History of the traffic police. State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (State Traffic Inspectorate)

The new-old department is now called the Department of Security traffic(DOBDD). The era of renaming began for traffic inspectors in 1998, when President Boris Yeltsin signed decree N 711. After the presidential stroke, the usual traffic police turned into the traffic police. The meaning of changing the letters was explained to us right away - everything is being done to create a positive image of the traffic police in the eyes of ordinary citizens, both those with iron horses and those on foot. Judging by the explanations, the traffic police has tarnished its once good name so much that the newly named structure will look better in the eyes of the population.

Of course, when renaming the traffic police, they wanted the best. It turned out the same as always. The traffic police suffered from the same vices as its predecessor.

The only tangible plus is that it has become more difficult to swear when pronouncing the new abbreviation. But car enthusiasts did not suffer for long. New President Vladimir Putin helped. In December 2001, he said the following verbatim: “There is such an organization - the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. It’s difficult to pronounce and in general it’s not very clear why they renamed it. So far no one can clearly explain. But the structure is important.”

After such words from the president, since 2002 the traffic police began to be called the traffic police - traffic police. Whoever likes it. Both names were used simultaneously. Three years later, that is, since last Wednesday, our road safety service can safely be called by five letters.

The change of letters, in fact, changed little in the past, and is unlikely to change now. Except the amount. Meticulous experts immediately calculated how much the five letters of the new name would cost us taxpayers. A penny, however, can add up to a substantial amount.

There are approximately 78 thousand road service inspectors in Russia. These are the people who are required to wear badges with personal number and the name of the organization. It costs 85 rubles to make one token. total amount- approximately 230 thousand dollars. New stamps and production of forms will cost approximately the same amount.

Now about transport. All patrol cars will have to be repainted. Or rather, do not repaint them, but stick a so-called colored reflective sticker on them. One such sticker costs about $80. There are two of them on each car. There are approximately 30 thousand patrol cars in Russia. This means that the state must spend approximately $2.4 million to repaint the special vehicles. The total cost of renaming at minimum prices is close to $3 million.

It was not possible to get a comment from the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on what caused the latest renaming. They cannot explain why the traffic police need a different name. They say that this is an order from the minister, and orders from superiors are not discussed.

In fact, in any person and in any service, the main thing is not the form, but the content. Honest people, well done on duty, is everywhere. Including in road service. Few people know that in Belgorod region Recently they erected a monument to a traffic police inspector. His last name is Grechikhin. They say that the guard was completely incorruptible. They even made up a story about him that he supposedly fined himself after he drove through a red light while chasing a violator. He probably didn’t care what his office was called - traffic police, traffic police or traffic police. He just wasn't buying it.

Official site former traffic police inquired cautiously public opinion for its next reform. The public's responses were interesting. More than seventy percent of respondents said that they do not care, because the reform, in their opinion, is an empty phrase.

Traffic police - every motorist in Russia is familiar with this abbreviation. On our website there is also a whole section dedicated to it, in which we talk about fines and registration rules Vehicle, about obtaining a license and training in a driving school, and about many other problems that concern all drivers without exception.

This abbreviation stands for very simply: State inspection road safety.

This is one of the divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose functions include:

  • ensuring order on the roads;
  • control over compliance by all road users with traffic rules ( keyword- “all participants”, including pedestrians);
  • supervisory and licensing functions - admitting vehicles to operation, carrying out registration or re-registration, issuing and replacing license plates, testing the knowledge of driver candidates (exams in the traffic police), etc.

Structure of the traffic police

The main regulatory body of the traffic police is the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - the state department for ensuring road safety. In each individual region of the country there are regional branches The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which is entrusted with all control and licensing functions.

In addition, the structure of the State Traffic Inspectorate includes whole line departments and divisions. Let's list the main ones.

DPS - highway patrol service. Given structural subdivision is engaged in ensuring safety on Russian roads, suppressing various offenses. In case of any threats or emergency situations The traffic police searches for violators, detains and checks vehicles. That is, this is a paramilitary part of the traffic police, whose representatives even have the right to open fire to kill ().

MREO- interdistrict registration and examination department. There is a MREO in every city, and in big cities like Moscow, there are such departments in every district - MREO VAO, MREO Central Administrative District and so on.

