Why do you dream about a dirty puddle? Why do you dream of a puddle according to the dream book?

A dream in which a puddle appears, the dream book explains what was seen in a dream with discontent and fears that the dreamer carefully hides in real everyday life. Often a dream calls for caution. If the sleeper did not notice how he ended up in the water, his affairs are not going as smoothly as he thinks. Everything you dream of about a frozen puddle reminds you of the importance of family relationships.

Sometimes a dream warns in advance of impending troubles, so that the sleeper has time to prepare for them and meet them fully armed. This symbol often serves as a sign not to take yourself too seriously; the ability to laugh at yourself has never hurt anyone.

When interpreting what a puddle in a dream means, the dream book draws attention to the cleanliness of its contents or the lack thereof. Dreaming of dirty water often serves as a reminder that it doesn’t hurt to take care of your reputation.

The modern dream book believes that everything that dreams of a large puddle, surprising with its size, is a harbinger of reward for previous merits. The dreamer has reason to hope for decent wages or gratitude for the help provided.

Falling into the water

When you fall into a puddle in a dream, in reality the sleeper runs the risk of accidentally committing an unseemly act, getting involved with bad company, and generally behaving inappropriately in every possible way.

Everything you dream about falling into a puddle symbolizes future mistakes that you will have to regret. Knowing about his predisposition to making wrong decisions, the dreamer has a chance to reduce them to a minimum.

If in a dream your child fell into a muddy puddle, the dream is trying to make it clear that your expectations exceed his capabilities. Be patient and don't demand too much from him. Your current annoyance will eventually be replaced by pride for him.

What is a puddle made of?

What you dream of about a puddle of water may be a harbinger of tears. Most likely, their cause will be an undeserved insult, a slander, evil gossip behind one’s back. Inner moral preparedness for such a turn of events will become your weapon.

When you happen to see a puddle of urine in a dream, the dream book believes that this auspicious sign promises extraordinary luck. It is possible that you will be able to win a really large sum in the lottery, or that a wish will come true that you never dared to hope for.

The dream book advises to remain calm if you dream of a puddle of blood. The dream only warns of a meeting with one of your direct relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. If you saw blood on the floor of your house, this person is coming to visit you.

Deep, dirty, rainy

Dreaming of a deep puddle, which you managed to cross without getting your feet wet, will tell you the optimal path to success in reality. By jumping over it, you will achieve everything on your own. Having crossed the plank, you can hope for outside help.

A puddle on the floor often reflects your excessive concern about what others think of you, what impression you make on them, and whether you are burdening them with your presence. The dream book assures that you are too biased towards yourself.

Everything about a puddle of mud in a dream warns that your authority is not as unshakable as you think. The Dream Interpretation believes that now is the time to remind others of your undeniable superiority.

According to the interpretation of the Eastern Dream Book, puddles after rain symbolize the connection of times. The past gradually evaporates under the sunlight, forming a light haze. Behind this veil lies the future.

Wet feet

Why you dream of walking through puddles in the rain should be regarded as a reminder that today’s carefree life has a downside: sooner or later the time will come to make up for lost time.

When you happen to run barefoot through puddles for your own pleasure, the dream promises simple human joys, the ability to enjoy them and appreciate every moment of bliss.

If in a dream you had to walk barefoot through puddles not of your own free will, but due to circumstances, the dream warns of an impending streak of bad luck, which, although it will bring some confusion into the usual way of life, will dissolve on its own over time.

Since you happen to step into a puddle, the dream book gives meaning to its contents. If the water in it is clean enough, the dreamer will experience one incident that will turn out to be much more positive than it seemed at first glance.

Why dream of washing your feet in a puddle often indicates the true cause of many of the dreamer’s troubles: the inability or unwillingness to think about the expediency and consequences of one’s actions. The dream book recommends calculating steps at least several moves ahead.

Obstacle course

When you have to wipe up a puddle in a dream, the dream means that the problems of someone close to you will add trouble to you. The dream book recommends not to spare time for rest, since you will need a lot of strength to withstand the additional untimely load.

