How and where to change the TIN after marriage when changing your last name: necessary documents and nuances of the procedure. A complete guide to changing your tax identification number when changing your personal data

For one reason or another, it always imposes on us some obligations related to the replacement of documents. Of course, replacing your passport and pension certificate is mandatory in this situation. But whether it’s worth changing the tax identification number that has already been issued, we’ll ask a specialist on these issues.

When changing their last name, many people are faced with the issue of changing their tax identification number. Since it was issued earlier, it has data on the old surname and may not be valid. This situation is quite controversial and before finding a solution, it is necessary to understand what an inn actually is? The short abbreviation inn is an abbreviation for the name of the taxpayer identification number. Every citizen of our country has this number; it is attached to him during his lifetime. In this regard, each inn is clearly assigned to one specific person. Based on this, it follows that having received your tax identification number earlier, it will remain with you throughout your life. However, this number does not undergo any changes.

It follows from this that your tax identification number is valid even if your last name changes, which means there is no need to replace it with a new one. And then the taxpayer to whom this tax identification number is attached, with both the old and the new surname, remains one person. Therefore, you deprive yourself of additional hassle associated with replacing this document. This situation applies to cases where a person changes his surname during marriage. Representatives of the fair sex especially often encounter it. There are other situations. For example, a person changes his last name due to the mandatory replacement of many documents. In this case, it is possible to replace the current tax identification number. Sometimes situations arise related to changes in information regarding information about a given individual, and in this case it is not necessary to replace the tax identification number with a new one. Only what the citizen receives at his place of residence is replaced.

Necessary documents for changing the tax identification number

To change your current tax identification number to a new one, you need to collect a package of documents

If you are faced with the procedure of changing your current tax identification number to a new one, then you must collect a package of documents so that when you come to the appropriate organization you do not get into trouble. This package of required papers is defined throughout the Russian Federation. By coming to the office to register a new Inn with all the necessary documents, you can save your time, nerves and costs for an additional visit to this organization. You will need the following documents, based on which you can successfully replace your current tax identification number with a new one:

  1. Yours (in the absence of it, another type of document is provided that certifies this identity and contains detailed information about it with mandatory registration of place of residence);
  2. Completed application form 2-2-Accounting (you can fill it out by visiting a tax office, where you will be given the appropriate paper to fill out);
  3. Certificate (it can confirm your tax registration, previously issued to you under your previous name);
  4. Certificate of marriage or divorce (a copy is possible). Based on this document, the fact of changing the surname is confirmed.
  5. Having collected all the documents from this list, they need to be submitted to the tax service. If the applicant is a citizen who is not a Russian citizen, then additional papers must be attached to this list:
  6. A passport confirming that you are present (together with it you must submit to the tax office and its translation, previously certified by a notary);
  7. A certificate that confirms the registration of a given person.

Having collected all the documents, you can transfer them to the tax service yourself or with the help of an intermediary. For the simplicity and convenience of the client, several organizations have been created to provide this service in a paid format. Employees of this organization will quickly, based on your documents, fill out all the papers required by the tax service and will speed up the process of registering your new tax identification number. You can find information about such organizations and contact them on the Internet. They have their own websites where all the necessary information about them is available. In order for you to use the services of these organizations, you need to collect the following documents for them:

  • Passport with a new surname;
  • Certificate of conclusion or
  • A notarized copy of the above certificate;
  • Your previous inn;
  • Inn issued in the old surname (provided only in the form of the original);
  • Completed application (filled out in the organization according to the established template).

Having collected all the specified papers and sent them to the desired organization, you just have to wait for a new and ready-made inn.

Algorithm of actions

From two days to two weeks - the period for changing the tax identification number

There are no obstacles from the tax authorities against your desire to change your old tax identification number to a new one with a valid number. To obtain a new tax identification number with a new last name, you should come to the tax office located in your area and provide the appropriate papers to fill out the application. The tax organization must be located near the place of residence registered in your passport. There you will receive a new inn.

