How to extinguish soda with citric acid. How to extinguish soda with vinegar for baking, what kind of vinegar is needed, what can replace it with

The peak of popularity of sodium bicarbonate for household purposes occurred in the Soviet years. People used it as a cheap and cheerful heartburn cure and all-purpose cleaner. Years passed, and soda slaked with boiling water began to come into fashion again. What it does to the body and whether it brings benefits at all, you will learn from this article.

Sodium bicarbonate: beneficial properties

Sodium bicarbonate is widely used in many sectors of the national economy:

  • The first place in terms of its consumption is occupied by the culinary and food industry. Both ordinary soda and various types of powders based on it can be used. The proportion of substance used must be carefully adjusted, otherwise the food will have an unpleasant aftertaste;
  • At enterprises of the chemical and forestry complex, this compound is used for the production of dyes, foamed plastics, household chemical products, fire extinguishing agents and various types of reagents;
  • In shoemaking, soda is indispensable for imparting plastic properties to leather, increasing wear resistance and strength;
  • In textile production, alkali is used in the manufacture of cotton fabrics;
  • Medical use is also very wide: first aid for burns, a disinfectant, and a common component of medications.

The use of soda for household needs is no less extensive.

Why drink soda poured with boiling water?

The list of ailments for which an alkaline solution helps is quite long:

  • Improving the condition of the throat during colds and bronchitis;
  • Relieving pain from heartburn with gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Part of complex therapy for the breakdown of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • Reducing the acidity level of blood fluid.

For external use NaHCO3 It will also not be superfluous:

  • In the summer, this solution is indispensable: after all, it is what helps eliminate pain and redness from mosquito bites;
  • Relieving symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • Part of a complex for the treatment of mycoses on the hands and feet;
  • The cosmetic use of soda baths for limbs is quite popular. In this way, rough skin comes off;
  • Finally, this is perhaps the cheapest way to give your teeth “Hollywood” whiteness.

Non-compliance admission rules sodium bicarbonate can backfire even on a healthy body. That's why worth checking out with them before starting self-medication.

Rules for using sodium bicarbonate

The greatest beneficial effect from drinking soda can be achieved by following these rules:

  • Drink a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in 200 ml of water daily on an empty stomach. After eating, such a measure can only be harmful, since the acidic environment in the stomach will be suppressed;
  • The temperature of the “drink” should be optimal (no higher than 45 degrees). A solution that is too cold or too hot can have a negative effect;
  • The optimal time frame is an hour before and an hour after a meal;
  • The duration of treatment should not be too long (no more than a week). Otherwise, dangerous changes may occur in the body;
  • As a safe option, you can practice periodic dosing (every seven days) throughout your life.

Whether or not to start a treatment course can be found out in a fairly simple way:

How to extinguish soda with boiling water?

The reaction, which is called soda slaking, creates air bubbles, which are highly valued in cooking. The result is a leavening agent, which improves the taste and plastic qualities of the dough.

The transformation can be caused by exposure to the following substances:

  • Table vinegar (both 7% and 9% are suitable). The substances are combined in a 1:2 ratio in favor of soda;
  • Lemon acid. The powder is mixed in the same proportions as in the case of vinegar;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Dairy products.

Some avoid frequent use of acid. The pungent odor and harmful consequences when it comes into contact with the skin force many housewives to resort to the simplest and at the same time common method of extinguishing this alkali.

To do this, just bring the kettle to a boil and pour boiling water into a vessel with soda. The reaction will be no less active than when using substances with low pH levels.

The volume of soda depends on the purpose of extinguishing:

  • When taking a daily course for prevention, a third of a teaspoon per glass is enough;
  • To get rid of heartburn, you only need a teaspoon.

Soda diet: what is it?

A new method of losing weight is gaining popularity on the Internet, based on the use of the well-known white powder of sodium bicarbonate.

As adherents of this new trend say:

  • Drinking a solution of ½ teaspoon of the substance per glass reduces the desire to eat. Thus, the size of the portion eaten will be significantly smaller than without using this product;
  • Fat deposits are burned;
  • Removing harmful substances from the body;
  • Accelerating metabolism helps you quickly get rid of food you have already eaten;
  • A general strengthening effect on the immune system by accelerating the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen.

The solution can only be taken orally by people with a completely healthy gastrointestinal tract. The diet should be preceded by a visit to a specialist, who should explain to the patient the pros and cons of soda weight loss.

However, it is better not to risk your health, even if it is fine. An alternative solution is soda baths.

