Internal and external users of accounting information. Internal and external users of accounting data and their information needs

Theory accounting. Cheat sheets Natalya Olshevskaya

12. Internal and external users accounting information

There are internal and external users of accounting information.

Internal users– persons employed in the management apparatus, owners, managers who need accounting information to plan, control and evaluate business operations, and perform other functions.

External users– third-party consumers of information with direct or indirect financial interest.

External users of accounting information include organizations:

Not working in the organization, but directly interested in its successful activities (shareholders, investors, creditors, buyers, etc.);

Those who do not directly participate in the work of the organization, but have an indirect financial interest ( tax service, government bodies controls, various financial institutions and stock market participants);

Not having financial interest, except for business cooperation ( audit firms, statistical authorities, arbitration and other entities).

High-quality and useful accounting information is especially important for users. The usefulness of information is characterized by such features as value(significance) and reliability(reliability) of information.

Value (significance) of information determined by its ability to influence the adoption of certain management decisions. The factors that determine the value of information are:

timeliness - information must reach the user on time, otherwise it will no longer reflect the real state of the organization;

predictiveness– reflects the development trends of the organization and thereby serves as the basis for predicting the organization’s work for the future;

Availability feedback with a source of information– ensures the implementation of operational management decisions;

reliability(reliability) is the presentation of truthful, complete and objective data to the user. Information is considered reliable if it has transparency, allowing you to check and confirm the facts of committed business transactions, And neutrality.

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Internal and external restrictions The well-known 80/20 rule applies to restrictions. Approximately 80% of the factors holding your company back are internal, not external. Approximately 80% of the reasons you can't double your sales and profits are hidden within.

The information generated in accounting is of interest to a wide range of interested users. Interested users are considered legal or natural persons who have any needs for information about the organization and have sufficient knowledge and skills to understand, evaluate and use the data, as well as having the desire to study it. Users have different requirements for accounting information, which is primarily due to the nature of their interests:

1) owners of the organization interested in the information necessary to assess the organization’s financial prospects in the future and the possibility of receiving income in the form of dividends;

2) board of directors and administrative and managerial staff of the organization interested in information that allows you to evaluate financial position organization, volumes of products sold (work performed or services provided) and profitability individual species products (works, services), as well as assess the possibility of expanding the scope of business and client base;

3) employees of the organization interested in the information necessary to determine the stability and profitability of the organization, the ability of employers to guarantee wages, the availability social guarantees and job preservation;

4) investors and their representatives interested in the information necessary to assess the financial performance of the organization, the riskiness and profitability of proposed (or made) investments, the prospects for the development of the organization, its ability to pay dividends;

5) credit and financial institutions interested in information that allows us to determine the financial position of a business entity, its solvency, the possibility of timely repayment of debt on received loans or borrowings and the amount of interest due;

6) authorities (federal, regional bodies and organs local authorities) interested in the information necessary to carry out the functions assigned to them regarding the distribution of resources, regulation National economy, development and implementation of national policy, determining directions for regional development, as well as for solving social issues;

7) tax authorities interested in information that allows us to determine the correctness of tax calculations and the formation of the tax base, as well as the timeliness of repayment of debt to the budget;

8) suppliers and contractors interested in information that allows one to determine the solvency of a business entity and its financial stability;

9) buyers and customers interested in information that allows one to determine the business development prospects of an economic entity;

10) audit companies are interested in information that makes it possible to determine, on the one hand, the legality and legality of the transactions performed by an economic entity whose financial statements are subject to audit, and on the other hand, the solvency of the audited entity in terms of repaying obligations for services provided, provided that the audit is paid for by the audited entity itself;

11)public is interested in information that allows us to determine the achievements of a particular economic entity, its contribution to the development of the economy and improving the well-being of society, and the directions of social policy.

Users of accounting information can be divided into groups - internal and external (Fig. 1.5).

Rice. 1.5. Users of accounting information

Internal users - administrative bodies business entity and its personnel, who have free access to all necessary financial and management accounting. This group also includes the owners of the organization.