The whole job of replacing the inn is quite simple. You just need to have with you the papers required by the tax authority and fill them out correctly. The step-by-step process for obtaining a new inn looks like this:

  • Visiting the tax office to which you belong due to your place of residence;
  • Submitting papers to a service employee for review;
  • Issuing and filling out an application for a new tax identification number;
  • Providing the necessary papers

The waiting time for a new inn can range from two days to two weeks. In some cases, this procedure is much faster. The least pleasant part of going to the tax office is the clients waiting in line. You will also have to wait a bit when visiting her. But it's worth it, especially if all the necessary papers are in order and are with you. If you do not want to waste time sitting in line, you can resort to the services of special organizations that independently prepare these documents. With their help, you will also receive a certificate, but without spending time queuing in offices. By the way, the queues at the organization are usually shorter in the second half of the working day, you should remember this.

On the Internet portal, where many are provided, you can use a special service that allows you to replace your tax identification number with a new one. Using the online service available there, this procedure will be completed much faster. Portals such as or provide services for high-quality replacement of an old inn with a new one. To communicate with these portals, you need to go online to the specified sites, where, having found a tab that suits you, click on it until it opens. The window that appears will describe the procedure for filling out the corresponding fields on the site and the client’s action algorithm. Having filled out all the fields required by the service, you will only have to wait for a notification about going to the tax office to receive a new tax identification number.

Before you begin the procedure for changing your tax identification number, make sure that you have no debts on taxes and fees. If there are any, try to pay them off as soon as possible, otherwise you may have some problems when registering a new inn.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if you change your last name, which entails red tape in registration, with a change of tax identification number everything can happen much easier. It all depends on your desire and additional time. The mandatory change of tax identification number, which is required in some cases, should not be taken with hostility. Having dealt with the papers, you are able to find and fill out everything yourself.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

A clear boundary should be drawn between the two concepts. We are talking about replacing the tax registration certificate with the assignment of a TIN and changing the TIN itself. It's not the same thing. The TIN number is assigned to an individual once and does not change when the last name is changed. But the certificate can be replaced. But this is not a mandatory procedure, but a right. This is exactly what the article is about. For re-issuance of a certificate, you must pay a fee of 300 rubles. The only reason for changing the TIN is a change in legislation.

By the way, obtaining a TIN is also not mandatory. But if you don’t get it, then you can expect a lot of inconvenience in life, both at work and in everyday life. If we are talking about the very fact of changing a surname, then Russian legislation does not establish circumstances in the event of which citizens are obliged to change their surname, with the exception of a court decision. Therefore, this also applies to the rights of citizens, but not to the obligation.

Changing a surname is most likely a long-standing tradition. But now, more and more often, newlyweds are retreating from this tradition. Children also do not always bear their father's surname.

The following video will tell you when you need to change your TIN certificate:

So, if you decide to find out more detailed information about replacing documents when changing your last name, then you most likely have already gotten married, or are just about to get married, for which we congratulate you. In order to familiarize yourself with the complete list of documents that should be replaced after marriage, we recommend that you. If you have difficulties with the fact that you do not know which personal documents should be changed first, we recommend that you read the article. And in this article we will consider in detail such an issue as changing the TIN after marriage: how the replacement procedure goes, when and how to write an application to change the surname in the TIN, deadlines and submission options.

How to change the TIN when changing your last name

If with the replacement of a passport after marriage, everything is very clear (you need to visit the Ministry of Internal Affairs within a month), then with the replacement of the TIN, things are a little different, since they rarely talk about changing the tax number. And the question arises: why is this so? And all because, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the direct responsibilities of individuals do not include urgent replacement of the taxpayer number. Since the number remains unchanged, only the last name on the card changes, taxes will accordingly be paid regularly, without interruption. Since the registry office is responsible for entering data into the taxpayer database, then, accordingly, adjustments in the database are carried out immediately after the wedding and no fines are provided for untimely change of surname on the TIN card. When a taxpayer comes to the tax authority, the last name in the database has already been corrected and there is no need to pay any state duty, since changing the last name in the TIN is not a re-issuance of the document.

Many citizens ask the question: why then change the tax card if changing the last name in the TIN is not mandatory? Everything here is extremely simple. The taxpayer number is provided to many authorities, from the employer to financial institutions. And if your previous last name is indicated in the tax number, then you will need to provide evidence that this number belongs to you. To do this, you may, at a minimum, be required to have a stamp in your passport or a marriage certificate. And since we live in a civilized world, and nature itself intends to bring everything to ideal order so that unnecessary questions and difficulties do not arise in the future, changing the Taxpayer Identification Number is more a factor in achieving comfort than an obligation.

