How to make aspic from beef tongue. Aspic from the tongue

How to prepare beef tongue aspic, there is more than one recipe that describes this process step by step and with photos.

The general principle is the same: first you need to boil the tongue, get a broth, into which you add pre-dissolved gelatin, as well as all the vegetable ingredients. The dish takes 5-6 hours to prepare, but most of the time it does not require any participation.

But from the point of view of calorie content and health benefits, jellied tongue can rightfully be considered a dietary dish. 100 g of such dinner provides only 60-75 kcal (depending on the ingredients).

Most often, jellied tongue is prepared specifically for the holiday. To get a guaranteed tasty beef jellied dish, you need to carefully select the beef tongue itself.

It should be fresh and pleasant in color. If you press on good meat, the hole is restored almost immediately. And of course, you need to pay attention to the presence of a veterinary stamp (especially if the product is purchased on the market).

To prepare a delicious jellied beef tongue, we will use simple instructions with a description and photo (step by step).

Let's take the following components:

  • 1 beef tongue (about 1 kg or a little more);
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 100-120 g gelatin (this is 5-6 tablespoons);
  • 2 carrots and onions;
  • salt and spices - at your discretion;
  • and also herbs, green peas and cranberries for decoration.

We proceed like this:

Step 1. Of course, the most important thing in aspic is a good broth. To get it, pour 5 liters of cold water into a pan and add the tongue itself, as well as vegetables.

Step 2. It should be noted right away that the tongue will take a long time to cook. First you just need to bring it to a boil, and then significantly reduce the heat.

Now we will cook it at low boil for 2-3 hours. After boiling, add salt to the water, and shortly before cooking (half an hour) add all the spices. Vegetables can be removed within an hour after boiling. Carefully remove all foam, especially during boiling.

The result is tender, well-cooked meat. Its wonderful property is that the longer you cook the tongue, the more tender it becomes. However, of course, everything is good in moderation - 3-4 hours is enough.

Step 3. While the broth is cooking, we free up a huge amount of time that can be spent usefully. For example, soak gelatin in half a liter of cool water and stir it thoroughly, leaving it to swell.

Also, cut the carrots into flowers or just coins and prepare the rest of the ingredients (defrost the cranberries, open a can of peas).

Step 4. Remove the skin from the tongue and leave it to cool on the table. You can simply spray it with cool water - then the skin will come off on its own. Cut the tongue into portions.

Step 5. The next step in the recipe for making jellied tongue is straining the broth. After it has cooled completely, add swollen gelatin to the liquid and heat it up a little, stirring constantly. You can no longer bring it to a boil, otherwise the aspic will not work.

The broth is poured over pieces of tongue, decorated with carrots, herbs, cranberries, and green peas. You can also add half boiled chicken or quail eggs - it all depends on taste and imagination.

Step 6. Wait until it cools down to room temperature, and then put the tongue in the refrigerator for literally 3-4 hours. The beef tongue aspic is ready.

Beef tongue aspic with gelatin and spices

Beef tongue meat has a generally “calm”, seasoned taste, so it can be varied by including additional components in the dish. For example, take garlic, as well as parsley root, cloves and other useful seasonings - in a word, improve the classic recipe described above.

This time we will stock up on the following products:

  • beef tongue (1 kg);
  • water 5 liters;
  • gelatin 100-120 g;
  • 2 chicken or 5-6 quail eggs;
  • 2 carrots and onions (small);
  • greens and parsley root;
  • several buds of cloves;
  • several bay leaves;
  • salt, pepper, basil and other spices - to your taste.

To prepare jellied beef tongue according to this recipe, we will use the descriptions with photos.

How to cook jellied tongue with spices:

Step 1. First, cook the broth according to the same rules: put the meat in cold water, add a little salt and cook until it boils, removing all the foam. Then immediately reduce the heat to such a level that the water boils very low and cook in this mode for another 2-3 hours.

Step 2. The next stage is to add vegetables and all spices 1 hour before cooking.

Step 3. Meanwhile, soak the gelatin to swell: per 100 g, about 0.5 liters of cool water or cooled broth. Cut the tongue into portions.

Step 4. Be sure to strain the broth and leave it to cool.

Step 5. As soon as the broth has cooled completely, add the swollen gelatin and heat it up a little, stirring thoroughly.

Step 6. Place the meat in the dish, as well as all the decoration elements - they are also delicious additions. These are carrots, cranberries, garlic, and there may also be eggs, peas, corn - almost all vegetables and even small berries are appropriate.

