Instructions for electrical safety for office workers. Electrical safety instructions: general and special cases

Methods of plant and animal breeding.

Lesson type : combined lesson.

Lesson Objectives : study of the tasks and goals of science - selection of plants, animals and microorganisms, acquaintance with the 8 main centers of origin of cultivated plants, and the main centers of domestication of wild animals, study of the main achievements of Soviet biologists N.I. Vavilov and his collaborators, education of patriotic feelings.

Selection in the broadest sense of the word means selection. But in a broad sense, selection is a complex science aimed at increasing productivity Agriculture.

Selection problem consists of creating new and improving existing varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms.

All modern domestic plants and animals are descended from wild ancestors.

The process of turning wild plants and animals into cultural forms called domestication.

The main factor in domestication is artificial selection to meet human requirements.

In conditions natural nature, domesticated forms, as a rule, cannot exist.

The first attempts to domesticate animals and plants were made by people as far back as 20-30 thousand years BC. Domestication began with the accidental cultivation of wild animals by humans. (People began to breed rabbits only in the Middle Ages, sugar beets in the 19th century, and mint in the 20th century.)

An outstanding contribution to the development of ideas about the centers of origin of cultivated plants was made by N.I. Vavilov and his staff.

As a result of numerous expeditions, a unique, largest collection of various cultivated plants in the world was collected.

Currently there are 8 main centers of origin of cultivated plants .

Center name

Domesticated plants

1. Indonesian - Indo-Chinese

Bananas, sugar beets, breadfruit


Rice, millet, soybean, mulberry

3.Central Asian

Taiwan, Korea

Peas, flax, carrots, onions, grapes

4. Near Asian

Iran, Afghanistan, Asia Minor

Wheat, rye, barley, oats


Shores Mediterranean Sea

Olive tree, cabbage


Sesame, cotton, watermelon, coffee

7.South American

Beans, tomatoes, peanuts, pineapple, potatoes

8.Middle American

(southern Mexico)

Corn, beans, pumpkin, red pepper, tobacco

Plant Breeding Methods


Mass selection leads to the breeding from the source material of a whole group of individuals that possess traits desired by the breeder. (cross-pollination in plants)

Individual selection boil down to breeding individual individuals with traits of interest to humans and obtaining offspring from them (selection of pure lines - homozygous individuals).

    Hybridization or crossing.

Crossing in combination with selection is one of the most effective ways selection work.

Based on hybridization advice. Academician N.V. Valuable varieties of cereals were obtained with cycin (hybridization of wheat with rye - triticale - fodder crop, giving high yields and resistant to unfavorable external conditions.

Areas of animal domestication.

In the regions of the Indonesian-Indochina center, dogs, pigs, chickens, geese, and ducks were domesticated for the first time.

In the regions of Western Asia - sheep, goats.

Homework №37

MB OU Pelya – Khovanskaya secondary school

Lesson summary for grade 10 on the topic “Fundamentals of selection. Biotechnology"

Class: 10

Prepared by: Vilkova T.M.

Date: 05/12/2014

The purpose of the lesson:Reveal the essence of the concepts: selection, variety, breed and strain; determine the goals and objectives of the science of selection.

Lesson objectives:

    Describe the main selection methods; develop knowledge about biotechnology, cellular and genetic engineering.

    Continue to develop the skills to analyze, compare, summarize and systematize, prepare messages, work with the textbook text and additional literature.

    INto develop pride in domestic and world scientist-breeders.

Basic concepts: selection, variety, breed, strain, outbreeding, heterosis, biotechnology, cell engineering, genetic engineering; hybridization is closely related (inbreeding), unrelated and distant (outbreeding).

During the classes

Learning new material

    Introductory word from the teacher.

    Updating knowledge and problem statement.

What is selection?

What are the objectives of selection?

What selection methods do you know?

    Working with concepts:selection, variety, breed and strain. Recording concepts in a notebook.

    Working with the table and presentation: “Selection methods”

Breeding methods

Plant breeding

Animal breeding

1. Selection of parental forms (artificial selection).

Based on the presence of traits valuable to humans.

By adaptability to local environmental conditions.

By place of origin.

According to economically valuable characteristics and appearance-exterior.

According to the ability to contact people and the possibility of being kept in captivity.


A) Unrelated (outbreeding)

B) Closely related


It is carried out using simple and complex crossings. Simple - single crosses between two parent forms.

Complex - involving more than two parent forms or the hybrid offspring is re-crossed with one of the parents.

Crossing of different varieties (intraspecific, interspecific, intergeneric), leading to heterosis. Used to obtain heterozygous populations and increase productivity. To obtain fertile hybrids, polyploidy (cabbage-radish hybrid) is used.

Artificial self-pollination in cross-pollinating plants to obtain pure lines used for further crossing.

Crossing of distant breeds with contrasting characteristics, interbreeding to obtain heterozygous populations and manifestation of heterosis.

Crossing between close relatives to produce homozygous (pure) lines with desirable traits.

Crossing distant breeds with contrasting characteristics. Leads to heterosis. In animals, the offspring are sterile (a mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse).

