Changes in 152 order of the Ministry of Transport. On approval of mandatory details and procedure for filling out travel sheets

Changes from December 15, 2017

Where to specify OGRN in travel sheets? This question remains at the discretion of the company or IP. In our opinion, OGRN can be recorded in a graph intended for information about the organization or IP:

Date and Pre-Process Control Time

In order to fill travel sheets from December 15, 2017, the date and time of pre-trip control of the technical condition of transport is a mandatory props of the track list. It has been established that the date includes a number, month and year, and time is hours and minutes.

From December 15, 2017, the vehicle information should include the date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle (if the obligation of it is provided for by law).

Changes to transport safety rules

From December 15, 2017 amended the rules for transportation of transportation. If it was previously prescribed to carry out daily control of the technical condition of the vehicle before leaving the line from the parking lot and on returning to the parking lot, now the rules have been established only to conduct pre-trial control of the technical condition before leaving the vehicle from the place of constant parking.

New ways of travel sheets from December 15 with additional details

So, from December 15, 2017, if you apply the developed forms, there must be such details in them:

  1. Title - travel sheet.
  2. Room.
  3. Validity.
  4. Information about the owner of the vehicle:
    - for organizations: name, organizational and legal form, location, phone number, OGRN;
    - For entrepreneurs: F. I. O., Mailing address, phone number, OGRNIP.
  5. Type and model of the machine.
  6. State registration sign of the machine.
  7. Indications of the odometer when leaving the garage and upon arrival in the garage.
  8. Date and time of departure from the garage and arrival in the garage.
  9. Signature and F. I. O. Employee who puts in a sheet of odometer testimony, date and time.
  10. F. I. O. Driver.
  11. Date and time of pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver.
  12. Stamp, signature and F. I. O. Medical worker who conducts a medical examination.
  13. A stamp of pre-trip inspection of the technical condition of the machine with the date and time.
  14. Signature and F. I. O. Controlers of the technical condition of the machine.

Changes from December 24, 2017

From December 24, 2017, the procedure for pre-war control of the technical condition of vehicles approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 6, 2017 No. 141. Let us explain what kind of document it is.

To eliminate the risk of using technically faulty transport, organizations and entrepreneurs carrying out road transport should hold pre-trial control of the technical condition of the vehicles (clause 4 of Art. 29 of the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety").

As we have already said, from 02.26.2017 the date and time of pre-trial control of the technical condition of the vehicle must be indicated in the travel sheet of the organization and entrepreneurs operating: passenger cars, trucks, buses, trolley buses, trams. This information makes the controller of the technical condition of motor vehicles.

Violation of pre-trial control requirements is facing a fine (Part 3 of Article 12.31.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

  • official person - in the amount of 5,000 rubles;
  • organizations or entrepreneur - in the amount of 30,000 rubles.

In addition, organizations need to comply with the requirements for filling out travel sheets to confirm costs for income tax (a letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 16.06.2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/354).

In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the commented order, which approved the procedure for organizing and conducting pre-training control of the technical condition of vehicles (hereinafter - the order).

In particular, it was established that pre-trial control is carried out before leaving the vehicle from the place of its constant parking. If the faults are not detected, the controller puts in the track sheet, the "Passed Pre-Provisional Control of the Technical State" and assures it with his signature, indicating the name, initials, dates and time of pre-trip control. Operating a vehicle without a mark on the passage of pre-trip control and the controller signature is not allowed (p. 3, 8, 10 of the order).

In addition, the Organization or IP needs to record the results of pre-trial control in a special journal, the required details of which are listed in paragraph 11 of the Procedure. Additional details can be included in the magazine to reflect the characteristics of specific modes.

Congestion Control Results Registration Log

The logging of pre-trace control results must contain the following details:
1) the name of the brand, models of the vehicle;
2) State registration sign of the vehicle;
3) surname, first name, patronymic (if there is a vehicle driver;
4) surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the controller conducted pre-trial control;
5) the date, the time of pre-trip control;
6) the testimony of the odometer (complete KM mileage) during pre-trial control;
7) mark on the passage of pre-trip control;
8) the signature of the driver of the vehicle;
9) Signature of the controller conducted pre-trial control.

N 152.

On approval of mandatory details and procedure for filling out travel sheets

In pursuance of part 1 of article 6

N 259-FZ »HREF \u003d" / TRANSP / UATIGNET.HTM "\u003e Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ" Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, st . 5555) I order:

1. To approve the attached mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets.

2. To recognize the orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation by the orders:

dated June 30, 2000 N 68 "On the introduction of travel documentation for individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation activities" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2000, registration N 2298);

of September 22, 2003 N 191 "On introducing changes and additions to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2000 N 68" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 6, 2003, registration N 5150).

Minister I. Levitin

On the introduction List of shapes Primary accounting documentation for the accounting of work in road transport, see Decision State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of November 28, 1997 N 78 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of construction machines and mechanisms, works in road transport"

Mandatory details and procedure for filling out travel sheets

I. General provisions

1. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5555) .

2. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets apply legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, operating passenger cars, trucks, buses, trolley buses and trams.

II. Mandatory props of travel sheet

3. The track sheet must contain the following mandatory details:

1) the name and number of the track sheet;

2) information about the period of validity of the track leaf;

3) information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle;

4) information about the vehicle;

5) Driver information.

4. Information about the period of action of the track sheet includes a date (number, month, year), during which the travel sheet can be used, and in case the travel sheet is executed for more than one day - the dates (number, month, year) of the beginning and The expiration of the period during which the track leaf can be used.

