Notifying the employee about the start of vacation. Have you notified employees about the upcoming vacation? Example of a vacation notice

The law provides for the right of a contract worker to receive a paid vacation period after a certain period of work. Since the company employs a certain number of employees, it is necessary to regulate when employees will go on vacation. For this purpose, a vacation schedule is developed. In addition, management is required to provide mandatory notice of employee leave 2 weeks in advance.

Company employees can be granted a variety of vacations, these include:

  • - provided in cases provided for by law and when in the agreement drawn up with the employee, there is a condition for providing him with an additional period of rest.
  • Other types of leave provided in accordance with the law or provisions of company regulations. For example, student leave, maternity leave, child care leave, etc.

The rules of law establish the obligation to inform the employee about the start of his leave only in relation to the main and additional leave. Moreover, the company management must do this at least two weeks before the start of this period.

When a working person is absent for any reason during this period, a notification can be sent to him at his postal address, where this person actually lives.

However, the shipment should be issued in the form of a letter with acknowledgment of delivery. And the date of notification will be considered the date stamped by mail at the time of delivery of the letter on the notification.

Attention: if the administration ignores the need to notify the employee about the start date of their vacation, then the company’s employees have the right to postpone the vacation period to any time convenient for them.

When an employee makes such a decision, he must draw up a statement indicating the desired start date for the vacation. After this, the personnel service inspector prepares an order to amend the vacation schedule and to postpone the vacation to the specified time.

An enterprise that commits such an offense may be subject to a fine in accordance with the Administrative Code. In addition, when conducting an inspection, regulatory authorities can hold accountable all persons whose guilt they establish.

Attention: if the employee does not want to go on vacation during the period provided for in the vacation schedule, then evading receipt of notification will allow him to arrange this period of rest at the desired time.

How to familiarize an employee with a document

The legislation provides for the obligation of company management to familiarize employees with the start dates of their vacations, but does not regulate the way in which this is done.

Practice determines that organizations can use the following notification options:

  • Keeping a log of notifications to employees about the dates of their vacations - in it, each time each employee leaves, the inspector enters the following information: the position and personal data of the employee, the type of vacation provided, its duration, as well as the start and end days. After this, the employee signs his visa and enters the date of inspection.
  • By including in the contents a note about familiarization with the dates of leave - in accordance with the law, the employee must be given an order for the granting of leave, in order to become familiar with its contents against signature. The same document can also be used as a notification about the start days of this period. However, it should be borne in mind that this should be done two weeks before the start of the vacation. Therefore, a vacation order will have to be issued in advance. In this case, the date of notification will not be considered the date of issue of the order, but the date that the employee puts in it upon review.
  • Inclusion in the vacation schedule of a separate column for the employee to enter the date of familiarization with the start and end days of the vacation. The enterprise's right to do this is legally established. In this regard, it is enough to add a column to the vacation schedule for reference.
  • The notice is issued to the employee in the form of a separate document. This method is most often used in companies. The written notification must include all the necessary information and be issued in two copies - one remains with the employee himself, and the second with a confirming signature is returned to the organization.

A situation may arise that the employee does not want to go on vacation as scheduled, and therefore refuses to sign the notice. Then it is necessary to invite two independent people and, in their presence, draw up an act of refusal. After this, the act is attached to the notification and kept with it at all times.

Attention: if notifications are used in the form of separate forms, then it is advisable to create a special journal in which to register them. In particular, it is necessary to record the fact that the form was issued, as well as the date of familiarization with it.

There is no standard form for the magazine, and therefore you can use your own, designed based on your needs. Completed vacation notices are stored in the company archives for at least 5 years.

Sample vacation notice

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Sample of a vacation notice

The law stipulates that the employer must warn his employee that he will soon have a vacation. However, it is not indicated anywhere exactly what form such a document should take if the warning is issued in writing.

As a rule, companies use company letterhead for these purposes, and the text is compiled based on the specifics of the organization’s work.