In order to have a beautiful smile, quickly lose weight, and strengthen the body’s defense system, there is no need to spend money on expensive drugs. After all, literally every home has a universal remedy - soda slaked with boiling water. What it gives to the body is not enough to tell in a whole book. We have revealed only a small part of her wonderful qualities.

Video about the benefits of slaked soda

In this video, therapist Dmitry Strizhov will talk about treatment with regular soda, how to take it correctly, and whether it is worth extinguishing the substance with boiling water:

There is an opinion that baking soda in baking is used as a leavening agent and a component that affects the condition of baked goods. Some recipes recommend extinguishing the baking soda. And, as a rule, the main extinguisher is acid-containing components - vinegar, kefir, citric acid. Housewives are often faced with a choice: if the recipe specifies baking soda slaked with vinegar, how to ensure that the finished product gets the desired shape, but at the same time eliminates the smell of vinegar. To answer this question, you need to know exactly how to quench baking soda correctly.

What is the principle of extinguishing soda

What does it mean to extinguish soda? First, you need to understand how the process of extinguishing soda occurs. Since baking soda - sodium bicarbonate is a non-aggressive alkali, when reacting with any acid, a violent reaction will occur - the composition will begin to hiss and foam. Soda is sodium bicarbonate, which, when reacted with vinegar (acetic acid), is converted into sodium acetate + water + carbon dioxide:


This CO2 will loosen the dough. Carbon dioxide, being inside the dough and trying to get out of it, loosens it. The dough becomes lighter and pores appear in it, which refine the dough and give it a characteristic sandy structure.
This is one of the main reasons why soda should be extinguished with vinegar or other acid.

In addition to vinegar and vinegar essence, there are several ingredients you can use to extinguish soda:

  • Apple vinegar;
  • lemon acid;
  • lemon juice;
  • fermented milk product;
  • preserves or jams of sour varieties;
  • natural juice of sour fruits or citrus.

Before using dry citric acid, it should be diluted with water. Among the recommendations on how to make slaked soda, culinary experts advise determining what kind of vinegar the product is slaked with. There is natural vinegar - apple, cherry, etc., as well as synthetic. This is an important point that must be taken into account in proportions when preparing baked goods.

How to extinguish soda

The method for making slaked soda with vinegar or another acid-containing product is standard:

  1. The required amount of soda powder is mixed with the dry ingredient - flour.
  2. Vinegar is poured into the liquid dough base according to the proportion and combined with the dry base. The reaction happens quickly.
  3. After the soda has been completely quenched, mix everything well.

This method is the most correct and best demonstrates what slaked soda means. Carbon dioxide, which is responsible for the porosity of baked goods, does not evaporate, but remains in the dough and, under the influence of high temperature, gives the dough fluffiness and porosity. Is it necessary to extinguish soda in a spoon? The answer is definitely no.

In this case, CO2 will leave the baked goods without reaching the dough. But for some housewives, accustomed to working the old fashioned way, what it means to soda slaked with vinegar is taken literally and they slak the soda in a tablespoon over the dough, which in itself is meaningless.

The method demonstrating how to properly quench soda with vinegar shows that the quenched bicarbonate must be placed in a ready-made dough base. This is the only way to get fluffy and porous baked goods.

other methods

There are many . In addition to the main method of how to properly extinguish soda, some chefs and confectioners use another:

  1. They mix sifted flour and soda in equal proportions, adding acid to the liquid ingredients during the kneading process.
  2. Then the two parts of the dough are combined and a wonderful result is obtained - the baked goods are tender and airy.

Sometimes it is completely unclear why you should extinguish soda with vinegar if the recipe already contains a fermented milk product that will perfectly serve as a extinguisher:

  1. For this purpose, kefir or another product is heated, a dry alkaline component is added to it and quickly mixed.
  2. A violent reaction should occur - the kefir will foam.

The main reason why soda is quenched with vinegar or other acidic compounds is the fact that cooks want to improve the condition of the finished culinary product. But to achieve a positive result, you should not always use slaked soda. In very rare cases it is not extinguished, although the quality of the product does not always turn out to be bad. So, for example, when making jam, baking soda is not quenched, but the products are added or treated with pure soda powder.

Soda Substitutes

Sometimes there are reasons why you need to choose what to replace slaked soda with. And a ready-made product comes to the rescue - baking powder. Its property is that it does not need to be extinguished. The composition of baking powder includes citric acid and soda in equal proportions. This type of baking powder demonstrates a component that is a substitute for slaked soda with vinegar.

There is an old recipe for homemade baking powder. Its composition: baking soda -125 g, cream of tartar - 250 g, ammonium carbonate - 20 g and rice flour - 25 g.