Procedure for replacing TIN after marriage

At any convenient time, after all the required documents have been changed after marriage, we go to the tax office with our old TIN and write an application to change the surname on the card. Mandatory documents are a passport and an old tax number. Immediately on the spot, the tax inspector will print out the tax certificate form and hand it to you. This is the standard option for changing the last name in the TIN, but in addition to this, there are three more ways to get an updated tax number:

  • on the official website or on the government services portal, leave an online application to change your surname in the TIN;
  • send notarized copies of your passport and marriage certificate by valuable letter to the address of the tax service;
  • You can involve your husband or another individual, just first write out a power of attorney in their name and they will be able to change your TIN at the tax office without your presence.

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Every person, at least once in his life, has encountered our government services regarding issues of obtaining or replacing documents: passport, tax identification number, driver’s license and many others. However, despite the fact that the issue of replacing or obtaining documents seems trivial, every time we frantically remember whether or not to change this or that certificate or document in various situations.

Let's consider a trivial situation - you changed your last name (marriage or, conversely, a completed divorce process) and a huge number of questions immediately arise - which documents need to be changed, in what time frame this needs to be done, how to submit an application requesting a replacement of documents and where to submit it. If everything is more or less clear with the replacement of a passport, then the question of changing the TIN with a changed surname is less familiar to us.

What is a TIN and why is it needed?

First of all, let's figure out what kind of document this is - Taxpayer Identification Number and why we need it.

A taxpayer identification number or TIN is nothing more than a digital code that is used to streamline the accounting of all taxpayers on the territory of Russia. TIN everyone should have an individual and even a legal entity, the number on the TIN form is unique. This document serves you in order to deduct income tax from your salary, and, therefore, have the right to receive a pension.

It is worth noting that the digital code (TIN number) assigned to you is unique and can only change in two cases:

  • changes in legal regulations of the Russian Federation;
  • changing the structure of the identification number.

In all other cases of replacement of this document, the code will remain the same.

My last name has changed, is there a need to change my TIN?

Now let's figure out whether there is a need to replace this document in the case when you changed your last name. So, Russian legislation tells us the following - “Replacement of a document such as TIN in connection with a change of surname is not the direct responsibility of the taxpayer“, that is, we can submit an application to change the TIN, but it is not necessary to do so.

Why is this happening? Everything is very simple. The surname always changes through the registry office, whose duty is to inform the tax authorities about a change or change in the surname, first name or patronymic of any individual. In turn, tax services change the data in the register. Therefore, there is no need to fear that your income taxes will no longer be deducted or will be deducted incorrectly after your last name has officially changed.

It would seem that this is the answer to the question: you don’t have to change your TIN after changing your last name and move on with your life in peace. However, It's better to worry about replacement this document, because you will show it every time you apply for a job. To avoid unnecessary and unnecessary questions, as well as mistrust and checks on the part of a potential employer, it is better to replace the TIN in a situation where your last name has changed. Moreover, everything is not as complicated as it seems, and in this case there is no need to pay state duty.

If you are sorely short of time to change your TIN, you don’t have to worry; you can submit an application to change this document at any time convenient for you, without worrying about being fined or being denied the change of document.

Replacing TIN online on official websites of government services

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to send a request to replace documents through the official websites of government agencies. After all, this will help significantly save time. Yes, you can do this using the websites or These are the official websites of government agencies and You can use their services completely without fear, there you are guaranteed not to become a victim of deception or fraud of criminals. Please note that there is no special tab called “Replace TIN when changing last name” on these sites. Therefore, you should act this way:

  • you need to go to one of the above-mentioned sites;
  • find the tab on submitting an application for the issuance of tax documents to an individual;
  • pick up the TIN, you can do this in person, or ask your loved ones about it, however, in this case you will need to issue a power of attorney to receive documents.

It is worth paying attention to the following point: do not use the “Re-issuance of TIN” tab - providing this service subject to state duty, while the issuance of a new form when changing your last name is free of charge.

Replacing the TIN in person, what documents are needed and how to proceed?

