Refers to state power. Government departments

Power is the ability and opportunity to embody one’s will, to influence the behavior and fate of other people. It can be political, economic, spiritual, family, etc. In this article we will look at the first type of power (features, characteristics, functioning of the relevant bodies using the example of the Russian Federation).

Definitions of power

B. Russell attributed the concept of power to the central categories political science. He, among other things, noted its enormous importance and fundamental nature. T. Parsons, considering power as the core of social relations, compared its place in politics with the position of money, which it occupies in the economic sphere.

In science, this concept has its own long research history. In modern times, scientists have sought to create the possibility of such a structural reorganization of power that would make it possible to democratize it and subject it to the law. To do this, it was supposed to distribute it into several independent but interconnected structures. Thus, the French educator C. Montesquieu, considering the concept of power, divided it into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Political power

Political power is real opportunity groups or individuals to identify their will based on interests and needs in this area.
It is characterized by a number of features.

  1. Legality of using pressure methods within the state.
  2. Supremacy along with other types of power. It can limit the influence large corporations, media and other structures.
  3. Publicity. Political power, unlike private power, addresses the citizens of the state on behalf of the entire society.
  4. Presence of one decision-making center.
  5. Variety of resources. Political power uses not only pressure, but also economic, social and spiritual-informational methods of pressure (achieving goals).
  6. Legality. It acts as a kind of justification for the use of methods of pressure and restriction of freedom.

A type of political power is state power.


State power is the opportunity and ability of a group, based on special apparatus, extend its dominance over the entire population.

The following characteristics and features can be distinguished:

  1. Public and political power leads various social groups.
  2. Sovereign. In the field of public affairs, it has supremacy and independence in relation to other types of power.
  3. Carried out on permanent basis using a special apparatus.
  4. Has a monopoly right to use methods of pressure on the territory of the state.
  5. Applies to all individuals and legal entities in the country.
  6. Publishes normative legal acts.

Signs of state power

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation deals with cases related to compliance with the main law of the state. He can also resolve disputes arising between power structures, and problems related to the violation of people's rights and freedoms.

Courts general jurisdiction resolve civil, criminal and administrative cases. Consideration economic disputes are dealt with by arbitration structures.


Thus, in Russia, as in other democratic states, power is divided into three branches. The executive functions are performed by the Government and the President. Legislative power is in the hands of the Federal Assembly. Judicial proceedings are carried out by three types of relevant structures.

Today without organs state power work is inconceivable state apparatus our country. They are the central link around which powers are exercised. Let's look at what government bodies exist.

Characteristics of government bodies. authorities

State authorities are the levers through which the people, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, can exercise their power. Public authorities are characterized by the following features:

If we consider all government bodies together, it can be noted that they constitute unified system. The Constitution says that this system consists of the authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects. It is this unified system that is based on the integrity of Russia and the unity of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. In addition, the unity of the system is manifested in the fact that the subjects of jurisdiction, as well as powers, are delimited between state bodies. authorities of the Russian Federation and the authorities of the constituent entities. State power in Russia, in accordance with the Constitution, is exercised by the President, the Federal Assembly, and the courts of the Russian Federation. These types of government bodies form their own unique system, which, in turn, is divided into several more subsystems.

According to the Constitution, the President is not integral part none of the branches of government. He ensures consistency in the actions of other government bodies and monitors the implementation of the tasks assigned to them. He also directs the work of the Government and signs legislative acts, which are of paramount importance nationwide.

Three branches of government

Now let's look at what public authorities there are in the state today. First of all, the organs legislative branch- This Federal Assembly Russian Federation, various people's assemblies, dumas, legislative assemblies, regional assemblies and other people's bodies, whose members are elected by popular vote. The totality of all the above regional bodies represents the system of representative bodies of our country. In addition, legislative bodies can be divided into regional and federal.