5. The information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle includes:

1) for a legal entity - name, organizational and legal form, location, phone number;

2) for an individual entrepreneur - surname, name, patronymic, mailing address, phone number.

6. The vehicle information includes:

1) Type of vehicle (passenger car, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram) and vehicle model, and if the cargo vehicle is used with a car trailer, a car semi-trailer, in addition - a car trailer model, a car semi-trailer;

2) State registration sign of a passenger car, a cargo car, a cargo trailer, a cargo semi-trailer, a bus, trolleybus;

3) the testimony of the odometer (full KM mileage) when traveling a vehicle from the garage (depot) and its arrival in the garage (depot);

4) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of vehicle exit from the place of constant parking of the vehicle and check-in to the specified parking lot.

7. Driver information includes:

1) surname, first name, driver's patronymic;

2) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of the pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver.

8. Additional details are allowed on the track list, which takes into account the peculiarities of carrying out activities related to the carriage of goods, passengers and baggage by road or urban ground electric vehicles.

III. The order of filling the track sheet

9. The track sheet is drawn up for each vehicle used by a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur for the transport of goods, passengers and baggage by road and urban ground electric vehicles in urban, suburban and long-distance communications.

10. The track sheet is issued for one day or a period not exceeding one month.

11. If during the term of the track leaf, the vehicle is seen by several drivers, then the design of several travel sheets is allowed to separately for each driver.

12. In the name of the travel sheet, the type of vehicle is indicated on which the track leaf is issued (travel sheet of a passenger car, tram track sheet, etc.). The path number is indicated in the header part in the chronological order in accordance with the numbering system received by the owner of the vehicle. In the header part of the track list, a print or stamp of a legal entity is affixed, an individual entrepreneur who owns relevant vehicles under property rights or other legitimate grounds.

13. Dates, time and testimony of the odometer when traveling a vehicle with a constant parking and its arrival on a permanent parking lot is made by authorized persons appointed by the decision of the head of the enterprise or an individual entrepreneur, and are certified by their stamps or signatures indicating the initials and surnames, except when cases when An individual entrepreneur combines the duties of the driver.

14. Dates, time and indications of the odometer when traveling a vehicle from a constant parking and its arrival to the specified parking is affixed by an individual entrepreneur in the event that the specified entrepreneur combines the duties of the driver.

15. In the case of registration for one vehicle of several travel sheets, separately for each driver, the date, time and testimony of the odometer when the vehicle leaves with a permanent parking is lined in the travel sheet of the driver, which the first goes from the place of constant parking, and the date, time and testimony of the odometer When driving a vehicle for a permanent parking lot - in the travel sheet of the driver, which the last drives the permanent parking lot.

16. The dates and the time of the pre-trace and postrest medical examination of the driver are affixed by a medical worker who has conducted the appropriate inspection, and is assigned by its stamp and signature with the name of the name, name and patronymic.

17. Owners (owners) of vehicles are obliged to register decorated travel sheets in the journal registration of travel sheets.

18. Decorated travel sheets must be kept at least five years.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 N 152 on approval of mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation

On approval of mandatory details and order
Filling out travel sheets

In pursuance of part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5555) I order:

1. To approve the attached mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets.

2. To recognize the orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation by the orders:

dated June 30, 2000 N 68 "On the introduction of travel documentation for individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation activities" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2000, registration N 2298);

of September 22, 2003 N 191 "On introducing changes and additions to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2000 N 68" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 6, 2003, registration N 5150).


Mandatory details and order
Filling out travel sheets

I. General provisions

1. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5555) .

2. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets apply legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, operating passenger cars, trucks, buses, trolley buses and trams.

II. Mandatory props of travel sheet

3. The track sheet must contain the following mandatory details:

1) the name and number of the track sheet;

2) information about the period of validity of the track leaf;

3) information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle;

4) information about the vehicle;

5) Driver information.

4. Information about the period of action of the track sheet includes a date (number, month, year), during which the travel sheet can be used, and in case the travel sheet is executed for more than one day - the dates (number, month, year) of the beginning and The expiration of the period during which the track leaf can be used.

5. The information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle includes:

1) for a legal entity - name, organizational and legal form, location, phone number, the main state registration number of the legal entity;

2) For an individual entrepreneur - last name, name, patronymic, mailing address, phone number, main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

6. The vehicle information includes:

1) Type of vehicle (passenger car, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram) and vehicle model, and if the cargo vehicle is used with a car trailer, a car semi-trailer, in addition - a car trailer model, a car semi-trailer;

2) State registration sign of a passenger car, a cargo car, a cargo trailer, a cargo semi-trailer, a bus, trolleybus;

3) the testimony of the odometer (full KM mileage) when traveling a vehicle with parking (parking space), designed for the parking lot of this vehicle upon returning from the flight and the end of the shift (working day) of the driver of the vehicle (hereinafter - parking);

4) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of vehicle exit from parking and its hopes for parking;

5) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of pre-trip or pre-monitoring of the technical condition of the vehicle (if the obligation of it is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

7. Driver information includes:

1) surname, first name, driver's patronymic;

2) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of the pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver.

8. Additional details are allowed on the track list, which takes into account the peculiarities of carrying out activities related to the carriage of goods, passengers and baggage by road or urban ground electric vehicles.

III. The order of filling the track sheet

9. The track sheet is drawn up for each vehicle used by a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur for the transport of goods, passengers and baggage by road and urban ground electric vehicles in urban, suburban and long-distance communications.

