New inventions. Latest inventions

Some of the most significant discoveries occurred during periods called the New and Modern times. When does the countdown of these periods begin? What discoveries were made during this time?

Beginning of the New Time

Modern times are called the period when humanity stepped to a new stage in the development of its potential. But when exactly did this happen?

Modern times are usually referred to as the period between the Middle Ages and Recent history. Some suggest starting from the 17th century, when the English Revolution began in 1640. But breakthroughs in achievements and changes in society begin in the 15th century, so many researchers consider this the beginning new era or early modern times.

Even at the end of the Middle Ages, important discoveries and inventions. In 1440, Johann Guttenberg invented the printing press, and books on not only religious, but also scientific and entertainment topics gradually developed. In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovers America and European colonization begins.

Society changes views and turns to the essence human personality. England is relinquishing its supremacy catholic church, the reformation movement and Protestantism are born. Science begins to develop, the first scientific communities are created: the Royal Society, the French Royal Army of Sciences. Inventions of modern times since the 16th century: mechanical calculator, vacuum pump, barometer, pendulum clock. Galileo Galilei invents the telescope, Descartes creates a coordinate system. A microscope, a telescope and glass glasses appeared.

Modern inventions since the 18th century

More from late XVII century, the bourgeoisie is born. gives impetus to the development of capitalism and industrial society.

Technical discoveries and inventions of modern times are sometimes made completely by accident. So, John Watt was visited by the thought of a steam engine when he looked at the bouncing lid of a boiling kettle. Thomas Newkman built the first reciprocating steam engine in 1712.

G. Amonton comes up with the gas thermometer in 1703, followed by René Reaumur (1710). John Hendley and Thomas Godfrey invent the sextant (1730).

The demand for fabric production prompts the invention of spinning and sewing machines. First sewing machine patented in 1790 by Thomas Saint. The inventor of the spinning machine was James Hargreaves (1764). In 1893, Whitecomb Judson invented the zipper.

Many modern inventions were made in the 19th century. In 1818, the law of photochemistry was discovered, and in 1839, N. Niepce and L. Dugger invented photography. In 1769, the Frenchman Cugnot built a carriage powered by a steam engine, and in 1886, G. Daimler and K. Benz invented the first carriage with a gasoline engine.

A.S. Popov invents a radio receiver in 1895, Nikola Tesla in 1893-1895 creates a radio transmitter, and then a radio receiver.

The great inventions of the New Age are the light bulb and the discovery of electricity, this is the invention of the X-ray by Ivan Pulyu and Roentgen at the same time. Thomas Watson in 1876 became the author of the telephone; before him there was a loudspeaker “talking telegraph”, invented

Other inventions of the New Age: parachute, steamboat, piano, tuning fork, balloon. IN XVIII-XIX centuries They also invented the kaleidoscope, stereoscope, arc welding, steam locomotive, lighter and matches (and the lighter much earlier).

Inventions of modern times

Modern times begin their countdown from the 20th century, namely from 1918. While technical progress has stepped forward significantly. The first vehicles with engines were invented, allowing them to easily cover significant distances. Many mechanisms were improved, and humanity was burning electricity with all its might.

It's time for development natural sciences. Special meaning chemistry and physics are acquired. In the 20th century, K. Lansteiner discovered the blood group for the first time, Freud worked on the theory of psychoanalysis, and P. Ehrlich discovered the possibilities of chemotherapy. A. Fleming discovers penicillin in 1929 - the world's first antibiotic.

Wars and conflicts between states contribute to the active study of physics and nuclear energy. In 1905, A. Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, N. Bohr worked on the quantum theory of atoms. The atomic nucleus is discovered 1911), artificial radioactivity (F. and I. Joliot-Curie, 1934), the nuclear nucleus of uranium is split for the first time (O. Hahn, F. Stassman, 1938).

Is being studied space and new discoveries are being made in astronomy. Cosmic rays are discovered (W. Hess, 1911-1913), Hubble's law about the expansion of the Universe (E. Hubble, 1929). It becomes known about cosmic radio emission (K. Jansky, 1931).

Bright inventions and discoveries of the 20th century

The discoveries and inventions of modern times are significantly superior to previous eras. During Cold War America and the USSR compete in both the creation nuclear weapons, and in space exploration. The first rocket developments, space stations and ships appear. Soviet Union releases the first artificial satellite of the Earth, takes the first steps towards traveling to the Moon - space stations and lunar rovers are launched onto the surface of the satellite.