The text of the notification may be completely typed and printed on a computer. Or create a template in advance with empty fields, into which the personnel employee will manually enter information about the vacationer, vacation period, start and end days, etc.

At the top of the form the name of the organization, as well as its details, are indicated. Next, on the next line the date and place of drawing up the document are entered.
On the right side of the form it is necessary to write down to whom this notification is sent - full name. employee and his position.

On the next line in the middle, the name is indicated - “Notification” and a serial number is indicated. Under it, the form is registered in the notification log.

The text of the document is drawn up in business form in the form of a letter. It must provide the following information:

  • An article from the Labor Code, according to which the employer is obliged to issue a notice to the employee;
  • Information on when the vacation is scheduled to begin and end;
  • Total duration of vacation in days;
  • Details of the vacation schedule in which the provision of vacation during the specified period was fixed;
  • Information that the employee must read the document, put a confirming signature and return it back to the personnel department.

The employee's notice of leave is signed by the person responsible for its preparation or the head of the personnel department. At the bottom of the document, it is necessary to provide a column in which the employee will put a confirming signature and date.

In what case should you write a vacation application?

Writing an application by an employee acts as a request for a period of rest. If such a period is provided on the basis of a previously drawn up and approved vacation schedule, then there is no need to draw it up.

However, a situation may arise in which, although there is information in the schedule, it is still necessary to draw up a statement:

  • The employee goes on vacation on a day other than that indicated in the vacation schedule;
  • The schedule shows only the month of vacation provision, and the exact date is not indicated;
  • A new employee goes on vacation, who was not yet at the enterprise at the time the vacation schedule was drawn up.

In such cases, an application on which a visa is affixed with the approval of the manager is confirmation of the grant of leave and serves as the basis for drawing up an order and leave payments.

However, HR officers in organizations still require you to submit an application, even if the employee still goes on vacation as scheduled. This request is justified by the fact that the order is drawn up only on the basis of a written request.

Attention: regulations do not prohibit filing an application in this case, although this entails additional paperwork.

Generating a notice of the start of vacation is part of the procedure for the written documentation of a person’s departure for a legally planned vacation.


In what cases is a document generated?

In many organizations, especially large ones, a preliminary one is drawn up before the start of the new year. It specifies during what period of time a particular employee can take a break from his work.

The vacation schedule has a certain sequence, which is developed taking into account the interests of the employer and his subordinates. This document is especially relevant in manufacturing companies with a continuous cycle of work.

Two weeks before the vacation, the HR department specialist is obliged to inform the employee about the upcoming event (in accordance with the previously approved vacation schedule).

In this way, two goals will be achieved at once: the employee will be reminded of the vacation, and the employer will comply with all the necessary formalities.

It is mandatory to notify in the event of one of two types of leave: planned paid or additional.

If an employee goes on vacation at his personal request (for example, unpaid), then there is no need to write a notice in his name.

What happens if you don't send a notification?

The notification must be brought to the attention of an employee of the organization against signature.

Otherwise, he will have the full right to postpone his vacation to a time that is convenient for him - and for this he will only need to write a corresponding statement indicating that he was not notified about the start of the planned vacation.

Also, the absence of a notification can serve as a reason for a “showdown” in the labor inspectorate or even in court, so you should not neglect the formation of this notification.

What to do if the employee does not want to sign for receipt of the notification

When delivering the notice, the employer's representative must obtain the signature of the person for whom it is intended. But it happens that, due to various circumstances, an employee refuses to sign the notification document.

In this case, it is necessary to draw up a corresponding act in the presence of witnesses, indicating the explanations of the protesting employee (if there are none, then write “refused to sign without explanation”).

General information about the notification, features of its preparation

If you need to draw up a notice of the start of vacation for an employee of an organization, and you do not have sufficient experience, read our tips - they will help you cope with the task. Please also pay attention to the example form - on its basis you can easily draw up the necessary notification.