If we talk about organs executive power, then these include the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as executive authorities of territorial units, that is, subjects of the Federation. Types of public authorities of subjects of this category are heads of administrations and Presidents of republics, governors, governments and various government departments and committees. They form a single integral system of the executive authority of the Russian Federation. It is headed by the Government of the Russian Federation. Main characteristic executive authorities is that they are created by order by the leaders - the administration or the President of the relevant territorial unit. The activities of executive authorities are only administrative and executive in nature. Similar to legislative bodies, executive bodies can be divided into federal and regional.

As for the third branch of government - the judiciary, it consists of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the courts of the constituent entities. All justice bodies make up the country’s unified judicial system. A feature of this category of power is the exercise of power through administrative, civil and criminal proceedings.

There is also special group government agencies power, which is not included in any of the branches of government - this is the Prosecutor's Office. According to the Constitution, it consists of a centralized system subordinate to the Attorney General. The main activity of the Prosecutor's Office is supervision over the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of management and public service. Thus, we examined which bodies exercise state power.

Subject authorities

Since Russia is Federal State, then power in it is divided not only horizontally, but also vertically. Similar government bodies exist in each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but at the same time they are subordinate to higher authorities.

Subjects of jurisdiction controlled by federal and regional authorities are strictly distinguished in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. However individual subjects, according to the Basic Law, allocate privileged powers. In addition, it is the Constitution that establishes that subjects can independently form own organs authorities and legislate certain orders.

Legislative bodies of the subjects

Concerning legislative bodies authorities, then in the subjects they are assemblies, dumas, etc. They have unlimited legislative initiative within their region. The executive authorities of the subject are Administrations and governments, led by Presidents, governors and heads of Administrations. The First Deputy Governor is very often also the head of the Government. The executive system consists of territorial bodies departments that are created directly by the head of the Administration.

In each subject of the Russian Federation, the legislative bodies may have a different name, but what they all have in common is that all members of the legislative assembly are elected by voting for a term of four years.

In the judicial branch of government bodies on regional level can be distinguished Regional courts And regional courts, which operate in accordance with regional legislation and are not part of the system of courts of General jurisdiction. Thus, we looked at what authorities there are on a regional scale.

Subjects of reference

The subjects of jurisdiction of regional and federal authorities are strictly delineated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, however, there are issues that constitute joint subjects management In this case regional body The authorities can, at their discretion, choose the method of regulating a particular issue.

State authorities are the main mechanism of Russian statehood. Depending on what authorities exist in the state and what role they play in society, we can say whether the state is legal.

Development human society has been going on for several tens of thousands of years. During this time, the organization of public relations has undergone significant changes. Probably, now no one will object that state power (the concept and types will be described below) is the most perfect modern stage evolution form of social organization.

What is power?

Any form of organization of social life implies the presence of power of someone over someone. Power is a form of control social processes. A person or social group that has great authority among many social groups or at certain territory, determine priorities for everyone. Power is submission large quantity people to socially recognized authorities.

State power: concept and types

In the theory of state and law, it is generally accepted that state power is special kind social power, in the presence of which the unity of a socially heterogeneous society is maintained through the activities of a special structure. It is the state that is considered the mechanism that can ensure peaceful coexistence and dynamic development of society within certain boundaries.

Types of government power:

  • legislative;
  • executive;
  • judicial

In Russia, like in any other civilized country, the principle of division of power operates. All 3 types of government power are significantly different from each other and have specific characteristics. The properties of government bodies are reflected in the specifics of their activities and functions.

Public authorities: concept, types

State authorities are a group of people founded by the state that have the status legal entity and implementing government functions in a particular industry or area of ​​society.

Each of them is included in its functionality into the structure of a specific branch of government in the Russian Federation. The functions and purposes, as well as the methods of work of all government bodies, are regulated by the Constitution and laws of the state. In the theory of state and law there are the following types government bodies.

Depending on the creation method:

  • Primary - the body is elected directly by the entire population of the country or a certain territory. Such bodies include the legislative assembly of the region, region, as well as the State Duma.
  • Secondary are institutions that are created primary organs state power. Secondary institutions are not under the control of the people, since they are not appointed or elected by them.

