How can you use regional maternal. How to get regional maternity capital: documents and advice

Today the state provides support to the social sector in various ways. And not only through federal programs, but also regional ones. One of such programs is the governor’s maternity capital - it can only be obtained if certain important conditions are met.

Basic moments

Package of necessary documents

If all the necessary conditions for obtaining the type of capital in question are met, you can proceed directly to collecting all the necessary documents.

Moreover, it can differ significantly in different regions. The main reason for this is the regulation of the receipt procedure carried out by local authorities. Therefore, significant differences are possible depending on the city and region.

However, there is a basic set - all of its items are almost always included in the list of required documents.

It looks like this:

Indicators Description
Parent's passport who has the right to receive capital of the type in question (or a document replacing it)
Document which confirms the fact of birth (certificate) or adoption of a child
Statement compiled in the appropriate format
If one of the parents or both have citizenship of another country You will need to provide proof of Russian citizenship for the child
If funds are transferred to the account of a legal entity relevant documents should be submitted

This procedure involves transferring to the relevant authorities only copies of the relevant papers with the exception of the passport. When visiting, it must be presented in original.

It is allowed to provide documents by an authorized representative. But for this you will need an appropriately designed one. It must be notarized.

A separate issue is the provision of documents of a legal entity. This is usually required when the entire benefit amount is used to purchase property.

This regulatory document includes the following main sections:

The procedure for obtaining and using gubernatorial maternity capital has a large number of different features.

That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the nuances, as well as regulatory documents, in advance.

Until now, in the Moscow region (MO), unlike the capital, they operated simultaneously two maternal family capital programs (MSC):, which continues to be valid throughout our country, and, which is valid until 2017 and applies only to citizens registered in the Moscow region.

In 2017, the regional program was suspended. Now its provisions apply only to citizens who gave birth to or adopted a second or subsequent children during the period from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2016.

Between two types of programs much in common:

  • legal grounds for obtaining a certificate;
  • terms of use of funds;
  • capital allocation options.

But there are also fundamental differences:

  • according to the duration of the programs;
  • amount of capital.

Regional subsidy amount, provided in the form of a personal certificate for maternity capital, equal to 100 thousand rubles, while the federal capital is 453 thousand 26 rubles.

Demographic situation in the region

Population of the Moscow region over the past three years since 2014 constantly growing. A slight decrease in numbers was noted in 2012, but this circumstance does not affect the positive dynamics at present. At the beginning of 2017, this figure was 7 million 423 thousand 470 people.

Basic demographic indicators also show positive trends. Among them the following can be noted:

  • increase in birth rate(this coefficient has been steadily growing since 2011, being equal to 11.0 at that time, by 2016 it reached 12.9);
  • reduction in mortality(from 2011 to 2015, its level decreased by 2.4 and amounted to 13.0 in 2016; at the same time, there was a sharp decrease in infant mortality in just the last two years; this coefficient fell from 6.8 in 2015. to 4.8 in 2016 with a gradual decrease in this indicator in previous years).

However, it should be noted that so far in the Moscow region there is still an excess of mortality over the birth rate, although natural loss rate population constantly decreasing over the past few years. The minimum value of this coefficient was observed in 2016, it was equal to only 0.1.

The effectiveness of the influence of the maternity capital program on the birth rate in the capital region can hardly be overestimated, since positive dynamics began even before the certificates were issued. One of the most popular areas for using maternity capital, improving housing conditions, is very problematic to solve with the help of such government support. However, for poor families, such assistance comes in very handy.

Implementation of the federal maternity capital program

The Federal Maternity Capital Program is implemented on the basis of the law adopted by the State Duma and put into effect on December 29, 2006, No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”.

According to data from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is in charge of issuing state certificates, it can be traced in the Moscow region. Data presented in descending order of popularity:

  • 90,132 families allocated MSC funds to solve the housing problem;
  • 38,393 certificates are aimed at obtaining education for children and keeping them in preschool educational institutions;
  • 145 people took advantage of the opportunity to increase the size of their mother’s pension in the future due to the funded component;
  • 2 certificates were sent to a new direction for the rehabilitation and integration of disabled children into society.