What do MREOs do:

  • conducting examinations, issuing driving licenses;
  • driver's medical examinations;
  • all issues related to registration and accounting of vehicles - issuance/replacement of license plates, certificates, STS, PTS;
  • vehicle recycling.

DIiOD- road inspection and traffic management service. This division monitors compliance with rules in the field of standards and technical standards(repair and operation of roads, railway crossings, road structures). This service also coordinates routes passenger transport, determine routes for transportation of oversized items or dangerous goods.

Inspection and registration service - interdistrict departments state inspection and vehicle registration.

There are other units involved in searching for cars, ensuring safety on highways, and so on.

Traffic police or traffic police - which is correct?

You can often hear that the traffic police are called the traffic police in the old fashioned way - is this correct?

The answer is correct. GAI is an abbreviation for “State Traffic Inspectorate”. For 70-odd years, everyone has become accustomed to this abbreviation. In 1998, a decree was issued to rename the traffic police to the traffic police, because such a name more accurately conveyed the essence of the inspection’s activities (safety).

However, in 2002, a new decree was issued, according to which the names of the traffic police and the traffic police were recognized as equivalent - even on the official website of the traffic police it is written: “State traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.”

Renaming is a favorite pastime of our leaders. It’s good that after the renaming of the police, the new names of the traffic police and inspectors were not approved:

  • P police D oro- R adjusting WITH Luzhba;
  • P policeman AND inspector D guarded R regulation.

There were other interesting abbreviations, but the government decided that the traffic police and the traffic police sounded nicer.

traffic police(State car inspection).

The traffic police was created as a division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in USSR in 1936. In 1998 it was renamed to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety), and in 2004 to the DOBDD (Road Safety Department), but the old name remains in the public consciousness.
IN modern Russia deals with accounting of all types of vehicles; taking examinations for the right to drive a car and issuing driver's license; holds annual technical inspections Vehicle; monitors the condition of the roads ( cm.), compliance with traffic rules (traffic regulations), helps those involved in a road traffic accident (RTA).
In Russian colloquial speech there is a word traffic cop - this is what a traffic police officer is called. It has a negative connotation and is not used in a conversation with a traffic police officer.
The traffic cop is a traditional character in jokes, in which, unfortunately, he appears either stupid or taking bribes from drivers who have violated traffic rules. For example: A traffic cop stops a car for speeding and tells the driver : - Here maximum speed 40 kilometers in hour, and you drove 80 kilometers in hour. Where are you in a hurry? - Well, I brought you 100 rubles.
Traffic police officer:

Russia. Large linguistic and cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute Russian language named after. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

See what "traffic police" is in other dictionaries:

    traffic police- unchangeable; and. [ in capital letters] Letter abbreviation: State Automobile Inspectorate (a service that monitors compliance with traffic rules). Traffic policeman. Traffic police car. Traffic police post. ◁ Traffic cop, oh, oh. Razg. G. post. Damn car. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gai- Gai toponym Republic of Belarus Gai village, Mogilev district, Mogilev region Gai village, Verhnedvinsk district, Vitebsk region Ukraine Gai village, Brodovsky district, Lviv region. Gai village, Pustomitovsky ... Wikipedia

    traffic police- State Traffic Inspectorate State Automobile Inspectorate from July 3, 1936 to July 15, 1988 after: State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia http://www.gibdd.ru auto traffic police Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Comp. A. A. Shchelokov. M.: LLC Publishing House... ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    traffic police- State Automobile Inspectorate... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    traffic police- and. State automobile inspection. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    traffic police- - State Automobile Inspectorate - the old name of the traffic police. EdwART. Dictionary of automotive jargon, 2009 ... Automobile dictionary

    traffic police- unchangeable; and. see also traffic policeman Letter abbreviation: State automobile inspection (a service that monitors compliance with traffic rules) Traffic police officer. Traffic police car. Traffic police post... Dictionary of many expressions

    traffic police- noun Fast. ex: own; inanimate; conc.; and. R.; several LZ An organization that checks the correct actions of drivers and pedestrians on highways. Word-formation analysis, Morphemic analysis: To enlarge, click on the picture Nepost. etc … Morphemic-word-formation dictionary

