Briefing at school before the New Year. Compliance with fire safety in the New Year

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The bedroom should always be an oasis of peace and well-being. This is obviously why many people want to decorate their bedroom with indoor plants. But is this advisable? And if so, what plants are suitable for the bedroom?

Modern scientific knowledge decry the ancient theory that flowers are inappropriate in the bedroom. It was previously believed that green and flowering plants consumed a lot of oxygen at night and could cause health problems. In fact houseplants have a minimal oxygen requirement.

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The publication contains instructions on measures fire safety during New Year's holidays in schools.

During the New Year holidays, the number of fires increases sharply. In this regard, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas celebrations, widespread inspections are carried out fire safety condition educational, cultural and entertainment, social and medical institutions, in which it is planned to hold special occasions. In addition, to improve the level of fire safety knowledge, with service personnel and persons responsible for fire safety conduct instructional classes on fire safety.

We suggest that you once again familiarize yourself with the instructions on fire safety measures during the New Year holidays and extracts from the Rules fire protection regime V Russian Federation(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 N 390), devoted to fire safety issues during public events.


1. General Provisions

1.1. Installing a Christmas tree without preliminary inspection Fire inspectors are prohibited.

1.2. The Christmas tree is allowed to be installed in rooms located no higher than the 2nd floor. The installation of Christmas trees in prefabricated panel and wooden buildings is prohibited. The capacity of the hall or room in which the Christmas tree is installed should be no more than 15 people for each 10 sq. m floor.

1.3. The room in which the Christmas tree is installed is provided with at least two emergency exits, meeting the established requirements.

1.4. At the entrance to the room intended for installing the Christmas tree, and in the room itself, you should have an additional 3-4 fire extinguishers and a blanket (blanket).

1.5. Before the start of the New Year's holiday in the premises, the serviceability of the lighting, the provision of fire extinguishing means in the premises and compliance with other requirements are checked. fire prevention measures guaranteeing the safety of those present at the festival.

1.6. When holding a New Year's holiday, an evacuation plan for those present in the room in case of a fire is developed and agreed upon with the fire department.

1.7. When holding a New Year's party with the participation of children in the room where the Christmas tree is located, all exits are left open and there is a person on duty at each exit. In addition, a fire post is set up, which is obliged to strictly monitor compliance established measures fire safety.

1.8. Rooms where telephones are located must be open. Signs indicating the telephone number of the nearest fire brigade are posted near telephone sets.

1.9. During holidays it is prohibited:

Use arc spotlights, candles and firecrackers, light firecrackers, sparklers, magnesium, or create other fire-hazardous effects that could lead to a fire;

Allow the premises to be filled with people in excess of the established norm;

Reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc. in the aisles;

Use shutters to darken rooms.

1.10. Participation in New Year's holiday Children and adults wearing costumes made of paper, cotton wool and other flammable materials not impregnated with a fire retardant are prohibited.

2. Decorating the Christmas tree

2.1. The tree is placed on a stable stand or in a barrel with earth and sand and is protected by a barrier. It is prohibited to install a Christmas tree in the aisles or at exits from the premises.

2.2. The dimensions of the Christmas tree should be such that the branches do not touch the walls and ceiling and are at a distance from them of at least 1 meter.

2.3. When decorating a Christmas tree, it is prohibited:

Decorate it with toys made of flammable materials, as well as gauze and cotton wool not impregnated with fire retardants;

Use candles for illumination;

Sprinkle the tree with Berthollet salt.

3. Lighting the Christmas tree

3.1. If there is no electric lighting in the room, events at the Christmas tree are held during daylight hours.

3.2. The installation of electric lighting for the Christmas tree is carried out only by an experienced electrician in compliance with fire safety requirements. As a rule, illumination of the Christmas tree should be done only through a step-down transformer with a voltage of no more than 36 V. When using electrical network Without a step-down transformer, garlands can only be used on the Christmas tree with the sequential inclusion of light bulbs with a voltage of up to 13 V, the power of each light bulb should not exceed 25 W.

3.3. The electrical wiring to the garlands is fixed in lamp sockets or hot soldered to the lamp bases with mandatory insulation of exposed areas. The use of wires intended for telephone and radio broadcast networks for electric lighting of Christmas trees is prohibited. When hanging garlands, do not twist the wire into the corners and damage the insulation. Before hanging on the Christmas tree, you should check each garland by plugging it into the network.

3.4. The tree lighting is turned on via a plug socket. Switching the lighting on and off is provided regardless of common system lighting the room where the Christmas tree is installed. The electrical equipment of the Christmas tree is connected to the network from above using a serviceable and well-insulated wire. If the connection is made from below, the wires should be protected from mechanical damage.

3.5. The electrical network from which the Christmas tree's electrical equipment will be powered must:

Be in good working order and match the load;

Have fuses that correspond to the permissible load on the wires;

Have working plug sockets.

3.6. The tree lighting is turned on only during holiday events.

3.7. In the event of any malfunction in the illumination, blinking light bulbs, heating of wires, sparking, etc., the tree is immediately de-energized.

