Good quality product packaging. "Buy me!"

Our today's material, first of all, will be of interest to the owners and managers of various online stores and thematic Internet portals. Also, it will be useful for courier services involved in the delivery of goods from online stores. Let's talk about packaging. At first glance, this is an irrelevant question.

But, believe me, there are many nuances on which the future success of your project depends. There are opinions in society that product packaging is just a decoration, a kind of marketing technique, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of customers. Often, the owners of online stores think according to this pattern - “We will pack the goods beautifully, the client should like it. Therefore, there will be more orders.”

But, in fact, the main purpose of any packaging is the safety and security of the client's goods during transportation. This is the main function of all these "popping (anti-stress)" films, multi-layered papers, wooden boxes, boxes, plastic boxes and so on. Nobody denies that they give the product a more presentable look. But their main goal is to protect the goods. If the goods are securely protected, they will arrive at the customer safe and sound. This factor affects future orders. A beautiful box - it's all secondary.

The question follows - what is the best way to pack goods for shipment to customers? The choice depends on various factors: the type of product, the distance of the addressee, etc. So, what is the best way to choose the type of packaging in a given situation?

Is there always a need for packaging?

First of all, you need to understand one important rule that absolutely all goods should be packed. That is, not only goods that do not have factory packaging, but also those that have their own branded box. It would seem, well, why pack a laptop or a food processor? After all, they already have all their necessary protection - they were placed in a branded box by the manufacturer. It's all true and right. But, native packaging may not be enough to ensure safety during transit.

Also, not all online stores have their own delivery services. Various transport companies and courier services can harm the package during delivery. These services have to unload / load goods around the clock, transport them by planes, ships, cars, trains. Anything can happen during shipping. Well, I don’t even want to mention the delivery of the Russian Post.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations, you should responsibly approach the issue of packaging the goods. Remember that packaging is necessary even for those products that already have a production box. And this rule always remains relevant. An exception is the delivery of goods by their own courier service. And even here it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are such customers who do not like the fact that their brand new smartphone or expensive laptop was transported in some kind of open salafan package.

How to protect goods from dishonest deliverers?

The parcel must always be protected from third parties. And it doesn't matter what type of product it is, what kind of delivery service it is, the remoteness of the client. There are always those who want to look inside at the contents. There are also lovers to pull out something that "lies crookedly." Such cases are not uncommon. To protect their packages from unscrupulous couriers, online stores use some protection and control methods.

Firstly, it is the exact weighing of the packaged goods to each gram. This action allows you to control the order at all stages. You just need to weigh our packaging with the goods during each procedure. The parcel came to the checkpoint - they weighed it. Does the weight match? So, let's continue shipping. If suddenly the weight of the parcel has unexpectedly decreased, then an additional check is desirable. Thus, there is a control of safety and the ability to detect someone's fraudulent actions in time.

Secondly, it is necessary to use a type of packaging that cannot be carefully, quickly and without a trace opened. There are special safe packages, upon opening of which a warning label is “exposed”. Whence it follows that the packaging is mechanically damaged. There are also special types of boxes that cannot be opened in any way so as not to violate their integrity. That is, to get to the contents, you have to tear the box. Such boxes are a necessary and effective solution.

The third point of protection: it is always necessary to use only good quality branded tape when packing goods. Each online store must have packaging tape with its own design. It turns out that when you open the box, you will need to tear or cut this adhesive tape. Well, then it will not be possible to seal this box with the same adhesive tape. In any case, traces of opening the box will be visible.

Naturally, all of the above methods do not provide one hundred percent protection. But, nevertheless, they can discourage the desire to look inside some unscrupulous people.

Protecting the packaging from mechanical damage

When using cardboard packaging, it is necessary to order only high-quality material. Cardboard for the production of such boxes must be at least three-layered. A box made of such cardboard is able to withstand heavy loads both from above and from the sides. In addition, such a box can withstand falls from a small height (1-2 meters), while not deforming.