Step 7. Pour the broth on top, and leave the whole dish to cool to room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight or for several hours. The long wait only enhances the pleasure, and the result is such beauty.

Beef tongue aspic is usually served with horseradish, mustard and, of course, herbs. Boiled potatoes suggest themselves as a side dish.

At the same time, you can see that the dish is completely self-sufficient, since it already contains a vegetable side dish, tender meat, and aromatic broth in a frozen form.

Bon appetit!

Tongue aspic is a tasty, satisfying and beautiful cold appetizer. You can pour beef and pork tongue - they taste about the same. I won’t lie, beef tongue looks more beautiful on a dish - there are more identical, even pieces.

But pork is smaller, but it is softer, the meat is more tender. I still give preference to pork tongue - I like it better. And both beef and pork jellied tongue are prepared in the same way.


  • 1 pork tongue (500-700 g);
  • 1 small carrot;
  • half a medium onion;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 4-5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • gelatin (approximately 3 tsp);
  • 1 protein;
  • 1 tsp. 6% vinegar;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg (for decoration);
  • parsley;
  • salt - to taste.

How to prepare aspic from tongue:

We wash the tongue and soak it in cold water for 5-6 hours. During this time, some blood will come out (the water will turn pink).

We thoroughly clean the tongue, especially the sharp tip - it usually has dark areas.

Fill the tongue with cold water and put it on fire. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. A lot of foam forms and the water becomes cloudy.

Drain the water and wash your tongue again.

Fill with cold water again (the tongue should be completely covered) and bring to a boil.

We remove the noise, reduce the heat to minimum so that the tongue does not boil, but only “smolders” a little - as when cooking cold. Salt to taste, add black peppercorns... Place carrots and onions in the water. Cook the tongue for 1.5-2 hours. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add bay leaf to the broth.

Remove the finished tongue from the pan. Place the tongue in another pan, immediately fill it with water and leave for 3-5 minutes. After such a sharp temperature change, the tongue will be easy to clean (the skin will easily come off).

We clean the tongue - remove the skin.

Then we lower the cleaned tongue into the broth in which it was boiled. Keep it this way until completely cooled. Skim the fat from the cooled broth (it rises to the top).

The broth will be lean, but will still remain cloudy. It can and should be lightened if you want to end up with a tongue in a transparent jelly. To do this, pour 1 glass of broth. We put the rest of the broth on the fire. Immediately - to give the dish greater spiciness and aroma - add crushed garlic. Bring to a boil.

Beat the egg white, add cold broth (the one we left in the glass) and vinegar.

Pour the protein into the broth boiling over low heat - a beautiful white foamy cap forms. Cover the pan with a lid and bring the broth to a boil over low heat (this will take 3-4 minutes - don’t miss a moment, don’t leave the pan!). Turn off the heat and set aside the broth for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the broth should not be stirred and the pan should not be shaken.

Place a colander on a clean pan and cover it with gauze folded in 4 layers. Carefully strain the broth.

Now it has become light and transparent.

Now we need to resolve the issue with the amount of gelatin. Measure how much liquid can be placed in the dish in which you will serve the tongue (do not pour to the very top - after all, there will still be the tongue itself). Measure out the same amount of broth. For 1 cup of broth you will need 1 teaspoon (with top) of gelatin. Heat the broth, but do not boil.

Pour half a glass of warm broth over the gelatin and stir vigorously until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add gelatin to the warm broth, stir quickly until the gelatin is completely dissolved (this takes literally 20-30 seconds), avoiding boiling.

Remove the broth from the heat, set aside and let it cool.

Cut the tongue into thin pieces and place on a plate.

    Tongue aspic will be an excellent appetizer on any holiday table.

    Dishes whose main ingredient is tongue have always been considered an exquisite delicacy.

    Most often, pork or beef tongue is used for them. Preparing aspic takes a lot of time, and besides, you need to know how to cook beef tongue according to all the rules. However, the result will exceed all your expectations!

    Aspic from the tongue. Ingredients:

    1-2 pcs. beef tongue

    1 tablespoon gelatin

    1 onion

    1-2 carrots

    Bay leaf, celery root, parsley, allspice in a pot


    Fresh herbs

    Aspic from the tongue. Preparation:

    In order for the aspic to be truly tasty, you should know how to cook beef tongue. Rinse it under running water, place it in a deep saucepan, pour water, add a peeled whole onion, carrots, celery root, and bay leaf.

