How to get rid of negative obsessive thoughts. You can train your brain more to think happy thoughts

the orchestra played
bring applause
the tables are set
music is dead
in the bruises of fat fingers
and a traitor sleeps on the balcony
he still swallows the note
lover's bow to the string
he is waiting for the second one to come
but the conductor is in a sticky embrace
fans of hot dishes
and French wines
ruby mature plump lips
went on a drinking binge
went left
from the poor muse of inspiration
he wants the power of women and money
he wants dirt in an open field
and eats himself
in past
he was a flower...


There are only thoughts of inspired magic and beauty:
She cleaned up the entire area and colored it,
The edges were lined with gilded braid
Creations of a miraculous canvas;
And in the pitch darkness, primordial, they lit up for a reason -
From its flame are countless luminaries...
There are only thoughts of the creator of power and strength,
Her height above everything is undeniable!


The culture of a nation is a charmingly sparkling crystal,
The blessed work of countless generations;
Embodied in its own facets...

Thought is weightless and invisible,
but, nevertheless, from her
fate depends on all things,

Because creative thought
in essence, there is only one
factory of the future.

That's how it is in life
according to strict justice,
Is it because of her wise kindness,

Every next step
or brings it closer
or it takes us away from our goal.

Then thoughts
what is most necessary is flight,
persistent striving forward,

What a stop
every time it means
inevitable fall for her...

Thoughts fly fast
Like bees in the noosphere
Above the blooming consciousness,
They flap their wings,
That which unwaveringly believes
To spite the living facts,
They fly over seven meters.
And everyone's brain is different,
When they fly in, they pollinate.

Poking around in consciousness
Thought a little differently
Thinking is directed
Propagated by sound
And consciousness is alive
Irrigates with illumination,
It grows in us with radiance,
The spirit and body are worried
Sometimes weeping, sometimes singing.

Our thoughts don't exist.
The thoughts themselves are their own.
Their head is not...

The world is held together by the thoughts of Truth!
Thoughts elevate and thoughts nourish,
Thoughts, like arrows, pierce the ether,
Smoky clouds are cleansed with fire.

Thoughts are ozone for the soul to breathe,
It’s stuffy without broad and pure thoughts.
Thought is a messenger rushing to the rescue
And he will not slow down on radiant wings.

Flowers breathe with thoughts of Truth,
Nature responds generously to thoughts.
Thought creates palaces of Beauty,
The thought raises the consciousness of the people.

Thought is a hidden, powerful creator
Forms of boundless and manifest destinies.

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
They have questions about everything,
In them the answers are insight,
And problems of everyday life.

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
Deny vanity
Helping the movement
Through the thoughtless emptiness.

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
We get tired of heavy thoughts.
Their tossing and doubts
Can cloud the mind.

Thoughts, thoughts thoughts,
An eternal argument with yourself.
It attempts to explain
Why do we need the earthly path?

Thoughts, thoughts, reflections,
They create our “I” in us.”
There is happiness and torment in them...

Thoughts, lacy thoughts,
You are my life pattern,
You have deep views,
And a superficial review.

Thought is my living soul,
Our earthly destiny is with her,
There is aspiration, flight,
the mind lives by thoughts.

The mind generates thoughts,
And sends with a dream,
Into the secrets of the eternal path,
Find the truth with God.

Agree, in order to form an interesting, original and useful idea, you need to work hard. Brain work is structured in such a way that ideas and thoughts constantly hover in the head, prompting a person to act. There are thoughts that you don’t have to “think about” much - mostly these are fleeting impulses: about clothes or work, a project or relationship in the family. If so we're talking about about how ideas for a business or a scientific experiment are generated, there are many methods, following which you can formulate profitable, original and useful ideas. So, how to generate ideas for a business and startup, read in this article.

  1. Brainstorm, by Alex Osborne.

The most common method known a large number people, it is even used in schools to teach children creative thinking. This collective method idea generation and there are two explanations for this.

Firstly, in a team, the possibilities of thinking expand, provided there are no psychological barriers.

Secondly, problems regarding modification of ideas are solved faster if a group of people works on them.

Execution technology. People are invited to voice their idea. Other participants develop it without the right to criticism. So, everyone in turn has the opportunity to speak out and participate in the analysis of creative ideas, improving and perfecting the core.

Feature of the technique- the process of idea generation, development and subsequent criticism takes place over time. Analysis of conclusions in the collective discussion process occurs at the end.