4. Extracts from the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation

4.1. The head of the organization during events with mass stay people (discos, celebrations, performances, etc.) provides:

a) inspection of premises before the start of events in order to determine their readiness in terms of compliance with fire safety measures;

b) duty of responsible persons on stage and in the halls.

4.2. When holding events with large numbers of people in buildings with combustible floors, it is allowed to use only rooms located on the 1st and 2nd floors.

In rooms without electric lighting, events with mass participation people are held only during daylight hours.

Electric garlands and illumination that have the appropriate certificate of conformity may be used at events.

If a malfunction is detected in the illumination or garlands (heating of wires, blinking lights, sparking, etc.), they must be immediately de-energized.

The Christmas tree should be installed on a stable base and not block the exit from the room. The branches of the Christmas tree should be at least 1 meterfrom walls and ceilings.

4.3. When holding events with large numbers of people in the premises, the following is prohibited:

a) apply pyrotechnic products, arc spotlights and candles;

b) decorate the Christmas tree with gauze and cotton wool not impregnated with fire retardants;

c) carry out fire, painting and other fire-hazardous and fire-explosive work before or during performances;

d) reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc. in the aisles;

e) completely turn off the lights in the room during performances or performances;

f) commit violations established standards filling the premises with people.

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Winter holidays are a time of miracles, gifts and positive emotions for children and adults. The comfort of candles, the colorful shimmer of garlands, the sparkle of sparklers and the bright flashes of fireworks have long become unchangeable attributes of the New Year. Along with tangerines and the Christmas tree, they create a special mood. To ensure that the holidays are remembered only for happy moments, it is worth taking some precautions, paying Special attention on fire safety rules.

Choosing a New Year's tree

The traditional symbol of New Year and Christmas celebrations is a fluffy tree. Large and small, natural and artificial, of any color and material - these trees are now available in all sorts of variations. Each spruce has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Real wood has an indescribable aroma due to the beneficial phytoncides released into the air. However, it is worth remembering that wood burns very well. The most fire hazards are dry, standing for a long time copies.

Artificial trees are bought because of their practicality and pleasant appearance. appearance, they do not harm nature and do not cause allergic reactions. When choosing such Christmas trees, you should focus not so much on aesthetics, but on the quality of materials.

In many countries, the sale of very cheap spruce trees made from polymer waste, which can release toxic substances hazardous to health, is prohibited for sale.

Exist strict rules regarding the composition of artificial trees and their compliance with fire safety measures. Almost all spruce manufacturers write on the packaging that their product is safe and does not support combustion, but this is often not true.

Artificial wood actually burns worse than natural wood, but the harm caused to health during its fire is much higher.

The materials included in such a product (for example, aluminum) when high temperature begin to decompose with the release of toxins that cause severe poisoning. You should buy only high-quality products that have all required certificates and complying with fire safety regulations.

Installing and decorating the Christmas tree

Whatever spruce you choose, it is important to remember the following rules:


Fireworks, salutes, firecrackers, firecrackers and sparklers are probably the most popular products before the winter holidays. These devices often contain gunpowder, chemical additives and some metal, which makes them not the most harmless entertainment.

Failure to comply with operating rules or expired the suitability of pyrotechnics, as well as flammable materials in the vicinity, may cause a fire or other disaster.

In markets or on the street they may sell low-quality and dangerous goods, so you should only purchase pyrotechnic products in specialized stores. retail outlets. Remember that fireworks are not intended for children - only adults can buy and use them.

Be sure to check the availability of certificates of conformity and fire safety, the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the product.

The operating instructions should not only describe safe rules use of the product and its disposal, but also storage conditions, restrictions on use and actions in the event of a sudden fire.

It is prohibited to explode fireworks, fountains or fireworks in premises, places of large crowds of people, near gas stations, power lines or gas pipelines. To start, select open area located away from a residential area.

It is necessary to strictly follow the operating instructions and move a sufficient distance after igniting. There are several general rules handling pyrotechnics:

Remember that safety during the New Year directly depends on correct handling with entertaining pyrotechnics.

Safety at children's parties

New Year's parties - another one mandatory item in the entertainment program for children during the winter holidays.

The head of the institution in which it is organized is responsible for fire safety during an entertainment event. Before the start of the matinee, the room is checked for compliance with the basic requirements:

  1. location no higher than the second floor when holding a holiday in a building with flammable floors;
  2. the presence of at least two evacuation exits, indicated by working light signs;
  3. installing a Christmas tree, organizing illumination and decorating the hall in accordance with fire safety rules;
  4. absence of candles, crackers, fireworks and other pyrotechnics in the room;
  5. good condition and close location of fire extinguishing and communication equipment.

Children must be present at all times at an event involving children. responsible persons: educators, teachers or teachers on duty. They are responsible for strict compliance with fire safety measures and evacuate people in the event of smoke or fire.

Before the matinee, a list of names of children present must be compiled, which is checked with during evacuation.

Parents, in turn, should remember that children’s outfits should not contain flammable elements made of cotton wool, cardboard, paper or gauze.

You can prepare a fire retardant composition for these materials yourself by dissolving 150 g in warm water baking soda and 50 g of starch. The masquerade costume is soaked in the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, after which the outfit can be dried and used during the matinee.

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