    Cover the pan with the tongue and cook over low heat. It will take at least 3 hours for the beef tongue to be completely cooked. The broth should be salted half an hour before the end of cooking.

    Immediately after cooking, the tongue must be scalded with cold water: this way the skin will quickly and easily separate from the meat.

    Pour gelatin into a saucepan, dilute it with one glass of warm water and leave to swell for a while.

    When the gelatin swells, place the saucepan with it in a water bath and stir constantly until it is completely dissolved. After this, add the strained broth in which the tongue was cooked.

Spectacularly decorated jellied tongue is an excellent option for a cold appetizer for a beautiful festive table. It goes well with various alcoholic drinks and hot treats. This appetizer is prepared from both beef and pork tongue.

Ingredients: 1.3 kg beef tongue, 5 tbsp. l. canned peas (green), 2 bags of high-quality gelatin (25 g each), carrots, 3 liters of purified water, 4 - 5 allspice peas, salt, 3 bay leaves, onion.

  1. The tongue is washed well and lightly cleaned with a knife. The meat is poured with cold water and sent to cook. After boiling, the tongue cooks for 3–4 minutes.
  2. Next, the water in the pan is changed, and the meat is cooked for about 3 hours under the lid. Peppercorns and bay leaves are also sent there. The foam is removed periodically during the process.
  3. The vegetables are peeled and mixed whole into the broth about half an hour before it is ready.
  4. The tongue is cooled in cold water and gets rid of the skin.
  5. Gelatin dissolves in the strained broth. Salt is added.
  6. The finished tongue is cut into thin slices, which are laid out in shapes. Canned peas are poured into the meat, as well as chopped boiled carrots.
  7. The ingredients are poured into the broth and stored in the cold.

You can try the beef tongue jellied mixture with gelatin after it has completely hardened. It is noteworthy that this dish has little in common with the jellied meat we are accustomed to.

The jelly must be absolutely transparent, and there must be bright elements inside - peas, corn, carrots, berries, etc.

Pork tongue recipe

Ingredients: 2 pork tongues, onion, carrot, 45 g of high-quality gelatin, 6 - 7 allspice peas, ground pepper, 2 bay leaves, salt, 2 clove buds.

  1. The tongues are washed well and soaked in ice-cold purified water for half an hour.
  2. The soaked meat is carefully washed again, filled with water and brought to a boil. Immediately after this, the tongues are placed in a colander.
  3. Now the broth is boiling. Meat, peppercorns, bay leaves, and cloves are placed in fresh water.
  4. After about 55 min. Whole peeled vegetables are sent to the broth. The mass is salted, peppered and continues to cook until the offal softens.
  5. Gelatin is poured into 90 ml of cool water and left in this form for a short time.
  6. The finished tongues are poured with ice water - this will help to easily peel off the skin. The meat is cleaned.
  7. The broth is filtered and combined with prepared gelatin. The liquid is stirred over the fire until all the lumps have dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the mixture to a boil. Then it cools down.
  8. A little (no more than a third of the volume) of broth is poured into portioned bowls. It should freeze in the cold.
  9. After this, pieces of boiled carrots and tongue cut into slices are laid out on top. The appetizer is filled with the remaining broth.

The aspic from the pork tongue is put away in the cold.

How to cook a dish without gelatin

Ingredients: 1 kg each of beef heart and tongue, half a kilo of turkey wings and legs, 5 boiled quail eggs, onion, 4 bay leaves, 5 allspice peas, carrots, a head of garlic, 5 sprigs of fresh parsley, salt.

  1. The skin is removed from the tongue and it is washed. The heart is rinsed and cut into 4 parts. Birds' feet are cleaned of claws and “scales.”
  2. All prepared meat products are placed in a large saucepan. Water pours out from above. Add peeled vegetables, bay leaves, peppercorns and salt.
  3. After boiling, the heat under the pan is reduced and the food is left to cook for 3 hours. The carrots are removed from the container after about 30 minutes and immediately cut into thin slices.
  4. The finished broth is filtered, and all the crushed garlic is added to it. You should not cook garlic with all the ingredients at once - the broth may have an unpleasant aftertaste.
  5. The heart and tongue are cut into thin slices. The meat is removed from the wings and legs.
  6. Carrots, meat pieces, and eggs cut into slices are placed in silicone molds. The ingredients are poured with garlic broth on top. Each serving is garnished with parsley.

