Changing an employee’s passport details, how to fill out an order. We prepare personnel documents when an employee’s personal data changes

Any changes in personal data entail adjustments to all personnel documentation, otherwise, employee identification will be impossible, and even getting a card from a bank or paying a bonus or salary through a cash desk will become an insoluble problem. The QA inspector or other person performing these duties must do everything according to the law.

Last name change.

How to make changes to an employment contract?

You cannot correct an employee’s personal data from words, how unacceptable it is to simply cross out information that has become irrelevant and write new ones. A number of procedures should be carried out, but based on the originals of new papers and the employee’s appeal. The following documents will be required:

  • confirmation of the change of old surname - for example, a marriage certificate;
  • passport according to new data;
  • statement;
  • ADV-2 statement.

The application is addressed to the head of the enterprise, then it is indicated whose appeal it is. You need to understand that for now there is a person at work with the same data, and it is from him that you should contact the administration.

The text of the appeal does not have a specially designed form; it is a simple statement in form and essence: I ask you to change my surname such and such in the registration documents to such and such in connection with marriage.

Below you should indicate the number, sign, and do not forget that it is must have the same signature. List the attachments below; they may differ in different situations, but most often these are copies of a marriage certificate or a new passport. You should have the originals with you., the HR employee will check the provided copies with them.

It immediately makes sense to fill out the ADV-2 application form (this is a request to the Pension Fund to adjust the number of the insurance certificate and personal accounts, as well as the client base, taking into account new circumstances).

Important! Sami individual numbers will remain the same, because the whole backstory concerns the same person.

If you do not correct the input data, namely the last name, then won't be able to list pension contributions , because employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation do not know that the citizen decided to change his family surname, and money will not go to the account with the client’s previous details, they will either freeze or be returned back.

For this reason, based on the ADV-2 application and annexes, a new insurance certificate will be issued and adjustments will be made to the registers, accounting documents.

Changing the last name in the work book.

Issuance of a special order

Receipt of an application is the basis for issuing an order to amend the TD and other documents that mention personal information about the employee. The legislation does not mention the need to issue such an order, but this is the only correct and logical way to instruct the OK and accounting department to change the employee’s personal data in all papers.

The order is ordinary, free form, prepared by a personnel inspector. In such an order, the manager instructs the accounting department and the personnel officer to correct all documentation containing the personal data of employees. The period allocated for the execution of this order for the enterprise is indicated - as a rule, this is a week.

Important! It is necessary to correctly determine the date of the order. Everything must be in a logical connection: the order is based on the application, which means that the order must be dated one or two days after the date on which the application was received.

The order is signed by the head of the organization where the employee is employed; the lawyer and the chief accountant must sign the order. The accounting department and the QA inspector are required to receive 1 copy each against signature. document with copies of attachments, and their full names and positions are indicated in the list of those to whom the order was sent.

Preparation of an additional agreement

If you carefully understand the meaning of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then based on the fact that the terms of the TD remain the same, it seems that there is no need to adjust it.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 72. Changes in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties

Changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, including transfer to another job, is allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, except for the cases provided for by this Code. An agreement to change the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is concluded in writing.

But life shows that in practice, both an order and a change in the TD in the form of an additional order are still needed. agreements.

If, immediately after receiving an application from an employee who has changed his passport to a new surname, you carry out this entire chain of actions, correcting all personnel and accounting papers, then there will be no confusion, and not a single inspector will be able to blame the personnel officer and accounting department for incorrect documentation.

Last name change.

Personal (personal) data of employees is contained mainly in personnel and accounting documents. It is important to follow the sequence of actions when making changes to them.

Despite the fact that the law provides for the employer’s obligation to make changes only to the employee’s work book and personal T-2 card, as well as to replace the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, in practice the list of documents requiring changes is much wider. Let's look at them.

Employee's application for changes to accounting documents

An employee whose personal data has changed should submit an application to make adjustments to the documents containing them. The application is drawn up in any form indicating the reasons for the changes. If we are talking about a change of surname, the application must be signed with the previous surname, since the employee of the organization is still an employee with old surname(see Fig. 1).