First of all, we will give general information that is typical for all such documents. Let's start with the fact that the notification can be generated in free form, or, if the company has a sample document approved in the accounting policy, by its type. The method of drawing up the notification, as well as its template (if available), must be approved in the local regulations of the enterprise.

The notice should be made in two identical copies, each of which must be signed by a representative of the employer (preferably the director, but it is acceptable if the autograph of the head of the structural unit, for example, the head of the human resources department, is signed).

  1. One of these copies is subsequently given to the employee,
  2. the second is filed in a special folder and remains in the company archive (as confirmation that the employer has fulfilled all the conditions for the employee to go on vacation).

It is not necessary to stamp the form - a seal is needed only when the requirement for its use is specified in the company’s internal regulatory documents.

A note about the notification must be included in a special journal for recording outgoing documentation - these should be kept in every organization.

The notification may be formed on a simple ordinary sheet of paper or on the company’s letterhead; it can be written either by hand or on a computer (be sure to then print it out)

Sample notification of the start of vacation

When composing a notice, mentally divide it into three parts.

At the beginning of the document - the so-called “header” - you need to indicate:

  • information about the sender (employer company);
  • information about the addressee - the employee to whom it is sent;
  • information about the document itself: its name, number, date of preparation.

After this comes the main block where the text of the notice is entered. It needs to include:

  • the date from which the person goes on vacation;
  • duration of vacation (in calendar days - most often it is 14 days or 28);
  • day of return to work (specify the exact date).

How to send a notification

Notification of the start of vacation can be communicated to the employee in different ways:

  • If he is on duty directly at the workplace, then it is best in person, from hand to hand (under signature).
  • If for some reason the future vacationer is absent (for example, he is on sick leave or on a business trip), then either by registered mail via Russian Post, or through an authorized representative, deliver to the address of his location (in this case, you should also take care of obtaining an acquaintance mark with the document).

What is the retention period for notifications about the start of vacation? Is it possible not to indicate the employee’s position in notifications? And is it possible not to indicate the number of calendar days (at the same time indicate the start date and end date of the vacation).


Labor legislation does not provide for a form for notifying employees about the start of vacation. In this case, the employer must comply with the following rules: notify the employee about the upcoming vacation no later than two weeks before it starts; obtain the employee’s signature confirming the fact of notification of the start of vacation. To fulfill the obligation to promptly notify employees about the upcoming vacation, the employer can develop a special notification form. It is not necessary to indicate the number of calendar days; the start and end dates of the vacation will be sufficient.

Sample notification of the start of vacation

In accordance with ORDER OF THE MINISTRY OF CULTURE OF THE RUSSIA DATED 08/25/2010 No. 558, the storage period for vacation orders is 5 years, we believe that notifications should be stored for the same amount of time.


Changes in the storage periods for personnel documents, which were introduced by Article 22.1 of Law No. 125-FZ of October 22, 2004, were intended by the authors of the bill to affect only documents whose storage period was previously 75 years. At the same time, legislators made a mistake, since they formally achieved an increase in storage periods for all groups of personnel documents. Namely, for those for which a storage period of five years is provided in accordance with paragraphs 19 and 665 of the list approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. A bill is currently being prepared that will amend the Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ and will eliminate the shortcomings that have arisen. As Rostrud specialists explain, before these changes are adopted, the existing system for determining the storage periods for documents should be applied according to the list approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, in order to avoid any misunderstandings and fines and not to single out personnel documents for destruction .

Thus, until new changes are made to the Federal Law “On Archiving” in terms of clarifying the storage periods for documents on personnel, it is not recommended to destroy documents on personnel after 5 years of storage.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1.Answer: Does the employee need to be notified of the upcoming scheduled vacation?

N.Z. Kovyazina

The employee must be notified of the start date of the vacation by signature no later than two weeks before it begins (). The organization determines the forms and methods of such notification independently. These may be separate notices or notifications to employees, introductory sheets and statements, draft orders (instructions), etc.

For example, you can issue a notification about an upcoming vacation in. Another option: draw up a vacation order for or and familiarize employees with it in advance: two weeks before the start of the vacation.