In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to travel into space. In 1969, American Neil Armstrong lands on the moon.

It would not have been possible to see Armstrong walking on the moon if television had not been invented in the same century. Vladimir Zvorykin, Philo Farnsworth and others contributed to the development of this miracle of technology.

In 1946, the first ENIAC computer was created in the USA; its predecessor inventions were more like a calculator. Charles Babbage is considered the inventor of the first prototype of a computer.

Important inventions of modern times are also J. I. Cousteau's scuba gear (1943), A. M. Cheremukhin's helicopter (1930), V. P. Glushko's jet engine (1930), Theodore Meiman's laser (1960) and the atomic bomb (1945) , the name of the creator of which is kept in the strictest confidence.


During the period of New and Contemporary times in history, many great discoveries and inventions that were necessary for humanity were made. We still use many of them today.

Everything new amazes the imagination, and sometimes what seems most surprising is why no one thought of it before. We'll present you with a video of some of the latest inventions that might interest you.

Nowadays, when almost everyone has a phone, tablet, Media Player or any other electronic device, we simply need a portable solar panel Solar Paper. Peculiarity of this device is that it is portable, you can take it with you whenever you want. Its thickness is only one and a half millimeters and its weight is 120 grams. That is, to give you an idea of ​​the dimensions of this accessory, it easily fits even in notebook. According to the inventors of the Solar Paper, on a normal sunny day, with this thing you can charge your smartphone to 100% in two and a half hours. In other words, the result is comparable to ordinary charging from a wall outlet.

It has built-in 2 USB ports, with which all devices are charged. The charging device, which runs on free energy, is made up of solar panels with magnetic mounts. To charge any given electronic device, a certain number of these panels will be required. If you want to charge your Gopro to 100%, you only need one panel. If you add another such module, you can also charge your phone. It turns out that the system is the same as a package of solar panels for a home. It all depends on your needs and what you are going to charge.

The next product should also be on the newest list. The most interesting thing is that you can do this thing yourself. The video shows how to use a CD case, a utility knife, tape or glue to construct a device that turns your smartphone into a holographic projector. A video is projected from the smartphone screen. Recently we could only see this in concepts.

Australian racer Robbie Madison has reimagined his KTM 250 SXF motocross bike as a real one. The young man forced him to drive both off-road and overcome any water obstacles and even race across the surface of the water. Movement on water became possible thanks to the rotation of a wheel with a tread in the form of rowing blades.

If necessary additional elements You can very easily remove and turn the jet ski into an ordinary one. A motorcyclist rides through the water as if nothing had happened. Fans of a real tough guy, get ready! Soon the author of the development will share his secrets and provide all of us with this opportunity. Who wants to admire the spectacle with Robbie Madison, the video is for you at the end of the article.

Real enthusiasts still managed to create a budget 3D printer (Tiko). Its cost is not 700 dollars or even 300, but only 179. However, at this cost, the print quality will not suffer in any way. When creating this device, the developers followed the Apple scheme, which always makes a complete body. It's the same here. Currently, all 3D printers are assembled from different parts. In the same device, the body is a single whole. All elements of the device are made so that it performs its task as accurately as possible. Already in November 2015, customers will receive this device. The package will include one spool of print material.

Have you ever dreamed of an automated operator? Created which can serve us as an automatic video recorder. Suppose a motorcyclist needs to see how he does tricks from the outside? No problem. Don't need any strangers for them to film. All you need to do is have a quadcopter and set your preferred distance on your smartphone and that’s it. It will independently follow you and record video at the same time.

This device will find its use in any case. It is capable of flying at a speed of 70 km per hour. This thing costs $1,350. It’s a lot, but what she does for that money is incredible.

Beekeepers will now be able to extract honey from hives without opening them. This creates convenience not only for beekeepers, but also for the bees themselves, who will no longer be disturbed by smoke. All this is possible thanks to Fly High. From the mouth of the creators of this device, to collect honey, you just need to place a jar and open the tap. A fully assembled hive with this device costs $670.

