How and where to get a certificate for a product. How to use a social certificate

Almost any type of product that can be found on store shelves undergoes the certification procedure. The quality certificate must be provided by the manufacturer or importer. The issuance of appropriate certificates is carried out by an authorized certification body, which is responsible for checking products for compliance with established standards.

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether the manufactured or imported product is included in the list of subjects subject to mandatory certification. You can clarify this information in a special nomenclature, which contains a complete list of products subject to mandatory certification. This nomenclature also contains information about the category that must undergo sanitary-epidemiological or other types of additional inspections.

It is impossible to obtain a certificate on your own. This is done by special accredited certification centers, where you can get advice on all issues of interest. After filling out the application for a certificate of conformity, no later than two weeks later you will be provided with an algorithm for further actions regarding your product.

For the certification procedure, the authorized body will select product samples that will be sent to the laboratory for research. Each sample will be checked for compliance with the standards established for this type of product. Based on the research carried out, a test report will be prepared, which is decisive for the issuance of a certificate. If the product meets all established standards, the center issues a certificate and enters it into the State Register of the GOST Russian Federation certification system.

Obtaining a certificate is one of the most important aspects of running any business in the Russian Federation. This procedure is mandatory and is aimed at protecting consumers, because it confirms the safety of the product or product. It is worth remembering that the certificate is issued for a certain period, after which you need to go through the certificate renewal procedure.

A certificate of conformity for a product is a document that officially confirms its quality. The article will discuss the authorities issuing such certificates and the procedure for obtaining the relevant documents.

Certification is mandatory in cases where products may affect the safety of people, their property, and the state of the environment. For such goods, a product conformity certificate is issued.

Mandatory certification is a legally required system of quality control and safety confirmation in the field of technical regulation. Both imported goods and those produced in the Russian Federation are subject to inspection.

An example is a group of products used in electrical networks. In particular, here a certificate of conformity for cable products is required, and they undergo a scrupulous test according to GOST, since they pose a potential danger if the quality does not meet the standards.

Where can I find out the list of mandatory certified products?

A complete list of goods subject to mandatory certification is contained in a special nomenclature. This list is approved by law, but is adjusted annually by the technical regulation agency. In most cases, this list is reduced. Some items are removed from it in order to transfer them to a more lenient category of goods for which mandatory declaration of conformity is applied.

A certificate of conformity for products can be obtained from a certification body or a special accredited laboratory. Lists of relevant institutions are published on official government websites, with which you can quickly find a nearby certification or research center. Each of them, as a rule, has a certain specialization, since it is difficult to combine, for example, the inspection of food products and electrical appliances. And they must have official accreditation, confirmed by the appropriate certificate.

What functions does the certification body perform?

The functional responsibilities to be performed by the quality assurance agency include:

  • Receiving a package of documents from applicants and checking them.
  • Conducting research on product samples.
  • Drawing up test reports.
  • Deciding whether to issue a certificate or deny it.
  • Registration of the register of certificates.
  • Consideration of appeals from applicants challenging certification results.

By entering a certificate of conformity for a product into the register, the institution assumes full responsibility for the issued document. However, upon receipt of information about changes in the characteristics of the product, it may suspend the validity of the certificate or cancel it altogether.

Certification schemes

The certification procedure can be carried out in accordance with three possible schemes.

  1. For a contract. In this case, the applicant is a company from the Russian Federation that receives certain products under a contract. The quality of the product is controlled by examining individual samples. In this case, the issued certificate of conformity for the product (a sample is in the article) will contain the number of the test report, the number and date of the contract, information about the manufacturer and recipient. The same scheme applies if import involves multiple deliveries of the same type.
  2. For a specific batch. Sometimes this scheme is called “on invoice”, and it provides for the issuance of a certificate of conformity to the recipient of the goods without testing. It applies if, for example, the invoice for customs indicates a consignment of less than 10 units.
  3. For serial production. In this case, a certificate of conformity for products is issued to a foreign or Russian manufacturer of a product that is produced within the same series.

When can you voluntarily certify products?

Voluntary certification is possible in cases where the quality of goods does not require mandatory confirmation. The very wording of the procedure already suggests that it only requires the desire of the manufacturer. However, there is another option: the customer may request certification, in which case it will also be considered voluntary, despite apparent coercion.