The second version of the “Brainstorming” idea generation method- brainwriting or “mute”. Ideas are not voiced or discussed, but written down on a piece of paper. This piece of paper is passed from hand to hand, and each participant can add their own thoughts and additions to the idea.

  1. Six Hats by Edward de Bono.

This method may seem simple and not useful at first glance. In fact, everything is much deeper than it might seem.

Execution technique. More than 7 people are expected to participate. Everyone is invited to put hats of different colors on their heads and complete the corresponding tasks. An important condition is to properly organize communication in the group, to eliminate emotional confrontation among the participants.

Each hat comes with special tasks. One specific idea is voiced and participants use hats to express their opinions.

How roles are distributed by color:

  1. Old hat - it is necessary to analyze facts and figures. It is based on rationalism and impartial explanation and confirmation.
  2. Black hat - identifying negative properties, predicting possible failure.
  3. Red hat - the need to connect an emotional assessment based on subconscious associations.
  4. Yellow hat - formation positive aspects ideas.
  5. Green hat - search non-standard solutions problems, based on creativity and originality to identify alternatives.
  6. Blue hat - summing up and summarizing everything expressed by the participants.
  1. Mind Maps - by Tony Buzan.

The author of the method is confident that the development of creative thinking and brain activity in general is based on memory, and it is with its development that work on generating ideas should begin.

How to build the memorization process correctly? Place a key concept or word on a piece of paper in the center, enclosing it in a circle, and draw associative rows from it, writing them on the branches - creating a tree. Also, for better remembering, reinforce associations and thoughts graphic elements. In this way, a map of associations is built that fully forms the image located in the center. Such a tree or map is better remembered and remains in memory longer.

  1. Synectics - author - William Gordon.

To find the creative grain in a particular idea, you need to acquire patience and resort to working on analogies. This will help expand your view of the problem and consider those aspects that are hidden from view. The synectics method is one of best methods generating ideas for startups and businesses.

Execution technique. The idea is divided into keywords or categories and analogies are selected for them, which are recorded in a table for the convenience of further work. The table is divided into columns: the first - direct analogies with the subject, the second - indirect, it can be Opposite opinion or description.

For example: object and keyword: pencil. For what purpose is this object being considered: to expand the range. The direct analogy to the word pencil is voluminous (its appearance), and the indirect analogy is flat (negation). The result is a pencil bookmark.

  1. Focal object method - author - Charles Whiting.

This is a non-standard technology for generating business ideas. The signs of other, randomly selected objects are adjusted to the key object (focal) and the resulting connections are then examined.

For example, what happens if you combine a candle as a focal object and the concept “ New Year"? Associations are included: New Year is the time of sparklers. It is this sign that can be transferred to a candle. What happens: grind a sparkler candle, add it to wax and what happens - the candle will burn and sparkle at the same time!

  1. Morphological analysis - author - Fritz Zwicky.

The key object or word must be broken down into small components (features). From them, select the most important ones that form this particular object, change the quality of these features and try to combine them together.

For example, the goal: to create a business card for a perfume company. Regular form business card- rectangle. Changing the rectangle to a triangle and adding the smell of perfume - you get new form company business card.

Don't know how to surprise your guests? next event? Believe me, there is a shortage original ideas there is no reason to doubt your own talent, because even geniuses have periods of creative stagnation. Instead of getting upset, it’s better to turn to tips that will bring back inspiration and direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Quantity matters

The first way to find a brilliant solution is to have as many more ideas.

If you have 100 ideas and 99 of them fail, you still have a chance to win

Unfortunately, many of us mistakenly believe that a great idea comes out of nowhere, and all great people are blessed with the gift of generating great thoughts without much effort.

It's time to face the truth: any success is achieved through hard work. Before he became famous, Einstein published hundreds of scientific works for the most different topics, and only a small part of them brought him real recognition.

Looking inward

Understand your own interests and goals.

In pursuit of the next big idea, people often look at things globally instead of looking inward.

Some successful projects began with the fact that people simply wanted to find a cheaper hotel for themselves or build an interesting route for a walk.

Before planning an event, think about how you would like to spend your time, what snacks you prefer at a banquet, what irritates you, and what, on the contrary, causes positive emotions in events of this format. Knowing yourself will help you find the right organizational solutions.

The habit of writing down

The habit of recording ideas will protect you from your own forgetfulness.

Write down your thoughts. It won’t take much time, especially now that you always have a smartphone or tablet at hand

Take advantage special application for notes or carry a notepad with you. You need to be prepared, because inspiration is an unexpected guest.