Let us remind you that the amount of capital has increased significantly since the start of the program in 2007 and currently stands at 453 thousand 26 rubles against the initial 250 thousand rubles.

In addition, under the program of one-time payment from maternity capital funds, which was in effect from July 1 to November 30, 2016, 251,698 families submitted a corresponding application to the departments of Moscow and the Moscow region. These families were able to spend money in the amount of 25,000 rubles on current expenses.

Implementation of the regional maternity capital program in the Moscow region

The launch of the regional MSK program in the Moscow region falls on April 2011. The fundamental bills in matters of obtaining and exercising the right to regional maternity capital are the following:

  • Law of the Moscow Region No. 1/2006-OZ dated January 12, 2006 “On measures of social support for families and children in the Moscow region”(with last changes from 04/21/2017);
  • Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region No. 271/8 of March 12, 2012 “On approval of the procedure for disposing of regional maternal (family) capital for improving housing conditions”(as amended on July 18, 2014);
  • Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region No. 2/1 of January 24, 2014 “On approval of the procedure for disposing of funds (part of the funds) of regional maternal (family) capital for the education of a child (children)”.

A family with two or more children can receive funds under the regional maternity capital program if all conditions are met. just one time.

Who is entitled to regional family capital

The right to receive and dispose of MSC funds in the Moscow region in accordance with Art. 20.3 of Law No. 1/2006-OZ is confirmed by name. This document is issued subject to following requirements:

  • in the period from 01.01.2011 to 31.12.2016, a second child was born in the family (or a subsequent one if a certificate was not issued for him);
  • the future owner of the capital is registered in the Moscow region (citizenship does not matter);
  • a child, with whose birth the right to MSC is acquired, is a citizen of Russia.

You can receive a regional payment the following persons:

  • a woman who gave birth to (or adopted) a child in the period from 01/01/2011 to 12/31/2016;
  • man:
    • being the sole adoptive parent of a second or subsequent child;
    • being the father (adoptive parent) of such a child in the event of the death of the mother, her unknown absence or deprivation of parental rights;
  • children left without parents in the event of their death, deprivation of parental rights or recognition as incompetent (shares are distributed in equal parts among the children).

How can you manage regional maternity capital funds?

Regional maternity capital funds can be spent in the following areas:

  • :
    • existing or construction of residential premises;
    • or an individual housing construction project without the involvement of a contractor (including compensation for such costs incurred after the right to this type of state support arose);
  • (until he reaches 25 years of age on the date of commencement of studies):
    • in state and municipal educational institutions;
    • in private educational organizations that have the appropriate license, in accredited areas of educational programs being implemented.

It's worth remembering that exercise the right certificate holders will be able to manage funds in existing areas only when their child reaches three years of age. You can submit documents for regional maternity capital at any time after the birth of a child giving the right to it.

As for the amount provided in the Moscow region, equal to 100 thousand rubles, then this value is constant and cannot be changed due to rising consumer prices.

Where to apply for payment?

In order to transfer funds in the chosen direction to a person who has a certificate, it is necessary to write an application for the disposal of money. For this purpose, a citizen can contact:

  • to the social protection authority at the place of residence;
  • in the MFC;
  • through a single portal of public services.

For a written request you will also need to submit Required documents:

  1. original MSK certificate;
  2. ID card of the owner of the registered document;
  3. SNILS insurance certificate.

In addition, depending on the chosen direction of use of funds, it will be necessary to supplement the above list with additional documents.

Review period citizens' appeals depend on the purpose and amount to:

  • 15 days - for matters related to obtaining education;
  • 45 days - on issues of improving living conditions.

Direct payment will be made within two months after a positive decision is made only by bank transfer.

