The use of forensic technology. To solve the problem of combating crime, it is necessary to constantly improve existing and develop new tools, techniques and methods of all sections of forensic science, including forensic technology, as well as

Forensic technology - this is one of the sections of criminalistics, containing a system of scientific provisions and technical means, techniques and methods based on them, designed to collect and study evidence in the course of legal proceedings, as well as in the implementation of other measures related to the detection and prevention of crimes.

Forensic technology as a section of forensic science includes a number of elements that form its own system, which includes:

  • Industry sections, including:
    • traceology(forensic investigation);
    • forensic research substances and materials;
    • forensic odorology(study of human scent traces);
    • forensic research of firearms and edged weapons, ammunition, explosive devices and traces of their use (forensic ballistics, explosives, research of edged weapons);
    • forensic examination of documents(forensic handwriting and author studies, technical and forensic examination of documents);
    • forensic habitoscopy(study external signs person);
    • forensic phonoscopy- Establishment of human sound sources by phonograms;
    • forensic photography, sound and video recording.

Forensic technology is closely related to other sections forensic science. So, the tactics of conducting a search or inspection of the scene of an incident directly depends on the technical means used to search for and preliminary study of objects that can subsequently acquire the status material evidence. Success is determined by compliance guidelines on the search and study of objects, correctly selected modes of operation of the equipment, the sequence of its use, etc., which depend on forensic methodology investigation of this type of crimes, including as required element the use of technical and forensic tools and methods for collecting, researching, evaluating and using evidence.

Tasks resolved using technical and forensic means and methods can be divided into the following main groups:

  • detection, fixation (fixation), removal and preservation of various traces and other objects (using both simple means- fingerprint powders, brushes, pastes for impressions, and sets of technical equipment - with special suitcases, as well as forensic mobile laboratories);
  • accumulation, processing and use of forensic meaningful information contained in the traces of crimes (forensic records, collections and file cabinets);
  • preliminary and expert study various objects, including physical evidence;
  • scientific organization of work of investigators, experts, judges.


Traceology (from French trace - trace and Greek logos - word, doctrine; lit.: the doctrine of traces) is a branch of forensic technology that studies the patterns of formation of traces-images and develops means, techniques and methods for their detection, fixation, seizure and research to be used for the detection and investigation of crimes.

Trace examinations, in accordance with the objects of their study and by the presence special techniques are divided into four types:

  • homeoscopic - this is a study of human traces: examination of traces of hands, feet, teeth, lips, clothes and shoes, traces of human blood, examination of knots and loops;
  • mechanoscopic - this is the study of traces of tools, tools, mechanisms, locking and safety devices, i.e. diagnostic (detection, fixation and suitability of traces) and identification studies traces, damage on objects, examination of products that display signs of parts of machine tools and tools, examination of locks, seals, including examination of the establishment of the whole in parts, etc.);
  • transport - traces Vehicle and damage to them;
  • examination of traces of animals - traces of teeth and traces of legs (paws).


Fingerprinting- a section of forensic technology that studies the structure of papillary patterns of human fingers for the purpose of subsequent identification.

Types of papillary patterns

Most of the papillary patterns on the nail phalanges of the fingers consist of three streams of lines. One is in the central part of the pattern and forms the inner pattern (center). Two other streams - upper (outer) and lower (basic) - go around the inner pattern from above and below. The section of the pattern where these streams converge resembles the letter "delta" from Greek alphabet, as a result of which this section of the pattern was called delta. Delta is one of optional features, indicating the type of pattern. It consists of three elements: the upper sleeve, the lower sleeve and the inner side of the delta.

Depending on the number of flows of papillary lines, the forms of the internal pattern of the delta distinguish three main types papillary pattern: arc, loopback And whorled.

arc pattern consists of two streams of papillary lines that start at one edge of the phalanx and end at the other, forming arched figures in the middle part of the pattern, curving towards the upper stream. In arc patterns, there is no internal pattern and delta.

The occurrence of arc patterns is 5% of total number papillary patterns.

Loop pattern consists of three streams of papillary lines. One of the streams (central), starting at one edge of the phalanx, returns to the same edge, forming a loop in the middle of the pattern. The loop has a head, legs and open part. The direction of the legs of the loops is the basis for distinguishing among the loop patterns ulnar (the legs of the loops are directed towards the little finger) and radial (the legs of the loops are directed towards the thumb). Loop patterns have one delta.

The occurrence of the loop pattern is 65% of the total number of papillary patterns.

swirl pattern consists of three streams of papillary lines that form circles, ovals, spirals, etc. inside the pattern. characteristic feature curlic patterns is the presence in them of at least two deltas, one of which is located to the left and the other to the right of the central part of the pattern. The occurrence of a whorl pattern is 30%.