If you do not want to use the Internet to change your TIN when changing your last name, then you will have to go to the tax office go in person and replace it TIN in this way. First, collect all the documents you may need. This package includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming your registration at your place of residence or stay, if there is no such mark in your passport.

Otherwise, the entire procedure remains unchanged. You just need to go to the tax office (inspectorate) at your place of residence, write a statement about the desire to replace the TIN due to a change in your last name and receive a new document.

How to replace your TIN if you are in another city?

An application for the issuance of documents can be sent by mail. This is most relevant for people who are temporarily staying in another city, but do not want to delay the process of replacing documents or cannot for some reason.

When submitting your application by mail, you need to do the following: First, we collect documents - a notarized (official) copy of a document that can serve as identification (passport) and notarized copy document confirming your registration at your place of residence. Next, you collect all the listed documents, write an application for a new TIN (a sample of it can also be found on the official websites of government agencies or ask at any tax office in any city of the Russian Federation), and send everything listed by letter with acknowledgment of receipt. You can receive a ready-made TIN either in person or by mail.

People change their last names for many reasons. The procedure for changing it includes not only replacing the passport and making changes to documents at the registry office.

A person who has taken a new surname will need to replace a whole list of documents.

The legislative framework does not require mandatory replacement of the TIN when changing the surname. Some documents can be changed at will, others are subject to mandatory replacement.

An individual tax number (TIN) is assigned to each taxpayer.

The replacement of the certificate of TIN assignment after a change of surname is carried out to prevent misunderstandings that may arise due to a discrepancy between the information in the TIN certificate and the citizen’s passport data.

For example, a misunderstanding may arise if a person approaches a bank to open a bank account.

The fact that a person has been assigned a TIN is confirmed by a certificate that contains:

  • tax number information;
  • Full name, date and place of birth of the person to whom this number was assigned;
  • the date of registration of the person as a taxpayer.

There are several reasons for changing the tax number. The most common reasons include changing a person's last name after marriage.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation clearly regulates all the subtleties associated with the payment of taxes. The procedure for assigning individual tax numbers to Russian citizens is specified in Part 1 of this legislative document.

It is assigned for the entire time; when it is changed, the certificate changes, but the TIN will remain the same and cannot be changed, since it is used by financial institutions and government agencies to identify a person.

Replacing the number involves issuing a new tax registration document, and your TIN will remain the same.

Information about taxpayers must always be up to date in the data register, therefore the registry office is obliged to send information about people whose names have changed to the tax office.

Thus, information about the name in the taxpayer register is changed without human intervention. But it’s better to change the number, since when presenting documents with different names, unnecessary questions arise.

Often women change their surname after registering their marriage. In this case, in order to avoid some situations, replacing the TIN is desirable, but it is not mandatory, since the decision to change the tax number certificate is voluntary.

You can replace the certificate by submitting an application to the relevant government authorities.

You can submit your application in other ways. Changing your number is available online on services for ordering a certificate.

So, where can you change your taxpayer number when changing your last name in 2019?

Via the Internet, on the State Services website, you can receive any required administrative services.

On this resource you can apply to change your tax number; the page you are looking for will be in the tab for the list of services offered by the Federal Tax Service.

There is no special online form for replacing a certificate after marriage. An application is submitted for the issuance of a TIN. You should not use the page where you make a request to re-issue a number, as this service is subject to a state fee.

You will be asked to fill out a short application electronically, which will be processed immediately. Using the services of this resource, you can receive a new original document electronically.

Only registered users can use the capabilities of the State Services website after the registration data system verifies your data.

Is it possible to change the TIN when changing the last name in the MFC

One of the popular ways to submit an application is to contact the MFC at your place of residence.

There you can consult about the procedure for obtaining various government services.

Another way to apply to change your number is to use the official website of the Tax Service. Any taxpayer of the Russian Federation can resort to its services and quickly gain access.

Using this method, you can register your application in just a few minutes.

To change your taxpayer number, you must contact the tax service with an application in form No. 2-2-Accounting.

You can also submit it on the inspection website, for which you need to find the page in the “Submitting an application for individuals” window. persons about registration."

When requesting through the state. network resources The updated certificate can only be collected in your personal presence or by proxy.

The document will have a certified electronic signature received through the Federal Tax Service, which allows you to change the taxpayer number online and even receive a new document in electronic form.