The employee attaches to the application copies of documents confirming the change in personal data (passport, certificate of registration (divorce) of marriage, change of surname, name, patronymic, etc.). If the surname is changed due to marriage, it is not enough for the employee to provide only a marriage certificate; a passport with the new surname will also be a mandatory document.

Labor legislation does not establish the employer’s obligation to issue an order to change the employee’s personal data, but in order to convey information to all interested parties (HR department and accounting department), this order, from our point of view, is necessary.

From January 1, 2013, the obligation to use only unified forms of primary documents in accounting was abolished. Thus, from this date, each organization independently develops and approves the forms of primary accounting documents, which include an order to change personal data. When approving the order form, you must comply with the requirements of the legislation on accounting (Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).

The date of drawing up the order must correspond to the date of submission of the application by the employee with the provision of copies of documents confirming the change in personal data (passport, certificate of registration (divorce) of marriage, change of surname, name, patronymic, etc.). The order must be familiarized to the employee against his signature (see Fig. 2).

Making changes to employment contract employee

The issue of amending an employment contract when an employee’s personal data changes is not directly regulated by law. Some employers prefer to make changes by drawing up an additional agreement to the employee’s employment contract, but in accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code, the agreement is drawn up if the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties change. If information about an employee changes, the terms of the employment contract remain unchanged. Thus, we recommend making changes to personal information (amendments) directly into the text of the employment contract (both on the employee’s copy and on the employer’s copy), certifying the new information with the signatures of the employee and the employer.

Changing data in an employee’s work book

Changes to entries in the work book about last name, first name, patronymic are made on the basis of a passport, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, change of last name, first name, patronymic and other documents and with reference to their number and date. These changes are made on the first page (title page) of the work book. The previous surname or first name, patronymic is crossed out with one line and new data is recorded. References to the relevant documents are made on the inside cover of the work book and certified by the signature of the employer or a person specially authorized by him, and the seal of the organization.

Book of movement of work books and inserts in them

When an employee changes his last name, first name, patronymic, we must not forget about making changes to the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them. The legislation does not establish a procedure for making changes to the book of accounting for the movement of labor books. In our opinion, in this situation it makes sense to apply the rules for correcting the last name, first name, and patronymic in the employee’s work book.

Changing data in an employee’s personal card

The employee’s personal card contains appropriate changes to information about the employee, and also indicates the details of the documents that served as the basis for such changes. The changed data should be crossed out with one line and the new data should be indicated at the top, and a link to supporting documents should be made in the section “X. Additional information”, certify the changes with the seal, signature of the employer or a person specially authorized by him. It is advisable to keep copies of supporting documents in the employee’s personal file (if received written agreement employee to transfer copies of these documents).

Replacement of the certificate of compulsory pension insurance

The individual personal account of the insured person is stored in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation throughout the life of the insured person and does not change; if the personal data of the insured person changes, the new data must be reflected in his individual personal account.

To transfer the employee’s changed personal data to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the employer must fill out an application for the exchange of an insurance certificate in the ADV-2 form and a list of documents in the ADV-6-1 form. To confirm receipt of a new certificate, the employee must sign the accompanying statement from the Pension Fund. Further, within a month after receiving the certificate, the policyholder must return the accompanying statement to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Actions of an employee without the participation of the employer

In this case, we are talking about replacing the certificate of registration with the tax authority, the mandatory health insurance and the employee’s bank account.


If the data of an individual changes, the TIN number itself does not change, but the certificate of registration with the tax authority of the individual at the place of residence in the Russian Federation must be replaced, since there has been a change in the information provided in it. If the surname changes, the registration certificate is replaced by the tax authority at the place of residence. If the place of residence changes, the certificate is replaced by the tax authority at the new place of residence.

Compulsory health insurance policy

Effective from May 1, 2011 new order issuing compulsory medical insurance policies, according to which the registration and renewal of compulsory health insurance for employees ceased to be the responsibility of employers. For replacement compulsory medical insurance policy the employee must independently contact the insurance company medical organization within one month from the date of change of personal data.