10. The track sheet is executed before the start of the flight is started if the vehicle driver's duration exceeds the duration of the change (working day), or before the first flight, if during a change (working day), the driver of the vehicle makes one or more flights.

11. If during the term of the track leaf, the vehicle is seen by several drivers, then the design of several travel sheets is allowed to separately for each driver.

12. In the name of the travel sheet, the type of vehicle is indicated on which the track leaf is issued (travel sheet of a passenger car, tram track sheet, etc.). The path number is indicated in the header part in the chronological order in accordance with the numbering system received by the owner of the vehicle.

13. Dates, time and indications of the odometer when traveling from the parking lot and its arrival to parking are affixed by authorized persons appointed by the decision of the head of the enterprise or an individual entrepreneur, and are certified by their signatures indicating the names and initials, with the exception of cases when an individual entrepreneur combines the duties driver.

14. Dates, time and indications of the odometer when traveling a vehicle from the parking lot and its race to parking are affixed by an individual entrepreneur in the event that the specified entrepreneur combines the driver's responsibility.

15. In the case of registration for one vehicle of several travel sheets, separately for each driver of the vehicle, the date, time and testimony of the odometer when the vehicle leaves from the parking lots are affixed in the travel sheet of the vehicle driver, which the first goes from the parking lot, and the date, time and testimony Odometer when driving a vehicle to parking - in the travel sheet of the driver of the vehicle, which the last carries to parking.

16. The dates and the time of the pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver are affixed by a medical worker who conducted the appropriate inspection, and are certified by its signature indicating the names and initials.

16.1. The date and time of pre-trip or pre-monitoring of the technical condition of the vehicle is made by the controller of the technical condition of motor vehicles or the controller of the technical condition of vehicles of urban ground electric transport, which conducted the appropriate control, and are certified by its signature indicating the surname and initials.

17. Owners (owners) of vehicles are obliged to register decorated travel sheets in the journal registration of travel sheets.

18. Decorated travel sheets must be kept at least five years.

Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation


On approval of mandatory details and order

Filling out travel sheets

In pursuance of part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5555) I order:

1. To approve the attached mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets.

2. To recognize the orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation by the orders:

dated June 30, 2000 N 68 "On the introduction of travel documentation for individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation activities" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 3, 2000, registration N 2298);

of September 22, 2003 N 191 "On introducing changes and additions to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2000 N 68" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 6, 2003, registration N 5150).



Mandatory details and order

Filling out travel sheets

I. General provisions

1. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5555) .

2. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets apply legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, operating passenger cars, trucks, buses, trolley buses and trams.

II. Mandatory props of travel sheet

3. The track sheet must contain the following mandatory details:

1) the name and number of the track sheet;

2) information about the period of validity of the track leaf;

3) information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle;

4) information about the vehicle;

5) Driver information.

4. Information about the period of action of the track sheet includes a date (number, month, year), during which the travel sheet can be used, and in case the travel sheet is executed for more than one day - the dates (number, month, year) of the beginning and The expiration of the period during which the track leaf can be used.

5. The information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle includes:

1) for a legal entity - name, organizational and legal form, location, phone number;

2) for an individual entrepreneur - surname, name, patronymic, mailing address, phone number.

6. The vehicle information includes:

1) Type of vehicle (passenger car, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram) and vehicle model, and if the cargo vehicle is used with a car trailer, a car semi-trailer, in addition - a car trailer model, a car semi-trailer;

2) State registration sign of a passenger car, a cargo car, a cargo trailer, a cargo semi-trailer, a bus, trolleybus;

3) the testimony of the odometer (full KM mileage) when traveling a vehicle from the garage (depot) and its arrival in the garage (depot);

4) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of vehicle exit from the place of constant parking of the vehicle and check-in to the specified parking lot.

7. Driver information includes:

1) surname, first name, driver's patronymic;

2) date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of the pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver.

8. Additional details are allowed on the track list, which takes into account the peculiarities of carrying out activities related to the carriage of goods, passengers and baggage by road or urban ground electric vehicles.

III. The order of filling the track sheet

9. The track sheet is drawn up for each vehicle used by a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur for the transport of goods, passengers and baggage by road and urban ground electric vehicles in urban, suburban and long-distance communications.

10. The track sheet is issued for one day or a period not exceeding one month.

11. If during the term of the track leaf, the vehicle is seen by several drivers, then the design of several travel sheets is allowed to separately for each driver.

12. In the name of the travel sheet, the type of vehicle is indicated on which the track leaf is issued (travel sheet of a passenger car, tram track sheet, etc.). The path number is indicated in the header part in the chronological order in accordance with the numbering system received by the owner of the vehicle. In the header part of the track list, a print or stamp of a legal entity is affixed, an individual entrepreneur who owns relevant vehicles under property rights or other legitimate grounds.

13. Dates, time and testimony of the odometer when traveling a vehicle with a constant parking and its arrival on a permanent parking lot is made by authorized persons appointed by the decision of the head of the enterprise or an individual entrepreneur, and are certified by their stamps or signatures indicating the initials and surnames, except when cases when An individual entrepreneur combines the duties of the driver.

14. Dates, time and indications of the odometer when traveling a vehicle from a constant parking and its arrival to the specified parking is affixed by an individual entrepreneur in the event that the specified entrepreneur combines the duties of the driver.

15. In the case of registration for one vehicle of several travel sheets, separately for each driver, the date, time and testimony of the odometer when the vehicle leaves with a permanent parking is lined in the travel sheet of the driver, which the first goes from the place of constant parking, and the date, time and testimony of the odometer When driving a vehicle for a permanent parking lot - in the travel sheet of the driver, which the last drives the permanent parking lot.