There are a number of recipes that clearly indicate what should be used - baking soda, vinegar or baking powder. In addition, it should also be understood that even without the presence of acids, at a temperature of 60 °C, sodium bicarbonate begins to decompose into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water, so the decomposition process is most effective at 200 °C.

Slaked soda or baking powder is used provided that the dough recipe does not contain a fermented milk component. This also applies to whether it is necessary to extinguish soda in pancakes. If pancakes are prepared with kefir, there is no need to extinguish the soda, just add dry soda, mixing it with flour.

The ideal option when answering the question is whether it is possible to replace baking powder with slaked soda; professionals advise using soda with citric acid or dry ascorbic acid. Despite the fact that slaked soda or baking powder is chosen, you should strictly adhere to the proportions specified in the recipe. If you add too little soda and too much acid, the baked goods will acquire an unpleasant taste and lose their airiness. If you use too much baking soda, the finished product will taste like soap.


Kefir pancakes that do not require slaking of soda:


  • kefir – 250 ml (or 1 glass);
  • flour – 350 g (or 1.5 cups);
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • baking soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Beat the egg with sugar and salt, pour in the heated kefir and add soda.
  2. Stir well and gradually add flour, stirring so that there are no lumps.
  3. Pour a little vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and spoon out the dough.
  4. Once one side is cooked, flip to the other side.

Pancakes with slaked soda and milk


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • soda 0.5 tsp;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Beat eggs with salt and sugar, pour in milk, add soda mixed with citric acid. Add flour.
  2. Stir everything until smooth, cover and leave for half an hour.
  3. Then mix again and fry the pancakes on both sides. Ready-made pancakes are served with sour cream, butter, jam, honey, condensed milk, and confiture.

Baking soda slaked with vinegar is often recommended as a leavening agent in modern recipes for making pastry or pancake dough. According to the recommendations, it is not vinegar and soda (by themselves) that should be added to the dough, but the product of their interaction - sodium acetate, since this is the substance that is formed during the process of quenching soda with vinegar. Sodium acetate (food additive E262) is used in food production as a preservative or acidity regulator, but not as a leavening agent. Sodium acetate has a fairly high thermal stability and does not decompose into gaseous products under baking conditions, i.e. It doesn't leaven the dough!

Then why extinguish soda with vinegar?

Let's try to understand this issue more carefully (from the point of view of a professional chemist). By the way, pay attention to the article baking soda in yeast dough. In the meantime, let's continue.

1 medium level teaspoon contains 8 g of baking soda. If you pour vinegar (9% acetic acid solution) or vinegar essence (70% acetic acid solution) into this teaspoon (to the brim), then their mass will be approximately 4 g. Thus, in order to completely extinguish 1 teaspoon of food soda with acetic acid, you will need approximately 71 g (16 teaspoons) of vinegar (9%) or 8 g (2 teaspoons) of vinegar essence (70%).

- “Scoop soda into a spoon and drop vinegar in there, the soda will hiss, I stir it a little. All! The soda is extinguished!”;

- “add 4-6 drops of 9% vinegar to 1 teaspoon”;

- “how to extinguish soda with vinegar: mix 1 spoon of soda with 1 spoon of vinegar”;

The boldest advice recommends “to ½ tsp.” baking soda, add 1 dessert spoon of vinegar.” 1 dessert spoon holds 2 teaspoons, i.e. In this advice, it is recommended to use only 4 teaspoons of vinegar to extinguish 1 teaspoon of soda, and not 16, as required by calculation.

The conclusion is obvious - the dough is loosened by the baking soda that remains after completing the spectacular experiment of quenching it with vinegar. When the dough is heated, baking soda decomposes, releasing carbon dioxide, which gives the dough a certain porosity.

2NaHCO3 → Na2 CO3 + CO2 + H2 O

The whole point of pre-quenching the soda with vinegar is that the cook gets the opportunity to admire the impressive results of the chemical experiment that produces the “pop.”

Please note that when baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) thermally decomposes, sodium carbonate (Na2 CO3) remains in the dough. This substance is called soda ash or simply soda; in everyday life it is used for washing clothes or for treating currants against powdery mildew.

Culinary experts (who have forgotten chemistry) claim that extinguishing soda with vinegar in finished baked goods reduces the unpleasant aftertaste of soda. This is correct to some extent, since as a result of the quenching reaction, the soda content in the finished product decreases somewhat. However, the soda taste will remain until all the sodium carbonate has been destroyed by the acids in the ingredients used to make the dough. If there are no such acids or there are few of them, the taste of soda will remain.