Bank card

If wages are transferred to a bank card, changes to the bank personal account are also made upon the employee’s application when contacting the bank in person.

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  • Rental agreement: household, construction
  • Life annuity agreement, life maintenance
  • Loan agreement, free provision of services
  • Insurance and reinsurance agreement
  • Employment contract with the employee
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  • Student agreement with employee
  • Foundation agreement, agreement on joint activities
  • Agreement of storage, liability
  • Other agreements

Treaties by tags Quote for centuries Do not seek salvation in a separate treaty. (TO.

We prepare personnel documents when an employee’s personal data changes

The following employee documents serve as the basis for making changes:

  • passport;
  • Marriage certificate.

We also note that when changing an employee’s personal data, you can make a link to both documents - both the passport and the corresponding certificate (marriage certificate, change of surname), or to one of them, if all the necessary data is contained in one document . If one document is not enough, then reference is made to both.
As a rule, when making changes to the work book, reference is made to the marriage certificate. When changes are made to the employment contract, changes are also made to the details of the employee’s passport.


Next, the HR employee issues an order to make changes to the accounting documents in connection with the change of the employee’s last name. In this case, the date of the order will be the current date, i.e. date of provision of documents by the employee.

What order should be issued if an employee’s personal data changes?


If this is the first, then its number will be No. 1 to TD such and such from such and such a date.

  • In the text, indicate that clause such and such in the TD should be stated in the following wording: and repeat this clause from the TD, entering new personal information. Date add. the agreement is required after the date of issue of the order.
  • Signature for additional

the agreement should be one of the first managers of the enterprise, since such a document is actually on the same level with the TD. If immediately after receiving an application from an employee who has changed his passport to a new surname, you carry out this entire chain of actions, correcting all personnel and accounting papers, then there will be no confusion , and not a single inspector will be able to blame the personnel officer and accounting department for incorrect documentation. Download a sample additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the surname Interesting video Changing the surname.

An example of such an additional of the agreement is given in clause 2 of the appendix to the answer. A sample of making changes to the work book is given in the selection of System materials. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Answer: What documents need to be prepared when changing a passport at 20 or 45 years old I.I.

Shklovets When an employee changes his passport upon reaching 20 or 45 years of age, make changes to the passport details specified in the employment contract and personal card. Make changes to the employment contract in the same manner as when changing your last name, that is, according to the rules for reflecting missing information by crossing out irrelevant data and adding new ones (Art.

57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In your personal card, reflect the change in passport details (series, number, date of issue and department that issued the document) in section X “Additional information”, if there is no free space left in paragraph 11 of the “General information” section.

How to prepare personnel documents when changing an employee’s personal data

It often happens that an employee asks to change his last name in personnel documents only on the basis of a certificate issued by the civil registry office, without having yet changed his passport. Be sure to explain that the previous passport is only valid for a month from the date of issue of the certificate, and that there is an administrative fine for living with an invalid document.


Ask the employee to indicate in the application exactly when he undertakes to show you new passport. And when the document is submitted, enter the changed information in Form No. T-2 and the employment contract.

Order. Based on the employee’s personal application and supporting documents, an order is issued to personnel in free form. The order provides personal data before they are changed, personal data after the change, lists supporting documents and documents to which the HR employee must make changes (sample).


List the attachments below; they may differ in different situations, but most often these are copies of a marriage certificate or a new passport. You should have the originals with you; the personnel officer will check the provided copies with them.

It immediately makes sense to fill out the ADV-2 application form (this is a request to the Pension Fund to adjust the number of the insurance certificate and personal accounts, as well as the client base, taking into account new circumstances). Important! The individual numbers themselves will remain the same, because the entire backstory concerns the same person. If you do not correct the input data, namely the surname, then it will not be possible to transfer pension contributions, because the employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation do not know that the citizen has decided to change his family surname, and the money will not go to the account with the client’s previous details, they will either freeze or be returned back .