1. The concept and system of forensic technology

To solve the problem of combating crime in Russia, it is necessary to constantly improve the existing and develop tools, techniques and methods of all sections of forensic science, including forensic technology, as well as quickly introduce them into practice. law enforcement.

Forensic technology equips criminal investigation officers, investigators with effective means for detecting, investigating and preventing crimes. Skillful use of the means, techniques and methods of forensic technology is impossible without knowledge of the very concept of this section of forensic science, the system of forensic technology, sources, as well as the classification of its tools and methods and knowledge of the links of forensic technology with other sections of forensic science.

Disclosure and investigation of crimes is impossible without the widespread use of various technical means. They help to investigate phenomena, events and processes of crime that are not perceived under normal conditions, to generalize existing data, facilitate the mental activity of a law enforcement officer, and allow us to verify in practice the truth of our knowledge about natural objects.

Forensic technology as a section of forensic science is a system of scientific provisions and developed on their basis technical (in the broad sense) means, techniques and methods designed to collect, research and use evidence and implement other measures in the detection and prevention of crimes. On the other hand, under forensic technology(in the narrow sense of the word) is understood as a set of various instruments, technical devices and devices used for these purposes.

Forensic technology arose on the basis of the use of data from the natural and technical sciences in order to investigate and prevent crimes. Therefore, the natural-scientific nature of certain means and techniques gives the term "technology" a somewhat arbitrary meaning. Many scientific provisions of forensic technology are based on the knowledge and use of data from physics, chemistry, biology, anthropology, physiology, psychology, cybernetics, mathematics and other sciences.

If we analyze what scientific and technical means are studied by forensic technology, as a branch of the science of forensic science, then they can be divided into 4 groups:

1. instruments and tools, fixtures, taken unchanged from various technical and natural sciences. At the same time, the methods of their use do not differ in any way from the methods of using technical means in other areas of human activity (for example, scales, a microscope, a caliper, a video camera, etc.);

2. scientific technical means adopted by various technical and natural sciences, but used according to special forensic techniques comparative microscope MS-51),

3. devices, tools and other technical means that are used in various branches of science and technology, but for solving the problems facing forensic science, have undergone certain modifications (for example, metal detectors, specialized cameras, in particular, with a built-in grid, flashlights with special nozzles, etc.);

4. devices, tools and devices specially designed for forensic purposes (for example, the RF-4 apparatus for photographic scanning of bullets, the optical overlay device - PON 1, MSK-2IDR).

Despite the fact that the possibility of using all these groups of scientific and technical means in the fight against crime is studied by forensic technology, there is no reason to attribute all these means to it. Actually forensic should be considered those technical means that are structurally adapted to solve a particular forensic problem. So, a car that delivers an investigator or an operative to the scene of an incident, a first-aid kit for helping the wounded, a biological microscope used to examine material evidence, are not forensic tools. On the other hand, a mobile forensic laboratory, an investigative suitcase, etc., which are structurally adapted to solve the problems of detecting, investigating or preventing crimes, therefore become forensic means.

A characteristic feature of forensic technology is that its application is based on strict observance of the law. The use of scientific and technical means is lawful only when, firstly, it is directly provided for by law, secondly, it is recommended by it, and thirdly, it does not contradict the law in its essence.

In the literature, an opinion was expressed about the need to enumerate in the law all scientific and technical means and methods that can be used in the investigation of crimes (M.A. Filippova) However, in the law "it is impossible to provide for all the methods and means of working with evidence, because they are are updated" (N A. Selivanov) Therefore, it would be advisable to reflect in the law the regulation of the principles of their application. There are general principles of law that also apply to forensic technology, and principles related to the use of technical means and methods in criminal proceedings. The former include observance of the rule of law, the rights of the individual, humanity and democracy, the inevitability of punishment, etc. The latter include the legitimacy of using technical methods and means, their scientific validity, effectiveness, the use of these methods and means by authorized persons, the preservation of the object under study, and the economy. These principles were discussed by us in the lecture on topic No. 1, when the question was raised in the methods of forensic science. Therefore, we will talk in more detail about some of them.

The principle of the legality of the use of technical methods and means is aimed at strengthening the legality. The use of means and methods of forensic technology is lawful only when it is directly provided for by law or recommended by it, or does not contradict the law in its essence. We talked about this in more detail earlier.

The use of technical methods and means should not violate individual rights: humiliate the honor and belittle the dignity of citizens, prevent them from exercising their procedural rights during the preliminary investigation and consideration of the case in court.