External users operate outside the business entity, they are usually divided into the following groups:

users with direct financial interest- current and potential investors, as well as financial organizations and commercial banks providing lending to a business entity; this group is primarily interested in the financial position of the organization, the financial results of its work and the liquidity of the balance sheet;

users with indirect financial interest- tax and financial authorities servicing banks, government organizations, Insurance companies, whose interests lie in obtaining information about the development prospects of this organization and intentions to continue its activities in the future;

users without financial interest- arbitration and statistical bodies; this group is interested in information in order to verify the legality and legality of the transactions performed, as well as in order to obtain statistical information.

External users use accounting (financial) reporting data to evaluate the organization's activities. They can obtain this information from the authorities state statistics or directly within the organization itself. At the same time, tax authorities and audit companies have the right to receive any other accounting information necessary to verify the correctness of tax calculations or accounting.

Since the interests of the users concerned differ, accounting cannot satisfy them information needs V in full. The information generated in accounting satisfies the needs that are common to all users.

Requirements for accounting information.

Based main goal accounting - ensuring all users necessary information for making informed management decisions, formation and development of production, economic and financial activities organization and in accordance with the mentioned law, the main objectives of accounting are:

formation of complete and reliable information about the economic and financial activities of the organization, its property status and performance results, i.e. information necessary for making informed management decisions;

providing information necessary to control:

1) compliance with the law Russian Federation when the organization carries out business operations and their feasibility;

2) the presence and movement of property and liabilities;

3) for the use of material, labor and financial resources in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

Prevention of negative results of the organization’s financial and economic activities and identification of internal reserves to ensure it financial stability. The information generated within the framework of accounting is used, as noted, to develop tactics and strategies for the development of the organization’s activities.

The decisions users make based on accounting information depend on the quality of that information. Therefore, the information generated in accounting must be useful for users. For information to be considered useful to them, it must meet the requirements of relevance, reliability and comparability. Such requirements are also called quality characteristics information.

Relevance information is determined by its ability to influence decisions made by interested users, helping them evaluate past, present and future events, confirming or changing previously made assessments of the organization's activities. The relevance of information is influenced by its content and materiality. Essential information is recognized, the absence or inaccuracy of which may influence the decisions of interested users.

Reliable information is considered to contain no significant errors. To be reliable, information must objectively reflect the facts of economic activity. The latter should be reflected in accounting based not so much on their legal form how many of them economic content and business conditions, i.e. The priority of content over form must be respected. Reliability of information is ensured by:

truthfulness- objective representation of the actual state of affairs;

neutrality- information should be free from one-sidedness and should not influence the decisions and assessments of interested users in order to achieve predetermined results or consequences;

prudence(caution) - property and income should not be overstated, and liabilities and expenses should not be understated. In this case, the creation of hidden reserves is not allowed. One of the specific manifestations of prudence is the reflection of profit in accounting only after the completion of business transactions (facts of economic activity), and loss - from the moment the assumption of the possibility of its (loss) occurrence arises;

completeness- information generated in accounting must reflect all the facts of economic activity.

Comparability means that interested users should be able to compare information about the organization across different periods time to determine trends in financial position and financial results activities of the organization. Users of information must also be able to compare information different organizations to compare their financial position, financial performance and changes in financial position.

The comparability requirement is ensured by ensuring that interested users are informed about accounting policy, accepted organization, any changes in such policies and the effect of these changes on the financial position and financial performance of the organization. Ensuring comparability does not mean unification and does not imply any obstacles to improving accounting rules and accounting procedures. An organization should not at all keep records of any fact of economic activity in the same way as before, if the adopted accounting policy does not ensure the implementation of the requirements of relevance and reliability.

In practice, there is often a choice between different requirements. The challenge is to achieve an optimal balance between requirements. Thus, when generating information in accounting, factors limiting the relevance and reliability of information must be taken into account.

One factor that may limit the relevance of information is its timeliness. Excessive delay in providing information to interested users may lead to loss of relevance. To ensure the timeliness of information, it is often necessary to provide it before all aspects of the business are known, thereby compromising the reliability of the information. Waiting for the moment when all aspects of the fact of economic activity become known can provide high reliability information. but make it of little use to interested users, i.e. the information will lose its relevance.

It should be noted that the benefits derived from accounting information must exceed the costs of preparing (receiving) the information. This means that accounting should not be cumbersome and the costs of maintaining it should be lower than the cost of the results expected from using the generated information.

In a broad sense, users of accounting information are legal entities or individuals interested in obtaining accounting information about an organization.