The reaction of soda and vinegar has the following equation

NaHCO3 + CH3 COOH → CH3 COONa + CO2 + H2 O

Soda and vinegar chemical reaction

If the chemical reaction vinegar + soda takes place completely, then there will be no soda left in the dough, which gives the finished product an unpleasant “soapy” taste.

In order for the dough to be well loosened and not have a pronounced soda taste, it is necessary to add acid and soda to the dough in the correct sequence and in the right proportion.

How to replace slaked soda with vinegar?

Instead of acetic acid, any food acid (lactic, citric, malic, tartaric, etc.) or acid salts approved for use in food production can be used to neutralize soda in the dough.

Citric acid (food additive E330) is very convenient in this regard. Citric acid does not have a strong odor and is sold in a crystalline state (in the form of a monohydrate, in which there is 1 molecule of water per 1 molecule of acid: C6 H8 O7 ∙H2 O).

In order to completely extinguish 8 g (1 teaspoon) of baking soda, 6.7 g (1.5 teaspoons) of crystalline citric acid is required.

I will give a recipe for making early ripening pancakes, published more than 100 years ago (1901).

Please note that for 2.7 kg of dough in this recipe it is recommended to use only 1 teaspoon of soda, which is neutralized using 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Acid and soda are dissolved in water separately in different glasses! An acid solution is first added to the dough, stirred, and only then a soda solution is added. With this sequence of adding ingredients, the reaction between acid and soda occurs directly in the dough. Carbon dioxide quickly and evenly loosens the entire volume of dough, rather than entertaining the housewife with meaningless hissing and “bubbling” in a teaspoon.

With the ratio of citric acid and baking soda recommended in the recipe, the decomposition reaction of baking soda proceeds quite completely, but not completely. Some of the soda remains unextinguished. This is a very important condition for good loosening of the dough. Carbon dioxide released during the interaction of citric acid and baking soda loosens the pancake dough during its preparation. Excess baking soda will decompose as the pancakes bake and give them extra porosity.

Surprisingly, our great-great-grandmothers knew chemistry much better than us and knew how to use it correctly and quite intelligently.

Let's summarize what has been said.

Quenching soda with vinegar before adding it to the dough does not make culinary sense, since the carbon dioxide released during this reaction does not end up in the dough, but goes into the air. In this case, the dough is unreasonably contaminated with sodium acetate. For normal loosening of the dough, the decomposition reaction of soda with the release of carbon dioxide must occur directly in the dough, and the soda must be evenly distributed throughout its entire volume.

When baking delicious pies based on biscuit or other dough, any housewife strives to ensure that the product is fluffy.

It is not always possible to achieve natural height, so culinary experts came up with a way to add airiness to baked goods.

For this, soda is used, which is quenched with vinegar when added. The quenching reaction occurs due to special components that need to be studied in more detail.

By its nature, the product belongs to the class of acidic salts, and vinegar belongs to the class of acids. Many people are interested in the question: why quench soda with vinegar for baking, because then the dough is saturated with a large number of unnecessary ingredients.

The explanation is simple: When combined with vinegar, the dry powder begins to release carbon dioxide, which saturates the dough. The bubbles formed inside the product help increase the height of the baked goods.

Let's look at several ways to properly extinguish baking soda with vinegar while preparing dough step by step:

  1. Traditional. When kneading the dough, it is recommended to add powder at the stage of adding flour.

    You need a teaspoon - if you overdo it with this component, the baked goods will have a characteristic taste.

    The mixing proportions are as follows: for 1 tsp. soda use 1 tsp. vinegar. As soon as the components react, the mass begins to hiss.

    After adding the ingredients, you must continue with the traditional preparation of the dough.

  2. Old. This is what our grandmothers did: they took the components in the indicated proportions and mixed them separately in a spoon.

    After scooping the product from the jar, you need to pour vinegar into a spoon and wait for the reaction, then place the mixture into the dough.

  3. Improved. The component is carefully poured in before adding flour. Drizzle a little vinegar, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and stir, waiting for the mixture to react.
  4. Correct. Famous chefs recommend using only this technique, because it implies an even distribution of ingredients throughout the dough.

    To do this, add soda to dry products, and vinegar to liquid ones. For example, when making dough in pancakes, do not put the powder before adding flour, but separately mix the flour with the specified product and sugar.

    Eggs, kefir and other liquid ingredients are mixed in another bowl. After this, everything is combined and thoroughly mixed.

It is worth noting that the biscuit version does not imply the use of a slaked ingredient.

Which vinegar to choose?

It happens that there is no way to extinguish soda with the usual 9% composition. Then many housewives wonder: why is it so necessary to add it with vinegar to the dough.

