibited for joint transportation 1. Flammable. 2.1 There are no prohibitions. 2.2 Food, bakery, perfumery, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, household items.
2.3 Flammable, mineral, vegetable and animal fats. 3 Flammable, food, household items, loads that are afraid of getting wet. 4.1; 4.2 Flammable, food grade. 4.3 Flammable food cargo containing aqueous solutions.

Dangerous cargo

C; - dissolved under pressure; - liquefied by supercooling; - aerosols and compressed gases subject to special regulations; subclass 2.1 - non-flammable gases; subclass 2.2 - non-flammable poisonous gases; subclass 2.3 - flammable gases; subclass 2.4 - flammable poisonous gases; subclass 2.5 - chemically unstable; subclass 2.6 - chemically unstable toxic. CLASS 3 - flammable liquids, mixtures of liquids, and liquids containing solids in solution or suspension that emit flammable vapors having a closed cup flash point of 61 degrees.
C and below; subclass 3.1 - flammable liquids with a low flash point and liquids having a flash point in a closed crucible below minus 18 degrees.

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What makes it possible for the driver to have an information card about the cargo being transported? 1 Answer 1 399 views Add to favorites View answer The answer to this and ALL OTHER QUESTIONS Will become available after receiving extended access Tags: Transportation of dangerous goods class 1 11/20/2017 We have ADRs for the driver, tractor and semi-trailer. It is necessary to transport fireworks under a cargo transportation contract.

Do I need an emergency card? (there are information instructions on 4 pages). Which document should I refer to if traffic police officers demand a card? 7 1 Answer 575 views Add to favorites View answer Tags: Emergency card - availability 06/18/2013 In what cases should the driver have an emergency card? 1 Answer 5,560 views Add to favorites View answer Tags: Emergency SIO card in ADR 12/11/2017 Please tell me which clause of ADR provides for an emergency SIO card.

Information card

Toxic, flammable, oxidizing, corrosive.

  • Highly flammable liquid masses.
  • Flammable materials. Solid, capable of spontaneous combustion, emitting gases that quickly ignite on contact with water.
  • Organic peroxides and oxidizing elements.
  • Infectious and toxic materials.
  • Radioactive components.

    Alpha, beta, gamma rays, fissile elements.

  • Corrosive and caustic components.
  • Other hazardous components. Solid and liquid environmental pollutants, lithium batteries, genetically modified organisms, etc.

Objectives of the document Both the emergency hazard information system (HIS) card and all other documents for dangerous goods necessarily contain a hazard number code according to the UN classification.
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Organize a cordon, call the fire department, medical assistance, emergency response specialists, etc.

  • In case of spillage and collapse: stop driving in the accident area, remove bystanders from it. Eliminate sources of sparks, open flames, etc.
  • In case of fire: stop the train in a safe place, eliminate the source of fire using foam, water, carbon dioxide, etc.
  • First aid: in case of poisoning by combustion products, give oxygen to the injured person.

    Applying aseptic dressings to burns, wound surfaces, etc.

An emergency card is an important document that not only contains information about dangerous cargo, but also data on its safe transportation, actions in case of an emergency, and measures to save people.

New sample transportation of dangerous goods information card download


Class 8 Caustic/corrosive; 8 Class 9 Other dangerous substances which, during transport, pose a hazard not covered by other classes; 9<* При транспортировании пестицидов в пределах Российской Федерации в транспортной таре, являющейся одновременно и потребительской, допускается для грузов подкласса 6.1 наносить знак опасности по черт. 10, а для грузов подкласса 9.1 по черт. 10 или 11 в соответствии с нормативно — технической документацией на продукцию. 2. Описание знаков опасности Номер чертежа Символ опасности (черного цвета) Цвет поля 1 2 3 1 Взрывается бомба Оранжевый 2 Символ не наносится.
The numbers are printed in black 1.4 Orange 3 The symbol is not printed.

New sample information card for transportation of dangerous goods

The sign is applied to the container when the use of hooks during loading and unloading operations is unacceptable (load in soft containers, in bales, etc.) The sign “in” means “Top. Don't turn over." The sign is applied to the container when the package must be in the specified position during any manipulations with it.

The “g” sign means “Keep away from heat.” The sign is applied to the container when the cargo should be protected from heating. The sign “d” means “Location of slinging”. The sign is applied to the container when the cargo should be slung only in certain places.

The “e” sign means “Keep away from moisture.” The sign is applied to the container when the cargo must be protected from dampness. The sign “g” means “Center of Gravity”. The sign is applied to large containers when the center of gravity of the cargo is outside the geometric center.

The sign “z” means “Sealed packaging”.

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