By nature of education:

  • elected bodies (parliament, local councils);
  • bodies whose composition is determined or appointed by the head of state or parent organization(for example, some of the judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed by the President);
  • authorities that are inherited (in Russia and Ukraine there are none).

Depending on the method of decision making:

  • Collegial - decisions in this institution can only be made by a majority vote. Basically, these are legislative bodies or local councils.
  • Sole - decisions are made directly by the manager and are formalized in the form of an order.

By type of function:

  • parliament (in Russia this is The State Duma, in Ukraine - The Supreme Council) - legislative body;
  • The president is a figure who stands above all authorities, and also represents the interests of the country in the external arena;
  • courts are bodies that perform the most important tasks democratic state justice function;
  • police and other law enforcement agencies;
  • intelligence agencies that protect special interests states (FSB in Russia, SBU in Ukraine, FBI and CIA in the USA).

How are government bodies formed?

So, we are talking about the types of government power (legislative, executive, judicial). The formation of bodies of each branch of government in the Russian Federation occurs in different ways. By its natural essence, power belongs to the people. It is clear that every citizen of the state cannot simultaneously have power functions, so it is quite logical to delegate these powers to selected, most worthy and authoritative people.

That's what elections are for. Organs are formed exclusively by elective means legislative branch authorities. This applies to both the central legislative subject (the State Duma) and local councils regions, autonomous republics and edges. Executive authorities are classified as appointed. It is impossible to elect the Council of Ministers through elections in any state on Earth. The judiciary is also not elected. Judges are appointed to their positions qualification boards after passing certain standards (except for some exceptions, for example, judges of the Constitutional Court are appointed according to the quota of the President, the State Duma and the Congress of Judges).

Structure of executive power in the Russian Federation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of executive bodies of state power:

  • federal;
  • local.

TO federal authorities authorities include: the government (Cabinet of Ministers), ministries and departments. Main body The executive branch is the government. The Cabinet of Ministers includes: the Prime Minister, the First Deputy Prime Minister, several deputy heads of government, and ministers. Number of ministers in different years may fluctuate because ministries can be created or liquidated. The list of ministries that are part of the government structure today is as follows:

  • internal affairs;
  • civil defense and emergency response;
  • defense;
  • Justice;
  • healthcare;
  • culture;
  • education and science;
  • ecology and natural resources;
  • development of industry and trade;
  • for regional affairs of the Far East;
  • a Ministry has recently been created that oversees Crimea;
  • Agriculture;
  • sports;
  • transport development;
  • labor and social protection population;
  • Economic Development Affairs;
  • energy.

In addition to ministries, there are also services and departments. Such structures most often deal with security issues, as well as narrow-profile topics that should be supervised central government. At the local level, the functions of executive authorities are performed by local administrations. Local bodies are headed by presidents or governors.

How are heads and members of executive bodies appointed? The Prime Minister is appointed by the President of the country after agreement with the State Duma. The formation of the government, except for the heads of the defense bloc, is carried out by the head of government at his own discretion. The heads of some services and departments are also appointed by the president and approved by parliament. On local level The principle of appointing leaders is elective. People on the territory of a subject of the Federation can independently decide who is worthy to lead the region.

Powers of the executive branch

As you know, all types of government bodies of the Russian Federation are built on the principle of division of power. Executive authorities carry out the domestic and foreign policy of the state. The government develops and implements economic and social development state, develops state defense programs. The government is in charge of such areas as industry, law enforcement, defense, trade, education, nature conservation, finance, transport and many other sectors. The implementation of the functions of executive authorities occurs through the adoption of such regulatory acts, as orders and regulations.


Speaking on the topic of types of government in the Russian Federation, it is worth noting that a major role in the development of the country belongs to the legislative branch. The government pursues public policy on the basis of laws that are adopted by this particular government. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation the only body The legislative branch is the Federal Assembly. Consists of two chambers: the Federal Assembly (higher house) and the State Duma (lower house). The principles for forming chambers are different. The State Duma is elected through nationwide direct elections. Regardless electoral system, which is practiced in specific elections, Duma deputies represent the interests of all residents of the country. The Federation Council is formed virtually locally, because its members include leaders local authorities executive and legislative branches.