Interested users of information generated in accounting are considered to be persons who have any needs for information about the organization and have knowledge and skills sufficient to understand, evaluate and use this information, as well as having a desire to study this information.

Interested users of information, in addition to the management and owners of the organization, include tax, financial and regulatory authorities, banks, insurance companies, auditing firms, buyers and customers, suppliers and contractors, investors and other third-party users of accounting information.

The management and owners of the organization are among the internal users, and the organization's employees and third-party users are among the external users of accounting information.

Providing accounting information to internal and external users is one of the main purposes of accounting.

With respect to information for internal users, the purpose of accounting is to generate information useful to the organization's management for making management decisions.

In relation to information for external users, the purpose of accounting is to generate information about the financial position, financial performance and changes in the financial position of the organization that is useful to a wide range of interested users in making decisions.

Interested users pursue the following main interests in the information generated in accounting:

1) investors are interested in information about the riskiness and profitability of the investments they intend to make or make; about the possibility and feasibility of managing investments; about the organization’s ability to pay dividends;

2) employees of the organization and their representatives are interested in information about the stability and profitability of employers; about the organization’s ability to guarantee wages and job security;

3) lenders are interested in information that allows them to determine whether the loans they provided to the organization will be repaid on time and the corresponding interest will be paid;

4) suppliers and contractors are interested in information that allows them to determine whether the amounts due to them will be paid on time;

5) buyers and customers are interested in information about the continuation of the organization’s activities;

6) tax and other regulatory authorities are interested in information to carry out their functions, etc.

Since the interests of interested users vary significantly, accounting cannot fully satisfy all the information needs of these users.

The information generated in accounting must satisfy the needs that are common to all users.

To meet the general needs of interested users in accounting, information is generated about the financial position of the organization, the financial results of its activities and changes in its financial position.

The financial position of an organization is determined by the resources at its disposal, the structure of sources of these resources, the liquidity and solvency of the organization, as well as its ability to adapt to changes in the operating environment.

Organization providing accounting information various categories users, should ensure efficiency (timeliness), reliability of the information should not be contained significant errors and distortions), neutrality (information should be free from one-sidedness), comparability and consistency of information for different periods of time.

At the same time, all users of accounting information are required to keep the organization’s trade secrets.

To meet these requirements and ensure that any users clearly understand the accounting data and indicators financial statements any organization needs to have unified legal and methodological foundations organization and maintenance of accounting as a whole for the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF).

To solve this and other problems in the Russian Federation, a system has been developed and is constantly being improved. regulatory regulation accounting.

This system is aimed at continuous improvement of the accounting process and understanding the role of accounting as a management function.

Users of accounting information can be very different - both internal and external. What may be the reason for the interest in accounting information on the part of certain persons?

Accounting information: main users

Users of accounting information can be classified into several main categories:

1. Internal corporate (executives, managers, accountants, employees of financial departments, employees of other specializations).

2. External private entities (creditors, investors, auditors, partners, counterparties).

3. State organizations(Federal Tax Service, Rosstat).

Let's consider which data sources may be of interest to this or that category of users of accounting information. But first, it will be useful to consider how the relevant information is generated.

Formation of information in accounting

Accounting is a system for collecting, recording and systematizing information about a company’s property, its obligations, as well as their movement, functioning through continuous recording of various business transactions. In the accounting process, a set of documents is formed that reflects the relevant business transactions, as well as their results.

It is necessary to distinguish between documents that include:

  • actually to accounting;
  • to financial statements.

In this article we will look at the specifics of both.

The formation of both types of sources is carried out taking into account special legislative norms. The collective name of these norms is Russian standards accounting, or RAS. They are presented:

  • accounting regulations (PBU);
  • federal regulations (for example, the law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n, etc.);
  • instructions of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service, methodological instructions government departments.

At the same time, a significant part of the norms approved modern sources RAS, is sufficiently close to international standards financial reporting (IFRS).

Let's study what sources can provide accounting and reporting documents.

Sources of accounting information

The main sources of accounting information established by RAS are:

  • source documents;
  • registers (sources that reflect and systematize data from primary documents).

The main purpose of the primary document is to reflect a particular fact economic life firm (for example, delivery or payment of goods, provision or receipt of services). Primary can be represented in a huge list of varieties. Established by law next order its introduction into document flow: it is necessary to approve the forms of the primary documents used in the local normative act the company’s accounting policy (clause 4 of PBU 21/2008).