Apply technical methods and funds can not be any person, not any participants in the process, but only authorized persons, and strictly within their competence.

When applying technical means and methods, care should always be taken to preserve the object under investigation, since its change or destruction may adversely affect the investigation of a criminal case. The only subject who can (under certain conditions) apply technical methods and means that lead to damage or destruction of the object under study is an expert. Other participants in the process can use only those methods and means that do not entail a change in the appearance or destruction of the object under study.

Scientific and technical methods and means play an important role in the operational-search and investigative activities. Their use in these cases is regulated by both laws, in particular Articles 9 and 10 of the Law of the RSFSR "On the Police", Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On operational-search activities", the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, and departmental regulations. legal basis such regulation, in particular, are the orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 261 of 06/01/1993, No. 334 of 06/20/1996 and other by-laws.

The main content of forensic technology is a set of scientific provisions, as well as tools and methods borrowed from others from other sciences and creatively adapted for forensic purposes or specially developed for them, this set is a harmonious structure, combined into an integral system in strict accordance with the goals of the science of forensic science and objectives of the criminal process. Currently, the following main branches of forensic technology have been formed in forensic science: forensic photography, filming and video recording, forensic trasology (investigation), forensic weapons science, forensic habitoscopy, forensic examination of documents (forensic documentation), forensic records.

To identify and search for criminals by smell, a new industry forensic technology - forensic odorology; forensic phonoscopy is developing, i.e. the doctrine of the identification of a person by voice, as well as the forensic investigation of materials, substances and products (KEMVI).

Any object can act as a technical and forensic tool if it meets the conditions established by the criminal procedure law for collecting, i.e., detecting, fixing and seizing, as well as examining evidence, and in operational-search activities - to identify factual data that can become evidence or can be used to discover crimes and the perpetrators.

Technical and forensic means are called material objects used to detect, investigate and prevent crimes. These include instruments and apparatus, equipment and tools, materials and reagents, etc. In addition, general-purpose technical means, transport, communications, microscopic equipment, computers, etc. are used for the listed purposes.

Forensic technology in addition to technical means are also methods, methods, techniques and techniques.

In a broad sense, the technical and forensic method (method, method, technique) means an approach to understanding the circumstances of the crime under investigation, expressed in the implementation of certain technical actions. However, these terms are also used in a narrow sense. In this method, the significance of a part of a method is attached (for example, the microphotography method can be carried out in two ways a) using a microscope; 6) using a nozzle extension tube).

Under the forensic technique is understood (in the broadest sense of the word) the most rational and effective way of acting in the collection, research, evaluation and use of evidence. In a narrow sense technique- this is a separate action, which is an integral element, part of the method (for example, side, vertical, etc. lighting during microphotography).

Under the forensic technique is understood a system of rules and recommendations, i.e. a set of several methods used to solve a problem. For example, the methodology for forensic examination of documents in order to identify signs of forgery may provide for a certain sequence of application of a set of methods: microscopy, color discrimination, fluorescent analysis in ultraviolet rays, etc.

As noted earlier, forensic tools and methods are based on the origin of GI. Gramovich divides into four groups. ON THE. Selivanov by this reason divides them into two groups:

Developed in relation to general technology and adapted to special forensic tasks;

Created exclusively for solving forensic tasks.

1. The first type includes tools intended for investigators, operatives and forensic specialists and used to detect, seize and fix evidence, those tools for photographic filming and video recording, sound recording, working with traces, etc., as well as for detecting and rapid disclosure of crimes, search and detention of criminals, etc.;

2. He refers to the second type the means used in the study of physical evidence and, mainly, in the production of forensic examinations (for example, goniometers, photometers, microscopes, etc.).

G.I. Gramovich proposes to classify scientific and technical means, depending on the functions performed with their help, into the following groups:

1. to detect traces and other objects;

2. for fixation;

3. for withdrawal;

for examining evidence;

to prevent crime;

6. to organize the fight against crime.

It should be noted that the named classification corresponds to modern ideas and will be described in more detail in the second question of the lecture.

Means, techniques, methods and techniques of forensic technology within their powers and within various forms used by operatives, investigators, judges, experts and forensic technicians in the production process:

operational-search activity;

preliminary investigation;

judicial investigation;

forensic examinations;

preliminary study of material objects.

The operative officer uses forensic techniques to identify hidden traces of the crime, the crimes themselves and criminals (for example, covert video recording or photography of the moment of giving a bribe). Investigator and forensic technician apply forensic technique in the process investigative actions(for example, during inspection, search, etc.). The expert applies it in such a special investigative action as the production of forensic examinations. The conclusion of the expert in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation is one of the sources of judicial evidence, and his conclusions are evidence. Court in process judicial investigation applies forensic techniques to examine evidence during examination, forensic experiment, to demonstrate the evidence collected during the preliminary investigation.