16. The dates and the time of the pre-trace and postrest medical examination of the driver are affixed by a medical worker who has conducted the appropriate inspection, and is assigned by its stamp and signature with the name of the name, name and patronymic.

17. Owners (owners) of vehicles are obliged to register decorated travel sheets in the journal registration of travel sheets.

18. Decorated travel sheets must be kept at least five years.

The Association assists in the provision of services for timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

In pursuance of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 46, Art. 5555; 2011, No. 17, Art. 2310, No. 45, Art. 6326; 2012, No. 25, Art. 3268, No. 31, Art. 4320; 2014, No. 6, Art. 566, No. 49 (Part 6), Art. 6928; 2015, No. 17 (Part 4), Art. 2477, No. 29 (Part 1), Art. 4374; 2016, No. 27 (Part 1), Art. 4191) and taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law of April 6, 2015 No. 82 -FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in terms of cancellation of the obligation of public societies" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, No. 14, Art. 2022) I order:

To submit to the mandatory details and the procedure for filling travel sheets, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 No. 152 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 8, 2008, Registration No. 12414), the following changes:

1. In paragraph 12, the words "in the header part of the track list are stamped or a legal entity stamp, an individual entrepreneur who own relevant vehicles under property rights or other legal grounds." Exclude.

2. To supplement item 16.1 of the following content:

"16.1. The date and time of pre-trial control of the technical condition of the vehicle is affixed by the controller of the technical condition of motor vehicles or the controller of the technical condition of the urban ground electric transport, which carried out the appropriate control, and are certified by its signature indicating the name and initials. "

Adjusted the procedure for filling out travel sheets.

Changes are due, in particular, the abolition of the responsibility of economic societies to have a print. Now in the header part of the way sheet, you do not need to stamp or stamp the owner of the vehicle (organization or IP).

At the same time, the requirement is introduced to indicate the date and time of pre-trial control of the technical condition of the vehicle. This information is affixed by the controller and are assigned by its signature indicating the names and initials.


Question: Our organization provides services for the repair of household appliances and professional equipment. Mechanics use personal passenger cars for service purposes - for travel to customers. Also in the organization there is a rented passenger car, which is used by the Director to fulfill official duties. Should we conduct pre-trip medical examinations and apply the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 18.09.2008 N 152 in terms of filling the track leaf? N.P. Skachkova, Chief Accountant, PKS LLC "Electronics Plus", Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Answer: Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who carry out activities related to the operation of vehicles are obliged to organize and conduct pre-head medical examinations of drivers with the involvement of employees of health authorities1.

But here is the question: Do information about the driver's medical examination in the way leaf?

On the one hand, information about the driver, which includes the date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of the pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver, is one of the mandatory props of travel sheet 2.

On the other hand, the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of September 18, 2008 N 152, approved by the props of the track list, was adopted in accordance with the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 259-FZ "Automobile Transport Charter", which regulates the provision of services by road. That is, the order is obligatory for organizations operating automotive transport 3. And your organization, as seen from the question, does not apply to such.

Travel sheet - a document serving to take into account and control the work of the vehicle, the driver. For tax purposes, he confirms the costs associated with the operation of the car.

The tax authorities in their letters have repeatedly expressed that the route of the car is mandatory for filling in the track list, thus confirms its use in the activities of an organization to extract income 4. Arbitration courts believe that a travel sheet to confirm costs when calculating the tax on Profit must comply with Article 9 of the Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" and there must be a speedometer testimony and a car movement route 5.

Comments of responsible ministries that taxpayers who operate cars should include a section on the passage of a medical examination in a travel sheet and that this sheet does not confirm the costs when calculating income tax, there is no.

What is the result? Formally, organizations that operate cars, but not automotive organizations, are not obliged to apply the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia N 152. However, they must conduct pre-trip medical examinations of drivers.

In order to avoid disputes with the tax authorities, we recommend that the intercom used by the Organization, to make a chart about the passage of medical examiners.

Without data on the sample on alcohol, the track list is invalid

The main document, on the basis of which the flow rate and write-off of gasoline is determined, is a travel sheet, which is approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee of Russia from 28.11.1997 N 78:

- travel sheet of a passenger car (form N 3);

- travel sheet of a special car (form N 3 specials.);

- travel sheet of a passenger taxi (form N 4);

- travel sheet of a truck (forms N 4-C, 4-P);

- Bus leaf (forms N 6, 6 specials.).

The above-mentioned type inter-sectoral forms are used to account for work in road transport, that is, primarily specialized road transport enterprises. In this regard, part of details, such as the "garage number", "Departure time from the garage", "Return time to the garage", "late, expectations, downtime, races in a garage and other marks", "Customer's code", and also Mechanics marks associated with the release of cars on line (admission of technically serviceable cars to work), not in all cases can be filled with non-specialized, that is, by non-transport organizations.

It should be borne in mind that the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of September 18, 2008 N 152 (entered into force on October 21, 2008) approved mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets.