You also need to monitor the quality of the packaging film or bags. The packaging should not tear at the first contact with any sharp or any hard object. Also, such packaging must withstand very low and very high temperatures. When delivering fragile, breakable or high-tech goods, special stickers should be placed on each side of the box to warn that there is a very fragile product inside. The most effective sticker works: “Caution! Glass!".

Boxes or packages?

What type of packaging to use, bags or boxes, depends solely on the type of product, the delivery of which is required to the client. Electronics, household appliances, dishes, books - it is best to transport them in boxes made of high-quality cardboard. Styrofoam balls should be poured inside or air bubble wrap should be placed. You can also use inflatable bags. This contributes to the delivery of goods to the client safe and sound.

Bags are the most common option for fabric products. This type of packaging is ideal for online stores that sell clothes, bed linen, home textiles, etc.

Package dimensions and weight

What sizes should the packages for different products be? First, the packaging must be proportional to the size of the product itself. For example, it would be stupid and wasteful to pack an iPhone in a container with a size of 40x40x40 cm. Or vice versa - to cram a large monitor into a box that obviously does not fit in size. If there are several products in the order at once, then it would be more expedient to place them all in one box of a suitable size than in several cardboard boxes.

Secondly, the size of the package or packing box also depends on the restrictions of the transport, courier or postal company. For example, the Russian Post limits the size of the package to such a value - no more than 105 cm on any side of the package. The perimeter of the highest cross section must not exceed 2 meters. The maximum weight limit is 20 kg.

Various courier services, transport and postal companies have similar restrictions. You need to contact the delivery service and find out what restrictions they have.

Now you know exactly how best to package the product from your online store, keep it in its original appearance and how to stop fraudulent attempts from third parties. Finally, I would like to mention one more detail. Carefully monitor the cleanliness and appearance of the packaging. It will be much more pleasant for the client to receive a clean package, and not some crumpled and dirty semblance of packaging.

This concludes our today's material. We wish you more customers and successful sales!

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One of the ways to increase the sales of an online store is to use the original packaging for the product. The original design of the box, label and other elements (such as adhesive tape) play an important role in increasing brand awareness and identification. Yes, creating your own packaging is an additional cost. But they will pay off handsomely.

We tell you why.

Researchers have found that when a customer evaluates the product itself (especially on the first purchase), 70% of the experience depends on what kind of packaging they have.

Just one example. Nike launched the sale of Nike Air sneakers not in traditional boxes, but in a plastic bag inflated with air.

Nike Air packaging

This package killed three birds with one stone:

  • The company showed the product, literally, with its face: unusual packaging attracts attention.
  • Emphasized the name Air, which is not just a beautiful word, but the designation of a special quality of sneakers - their "airiness".
  • Made shipping easier, as the sneakers have a completely transportable package.

Your main task is to surprise the buyer, to make him remember your brand for a long time.

Shorr Packaging Corp found that for over half of shoppers, custom packaging adds value to a product. The first impression about the product (and the seller) is formed in 100 milliseconds. It is the packaging that gives the first tactile experience with your brand for the buyer.

Another important point. Premium shoppers who spend decent amounts of money on online purchases are 15% more likely to make a repeat purchase precisely because of attractive packaging and the ability to use it for photos on social networks. Remember how, during the release of the iPhone X, empty smartphone boxes were actively sold on the Web. This is a good example when the packaging worked for the image.

Thus, the creation of original packaging can be seen not as another cost item, but as a marketing investment.

How to create optimal packaging?

1. Determine what your target audience might like

You can develop an expensive super box constructor, but it will be unnecessary for your customers. Your customers may be interested in the environmental friendliness of packaging, the ability to use it in everyday life, including for children to play, durability, which guarantees that the goods will arrive safe and sound (this applies to fragile goods). Or, on the contrary, lightness: the ability to quickly open and dispose of the box.

The main thing is that the packaging evokes only positive emotions.

A special attitude to packaging should be for those who decide to do it. Develop a corporate identity so that your boxes are recognizable: then they will work for your image.