Crossing between close relatives to obtain homozygous pure lines with desirable traits, i.e., to consolidate these traits. Often leads to decreased vitality.


A) Mass

B) Individual

Applicable to cross-pollinating plants (rye)

It is used for self-pollinating plants, pure lines are isolated - the offspring of one self-pollinating individual (wheat, oats, barley)

Practically not used due to the small number of individuals in the offspring.

Rigid individual selection is used for economically valuable traits, endurance, and exterior

4. Experimental production of mutations - induced mutagenesis

It is used in genetics and selection to obtain mutant forms (more productive, productive, polyploids

Natural (spontaneous) mutations are used. The method for obtaining polyploids is not used

5.Method of testing sires by offspring

Not applicable

The method of artificial insemination from the best male sires is used

6 .Genetic Engineering

This is the targeted transfer of desired genes from one type of living organism to another.

7.Cell engineering

Based on the cultivation of individual cells or tissues on artificial nutrient media.

The traditional selection methods described above have natural limitations in the field of changing the genotype of an organism. Cellular and genetic engineering methods open up the possibility of creating organisms with new, including those not found in nature, combinations of hereditary characteristics.

    Consolidation (creative work)

You need to develop a new variety, breed, strain. What attributes would you give him? Why? What methods will you use when developing a new variety, breed, strain? Where will you look for sources of new genes that form the best productive qualities of your variety, breed, strain?

    D/Z § 3.18, § 3.19 questions and creative task

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"St. Petersburg State University

telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich"




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on electrical safety)

    Saint Petersburg

      General labor protection requirements

      Non-electrical personnel includes personnel who do not directly service existing electrical installations, but perform work that may pose a risk of electric shock (working on a personal computer, using household electrical appliances, photocopying and fax machines, etc.).

      Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements related to their production activities are assigned group I with registration in the “Register of assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel” with the signature of the person being checked and the inspector. A certificate of knowledge testing is not issued in this case. Assignment to Group I is carried out through on-the-job training, which ends with a knowledge test in the form of an oral survey and a test of acquired skills. safe ways

      work and first aid in case of electric shock. The assignment of electrical safety group I is carried out by an employee from among the electrical technical personnel with an electrical safety group of at least III, appointed in accordance with the established procedure.

      Assignment of group I for electrical safety is carried out once a year.

        An employee classified as non-electrical personnel is obliged to:

        perform only the work determined by the supervisor, provided that safe ways to perform it are known;

        comply with internal labor regulations;

        be able to provide first first aid victims of accidents;

        follow the rules fire safety, be able to use primary fire extinguishing means;

        Smoking only in designated smoking areas;

        immediately notify your immediate or senior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident incident at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the manifestation of signs of acute occupational disease(poisoning);

        observe the rules of personal hygiene.

      The effect of electric current on the human body

1.6.1. Types of exposure to electric current

Electric current has biological, electrolytic and thermal effects on the human body.

Biological: is expressed in irritation and excitation of living cells of the body, which leads to involuntary convulsive muscle contractions, disruption of the nervous system, respiratory and circulatory system. In this case, fainting, loss of consciousness, speech disorder, convulsions, and breathing problems (even stopping) may occur. In case of severe electrical injury, death can occur instantly.

Electrolytic: manifests itself in the decomposition of blood plasma and other organic liquids, which can lead to a violation of their physical and chemical composition.

Thermal: accompanied by burns of parts of the body and overheating of individual internal organs, causing various functional disorders in them.

        Local electrical injuries

Local electrical trauma: a pronounced local violation of the integrity of body tissues, including bone tissue, caused by exposure to electric current or electric arc. Typical local electrical injuries - electrical burns, electrical signs, metallization of skin, mechanical damage and electroophthalmia.

Electrical burn: the most common electrical injury. There are two types of burns: current (or contact) and arc.

Electrical burn: occurs after the passage of current through the human body as a result of human contact with a live part and is a consequence of the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy.

There are four degrees of burns: I - redness of the skin, II - formation of blisters, III - necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin, IV - charring of tissues. The severity of damage to the body during a burn is determined by the surface area of ​​the body affected by the burn.

Arc burn: occurs when an electric arc is formed, which has high temperature and high energy at higher voltages between the live part and the human body. This burn occurs in high voltage electrical installations - above 1000 V and is severe (III or IV degree).

Electrical signs (current signs or electrical marks): clearly defined spots of gray or pale yellow color on the surface of human skin after exposure to electric current. The signs are round or oval in shape with a depression in the center and measure 1-5 mm.

Skin metallization: This is the penetration into the upper layers of the skin of the smallest particles of metal melted under the action of an electric arc. This can happen due to short circuits, disconnectors and circuit breakers tripping under load, etc.

Electroophthalmia: inflammation of the outer membranes of the eyes, resulting from exposure to a powerful stream of ultraviolet rays in the presence of an electric arc, which are vigorously absorbed by the cells of the body and cause chemical changes in them.

Mechanical damage arise as a result of sharp involuntary convulsive muscle contractions under the influence of current passing through a person. As a result, ruptures of the skin, blood vessels and nerve tissue can occur, as well as joint dislocations and even bone fractures. Mechanical injuries are very serious injuries that require long-term treatment.