So, the track sheet must contain the following mandatory details:

1) name and travel sheet number;

2) information about the period of action of the way sheet. They include a date (number, month, year) during which the track leaf can be used, and in case the travel sheet is executed more than one day - the dates (number, month, year) of the beginning and the end of the term, during which travel sheet can be used;

3) information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle. For a legal entity, this name, organizational and legal form, location, phone number. For an individual entrepreneur - F. I. O., mailing address, phone number;

4) Transport information:

- type (passenger car, truck, bus, trolleybus, tram) and vehicle model, and in case the cargo car is used with a car trailer (semi-trailer) - model of a car trailer (semi-trailer);

- State registration sign of a car, truck, cargo trailer, cargo semi-trailer, bus, trolley buses;

- the testimony of the odometer (full miles of mileage) when traveling vehicle from the garage (depot) and its arrival in the garage (depot);

- date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of the vehicle exit from the place of constant parking and its arrival to the specified parking lot;

5) information about the driverwhich include:

- date (number, month, year) and time (hours, minutes) of pre-trip and post-track medical examination of the driver.

An additional details that take into account the peculiarities associated with the carriage of goods, passengers and luggage by road or urban ground electric vehicles are allowed on the track sheet.

As you can see, the driver information includes not only his last name, name and patronymic, but also the date and time of pre-trip and post-track medical examination, which are affixed by the medical worker who conducted an inspection, and are assigned to his stamp and signature indicating the name, name and patronymic (clause 7, 16 mandatory details and the procedure for filling the way sheets, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of September 18, 2008 No. 152). Mandatory medical examination of the driver before the flight and after it is provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety".

Thus, if the track sheet does not contain a mark on holding a pre-trace and post-track medical examination of the driver, it seems that waybill decorated with a violation of the established requirements, not corresponds to paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and can not be a documentary confirmation of expenses.

Novoselov Konstantin Viktorovich,
advisor to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation 1 class,
to. er N., Certified tax consultant and fees

1) paragraph 1 of Art. 20 of the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety"

2) PP. 2 p. 7 of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 09/18/2008 N 152

3) paragraph 1 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of automobile transport"; Clause 2 of the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 09/18/2008 N 152

4) Letter of the UFNS of Russia in Moscow of 07.07.2008 N 20-12 / 064123.2

5) Resolution of the FAS of the West Siberian District of 01.12.2008 N F04-7500 / 2008 (16942-A27-37) in case No. A27-4577 / 2008

Officer trip: How to fill in a waylist?

How to fill in travel sheets: how to reflect the route in them? This is told by experts of the legal consulting service Garant Ekaterina Lazukov and Elena Queen.

The organization's activities use their own service cars and employees cars. When you fill out travel sheets, do you need to specify information about the place of departure and destination?

According to the established opinion of the authorized bodies (see, for example, the letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of 16.06.2011 No. 03-03-06 / 1/354, from 25.08.2009 No. 03-03-06 / 2/161, the Federal Migration Service of Russia in Moscow from 06/30/2010 N 16-15 / [Email Protected], from 12/30/2009 N 16-15 / 139308), a document confirming the cost of purchasing fuel and lubricants is a waylist.

Typical forms of travel sheets are approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 28.11.1997 N 78 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the work of building machines and mechanisms, works in road transport" (hereinafter referred to as a resolution No. 78).

Until January 1, 2013, these forms were mandatory only for motor vehicles. If the organization was not a vehicle, then it had the right to develop his form of a travel sheet containing the details of the primary accounting document listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of 21.11.1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 07.04.2006 No. 03-03-04 / 1/327, from 09/20/2005 No. 03-03-04 / 1/214) .

In addition, according to the controlling authorities (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of August 25, 2009 No. 03-03-06 / 2/161, the UFNS of Russia in Moscow of December 30, 2009 No. 16-15 / 139308), a travel sheet as a document, Confirming the costs of acquiring fuel, should also contain mandatory details, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of September 18, 2008 No. 152 "On approval of mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets" (hereinafter referred to as the order No. 152).

From January 1, 2013, a federal law of 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ "On Accounting" came into force (hereinafter - the law N 402-FZ).

The rules of registration of primary documents are devoted to Art. 9 of the Law 402-FZ. This article establishes that every fact of economic life is subject to the registration of the primary accounting document.

At the same time part of 4 tbsp. 9 of the law N 402-ФЗ determined that the forms of primary accounting documents approve the head of the economic entity on the submission of an official to which accounting is entrusted.

Thus, from January 1, 2013, the duty to apply into account the unified forms of primary documents is abolished.

At the same time, as indicated in the information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 12/04/2012 N PZ-10/2012, the forms of documents used as the primary accounting documents established by the authorized bodies in accordance with other federal laws continue to be obligatory to use. Cash documents).

In this regard, we believe that today it remains unchanged, the requirement to comply with the obligatory details and the procedure for filling the travel sheets contained in the order No. 152 (part 1 of Article 6 of the charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport, approved by the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 259-FZ).

Therefore, the form of a travel sheet should be approved in the organization's accounting policy (p. 4 PBU 1/2008 accounting policies). In this case, this form must contain all the details shown in part 2 of Art. 9 of the Law N 402-FZ and in section II of the order N 152. The inclusion of all other details is the right, and not the responsibility of the organization.

According to Part 2 of Art. 9 of the law N 402-FZ, such details are:

  1. title of the document;
  2. document drawing date;
  3. the name of the economic entity that has compiled a document;
  4. the content of the fact of economic life;
  5. the magnitude of the natural and (or) monetary measurement of the fact of economic life with the indication of the units of measurement;
  6. the name of the position of the person (persons) committed (committed) the transaction, operation and responsible (responsible) for the correctness of its design, or the name of the position of the person (persons) responsible (responsible) for the correctness of the execution of the sighted event;
  7. the signatures of the persons stipulated by paragraph 6 of this part, indicating their surnames and initials or other details necessary to identify these individuals.