Packaging design can and should be changed: in accordance with the season, holidays, customer status (for example, for regular customers you can introduce “golden” gift boxes, and so on). This is a huge scope for imagination. The main thing is to choose the right direction.

Publication from Dec 14, 2017 at 7:27 pm PST

2. Calculate the budget

Calculate how much the original packaging will increase the price of your product. You may want to consider a related option: sell holiday packages or toy boxes separately.

You can also package the product in a “special way” as a reward: new customers, those who purchase products for a certain amount, and so on. But in this case, your packaging must have some value. The simplest option is to be functional so that the buyer can use it after receiving the goods.

Box that can be used as a jewelry box by designer Gaba Guzik

The original packaging can serve as the basis for many promotions. Announce a competition for the most original photo with your box. Or invite customers to show how they use your packaging in everyday life. Contests like these can easily go viral and quickly spread across social media. And this is a great way to promote your brand.

Learn how other online retailers pack their products. But do not repeat, but do better! If it turns out that no one in your niche makes original packaging, they manage with standard packages and boxes, you have a chance to win the eternal race for the buyer thanks to the facts voiced above.

In any case, don't go for a super original design. The packaging had to be logical. Bright or, on the contrary, pastel colors, fonts, pictures, shapes, original printing stamps, posted information: all this should be combined with the product, harmonized with it.

4. Think about how packaging can highlight the value of the product.

You can place your slogan, wishes for the holidays, various appeals, useful information related to the product on the packaging. And even just a funny picture to improve mood. In any case, the main goal is for your client to see the value of your product and forever associate this feeling with your brand.

5. Emphasize the product feature

As with Nike Air, you can try to focus the attention of buyers on the features of your product. If the product is somehow related to the environment, use green colors. If you are selling something original, bright, you can play on the contrast: choose a white or black box and beat it in an advertising campaign (discover brightness).

Many products offered on the market must be packaged. Packaging can play a minor role (for example, for inexpensive hardware), or it can become very important (for example, for cosmetics). Some packaging designs, such as Coca-Cola bottles or L'Eggs pantyhose boxes, are famous all over the world. Many marketers refer to packaging as the fifth major marketing variable, in addition to product, price, distribution and promotion methods. However, most sellers still consider packaging as one of the elements of their product policy.

Package- a set of tools for preparing items for movement and storage, to ensure their safety, as well as materials used for these purposes (packaging) . There are external and internal, single and group, hard and soft packaging of goods.

Inner packing- This is the immediate container of the goods. For Old Spice aftershave lotion, the inner packaging will be the bottle in which it is poured.

General Foods Corporation has developed a new dog food in the form of briquettes like minced meat briquettes. The management of the corporation came to the conclusion that the unusual and appetizing appearance of the briquettes requires maximum visibility of the goods. It was visibility that was put at the basis of the packaging concept, and it was from these positions that its possible options were considered. In the end, we settled on a tray covered with a transparent film on top.

outer packaging- this is the material that serves as a protection for the inner packaging and is removed when preparing the goods for direct use. For the lotion bottle, the outer packaging is a cardboard box, which provides additional protection and allows the manufacturer to use it for promotional purposes.

Transport packaging- this is a container necessary for the storage, identification or transportation of goods. For Old Spice Lotion, the shipping packaging will be a corrugated cardboard box containing 72 bottles.

And finally, an integral part of the packaging are marking And printed information with a description of the goods, applied to the packaging itself or enclosed in it.

Packaging performs the following functions :

Protects the goods, ensures its safety;

facilitates the storage and display of goods;

contains information about the product and its brand;

promotes the promotion of goods, primarily due to the advertising messages contained on it;

makes it easier for customers to transport and store goods;

makes it easier for customers to use the content;

Makes it easier for customers to dispose and recycle packaging.

Using packaging as a marketing tool

Recently, packaging has become one of the most effective marketing tools. Well-designed packaging can be an added convenience for consumers and an additional sales promotion for manufacturers.