About once a week, review your accumulated list of ideas, concentrating on the main ones and crossing out those that have lost their relevance over time.

The world around you

When trying to formulate an important thought, almost all of us tend to go deeper into ourselves.

Taking a break from the computer screen for at least five minutes, you can come up with many more ideas than after an hour of routine work

What happens around us can be a great inspiration. While sitting at work in a cafe, try to compose short story about visitors or what is happening outside the window. The more information your brain analyzes, the more ideas it can generate.

Shock therapy

Getting used to certain rhythms, the brain begins to work on autopilot, which makes fresh ideas come to mind less and less often.

Disruption of established routines will be useful shock therapy

For example, if you are used to sleeping until lunch, try waking up early in the morning. You may experience some discomfort, but the resulting jolt will direct your brain function in the right direction.

Traveling, playing sports and studying will help you break out of your usual circle. As a bonus, you will receive a bunch of fresh ideas and a good mood.


The whimsical drawings we leave in a notebook while we think are not just meaningless scribbles, but a way to develop cognitive functions such as memory and attention.

So let your mind float freely, and it will definitely find the answer to all your burning questions.

Trial and error

In Japan there is a proverb: “fall seven times, get up the eighth time.”

Failure is just part of the process. All successful people went through failures

Don't be afraid of losing: it's unlikely that you'll succeed the first time. Instead of bemoaning your own inadequacy, it is better to work on your mistakes and avoid making them in the future.

A good way to organize your experience is to make a list of mistakes and right decisions. Gradually add ideas that brought success and contributed to failure into two columns. As the list of successes grows, the column with errors will be lost in its background.

New impressions

New experiences go hand in hand with creativity and a fresh perspective on things.

The more you travel and the more new things you learn, the more ideas are born in your head

It is not necessary to immediately embark on a trip around the world. It’s enough to go to a show, start a conversation with a stranger, or take a walk to places in the city where you have never been before.

Rest and meditation

When fatigue makes itself felt and you feel creatively empty, take a break and devote time to enjoyable activities. Even if there is a deadline looming before your eyes and there is absolutely no time to rest, find at least five minutes for yourself.

Huge doses of caffeine will not help achieve the desired result. You will be bursting with ideas, but none of them will ultimately be useful.

How correct are the thoughts in your head? Find out what wrong thinking can do for you!

Anyone who has the gift of clearly expressing their thoughts and correctly conveying information is able to control the world and people!

This is especially true in relation to our thinking¹.

When we turn to To the Higher Powers or make a wish. We often hear: “What I meant was...”, but the Universe takes us literally and does what we don’t really want. How? You will learn about this from the experience of our reader.

How to fulfill your plans?

“A year and a half ago, I worked on correcting my health, giving my body certain tasks (sets) at night, thanking me for completing them and falling asleep.

One day I asked my subconscious to remove protective function skin, I needed it to solve certain problems. As always, I thanked the Higher Powers for fulfilling my wish and fell asleep peacefully.”

Formulate the right desires!

“A sudden unbearable burning sensation in both palms jerked me out of sleep within a couple of minutes. I had the feeling that I had woken up, although I was still in a dream. It seemed as if my palms had to brake suddenly during their rapid flight.

Next to me I saw the face of the Savior, reproachfully, fatherly, shaking his head, and opened my eyes.”

An unforgettable lesson!

“In reality, I felt weak, my palms were burning. I realized what I had done and was grateful to the Higher Powers for returning me to my body, showing me in a dream what rash desires can lead to.

This was a lesson to me. Weakness and a feeling of ambivalence did not leave me for a month.”

Correct thoughts are the key to fulfilling true desires!

“Now I am learning to speak and think correctly, imagining possible consequences your desires!”

The right thoughts are something that can completely change our reality, the main thing is to learn to control them!”

Each of our thoughts is an object of the Universe, and if it gains enough strength, it will manifest itself in material level. It is very important to learn to track your thoughts and formulate.

Don’t be dismissive of the thoughts in your head, they tend to become reality.

What are you thinking about? What are you asking from the Universe? Answer these questions honestly, perhaps you will understand that you want something completely different...

Marina Martynenko

With the help of the subconscious, you can fulfill any desires, program the future, attract desired events, and develop the abilities inherent in you.

This course of unique closed lessons will teach you to speak to the subconscious in its language!

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Thinking outside the box, finding something new in the ordinary, coming up with ideas are skills that you can’t do without now. They say that talented people are born, but experts in the field of creative thinking say the opposite, believing that anyone can develop these skills.

website offers a selection effective exercises for training creativity, which will be useful in any creative activity.