And in Section II of the Order N 152 details are established:

  • information about the owner (owner) of the vehicle;
  • driver information.
  • Information on the place of departure and destination contain typical forms of travel sheets approved by Decree No. 78. However, among the obligatory details listed above, this information is missing.

    It turns out that the indication of this information in travel sheets is not mandatory (see also the decisions of the FAS of the Moscow District dated 29.02.2012 No. F05-653 / 12 in case No. A40-63465 / 2011, from 12.11.2010 N Ka-A40 / 13642-10 In case No. A40-10103 / 10-140-109, from 30.12.2010 N Ka-A40 / 16200-10-b in case No. A40-18485 / 09-142-85).

    At the same time, information about the place of departure and destination is information indicating the production nature of the use of the car (a ride to the bank, to negotiate counterparty, etc.). The absence of such details in the approved organization of the way of travel sheet will lead to the fact that it will not be able to confirm the cost-effectiveness of costs including in order to tax (Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) (see also the letters of controlling bodies (Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 20.02.2006 N 03 -03-04 / 1/129, UFNS of Russia in Moscow dated 07.07.2008 N 20-12 / 064123.2, from 11/13/2006 N 20-12 / 100253, from 11/14/2006 N 20-12 / 100253) and judicial Practice (for example, Resolution of the FAS of the West Siberian District dated 04.05.2012 N F04-1869 / 12)).

    In this regard, we believe that the details of the "place of departure", the "destination" in the track list should be present.

    With regard to the filling of these details, as mentioned above, unified forms of travel sheets and instructions on their completion were approved by Decree N 78. However, how to fill out the columns "place of departure", "destination", in the Resolution No. 78 does not say .

    According to the explanations of the Federal State Statistics Service, set out in the letter No. IU-09-22 / 257 of 03.02.2005, in terms of the description of the route of the follow-up in the travel sheet associated with the implementation of transportation or service task, it is recorded on all vehicle following items. The same explanations also gives the Ministry of Finance of Russia, for example, in a letter from 01.08.2005 No. 03-03-04 / 1/117.

    From the analysis of judicial practice it follows that the tax authorities are often believed that the specific address of the destination should be specified in travel sheets. Courts sometimes agree with the tax authorities (see, for example, the decisions of the FAS of the East Siberian District dated July 16, 2010 in case No. A33-10451 / 2009, the FAS of the Central District of 05.03.2007 No. A14-15515 / 2005/631/34), but more Indicate that it is enough to indicate the cost of sending and appointment (for example, in the area) to confirm the production nature (for example, by the area), and not a specific address (see, for example, the decrees of the sixteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated January 30, 2012 No. 16AP-3660/11, FAS of the Volga District from 05/13/2010 in case No. A55-14780 / 2008, North-Western district dated January 21, 2010 in case No. A56-30777 / 2009 and others).

    Thus, information on the place of departure and destination in the travel sheet should indicate the production nature of the use of the car (both belonging to the organization itself and its employees). An indication of a specific address is not mandatory, but the existence of such information will certainly save the organization from possible claims from the tax authorities.

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    Is the establishment obligation to execute travel sheets?

    The reason for writing the article was the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 01/18/2017 No. 17, which makes changes to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 No. 152 "On approval of mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets" (hereinafter - Order No. 152, the order of filling out travel sheets ). Since the most recent and interesting novelties of legislation is covered on the pages of the journal, it was decided to analyze and called the order. However, in the study of innovations, we wondered whether the budget facilities are required to apply travel sheets. The results of the documents we studied are given in this material.

    General requirements for legislation to design travel sheets.

    Article 9 of the Law on Accounting established: Each fact of economic life is subject to the registration of the primary accounting document. It is not allowed to account for accounting documents that are issued without places the facts of economic life, including underlying imaginary and pretend transactions.

    Forms of primary accounting documents defines the head of the economic entity for the submission of an official to which accounting is entrusted. Forms of primary accounting documents for public sector organizations are established in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (paragraph 4 of Art. 9 of the Law on Accounting). Budgetary institutions are reflected in the reflection of financial and economic activities apply the forms of primary accounting documents given in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 52n. Among the forms contained in this document, there are no travel sheets. The basis for reflection in accounting institutions of disposal from accounting accounts of material reserves is the act of debiting material reserves (f. 0504230). Since fuel (gasoline, oil, etc.) is the object of material reserves (based on the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 52n), its write-off can be issued as an act (f. 0504230). In the current edition of the instructions No. 157n, 174n there is no reference to the obligation to apply budgetary institutions when writing off the fuel of travel sheets.

    Recall: paragraph 36 of the instructions number 174n (as amended by the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 No. 227n) established that the disposal of material reserves is carried out on the basis of the track leaf (f. 0340002, 0345001, 0345002, 0345004, 0345005, 0345007), which is used to write off to the consumption of all types of fuel. At the same time, budgetary institutions were used by the form of travel sheets, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 1997 No. 78 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of construction machines and mechanisms, works in road transport."

    If you contact the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 "On Road Rules", then the driver of a mechanical vehicle must have with him and at the request of police officers to transfer them to verify in the established cases permission to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and baggage passenger Taxi, travel sheet, licensed card and documents for the transported cargo, and during the carriage of large, heavy and dangerous goods - documents stipulated by the rules for transporting these goods. In cases directly provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the driver must have and transmit to the verification of employees of Rostransnadzor to the admission card for the exercise of international road transport, travel list and documents for transported cargo, special permits, in the presence of which in accordance with the legislation on roads and The road activities are allowed to move on roads of heavy and (or) large vehicles, vehicle transporting dangerous goods, as well as provide a vehicle for the implementation of weight and overall control.