When detecting, investigating and preventing crimes, forensic technology is used:

to create special conditions that prevent the implementation of criminal intent or provide evidence of other information (for example, the presence of protective grids and watermarks in documents that prevent the destruction of the text);

to fix facts and circumstances, the use of which can ensure the search for hidden criminals (for example, the installation of photographic or video equipment on objects with material values ​​​​for capturing on film or videotape of persons trying to steal or steal these values), as well as acceptance in relation to persons being checked and suspected measures prescribed by law;

to identify, record and preliminary study of factual data that may become evidence;

to record facts and circumstances that allow establishing sources of evidence;

to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes.

The result of the use of scientific and technical means in the course of procedural actions will have evidentiary value only if they are properly executed.

In accordance with the criminal procedure law, the use of forensic technology is reflected in the document that draws up a particular procedural action (protocol of an investigative action, expert opinion, protocol of a court session). It indicates what means and methods were used, and under what conditions (for example, lighting during photography, filter brand, etc.). Photographs, casts, fingerprints, etc. obtained with the help of scientific and technical means. are supplied with explanatory texts, which are certified by the signatures of the investigator and witnesses and are attached to the relevant procedural document. The explanatory text indicates the name of the object of fixation or research, deciphers the content of the existing symbols, arrows and other marks, indicates the procedural action, during which the scientific and technical means were used, and the date of its implementation.

There is an inextricable link and interdependence between forensic technology and forensic tactics. Tactical techniques and recommendations are designed to ensure the most complete and effective application in the process of investigation and judicial review of criminal cases of techniques and means of forensic technology. In turn, the problems facing forensic tactics of changing its tasks, using data from such sciences as logic, psychology and others in tactics, brings to life the emergence of new or changes in existing technical and forensic tools, techniques and recommendations.

Forensic techniques and forensic tactics are implemented in the activities of bodies of inquiry, investigation and court through methods of investigation and prevention of certain types of crimes.

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    The concept, system and tasks of forensic technology

    The current state of crime is characterized potential danger for the state and requires the development of new means and methods of combating crime, taking into account the priority of the interests of man and citizen. Increasing the level of organization, armament, technical equipment of criminals requires an appropriate level of technical and forensic support for the investigation and prevention of criminal offenses. One of the sources of such achievements in law enforcement There is separate section forensic sciences - forensic technology.

    On the one hand, the term "forensic technology" refers to a branch of the science of forensic science, and on the other hand, a set of technical means used in criminal proceedings. IN historical aspect technical means were originally used as special tools, expanding the cognitive capabilities of the investigator, criminal investigation worker, and expert. Later they acquired research functions material sources, and then - evaluation and presentation of evidence in criminal proceedings. Thus, the tasks of forensic technology and its subject were formed.

    Forensic technology as a branch of the science of forensic science, it is a system of scientific provisions and recommendations that ensure the development of technical means (instruments, tools, devices and materials), as well as techniques and methods for their use in order to investigate and prevent criminal offenses. This dual concept of forensic technology has survived to the present day and is the most accepted.

    The scientific provisions of forensic technology are based on the knowledge and use of the laws of natural, technical and other sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, anthropology, etc.), as well as on individual forensic theories and teachings (the doctrine of the mechanisms of trace creation, the theory of identification, and so on). similar), and its content lies in the development of technical means, techniques and methods in order to obtain information from material evidence for the knowledge of the event of a criminal offense and the establishment of objective truth in the course of criminal proceedings.

    Forensic technology is closely related to other sections of the science of forensic science, and its provisions are implemented and embodied, both in the tactics of conducting individual investigative (search) actions, and in the investigation methodology certain types crimes, which contributes to the successful investigation as a whole.

    The tasks of forensic technology are as follows:

    Development of technical means and methods that provide the introduction of new sources of forensic information into the investigation process;

    Detection and Seizure material traces crimes;

    Establishment of the mechanism for the formation of traces and the reasons for their interaction;

    Establishment of properties, states, group membership and identity of objects-sources of information;

    Processing and use of forensic information for the investigation and prevention of criminal offenses;

    Development of techniques and technical means for assessing and using forensic information in law enforcement.

    Forensic technology system - this is a subject classification of scientific provisions, built taking into account the types (types) of traces of crimes, as well as the characteristics of trace-preparing objects, and the tasks solved in their study, which allows you to present the relevant knowledge in a structure that covers the main elements (branches) of forensic technology.