1.6.3. General electrical injuries

Electric shock: This is the excitation of living tissues of the body by an electric current passing through it, which is accompanied by involuntary convulsive muscle contractions.

Depending on the outcome of the impact of current on the body, electric shocks are conventionally divided into the following four degrees:

I - convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness;

    Convulsive muscle contraction with loss of consciousness, but with preserved breathing and heart function;

    Loss of consciousness and disturbances in cardiac activity or breathing (or both);

IV - clinical death, i.e. lack of breathing and blood circulation.

        Factors influencing the outcome of electric shock

Current strength: the overall reaction of the body depends on its magnitude. Maximum permissible value alternating current 0.3 mA. When the current strength increases to 0.6-1.6 mA, a person begins to feel its effect, and a slight trembling of the hands occurs. At a current strength of 8-10 mA (the so-called non-releasing current) with

The muscles of the arm (in which the conductor is clamped) contract, and the person is unable to free himself from the action of the current. AC current values ​​of 50-200 mA or more cause cardiac fibrillation, which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Fibrillation: These are chaotic, fast and multi-temporal contractions of the cardiac muscle fibers. As a result of cardiac arrest or fibrillation, blood circulation in the body stops, which causes the death of the body.

More current 5 A: both alternating at 50 Hz and constant, causes immediate cardiac arrest, bypassing the state of fibrillation.

Type of current: the maximum permissible value of direct current is 3-4 times higher than the permissible value of alternating current, but this is at a voltage not higher than 260-300 V. At higher values, it is more dangerous for humans due to its electrolytic effects.

Resistance human body: consists of three components: skin resistance (at contact points), resistance internal organs and the capacity of the human skin.

The main resistance value is the surface skin covering(thickness up to 0.2 mm). It is generally accepted that the resistance of the human body is 1000 Ohms. When the skin is moistened and damaged in places of contact with live parts, its resistance drops sharply (700-500 Ohms).

Moisture, sweat, conductive chemicals, and conductive dust significantly reduce skin resistance.

The resistance of the skin decreases greatly with increasing density and area of ​​contact with live parts. At a voltage of 200-300 V, an electrical breakthrough occurs in the upper layer of the skin.

Duration of current exposure: The severity of the injury depends on the duration of exposure to the electric current.

With prolonged exposure to electric current, skin resistance decreases (due to thickening) at the contact points, and the likelihood of current passing during a particularly dangerous period of the cardiac cycle increases. A person can withstand a lethal alternating current of 100 mA if the duration of exposure does not exceed 0.5 s.

Residual current devices (RCDs) have been developed that provide disconnection of an electrical installation in no more than 0.20 s with a single-phase (single-pole) touch.

The path of electric current through the human body: most dangerous when current passes through vital important organs- heart, lungs, brain.

Electric current frequency: alternating current (with a frequency of 50 Hz) is considered three to five times more dangerous than direct current, because. it affects human cardiac activity.

      For violation of the requirements of this Instruction, employees are held accountable in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations.

    Labor protection requirements before starting work


    Prepare the workplace and provide it with the necessary operating materials. By external inspection, make sure:

    in serviceability and integrity of cords, plugs, sockets, buttons, absence of chips and cracks on them;

in the absence of exposed wire sections. If malfunctions are detected, the equipment must not be turned on. This needs to be reported to the immediate supervisor

to take corrective action.

2.2. If, during an external inspection, the employee did not find any malfunctions, but after switching on he felt a burning smell or felt an electric current when touching the metal parts of the equipment, he must immediately disconnect the equipment from the power supply and report this to his immediate supervisor so that corrective measures can be taken.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Perform only the work that is included in the job responsibilities. 3.2. By doing

individual species

work, comply with the requirements of the relevant labor protection instructions:

Name of labor protection instructions

Instructions for labor protection when working on a personal electronic computer and video display terminal

Instructions for labor protection when using household electrical appliances

      Instructions for labor protection when working with fax and copying machines:

Instructions for labor protection when working with equipment of the ACTIVboard interactive system

Not allowed during work

3.3.1. Place extension cables on the floor and in walkways; pull, twist and bend connecting wires, cords, extension cables;


        Pull out the plug while holding the cord;

3.3.3. When removing dust, touch live equipment with wet hands or a damp cloth;

    3.3.4. Carry out any repairs yourself. If a malfunction or malfunction occurs in the equipment, contact your immediate supervisor to take corrective measures;

      If equipment, cables, wires are damaged, grounding is faulty, a burning smell appears, extraneous noise occurs or other malfunctions, immediately turn off the power supply to the equipment and report the incident to your immediate supervisor and the employee performing maintenance of the equipment.

      If electrical wiring, equipment, or similar incidents catch fire, immediately turn off the power supply and call fire department and take measures to evacuate people and extinguish the fire using available primary funds fire extinguishing, report the incident to your immediate supervisor.

The use of water and foam fire extinguishers to extinguish live electrical equipment is unacceptable. For these purposes, powder and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used.