A variety of factors contribute to the expansion of the use of packaging as a marketing tool:

1. Self-service in trade. An increasing number of goods are sold in supermarkets and discount stores using the self-service method. Under these conditions, the packaging should perform many functions of the seller, it should draw attention to the product, describe its properties, inspire the consumer with confidence in this product and make a favorable impression in general.

2. Increasing wealth of consumers. Increasing consumer affluence means they are willing to pay a little more for the convenience, looks, reliability and prestige of improved packaging.

3. The image of the company and the image of the brand. Firms are recognizing the real power of well-designed packaging to assist the consumer in instantly recognizing a firm or brand. Any buyer of film will immediately recognize the familiar yellow boxes of Kodak film.

4. Opportunities for innovation. Innovation in packaging can bring great benefits to the manufacturer. The creation in 1899 of packaging that preserved the freshness of the Unida biscuit trade unit (cardboard, inner paper wrapper and outer paper wrapper) made it possible to increase the shelf life of the product in the store compared to the packaging that was usual for that time in the form of boxes, chests and barrels. By packaging processed cheese in cans, Kraft increased the shelf life of the cheese in the store and established a reputation as a reliable manufacturer. Today, Kraft is testing sealed heat-resistant bags, foil and plastic containers designed to replace traditional cans. The firms that were the first to offer their soft drinks in pop-top cans and spray liquids in aerosols attracted many new consumers to their products. Today, winemakers are experimenting with cans with pull-out lid segments and package-in-carton packaging.

In the design of a new package, one or another serious flaw may be found over time.

In market testing, Hublin's Siz-Z-Spray Sauce was found to be in danger of being a potential failure due to its aerosol packaging. “We thought we had a good can, but thank God we decided to test the product in test markets in Texas and California stores. And then it turned out that when heated, the jars suddenly began to burst. Since we have not yet begun nationwide distribution of goods, the losses amounted not to several million, but only 150 thousand dollars.

Creating an effective package for a new product can cost a company several hundred thousand dollars and take from several months to a year.

For many centuries packaging tasks were storage, protection and transportation of goods. The importance of packaging is emphasized by such functions how to attract the attention of consumers and ensure their satisfaction. At the same time, firms must keep in mind the social concerns about packaging and make decisions that are as much in the public interest as they are in the best interests of consumers and the firms themselves.

Each of us knows what packaging is. But not everyone understands that it serves not only to give a presentation to the product and make it more comfortable to transport. Some types of packaging are needed solely to protect the product from mechanical damage. Others - to make it attractive, etc. Let's look into this issue and consider not only the main types, but also the functions of the packages.


It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that a piece of paper wrapping, let's say, a service, is not packaging yet. This is due to the fact that clear requirements are put forward for it. The main one is reliability. Essentially, the packaging must retain its mechanical strength and stability over time. In addition, a slight impact should not cause damage to the product. Another important requirement is safety. It is achieved by applying paint and varnish coatings. By the way, you need to remember that the coating should not be toxic, since damage to the environment is unacceptable during disposal. Simply put, packaging should be environmentally friendly. It also makes sense to talk about aesthetic properties. Any packaging, especially gift packaging, should not repel, moreover, it should attract attention. Thus, it is easy to conclude that there are different types of packaging that are used in certain cases. Now let's talk about this.

Three types of packaging

The immediate receptacle of the goods is the primary, which is also the inner packaging. It is worth paying attention to the fact that it should be in any case. Its main purpose is to protect the product from mechanical damage. For example, when buying a set of glasses, you will notice that they have a cardboard package with partitions. It is the partitions that protect the products from contact with each other, which creates the main protection.

There is also an outer package. If we cite the same glasses as an example, then this is a box that allows you to maintain the overall integrity of the product. Sometimes it may not be there, but if you buy something valuable, then it is definitely there. The last type is a transport container. Its essence lies in the fact that it contains a certain number of already packaged products. Let's say 20 sets of glasses, 6 pieces each. As you can see, all types of packages are needed and each plays its role.