Many organizations prefer to use unified forms of primary documents - those that are approved government departments, most often - by Goskomstat. Until 2013 this was mandatory, now it is at the request of the company. But in practice, refusal to use unified forms- are rare due to the fact that they are convenient and familiar to many accountants.

Registers can also be presented in the company’s document flow in the very wide range. For example, there are registers that reflect accounting entries, and there are those that record the content of individual business transactions. The list of registers used in the company is also approved in its accounting policy - in in this case appropriate order established by law.

Accounting almost always involves reflecting business transactions on separate accounts - in the form of postings. The list of these accounts is approved by law - by the above-mentioned order of the Ministry of Finance No. 94n. But the company must also formulate a working accounting plan (in accordance with the requirements of PBU 1/2008) based on what was drawn up by the state. The work plan is again approved in the company's accounting policies.

Users of accounting sources

Users of accounting information can be:

Within tax audits Federal Tax Service inspectors have the right to request from companies any sources necessary to exercise control over the compliance of the organization being inspected with the norms of legislation on taxes and fees. Such sources, first of all, include accounting documents - primary documents, registers.

2. Internal divisions of the company.

The internal structures of the company can use various sources of accounting in order to optimize procedures for managing capital, funds, company assets, and improve the turnover infrastructure financial documents, analysis of economic indicators.

3. External consultants, experts.

Data users of accounting information may request certain accounting sources from the company in order to analyze the quality of their preparation and maintenance - many companies order related services. These sources are subsequently used to generate documents related to financial statements. The absence of errors in the primary and registers predetermines the correctness of compilation balance sheet and other reporting documents.

Let's take a closer look at the specifics of the documents that make up the financial statements generated on the basis of accounting information.

Sources of financial statements

The main sources of financial statements established by RAS are considered to be:

  • organization's balance sheet;
  • reports on financial results, changes in capital, flow of funds, etc.

These sources may be supplemented with various explanations. IN provided by law In some cases, the financial statements may include auditors' reports.

Information reflected in the sources of financial statements is extracted from primary documents and accounting registers that correspond established criteria authenticity.

How is accounting data used?

Users of the information reflected in the financial statements may be:

1. Federal Tax Service, Rosstat and other government departments.

In this case, government agencies will be interested in:

  • reconciliation of accounting and tax reporting data;
  • study of the dynamics of financial and economic indicators.

2. Company management, owners, shareholders.

Their relevant information may be of interest for the following purposes:

  • familiarization with the dynamics of certain economic indicators;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of company property management;
  • assessing the quality and completeness of collecting information about business processes at the enterprise.

3. Creditors and investors of the company.

The information collected as part of the financial statements will be of interest to them as a source of data on financial condition company when making decisions about lending to it or investing in the business.

4. Auditors.

Based primarily on financial statements, company auditors make conclusions about the financial condition of the organization, the effectiveness of business management and other significant results of the company's activities.


Accounting, as well as related reporting, are procedures that involve the generation of documents that contain information that can be useful to a wide range of subjects. These can be both internal corporate structures and external actors— including government supervisory authorities.

You can find other useful information about accounting in the following articles:

The level of development of market relations and the financial market is one of the main factors influencing the information content of reporting.

The Russian economic system is still in its formation stage, which leads to the fact that the needs of the main users of reporting have not been worked out.

User - legal or individual interested in information about the organization.

Users of accounting information are divided into two groups:

1. Internal users such as the administration of the organization, heads of departments, employees, have Free access to all necessary and useful information for management (management and financial accounting) and are responsible for the decisions made.

2. External users operate outside the organization and should be divided into the following subgroups:

  • with direct financial interest;
  • with indirect financial interest;
  • no financial interest.

Users with direct financial interest - participants (owners) of the organization, current and potential investors and lenders (including suppliers), as well as lending banks, which, based on reporting information, develop options for providing loans, determine the likelihood and timing of their repayment. Direct interest is manifested in the user's interest in the results of the organization's activities. The subject of analysis of this subgroup is the financial position of the company, the results of its work, and the liquidity of the balance sheet.

Users with indirect financial interest represented by tax and financial authorities, service banks, insurance companies, trade unions, etc. This subgroup also includes customers interested in information about the prospects for the functioning of the enterprise. Indirect interest is associated with an interest in the existence of the organization and the continuation of its activities in the future.