    1. General provisions of forensic technology include the concept, content and sources of forensic technology, its relationship with other sections of forensic science and other sciences, the concept and content of its elements (branches).

    2. Forensic photography and video recording - a set of scientific provisions and developed on their basis special photo-, video-recording means and relevant methods that are used to collect, research and demonstrate evidence.

    3. Trasology (forensic investigation of traces) - studies the patterns and mechanism of occurrence various kinds(types) of traces, develops means, techniques and methods for detecting, collecting, and also studying these traces with a view to their subsequent use during the investigation and prevention of criminal offenses.

    4. Zbroєznavstvo (criminalistic research of weapons, ammunition, explosives and devices and traces of their use)- studies the patterns of design and operation of various types of weapons, the appearance of traces of their use, and also develops means, techniques and methods for studying such objects and traces in order to use them during the investigation and prevention of criminal offenses.

    5. Documentation (forensic examination of documents) - covers the study of the patterns of document production and methods of their complete or partial forgery, and also develops means, techniques and methods for studying such objects in order to use them during the investigation and prevention of criminal offenses.

    6. Gabitoscopy (identification of a person by appearance) - represents the doctrine of the signs of a person's appearance, their material and ideal reflections, the methodology for using such signs in establishing facts that are important in the investigation of criminal offenses.

    7. Phonoscopy (forensic examination of sound traces) - forensic doctrine about the methods of using recorded sounds to investigate criminal offenses.

    8. Odorology (forensic examination of odor traces) - is a system of scientifically developed methods and technical means for detecting, withdrawing, storing and studying odor traces for the purpose of their subsequent use for solving identification problems.

    9. Forensic investigation of substances, materials and products.

    10. criminal registration, the content of which is to develop means, techniques and methods for registering people, animals and other objects in order to investigate and prevent criminal offenses.

    The specified list of branches of forensic technology as constituent element science of forensic science is not exhaustive, because in modern conditions development public relations new directions (industries) are being formed, namely: polygraphology, that is, the study of the reactions of the human body to socially significant issues, forensic entomology - the study of the development of insects on a corpse and the nature of the damage they cause, and the like.

    Forensic technology - one of the sections of criminalistics, which provides a system of scientific provisions and based on them technical (in the broad sense) means, techniques and methods intended for collecting and examining evidence in the process of legal proceedings in criminal (and civil) cases, other measures for the detection and prevention of crimes.

    Means, techniques and forensic techniques are natural science and technical knowledge.

    The term "forensic science" refers to:

      1. branch of forensic science;
      2. set of technical means, i.e. devices, apparatus, equipment, tools, fixtures, accessories and materials used for collecting and examining evidence in the course of legal proceedings.

    The subjects of the use of forensic technology in the process of disclosure and investigation of crimes are not any participants in the process, but only authorized persons:

      • investigators (during the production of investigative actions),
      • specialists - employees of forensic institutions (during the production of investigative actions or operational-search measures, examinations and preliminary studies),
      • operational officers (when carrying out operational and investigative measures).

    Forensic technology is successfully used not only in criminal, but also in civil and arbitration process, in administrative proceedings.

    For the use of forensic technology, legal grounds are necessary, which should be understood as the permissibility of certain technical actions in terms of the law.

    The law does not give exhaustive list means and methods of forensic technology used in the process of investigating crimes and judicial trial. This is impossible both because of the vastness of this list, and because forensic technology is constantly evolving, and the range of objects that can acquire the value of material evidence in a case is growing.

    Forensic technology system

    As a section of forensic science, it consists of elements that form its own system, which includes:

      • general provisions (including the system and tasks of forensic technology, elements of particular forensic theories and teachings (for example, teachings about skills, the mechanism of trace formation, identification theory, etc., a general description of technical and forensic means, legal grounds for their application);
      • forensic photography, video recording;
      • habitoscopy (forensic examination of the external signs of a person);
      • trasology (forensic investigation of traces);
      • forensic research of weapons, ammunition, and traces of their use;
      • forensic examination of documents (which includes: forensic handwriting; forensic auto study; technical and forensic examination of documents);
      • forensic phonoscopy (identification of a person by voice);
      • forensic odorology (study of human scent traces);
      • forensic research of substances and materials;
      • forensic registration.

    Forensic technology uses both general scientific and special methods. And modern facilities and the methods of this section are based on the latest achievements not only of forensic science, but also of inorganic, organic, physical and quantum chemistry, general physics, solid state physics, thermal physics, crystallography, general and molecular biology, mathematics, computer science and cybernetics, as well as other natural and technical sciences.

    As a branch of science, forensic technology includes the actual technical means and technical and forensic techniques and techniques. The latter are a system of operations and

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