If an accident occurs during work, you must:


Immediately provide first aid to the victim;


Arrange for the delivery of the victim to a medical facility, and, if necessary, call an ambulance;

Report the incident to your immediate supervisor;

4.3.4. Take measures to preserve the situation of the accident, if this does not involve a danger to the life and health of people. In case of electric shock, it is necessary 4.4.1. Release the victim from the action of the current - immediately turn off that part of the electrical installation that the victim touches. If it is impossible to turn off the electrical installation, other actions should be taken to free the victim, taking measures to ensure your own safety. 4.4.2. To separate the victim from live parts or wires with voltage up to 1000 V, use a rope, stick, board or other dry object that does not conduct electric current. You can pull the victim by the clothing (if it is dry and loose from the body), while avoiding touching surrounding metal objects and body parts. Safety precautions 1. For specific work. V. BASIC SECURITY REQUIREMENTS



    staff Bachevsky having... Labor safety instructions No. 28 Electrical safety requirements for non-electrical personnel Instructions G. In case of electric shock, it is necessary By security labor No. 28 Electrical safety requirements having... non-electrical having... Labor safety instructions No. 28 Electrical safety requirements for non-electrical personnel Instructions personnel For Group I assignments

  • I on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel, etc., etc. The procedure for conducting inspections by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment


    ... "Typical instructions having... Labor safety instructions No. 28 Electrical safety requirements for non-electrical personnel Instructions In case of electric shock, it is necessary cashier trading floor and controller-cashier" INSTRUCTIONS BY SECURITY Safety precautions BY POSITIONS or PROFESSIONS Non-electrical having... Labor safety instructions No. 28 Electrical safety requirements for non-electrical personnel Instructions In case of electric shock, it is necessary employee...

  • Order of December 25, 2002 N 148 on the approval and implementation of labor protection rules when working on radio relay communication lines


    These Rules and instructions having... Labor safety instructions No. 28 Electrical safety requirements for non-electrical personnel Instructions. 3.11.3. labor ensuring the safety of the operator security mobile objects of the building... supplemented. 2. Group I applies to non-electrical specific work. List of professions, jobs, ...

    Chairman of the trade union committee
    ___________ /___________________/
    Protocol No. ____ dated “__”___ 2019

    Name of institution
    _________ N.V. Andreychuk
    Order No.__ dated "_"._.2019

    on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel of the 1st qualification group

    1. General requirements security.
    1.1. Real electrical safety instructions for non- electrical personnel 1st qualification group applies to all non-electrical personnel of the institution performing work that may pose a risk of electric shock.
    1.2. Assignment of group I in electrical safety is carried out in the form of a briefing, which must end with a test of knowledge in the form of an oral survey and (if necessary) testing of acquired skills in safe ways of working or providing first aid in case of electric shock with registration in the Logbook for assignment of group I in electrical safety.
    1.3. Electrical safety training must be carried out by a person with a qualification group in electrical safety (not lower than third). In the future, a knowledge test is carried out annually with an entry in the journal. In addition, personnel must undergo on-the-job training at least twice a year.
    1.4. The list of electrical equipment, workplaces and professions, the personnel of which must be assigned the 1st electrical safety group, is established by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the institution, on the basis of the Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations and the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations, approved by the head of the institution.
    • work using PCs, multimedia equipment and office equipment, technical equipment, etc.;
    • work in rooms where there is electrical equipment;
    • cleaning rooms containing electrical equipment.

    1.5. Persons with electrical safety group I must have an understanding of the dangers of electric current and safety measures when working with electrical equipment.
    1.6. Personnel of Group 1 on electrical safety must be trained in the rules of providing first aid in case of electric shock.
    1.7. To ensure fire safety, there should always be a working fire extinguisher in an easily accessible and visible place, and a first aid kit to provide first aid.
    1.8. The protective equipment used in work must be checked in a timely manner and have a verification stamp.
    1.9. The employee must report all malfunctions, breakdowns of electrical wiring, electrical lighting, electrical equipment and devices to his immediate supervisor, an occupational safety specialist, and make an entry in the application log.
    1.10. Behind culpable violation instructions on electrical safety for non-electrical personnel of the 1st qualification group, an employee of an institution (school, preschool educational institution, etc.) is responsible in accordance with the Charter, employment contract(contract), current legislation Russian Federation.

    2. Types of electric shock
    2.1. Electric current, passing through tissue, has thermal (thermal), chemical, mechanical and biological effects, which leads to local damage to tissues and organs, as well as general lesions body.
    • dangerous voltage greater than 36 V;
    • the overall reaction of the body depends on the magnitude of the current;
    • maximum permissible value of alternating current 0.3 mA;
    • when the current strength increases to 0.6-1.6 mA, the person begins to feel its effect, a slight trembling of the hands occurs;
    • with a current strength of 8-10 mA, the muscles of the arm (in which the conductor is clamped) contract, the person is unable to free himself from the action of the current;
    • AC values ​​of 50-200 mA or more cause cardiac fibrillation, which can lead to cardiac arrest.
    • burns caused by exposure to electric current and electric arc.
    • electrical signs arising from contact with live parts. They can lead to dysfunction of the affected organ.
    • electrometallization of the skin (penetration of molten metal into the skin) occurring when exposed to an electric arc. The outcome of the lesion depends on the area of ​​the affected surface;
    • eye damage occurs as a result of exposure to infrared radiation from an electric arc.
    • electric shock that occurs when an electric current passes through the human body and affects nervous system and muscles, can lead to paralysis of the affected organs, respiratory muscles, and heart muscles.
    • I degree – convulsive muscle contraction without loss of consciousness;
    • II degree – convulsive muscle contraction and loss of consciousness;
    • III degree – loss of consciousness and dysfunction of cardiac activity and breathing;
    • IV degree – clinical death.
    • I degree – redness of the skin;
    • II degree – formation of bubbles;
    • III degree – charring of the skin;
    • IV degree – charring of subcutaneous tissue, muscles, blood vessels, etc.