Legislative assemblies consisting of one chamber are also elected locally. The need for local bodies that have the power to make laws is explained large area states. Russia is a federation that includes many ethnically different subjects Therefore, such a system of power allows the interests of all groups of society to be taken into account most accurately.

Powers of the legislature

The main function of the legislative branch is to create legal basis for the life of the state. Deputies develop and adopt laws and regulations regulating different areas activities. Parliament approves the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers. Deputies also give consent to the appointment and dismissal of leaders central authorities executive power. In addition, only the State Duma can raise the issue of impeachment of the president.

Judicial system

The types of government power in the system of checks and balances are built very logically. Role judiciary should also be taken seriously. Courts in Russia are structured according to the same system that is now practiced in the world's best democracies. The elements of the judicial system are constitutional, arbitration courts, as well as courts of general jurisdiction. Unlike unitary states, there are constitutional (in some regions - statutory) courts in every region of the country.

System and powers of courts of general jurisdiction

There are 3 levels of courts of general jurisdiction in the system Russian legal proceedings. The role of courts of first (in some cases - second) instance is meant to be district courts. Regional (territorial, republican) courts are considered higher than district ones in the hierarchy, which consider appeals on decisions lower courts. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation heads the hierarchy of courts of general jurisdiction. The panel of judges of this body makes decisions on cassation complaints on decisions of the middle levels of the judicial system.

In some cases, the role of the first instance can be played by magistrates who live in a certain territory and have basic theoretical knowledge.

Courts of general jurisdiction can begin proceedings in criminal, civil, administrative and other cases.

Powers and system of constitutional and arbitration courts

The system of these courts is similar because there are only two stages. There are constitutional and arbitration courts at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation. Higher authorities according to the Constitution are considered Constitutional Court RF and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the RF.

Despite the similarity of the systems, the powers of courts are strikingly different. Constitutional courts, within their competence, review laws and regulations, adopted by the authorities legislative and executive powers. Arbitration courts consider disputes between legal entities.

President: procedure for election and powers

Russia is a very centralized republic, so the president is at the center of the power system. By status, the president is the head of state. He represents the state in the external arena.

The President is elected for a term of 6 years by direct, secret voting rights the entire population of the state. Removal from office is possible only through impeachment.

The president can influence both the foreign and domestic policies of the state. The powers of the President extend to the following areas:

  • executive power;
  • the right of legislative initiative;
  • security sector, etc.


Types of power government controlled- these are just forms of state power. Each branch of government, by exercising its powers, seems to restrain the other two branches from monopolizing all power in their hands.

So, in Russia there are 3 types of government: judicial, legislative, executive. It is precisely this combination of types of power that is ideal today.

The main features of state power:
  • public character;
  • sovereignty of state power;
  • legitimacy;
  • unity;
  • separation of powers;
  • based on laws.

The jurisdiction of the Russian Federation includes, in particular, the following:

  • regulation and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms;
  • resolving issues of citizenship in the Russian Federation;
  • establishing a system of federal government bodies, the procedure for their organization and activities;
  • establishment legal framework single market; financial, currency, customs regulation;
  • establishment ;
  • foreign policy and international relationships Russia;
  • national defense and security;
  • judicial system, prosecutor's office, criminal, civil, procedural legislation, as well as some other questions.

At the same time, the Constitution of Russia establishes the subjects joint management Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

These include, for example:
  • ensuring law and order;
  • issues of ownership, use and disposal of land;
  • delimitation of state property;
  • environmental issues;
  • , family, housing, land legislation and some other questions.

Outside of these areas of jurisdiction, the subjects of the Russian Federation have full state power.

Some subjects of the Russian Federation have concluded with the Russian Federation special agreements on the delimitation of their competence, which supplement and clarify the provisions of the Constitution of Russia.

If the Russian Federation adopts a normative act that goes beyond its competence, then only regulations subjects of the Russian Federation. And vice versa, regulatory acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that go beyond the scope of their competence have no legal force.