Certification bodies do not differentiate between whether applicants applied to them voluntarily or compulsorily. Quality research is carried out according to uniform technological schemes. But when issuing a certificate of conformity for a product, the institution will provide a form in a different color than during the mandatory procedure. For voluntary confirmation of quality, the document is blue, for mandatory quality it is yellow.

What documents must be submitted for Russian goods?

To obtain a certificate of conformity for a product, you need to prepare and submit a package of documents, which differs for deliveries within the country and outside.

To obtain a certificate for Russian goods, the following is required:

In some cases, it may be necessary to provide a certificate of ownership or a lease agreement for production space.

What documents must be submitted for goods from abroad?

To obtain a certificate for imported goods:

It should be taken into account that goods supplied within the Customs Union are certified according to the rules in force in the Russian Federation.

Instructions for obtaining a certificate

To obtain a certificate of conformity for a product, the applicant will need to take several steps in the following sequence:

Step 1. Using the Nomenclature, determine which category the product belongs to and what document must be issued for it: a mandatory certificate of product conformity, a declaration of conformity or a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.

Step 2. Find in the register the nearest body that certifies this product.

Step 3. Visit this institution and consult on the procedure and list of documents.

Step 5. Pay for the services of the certification body.

Step 6. Receive the result of the application review. The certification body specialists have two weeks to review the application. During this period, they must notify the applicant when and how they will collect the samples and collect them.

Step 7. Receive the results of laboratory tests, documented in the form of a protocol, and the decision itself on product certification (or refusal to issue the corresponding document).

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How to obtain a quality certificate for products and goods

In this article we will try to explain simply and clearly how to obtain a quality certificate for products and goods.

What products require a quality certificate?

  • Products of our own production.
    The applicant in this case is the manufacturer himself.
  • Imported goods.
    The applicant is a company that will sell goods in Russia.

What certificate do I need to obtain for the product?

Only a certification specialist can answer this question for sure, because Much depends on the type and characteristics of the product. However, for your information, we note that several certification systems are currently operating in parallel in Russia, the main ones of which are:

Certification of compliance with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union

The Customs Union includes Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. For most types of goods, it is necessary to obtain a Declaration or Certificate of Compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. The type of document (declaration or certificate) depends on the product. Those. if you need to receive a declaration for your product, then a certificate is not needed - either one or the other (unless we are talking about a voluntary certificate - it can be done as an addition).

Mandatory certification GOST R

This certification system has been the main one for a long time, but now for most types of products for which quality certificates were previously issued in the GOST R system, they receive a certificate or declaration of the Customs Union. This happens gradually as technical regulations come into force. Currently, technical regulations of the Customs Union are already in force for almost all types of products.

Voluntary certification GOST R

In addition to the mandatory supporting document (certificate or declaration - if required by law), you can also receive a voluntary quality certificate for the product. A product for which a voluntary certificate has been issued inspires more confidence among buyers.

As you can see, in different cases (for different products) a quality certificate means different documents:

  • Certificate or declaration of conformity with technical regulations of the Customs Union
  • Voluntary certificate GOST R
  • Mandatory certificate or declaration GOST R
  • Certificate of compliance with technical regulations of the Russian Federation

What documents must be provided to obtain a quality certificate for products?

When contacting a certification center, first of all, the specialist will ask you for a description of the product in order to determine which certificate you need to obtain for your product. If it is possible to select GOST standards for your product to indicate them in the product certificate, then an expert will do this. If not, then a certificate can be obtained for the product’s compliance with technical specifications (TU). You can send the text of the technical specifications electronically, if you have them, or entrust the development of technical specifications to us.

If you have a small home business, then very soon you will want to scale it up. To do this, it is necessary to certify manufactured products. You can obtain documents confirming the compliance of goods with established standards on a voluntary or compulsory basis. The received certificate of conformity will make your products more attractive to potential buyers.

What products require a certificate?

Products manufactured in-house are not always required to be certified. For example, in 2010, the certificate of conformity for cosmetics and food products was canceled. At the same time, if you produce goods for children, then you still need to obtain the necessary papers, since such products are considered to ensure the safety of the consumer and protect his health.

Another important point is the voluntary receipt of compliance documents. In this case, the certificate will become a guarantee of high quality products. With it, you will be able to participate in government tenders and become a more attractive partner for retail chains. It can be obtained according to general rules and a simplified scheme. In the latter case, you may not conduct an inspection of the production area, but only conduct an examination of a sample of the product. This scheme is suitable for small batches and goods included in a special list.