    2.6. The severity of electric shock depends on a number of factors, including voltage, current intensity, type of current, exposure time, current path, physiological state organism (individual properties) and environmental conditions.
    The amount of current passing through the human body depends on the voltage in the network (it is greater, the higher the voltage) and on the resistance of the human body (the greater it is, the lower the resistance). The resistance of the human body is mainly determined by the condition of the skin. The overall resistance of the human body also decreases during sweating, alcohol intoxication, etc.
    It is most dangerous when the current passes through vital organs - the heart, lungs, brain.
    2.7. When a person is hit along the way " right hand- legs” 6.7% of the total electric current passes through the human heart. During the “leg-to-leg” path, only 0.4% of the total current passes through the human heart.

    3. Main Causes of Electric Shock

    • when a person touches exposed live parts of electrical equipment, electrical appliances;
    • when entering the current spreading zone;
    • when touching metal parts of electrical equipment and devices that are energized as a result of insulation failure due to a faulty grounding device.
    • malfunction of electrical installations (equipment, instruments, starting devices, wires, grounding);
    • low qualifications and lack of training of personnel;
    • violation of the rules for using protective equipment;
    • use in rooms with increased danger portable lamps and power tools at higher voltages than those required by regulations.
    • high-risk premises,
    • particularly dangerous premises,
    • premises without increased danger.
    • dampness ( relative humidity long time exceeds 75%) or conductive dust;
    • conductive floors (metal, earthen, reinforced concrete, brick, tiled, etc.);
    • high temperature (exceeding +35o C for a long time);
    • the possibility of simultaneous human contact with metal structures of buildings connected to the ground, technological devices, mechanisms, etc. on the one hand, and to metal housings of electrical equipment, on the other.
    • special dampness - relative humidity in which is close to 100% (ceiling, walls, floor and objects in the room are covered with moisture);
    • two or more high-risk conditions simultaneously;
    • chemically active or organic environment(destroying insulation and live parts).

    The territory of mobile and open stationary electrical installations is equated to especially dangerous premises. In particular hazardous areas all electrical equipment must be grounded and the personnel servicing them must monitor the serviceability of the grounding wires. In these rooms, a safe voltage of 12 V is allowed. It is allowed to operate power tools with a voltage of 36 V, provided that it is grounded and dielectric protective equipment is used.
    3.6. Premises without increased danger are characterized by the absence of conditions that create “increased danger” and “special danger.”

    4. Safety requirements before starting work
    • visually inspect the condition of sockets and light switches, used electrical devices, electrical equipment and electrical appliances;
    • make sure that there is no damage to the insulation of current-carrying power cables;
    • check the plugs for serviceability and absence of damage;
    • make sure there is no sparking, burning smell or smoke when turned on;
    • make sure that electrical devices do not heat up;
    • Make sure that the voltage matches the existing characteristics of the electrical appliance.

    4.2. When inspecting household and demonstration appliances, a computer (laptop), printer, copier, TCO and other electrical appliances and equipment, it is necessary to carefully check them to ensure they are in good working order.

    • the presence of cracks and chips in the housings of sockets, switches, electrical plugs, devices and starting devices, their unreliable fastening to the bases;
    • presence of exposed live parts;
    • unreliable fastening structural elements(for example, poor connection of the halves of the plug, loosening of its pins, etc.);
    • abrasion, marks, breaks on the supply cords (especially at the point where the cord enters the plug block and into the device);
    • insufficient tightness of the plug into the socket;
    • when turned on, smoke and a specific smell of burning rubber or plastic appear, overheating, sparking, etc.

    4.4. It is strictly prohibited to use homemade household electrical devices that are powered by cords without plugs, or electrical devices that have exposed conductive parts.
    4.5. It is strictly forbidden to inspect electrical appliances, power tools, and electrical equipment if they are connected to the power supply at this time.
    4.6. In the room where electrical equipment, radiators and metal pipes heating and water pipes must be covered with wooden gratings or other dielectric barriers, and floors must be non-conductive.
    4.7. Workers are prohibited from using electrical equipment without first familiarizing themselves with the principle of its operation and the rules. safe operation(passport or instructions).
    4.8. It is strictly prohibited to violate these electrical safety instructions for non-electrical personnel of the 1st qualification group.
    4.9. It is prohibited to begin work if you discover that your workplace and premises do not comply with the electrical safety requirements established in this instruction, as well as if it is impossible to carry out the preparatory actions specified in the instructions for work.