Government departments

Government body- This structural element mechanism of the state, having authority in certain areas and areas of state activity.

Distinctive features of government bodies:
  • public authorities are formed by law;
  • each state body is endowed with certain competencies;
  • financed from federal budget;
  • in their activities reflect the tasks and.
The basic principles that guide state bodies:
  • the principle of separation of powers (independent functioning of each branch of government in order to eliminate arbitrariness and arbitrariness in their activities);
  • the principle of transparency (informing the population about the activities of government bodies);
  • the principle of legality (strict compliance with the Constitution and laws by all authorities);
  • the principle of priority of human and civil rights and freedoms;
  • the principle of professionalism (only professionals should work in government agencies).

Types of state bodies:

Main types of authorities:
  • head of state (monarch or president);
  • legislative (representative) bodies of state power;
  • executive bodies government authorities;
  • judiciary state authorities

Head of State

President of Russian Federation is the head of . He acts as a guarantor, takes measures to protect the sovereignty of Russia, its independence and territorial integrity. The President determines the main directions of internal and foreign policy countries.

The President is elected by 6 years based on universal direct secret ballot. The same person cannot hold the office of president for more than two consecutive terms.

The President appoints the Chairman of the Government, forms and heads the Security Council, calls elections for the State Duma, signs and promulgates federal laws, signs international treaties Russia. He is also the Supreme Commander of the country's Armed Forces.

The President issues decrees and orders. In some cases, he may be removed from office early, for which a certain procedure is applied.

Federal Assembly

The Federal Assembly, or Parliament of the Russian Federation, is the highest representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - Federation Council and State Duma.

IN Council of the Federation includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation: one from the representative body, the other from the executive body of state power. Thus, the Federation Council has 178 members.

The State Duma consists of 450 deputies who are elected for a term of 4 years. Deputies of the State Duma work on professional basis, they cannot be on public service and engage in other paid activities (except for teaching, scientific and creative activities).

The Federation Council and the State Duma elect their chairmen from among their members.

The main function of the Federal Assembly is the adoption of federal laws.

Procedure for adopting federal laws

The draft law first goes to the State Duma, where it is adopted by a simple majority total number deputies. Then the law goes to the Federation Council, which can consider it within 14 days and adopt it by a simple majority vote of the total number of members of this chamber. If the law is not considered by the Federation Council in specified period, then it is usually considered adopted (with the exception of some laws on budget, taxes and finance, as well as laws relating to international treaties).

A law rejected by the Federation Council is returned to the State Duma, after which either a conciliation commission from representatives of both chambers, or the State Duma re-adopts it, which requires 2/3 of the votes.

The adopted federal law is sent for signature to the President of the Russian Federation, who must sign and make it public within 14 days.

A law rejected by the president can be considered again by the Federal Assembly. If at re-examination federal law was previously approved accepted version by a 2/3 majority vote in both one and the other chambers of parliament, it must be signed by the president within 7 days.

Government of the Russian Federation

The Government of the Russian Federation carries out executive power of the Russian Federation. It consists of the Chairman, his deputies and federal ministers.

The Chairman of the Government submits to the President of the Russian Federation proposals on the structure of executive authorities.

The government develops and submits to the State Duma and ensures its implementation. The government also ensures the implementation of a unified financial, credit and monetary policy, united public policy in the field of culture, science, education, health and social security. It takes measures to ensure law and order, and to combat crime.

The government adopts decrees and orders on issues within its competence. They are mandatory in the Russian Federation.

Judicial branch

Judicial power is exercised through constitutional, civil, administrative and criminal proceedings.

Justice in Russia is administered only by the court. Judges are independent. They obey only the law. Judges are irremovable and have immunity. Proceedings in all courts are open, except for cases provided for by federal law (for example, the need to maintain state secrets).

The court system consists of three parts: the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation; courts of general jurisdiction; arbitration courts.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation decides cases on the compliance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: federal laws and regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, the chambers of the Federal Assembly and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Constitutional Court considers some disputes about competence arising between public authorities, as well as complaints about violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Courts of general jurisdiction consist of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local (city and district) people's courts. They consider civil cases (with the participation of citizens), as well as criminal, administrative and some other cases.