You can also have a unified vacation schedule or supplement it with two additional columns. In one of which, employees will sign that they know the start date of the vacation, and in the other, indicate the date of notification of the start of the vacation.

The legal requirements for prior notification of the employee about the start date of the vacation will be complied with in all of the above cases.

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Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges employers to draw up a vacation schedule and send employees on vacation during the year in strict accordance with the planned schedule.

Staff You need to inform us about your upcoming vacation in advance via notification. The employee is not obliged to make a request for the provision; he has the right to expect that the employer himself will prepare an order, accrue and pay vacation pay in 3 days.

Is it necessary to register?

Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employee must be notified of a specific date, when his annual vacation begins according to signature.

There are several ways to do this: prepare separate notice, provide a column in the schedule, prepare, make an order 2 weeks in advance for vacation and submit it to the employer against signature.

The most correct and convenient way- last. The order is prepared no later than 2 weeks in advance. However, if an organization has the practice of issuing separate notifications, then this is the employer’s right; there are no violations of the law in this.

Within the specified period, the responsible person prepares a notification document for the employee and gives it to him personally or in another convenient way.

The employee familiarizes himself with the contents of the received document and as a sign of his awareness signs in the indicated place e.

Usually two copies of the notice are drawn up: the first is transferred to the employee, the second remains with the employer. It is on the second copy that the notified person must put his signature. This document must be retained by the company, as it will serve as confirmation of the fulfillment of the obligation to inform about the start of vacation in strict accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is also possible to hand over the notification paper and offer it to the employee as a sign of its receipt. sign in a special journal e.

What will happen, if the employer does not notify employee about the beginning of his rest? First of all, this is a violation of labor legislation. In this case the employee has the right to write for any period convenient for him.

The authorities cannot prevent and must accept this application and prepare vacation time for the dates desired by the employee.

To avoid such an unplanned transfer, it is recommended to strictly follow the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and promptly transmit the notification to the employee.

An approximate example of a notice of provision of rest to an employee according to a schedule can be downloaded below.

When is it not necessary to compose?

The employer is exempt from issuing a notice of the upcoming start of vacation in the following cases:

  • leave is provided not on schedule;
  • at the enterprise no schedule was drawn up at all;
  • rest is provided newly hired employee not included in the schedule for the current year;
  • vacation is issued for persons who according to Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation have the right to demand paid days off at a time convenient for them.

Preparation times and delivery methods

Useful video

Do I need to create notifications, how to notify an employee, what methods exist - watch the video for the most correct way notification to the employee about the beginning of his rest:

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires employers to mandatory notify staff about when their vacation will begin according to the approved schedule. This must be done 2 weeks before it starts. This can be done through a notice or order. The main thing is to fulfill the requirement from Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Failure to perform this action may result in the employee refusing to go on vacation. and subsequent transfer of vacation time to a period convenient for the employee. At the same time, management will no longer be able to refuse and will have to adapt to the wishes of the worker whose rights have been violated.

You can read about the rules for drawing up a vacation schedule for the year.

Is vacation notice required or not?

The employee must be notified in advance of the start of the upcoming annual paid leave, according to the approved vacation schedule for the year. According to Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer issues the employee a vacation notice 2 weeks in advance, a sample of which can be downloaded at the end of this consultation.

If the annual paid leave, at the written request of the employee, was postponed to another earlier or later date (the employee goes on leave at the request), then it is not necessary to notify the employee about the start of the leave. In this case, the employee’s signature in the order granting him leave based on the application he has written will be sufficient.

Violation of labor legislation (namely, failure to notify the employee about the start of vacation) may result in a fine (Clause 1, Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • for an individual entrepreneur in the amount of 1,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles;
  • for an official in the amount of 1,000 rubles to 5,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity in the amount of 30,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles.

Notification of vacation start time (sample) 2019

The notification form for the start time of vacation is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, therefore notification of vacation is made according to a form developed by the company independently. The notice shall indicate.

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