The aspic is sent to the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

Tongue aspic in a slow cooker

Ingredients: beef tongue, onion, garlic tooth, salt, spices, 15 g of high-quality gelatin, 2.5 tbsp. purified water.

Let's take a closer look at how to make aspic in a slow cooker.

  1. In the stew program, beef offal is boiled with spices, salt, a whole onion and chopped garlic. The process lasts 3 hours.
  2. The finished meat is rinsed with ice water and the skin is removed. The tongue is cut into small pieces.
  3. Gelatin dissolves in the strained broth.
  4. Half of the liquid is poured into a deep dish, meat pieces are laid out on top. Next, pour in the remaining broth.

The appetizer is cooled until solidified, after which it is served.

A multicooker is an almost ideal device for cooking jellied meat and aspic. It maintains a constant temperature, so you can forget about the broth for the entire cooking time.

Preparing a dish with mushrooms

Ingredients: 4 tongues (preferably pork), 420 g honey mushrooms, 45 g gelatin, ½ tsp. selected spices, 2 bay leaves, salt, a couple of pickled cucumbers and a small lemon, a small onion, a medium carrot, a dozen hot peppercorns.

  1. The tongues are washed and boiled over low heat for 90 minutes along with carrots and onions in their peels. Half an hour before the meat is ready, bay leaves and selected spices are added, the broth is added and peppered.
  2. Mushrooms are boiled separately.
  3. Gelatin is diluted in some cold water and left for 12 - 14 minutes.
  4. The finished offal is doused with ice water and peeled.
  5. The tongues are cut into slices, mixed with boiled mushrooms and salted.
  6. The broth is filtered, salt and Provencal herbs are added to it. The swollen gelatin is poured in. The mass is heated and stirred constantly - the gelatin should completely dissolve.
  7. Fresh lemon, along with its skin, is cut into thin slices, cucumbers into slices.
  8. Meat with mushrooms, slices of citrus and slices of pickled cucumbers are placed in the mold.
  9. Broth with gelatin is poured on top.

First, the snack is cooled at room temperature, and then put in the cold until it hardens.

Delicious jellied veal tongue

Ingredients: 2 veal tongues, carrots, 3 garlic cloves, onion, 1 celery and parsley roots, 2 bay leaves, 2 tbsp. l. quality gelatin, salt, 1 tbsp. chicken broth.

  1. The offal is soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. Next, they are filled with fresh liquid and sent to cook for 2.5 hours with roots, carrots, bay leaves and peeled onions. The foam is removed during the process.
  2. Gelatin is diluted in cold, pre-cooked chicken broth. Leave to swell.
  3. The finished tongues are doused with ice water and the film is removed. Next, the meat is cut into thin slices and placed in bowls.
  4. Swollen gelatin is diluted in hot beef broth. Add crushed garlic and salt to taste.
  5. The broth is filtered through a couple of layers of gauze and poured onto the meat pieces.

The compositions are decorated with fresh herbs and sent to the cold until they harden.

Decoration of jellied tongue for the festive table

Knowing how to decorate aspic, the housewife can easily turn it into an appetizer for the holiday table. A variety of fresh and boiled vegetables are usually used to decorate this dish. For example, flowers and other shapes are cut out of carrots boiled together with offal. Cubes of colored sweet peppers and pickled cucumbers are suitable for decorating aspic.

Canned corn and green peas will add bright notes to the appetizer. They simply crumble into shape next to the slices of meat.

Flowers and other shapes for decorating snacks can be cut not only from vegetables, but also from boiled eggs, sliced, and fruits.

How to clarify broth

To make the finished dish beautiful and appetizing, you need to take care of the transparency of the filling for the appetizer. Did you end up with a beautiful, aromatic, but dark broth? Let's figure out how to clarify the broth for aspic.

  1. You need to take a raw egg white and pour a glass of cooled water in which the meat was cooked.
  2. Half a spoon of citrus juice or table vinegar is also added here.
  3. The ingredients are mixed and poured into the boiling broth.

The mass is brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. After 25 minutes, the liquid is carefully filtered. You can't shake it.

I read this recipe for making jellied beef tongue in my grandmother’s culinary notebook. At the present time, this dish is not particularly popular and is completely in vain.

In addition to the fact that it looks incredibly beautiful on the holiday table, it is also incredibly tasty. The only downside is that you have to put in a little effort to make it look this beautiful.