This became possible with the free program “Legal Taxpayer”. This is mainly relevant for entrepreneurs who need an electronic signature to submit reports. The program can be downloaded from the tax service website.

  • copy of the passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • application to change the TIN certificate;
  • original certificate of tax number, which was in the previous name.

In the application for replacement of the TIN, a request for the issuance of a new certificate must be made, indicating the reason.

How long does it take to replace?

A new certificate can be obtained within 2-5 days from the date of application. The time frame for obtaining a new document depends on the method of filing the application.

Procedure for changing the tax number after changing your last name:

  1. Collect the necessary documentation and submit an application using one of the methods listed above.
  2. Waiting for tax officials to review your application.
  3. Obtaining a new TIN certificate at the place of residence at the tax office.

Many citizens are interested in the question: do they need to change their TIN when changing their last name?

Changing the tax number certificate is carried out only on a voluntary basis.

If it is not changed, then no penalties will be applied to the citizen. But you may have problems in the financial and administrative sphere due to a mismatch between the TIN and passport data.

To replace important documents in another city, you should contact the government authorities at your place of registration. Replacing a certificate of individual taxpayer number is much easier than other documents.

To replace the TIN after marriage at a place other than your place of residence, it is better to use the State Services website. There you can get an electronic version of the certificate, regardless of your residential address.

You can also contact the MFC, even if your location does not coincide with the place of registration.

In any case, all documents and your application will go to the tax office at your place of residence. It is also not at all necessary to personally pick up the new original certificate; it can be sent by mail.

A letter with notification of receipt is sent at the place of registration to the postal address of the tax authority.

The envelope must contain an application in the official form and copies of documents certified by a notary. If your passport does not contain information about your permanent place of residence, then you need to attach a certificate of registration at your place of residence.

A new sample taxpayer document can also be obtained from your post office if you indicate this in the application.

Reasons for refusal

Cases of refusal to change the TIN certificate occur very rarely. Sometimes the application contains insufficient information or there are errors, and not all documents are collected.

Thus, replacing the TIN after changing your last name can be done easily, quickly and free of charge by submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service in a way convenient for you: in person, by mail or on special websites online.

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Replacing the TIN when changing your last name

Definitely, all Russian citizens have more than once encountered the need to obtain and replace documents, these could be: passports, driver’s licenses, Taxpayer Identification Number and others. True, it is not always clear what is the basis for replacing a document. Sometimes this needs to be done when you reach a certain age, after the document expires, or when you change your passport details, or maybe for other reasons.

For example, a girl in the tower got married and changed her last name, the question arises: is it necessary to change the TIN? When and where? If replacing a passport is a common procedure, then changing a TIN is much less common, and not everyone knows the procedure for changing a TIN when changing a surname. Therefore, in this article we will provide detailed instructions on how to replace the TIN.

First of all, let's take a closer look at what a TIN is, and why is this number needed?

TIN is a taxpayer identification number. In other words, this is a unique taxpayer number that is given to all citizens of the Russian Federation. This number is necessary in order to keep records of all income; subsequently, the amount of income tax is calculated from it. The document is also needed for calculating pensions. The unique number consists of 12 digits, the first two are the citizen’s region code, the next two are the tax office number. Thus, with the help of the TIN, they control the payment of taxes.

Is it necessary to change?

The law does not provide for a mandatory replacement of the TIN when changing a surname; this can only happen at the initiative of the taxpayer.

This procedure is optional, since registration of a change of surname is carried out at the registry office, which is obliged to inform the tax authorities about any changes in the data of an individual. Therefore, after notification from the registry office, the tax officer will make an entry about the change in the taxpayer’s personal data in the register. Therefore, errors or failures in calculating taxes and deducting income tax are excluded, and the tax authority will promptly learn that your last name has changed.

But there are still circumstances in which it is better to obtain a new TIN sheet. For example, you will need it when applying for a job, because here it is important to provide the correct TIN to avoid confusion; besides, it is better to show yourself to the future manager as a responsible citizen, and not run into additional document checks.

If you do not have the opportunity to quickly replace the TIN, then since there are no deadlines for replacement and no fine has been determined, you can do this as soon as you have free time. You need to come to the tax authority in person, or send documents and an application by mail, and now you can use special services on the Internet.