TR Certificate: what requirements must be met

Before certifying goods from our own production for compliance with customs regulations. You can only receive such a certificate if the inspection of your production facilities is successful. Let's look at the requirements using the example of food products (the most complex of our own production):

  1. The premises are safe in terms of fire regulations.
  2. It passed sanitary and epidemiological control.
  3. The production process can proceed according to independently developed technical conditions, while the text you prepared complies with GOST. Please note that the technology of your own production must be safe from fires.
  4. Food storage and the entire production process also comply with established sanitary standards. Pay attention to the waste disposal process.
  5. If you produce products in series, then you will need to obtain not only a Customs Union certificate, but also an ISO standard document

If all the above requirements can be met with the capacity of your own production, then there will be no problems with obtaining a certificate. Checking products and the conditions of their manufacture is a rather complex topic, so before submitting documents it is best to consult with a specialist. He will review your company and the products offered. Based on the situation, he will give a recommendation on whether it is worth obtaining a certificate and what scheme is best to do this.

Pay attention to the premises for your own production; if you want to receive a certificate, it must not only meet the requirements, but must belong to you. Almost all lists of documents submitted to specialized centers contain:

  • papers on registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • production inspection report by the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • regulations;
  • shipping forms;
  • application and product description.

Due to the difficulty of obtaining certification, the majority of small home-based industries never enter the domestic market.

Step-by-step instructions for certification

In general, we can divide the quality control of goods of our own production into four stages:

  1. An application for certification should be submitted to a specialized center. It is necessary to provide specialists with documents and product samples. They must be marked with the name, article number, declared characteristics and information about the manufacturer.
  2. Please wait for your application to be reviewed. At this time, it is worth starting to put your own production in order and looking for a suitable laboratory that can carry out an examination of the products. The laboratory will draw up a certification program. Specialists will check some product samples. In total, laboratory assistants will work for a month. If their verdict is positive, then you will be able to receive a mark of compliance.
  3. After you have received this mark, you must issue a certificate and register it in a special registry. After this stage, all you have to do is invite inspectors to your own production areas.
  4. A specialist will look at the manufacturing conditions of the product and evaluate it. Based on the result, you will be able to receive documents confirming compliance with its regulations.

This procedure is much easier if you are just importing goods from abroad. In this case, you only need to carry out a quality check and submit certification documents received from the manufacturer.

What types of certificates exist and who needs to receive documents confirming the quality of goods? Who can register them voluntarily? Can your customers verify the authenticity of the certificate? We will help you sort out all these issues.

What documents confirm quality?

You've probably heard the concept of a quality certificate at least once. In fact, this “folk” term hides a huge number of documents confirming the quality of the product in a variety of certification systems. Their names vary, but the essence remains the same - to confirm that the product meets the requirements of a particular certification system.

Requirements vary not only from system to system, but also from product type to product. Moreover, sometimes it is necessary to obtain several documents for the same product, because it may be subject to mandatory certification of several systems or technical regulations.

Example: for household appliances, you may need both a certificate for low-voltage equipment and a certificate for electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment.

Of course, certification experts know each document by heart, but if you tell a certification center employee that you need a certificate confirming the quality of the product and specify for what purpose, they will understand you. Moreover, they will tell you what, when and how you will receive.

There are many certification systems, and in order not to get confused in them, you should proceed from the type of product and its purpose. Let's take a closer look:

  • . If your product is subject to at least one of the regulations, obtaining a certificate in this system will be mandatory for you. Otherwise, you will not be able to sell goods in our country and other CU countries.
  • Do you want to enter the European market? Then you cannot do without the European certificate and CE marking.
  • . This is already a Russian product certification system. A certificate must be obtained if your goods are on the “List of Products Subject to Mandatory Certification”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 No. 982.


In addition to confirmation of conformity in the form of certification, there is also a declaration procedure. It can also be mandatory - for example, in the TR CU certification system, some regulations in principle imply the receipt of an exclusive declaration.

How does this document differ from a certificate?

  • the certificate is issued on a special form with several degrees of protection, while the declaration is on a regular A4 sheet;
  • to obtain a certificate, it is necessary to undergo tests only in accredited laboratories, and in the case of a declaration (with the exception of some types of products), the applicant himself chooses where to test the samples;
  • and most importantly, during certification, responsibility for the accuracy of the data is divided between the certification body and the applicant, and when declaring, it falls entirely on your shoulders.