    5. Safety requirements during operation
    5.1. In order to carry out work safely, employees of the institution are required to monitor the condition of equipment, instruments, starting devices, supply cables and wires, grounding devices, plug connectors and lighting devices. They must be in good condition at all times.
    5.2. Do not allow your body to come into contact with metal objects that are connected to the ground.
    5.3. Systematically check the reliability of insulation and grounding of the housing of electrical tools, equipment, and devices.
    5.4. When connected to electrical network electrical equipment and appliances, use only plugs.

    • touch exposed wires;
    • transfer working electrical devices(electrical equipment, electrical appliances) and leave them connected to the network without supervision;
    • pull out plugs from sockets using a cord;
    • place plugs on the floor;
    • wipe electrical devices connected to the electrical network with wet rags;
    • wash the walls with water where electrical appliances are installed and cables and wires are laid;
    • open electrical devices, carry out any repairs to electrical installations, electrical equipment and devices, including troubleshooting switches, sockets, and replacing lamps.

    5.6. Before connecting portable electrical devices to the network, supply cords must be checked for integrity and plugs and sockets for serviceability.
    5.7. When using electrical devices, you must strictly follow the operating rules provided for technical documentation this electrical appliance, electrical equipment, device, devices.
    5.8. When connecting electrical equipment, the use of adapters and extension cords (except for special certified ones) is prohibited, for which a sufficient number of plug sockets must be provided in the premises.
    5.9. Work on punching walls, ceilings, floors, as well as plastering and whitewashing work in an institution must be agreed upon with the person responsible for electrical equipment. If you find wires and cables that are not marked in the diagrams, you should stop working and report it to the energy service. Work can be continued with the permission of the person responsible for electrical equipment.

    • when leaving the workplace even for a short time;
    • during interruptions in the supply of electrical energy;
    • if any minor defects are detected.

    5.11. Coordinate your actions with these electrical safety instructions for non-electrical personnel of the 1st qualification group, and strictly comply with its provisions.
    5.12. Disconnect electrical devices only using serviceable switches.
    5.13. If malfunctions occur, electrical equipment, electrical appliances should be turned off, de-energized, and portable devices should be turned off and disconnected from the network using plug connectors and notify your immediate supervisor or energy service.

    6. Safety requirements after completion of work
    6.1. Disable used electrical devices, electrical equipment, electrical devices in the sequence established by the relevant instructions for their use, carefully remove the plug from the socket. Inspect electrical devices.
    6.2. Turn off the electric lighting in the room.
    6.3. Provide information to your immediate supervisor about any comments or malfunctions.

    7. Safety requirements in emergency situations

    • felt a sensation of current;
    • smelled burning, smoke;
    • saw sparking, ignition;
    • extraneous sounds appeared in the operation of the equipment and test signals indicating its malfunction;
    • device, instrument, electrical equipment is out of order;
    • a violation of the integrity of the wire insulation was detected;
    • The ground wire is broken.

    7.2. In the above cases, you must immediately disconnect the electrical equipment, electrical appliance or power tool from the network, report the problem to your supervisor and do not start work without his instructions.
    7.3. If a fire occurs, immediately turn off the electricity consumer and de-energize the electrical network (except lighting network). Take measures to evacuate people in the premises to safe place, report the fire to the fire department by phone 01 (101), to the head of the institution (if absent, to another official) and immediately, in the absence of danger to life, begin to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means.
    7.4. If electric motors, electrical appliances, or cables catch fire, do not extinguish them with water if they are energized.
    7.5. In the event of an accident, you should first of all urgently free the victim from the traumatic factor. At the same time, you need to be careful not to fall under the influence of such dangerous factor. Provide the victim with the necessary first aid (restore patency respiratory tract, conduct artificial respiration, conduct external massage heart, stop bleeding, apply a bandage), cause nurse institution, if necessary, call an ambulance, report the accident to the head of the institution (if absent, to another official).
    7.6. If an accident occurs to the employee himself, he must call for help, if possible, give himself first aid, go to a medical center or call an ambulance, report the incident to his immediate supervisor or ask someone around him to do this.

    8. First aid for victims of electric current.
    8.1. Quick disconnection from the electric current is the first action to save the victim.
    8.2. To separate the victim from live parts or wires with voltage up to 1000V, you should use a rope, stick, board or any other dry object that does not conduct electric current. You can pull the victim by the clothing, while avoiding touching surrounding metal objects and parts of the victim’s body not covered by clothing.
    8.3. To insulate your hands, you should use dielectric gloves or wrap your hand in a scarf, pull the sleeve of a jacket or coat over your hand, and throw dry cloth over the victim.
    8.4. It is recommended to operate with one hand, the other should be behind your back.
    8.5. After releasing the victim from the action of electric current, it is necessary to carry out full resuscitation. Provide the victim with complete rest, do not allow him to move or continue working, as the condition may worsen due to burns of internal organs and tissues as the electric current flows. The consequences of internal burns may appear within the first day or the next week.