Probably each of us wants a phone, tablet, or the same smart watch a projection was displayed, for example, on the hand. New projection clocks can do this. They have a small display, through which all data is regulated. which will be projected.

It doesn't matter what type of information you would like to see on your hand: calendar events, reminders. They can even serve you as a fitness tracker. Classic and sports versions of the watch are available. Cassica has an aluminum body that is covered with leather. Sportswear is made of rubber, plastic and rubber. With the help of them, you won’t be able to display movies on the wall yet, but still, this is a quite useful thing for reminding about calls and time messages.

Serial production since December 2015, price approximately $160.

Have you ever heard of an innovative shower? It would seem that such an ordinary thing, and how it can be made even more advanced. There were engineers who created a shower that delivers water differently than we are used to seeing, creating an unusual sensation when standing under streams of water. The shower divides the flow into millions of tiny streams, covering the body several times more than it does when receiving water procedures under a regular shower. But his unusual additions don't end there. This device saves up to 70% water compared to a simple shower. For example, for Germany, where 1 cubic meter of heated water costs from 18 to 22 dollars, this parameter is very significant. This item will retail for $299 and release in May 2016.

Robbie Madison on his jet ski

One more thing not included in the review interesting invention, more precisely utility model, which is designed to make pedestrians more accommodating with one pretty thing.

The ten most ingenious and funniest inventions of this month

Here are ten of this month's most ingenious or fun new innovations, as featured in Discovery News and Popular Science.

The new atmospheric diving system is called Exosuit, and was developed by Phil Nutten of Nutco Research.

The hard metal suit maintains pressure levels exactly as on the surface, allowing the explorer to feel comfortable at any depth. Exosuit provides the flexibility to do any job yourself, more than 300 meters underwater.

Photo by Michael Lombardi from

Devotec Industries Micro Charger
Devotec Industries has released its smallest backup Charger in the world. The lithium-ion battery connects to the phone via a micro-USB input, providing approximately 25 minutes of additional talk time. Engineers used flexible circuit boards to enable everything necessary components into a mini device measuring 2x3 centimeters. The little charger costs $25, and the best thing about it is its cute design.

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Sol laptop Ubuntu
Ubuntu has developed a laptop that runs on... sunlight. For the long-awaited new product, it is enough to spend two hours under the sun and the laptop will work for 10 hours with active use. Canadian manufacturers say the laptop was designed for military personnel and for people living in countries where electricity is scarce or unreliable.

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At the Living Machines conference in London, Barbara Mazzolai from the Italian Institute of Technology presented a project called PLANTOID - a synthetic organism or machine that grows artificial roots like real plants. The root system of this machine extracts energy from solar panels or wind turbines just like a living root from the soil. The purpose of the development is to study the soil in which plants created by nature grow. The system has primitive artificial intelligence.

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Charging kiosk
California-based ChargeAll has announced the invention of the first wireless charging kiosk. No wires or sockets. Just place your device on the charging pad and go grab a bite to eat and your phone will already be charged when you return.

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Anti-fog mirror
The Brookstone bathroom mirror will not fog up no matter how much steam builds up in your bathroom. You simply fill the bowl with water over the 13-inch stainless steel mirror. The water will slowly flow down the metal, which will prevent the formation of condensation on the surface of the mirror.

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Giro Air Attack
The new helmet significantly reduces drag. After testing the Giro, engineers found that the tapered tail on the helmet did not improve aerodynamics in many situations. Therefore, they abandoned it. Air flows inside the helmet to ensure maximum aerodynamics and ideal cooling.

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Muffler Chrome
Chrome's Silencer blocks spoilers in in social networks, filtering out posts that could ruin the pleasure of watching an episode of your favorite TV series, movie or sporting event. You just need to enter keyword or select a name from the list, and the program itself will block the information.

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Hospitable Rainshader umbrellas
The helmet-shaped umbrella will not turn inside out and will not leak a drop. During testing in a wind tunnel, the umbrella was able to withstand wind gusts of up to 60 kilometers per hour.

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Nvidia GeForce GTX 780
The GeForce GTX 780 video card constantly records the passage scenario computer game, so the player has the opportunity to once again view the record of all his adventures and exploits. ShadowPlay is an automatic encoder that communicates with the GPU and records the last 20 minutes of activity in high definition. The cost of such a technical bells and whistle is $650.

Photo from

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