Arbitration courts consist of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, federal district courts and arbitration courts of the constituent entities of the federation. They consider economic disputes.

Supervision of legality in the country is carried out by the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation as a state carries out its activities through state bodies. State authorities are one of the channels through which the people, according to the Constitution (Article 3), exercise their power (in addition, there are self-government bodies that are not part of the system of state power).

Government bodies have the following characteristic features:

1. Each of these bodies is vested with certain state powers, which are expressed in competencies government bodies (competence is understood as a set of subjects of their jurisdiction and powers). The competence of public authorities is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, constitutions and charters of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laws of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the government of the Russian Federation and executive bodies of its constituent entities, regulations on bodies and other legal acts.

2. Each state body is formed in accordance with the procedure established by the state. For example, according to the Constitution and federal laws, elections of the State Duma take place.

3. Each state body is authorized by the state to perform certain tasks and functions. Thus, the President of the Russian Federation, according to the Constitution, is the guarantor of human rights and freedoms, the sovereignty of the country (Article 80). The Government of the Russian Federation exercises executive power (Article 110).

4. Each state body acts in accordance with the procedure established by the state. Thus, the procedure for the activities of the government of the Russian Federation is established by the federal constitutional law.

5. Each state body is an integral part of the unified system of government bodies of the Russian Federation (Article 5)

According to K, the unified system of government bodies includes government bodies of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. The unity of the system of state power of the Russian Federation is manifested in the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between the authorities of the Russian Federation and the authorities of its subjects. Unity is manifested in the close interrelation of all government bodies and close organizational and legal connections.

State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial power:

1. Legislative bodies are divided into federal and regional(subjects of the federation) - this is the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the legislative bodies of the subjects (people's assemblies, state assemblies, supreme councils, etc.). Their main feature is that they are elected directly by the people (i.e. they are representative bodies). Decisions of legislative bodies are binding on all other bodies at the appropriate level, as well as lower government bodies and local government. Their functions are, first of all, lawmaking and the creation of a legal framework.

2. Executive authorities are, first of all, supreme body executive power - the government of the Russian Federation; other federal executive bodies - ministries, state committees and departments under the Government of the Russian Federation; executive authorities of the constituent entities - presidents and heads of administration of the constituent entities, their governments, ministries, state committees and other departments. They form a unified system of government bodies, headed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

It is typical for executive authorities that they are either appointed by the relevant heads of executive authorities or elected. For example, the head of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President with the consent of the State Duma, the Head of the Republic of Mordovia is elected by the people and appoints the Chairman of the Government of Mordovia with the consent of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia. Executive authorities are divided into federal and federal subjects. Based on the nature of their powers, they are divided into bodies of general competence(in charge of many industries executive activities), And bodies of special competence(in charge individual industries or areas of executive activity).

The first includes the government of the Russian Federation and the governments of its constituent entities, the second includes ministries, state committees and other departments of the federation and its constituent entities (for example, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of Mordovia). Executive authorities with special competence can be divided into sectoral bodies (managing industries, for example, the Ministry of Culture) and intersectoral management bodies (for example, state committees).

3. Judicial authorities - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, other federal courts and courts of the constituent entities of the federation. The justice authorities form the unified judicial system of the Russian Federation.

A special group of government bodies not related to the above are: prosecutor's office. They supervise the implementation of laws in the field of public administration, economic activity and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, etc. Prosecutor General according to K, he is appointed by the President with the consent of the Federation Council.

Now in more detail about the bodies of all branches of government:

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the principles of organization of legislative power on federal level. The legislative body at this level is the Federal Assembly - the parliament of the Russian Federation. Its structure consists of two chambers. Although the Constitution does not operate with the concepts of “upper” and “lower” chambers, it can be concluded that upper house is the Federation Council, and the lower one is the State Duma. The Federation Council represents the interests of the constituent entities of the Federation and consists of the heads of the executive and legislative branches of the constituent entities.