    • If the victim is conscious, but has previously fainted, with stable breathing and pulse remaining, he should be laid on a bed of clothes, unbuttoned clothes that are restricting breathing, create an inflow fresh air, rub and warm the body, remove from the room extra people and before the doctor arrives, create complete peace;
    • if the victim is unconscious, then he should be given ammonia to sniff and his face to be sprayed cold water, after regaining consciousness, give 15-20 drops of valerian tincture and hot tea;
    • if the victim breathes rarely and convulsively, but his pulse is palpable, it is necessary to immediately give him artificial respiration until smooth independent breathing appears or until a doctor arrives;
    • if the victim is not breathing (determined by rising chest) and pulse, it cannot be considered dead, since the supply of oxygen in the body lasts 4–8 minutes, you must immediately begin artificial respiration and external (indirect) cardiac massage.

    1.1. Electrical safety group I is assigned to non-electrical personnel involved in work that may pose a risk of electric shock.
    1.2. An employee with electrical safety group I must have elementary representation about the dangers of electric current and safety measures when working on the serviced area, equipment, installation.
    1.3. The employee must be familiar with the rules of providing first aid to victims of electric current.
    1.4. The list of professions of this personnel is determined by the management of the enterprise together with the labor protection engineer.
    1.5. The knowledge test is carried out by an employee from among the electrical technical personnel of the Institution with an electrical safety group of at least III or according to its written instructions a person from a specialized service organization with an electrical safety group of at least 3.
    1.6. with the signature of the person being checked and the inspector. The issuance of a certificate of knowledge testing is not required.
    1.7. Responsibility for timely testing of knowledge of persons with electrical safety group I lies with the head of the structural unit.
    1.8. When installing equipment in rooms with conductive floors, it is necessary to work with such equipment, if allowed. local conditions, standing on a dielectric carpet.
    1.9. In rooms with an increased risk of electric shock, especially hazardous rooms and in outdoor installations for powering portable electric lamps and local stationary lighting lamps, a voltage of no higher than 42 V should be used, portable lamps, intended for hanging, tabletop, floor, etc. When choosing voltage, they are equal to local stationary lighting fixtures.
    1.10. Connector plugs must be designed so that they cannot be plugged into sockets with a higher rated voltage than the plug voltage.
    1.11. Non-electrical personnel are required to:

    • observe the work and rest schedule, established by law, internal rules labor regulations Institutions, labor discipline, comply with the requirements of labor protection rules and regulations;
    • comply with fire safety requirements, know the procedure for action in case of fire, be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents;
    • report equipment malfunctions to your immediate supervisor or persons responsible for Maintenance of this equipment.

    1.12. It is not allowed to perform work while in a state of alcohol intoxication or in a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, consuming narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances at the workplace or during working hours.
    1.13. This instruction is mandatory for non-electrical personnel working in the Establishment. Persons who violate the requirements of this instruction are liable in accordance with the rules internal regulations, legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2.1. Before starting to work with electrical appliances, power tools and equipment, the employee must perform the following requirements security:

    • study the instruction manual;
    • make sure there is no visible damage to the equipment, power and connecting cables and wires;
    • check the reliability of connection to the equipment of visible grounding (zero protective) conductors, the presence and reliability of fastening of the grounding (zero protective) contacts of plugs and sockets of plug connectors;
    • check that the voltage and frequency of the current in the electrical network correspond to the voltage and frequency of the current indicated on the plate of the electrical receiver.

    2.2. If a malfunction of the equipment is detected, there is visible damage to the supply and connecting cables and wires, plug connectors, or the absence or malfunction of grounding (grounding) of the equipment, it is prohibited to start work.
    2.3. If the above violations of labor protection requirements are detected, the employee must report the identified violations to a superior manager.
    2.4. In case of detection of violations of labor protection requirements that could lead to an accident or fire, work is suspended until this violation is eliminated, about which it is written (orally, with subsequent registration in in writing) is reported to a senior manager.

    3.1. When performing work, you must comply the following measures security:

    • comply with equipment operation requirements;
    • perform only the work that is assigned;
    • to not allow third parties to the operation of entrusted equipment;
    • do not touch cables and wires of equipment connected to the electrical network;
    • Do not operate a power tool whose periodic inspection period has expired. Inventory number and date next check must be indicated on the body of the power tool;
    • Do not operate a power tool that is not protected from the effects of drops or splashes, does not have distinctive signs (a drop in a triangle or two drops), in conditions of exposure to drops and splashes, as well as open areas during snow or rain;
    • do not connect electrical receivers with voltages up to 42 V to the electrical network common use through an autotransformer, resistor or potentiometer;
    • do not strain or twist cables or power cords, do not subject them to mechanical stress or place loads on them;
    • do not remove removable parts and panels from the equipment until it is disconnected from the power supply;
    • do not allow wires and cables to come into direct contact with hot, damp, oily surfaces or objects;
    • do not carry or move devices and equipment connected to the electrical network;
    • turn off the equipment when the voltage in the electrical network disappears and during a break in work;
    • Do not repair the electrical part of electrical equipment yourself;
    • Do not wipe off dust or perform cleaning when the equipment is plugged in.