Previously, this dish was an integral part of the royal table. It stood almost in the center and delighted guests with its aesthetic and taste qualities. Therefore, I advise you to pay attention to my recipe for jellied tongue and in the future use these step-by-step instructions for preparing such an unusual dish.

Recipe for jellied beef tongue with gelatin

Kitchen utensils and equipment: large saucepan; knife; sieve or gauze; kitchen board; form for aspic; deep bowls.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • Many people believe that aspic and jellied meat are the same dish, but this is not so. First of all, jellied meat differs from jellied meat in the thickness of the broth layer. Secondly, the jellied dish is less fatty and is prepared with the addition of gelatin.
  • In recipes for preparing boiled beef tongue aspic, only the freshest tongue is used. The quality and taste of the broth depends on its freshness. Before cooking, beef tongue must be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Pay special attention to the tip of your tongue. To cook the tongue, you need to fill it with cold water only. It is necessary to cook for at least 2-3 hours over low heat.
  • In order for our dish to turn out beautiful and transparent, we need to prepare the broth correctly. To do this, you need to constantly skim the foam from it and cook it over low heat, without letting it boil.

Cooking sequence

  1. Mix 100 g of cold boiled water and 15 g of gelatin in a deep plate. Let's set it aside for a while.
  2. Wash 1180 g of beef tongue well. Place it in a large saucepan and fill with cold water. Place on the fire, cover with a lid and wait for the water to boil.

  3. When the water boils, turn off the stove and drain the water. Fill the tongue with clean cold water again and turn on the heat.

  4. Peel and wash 1 onion and 1 carrot. When the water boils again, add 1 peeled carrot, 1 onion and 5-6 peppercorns to the tongue.

  5. Reduce heat to low and cook for 1.5 hours. After half an hour, take out the carrots so that they do not boil.
  6. After 1.5 hours, add 3-4 g of salt and 2 bay leaves to the pan. We continue to cook the tongue for another half hour.
  7. After the time has passed, take out the tongue and add soaked gelatin to the hot broth (by then it will have infused sufficiently). Stir the broth until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

  8. We wash and peel the beef tongue with running water.

  9. Strain the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. The proportions should be 15 g of gelatin per 700 g of broth. If you have more broth, dissolve another 5 g of gelatin.

  10. Cut flowers from boiled carrots and cut them to decorate the aspic.

  11. Cut the boiled tongue into slices 1-1.5 centimeters wide.

  12. We beautifully place decorations from 140 g of canned peas into the aspic mold, then lay out part of the tongue, pieces of carrots and herbs.

  13. Carefully, so that the decoration does not rise, use a tablespoon to pour in ¼ of the broth. Place in the refrigerator until hardened.
  14. When the first layer has hardened, add another layer of tongue and pour in another ¼ of the broth. We perform this procedure a total of 4 times.

  15. When the aspic has completely frozen, carefully remove it from the mold, place it on a beautiful dish and serve.

Video recipe

In order to thoroughly understand everything, watch the video with step-by-step instructions for the recipe for preparing jellied tongue.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

  • To make the dish beautiful, canned and fresh boiled vegetables, eggs and herbs are added to it, forming compositions and patterns from them.
  • Served on a beautiful platter, exclusively in one piece, so that guests can enjoy the beauty of your culinary masterpiece.
  • To make their work easier, experienced housewives pour the aspic into silicone baking molds. This way, after hardening, the aspic can be easily removed from the mold and placed on a beautiful dish.
  • If the broth is not transparent, it doesn’t matter. You can remedy the situation with egg whites. To do this, coat the sides of a small deep bowl with lemon juice and beat the raw egg whites in it. Next, add this protein to the broth and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool and strain it.
  • To ensure that the broth has a beautiful yellowish color, add unpeeled onions and carrots to it. After cooking, you can cut out original patterns and figures for aspic from these carrots.
  • Before adding gelatin to the broth, soak it thoroughly in cold water. The proportions of gelatin to broth are different in different recipes. But your aspic is guaranteed to harden if you take 40 g of gelatin per 1 liter of broth.
  • Jellied is a very beautiful and tasty dish. And if you want to cook a more ordinary and simple dish, then make it. You may also find the recipe useful. And the simplest recipe will help any housewife. Also be sure to check out the delicious recipe.

Write your impressions and other interesting aspic recipes in the comments. Bon appetit!

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