The certification body only approves the declaration, but does not issue it, as is the case with a certificate.

Accompanying documents for food products

For all food products it is necessary to obtain accompanying documents drawn up in accordance with state standards. Food products always receive the most attention, especially when it comes to children's products. Since 2009, a declaration of conformity can be obtained for some products at the regional branch of the certification center.

Is it possible to obtain a product quality certificate on a voluntary basis and what does it give?

Of course! There are quite a lot of advantages from receiving additional documents confirming quality - from increased customer confidence and increased chances of participating in tenders, to the opportunity to develop new markets. We will present several of the most popular and important systems.

  • . It is worth getting if you want to supply products to areas with increased seismic activity or for industries where this factor is critical.
  • . A voluntary fire certificate is obtained to certify the fire safety of products. The more serious the enterprise purchasing products, the more often this document is required.
  • . Are your products suitable for use on ships? Confirm this with the RMRS certificate!

What exactly will the availability of these documents help with?

  • The fact that a certificate is not mandatory does not mean that potential customers will not require it. This is especially true for earthquake resistance and fire certificates. By law you shouldn’t, but if you want a big client, be so kind as to get it.
  • You increase your chances of winning the tender. Any additional evidence or certificate is confirmation of the reliability of the enterprise.
  • You increase your chances of finding an investor, as well as large loans. The decision to obtain an additional certificate in itself speaks of you as a company that is serious.
  • This is your competitive advantage. Today, the consumer is attentive to his choice and is not lazy to look at the availability of certificates for a particular product. Among other things being equal, you will clearly win.

Product quality certificates and quality passports - what is the difference?

Many people confuse a certificate and a quality passport. In fact, these two documents have nothing in common. In the second case, we mean a document that provides detailed information about the manufacturer, batch number, shipment date, as well as information about available certificates and tests that were passed before receiving the confirmation document.

Such passports are valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Get a free consultation

How to get a quality certificate?

To obtain certificates of product quality and safety, you need to complete 5 steps:

  1. Decide whether you will undergo certification yourself or use the services of experts. In both cases, you save - either money, or time, effort and nerves. Of course, with the participation of specialists, the procedure is much faster and easier.
  2. Now you need to find out what certificates or other documents you need to obtain for your product. You can clarify this question with an expert or independently search for the answer online among many documents. As we wrote above, it is quite possible that your products will require several certificates or declarations.
  3. Depending on the certification system and other nuances, you either submit product samples for testing, or a document for analysis, or prepare for a production audit.
  4. Test or audit reports are drawn up, which will serve as the basis for making a decision on issuing a certificate.
  5. If the outcome is successful, you will be issued an original certificate with mandatory entry into the Rosreestr electronic database.

The main thing is to prove it!

The main thing when obtaining documents confirming quality is to prove the fact that your products actually meet all the requirements of a specific certification system. Evidence may include:

  • test reports of product samples carried out in accredited laboratories;
  • analysis of design documentation;
  • production audit;
  • package of other supporting documents.

After testing the products, auditing the production and analyzing the entire package of documents, the certification body makes a decision on issuing the document or refusing to issue it. In order to avoid having to go through the procedure from the very beginning, it is important to correctly select product samples and prepare for all tests or inspections.

Is it possible to check supporting documents?

Important point! If some time ago it was quite possible to work with fictitious documents for a long time, today anyone can check a product quality certificate of conformity or declaration. To do this, a person just needs to go to the Rosreestr website and enter the certificate number and company name, the information is obtained in just a few minutes. Therefore, if you use the services of scammers and receive a false document, you can not only receive large fines, but also lose the trust of your customers.

Please note that if a document was issued less than a week ago, then information about it may not be reflected in the register. This is worth considering so that you are prepared to answer questions that arise. Entry into Rosreestr is controlled by specialists from the certification center if you decide to use their services.

Get a free consultation

We recommend contacting only experienced, reliable companies, such as LenTechCertification. For many years, the organization’s employees have been helping many enterprises obtain supporting documents. We know about all the features of obtaining certificates - from voluntary GOST R to. The company’s experts will help you collect all the necessary documents, prepare for the tests and will accompany you throughout the entire procedure, protecting you from mistakes and saving your time and effort.

Call the numbers provided or fill out the feedback form so that we can give you an estimate of the price and get to work immediately!

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