    3.2. In the event of a sudden deterioration in health, you must stop working, turn off the equipment, inform your supervisor and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

    4.1. After completion of the work, all equipment and mechanisms are transferred to a position that excludes the possibility of them being started by third parties.
    4.2. The power supply to devices, equipment and mechanisms is turned off.
    4.3. After disconnecting the equipment from the network, it is cleaned and put away, the workplace is inspected and put in order.
    4.4. All comments that arise during the operation of the equipment are reported to the immediate supervisor and entered into the logbook for monitoring the condition and labor protection conditions.

    5.1. In case of emergency situation The employee must comply with the following safety requirements:
    5.1.1. in case of damage to equipment, cables, wires, faulty grounding (grounding), or detection of unusual noise during operation, smell of smoke or burning, you must immediately turn off the power supply to the equipment and report the incident to your immediate supervisor and the person performing maintenance of this equipment;
    5.1.2. In the event of a fire in electrical wiring, equipment or similar incidents, it is necessary to turn off the power supply to the equipment and take measures to extinguish the fire using the available primary fire extinguishing equipment, and report the incident to the immediate supervisor. The use of foam fire extinguishers and water to extinguish live equipment is unacceptable. For these purposes, carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers are used;
    5.1.3. In case of electric shock, it is necessary to free the victim from the action of the current as soon as possible, provide first aid, call an ambulance or a doctor, or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical institution.
    5.2. Freeing the victim from the effects of electric current:

    • immediately turn off that part of the electrical installation (serviced equipment) that the victim touches. Disconnection is carried out using a switch, switch or other disconnecting device, as well as by means of a plug connection;
    • If the victim is at a height, then turning off the electrical installation may cause him to fall. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the victim from falling or to ensure his safety;
    • When the electrical installation is turned off, the electric light may go out at the same time. In this regard, in the absence of daylight, it is necessary to take care of lighting from another source (turn on emergency lighting, battery-powered flashlights, etc.), without delaying the disconnection of the electrical installation and the provision of assistance to the victim;
    • To separate the victim from live parts or wires with voltage up to 1000 V, you should use a rope, stick or some other dry object that does not conduct electric current; you can pull it by the clothes, while avoiding touching surrounding metal objects and parts of the victim’s body, without covered with clothing, you must operate with one hand, holding the other in your pocket or behind your back. To isolate hands, the person providing assistance should wear dielectric gloves or wrap your hand in a scarf, dry cloth, etc., standing on a dry non-conductive floor, on dielectric mat, dry board, non-conductive bedding.

    5.3. First aid for an electric shock victim:
    5.3.1. After releasing the victim from the electric current, it is necessary to assess his condition. The signs by which you can quickly determine the condition of the victim are as follows:

    • consciousness: clear, absent, impaired (the victim is inhibited, excited);
    • skin and visible mucous membranes (lips, eyes): pink, bluish, pale: the color of the skin is assessed visually;
    • breathing: normal, absent, impaired (irregular, shallow, wheezing); the presence of breathing is assessed by the rise and fall of the chest;
    • pulse in the carotid arteries: well defined (rhythm correct, incorrect), poorly defined, absent;
    • pupils: narrow, wide; pupil width at closed eyes defined as follows: pads index fingers placed on the upper eyelids of both eyes and, lightly pressing them against the eyeball, lift them up. At the same time, the palpebral fissure opens and a rounded iris is visible on a white background, and in the center of its round shape there are black pupils, the condition of which is assessed by how much area they occupy.

    5.3.2. If the victim has no consciousness, breathing, pulse, the skin is bluish, and the pupils are wide (0.5 cm in diameter), it can be considered that he is in a state of clinical death, and one should immediately begin to revive the body using artificial respiration according to the method “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose” and external cardiac massage.
    5.3.3. If the victim breathes very rarely and convulsively, but his pulse is palpable, it is necessary to immediately begin artificial respiration. It is not necessary that the victim be in a horizontal position during this procedure. At the same time, tilt the head back as much as possible or push the lower jaw forward.
    5.3.4. When you start reviving, you need to take care of calling a doctor or an ambulance. medical care. This should be done not by the person providing assistance, but by someone else.
    5.3.5. If the victim is conscious, but previously fainted or was in an unconscious state, but with stable breathing and pulse, he should be laid on a bedding, for example, from clothes, unfasten clothes that are restricting breathing, create a flow of fresh air, warm the body, if it’s cold, provide coolness; if it’s hot, create complete peace, continuously monitor the pulse and breathing, remove unnecessary people.
    5.3.6. If the victim is unconscious, it is necessary to observe his breathing and in case of breathing problems due to the retraction of the tongue, push the lower jaw forward, grasping its corners with your fingers, and maintain it in this position until the retraction of the tongue stops.
    5.3.7. Under no circumstances should the victim be allowed to move, much less continue to work, since the absence of visible severe injuries from electric current or other causes (falls, etc.) does not exclude the possibility of a subsequent deterioration of his condition. Only a doctor can decide the condition of the victim.
    5.4. When struck by lightning, the same assistance is provided as for electric shock.
    5.5. If it is impossible to call a doctor to the scene of the incident, it is necessary to ensure that the victim is transported to the nearest medical facility. The victim can be transported only if the pulse is stable. If the victim's condition does not allow him to be transported, assistance must continue to be provided.

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