Until 2017, in the Moscow region, families with two or more children could count on receiving both. However, from December 31, 2016, the regional maternity capital program in the Moscow region was suspended(not renewed for next year). However, with similar demographic indicators, it was never introduced at all, since in both subjects of the Russian Federation, in comparison with other regions of the country, the system of social support for families with children was already well developed in the form of various regional child benefits.

Despite the suspension of the program, families still living in the region, in which the second (third, fourth, etc.) child was born in the period from 01/01/2011 to 12/31/2016, have the right to issue and use a certificate for regional maternal directions provided by law.

Both programs (federal and regional) are similar to each other - purpose, timing of use of funds, etc. However, there are also important differences - the amount of regional maternity capital is significantly less, and there are also fewer areas for disposing of funds compared to the federal payment.

Demographic situation in the region

In recent years, the population in the Moscow region has increased significantly and continues to grow every year. According to official data from Moscow Regional Statistics, as of January 1, 2017, it was registered in the Moscow region 7 million 423 thousand people.

  • The population increase occurs against the backdrop of increase in birth rate- from 2005 to the present, there has never been a decline. The total number of children born in the Moscow region in 2016 was 96.6 thousand people(or 13 people / 1000 inhabitants).
  • Mortality in the region although decreasing, it still remains at a high level. From the end of the 90s until 2015, this figure exceeded the birth rate, so a natural decline was observed. However, the last two years have been characterized by natural population growth. According to Rosstat, in 2016 the mortality rate was 95.6 thousand people(12.9 people / 1000 inhabitants).

The introduction of the federal maternity capital program in 2007 did not significantly affect the birth rate in the Moscow region, since positive dynamics of the birth rate in this region had been noted for many years in a row earlier. However, certificates for maternal capital are very popular among residents of the Moscow region.

Implementation of the federal maternity capital program

From 2007 to the present, in our country, upon the birth or adoption of a second (or subsequent) child, a family is entitled to material support in the form of maternal (family) capital in the amount 453 thousand rubles.

Initially, this program was designed for 10 years. However, its positive impact on the demography of the country prompted the Government of the Russian Federation to decide on its extension until 2019. That is, citizens can receive funds if a child appears in the family during the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018.

It is targeted and implies the issuance of a personalized certificate. For the entire duration of the program, as of the beginning of 2017, certificates were received in the Moscow region more than 325 thousand families(7.3% less than in Moscow). According to official data from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, residents of the Moscow region disposed of their maternity capital as follows:

  • more than 90 thousand families(40% more than in Moscow, with all its large population) sent funds;
  • 38.4 thousand citizens decided to pay with maternal capital;
  • 145 women made a choice in favor of their future;
  • only 2 families allocated maternity capital for the rehabilitation and integration of disabled children into society (a new direction introduced in 2016).

In addition, during the period from July 1 to November 30, 2016, the Pension Fund actively accepted applications from certificate holders for the issuance of lump sum payment funds from maternity capital as part of “anti-crisis” measures. This payment amounted to 25 thousand rubles and was no longer provided in 2017.

Regional maternity capital in the Moscow region

In addition to federal maternity capital, families with children in the Moscow region are entitled to cash payments at the local level. One of these payments is regional maternity capital. This financial assistance is regulated by regional legislation, namely:

  • Law of the Moscow Region No. 1/2006-OZ of January 12, 2006;
  • resolutions of the regional Government:
    • No. 271/8 of March 12, 2012 - on the Procedure for using regional maternal capital to improve housing conditions;
    • No. 2/1 of January 23, 2014 - on the Rules for disposing of a regional certificate for children’s education.

Regional maternity capital is paid from the regional budget. Its amount is not subject to annual indexation and for all years of the program was 100 thousand rubles.

The regional maternity capital program began operating in the Moscow region in April 2011. However, it applies to children born or adopted between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2016. There is currently no information about the extension of this program.

In what form is the payment and where to apply?

Like the federal payment, regional maternity capital. To receive his funds, you must first get a certificate. You can do this by contacting:

  • departments and departments of social protection of the population (USPP) at the place of residence (territorial structural divisions of the Ministry of Social Development of the Moscow Region);

Funds are transferred in cashless form to the bank account of the certificate owner (in the form of compensation for costs incurred) or a third party (real estate seller, educational organization, bank, etc.).