Consumer packaging and shipping containers

The first group should include packages that are created for the average consumer, that is, for you and me. In most cases, it is on all household appliances and goods, in addition, it can be used for further storage of the product. In most cases, the types of packaging (consumer) can be divided into several small subgroups: food, drinks, drugs and other pharmaceutical products, as well as hygiene and cosmetics.

Not every one of us is familiar with the concept of "transport packaging", which is also a kind of packaging. It is used either for large goods or for a large number of products. Almost always used only for the transportation of products from one enterprise to another. The recipient usually does not see it, since it remains with the sender during unloading.

Public and military packaging

The first type is most applicable in various public as well as private institutions. These include schools, prisons, hospitals, etc. We can say that such packages are most suitable for storing and transporting food groups of goods. For the most part, when providing large groups of the population with food or medicine. For example, consumer packages contain goods for

It is easy to guess that military packaging is necessary for the storage and transportation of products intended for the country's armed forces. However, in this case, some requirements are neglected, for example, aesthetic appearance and environmental friendliness. At the same time, safety and possible storage time play a decisive role. In this case, the packaging of the product can be made of wood, plastic, etc. Well, now let's go ahead and look at a few more interesting details.

Gift packaging: requirements and features

Each of us once bought a gift. Agree, you always want to buy colorful, bright and attractive packaging that will evoke only the best emotions. This is how it should be, so we can say that this kind of packaging should attract attention. In most cases, a special paint coating is allowed, which will make the wrapper more pleasant to look at. As for the material from which the gift wrapping is made, it can be different. In most cases, this is paper with the original logo or polyethylene, which is pre-painted. If we are talking about a box, then it is made of cardboard, and some kind of drawing is applied on top of it, or it is simply made out in different colors. Cardboard can be thick, designer, plain or coated. An important role is played by bows, which can not be attributed to the packaging. They are used to achieve the desired aesthetic goals.

Vacuum packaging

In everyday life, each of us encounters such packages. Although they are ubiquitous, they are most often found in the food industry. We all know that oxygen acts as an oxidizing agent. In order to avoid the rapid development of bacteria and food spoilage, the latter are placed in vacuum packaging. Of course, we can say that the main requirement is tightness. If the air still passes, then there is no benefit from such protection. But again, this is a one-time packaging, since a special apparatus is needed to create a vacuum. The material used is a special bag or container. When the product is placed in it, air is pumped out from there. So it is stored for some time. After you open it, the vacuum packaging can be recycled. It is also interesting that this approach allows you to save a large amount of nutrients.

About the protective function of packaging

The article has already been said about the protective functions. Through special packaging, the monitor is protected from mechanical damage, chips - from moisture, processors - from electrical discharges, etc. Agree, no one wants to buy sugar, which has previously been exposed to moisture, and it turned into a "brick". Although its properties basically remained at the same level, however, the packaging did not fulfill its purpose. And it will repel the consumer. In addition, whether it is a cardboard package or a plastic one, it should not open too easily. This is done so that the consumer who came to the store could not open it and try the product or replace it. It happens that you need to protect people and the environment from the product. For example, the sale of household chemicals provides for special containers, and cardboard packaging will no longer work here. The same goes for other similar products.


Here we have considered the topic of interest to us. It must be understood that plastic packaging, cardboard or polyethylene must perform its functions. For some products, protection against mechanical damage is important, for others, air ingress is undesirable, for others, something else. For example, soft packaging is preferred for the transport and storage of electronics, such as PC components, TVs, etc. In other cases, polyethylene or cardboard is used (as a container for gifts, etc.). Sometimes plastic packaging is needed. For example, bleach, electrolyte, acid and other liquids should only be in sealed plastic containers.

Have you or someone you know encountered a situation where a product ordered from an online store was delivered damaged? Such cases are not so rare. Moreover, no matter how damaged it was - its main functions were spoiled or just a few scratches on the case - the situation is in any case very unpleasant. The level of trust and loyalty to such an online store will drop sharply to almost zero. As consumers, we all understand this. And now let's put ourselves in the place of the owner of an online store or a courier service. What can he do to ensure that the delivered goods always arrive at the buyer safe and sound? Let's look at a few basic rules for packing goods.