If you happen to sit in a puddle, the Esoteric Dream Book advises treating what you saw in a dream with a bit of self-irony. It is quite possible that you will soon find yourself in an unenviable position. Only a sense of humor will help you get away with it.

If you happen to jump over puddles in a dream, consider yourself very lucky in solving financial issues. The dream book is encouraging that old debts and concerns about the upcoming transaction will remain on the shore abandoned in the dream, and you will only have to reap the laurels of commercial success.


A dream consisting of several, little interconnected, episodes. First, my mother and I find ourselves in our own yard and go to our house, in which (in a dream) we are supposed to get a new apartment. Rain, slush, puddles everywhere, especially on the lawns. Mom got to the entrance, and I fell behind. There is no one in the yard, although it is daylight. I want to quickly reach my mother, and therefore I don’t go around the black puddle on the lawn, but step on it. I feel like I won't get too wet in the puddle because it's not deep. But when I step on a puddle, I suddenly fall into it up to my waist, quickly jump out and run to the entrance so as not to get too cold and catch a cold. I run to the entrance and apartment, look at myself in the huge mirror in the hallway and am surprised to see that only my jeans are soaked, and even then there are dark streaks from water down my legs. It turns out that I was so worried in vain. And now I’m looking at a new apartment. It is much like the old one, only where there used to be a bedroom is now a large living room. To the right is a long corridor. And in this corridor the ceiling is terribly low, my head hits it, and it’s also kind of flimsy, cardboard or something, consisting of loosely fitting plates that are blown down. This ceiling makes me extremely angry, and my mother doesn’t like it either, but she says she’ll have to be patient. How much is unknown. Behind the low ceiling is the kitchen, it’s difficult to get there because of it. Then an insert story: I am in Yalta, which looks like a very bright and clean town with streets flooded with sunlight, damp and shiny from the recent rain. The houses in Yalta are somehow sterile. There are some people with me in Yalta, however, I feel lonely, driving through the streets in a restored old-fashioned convertible car and just can’t find anything. I don’t know what. Then I find myself back in that apartment. Two of my cousins ​​come to visit me, one (in the dream) is plump and ugly, with a pimply face, the second is skinny and tall, like a mop. I'm angry with them because we don't have enough food and they'll eat the whole house. It seems to me that their mother called them. I see the second sister from the back, as she walks along the long and twilight common corridor and rings our door, large and gray, without a number and a “peephole”. I’m receiving them in the living room and thinking about what to treat them to. The living room is a mess, the kind that happens when renovating or moving, there are several long tables, all sorts of different things are piled on them, but there is no food, only a few boxes of chocolates, one of them is open. I look, and there are a few sweets there and I offer them to my sisters, secretly being greedy. An elegant, beautiful middle-aged woman appears; she was in the car with me in Yalta. I treat her to candy too, and take the second open box. There are few sweets, not enough for everyone. Suddenly I drop the box, the candies fall to the floor, and I realize with horror that now there definitely won’t be enough candy for everyone, and hardly anyone will eat from the floor, and it’s indecent to offer it, although the floor is shiny, parquet, too clean and new for such a cluttered room (no dust, just a lot of stuff). I bend down, collect candies and discover that not just one or two, but a lot of them fell on the floor, I collect a whole bunch. The candies are dark, lumpy, like chocolate-covered prunes. Suddenly an elegant woman says: “Let’s go out and buy some lavash, after all, this is a southern city.” I understand that they are hungry, and I answer: “You can, of course, but where can you find good pita bread? I don't trust the people here. We once traveled by car to Evpatoria and on the way we got very hungry. At a tavern on the side of the road we bought a huge pita bread and a bucket of apricots. So we ate this lavash all two weeks by the sea and even brought a piece home. It did not become moldy or stale, but only shriveled. This is quality lavash! Where can I find one like this? Inserted episode: I’m sitting on the sofa and holding a handful of chess pieces that I loved to play with as a child. They are the same, I consider pawns. As a child, I drew faces on them, but it turned out that the faces of the pawns were half erased, and they had second faces painted behind them. Pawns with double faces, one behind the other. I look through the pawns and wonder where they came from, since they were long ago thrown into the far corner of the house, and how and why they ended up in my hands. Another inserted episode: I go to the toilet at night. I sit and see a dark long shadow, as if from a snake that slithered away from the toilet. “There are snakes in the toilet,” I am horrified. Where are they from? Then I feel that a heavy, slippery stream is flowing out of me, and I see a medium-width viscous ribbon of some dark brown liquid, like machine oil. Liquid flows directly from me (probably from the female organs). Then the liquid literally runs away, and a lizard slips out of me, the same dark brown color and the same heavy consistency. The lizard is quite large; at first I mistook it for a snake. I return to the apartment again and look at the ceiling with anger. It seems he sank even lower. My mother told me that this was a temporary ceiling, but I was so tired of it that I grabbed the cardboard sheets and tore them off. They fall off easily. It turned out that the ceiling was white, smooth and high, even too high. And there is even space in the wall for a mezzanine. Immediately sunlight streamed into the corridor, it became more comfortable. With that I woke up.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Puddle in a dream?