To get a beautiful and lush result, this is a must. Therefore, if you only have vinegar essence or its apple analogue left at home, do not worry - you can extinguish soda with these products.

note! You should not use alcohol, synthetic or rice vinegar for these purposes. They have different acid concentrates and will be felt in the finished baked goods.

Apple cider vinegar has a strength of 3-6% and is used for pickling vegetables. It gives ready-made dishes a characteristic sourness, but does not have the same effect as its 9% analogue.

Vinegar essence has a strength of 70%. It is not recommended to extinguish soda with undiluted essence - this can ruin the taste of the baked goods.

Let's consider the main nuances when extinguishing the ingredient with the indicated compositions:

Maintaining the correct ratio components will lead to good results.

If your body has allergic reactions or intolerance to strong ingredients, use apple cider vinegar.

Soda alternative

Some cooking enthusiasts cannot tolerate a strong liquid product - over time, an allergy develops to it, and the housewife cannot add it to dishes.

In addition, there are situations when the product is not at home, and it is necessary to prepare the baked goods before the guests arrive.

A list of analogues that allow you to replace acid will come to your aid:

  1. Quenching with lemon will have exactly the same effect. as when using acetic acid. Then the cookies will have a slight lemon flavor and aroma.

    The following proportions must be used: 1 tsp. powder is extinguished with lemon juice in the same amount.

  2. Quitting reactions can often be carried out using citric acid.. If you once look at the composition of a modern baking powder, you will see that the main components in the powder are citric acid and soda, combined with flour.

    Manufacturers mix these components so that the housewife can simply open the pack and pour it into the dough. For 1 tsp. powder is used ¼ tsp. citric acid.

  3. Dairy products. When making dough with kefir, for example for pancakes or pancakes, you can do without vinegar. The yeast and bacteria present in the composition will perfectly extinguish the ingredient.
  4. Heat. Water heated to high levels is also capable of carrying out the reaction of soda. It is recommended to extinguish it with boiling water.

    This method is suitable for making dough where boiling water is used as a base.

When carrying out a chemical reaction, it is important not to overdo it with the ingredients. For example, a large amount of vinegar or citric acid in the dough can cause heartburn.

Another way to avoid using it is to use honey. This option is optimal for baking pies with honey dough.

When choosing the type of vinegar, always pay attention to its strength, which will determine the proportions of the components.

Useful video

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Housewives know that soda is the best leavening agent for dough. Almost all expensive, commercial baking powders use regular baking soda with some chemical additives.

However, in the dough for pies, cakes, pancakes and pastries, it is not soda in its pure form that is used, but slaked soda.

Why do you need to extinguish soda?

The answer to this question is quite obvious. When used correctly, baking soda is a unique leavening agent. When used correctly, the loosening properties of soda are fully manifested. In particular, citric acid and soda give such an active reaction that soda, as an element, begins to disintegrate and release a large amount of carbon dioxide, which makes the dough more airy, light and porous.

You can extinguish soda with several active substances that can be found in any kitchen, but let’s immediately make a reservation that if your dough contains fermented milk products, then no additional products are required to dilute soda.

How to extinguish soda with citric acid

Perhaps this is the most common way to extinguish soda quickly and without problems. How to extinguish soda with citric acid? Very simple! To do this, you need to take the required amount of soda, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:2. Lemon can be squeezed directly into soda. Then soda and lemon juice should be mixed with flour. As you can see, the recipe is simple but very effective.

How to extinguish soda with vinegar

In addition to lemon juice or citric acid, soda can be extinguished with ordinary vinegar, which can be easily sold in any grocery store.

To get a good result, you need to add 5-7 drops of 9% vinegar to a teaspoon. You should not pour this liquid into flour, as there is a very high probability of overdoing it and pouring too much vinegar. The vinegar in a spoon should be poured into the soda, and as soon as it starts to hiss and foam, you should immediately pour it into the flour.

How to extinguish soda with sour cream and kefir

In cases where the dough is kneaded using kefir or sour cream, simply add soda to achieve a fluffy or airy effect. How to extinguish soda with kefir or sour cream if these products are not in the dough? Everything is quite simple: take a tablespoon of sour cream or kefir, add soda and stir. Add the resulting mixture to the dough.

Little trick

To make the perfect homemade baking powder (aka baking powder), you will need baking soda, vinegar, flour and a pinch. Starch acts as a thickener and enhances the breakdown reaction. In terms of its chemical composition and effectiveness, such a mixture is not inferior to expensive store-bought options, and at the same time costs several times less, which allows significant savings when preparing a variety of baked goods.

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