Who is entitled to regional maternity capital?

Citizens registered in the Moscow region who gave birth or adopted have the right to regional maternity capital second (third, etc.) child in the period from 2011 to 2016 inclusive. You can use this right only once. One of the mandatory conditions is that the child has Russian citizenship.

In accordance with Article 20.2 of Regional Law No. 1/2006-OZ get a certificate for regional support can:

  • mother(adoptive parent);
  • man - sole adoptive parent;
  • father(adoptive parent) of children if the woman died or was deprived of parental rights;
  • minors and adults (full-time students under 23 years of age) children, in the event of the death of parents (adoptive parents) or deprivation of their parental rights.

It is worth noting that when establishing payment are not taken into account adopted children who at the time of adoption were stepsons or stepdaughters in relation to the applicant, as well as children in respect of whom their parents were deprived of their rights.

Documents required for registration

You can exercise your right and receive a certificate immediately after the birth (adoption) of a child. To do this, it is necessary to submit to the authorized bodies following documents:

  • application for a certificate;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • adoption certificate (if the child was adopted);
  • certificate of marriage/divorce (if available);
  • confirmation of the fact of death (death certificate, court decision, etc.), in the event of the death of parents.

You can submit the package of documents in person to the authorized body (originals must be submitted) or by post. In the latter case, copies of documents certified by a notary are sent.

The law allows the submission of documents confidant. In this case, the recipient’s above documents will need to be accompanied by the representative’s passport and a document confirming his authority (usually a notarized power of attorney).

The procedure for disposing of regional maternity capital funds

Regional maternity capital, just like federal one, is targeted. However, there are fewer directions for its use. You can manage your funds as follows:

  • improve housing conditions (purchase, construction, etc.), as well as repay existing housing loans and borrowings;
  • pay for children's educational services, both in public and private educational institutions.

You can use the funds of the regional maternity capital only three years later after the birth of a child in the family. At the same time, funds can be directed partially or in full, either to one or several areas at once.

In order to use the tools, you must write application for disposal, and also present the certificate itself, passport, and the recipient’s current account. You will also additionally need other documents, the list of which depends on which direction was chosen.

Improving living conditions
  • contract of sale;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate of the property;
  • a notarized obligation to register housing as common shared ownership;
  • spouse's passport, marriage certificate;
  • contract, building permit, checks (if construction or reconstruction of housing is implied);
  • loan agreement, bank certificate, mortgage agreement, etc. (if credit funds were used for the purchase).
  • The residential premises must be registered as the common shared property of parents and children. In this case, the size of the shares is determined by agreement.
  • The property must be located in the Moscow region.
Payment for children's education
  • service agreement;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of state accreditation of the institution and license (at the request of the applicant).
The child’s age at the start date of training is no older than 25 years.

After submitting all documents to the social security authorities a decision is made during:

  • 15 working days- when it comes to paying for education;
  • 45 working days- when it comes to improving living conditions.

If a positive decision is made, the funds will be transferred to the account during two months.

In Russia, the state offers parents who have a second child to register federal maternity (family) capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles, wait until the three-year period has expired and spend it on one of the purposes provided for by the terms of the all-Russian program. But in addition to this significant payment, in some regions of the Russian Federation it is proposed to receive regional maternity capital in a smaller amount - 100,000 rubles, and, as a rule, parents who have had their third child can receive it. But often funds are allowed to be spent on a wider list of target areas. Let's find out in which regions it is possible to receive 100,000 rubles for 3 children in 2019.