    traffic police- GA|I (4*), ˫A s. Grove, forest: from far away there is. that monastery... with all its detours. and behind the Gaimi and behind the oak trees Gr 1378 (2, southern district); gave ѥsmy mishevi that courtyard... and za haimi. and stav... and with all the living creatures Gr 1390 (2, Yu. R.). In the role of them. geogr.: Mstisla||vѹ… … Dictionary of the Old Russian language (XI-XIV centuries)

    traffic police- see State Automobile Inspectorate... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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Abbreviation traffic police It’s difficult to call it euphonious, so in colloquial speech many, out of old memory, call this organization by its former name "GAI", and employees - “traffic cops” or “gaits”, on extreme case- traffic inspectors.

Films are made about them, jokes and amazing real-life incidents are told. The image of a traffic police officer is very ambiguous: on the one hand, these people make a lot of efforts to ensure that order reigns on our roads, and on the other, they are rightfully considered one of the most corrupt officials in the country. What kind of organization is this - the traffic police, and what does it do?

A little history

The traffic police, or rather its predecessor the traffic police, appeared in 1936. Previously, the functions of maintaining order on the roads were performed by special department police. Creation separate service was caused by a sharp increase in the number of vehicles on the country's roads.

Its employees had to ensure order, monitor the proper training of drivers, develop traffic rules and other regulatory documentation. The first ones appeared in the Soviet Union two years after the creation of the State Traffic Inspectorate (State Auto Inspectorate) - in 1938. In the 60s of the twentieth century, uniform rules were introduced for the entire country driver's licenses, and also developed rules for private cars for conducting technical inspections, vehicle registration, etc.

During the crisis years of the 90s, many traffic police officers quit, moving to better-paid jobs; those who remained at their posts were subjected to many temptations and often turned a blind eye to traffic rule violators who could pay off responsibility. During this period, the number of accidents on the roads sharply increased, and specific road crime appeared. The authority of traffic police officers in the eyes of the population has fallen sharply.

In 1998, reform of the service began, which received a new name - GIBDD (State Inspectorate for Road Safety). It received a status equal to that of a separate ministry, although it remained within the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Long-term painstaking work made it possible to improve a lot in the work of ordinary traffic inspectors and the entire service as a whole.

Traffic police departments

The traffic police traffic police consists of a number of divisions, some of which are known to everyone, while others, no less important, are known only to specialists.

DPS, or the road patrol service, is a unit with whose employees ordinary citizens meet most often. They are the ones who patrol our streets and country roads, prevent violations of traffic rules and stop too many violent offenders. But they often impose fines on careless drivers, which, unfortunately, does not add to their popular love.

DIiODroad inspection and traffic organization, whose employees control the conduct road works, develop and approve safe routes for trucks and public transport.

Inspection and registration service– employees who are involved in registration and accounting of vehicles, issuing license plates and mandatory documents drivers.

Registration and examination departments are responsible for driver training, accept driving tests and issue licenses to new drivers.

Vehicle search department is engaged in the search for stolen and missing cars.

Tasks and functions of the traffic police

The main task of the traffic police is to maintain roads and traffic in safe condition. In the course of its main activities, the traffic police provides services to citizens:

— on checking the level of driving a car (motorcycle) and issuing a driver’s license;

— to provide information about administrative violations of drivers;

— registration of cars and motorcycles;

— to search for stolen (hijacked) vehicles;

— escorting dangerous goods, passenger transport with children, etc.;

— monitoring the condition of roads, designing new roads and interchanges;

- by decision controversial issues in case of personal appeals from citizens.

In the course of carrying out their functions, inspectorate employees may use various special equipment and technical devices, draw up documents, etc.

What documents do traffic police officers prepare?

When interacting ordinary citizens with traffic police officers can register following documents:

— Protocol on traffic violations– the most famous of the documents that is drawn up when one or more violations are committed.

— Resolution on the decision made in relation to the traffic violator.

— Certificate of a car or pedestrian being involved in an accident for insurance companies.

— Certificate of admission to transport dangerous goods.

— A ruling to refuse to open a case for traffic violations.

— Receipt for payment of the imposed fine.

If a citizen does not agree with the actions of the traffic inspector, he can appeal his decision in court or to higher authorities.

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