    Thus, if the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain direct guidelines for the use of travel sheet, the use of this sheet is not mandatory.

    Registration of travel sheets during the transport of children.

    Initially, consider cases when the design of travel sheets is required. This case is the transportation of children. In accordance with paragraph 7 of the instructions of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I. I. Shuvalov dated 21.02.2014 No. Ish-P9-24PR "On the prevention of children's road traffic injury and preparing parents", the Ministry of Education and Science, together with the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, developed and sent methodical recommendations "On the organization of transportation of students to educational organizations." These recommendations were brought by letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2014 No. 08-988 (hereinafter referred to as Methodical recommendations). Methodical recommendations established that educational organizations organize the transportation of students on their own when performing the conditions specified in clause 3.1.1 - 3.1.12 of the recorded recommendations.

    The transportation of students belongs:

  • delivery of students to educational organizations;
  • deportation of students at the end of occupations (organized events);
  • organized transportation of groups of children when organizing tourist-sightseeing, entertainment, sports and other cultural events.
  • Among the mandatory conditions is to carry out daily pre-war control of the technical condition of buses with the corresponding marks in the track sheet.

    In Appendix 2, the methodological instructions provide official responsibilities of the Director of the Educational Organization to ensure the safety of transport by bus. Clause 3.1 of the duties of official duties was established that to ensure professional reliability of drivers in the process of their professional activities, the Director is obliged to ensure the daily pre-trial control of the technical condition of the buses before leaving with the corresponding stamps in the track sheet. The driver before traveling to the flight should be in the prescribed manner to go through a medical examination with a label in the track sheet and the corresponding record in the journal of pre-trip medical examinations, as well as instruction on labor protection (clause 2.1 of Annex 5 to methodical recommendations).

    When transporting children, compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in terms of the observance of labor and recreation of drivers, as well as compliance with the norms (clause 3.1.9 of guidelines):

    • articles 20 of the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 No. 196-FZ "On Road Safety";
    • The rules of the organized transport of a group of children approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177 "On approval of the rules of organized transport of group children by buses";
    • Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1176 "On Amendments to the Rules of Road Movement of the Russian Federation";
    • Rules for ensuring the safety of passenger and cargo transportation by road and urban ground electric transport and the list of activities for the preparation of employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in road transport and urban ground electric transport, to safe operation and vehicles to safe operation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation from January 15, 2014 No. 7 (hereinafter - rules for transportation of transportation).
    • Paragraph 62 of Transport Safety Rules established that the subject of transportation activities carrying out regular transportation of passengers is obliged to provide each driver:

    • track leaf;
    • timetable (schedule) of movement on the route of regular traffic;
    • the route with an indication of dangerous areas.

    Of all the foregoing, it can be concluded that the design of a travel sheet to the vehicle used to transport children is necessarily. When making a travel sheet, the requirements established by Order No. 152 must be followed.

    Registration of travel sheets for the transport of employees.
    If we talk about the need to design a travel sheet on the movement of a car used in the institution for the carriage of employees (leader, deputy head, chief accountant, etc.) for official purposes, then from the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation it follows that travel sheets are issued by the budget institution if This requirement is established:

  • founder (departmental regulatory act, decree of the founder). As an example of such a departmental order, an order can be given an order of the Department of Health of Moscow dated 04/06/2016 No. 293 "On approval of methodological recommendations for the implementation of the activities" Moscow Standard Polyclinics "and criteria for assessing the sustainability of its implementation";
  • accounting policies of the institution.
  • In other cases, the use of travel sheets for passenger cars is optional. The institution can develop for the driver the report form in which it will reflect all the information spent for the calculation of them. Further, on the basis of this report, the Commission for the admission and disposal of assets in the institution is drawn up with an act on the write-off of material reserves (F. 0504230).

    If the institution uses travel sheets in its activities (in the form approved by the decision of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 78 or developed by the establishment of independently), they should contain mandatory details, the list of which is established by order No. 152. Mandatory details and the procedure for filling out travel sheets are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 No. 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport." The provisions of this law do not apply to the transport of people (employees of the institution) on passenger transport (car). However, if the institution is drawn up by travel sheets, they, in our opinion, should be obligatory requisites established by Order No. 152. Compulsory details are (paragraph 3 of the filling of travel sheets):

  • the name and number of the track leaf;
  • information about the period of action of the track sheet;
  • information about the vehicle;
  • The rules for filling out these mandatory details are also established by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 152. We draw your attention to the fact that the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of January 18, 2017 No. 17:

  • from paragraph 12 of the procedure for filling the travel sheets, the provision is excluded that in the header part of the track list, print or stamp of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur who own relevant vehicles for ownership rights or other legal grounds;
  • The procedure for filling the travel sheets is supplemented by paragraph 16.1 of the following content: "The date and time of pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle is affixed by the controller of the technical condition of motor vehicles or the controller of the technical condition of the urban ground electric transport, which carried out the appropriate control, and are certified by its signature indicating the name and initials "
  • Finally, we briefly formulate the main conclusions:

  • Budgetary institutions are obliged to use travel sheets when reflecting the facts of economic life only if such a duty is directly established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or if the institution itself has registered in its accounting policy that gasoline spending will be confirmed by the driver's travel sheets.
  • If the institution uses ways to work in its work, their form must contain mandatory details approved by Order No. 152.
  • Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting".

    Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 03/30/2015 No. 52n "On approval of forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers applied by state authorities (government agencies), local governments, government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions, and guidelines for their use. "

    Instructions for the application of a single accounting plan for state authorities (state bodies), local governments, government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions, ultrasound. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 01.12.2010 No. 157n.