The State Duma is the main legislative body of the country (but not the only one; the constituent entities have their own legislative bodies). Laws, adopted by the Duma submitted for approval to the Federation Council and for signature by the President. Although the Constitution proclaimed the formal equality of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation, they legislative powers vary. This is manifested in the presence of subjects with different legal status: the status of republics is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the republics themselves; and the status of other subjects is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and charters adopted by the subjects independently.

In addition, there are unequal agreements Federal Center with various subjects of the Federation. Analysis of constitutions, for example, of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Komi Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan, Steppe Code Republic of Kalmykia, charters Irkutsk region And Krasnodar region, show that these acts differ in terms of regulation legal status legislative bodies, their competence and relationships with other authorities of the subjects. The names of legislative bodies also differ: People's Khural (Buryatia, Kalmykia), People's Assembly (Ingushetia), State Assembly(Bashkortostan), Legislative Assembly(Karelia), Supreme Council (Tatarstan).

2. The actions of the executive branch are multifaceted; they are also aimed at creating favorable economic, legal and organizational conditions activities of citizens, commercial and non-profit organizations, entrepreneurship. But they do not imply direct intervention of government bodies in production or financial activities proceeding within the framework of the law.

Executive power is exercised through:

Regulatory regulation by establishing general rules(for example, tax legislation),

By quickly adjusting it in accordance with real tasks (for example, tax rates can be adjusted by changing laws),

Execution control legal norms regulating relations in this area (for example, control over the activities of commercial banks is carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation),

State protection of the rights and interests of participants public relations,

Coordination and general direction their activities,

Contributing to its successful implementation,

Determination of priorities (for example, in the field of production at some stage the production of food or means of production becomes a priority),

Government contracts (for example, the aerospace industry develops through government contracts),

Registration (all commercial and production organizations, like the others, are subject to registration with executive authorities at the level of the Russian Federation or its constituent entities or local governments),

Licensing (for many types of activities it is necessary to have a license, for example for the production or sale of medicines).

As bodies of general competence, the President, the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive bodies of the constituent entities perform tasks, functions and powers to manage the economy, socio-cultural and other activities in territorial, intersectoral and sectoral aspects. The President of the Russian Federation, observing the Constitution and federal laws, has the right to decide various questions on organization and management in various fields activities. And although his powers are not specified in this area, in practice he issues legal acts on a wide variety of issues.

Unlike the legislative and judicial powers, whose bodies work in offline mode, subject only to the law, the executive branch different levels works "in the system". That is, with a certain administrative subordination and sequence of decision-making, which allows for the implementation of management functions and the implementation of decisions made.

3. If the legislative and executive powers are vested by the Constitution in certain organs authorities, then the judicial power is entrusted to the entire set of judicial bodies from the very grassroots ( district courts) to the supreme ones. The role of the judiciary is to ensure the rule of law. The judicial system is established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal constitutional law. There are constitutional, civil, criminal and administrative proceedings. Judicial authorities - the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration court Russian Federation, other federal courts and courts of federal subjects.

The justice authorities form the unified judicial system of the Russian Federation. All judicial authorities in the regions are subordinate to the relevant federal authorities. Even the financing of courts at all levels comes only from the federal budget. But unlike the executive branch, the judicial authorities in the administration of justice work autonomously, subject only to the law. In accordance with the Constitution, judges are irremovable.

According to its status federal courts include the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. According to Article 5 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the following have their own legislation: republics, territories, regions, cities federal significance, autonomous regions and autonomous okrugs. At this level, it is possible to form so-called local courts, which are guided not only federal laws, but also regional. There may be magistrates' and district courts acting as courts of first instance.

IN transition period while the current one remains in place judicial system: Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, Supreme Courts republics within the Federation, regional, regional, city courts, courts autonomous regions And autonomous okrugs, district (city) people's courts, military courts. All of them, except military courts, belong to courts of general jurisdiction. The Constitution prohibits the formation of emergency courts, i.e. no one can be deprived of rights for consideration of his case in the court within whose jurisdiction it is assigned by law.

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