Users without financial interest(statistics bodies, arbitration, auditing firms, stock exchanges). Users of this subgroup show interest in reporting information in order to:

  • checking the legality of transactions (arbitration, audit firms);
  • obtaining statistical information to supplement macro-level data by summarizing reporting indicators individual organizations (federal Service state statistics). Each user of financial statements has his own
  • information needs.

The organization's management routinely uses information about the activities of an economic entity to make strategic and tactical management decisions.

Employees of an organization, as users of financial statements, are interested in information that allows them to assess the company's ability to provide wages, system bonuses And pension provision, other social benefits, opportunities for further employment.

The owners of the organization (general partners, shareholders, shareholders, etc.) need accounting information to assess the financial prospects of the organization in the future and the possibility of generating income.

Investors who invest their capital want to get an idea of ​​the level of dividend payments, the risk associated with investments and the return on them and, by varying the contents of their securities portfolios, try to minimize this risk.

Lenders are interested in information about the company's lending conditions, allowing them to assess the organization's ability to repay the principal debt and interest on it in a timely manner in the future.

Lenders are interested in information whether the interest due will be paid on time.

Commercial clients (suppliers and buyers) are interested in commercial relationships. Suppliers are concerned whether payments will be made in a timely and complete manner and contractual obligations will be fulfilled. Buyers are interested in information about the stability of the company.

Tax and financial authorities have the right to receive not only reporting. but also all other accounting information necessary to verify the correct payment of taxes and fees.

Government bodies have the rights to receive additional information. They are interested in the distribution of resources. They also need information in order to regulate the activities of companies, determine tax policy, distribute national income.

Table 1. Users of financial statements, their interests and the purpose of financial statement analysis

Financial Information User Group

The need for information to determine:

Areas of analysis of financial statements


Level of return on capital and financial stability; directions for developing the company's financial strategy

Profitability, capital structure; identification cash income; mobilization opportunities internal resources; directions for reducing production costs; optimal distribution and use of profits; determining the need for working capital; rational use enterprise capital

Employees and their representatives

Stability and profitability of the employer; the organization's ability to guarantee wages and job security

The degree of participation in the distribution of profits earned by the organization

Suppliers and contractors

Will the amounts due to them be paid on time?


Creditors and lenders

Will the loans and borrowings they provided to the organization be repaid in a timely manner and the corresponding interest paid?

Liquidity, solvency, ability of an organization to generate positive cash flow

Tax authorities

Admission tax payments to the federal and local budgets

Analysis of indicators that form tax base organizations

Investors and their representatives

Current and future value of the organization;

riskiness and profitability of proposed or implemented investments; the ability and feasibility to manage investments; the organization's ability to pay dividends

Risks on invested capital; efficiency of conducting current, financial, investment and other activities, by determining the amount cash flows generated by the enterprise in the forecast and extended period, taking into account all its assets and minus liabilities


Key values financial indicators established by the company management for each management level

Analysis of factors that influenced the formation of the achieved level of key financial indicators

Buyers and clients

Possibilities for continuing the organization's activities

Payment and competitiveness

General public

The role and contribution of the organization to improving the well-being of society at the local, regional and federal levels

Analysis of social reporting indicators

One can also single out such a user of reporting information as the public. The public may include employees, clients, tax payers, participants in pension schemes who have purchased securities companies, and other persons interested in the published information ( financial analysts, journalists, competitors). It can be argued that the public as a whole has the right to receive information about the activities of organizations that exist within economic system. She is interested in the well-being of the company and the range of its activities, which is necessary to assess the company’s possible contribution to the development of society. In some cases, information is provided directly to union members if staff expansion or reduction is expected, etc. Others interested people and organizations directly or indirectly participating in the capital of the organization expect that the activity will continue and they will receive income.

Anglo-American-Dutch model(the accounting system is characterized by the maximum degree of information disclosure, primarily for investors and creditors; accounting standards are developed when active participation professional organizations);

Continental model (most of countries of Europe. Japan, with a certain share conventions and Russia; Availability legislative regulation accounting; reporting is focused on meeting the information needs of tax and other government regulatory bodies);

South American model(accounting system orientation towards high level inflation; financial system is aimed at government needs, primarily tax, and is strictly regulated).

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