What you need to know about regional maternity capital

Regional (regional) maternity (family) capital is a payment provided by the authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

  1. This payment differs from the federal all-Russian maternity capital in that:
  2. The cost of the certificate varies depending on the region of residence of the family.
  3. As a rule, regional capital can only be obtained upon the birth of a third child.
  4. Funds cannot be obtained immediately for any purpose - it will be necessary to wait for the time established by local authorities (federal maternity capital can be spent immediately on the adaptation of a disabled child to society and on repaying a mortgage loan).
    • improve living conditions by expanding the living space, reconstructing the house, carrying out repairs, supplying gas, purchasing a home, paying the down payment on a mortgage, paying a contribution to a mutual fund;
    • purchase a plot of land for personal farming or housing construction;
    • buy a car for the whole family;
    • pay for college or university education for children;
    • pay for the treatment of a child or several children;
    • build a country house.

Who is entitled to receive 100,000 rubles for a third child

As a rule, residents of the region who have long been registered in the territory of a given subject of the Russian Federation and are raising three or more children can become holders of a certificate for regional maternity capital in the amount of 100 thousand rubles or more.

But it is better to find out about the conditions for participation in the regional program in the local administration of the settlement - employees of the institution are required to give advice on the rules of participation in the project and the procedure for receiving payments.

Will regional maternity capital be increased? The average size of regional maternity capital in Russia is 150 thousand rubles

, but depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, the figure can change up or down, reaching amounts of 25 and 300 thousand rubles. In most cases, regional payments are not subject to indexation.

What conditions must be met to receive 100,000 rubles for a third child?

  • The conditions for participation in the regional maternity capital program are:
  • the birth of a third child during the period during which the regional law on the payment of funds was in force;
  • the appearance of a third child in the family;

permanent long-term registration in the subject of the Russian Federation in which the family submits an application to receive money.

How to arrange a payment of 100,000 rubles for a third child

Before talking about using regional maternity capital funds, you need to find out how to obtain a certificate. To do this, you need to contact the local branch of the social protection authorities with pre-prepared papers - not many of them are required:

When the certificate is in hand, it will be possible to collect documents to apply again to the USZN authorities in order to try to direct the money to meet the needs of the family:

  • Russian passport;
  • certificate of owner of family capital;
  • statement of desire to spend maternity capital funds;
  • any documents confirming the purposes for which funds are used.

The amount of regional maternity capital in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation

As already mentioned, the amount of regional maternity capital depends on the specific subject of the Russian Federation. Below are the sizes of family capital in those regions where its value is equal to 100 thousand or exceeds this amount - in most territorial entities, maternal capital does not exceed several tens of thousands of rubles.

Region Payment amount
Moscow region 100,000 rubles
Leningrad region 130,192 rubles
Crimea 100,000 rubles
Primorsky Krai 150,000 rubles
Nizhny Novgorod Region 105,000 rubles
Tomsk region 100,000 rubles
Krasnodar region 100,000 rubles
Rostov region 106,300 rubles
Sakhalin region 100,000 – 150,000 rubles

100,000 rubles for the third child in the Moscow region

In 2011, Russian citizens registered in the Moscow region were given the opportunity to obtain regional maternity capital in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, subject to raising two or three children in a family. The child, with the birth of which the parents have the right to receive payment, must be born in the period from 2011 to 2016 inclusive.

A certificate serves as a document confirming the right to dispose of additional funds, as in the case of federal family capital. And this is not the only similarity - regional capital can also be spent only 3 years after the birth of the second or third child, and the money can be used for the same purposes as federal family capital:

  • to improve living conditions;
  • to increase the funded part of the mother’s pension;
  • to pay for children's education.

But the difference from the federal payment is not encouraging - the amount of 100 thousand is not subject to annual indexation, although the federal capital itself has not increased since 2015 due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

100,000 rubles for the third child in St. Petersburg

The Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated February 28, 2012 allowed residents of the federal city, along with residents of the capital, to apply for regional maternity capital for the birth of their third child. The decision to take such measures was made a year earlier, but it took an additional year to implement and create conditions for citizens to appeal.

The amount of local family capital is also equal to 130,192 rubles, and funds can be used to improve the family’s living conditions, build a country house and pay for the education of a child or several children.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: The family is going to cash in a certificate to receive regional maternity capital.

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