If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water, then some kind of trouble awaits you, but very soon something good will replace it. If you stepped into a dirty puddle in a dream, troubles will haunt you. Getting your feet wet by stepping into a puddle means that your joy today will later turn into grief.

Idiomatic dream book

What does a puddle mean in a dream?

“Sit in a puddle” - disgrace yourself.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Puddle?

Finding yourself in a puddle of clean water in a dream means some kind of trouble, which will be replaced very soon by something good. Getting into a dirty puddle portends a series of troubles. If you get your feet wet, your joy will soon turn into bitter experiences.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of a puddle?

Puddle - Conversation // trouble; falling into it is a hassle; jump - you will avoid misfortune; dirty - gossip, slander.

Dream book for the whole family

See Puddle, how to unravel the symbolism

Seeing yourself standing in a puddle means not noticing how your affairs have declined. Seeing a single puddle on your way means short-term difficulties. Going into a puddle of muddy water in order to wash off the mud from your shoes - trying to correct an unfavorable situation, but by your own rash actions aggravate it even more.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Puddle?

Seeing a puddle is a nuisance; falling into a puddle is trouble.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Puddle - Profit; fall into a puddle - you will find yourself in bad company; jump over it - avoid danger.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Step on, fall, “sit in a puddle.” You may find yourself in an unenviable position. See, get ready to laugh at yourself. With clean water, healthy humor will not hurt in the upcoming situation. With dirty water, you can become an object of ridicule.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why Puddle dreams

Seeing that you were standing in a puddle indicates that you did not pay due attention to your affairs, and they fell into disrepair. A small puddle you encounter on your way symbolizes minor obstacles. If you see a puddle of dirty water and go into it to wash your shoes, then the dream prophesies that your rash actions will aggravate your already difficult life situation.

Slavic dream book

What does a puddle mean in a dream?

A puddle is a sign of a cold, bad weather and bad, insignificant news. Moon.

Great modern dream book

Puddle - why does the dreamer dream?

You saw a large puddle in a dream - the dream indicates: your position in society is precarious; you must improve your affairs in an honest way, give up the dubious connections that you have made. You stepped into a puddle of clear water - the streak of troubles is about to end. You stepped into a puddle of dirty water that has bloomed and stinks - there will be so many troubles, as if the whole world has turned against you. You got your feet wet by stepping into a puddle - the pleasures you get today will have bad consequences tomorrow.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why a Puddle in a dream?

A puddle is a failure. Stepping into a puddle of clean water is a minor nuisance that will soon pass; a dirty puddle is a failure that caused gossip; get your feet wet by stepping into a puddle - the events that have occurred will cause you great doubts in yourself.

A puddle in your nightly dreams turns out to be a symbol of the fact that if difficulties arise in your affairs, you will be able to find help, support and protection. The puddle suggests that when you encounter some unfavorable circumstances, you need to rely on unity. And perhaps for unity of command. Of course, this may cause you a lot of inconvenience, but it will be more than compensated for by your future success.

Sometimes a puddle is a warning about some minor troubles. Don't worry, you can quickly eliminate them. If you saw a puddle of oil, it means that you need to be careful not to slip literally out of the blue. Otherwise, you will have to endure humiliation - forced or you will have to voluntarily humiliate yourself in front of someone.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see a Puddle, what is it for?