    Instructions for the application of an accounting account plan of budgetary institutions, utensils. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n.

    Project of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation "On Amendments to Mandatory Details and the procedure for filling in travel sheets, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 No. 152" (prepared by the Ministry of Transport of Russia 30.03.2018)

    Dossier on the project

    In pursuance of part 1 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-FZ "Charter of road transport and urban ground electric transport" (Assembly of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 46, Art. 5555; 2011, N 17, Art. 2310, N 45, Art. 6326; 2012, N 25, Art. 3268, N 31, Art. 4320; 2014, N 6, Art. 566, N 49, Art. 6928; 2015, N 17, Art. 2477, N 29, Art. 4374; 2016, N 27, Art. 4191) and taking into account the provisions of the Federal Law of December 20, 2017 N 398-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Road Safety "in terms of establishing additional requirements To ensure the safety of road traffic during the transport of passengers and goods by road and urban ground electric transport "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2017, N 52, Art. 7921) I order:

    1. To make a mandatory details and the procedure for filling travel sheets, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 N 152 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia October 8, 2008, registration No. 12414), with changes made by the orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia from 18 January 2017 N 17 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 13, 2017, registration N 45612) and dated November 7, 2017 N 476 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia December 1, 2017, registration N 49083), changes in accordance with the annex to this order .

    2. To establish that this order comes into force from the date of entry into force of the Federal Law of December 20, 2017 N 398-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Road Safety "in terms of establishing additional safety requirements for road safety When transporting passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport. "

    to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
    from ________________N ____

    implemented in mandatory details and the procedure for filling travel sheets approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of September 18, 2008 N 152

    1) In subparagraph 3, the words "from the garage (depot) and its arrival to the garage (depot)" shall be replaced by the words "from parking (parking space), intended for the vehicle's parking lot on returning from the flight and the end of the driver's change (hereinafter - Parking ) ";

    2) in subparagraph 4, the words "location of the constant parking lot and his arrival to the specified parking lot" shall be replaced by the words "Parking and His Parking Check in";

    3) in subparagraph 5 after the words "pre-trial" supplement the words "or the preyment".

    2. In subparagraph 2 of paragraph 7, the words "pre-trial and postrestovoy" should be replaced by the words "the pre-priests and post-free, post-tracks".

    3. In paragraph 10, the words "for one day or a period not exceeding one month" should be replaced by the words "before the start of the flight, if the duration of the driver's driver's flight exceeds the duration of the shift (working day), or before the first flight, if during the shift (working day) The driver of the vehicle commits one or more flights. "

    4. Clause 13 shall be amended as follows:

    "13. Dates, time and testimony of the odometer when traveling from the parking lot and its travel to parking are made by authorized persons appointed by the decision of the company or an individual entrepreneur, and are assigned to their signatures indicating the initials and surnames, except in cases where the individual entrepreneur combines the driver's duties " .

    5. In paragraph 14, the words "constant parking and its arrival to the specified parking lot" shall be replaced by the words "parking and its arrival in the parking lot."

    6. Clause 15 shall be amended as follows:

    "fifteen. In case of registration of several travel sheets, separately for each driver, the date and testimony of the odometer during the vehicle departure from the parking lot is affixed in the driver's travel sheet, which first leaves from the parking lot, and the date, time and testimony of the odometer upon arrival of the vehicle on Parking - in the travel sheet of the driver, which last drives the parking lot. ".

    7. Clause 16 shall be amended as follows:

    "sixteen. The dates and the time of the pre-war, pre-trace and post-free, post-track medical examination of the driver are affixed by a medical worker who has conducted the appropriate inspection, and are certified by his signature with the name of the surname and initials. "

    after the words "hold pre-trip" to add the words "or the preyment";

    supplement with a paragraph of the following content:

    "In the case of registration for one vehicle, several travel sheets separately for each driver, a mark of the pre-trial or pre-monitoring of the technical condition of the vehicle is affixed in the driver's travel sheet, which is first leaving the parking lot."

    Overview of the document

    The law on road safety was made amended, which will take effect on December 21, 2018. So, Jurlitz and IP, carrying out commercial transportation and transportation for their own needs, will oblige vehicle parking within the boundaries of urban settlements, urban districts, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol on returning from the flight and the end of the driver's change in parking lots (parking sites).

    In this regard, there was a need to adjust the mandatory details and the order of filling out travel sheets. A draft relevant change has been prepared.

    In the way sheet, it will be necessary to reflect the odometer testimony when traveling from parking for parking this vehicle upon returning from the flight and the end of the driver's change; date and time of departure from parking and arrival at her. In addition, it will be necessary to indicate data on pre-trial or premature monitoring of the transport of transport.

    Also in the track list it will be necessary to reflect the data on the holding of a pre-priest, pre-trip and post-free, post-track medical examination of the driver.

    Now the travel sheet is issued for 1 day or a period not exceeding 1 month. Offer to change this rule. So, the track list will be issued before the start of the flight, if the duration of the flight exceeds the duration of the change (working day), or before the first flight, if during a change (working day) the driver makes one or more flights.

    The date, time and testimony of the odometer, the date and time of the medical examination will not be necessary to assure the stamps. There will be enough signature with the name of the name and initials of the authorized person.

    If 1 vehicle is drawn up several travel sheets separately for each driver, the mark of the pre-trip or pre-monitoring of the technical show will be put on the driver in the travel sheet, which is first leaving the parking lot.


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