For some reason, many still think that product packaging is needed only to give an attractive appearance and, in some cases, intrigue - "what's inside?". We will not argue, marketers actively use product packaging for their marketing purposes. So to say, it should be beautiful both inside and outside. But still, the primary and main function of packaging is to protect the goods from all kinds of damage. Even the “clapping” film, beloved by many, is primarily designed to keep the goods intact (and raising the mood of the buyer by “clapping” is just a nice bonus :)

We pack any product

No matter what you are selling, remember that you need to package any product. Even those that are already packed by the manufacturer in the factory packaging. For example, any equipment is packed at the factory in cardboard boxes and sold already in this form. Yes, these boxes can be quite strong, but is anyone insured against unforeseen situations that may arise during the transportation of goods? Delivery of goods means its travel by cars, trains, planes, ships. The product can be loaded and unloaded several times. And if we are talking about an expensive product, then all the more so, increased protection should be applied to it - after all, no one wants to bear the losses.

A separate moment in this whole story is the delivery of goods by our own courier service within the same city. Here, in principle, you can get by with industrial packaging. However, at least use a strong opaque bag in which you place the box with your smartphone or slow cooker. Not all buyers may like the fact that an expensive product was brought to him in a cheap package from a nearby stall. An excellent solution would be the production of branded packages to order with the logo of your online store.

We protect goods from curious couriers

It is not uncommon for couriers to try to open the delivered goods, look at it, perhaps even remove some parts or spare parts, and pretend that “it happened”. I'm sure many of you have watched a hidden camera video where a pizza delivery man in front of a customer's apartment eats half of the toppings right out of the box and then rings the doorbell. The situation is both funny and outrageous. If even an ordinary pizza became a victim of an unscrupulous courier, then what can we say about some expensive equipment or an unusual thing for the home?

It is possible to control "unauthorized hacking" of goods by weighing them at each stage of delivery. This should be done especially if one product is delivered by several couriers (for example, the goods go from China first to Moscow, and then to other cities). You need to weigh all the goods together with the packaging, and record the result to the nearest gram. Oblige each courier to record the weight of the goods when it arrives. So that you will know the initial weight of the goods, you can thus control whether it has reached the buyer in the same form in which you sent it.

Another reliable way is to use packaging that is impossible or very difficult to open without damage. For example, special safe packages. If they are opened, they will show an inscription stating that the packaging has been damaged. There are also cardboard boxes assembled in such an ingenious way that it is impossible to open them without tearing some part. After even an attempt to open the box, it will no longer have its original appearance, and it will become clear that someone has already stuck their curious nose there.

A less reliable, but still effective way of protection is the use of branded tape. Make custom wide packing tape with your company logo and seal all goods with it before delivery. The point is that if the adhesive tape was torn off to open the box, then the courier will not be able to seal it again with the same one. To implement this, of course, you need to ensure that the couriers do not have access to the new branded adhesive tape, and inform your customers that the goods must be sealed only with your adhesive tape, and not with strangers.

We protect the packaging from mechanical damage

There is only one way to do this - use only high quality protective cardboard. Order boxes that are made from at least three layers of cardboard. They will be able, firstly, to withstand a fall from a small height (up to 1.5 meters), and secondly, not to deform during the load from above and on the sides of the box. Any films, adhesive tape, packages should also be as strong and of high quality as possible. If they break at the slightest contact with a sharp object, then nothing good can be said about their quality. It is also important whether such packaging can withstand very low and very high temperatures, because absolutely any weather can catch the goods during transportation.

Fragile and breakable goods deserve special attention, as well as equipment that should never be shaken or dropped. Of course, it is quite difficult to follow how such goods are handled at each stage of transportation. But it doesn’t hurt to at least stick warning stickers on all sides of the box on such a product. As practice shows, people show the greatest caution to boxes that say "Caution, glass!".

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