Falling into a puddle means loss of reputation. Clear water in a puddle is a vain suspicion of a partner’s infidelity; Dirty water is treason. To see a bird bathing in a puddle in a dream means rejoicing at children, despite their mischief. Stepping over a puddle means you need to be more generous towards loved ones. Walking through puddles, splashing water - shows intemperance and rudeness.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Puddle?

I dreamed of a Puddle - Momentary joy will turn into trouble. Imagine filling a puddle with sand or gravel.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a Puddle in a dream

  • A puddle, even if it is smaller in size than a pool or lake, is nevertheless endowed with the same meaning. When it appears, we become aware of how to deal with our emotions.
  • What happens to the puddle could be important. If we drain it, then we are trying to reabsorb an emotion that we consider unnecessary. If we leave it, then we need the help of other people so that they recognize either their or our emotions.
  • From an esoteric point of view, a puddle provides an opportunity to look into the future - you can look into it like into a magic mirror. Looking into a puddle in a dream means trying to decide what action to take.

How to learn to understand your dreams

Why do women and men dream about Puddle?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Puddle in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

If in a dream you are walking along the sidewalk and a car passing by splashes you with water from a puddle, then in reality this threatens you with unnecessary financial expenses that could have been avoided.

If you yourself step in a puddle of dirty water, this means troubles that will inevitably haunt you in the next day or two.

However, if the water in the puddle is settled and clean, then troubles will soon be replaced by a streak of success.

Getting your shoes dirty or soaked through in a puddle means that you will have a reason to invite a small group of friends to visit. Seeing water bubbling in puddles during heavy rain means the emergence of a new source of income.

If you fall into a puddle in a dream, it means you will find yourself in a society with a bad reputation.

Jumping over a small puddle means that you will be able to avoid a seemingly imminent danger.

A frozen puddle foreshadows a cooling of love feelings and a sad ending to the novel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Puddle

To see a puddle in front of you in a dream means that in reality you will encounter obstacles in your work.

However, if the puddle contains clean water, profit is expected later.

Stepping into a puddle of dirty water means finding yourself in bad company or in an awkward position.

In addition, you will have to hear slander addressed to you.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water- some kind of trouble awaits you, but very soon something good will replace it.

If you stepped into a dirty puddle in a dream- troubles will haunt you repeatedly.

Get your feet wet by stepping into a puddle- means that your joy today will later turn into grief.

Collection of dream books

Puddle- annoyance, a little anxiety.

Puddle- extraordinary joy, happiness.

A puddle if the water in it is clean- a little trouble awaits you; but if the water turns out to be dirty- troubles will haunt you, and slander and gossip await you; if you get your feet wet by stepping into a puddle- your joy today may turn into misfortune later.

Puddle- complications in love relationships, possibly betrayal.

Ukrainian dream book

see a puddle- trouble, fall into a puddle- hassle

Esoteric dream book

With dirty water- you may become an object of ridicule.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Puddle- a lucky chance will help in small matters, help from your intuition.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Puddle- often unconscious repression of femininity.

General dream book

If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water- you will encounter minor troubles, which will very soon be replaced by a joyful event.

If it's a dirty puddle- troubles will haunt you for some time.

Wet your feet in a puddle in a dream- what made you happy today will later turn into grief.

Women's dream book

Find yourself in a puddle of clean water in a dream- to some kind of trouble, which will be replaced very soon by something good.

Get into a muddy puddle- portends a series of troubles.

If you got your feet wet- your joy will soon turn into bitter experiences.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are walking along the sidewalk and a car passing by splashes you with water from a puddle.- in reality, this threatens you with unnecessary financial expenses that could have been avoided.

If you yourself stepped in a puddle of dirty water- this is a sign of troubles that will inevitably haunt you in the next day or two.

However, if the water in the puddle is settled and clean- soon a streak of success will replace troubles.

Get your shoes dirty or soaked through in a puddle.- means that you will have a reason to invite a small group of friends to visit.

Modern combined dream book

Walk through puddles of clear water- an omen of annoyance. However, this dream also promises commercial profits in the future.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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