Thus, the Federal Tax Service does not insist on obtaining a new TIN when changing your last name; this can only happen at the request of the citizen.

You can find out your TIN number on our website below.

Select document 01 - Passport of a citizen of the USSR 03 - Birth certificate 10 - Passport of a foreign citizen 12 - Residence permit in the Russian Federation 15 - Temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation 21 - Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation 23 - Birth certificate issued by an authorized body of a foreign State 62 - Residence permit for a foreign citizen

Update picture with numbers

* - Required fields

Query results

According to the information you provided, the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number assigned upon registration with the tax authority was not found in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers (USRN).

Attention! If the individual currently has a new identification document, it is recommended that you fill out the request form again, indicating the details of the individual's previous identification document.

If an individual has a document confirming registration, in order to clarify the information available to the tax authorities regarding such an individual, it is recommended that the specified individual contact the tax authority at the place of residence (you must have an identification document and a document confirming registration with you). accounting - certificate or notification).

If an individual does not have a document confirming registration, such an individual may apply to the tax authority at his place of residence to register and obtain a TIN (he must have an identification document with him).

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Query results

Taxpayer Identification Number:

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Query results

The information you provided was not clearly identified in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers (USRN).

To clarify the information available to the tax authorities regarding an individual, such individual is recommended to contact the tax authority at his place of residence. You must have with you an identification document and a document confirming registration - a certificate or notification (if such a document is available).

We apologize for the inconvenience caused!

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Where to change

As we said earlier, control over the issuance of TIN is carried out by the tax inspectorate, where data is sent, including information about a change of surname, from the registry office in order to eliminate the possibility of errors.

That's why, To obtain a new document, you need to contact the territorial office of the Federal Tax Service at your place of registration. At the same time, you can pick up the finished TIN either at the same branch or by mail by letter to the address specified in the application.

Replacement procedure

The TIN is issued on the basis of an Application in form No. 2-2-Accounting from a citizen of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the application to the tax authority, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the identity of the citizen, his registration and change of data.

The application can be submitted in any of three ways:

  • Personally;
  • By mail with acknowledgment of receipt;
  • Through the Internet.

In this case, it is necessary to submit originals (if submitted in person) or notarized copies of the required documents.

After 5 working days have passed since the documents and application were submitted, the citizen must come to the tax authority and pick up a new TIN sheet (if the application was submitted in person). If the new TIN sheet was not taken, then you can provide everyone with the previous TIN number, since it has not changed, only the last name.


You can replace your TIN when changing your last name by submitting to the Federal Tax Service office:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Old TIN (if available);
  • Marriage certificate or other basis for changing your last name.

Replacement through State Services

Replacement through State Services

An identification number can be obtained not only from the Federal Tax Service during a personal visit, but also by using online services.

State services where you can submit a corresponding application are and After registering for them, you can issue many documents, including a new TIN; you can apply for a new TIN due to a change of surname.

In addition, these services allow you to track the receipt of an application, its consideration and receive information about the results of consideration of the submitted application.

Replacement cost

Speaking about how much a new TIN will cost, it is worth noting that it is issued free of charge. This way, you will only spend money on a trip to the tax office, there will be no further costs. The procedure is free due to the fact that the TIN number does not change; changes occur only in the entry of a new name in the tax register, so there is simply nothing to charge state duty for.

Does the number itself change? When does it change?

Typically, a TIN number is given to every citizen of the Russian Federation for life and cannot be replaced, even if the person’s data changes. Therefore, changing your last name does not require creating a new personal number, and it is saved.

The TIN number can only be changed if there are changes in the structure of the document at the legislative level, entailing a change in the unique code; there cannot be other reasons.

What other documents are changed after marriage?

In addition to replacing the TIN when changing your last name, you will need to replace many documents; we will list them in order:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • A foreign passport confirming the identity of a citizen outside the country;
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • SNILS;
  • Bank cards;
  • Make changes to the work book.

Not all of these documents require urgent replacement after marriage, but many of them provide for penalties for late application for a replacement document. Be vigilant and do not miss the established replacement deadlines.

The main document to replace after changing personal data is, of course, a passport. From the date of change of surname, usually from the date of marriage, one month is given to replace the passport. The fine for late payment can cost two thousand rubles.

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