1. Morning pages

The ability to generate ideas is inseparable from the ability to clearly and quickly formulate your thoughts. To develop it, Julia Cameron, one of the most famous experts in the field of developing creativity, recommends the Morning Pages exercise. Every morning before breakfast, write down your thoughts and experiences on three pages. You need to write everything that came to mind at that very moment.

The technique allows you to get rid of mental “garbage”. Thoughts uploaded onto paper free up space in your head for new ideas. In the process of writing, a plan may emerge for solving a matter for which there was not enough time for a long time.

It is important not to reread what you have written and not let anyone read it. It’s better to immediately put it in an envelope and put it away. According to Julia Cameron, this practice allows you to turn off the internal censor and critic, allowing the creative flow to continue.

2. Change the usual

Every day, doing the same actions, following the same routes, we put our brains in auto mode, closing the entrance to new ideas. To start thinking, try changing your usual route to work, cook an unusual dish for dinner, listen to new music.

Even using your “non-dominant” hand promotes greater activation of both hemispheres of the brain. Art therapist Lucia Capaccione, in her book The Power of the Other Hand, notes that when a dialogue occurs between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thoughts and emotions become more expressed and understandable.

3. Create your own rituals

Changing habits in everyday activities is useful, but at the moment of creativity - drawing up a project, creating a picture or writing an article - you should stick to your usual actions.

Stephen King, in his autobiographical novel How to Write a Book, emphasizes the importance of routine and rules in the creative process. The brain remembers its surroundings during its creative activity and in Once again will connect your imagination at the right moment.

The writer notes that patience is needed: if it doesn’t work out the first time, then it will definitely work out the 10th time.

4. Creative date

Julia Cameron, in her book The Artist's Way, suggests the Creative Date exercise. Once a week, devote time to your favorite activities. Start by making a list of things that bring you joy. Rollerblading, baking pies, reading poetry - anything that you usually can’t find time for. You can go to a fabric store or flower shop, edit a mini-film from family filming, or walk around the city with a camera.

The point of a creative date is to find something new and inspiring to do.

5. More physical activity

Aerobic exercises “get you out” best ideas and thoughts from the depths of our brain. According to research, during physical activity, thinking becomes broader and mood improves significantly. Best example In support of the study, it is Albert Einstein, who came up with the idea of ​​the theory of relativity while riding a bicycle.

Running, swimming, race walking, skating - choose what you like.

6. Temporarily limit your reading

Julia Cameron suggests combating creative stagnation by abstaining from reading for a week. When the flow of information attacks our brain every second, this is a rather difficult task. But, according to the writer, having stopped wasting time on nonsense, we return to the world of feelings. By limiting the flow we let in from books and the Internet, we will receive as a reward internal flow in the form of our own thoughts, feelings and ideas.

It is better to turn off the Internet during this period so as not to open the news feed out of habit. At this time, you can do things around the house, of which there are always a lot: replant a flower, wash the windows or sort out things in the closets.

7. Associations

An exercise that does not require any special tools to perform it. While in your room or office, look around and select any item. Next, come up with 5 suitable adjectives for it. For example, a cosmetic bag. Fabric, red, small, comfortable, bright. If you come up with more, that's only a plus.

Now it’s a little more difficult: come up with 5 adjectives that don’t fit the subject. For example, a cosmetic bag is delicious, mysterious, salty, wooden, computer. If you get more adjectives, don’t stop your imagination.

8. “6 hats” method

British psychologist and writer, expert in the field of creative thinking Edward de Bono, in his “6 Hats” technique, proposes parallel thinking as a way to solve creative problems.

All hats are multi-colored, and each color has its own meaning. Thus, when we try on the white hat, we focus on the information at our disposal. We are trying to understand what data is missing, where to find it, how to use already known facts and conclusions to solve the problem. The red hat includes intuition and feelings. In a black hat, you need to become a pessimist, predicting a bad outcome of the case. The yellow hat implies, on the contrary, positive outlook to the problem. The green hat is responsible for searching for unusual ideas and extraordinary views. Blue is the leader's hat.

Many creative people in moments of crisis cite a lack of inspiration and muse. However, Stephen King, the author of dozens of successful novels, always maintains that There is no need to wait for the muse, and it will certainly come in the process.

Instead of worrying about the success or failure of your idea, take action.

What methods do you use to develop creative thinking? Share in the comments!

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