An employee changed his passport due to age

This conclusion follows from Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the instructions approved by resolution Goskomstat of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. © Material from the Personnel System Ready-made solutions for personnel services at Change of surname: in which documents should it be reflected? The situation when an employee asks you to make changes to personnel documents occurs quite often in practice. It is very important to do this quickly and correctly. In what cases does the last name and other information about an employee change? What documents confirm the changes? What needs to be corrected and how, what papers should I fill out? In our country, any changes in a person’s personal data (first name, last name, patronymic, place and date of birth, gender, etc.)

d.) are recorded and documented by the registration authorities civil status(Registration Office) strictly on the basis of the Federal Law of November 15, 1997 No. 143-FZ “On Acts of Civil Status”.

Order to change an employee's passport example

When an employee changes his or her passport (for example, upon reaching 20 or 45 years of age), make changes to the passport details specified in the employment contract and the employee’s personal card. There is no need to make any further changes to any personnel documents. You will have no questions about the order for awarding a certificate of honor after reading the article at the link. In the T-2 card, enter the new passport data and registration, the signature of the person who entered the new data and the date. Make changes to the employment contract in the same manner as when changing your last name, that is, according to the rules for reflecting missing information by crossing out irrelevant data and adding new ones. In your personal card, reflect the change in passport details (series, number, date of issue and department that issued the document) in section X “Additional information” if there is no free space left in paragraph 11 of the “General information” section.

Order to change personal data in personnel documents

RF IC) Marriage certificate Passport (identity document) Divorce of marriage Day of state registration or entry into force of a court decision legal force(Article 25 of the RF IC) Certificate of divorce Passport (identity document) Change of name Day of state registration or entry into force of a court decision Certificate of change of name Passport (identity document); all previously issued certificates of registration of civil acts conditions; child's birth certificate (if he has not yet reached the age of 18) Application. The employee must write a free-form application in his own hand and attach copies of supporting documents (registry office certificate, passport, etc.). A sample application is provided below.

Order to change the employee’s passport data

Such a basis will be documents confirming the change of name, submitted by the employee himself. ... Dear readers! Our articles talk about standard methods solutions legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to find out how to solve your specific problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right! It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • When does an employee have the right to change his last name?
  • How to make changes to an employment contract?
  • Issuance of a special order
  • Preparation of an additional agreement
  • Interesting video

Any changes in personal data entail adjustments to all personnel documentation, otherwise identification of the employee will be impossible, and even applying for a card at the bank or paying a bonus or salary through the cash register will become an insoluble problem.

Order to change passport data

In connection with the receipt of a new passport when the Employee reaches the age of 45, change the Employee’s passport data in the section “Addresses and details of the parties” of the employment contract to “passport series 46 02 No. 545177 issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region. 10/22/2012.” 2. All other terms of the employment contract are considered unchanged and binding on the parties.

3. Present additional agreement drawn up in two copies, one copy each for the Employee and the Employer, and comes into force on October 22, 2012. Both copies have equal legal force. Signatures of the parties: Employer: “Alpha” Address: 125008, Moscow, st. Mikhalkovskaya, 20 INN 7708123456, KPP770801001r/s 4070281040000001111vAKB “Nadezhny” k/s30101810400000000222BIK044583222 Employee: Zaitseva Victoria Nikolaevnapassport series 46 02 No. 545177 issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Voskresensky district of the Moscow region.

Sample order to change an employee’s passport data

An order to make changes to documents containing personal data of an employee is a document, the preparation of which is necessary when deciding to make changes to documents containing personal data of employees. The employee whose documents were amended, as well as the personnel service and accounting department of the enterprise must be familiarized with this order. Based on the employee’s earlier consent to the processing of personal data, confidential information about him can be used by a certain circle of persons when carrying out labor relations. The list of persons must be recorded in the Order on approval of the list of persons with access to the employee’s personal data. When deciding to make changes to documents containing personal data of a particular employee, it is advisable to approve the corresponding order.

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